Dictionary of Business Collocations

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with Romanian translation and practice section




with Romanian translation and practice section


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Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naionale a Romniei POPESCU, TEODORA, TOMA, MARIANA Dictionary of Business Collocations. With Romanian Translation and Practice Section / Teodora Popescu, Mariana Toma Ed. rev. Alba Iulia: Aeternitas, 2009 388 p.; 24 cm. Bibliogr. Index ISBN 978-973-1890-54-8 I. Popescu, Teodora II. Toma, Mariana Coperta: Teodora Popescu Tehnoredactare: Teodora Popescu Tiparul a fost executat la Tipografia Universitii 1 Decembrie 1918 din Alba Iulia.

Copyright Teodora Popescu, Mariana Toma, 2009 Universitatea 1 Decembrie 1918 Editura Aeternitas Str. Nicolae Iorga, nr. 13 RO 510009 Alba Iulia Tel: 004-1058-811412/122 Fax: 004-0258-812630 E-mail: editura_aeternitas@yahoo.com

CONTENTS Preface.......7 Prefa.................................................................................................................10 Business Collocations.........................................................................................13 Practice Section.................................................................................................342 Bibliography......................................................................................................355 Word Index........................................................................................................356


The English-Romanian dictionary of business collocations is intended for students of business, experienced business people and learners of English in general, with an intermediate to advanced level of language proficiency, who need to speak, read and write English for business purposes. It will prove an extremely useful tool for professional translators and interpreters alike. The present edition, the 3rd in 7 years, and the result of over 10 years of lexicographic research, consists of 1228 headwords, occurring within approximately 68,000 collocations (254 more headwords and 14,000 more collocations than in the 2nd edition). The structure of the present dictionary was decided upon considering the need not only for definitions and translation of most commonly used words in the business world, but also for correct usage in different communication contexts. Collocations are understood as the way in which words typically occur with each other. You shall know a word by the company it keeps (Firth, 1968: 179). A good knowledge of frequent collocations/word combinations contributes to better language accuracy and fluency for learners of English. The choice of collocations was made based on the principle of frequency. We nevertheless tried to offer as wide as possible a range of collocations, from strong to weak. The sources we used for the compilation of this dictionary were reliable corpora (The British National Corpus, The Brown Corpus, and a self-made corpus consisting of business articles from The Economist, published during 2005-2008). Various existing dictionaries of collocations were also used, as well as wellestablished company sites (all listed in the bibliographical section). The authors have also included an index, for ease of use. The index lists, in alphabetical order, all entries in the dictionary. An exemplification of the various uses of this dictionary is given in the form of a practice section, containing exercises for those who want to improve their Business English lexis. Each dictionary entry consists of a definition in English (several meanings were given, starting with the more general one, followed by a more specific, businessrelated use), morphological categories most commonly used with it, and its Romanian translation in the right hand column.

Headwords may be nouns, verbs or adjectives. The entry for a noun contains:
headword general meaning morphological category

business-related meaning 1. 2.

translation nelegere, accord, consens contract scris sau nelegere verbal

n. 1. the reaching or sharing of the same opinion; consensus 2. a verbal or written contract or arrangement by two or more persons or organisations, sometimes enforceable by law verbs which come before the noun verbs which come after the noun adjectives phrases which contain the noun 1. (accord) V: abide by, achieve, act in ~ with ~ V: ~ holds good, is in force, is out-of-date, is valid A: advantageous, amicable, awkward ~ P: ~ of sale; acceptance, breach of ~ stumbling block to ~ 2. (contract) V: abide by, breach, break, by-pass ~ V: ~ comes into force/effect, expires A: bilateral, binding, commercial ~ P: ~ of sale; acceptance, breach, draft, record, terms of ~

synonyms for each meaning

Verb entries comprise:


grammatical category


translation a evalua, a estima, a msura

v. to work out the amount, value or quality of sth

objects which follow the verb assess chances, the condition of sth, costs, damage, effects, efficiency, the importance of sth, income, insurance, loss, merits, property, quality, situation, usefulness, value, worth assess accurately, carefully, incorrectly, properly adverbs which follow the verb

The entry for an adjective consists of:

headword grammatical category definition translation

de firm, organizaional corporate advertising, bond, colours, decision, employee, fashion, hospitality, identity, image, leader, plan, planning, raider, revenue, sector, structure, tax, welfare

adj. relating to a company or group

nouns which come after the adjective

Abbreviations used in the dictionary: ~ V: V: ~ A: P: n. adj. adv. v. sth sb esp. etc. usu. sg. pl. infml. colloq. A.E. Br.E. USA = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = the headword verb that comes before the noun verb that comes after the noun adjective phrase that contains the noun noun adjective adverb verb something somebody especially et cetera usually singular plural informal colloquialism American English British English United States of America

Dicionarul englez-romn de colocaii utilizate n engleza de afaceri se adreseaz studenilor de la facultile de tiine economice, oamenilor de afaceri, traductorilor, i n general celor care doresc s nvee limba englez, la un nivel mediu spre avansat, precum i tuturor celor care doresc s citeasc, s scrie i s vorbeasc n limba englez, ntr-un mediu economic, de afaceri. Este de asemenea un instrument extrem de util pentru traductori i interprei. Ediia de fa, a treia n ultimii apte ani, reprezint rezultatul a peste zece ani de cercetri lexicografice i cuprinde 1228 de cuvinte-titlu, utilizate n aproximativ 68.000 de colocaii (cu 254 de cuvinte titlu i 14.000 de colocaii mai multe dect n ediia anterioar). Structura dicionarului de fa a fost aleas innd cont nu numai de nevoia definirii i traducerii cuvintelor cel mai des utilizate n vocabularul de afaceri n limba englez, dar i de necesitatea cunoaterii utilizrii corecte a acestora n diverse contexte lexicale. Prin colocaii nelegem modul n care cuvintele sunt asociate pentru a forma uniti lexicale i semantice. O bun cunoatere a celor mai frecvente expresii frazeologice /asociaii semantico-lexicale contribuie nemijlocit la o mai bun stpnire i nelegere a modului de funcionare a limbii engleze. Autoarele au inclus, de asemenea, un index alfabetic al tuturor cuvintelor titlu n limba englez. La sfritul dicionarului, cititorii vor gsi un set de exerciii pentru exersarea utilizrii corecte a colocaiilor de afaceri n limba englez. Fiecare articol este structurat pe dou coloane, dup cum urmeaz: - Coloana din stnga conine text n limba englez i cuprinde cuvntul-titlu (cu caractere aldine), categoria morfologic (vezi lista abrevierilor), definiia (pentru cuvintele polisemantice, sunt incluse mai multe sensuri, ncepnd cu cel de baz, urmat de sensurile specifice utilizate n limbajul de afaceri) i clasele morfologice cu care cuvntul-titlu formeaz uniti lexicale i semantice (cu caractere cursive); din nou, n cazul cuvintelor polisemantice se folosete diferenierea acestora pe sensuri, utiliznd cifre arabe i, n cazul substantivelor, sunt date sinonimele aferente fiecrui sens n parte. Coloana din dreapta conine traducerea n limba romn a sensurilor cuvintelortitlu, separate cu ajutorul cifrelor arabe.

Cuvintele-titlu aparin urmtoarelor clase morfologice: substantiv, verb, adjectiv sau adverb (mai rar). Articolele coninnd substantive sunt constituite astfel:
cuvnt-titlu sens general categorie morfologic

sens de afaceri 3. 4.

traducere nelegere, acord, consens contract scris sau nelegere verbal

n. 1. the reaching or sharing of the same opinion; consensus 2. a verbal or written contract or arrangement by two or more persons or organisations, sometimes enforceable by law verbe care preced substantivul verbe care urmeaz dup substantiv adjective expresii care conin substantivul 1. (accord) V: abide by, achieve, act in ~ with ~ V: ~ holds good, is in force, is out-of-date, is valid A: advantageous, amicable, awkward ~ P: ~ of sale; acceptance, breach of ~ stumbling block to ~ 2. (contract) V: abide by, breach, break, by-pass ~ V: ~ comes into force/effect, expires A: bilateral, binding, commercial ~ P: ~ of sale; acceptance, breach, draft, record, terms of ~

sinonime pentru fiecare sens

Articolele coninnd verbe sunt organizate astfel:


categorie gramatical


traducere a evalua, a estima, a msura

v. to work out the amount, value or quality of sth

substantive care uremaz dup verb

assess chances, the condition of sth, costs, damage, effects, efficiency, the importance of sth, income, insurance, loss, merits, property, quality, situation, usefulness, value, worth assess accurately, carefully, incorrectly, properly adverbe care urmeaz dup verb

Articolele coninnd adjective au urmtoarea structur:

cuvnt-titlu categorie gramatical


traducere de firm, organizaional

adj. relating to a company or group

corporate advertising, bond, colours, decision, employee, fashion, hospitality, identity, image, leader, plan, planning, raider, revenue, sector, structure, tax, welfare substantive care urmeaz dup adjectiv

Lista abrevierilor: ~ V: V: ~ A: P: n. adj. adv. v. sth sb esp. etc. usu. sg. pl. infml. colloq. A.E. Br.E. USA = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = cuvnt-titlu verb verb care precede substantivul titlu adjectiv locuiuni/expresii care conin substantivul titlu noun (substantiv) adjectiv adverb verb something (ceva) somebody (cineva) especially (n special) et caetera usually (de obicei) singular plural informal colloquialism (expresie colocvial) American English (englez american) British English (englez britanic) United States of America (Statele Unite ale Americii)

abilitate, talent, aptitudine V: acquire, affect, appraise, appreciate, assess, demonstrate, doubt, develop, encourage, evaluate, foster, hamper, have, hinder, impair, impede, lack, limit, lose, lower, measure, over/underrate, possess, question, recognise, reduce, retain, show, underestimate, undermine, use ~ A: academic, administrative, apparent, artistic, average, competitive, creative, decisionmaking, earning, entrepreneurial, exceptional, executive, fund-raising, great, inferior, inherent, innate, innovative, language, latent, leadership, learning, legal, managerial, marked, mental, moderate, natural, outstanding, physical, proven, remarkable, striking, superior, uncanny, unique, working ~ P: ~ to assert oneself, to communicate well, to invest, to lead, to manage change, to meet financial obligations, to (re)pay, to perform tasks, to trade freely, to work under pressure, to work in a team; test of ~ies

n. the skill or talent to do or perform sth successfully

n. a person who is not at a place where they were persoan absent expected to be A: conspicuous, notable ~ P: ~ boss, employee, landlord, level, MP, procedure, rate, record, vote

absenteism, lips nejustificat de la serviciu V: avoid, bring ~ under control, combat, curb, cut, deal with, estimate, halve, measure, prevent, reduce ~ V: ~ came down, decreased, diminished, dropped, fell, increased, is attributable/due to, is on the increase, remained steady, rose, went up A: alarming, decreased, employee, excessive, high, increasing, low, persistent, reduced, reported, sickness, unnecessary, work ~ P: ~ policy, procedure; ~ at work; ~ in the workplace; ~ from work; amount, case, cause, control, costs, high/low degree, level, rate of ~

n. frequent absence from work or some other place, esp. without good reason

v. 1. to take, or agree to receive, sth offered 2. to agree 1. accepta to, to say yes to an offer, proposal, suggestion, invitation, 2. a fi de acord price, etc. 1. (take/receive) eagerly, gladly, graciously, gratefully, reluctantly, willingly accept

be glad to, be happy to, be reluctant to, be unable to, be unwilling to accept accept sth from sb 2. (agree/admit) blindly, happily, fully, grudgingly, readily, uncritically, unquestioningly accept be forced to, be happy to, be prepared to, be ready to, be reluctant to, be unable to, be unwilling to, be willing to accept learn to, refuse to have no choice but to accept can/cannot, will/will not accept it is commonly/generally/universally/widely accepted accept sth at face value accept advice, amendment, apology, application, appointment, argument, arrangement, assertion, assignment, assurance, authority, award, bet, bid, blame, booking, bribe, (credit) card, challenge, charity, cheque, claim, commission, compensation, compromise, condition, congratulations, consequence, counsel, criticism, cut, deal, defeat, definition, delivery, diploma, doctrine, dogma, donation, employment, excuse, existence, explanation, fact, fate, fault, favour, gift, guideline, help, honour, hospitality, idea, immigrant, implication, importance, inevitability, input, instruction, invitation, job, liability, lift, limit, limitation, logic, manuscript, mediation, money, motion, need, nomination, notion, offer, offering, package, payment, penalty, petition, plea, point of view, position, possibility, prize, proposal, proposition, punishment, quotation, quote, reality, reasoning, rebuke, recommendation, reduction, redundancy, reform, refugee, refusal, registration, report, request, reservation, resignation, responsibility, restriction, risk, role, rule, settlement, situation, submission, suggestion, surrender, teaching, tender, term, thanks, theory, thesis, treatment, treaty, truth, ultimatum, validity, verdict, view, wage, wisdom

n. 1. willingness to receive; written or verbal agreement of conditions, a deal, delivery, price, proposal, etc. 2. a formal agreement by a debtor to pay a draft or bill of exchange when it becomes payable

1. acceptare (a unor condiii, livrare, pre, etc.) 2. acceptul trasului de a plti suma nscris pe o trat

1. (agreement) V: achieve, advise against, announce, confirm, encourage, exhibit, find, forbid, gain, give, guarantee, increase, indicate, meet with, reach, receive, recommend, refuse, require, resign, seek, signify, struggle for, win ~ A: apparent, blind, broad, (un)conditional, consumer, cultural, customer, consumer, definite, early, enthusiastic, eventual, formal, full, general, gradual, grateful, greater, growing, grudging, guaranteed, immediate, implicit, increasing, mainstream, market, official, partial, passive, plucky, prompt, public, ready, reluctant, social, societal, stoic(al), tacit, total, uncomplaining, uncritical, universal, unquestioning, unwilling, user, virtual, wholehearted, wide, widespread ~ P: ~ of sth; degree, level, message, pinnacle, record of ~; ~ address, letter, speech; ~ among 2. (formal agreement) V: acknowledge, advise of, confirm, give, present for, receive, refuse ~ A: bank, blank, clean, collateral, (un)covered, general, guaranteed, (un)qualified, special, trade ~

P: ~ account, bill, certificate, check, credit, creditor, deadline, declaration, house, letter, liability, line; 3 days after ~; delivery on ~; documents against ~1; conditions, letter of ~

n. entry or approach; opportunity for use

acces, intrare; drept de utilizare

V: acquire, allow, authorise, bar, be entitled to, block, claim, control, demand, deny, ensure, facilitate, force, gain, get, give, grant, guarantee, have, improve, insure, limit, lose, make arrangements for, obstruct, obtain, offer, pay for, permit, prevent, provide, reduce, refuse, retain, secure, seek, widen, win ~
A: arbitrary, (un)authorised, centralised, complete, computer, difficult, (in)direct, dynamic, early, easy, equal, fast, free, full, greater, (un)limited, immediate, improved, indirect, instant, Internet, (un)limited, market, network, online, open, poor, privileged, public, random, ready, reduced, (un)restricted, secure, speedy, swift, unfettered, universal, unprecedented, vehicle ~ P: ~ arrangements, authorisation, card, charge, code, control, denial, devices, failure, group, level, list, method, network, number, panel, path, period, permission, point, policy, privileges, protocol, providers, right, road; ~ to data, companys books, information; convenience, equality, lack, rights of ~; control, dispute over ~ n. 1. an unexpected and undesirable event, esp. one 1. accident resulting in damage or harm 2. lack of intention; chance 2. ntmplare 1. (unfortunate mishap) V: avert, avoid, be involved in, be no ~ that, cause, have, meet with, precipitate, prevent, recover from, suffer, survive, witness ~ V: ~ happened, occurred, took place A: bad, bizarre, car, deadly, dreadful, fatal, freak, happy, hit-and-run, horrible, horrific, industrial, major, minor, motor-vehicle, nasty, nuclear, road, serious, slight, small, terrible, traffic, tragic, unfortunate ~ P: ~ black spot, investigation, prevention, rate, report, statistics, victim; cause, scene, victim of ~; spate of, toll of ~s 2. (chance) A: happy, historical, mere, pure, sheer ~ P: by ~; ~ of birth, history

n. 1. a place to live, work or stay 2. money lent for a short time, esp. to meet urgent needs

1. cazare, gzduire 2. mprumut pe termen scurt

1. (housing) V: arrange for, assign sb to, book, find, get, have, hunt for, let, look for, offer, pay for, provide, rent, request, reserve, search for, secure, seek, supply, take ~ A: (in)adequate, affordable, available, basic, bed-and-breakfast, booked, cheap, clean, comfortable, cosy, day-to-day, decent, excellent, (in)expensive, first/high/second-class, free, furnished, good, half/full-board, holiday, hospital, hotel, long/short-term, living, luxury, luxurious, office, overnight, permanent, poor, private, quality, rented, residential, satisfactory, secure, self-catering, shabby, sheltered, sleeping, spacious, staff,
D/A Documents against acceptance n.pl. instructions from a shipper to his bank that the documents are attached to a time draft for collection and deliverable to the drawee against his/her acceptance of the draft

(sub)standard, student, suitable, superior, support, temporary, tourist, travel, vacation ~ P: ~ allowance, bureau, costs, expenses, package; cost, possibility, provision, scarcity, shortage, size of ~ 2. (short-term loan) A: bank, short-term ~ P: ~ bill, broker, endorsement, paper, party

n. 1. a story, report, description, explanation 2. a detailed record of business dealings between parties who are debtor and creditor, and of the manner in which money is received, held, or spent 3.pl. a set of accounting records that reflect how much a business owes or it is owed; and after periodical balancing, how much profit has been made 4. an arrangement with a bank or firm that allows credit for financial and commercial payments 5. a bill, an invoice

1. relatare, descriere, explicaie, raport, referat 2. evidena tranzaciilor ntre parteneri, nregistrate ca debit i credit 3. nregistrri contabile 4. cont al unei firme deschis la o banc 5. factur, not de plat

1. (report) V: check, circulate, corroborate, give, obtain, offer, produce, provide, publish, receive, send in, submit, verify, write ~ V: ~ appeared, is consistent with, circulated, has come in, tallies with A: (in)accurate, authentic, (un)biased, brief, clear, (in)coherent, comprehensive, (un)convincing, detailed, distorted, dramatic, elaborate, exciting, false, fascinating, fictitious, first-hand, frightening, funny, general, impartial, informative, knowledgeable, persuasive, precise, (un)reliable, succinct, true, truthful, vague, verbatim, vivid ~ 2. (transactions record) V: balance, charge to sbs ~, check, close, do, file, go through, keep, keep a record of, manage, open, put on sbs ~, settle, square, verify ~ V: ~ is consistent with, tallies with A: appropriation, brokerage, budget, business, capital, centralised, custodial, custody, expense, financial, income and expenditure, investors, itemised, nominal, offshore, option, profit and loss, revenue, securities, single, suspense, trading ~ P: ~s file, manager; payment on ~; statement of ~ 3. (ledger entries) V: balance, check, correct, do, endorse, examine, file, go through, inspect, keep a record of, identify, pay into, settle, square, take an amount of money out of, verify ~ A: annual, asset, audited, balanced, bank, blocked, building, business, capital, computerised, conflicting, consolidated, current, discretionary, doubtful, dubious, end-of-year, expense, final, financial, gold, group, interim, ledger, managerial, monthly, nominal, outstanding, overall, (im)personal, prime, quarterly, real, tax ~ P: ~s clerk, closing, department, file, maintenance, manager, report; ~s payable, receivable; chart, falsification, interpretation, set of ~s 4. (banking arrangement) V: add sth to, close, charge to, credit, draw on, freeze, have, keep, open, overdraw, pay sth into, put sth into, run down, settle ~ V: ~ is in the red/black, is overdrawn/in credit A: bank, budget, checking, credit, current, deposit, dead, dormant, healthy, illicit, interestbearing/earning/paying, joint, loan, numbered, overdue, public, savings, zero-balance ~ P: ~ holder

5. (bill) V: check, pay, prepare, question, receive, render, send in, settle, square ~ A: itemised, overdue ~ rspundere, responsabilitate V: admit, demand, enhance, ensure, expect, ignore, improve, increase, meet the requirements of, reduce, restore, strengthen, weaken ~ V: ~ extends beyond, is enforced by, is strengthened by, requires A: auditing, contractual, corporate, customer, democratic, direct, educational, financial, full, government, group, greater, increased, individual, limited, local, managerial, maximum, ministerial, moral, party, parliamentary, peer, personal, policy, political, professional, public, social, strict, supplier, tax ~ P: ~ procedures; absence, climate, code, degree, element, exercise, form, lack, mechanism, principle, problem, transfer, system, type of ~; ~ for quality of work; need for ~; approach, commitment to ~

n. responsibility to sb or for sth

n. sb whose job is to keep and check the financial contabil records of an organisation, or to advise people on income, spending, tax, etc. V: become, consult, employ, work as an ~ V: ~ audits, deals with, identifies, operates, records, reports A: asset, assistant, certified public, chartered, chief, company, corporate, cost, elusive, feeearning, financial, forensic, head, junior, management, public, qualified, self-employed, tax, tour ~ P: ~s certificate

n. the work or profession of an accountant

contabilitate, meseria de contabil

V: study, work in ~ A: business, chartered, creative, public~ P: ~ articles, body, books, career, course, degree, fees, firm, group, industry, job, office, practice, profession, rule, services, theory, world; career, degree in ~; principles of ~ n. 1. in U.S.A., the same meaning as accountancy 1. contabilitate, in Britain 2. in Britain, a system of recording the money value meseria de contabil of business dealings to enable a concern to see the financial 2. sistem de position at any one time contabilitate 1. (accountancy) V: study, work in ~ A: business, creative, false ~ P: ~ area, articles, body, books, business, capabilities, career, charges, committee, course, degree, department, document, fees, file, error, firm, function, group, industry, instructor, irregularities, job, machine, objective, office, practice, profession, profit, rule, scandal, services, team, technicians, theory, tricks, unit, world; career, degree, experience in ~; principles of ~ 2. (system of transactions recording) V: complete, work out ~ A: accruals, acquisition, budgetary, cash, commitment, (current/historic(al)/total)cost,

creative, equity, financial, flexible, inflation, insolvency, inventory, investment, management, managerial, public, revenue, separate, uniform ~ P: ~ books, control, cost, cycle, data, deficit, depreciation, entry, equation, expert, exposure, firm, group, information, legislation, manual, method, operation, period, plan, policy, practices, principles, procedure, process, profit, rate of return, ratio, records, regulations, report, rules, service, software, standards, system, technique, trick, year; method of ~

n.pl. (esp. U.S.A.) a record of amounts owed by a company to suppliers of goods and services

conturi (de pasiv) de furnizori, clieni creditori

V: age, bring ~ to zero, generate report on, list as, pay, reduce, settle ~ A: actual, (un)paid, total ~ P: ~ account, accounting, ageing, analysis, balance, clerk, department, entry, financing, item, ledger, payment, settlement, voucher; report, record of ~

n.pl. (esp. U.S.A.) a record of amounts owed to a company by suppliers of goods and services

conturi (de activ) de furnizori debitori, clieni i conturi asimilate, creane

V: accept, age, buy, collect, dispose of, finance, generate report on, process, tally, value ~ A: doubtful, large, overdue, total ~ P: ~ account, accounting, ageing, analysis, balance, clerk, department, factoring, financing, ledger, loan, risk, turnover; report, sale of ~

n. 1. a gradual and/or automatic increase 2. accrued charge; expenses attributable to the current financial period but whose settlement will not be effected until a subsequent financial period 3. pl. an adjusting amount added to an account at the end of an accounting period to record a sum owed to or by the firm but not yet paid

1. cretere 2. angajament financiar, obligaie financiar neonorat 3. conturi de regularizare utilizate n contabilitatea de angajamente

1. (increase) V: allow for, list as, make ~ A: invoice, overall, planned, (pre)tax ~ P: ~ of capital, benefits, debt, discount, funds, interest, principle, taxes; ~ for pensions 2. (accrued charge) V: enter in the books as an, list under ~s, prevent ~ P: ~ basis, bond, concept, date, deadline, information, item, method, month, note, posting, principle, rate, scale; ~ of customs/storage charges; day, period of ~ 3. (adjusting amounts) A: receivable ~s P: ~s accounting, accounts v. to increase gradually with time a crete, a spori accrue amount, cost, points advantage, benefits, charges, compensation, debts, dollars, gains, health, income, interest, knowledge, losses, penalty, profits, revenues, royalties, savings, wealth, well-being accrue/s


adj. financially unsettled until a subsequent period; periodically accumulated over time

neonorat (despre un angajament financiar); sporit, extins

accrued benefits, capital, charges, costs, dividends, effects, expenses, guarantee, income, interest, liabilities, rate, revenue n. an accumulated mass; a heap; a pile or acumulare quantity formed by successive additions V: constrain, facilitate, guarantee, lead to, maintain, prevent, reduce, safeguard, stimulate, sustain ~ A: continued, credit, extensive, gradual, great, large, low, massive, rapid, slow, steady ~ P: ~ of capital, energy, fortunes, honours, knowledge, power, wealth, work; law, process, rate, scale of ~

n. freedom from mistake or error; conformity to truth acuratee; corectitudine or to a standard or model V: achieve, aim at, assess, check, check sth for, confirm, demand, determine with, dispute, doubt, ensure, establish with, examine, fall away of, guarantee, improve, increase, lead to, limit ~ to, look for, maintain, measure, question, take pride in, test, verify ~ A: absolute, amazing, astounding, commendable, complete, considerable, deadly, factual, great, high, historical, improved, increased, overall, perfect, priceless, reach, reasonable, remarkable required, scientific, scrupulous, strict, sufficient, technical, total, uncanny, unerring ~ P: ~ of data, valuation; improvement, increase in ~: respect for ~; degree, level, standard of ~; with ~

realizare, mplinire, nfptuire V: acclaim, acknowledge, admire, affect, appreciate, assess, belittle, celebrate, congratulate on, destroy, disparage, encourage, exaggerate, give sb credit for, hail, magnify, make light of, make possible, marvel at, praise, raise, recognise, record, sneer at, underestimate, undermine, warrant ~ A: amazing, brilliant, coming, creditable, crowning, dazzling, enduring, enormous, fine, grand, great, high, important, imposing, impressive, intellectual, joint, lasting, laudable, magnificent, major, memorable, notable, outstanding, phenomenal, remarkable, significant, solid, splendid, stupendous, supreme, tangible, unique, unparalleled, valuable, wonderful, worthy, worthwhile ~ P: ~ level; ~ of ones own making; acknowledgement, bedrock, complexity, hierarchies, lack, level, pinnacle, recognition, record, sense, statement of ~; desire for ~

n. attainment; sth carried out successfully

n. 1. the act or an instance of acknowledging; recognition, acceptance 2. a letter or message sent to state that sth has been received

1. recunoatere, acceptare 2. confirmare de primire (n scris)

1. (recognition) V: amount to, demand, express, get, give, grunt, make ~ to sb/sth, make ~ of sth, nod, receive, wave ~ A: appropriate, brief, cautious, continuous, explicit, firm, forthright, formal, full, general, grim, grudging, late, life-long, long-delayed, modest, official, open, personal, political,

public, scant, self-deprecating, special, tacit, unfounded, unjust, unwarranted, usual, worldly ~ P: message, grunt, smile of ~ 2. (confirmation)

V: ask for, issue, receive, refuse, send, sign ~

A: official, unquestionable, written ~ P: ~ of acceptance, debt, indebtedness, order, payment, receipt; letter of ~

n. 1. act of acquiring sth 2. sth obtained, esp. a company that has been bought or taken over

1. (acquiring) V: announce, derive benefits from, finance, fund, look for, negotiate, sustain ~

1. achiziionare, dobndire 2. achiziie, cumprare (n special la preluarea unei firme)

A: big, data, expensive, knowledge, land, language, large, latest, material goods, major, new, order, original, purchase, recent, significant, splendid, substantial, target, valuable ~ P: ~ commission, cost, data, date, deal, department, effort, expense, fee, field, form, format, list, management, option, period, policy, price, process, reversal, strategy, task, tax; ~ of credentials, data, goods, information, knowledge, riches, territory, title, wealth; ~ in good faith 2. (take-over) V: announce, complete, derive benefits from, finance, fund, negotiate, pursue, support, sustain ~ V: ~ boosts/enhances earnings, goes ahead A: asset, attractive, company, competitive, compulsory, corporate, gradual, horizontal, illegal, illicit, improper, indirect, joint, permanent, vertical, target, taxable, tax free ~ P: ~ accounting, agent, agreement, block, check, cost, criteria, deal, debt, plan, price, procedure, process, strategy, tax; ~ of (financial) assets, capital, company, ownership, property, shares, stock n. 1. sth done to achieve a goal; the accomplishment of a 1. aciune, realizare thing; the way sth moves or works 2. legal proceedings in a 2. aciune n instan, court proces 1. (act) V: be led into, call for, condemn, condone, contemplate, criticise, decide on, defer, demand, hamper, hinder, incite sb to, inspire, instigate, judge, justify, lead to, leap into, perform, plan, postpone, preclude, prepare for, press for, prevent, put ideas/plans into, recommend, renew, request, require, roll into, rouse sb to, rush into, spur into, start, take, take part in, translate into, undertake ~ A: aggressive, affirmative, appropriate, bold, careless, clumsy, concerted, constant, coordinated, corporate, corrective, covert, daring, decisive, defensive, definitive, deliberate, disciplinary, disgraceful, drastic, emergency, energetic, equal opportunity, evasive, exemplary, extreme, fast, foolish, further, generous, hasty, hostile, human, humanitarian, ill-advised, immediate, industrial, imminent, impulsive, incomprehensible, instant, institutional, joint, legitimate, military, past, precipitated, preliminary, (un)premeditated, prompt, purposeful, quick, rapid, rearguard, remedial, resolute, retaliatory, ruthless,

sensitive, slow, spontaneous, stern, strenuous, supportive, swift, symbolic, thoughtless, unfortunate, unilateral, unprincipled, unwise, urgent, voluntary, wrong ~ P: ~ group, items, plan; course, freedom, lack, line, man, pattern, plan, programme, timetable of ~; sequence of ~s; demand, grounds, pleas for ~ 2. (legal proceedings) V: avert, avoid, begin, bring, cause, commence, consider, contemplate, continue, defend, dismiss, drop, eschew, face, give evidence in, initiate, is statute barred, pursue, risk, suspend, take threaten, win legal ~ A: civil, court, cross, defensive, disciplinary, expensive, frivolous, legal, libel, plaintiff's, probation, slander, vexatious ~ P: cause, settlement of ~ n. state of doing sth; any specific action or pursuit activitate, aciune V: ban, be engaged in, be involved in, be mixed up in, boost, cease, curb, discourage, disrupt, expand, go in for, hamper, improve, indulge in, keep an eye on, limit, monitor, prevent, proceed to, pursue, put a stop to, reduce, share, step up, suppress, sustain, take up, wind up ~

V: ~ extends to sth A: brisk, busy, ceaseless, chief, commercial, competitive, constant, continuous, core, corporate, covert, criminal, daily, detrimental, economic, educational, energetic, enjoyable, entrepreneurial, evening, excessive, frantic, fraudulent, frenetic, goal-directed, group, harmful, high-risk, hectic, illegal, indoor, intense, joint, lawful, leisure, management, manufacturing, mental, nefarious, new, organisational, outdoor, overseas, particular, physical, policy-making, professional, profitable, recreational, reduced, (un)related, research, rewarding, risky, secret, self-indulgent, social, special, sporting, strenuous, subversive, sustained, trading, uncontrolled, underground, unrestrained, unusual, widespread, worthwhile ~ P: area, burst, field, form, flurry, hive, level, line, range, scurry, surge, wave, whirl(wind) of ~; series, variety of ~s; downturn, fall, growth, pick-up, slowdown, upsurge in ~

n. quick insight; the ability to make accurate judgements of people or situations

putere de ptrundere, discernmnt, perspicacitate, simul afacerilor

V: acquire, develop, establish, have, lack, possess, show ~ A: (keen) business, commercial, considerable, executive, financial, fine, great, legal, managerial, mental, political, sharp, social, technical ~

1. the place where a person lives or an organisation is 1. adres, reedin situated 2. discourse delivered to an audience 2. alocuiune 1. (residence) V: arrive at, be located at, change, collect from, confirm, deliver to, mail to, receive, remit to, reply at, send to, take ~ A: above, contact, current, e-mail, forwarding, full, known, last, mailing, new, office, p-mail, personal, postal, private, secret, shipping, short, temporary ~ P: ~ announcement, book, database, label; change of ~ 2. (speech) V: deliver, give ~

A: brief, election, emotional, farewell, final, formal, inaugural, keynote, moving, national, opening, presidential, short, televised ~ n. the management, control and direction of a conducere, administrare, gestiune a unei firme business or organisation V: be in charge of, be responsible for, streamline, take over, tighten up, work in ~ A: bureaucratic, central, city, college, day-to-day, (in)efficient, energetic, financial, government, justice, labour, legal, manpower, materials, office, overall, personnel, public, poor, regional, routine, school, secretarial, site, social, smooth, successful, trust, university ~ P: ~ charges, consultant, costs, department, effort, expenses, official, order, papers, secretary, union; ~ of assets, estate, inventory, justice, property, securities; ~ by sb; board, cost of ~

n. sb who has the power to control, direct or administrator, gestionar manage a business or other organisation V: appoint, enable, select, serve as ~ A: able, bad, city, clever, college, competent, database, dedicated, efficient, experienced, financial, former, hard-headed, insolvency, level-headed, network, part-time, poor, project, public, security, senior, skilful, system, tax, temporary, union, university, wise ~

n. 1. the act or process of admitting; the state or 1. admitere privilege of being admitted 2. the granting of an argument or 2. recunoatere position not fully proved; acknowledgment that a fact or statement is true 1 (entry) V: apply for, approve, ban, demand, deny, forbid, force, gain, give, grant, need, refuse, request ~ A: early, emergency, free, full, immediate, (un)restricted, temporary ~ P: ~ charge, criterion, discount, fee, practice, price, procedure, rule; requirements for ~ 2. (confession) V: come out with, force, make, wring an ~ from sb A: candid, embarrassing, frank, full, humiliating, misleading, painful, partial, ready, reluctant, revealing, tacit ~ P: ~ of defeat, error, failure

n. 1. an act of going forward 2. progress 3. a payment made before due time 4. a loan

1. naintare, avans(are) 2. progres, descoperire 3. plat n avans 4. mprumut

1. (an act of going forward) V: accelerate, achieve, block, check, delay, facilitate, further, halt, hamper, hold back/up, impede, keep back, make, oppose, prevent, repel, report, resist, slow down, spearhead, speed up ~ V: ~ gathered momentum, lost impetus, met with setbacks, slowed down, speeded up A: breathtaking, brutal, dramatic, engulfing, exhilarating, great, inevitable, rapid, relentless, remarkable, significant, slow, steady, sudden, swift, unimpeded ~ 2. (progress) V: achieve, curse, defend, make, mark, reject, welcome ~

A: astonishing, economic, genuine, giant, gradual, latest, major, new, real, research, revolutionary, scientific, significant, small, technical, technological ~ P: ~ in access to justice, automation, communications 3. (payment made before due time) V: accept, make, pay, put in, receive, refund ~ A: cash, late ~ P: ~ billing scheme, compensation, corporation tax, interest, payment, purchasing, royalties, sales 4. (loan) V: accept, demand, get, make, offer, pay off, reject, secure ~ A: additional, hefty, large, overdue ~ P: demand for ~ favourable circumstance; benefit, profit avantaj; profit V: achieve, balance, be at an, bring, confer, counteract, derive, develop, draw, enjoy, erode, exploit, gain, get, give, have, hold, keep, leave sb at, offer, outweigh, overlook, reap, retain, secure, seize, take (full) of, turn sth into, use sth to sb (best), waste, work to sbs, wring ~ A: added, additional, big, clear, commercial, comparative, competitive, considerable, decent, decided, decisive, definite, distinct, dubious, economic, educational, electoral, enormous, extra, financial, full, great, huge, important, key, lasting, main, major, market, material, mutual, natural, obvious, overwhelming, particular, personal, positive, practical, price, real, significant, slender, special, superb, tax, technical, technological, territorial, time zone, unfair, unjustified ~ P: to sb / sth 's best ~; ~ over competition, competitors; ~ in business v. making public a product, a service, a job vacancy, a face reclam, a face an event, etc.; publicly announce availability or need un anun publicitar advertise a company, cigarettes, a product, an available post, job vacancies, service, wares advertise for sb/sth advertise heavily, locally, nationally, widely

n. public announcement in a newspaper, or on anun publicitar, the radio, television or Internet advertising products, vacancies, reclam or certain events (abbrev. ad) V: agree to, answer to, appear in, back, ban, charge for, conceive, control, create, devise, display, draft, fund, insert, issue limit, monitor, place, produce, put ~ in (newspaper, magazine, etc.), react to, read, refer to, reply to, respond to, restrict, rule out, run, screen, see, select, show, stop, take out, write, expose sb to, tailor ~ V: ~ appeared, aroused great wrath, describes, disagrees with, drew sb's attention, features, inflates the market, lists, mentions, spearheads sth A: alternative, classified, controversial, conventional, co-operative, costly, coupon, disagreeable, discrete, display, effective, eye-catching, free, front-page, full-page, good, hard-hitting, illustrated, inflatable, Internet, investment, job, large, launch, local, misleading, movie, offending, national, newspaper, political, poor, real estate, reminder, repeat, single, small, spot, straightforward, successful, television (TV), walking, widely acclaimed ~ P: ~ broker, canvasser, column, contents, manager, positioning, rating, spending; an ~ for sb/ sth; draft, format, size of ~; (TV, radio) pause for ~s; in answer/reply/response to ~;

with regard/reference to ~ n. way of increasing consumer demand by bringing publicitate, reclam the product to the attention of the public V: advise on, be trained in, depend on, increase, reconsider, rely on, specialise in, spend on, stop, study, use ~ V: ~ was hit hard by the recession A: brief, classified, combative, commercial, comparative, constructive, consumer, controversial, conventional, corporate, counter-cyclical, creative, declining, direct mail, effective, excessive, exterior transit, global, graphic, informative, innovative, institutional, in-your-face, ironic, local, material, nation-wide, national, offensive, outrageous, outstanding, paid, persuasive, point-of-sale, prestige, printed, product, promotional, provocative, radical, sensational, subliminal, successful, sustained, television, transportation, up-to-date, word-of-mouth ~ P: ~ account, activity, agency, agent, allowance, analysis, appeal, approach, art, audience, brochure, budget, bureau, campaign, canvasser, channel, circular, column, consultant, contract, copy, costs, customer, department, director, directory, discount, display, drive, effect, effectiveness, effort, executive, expenditure, expense, expert, film, function, group idea, industry, injury, insert, journal, label, leaflet, letter, mail, man, manager, massmedia, material, medium, message, needs, network, people, plan, product, policy, professional, readership, requirements, revenue, space, spending, staff, strategy, support, time, trade; rebound in ~; forms of ~; ban on ~

n. advertising operations spread over a campanie publicitar given length of time and over a fixed range of media, with the object of influencing the consumers V: begin, be involved in, carry out, conduct, coordinate, embark on, initiate, launch, lead, mastermind, maintain, manage, mount, organise, pay for, plan, run, spend on, start, take part in, wage ~ V: ~ aims at, concentrates on, targets students A: comprehensive, corporate, extensive, false, full-scale, global, hard-hitting, in-your-face, intensive, large, massive, misleading, modest, national, official, public, television, nationwide, successful ~ P: ~ on cosmetics

n. 1. information given to sb, esp. by an expert, so that 1. sfat they know what to do and can make the right decision 2. a 2. ntiinare document giving sb details about a sale or purchase; a document giving information 1. (helpful information) V: accept, act on sb, adopt, appreciate, ask (for), avail oneself of, bend sbs ear for, benefit from, defy, disregard, follow, get, give, go against, heed, ignore look for, need, offer, profit from, provide, receive, refuse, reject, seek, spurn, sweep aside, take, tender, thank for, welcome ~ A: astute, badly needed, blunt, career, cautious, clear, considered, deficient, detailed, dispassionate, excellent, expert, financial, further, helpful, immediate, impartial, incorrect, invaluable, legal, little, official, practical, professional, prudent, reliable, sensible, sound, straight, unbiased, unequivocal, unsolicited, urgent, useful, valuable,

valued, wise, wrong ~ P: piece, word of ~ 2. (document) V: receive, send ~ P: credit ~; ~ of delivery, dispatch; receipt, letter of ~ a person who advises, esp. one appointed to do so and consilier, sftuitor regularly consulted V: act as, appoint as, confirm as, consult, fire, hire, search for, serve as, work as ~ A: business, careers, cautious, clear-headed, close, economic, environmental, experienced, financial, former, government, impartial, independent, insurance, key, lead, legal, medical, official, outside, policy, political, public relations, realistic, statutory, technical, trusted, trustworthy, unbiased ~ P: ~'s role, suitability; appointment, job as ~

n. 1. a concern, a business, a matter to be attended to 2. a noteworthy thing or event 3. pl. a. ordinary pursuits of life b. business dealings c. public matters

1. (a matter to be attended to) V: attend to, conclude, conduct, end, handle, neglect ~ A: local, public, social ~ 2. (a noteworthy thing or event) V: admit to, analyse, commentate on, conceal, deny, disclose, discuss, investigate, learn about, reveal ~ A: alleged, embarrassing, gala, intriguing, lavish, low-key, noisy, publicised, puzzling, somber, sorry, strange, tawdry, tense ~ 3a. (ordinary pursuits of life) V: meddle in, pry into ~s A: casual, disgraceful, every day, family, mundane, routine, social ~s 3b. (business dealings) V: arrange, attend to, be in charge of, conduct, control, deal with, dedicate oneself to, handle, interfere into, look after, lose control of, make a mess of, manage, neglect, organise, oversee, put efforts into, run, sort out, take charge of, wind up ~s A: administrative, business, commercial, consumer, corporate, economic, financial ~s P: man, management, stage, statement of ~; responsibility over ~s 3c. (public matters) V: attend to, conduct, control, dedicate oneself to, handle, run ~s A: civic, community, current, domestic, environmental, external, foreign, global, governmental, home, internal, international, legal, national, political, public, social, state, world ~s

1. problem de rezolvat 2. eveniment remarcabil 3.a) treburi, chestiuni cotidiene b) afaceri, tranzacii c) chestiuni publice

n. 1. a business which represents one group of people when dealing with another group 2. a relationship between an agent and a principal in which the agent acts for and represents the principal on the basis of the principal's instructions.

1. agenie 2. (relaie de afaceri de) intermediere, reprezentan

1. (business) V: act through, apply to, be in charge of, form, found, join, launch, manage, register with, run, set up, work for ~ A: advertising, collection, credit-rating, dating, development, estate, fledgling, global, independent, international, large, mercantile, news, overseas, press, recruitment, rival, travel ~ P: ~ listing, spokesman, staff 2. (agent-principal relation) V: accept, act on an ~ basis, give, grant, handle a (sole), offer, take up ~ A: actual, apparent, exclusive, express, general implied, ostensible, sole, special, universal~ P: ~ agreement, commission, contract, costs, fee, status, system; ~ by estoppel2, coupled with an interest ordine de zi (la o edin); chestiuni de rezolvat V: abandon, add issues/items to, adopt, agree on, amend, appear on, approve, be off, catch up with, compile, devise, discuss, draft, draw up, decide on, exclude from, fix, formulate, get halfway through, go along with, go through, have, include on, place sth at the end of, produce, provide, publish, pursue, put sth on, put sth at the top of, rattle through, remove sth from, review, rule off, set, settle, stick to, vote on, write ~ V: ~ calls for, includes, lists A: attached, clear, clear-cut, common, domestic, enclosed, filled, final, (in)formal, full, hidden, international, foreign-policy, legislative, open, meeting, national, next weeks, political, provisional, strategic, secret, tricky, world ~ P: ~ issue, item, maker; draft, description, details of ~; item, topic on ~

n. list of matters to be discussed or decided at a meeting; a series of things to be done

agent, reprezentant, mandatar V: act as, appoint, authorise as, contact, employ, have, look for, require, serve as, work as ~ A: authorised, buying, commercial, customs, employment, estate, exclusive, government, house, independent, insurance, literary, marketing, press, procurement, publicity, purchasing, (fully-)qualified, reliable, retail, sales, selling, shipping, successful, travel ~ P: ~s commission

n. a person representing another in business

n. 1. the reaching or sharing of the same opinion; 5. nelegere, acord, consensus 2. a verbal or written contract or arrangement by consens two or more persons or organisations, sometimes enforceable 6. contract scris sau by law nelegere verbal 1. (consensus) V: abide by, act in ~ with, arrive at, be in full/total ~ with, break, by-pass, carry out, come to, conclude, confirm, convey, demand, express, go back on, hammer out, have sbs, honour, ignore, indicate, lead to, make, reach, reject, remain committed to, respect, seek, show, sort out, undermine, uphold, withhold, work out ~ V: ~ holds good, is in force, is out-of-date, is valid
AGREEMENT estoppel n. rule of evidence which prevents a person from saying that a formal statement which he had made earlier is untrue, or from claiming that facts which he formerly said were true are untrue.

A: advantageous, amicable, awkward, beneficial, bilateral, binding, broad, commercial, complete, complicated, convenient, crucial, equitable, fair, fair-trade, firm, (in)formal, full, general, gentlemans, industrial, lasting, mutual, official, price, private, profitable, ready, reciprocal, solemn, standing, standstill, tacit, tentative, timely, threshold, total, unanimous, verbal, wise, workable, written ~ P: acceptance, areas, draft, expression, letter, record, terms of ~; stumbling block to ~ 2. (contract) V: abide by, approve, breach, break, by-pass, cancel, circumvent, conclude, contract out of, discuss, draw up, endorse, enforce, enter into, extend, get out of, (dis)honour, implement, negotiate, ratify, remain committed to, compromise, renege on, renew, respect, revise, revoke, scrap, secure, sign, terminate, undermine, violate, view, withhold ~ V: ~ comes into force/effect, engenders, expires, holds good, is in force, is null and void, is out of date, is valid, provides for sth, runs out, states sth, takes effect, terminates, will be superseded A: advantageous, amicable, beneficial, bilateral, binding, commercial, complete, contractual, convenient, draft, equitable, fair, firm, (in)formal, general, industrial, lease, legally-binding, licensing, liquidity, loan, merger, mortgage, mutual, new, nondisclosure, official, preliminary, profitable, provisional, reciprocal, (re)purchase, solemn, (free) trade, verbal, wise, written ~ P: ~ of sale; acceptance, breach, details, draft, obligations, non-performance, record, revision, terms of ~ n. help, esp. to a person, organisation or country in difficulty ajutor, asisten V: allocate, appeal for, award, be in need of, bring, call for, channel, come to sbs, cut (off), deliver, demand, depend on, discontinue, distribute, enlist, extend, get, give, grant, halt, offer, lend, maintain, misappropriate, need, organise, procure, promise, provide, reduce, refuse, rely on, resume, rush to sbs, send, seek, stop, summon, suspend, withdraw, withhold ~ A: covert, development, (in)direct, disaster, economic, effective, emergency, essential, external, financial, first, foreign, food, generous, government, housing, humanitarian, immediate, international, invaluable, legal, massive, medical, mutual, overseas, pecuniary, regional, state, substantial, Third World, unemployment, unsolicited ~ P: ~ agency, agreement, donor, fund, kit, loan, organisation, package, payments, programme, scheme, supplies, system; absence, extension, granting, withdrawal of ~; grant-in-~

n. the object to be attained; intention or purpose obiectiv; scop, intenie V: accomplish, achieve, be successful in, endorse, express, fail in, fall short of, fulfil, further, have, lower, pursue, reach, secure, serve, set oneself, state, strive towards, succeed in, take (careful/direct), work for/towards ~ V: ~s coincide, collide, conflict, converge, match, overlap A: ambitious, apparent, avowed, basic, broad, chief, clear, common, conscious, declared, deliberate, eventual, explicit, express, expressed, indirect, distant, eventual, far-reaching, final, first, fundamental, further, general, high, hopeless, immediate, implicit, implied, initial, intermediate, joint, key, legitimate, long/short-term, main, noble, overall, overriding, overwhelming, policy, political, prime, primary, principal, real, recognised, secret, sole, specific, stated, strategic, true, ultimate, underlying, useful, war, worthy ~ P: with the ~ of

n. a positive assertion; a statement by a party to a afirmaie, declaraie; legal action of what the party undertakes to prove acuzaie V: abandon, admit, answer, be at the centre of, challenge, change, come out with, confirm, contest, corroborate, counter, deal with, defend oneself against, deny, disclose, discount, dismiss, disprove, dispute, drop, examine, fabricate, give rise to, handle, investigate, justify, lead to, look into, make, make inquires into, prevent, prompt, protect from, probe, prove, provoke, publish, put forward, raise, react to, receive, refute, reject, report, resist, respond to, retract, spread, submit, substantiate, support, withdraw ~ V: ~ attempts to, becomes formal, contains, is against, may lead to, provides A: actual, baseless, common, corruption, credible, crude, damaging, defamatory, dreadful, false, forgery, fraud, fresh, further, good faith, grave, harmful, ill-founded, irresponsible, leak, longstanding, malicious, new, precise, (un)proven, scandalous, serious, spurious, unproven, (un)true, unfounded, unsubstantiated, valid, well-founded, wicked, widespread, wild, written ~ P: ~ of breaches, disgraceful conduct, discrimination, dishonesty, ill-treatment, noncompliance with sth, partiality, professional/research/scientific misconduct; reliability, subject of ~; ~ about/concerning/against sb/sth

n. a bond or connection between families, states, alian parties, or individuals V: announce, be driven into, break, build, (up), cement, create, develop, dissolve, enter into, establish, expand, forge, form, have, hold together, join, maintain, seek, set up, sever, strengthen, strike up, support V: ~ broke down, collapsed, foundered, remains in force, resulted from, still holds A: broad, close, defensive, dubious, electoral, flourishing, (in)formal, fragile, global, grand, loose, new, (un)official, old, opposition, political, powerful, shifting, strategic, strong, tactical, temporary, traditional, transatlantic, uneasy, unhappy, unholy, unlikely, Western, working ~ P: ~ charges, rules; ally, force in the ~; ~ of convenience

v. to set sth aside for a particular purpose; to share or a aloca, a rezerva; a give sth mpri allocate accommodation, an amount, assets, authority, benefits, blame, budgets, capital, control, costs, duties, energy, food, foreign exchange, funds, goods, jobs, land, money, period, power, priorities, property, punishment, resources, responsibility, rights, tasks, time, titles, service, shares, social roles, tasks, work allocate equitably, fairly

n. 1. the setting aside of a thing, money, etc. for a 1. alocare (de fonduri) specific purpose 2. the dividing-up of total cost into the 2. repartizarea separate kinds of costs of which it is made up, and then the costurilor charging of these separate costs 1. (distribution) V: accept, receive, start ~ A: additional, advertising, amount, appropriate, asset, bonus, budget, business, capital, cost, debit, differential, dynamic, (in)efficient, entire, expense, internal, just, land, loss, maximum, overall, personnel, resource, role, space ~ P: ~ arrangements, bonus, ledger scheme, policy; ~ of assets, budget, capital, contracts, duties, finance, funds, income, jobs, money, posts, public authority, resources,

responsibilities, shares, staffing, taxes 2. (cost allotment) A: asset, budget, cost(ing), overhead ~ P: ~ of costs, overheads n. money given out regularly to an employee for indemnizaie, spor business expenses, such as for travel, entertainment, motor-car salarial, diurn, ajutor mileage, and subsistence bnesc V: ask for, claim, demand, draw, get, give, grant, make, offer, pay, provide, receive, reduce, refuse, reimburse, squander, stop, use (up) ~ A: accommodation, additional, advertising, age, annual, attendance, basic, car, capital (gains tax), cash, charitable, child, Christmas, clothing, commuting, compensation, contingency, daily, depreciation, disability, disablement, disturbance, employment, extra, family, fixed, food, funeral, generous, handicap, hardship, housekeeping, housing, income, meagre, mileage, miserly, mobility, monthly, personal, petty, regular, relocation, settling-in, small, special, substantial, taxable, travel, vacation, (in)valid, weekly ~ P: ~ beneficiary, payment; level, proportion of ~

things that make you comfortable and at ease faciliti, confort V: add, expect, improve, offer, pay for, provide, upgrade, vary in, wreck ~ V: ~ include, provide A: additional, affordable, airport, appropriate, available, basic, complete, employees, fine, good, guestroom, hotel, indoor, local, luxury, modern, outdoor, outstanding, recreational, resort, various, workplace, world-class ~ P: ~ management; full array, lack, range of ~ n. reducing a debt by making payments against amortizare; the principal balance in instalments or regular transfers; the nregistrarea amortizrii writing off the cost of an asset over a period of time in a n contabilitate statement of accounts V: accelerate, calculate ~ A: annual, external, internal, loan, mortgage, negative ~ P: ~ adjustment, amount, arrangement, calculation, cancellation, charge, code, control, costs, deduction, discount, field, forecast, fund, instalment, method, payment, period, rate, reserve, schedule, terms, value; ~ of costs, debts, investment, hidden/undisclosed reserves, a loan, premium

n. a quantity, a sum, considered as a total

cantitate, sum total

V: add to, allocate, bring down/forward, carry down/forward, calculate, charge, claim, cover, credit with, debit (an account) with, deduct from, deposit, determine, double, draw on sb for, estimate, forward, gain, guarantee, increase, insure, maximise, measure, overdraw, owe, pay, provide, reckon, recover, reduce, refund, reimburse, remit, remove, rise in, settle, spend, state, stipulate ~
V: ~ decreased, diminished, fell, grew, increased, remained steady

A: additional, (in)adequate, amazing, appreciable, available, average, budgeted, considerable, constant, disproportionate, due, enormous, equivalent, exact, excess, fixed, full, great, huge, incredible, invoice, large,

(un)limited, massive, maximum, minimum, moderate, modest, negligible, net, outstanding, overall, reasonable, severance, small, specific, specified, substantial, (in)sufficient, surprising, stated, taxable, token, tremendous, total, typical, unpaid, vast ~
P: ~ above par value; ~ paid on account/in advance; ~ of annuity, business, confusion, control, food, information, money, material, people, time, (paper)work; high/highest, small/smallest in ~; in the right ~; in one ~; by a considerable ~; subtraction of ~ analiz, studiu, examinare V: agree with, appreciate, carry out, complete, defy, do, embark on, handle, indulge in, invalidate, make, offer, present, produce, provide, request, resist, restrict ~ to, send, supervise, undertake, use ~ V: ~ confirms, demonstrates, is based on, shows, suggests A: accounting, annual, authoritative, basic, (un)biased, broad, careful, close, confidential, (benefit-)cost, critical, customer profile, data, detailed, economic, efficiency, expert, final, financial, foregoing, genuine, harsh, illuminating, impartial, in-depth, informal, job, logical, market, misleading, needs, objective, painstaking, penetrating, perceptive, precise, preliminary, problem, profound, qualitative, quantitative, rational, rigorous, rough, sales, scholarly, simple, situation, sober, sophisticated, statistical, systematic, tentative, thorough, thought-provoking, tough, wide-ranging ~ P: ~ book, paper, programme; ~ of expenses; certificate of ~

n. a close, detailed examination or report

n. sth announced publicly; written or printed

anun; notificare

V: broadcast, catch, compose, delay, display, draft, greet, insert, issue, make, miss, notice, place ~ in, print, publicise, publish, put up, receive, send, watch for ~ V: ~ describes, is bound to, lists A: arcane, brief, death, disaster, (un)expected, final, firm, formal, general, important, initial, job-cuts, last-minute, late, long-awaited, official, preliminary, printed, public, rash, special, written ~ P: ~ date, effect; ~ of decision, judgement, marriage, new products, opinion, sale; in response to ~

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) n. yearly meeting of the Adunarea General a members, shareholders and directors of a company Acionarilor (AGA) V: attend, be present at, cancel, chair, close, conduct, disrupt, hold, open ~ V: ~ brought together, is held, takes place P: ~ documents, members, minutes, report; notice, proceedings of ~ n. an amount of money paid to sb yearly; an insurance rent; rent viager contract or pension that pays sb a sum of money regularly for life, usu. in return for a large payment V: buy, get, grant, hold, issue, live off an, lose, offer, opt for, purchase, raise, receive, sell, settle ~ on sb V: ~ comes to an end, expires, has been exhausted, is available A: accident, annual, bank, contingent, deferred, disability, fixed, gift, gross, immediate, joint and survival, joint-life, life, low, ordinary, pension, retirement, single-life, singlepremium, survivorship, taxable, tax deferred, temporary, terminable, variable, widows ~ P: ~ agreement, bank, bond, business, certificate, claim, contract, cost, fee, fund, holder, income, insurance, loan, mortgage, payment, plan, policy, quotes, rates, system, type, yield; amount, payment, price of ~

n. 1. a formal or urgent request for public support, esp. 1. apel, chemare financial, for a cause 2. the referral of a case to a higher court 2. apel, recurs 3. atracie, atractivitate 3. attractiveness, appealing quality 1. (request) V: address, answer, be moved by, ignore, issue, launch, listen to, make, present, refuse, reject, renew, respond to, turn down, use ~ V: ~ failed, raised $500, succeeded A: charity, confident, desperate, (in)direct, dramatic, earnest, emergency, emotional, final, global, humanitarian, immediate, last, market, mass, moving, mute, nationwide, passionate, personal, powerful, public, sincere, successful, television, urgent, wide, worldwide ~ P: ~ for a decision, help; ~ to the public, reason, sympathy 2. (court request) V: allow, bring, consider, deny, dismiss, exhaust, file, grant, hear, lodge, lose, make, reject, throw out, turn down, uphold, withdraw, win ~ V: ~ failed, succeeded, was denied A: cross, defendants, plaintiffs, prosecutors ~ P: ~ hearing, judge, tribunal; court, ground, right of ~; on/under/against ~ 3. (attractiveness) V: boost, broaden, diminish, enhance, extend, have, hold, increase, lose, retain, widen ~ V: ~ lies in sth A: advertising, broad, charismatic, commercial, considerable, crossover, enduring, exceptional, great, growing, immediate, instant, intellectual, irresistible, lasting, limited, little, mainstream, mass, much, obvious, popular, powerful, product, sex, special, strong, timeless, universal, visual, wide, widespread ~

n. 1. the act or instance of appearing 2. the look or outward aspect of a person or thing 3. a semblance

1. (appearing) V: advise against, await, make, mark, prepare, put in an, recollect ~ A: abrupt, belated, brief, dramatic, early, final, first, guest, inaugural, last, live, one-off, public, rare, record breaking, regular, scheduled, spectacular, striking, stunning, subsequent, sudden, surprise, television, unexpected, welcome ~ P: ~ fee 2. (outward aspect) V: alter, be lugubrious/modest/secular in, care about/for, change, criticise, enhance, have, give, improve, keep, mar, oversee, put on, retain, smarten up, soften, spoil, take care of, take pride in ones, worsen ~ A: (un)attractive, classical, crisp, dishevelled, distinctive, elegant, false, fantastic, fastidious, futuristic, general, gleaming, good, handsome, healthy, imposing, impressive, intimidating, neat, odd, outward, overall, personal, physical, pleasant, pleasing, product, remodelled, scruffy, shabby, smart, sporty, strange, (un)tidy, unconventional, unprepossessing, youthful ~ P: alteration in ~ 3. (semblance) V: keep up an, maintain, mimic, preserve ~ A: deceptive ~

1. apariie 2. nfiare, aspect exterior 3. aparen

P: ~ of conflict, guilt, partiality, poverty, wealth


n. person who formally applies for employment, a grant of money or admission to a university

candidat pentru un post /grant /la admitere, solicitant

V: advise, back, charge, drop, exclude, interview, nominate, notify, refuse, reject, represent, select, shortlist, stand as, support, vote for ~ V: ~ appealed against, rates high, is entitled to, has the privileges, was appointed, was granted a license A: credit, eager, job, loan, patent, pension, prospective, rival, (un)successful ~ P: ~ screening, selection; ~ for office, a position, a university place, post, work; list of ~s for a job n. formal request usu. in writing to be given a cerere (de angajare, etc.) scrisoare de intenie particular job, a grant of money or admission to a university V: accept, act on, approve, cancel, consider, deal with, dismiss, draw up, enclose, examine, expedite, file, fill in, grant, invite, is under consideration. judge, lodge, make, process, pursue ~ further, put in, receive, refuse, reject, reply to, respond to, review, send in/out, strike out, submit, turn down, vet, withdraw, write ~

V: the ~ failed, was successful, went ahead

A: confidential, detailed, formal, immediate, personal, prompt, written ~ P: ~ fee, form, package, period, procedure, processing; ~ for membership, a credit, grant, job, line of credit, loan, the position/post of; letter, status of ~; deluge, flood, wave of ~s n. a form to be filled out by an applicant formular de cerere V: complete, fill in/out, print, receive, return, send off/out, sign, submit ~ A: completed, employment, housing, job, obsolete, online, passport, sample, standard, visa ~ P: ~ tips

v. make a formal request for sth; fill in a form or write a letter, asking formally to be allowed to have a particular job

a solicita (oficial); a face o cerere pentru obinerea unui loc de munc

apply for admission, asylum, bail, citizenship, clearance, divorce, entry, exemption, extension, grant, injunction, insurance, job, leave, licence, loan, membership, passport, patent, permission, permit, political asylum, position, post, rebate, recognition, registration, relief, renewal, social security, status, writ apply early, in advance, in person, in plenty of time, in writing v. to select or formally choose someone for an official a numi, a nvesti ntr-o position funcie appoint a chief officer, a committee, a coordinator, a deputy director, an expert, an examiner, a manager, a management board appoint sb chairman, managing director appoint sb to a job, an office, a post, a higher position, a rank, an overseas unit appoint by agreement, consensus appoint for a fixed term

appoint formally, officially n. person who has been chosen for a particular job or persoan numit ntr-un position post V: appoint, choose, indicate, recruit, replace, release ~ V: ~ is entitled to, is responsible for, is subject to A:(non)career, continuing, fixed term, new, non-mobile, governmental, political, probationary, tenurable, (non)tenured ~ P:~ eligibility; ~ to an office/department

n. 1. arrangement to have a meeting at a particular 1. programare, time 2. a job or position, usu. one involving some planificarea unei ntlniri 2. numire ntr-un post responsibility 1. (meeting) V: accept, agree on, announce, arrange, be available for, call for, cancel, change, confirm, have, hold, fix, keep, make, miss, obtain, put off, receive, (re)schedule, set (up) ~ A: alternative, business, convenient, exact, interview, last-minute, lunch, upcoming ~ P: ~ book, calendar, date; by, without ~ 2. (selection for a position) V: accept, acknowledge, announce, apply for, avoid, congratulate on, consider, extend, hold, obstruct, obtain, offer, oppose, prevent, process, propose, ratify, receive, reject, renew, resign from, take up an, terminate ~ V: ~ carries a(n) annual/commencing) salary A: available, controversial, first/last, fixed-term, formal, good, honorary, ill-fated, impending, initial, joint, limited, long/short-term, new, paid, permanent, public, recent, (non)renewable, secure, successful, temporary, term, vacant, (in)valid ~ P: ~ end date, period, salary;~ with tenure; ~ for life; ~ on a trial basis; ~ to top positions; letter, period, power, renewal of ~

n. newspaper page listing jobs or positions available V: examine, find on, print, read, turn ~ V: ~ appears, shows A: online ~ P: ~ content, header, layout; ~ of a newspaper

pagin de ziar cu oferte de serviciu

n. 1. a judgment or opinion of something or somebody 2. the evaluation of an employees performance over a period of time, often in the form of a formal interview

1. evaluare, opinie 2. evaluarea activitii depuse de angajai, de obicei n cadrul unui interviu

1. (evaluation) V: carry out, conduct, establish by, give, (over)inflate, make, perform ~ V: ~ comes in too high/low, is under way A: accurate, appropriate, candid, career, case, complex, constructive, cool, cost, critical, cynical, definite, detailed, (non)discriminatory, economic, environmental, familiar, financial, frank, fresh, generous, high, historical, home, honest, independent, individual, inflated, investment, low, mutual, objective, positive, predatory, pricing, project, property, public debt, qualitative, quantitative, quick, real estate, realistic, records, sensitive, stock, supplier, teacher, team, thorough ~

P: ~ approach, expenditures, fee, fraud, process, requirement, services, standard, system, technique, term, value; ~ of cost, debt relief, due diligence, ideas, securities, work 2. (staff evaluation) V: complete, conduct, give, make ~ A: annual, performance, periodical, staff, team ~ P: ~ meeting, interview, session, system; methods, period, principles, programme of ~

n. 1. a favourable opinion of sth 2. an increase in the value of an asset or currency in comparison with other currencies

1. apreciere, opinie favorabil 2. cretere a valorii, apreciere

1. (positive opinion) V: accept sth with, acknowledge, build, demonstrate, earn, enhance, express, extend, foster, gain, have ~ of, increase, mar, note with, receive, require, roar in, share, show, widen, win ~ A: deep, excessive, exaggerated, fine, frank, full, general, genuine, great, heartfelt, honest, little, perfect, public, real, renewed, scientific, sincere, spontaneous ~ P: ~ award, dinner; expression, gesture, lack, letter, note, sentiment, token, tribute, word(s) of ~ 2. (growth in value) V: calculate ~ A: annual, anticipated, capital, currency, excess, market, net, price,( un)realized ~ P: ~ in excess; ~ of assets, currency, prices, real estate, stocks, value; rate of ~ n. specific way of thinking or dealing with a problem; abordare, metod de the method used in doing or solving sth lucru V: achieve, adopt, apply, articulate, attempt, change, characterise, choose, cling to, come to a head with, consider, decide on, employ, endorse, envisage, explain, expound, favour, follow, have, illustrate, make, misjudge, modify, object to, pursue, recognise, reject, resist, settle for, show, suggest, take, try, uphold, urge, use, welcome ~ V: ~ appears as, defines, grows in popularity, has scope for improvement, implies, involves, is consonant/in keeping with, pays off A: aggressive, ambitious, analytic, balanced, basic, best, bold, bottom-up, broad, broadranging, can-do, careful, careless, causal, cautious, cerebral, clear, clear-headed, coherent, commendable, concerted, conciliatory, (in)consistent, (un)constructive, (un)conventional, cool, co-ordinated, corporate, crude, data collection, departmental, determined, (in)direct, disciplined, dispassionate, doctrinaire, eclectic, economic, effective, elastic, empirical, energetic, enthusiastic, entrepreneurial, ethical, favoured, firm, flexible, fresh, (un)friendly, global, grass-roots, hands-on/off, hard-line, helpful, holistic, hostile, humane, (un)imaginative, individualistic, innovative, logical, low-key, mature, measured, methodological, neutral, novel, obvious, original, overall, personal, personalised, positive, pragmatic, professional, rationalist, realistic, (un)reasonable, refreshing, relaxed, reliability, resolute, responsible, revolutionary, rigid, rigorous, scholarly, scientific, sensitive, soft, statistical, subtle, synthetic, systematic, tentative, timid, top-down, traditional, ultimate, unique, (un)usual, useful, useless, versatile, vigorous, worthwhile ~ P: acknowledgement, embodiment, lightness, wisdom, of ~; amateurism, commitment, divergence, error, wariness in ~

n. acceptance of sth acceptare, acord V: achieve, apply for, appreciate, ask for, await, check for, confirm, deny, earn, expect, express, gain, get, give, grant, have, look for, meet with, need, nod, obtain, present sth for, recommend, receive, refuse, request, require, resist, roar, secure, seek, serve as, signify, show, solicit, speed up, submit for, voice, win, withhold ~ A: authorised, bank, board, commercial, conditional, corporate, credit, definite, early, employee, final, financial, firm, formal, friendly, full, general, government, grudging, hesitant, immediate, instant, initial, legislative, managerial, ministerial, official, overwhelming, parental, popular, preliminary, presidential, prior, prompt, provisional, public, qualified, quality, regulatory, reluctant, social, speedy, tacit, tentative, shareholder, universal, unanimous, universal, verbal, wholehearted, written ~ P: ~ of debt cancellation, loan, particular measures; nod, renewal, roar, seal, signature, stamp of ~; goods on ~; petition for ~; ~ policy, process, rating, requirements, time; with/without sbs ~; subject to ~

n. natural ability or cleverness suited to a particular aptitudine, abilitate kind of work or activity V: assess, create, demonstrate, develop, display, encourage, establish, foster, have, inherit, lack, lose, measure, overlook, owe ~ to, possess, reveal, show ~ A: academic, accounting, amazing, brilliant, cognitive, conspicuous, decided, definite, distinct, educational, great, intrinsic, managerial, mental, modest, naked, natural, numerical, natural, occupational, outstanding, personal, pronounced, rare, real, remarkable, sales, social, special, strong, team leader, vocational ~ P: ~ level, survey, test; ~ for figures, foreign languages, leadership, work; on basis of ~

n. 1. an orderly setting out 2.pl. plans, measures 3. an agreement; a settlement of a dispute

1. aranjare, organizare 2. planuri, msuri 3. nelegere, acord, rezolvare a unei dispute

1. (display) V: adopt, alter, bring, establish, keep to, maintain, reverse, restore ~ A: beaming, bright, confusing, constant, ingenious, meticulous, neat, ordered, orderly, perfect, product, room, sample, seating, strict, striking, stunning, symmetrical ~ 2. (measures) V: alter, announce, arrive at, be in charge of, cancel, change, come to, comply with, conclude, conform to, coordinate, have, implement, inquire about, investigate, keep to, implement, look after, make, plan proceed with, propose, (re)schedule, reverse, review, settle, suggest ~s A: alternative, appropriate, business, careful, commercial, convenient, credit, definite, detailed, effective, export, final, firm, fixed, flexible, general, import, informal, licensing, necessary, payroll, preparatory, previous, purchasing, regular, royalty, satisfactory, severance, shipping, special, steady, systematic, trading, transportation, travel ~s P: details, flexibility of ~s 3. (agreement) V: abide by, agree to, approve of, break, cancel, change, come to, comply with, conclude, consider, discuss, enter into, formalise, get out of, have, implement, make, oppose, reach, respect, reverse, revoke, take advantage of, terminate, work out ~ V: ~ comes into effect, formalised a change, holds good, (no longer/still) holds, is in force meets with approval, was brought to an end, works satisfactorily

A: (dis)advantageous, agreeable, amicable, binding, bank, civic, compromise, convenient, current, exclusive, existing, expensive, financial, formal, friendly, mutual, permanent, private, satisfactory, special, standby, successful, suitable, tacit, temporary, tentative, unworkable ~ ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION n.pl. document recording the Statutul unei societi regulations and constitution of a company comerciale V: alter, amend, change, draw up, require ~ V: ~ act as, are legally binding, control, cover, deal with, establish, impose, lay down, provide, regulate, set aside/out, state, specify A: current, existing ~ a evalua, a estima, a msura assess aspects, chances, changes, competence, the condition of sth, contribution to sth, costs, damage, differences, effects, the effectiveness of sth, efficiency, the impact of sth, the importance of sth, income, insurance, loss, merits, needs, performance, property, quality, risks, the significance of sth, situation, usefulness, value, work, worth assess accurately, carefully, incorrectly, minutely, properly, thoroughly

v. to work out the amount, value or quality of sth

n. 1. an evaluation of the amount or quality, 1. evaluare calculation of the value of sth 2. calculation of the amount of 2. calcularea impozitului datorat statului tax that has to be paid 1. (evaluation) V: agree on, arrive at, carry out, give, make, offer, produce, put sth forward for, reach, revise, update ~ V: ~ has been made with regard to, is based on, takes into account that A: (in)accurate, adverse, continuous, balanced, broad, candid, careful, competitive, considered, continuous, (in)correct, critical, damage, direct, economic, educational, expert, external, (un)fair, false, (un)favourable, follow-up, formal, general, gloomy, hasty, health, honest, (in)formal, independent, internal, judicious, limited, medical, monthly, needs, objective, occupational competence, optimistic, overall, poor, quick, rapid, realistic, reasonable, regular, rigorous, social, subjective, succinct, true, upbeat, wise, wrong ~ P: ~ centre, comment, guidelines, experts, framework, method, objective, office, panel, process, schedule; ~ of business, damages, property; mode, stages of ~ 2. (taxation) V: agree on, carry out, give, make ~ V: ~ becomes due and payable A: (in)accurate, balanced, considered, (in)correct, (un)fair, false, judicious, income. revenue, personal, property, real estate, true, wrong ~ P: ~ committee, services

n. 1. sb or sth useful or valuable 2. pl. things owned by a person or business having a certain money value and that can be used to pay debts or produce goods 1. (resource)

1. resurs (uman sau material) 2. active

V: employ, enjoy, lose, make use of, take advantage of, waste ~

A: considerable, core, economic, invaluable, key, military, natural, national, political, precious, valuable ~ 2. (possessions) V: accumulate, acquire, build up, buy, convert, counterbalance, dispose of, draw on, exhaust, freeze, impound, invest in, own, pile up, possess, protect ~ (from), recover, release, remove, rent, seize, sell, sequester, shore up, squander, strip sb of, transfer, value ~s V: ~ are tied up (in), declined, depreciated, disappeared, dwindled, grew, shrank A: active, available, bad, capital, (non)cash, circulating, considerable, contingent, convertible, corporate, current, deferred, doubtful, extensive, fictitious, (non)financial, fixed, floating, frozen, gross, hidden, invisible, (il)liquid, long-term, movable, net, nominal, non-yielding, operating, permanent, productive, (un)profitable, property, quick, real, realisable, (un)renewable, reserve, slow, solid, specific, (in)tangible, total, unrealised, valuable, wasting ~s P: ~ -stripping; acquisition, disclosure, disposal, exchange, investment, purchase, record, sale, transfer of ~s; return on ~s

n. buying an unsuccessful company and selling some or all of its assets individually at a profit

vnzarea fracionat a activelor unei companii nerentabile

V: accuse sb of, avoid, be involved in, give rise to, prevent, safeguard against, stop ~ A: alleged, blatant, downright, recent, scandalous ~ P: ~ fraud, opportunity, price, tactics, threat

v. 1. to share out task or duty 2. to choose someone for a certain job or position

1. (give sb task) assign a duty, identity, a job, obligations, responsibility, right, risk, a score, a task, work to sb assign items of revenue and expense to specific accounting periods 2. (appoint) assign sb to a duty, a job, a position n. a specific duty given to a person or group of sarcin de serviciu, persons to carry out nsrcinare, atribuie V: abandon, accept, allocate, assume, be away on, be considered for, carry out, complete, do, fill, fulfil, give sb, handle, move on to, put enthusiasm into, send sb on, take (up), undertake, work on ~ A: crucial, dangerous, dramatic, government, hazardous, important, job, official, onerous, project, secret, special, specialised, team, tough, undercover, urgent, worthy ~

1. a trasa cuiva o sarcin 2. a desemna pe cineva ntr-o funcie

n. the act of assisting or the help given to another ajutor, asisten V: accord, appreciate, arrange for, ask for, back sb with all, be of (further), benefit from, call for, count on, deny, extend ~ to sb, get, give (every), grant, invite, lend, need, offer, prohibit, provide, qualify for, receive, refuse, reject, rely on, render, request, require, seek, solicit, summon, supply, thank for ~ V: ~ was forthcoming

A: additional, cash, considerable, continued, covert, development, (in)direct, economic, employee, family, favourable, financial, formal, generous, government, great, humanitarian, immediate, immense, judicial, kind, limited, little, material, mutual, prompt, public, ready, regional, research, secretarial, specialist, supplementary, swift, tangible, technical, tremendous, valuable, vital, useful, welcome, wholehearted ~ P: ~ in kind; ~ grant, package, programme, supplementation; offers of ~ n. 1. a group of people, departments or institutions joined together for a purpose 2. fellowship, human contact or cooperation 1. (organisation)

1. asociaie, organizaie 2. asociere

V: belong to, chair, establish, form, found, join, resign from, run, set up, support ~ V: ~ consists of, reports, sponsors, works towards A: architectural, auditing, bar, central, educational, employee, employers, development, formal, housing, medical, national, neighbours, parents, political, press, professional, purchasing, regional, registered, staff, student, trade, umbrella, wholesale ~ P: ~ agreement, aims, chairman, conference, director, headquarters, member, membership, number, representative, secretary, treaty; articles, chairman, contract, deed, freedom of ~; ~ of banks, hotels, individuals, shareholders 2. (cooperation) V: be in close ~ with, begin, break off, continue, disrupt, encourage, enjoy, enter into, establish ~ with, exploit, forge, form, give up, have, inspire, renew, sever, terminate ~ A: beneficial, brief, clandestine, close, continued, disgraceful, free, friendly, fruitful, harmful, harmless, intimate, long, loose, permanent, pleasant, proper, rewarding, useful ~ P: freedom of ~ n. 1. a declaration that is intended to make sth certain 1. asigurare, ncredinare and thus overcome doubt 2. a solemn promise or guarantee 3. 2. garanie (a calitii) 3. asigurare de via insurance, esp. life insurance3 1. (assertion, guarantee) V: ask for, deliver, demand, expect, extract, exude, gain, give, have, obtain, offer, provide, receive, search, seek, want ~ A: absolute, categorical, definite, empty, firm, formal, official, personal, positive, real, repeated, self-contained, solemn, swaggering, welcome ~ P: ~ of confidentiality; ground of ~ 2. (guarantee) V: develop, guarantee quality ~ P: quality ~ department, system 3.( insurance) P: life ~ company, policy, scheme

n. 1. the act or an instance of attacking; an assault 2. an expression of strong criticism; hostile comment

1. atac, asalt, ofensiv 2. atac verbal

3 assurance n. the term generally used by insurance companies to denote policies where a sum is payable after a fixed number of years or on the death of the insured person. The term insurance is used in policies relating to events such as fire, accident or death within a limited period. In popular usage, the term insurance is used in both cases.

1. (assault) V: be immune/subject/vulnerable to, be ripe for, beat back, blunt, call off, carry out, come under, condone, deter, direct, drive home, engage in, evade, fend off, head off, initiate, instigate, intensify, intercept, launch, lead, make, mount, press home, provoke, renew, repel, repulse, resist, scale down, spearhead, step up, suffer, sustain, thwart, ward off ~ V: ~ escalated, failed, fizzled out, gathered momentum, got into its stride, petered out, reached a new pitch, succeeded A: abortive, all-out, alleged, appalling, arson, audacious, barbaric, blistering, bold, bomb, brutal, bungled, callous, concentrated, concerted, courageous, cowardly, cruel, dangerous, daring, devastating, direct, diversionary, ferocious, fierce, final, frenzied, fresh, frontal, full-scale, furious, imminent, impending, impetuous, latest, major, massive, mistimed, savage, subsequent, sudden, surprise, sustained, terrorist, treacherous, unexpected, unjustified, unprovoked, vicious, vigorous, violent ~ P: series, spate, wave of ~s; brunt, ferocity, intensity, resumption, savagery, suddenness, thrust, victim of ~; vulnerable to ~; in fear of ~ 2. (hostile comment) V: deliver, launch, make ~ A: biting, bitter, crude, distasteful, exaggerated, extensive, feeble, forceful, forthright, impassioned, initial, outspoken, passionate, personal, populist, scathing, scurrilous, strong, sustained, unwarranted, vehement, venomous, virulent, withering ~ n. a sale of goods or property at which intending buyers licitaie, vnzare bid against one another for individual items, each item being sold to the bidder offering the highest price V: acquire at, announce, attend, be on sale at, be up for, bid at, buy at/in, call, come up for, conduct, gather at, get involved in, go to, hold, organise, pick up some bargains at, purchase by, put up for, schedule, sell at/by/in, spend (money) at, withdraw from ~ V: ~ opened with, took place, was oversubscribed, will see the sale of A: annual, antique, bankruptcy, car, charity, closing, compulsory, Dutch, English, first/second-price, franchise, impromptu, midday, mock, on-line, opening, procurement, public, reverse, silent, successful, Treasury ~ P: ~ algorithm, bidder, block, bridge, catalogue, company, day, fees, gallery, goer, group, house, market, price, proceeds, pitch, record, results, room, sale

n. a group of people gathered in one place to watch or public, audien listen to a play, film, sb speaking, etc., or the people watching or listening to a particular TV or radio programme V: address, appeal to, astonish, attract, bring home to, build up, captivate, capture, caution, communicate to, convey to, deliver message to, disappoint, discover, draw, electrify, enchant, entertain, enthral, establish, face, grip, handle, hold, hold ~ captive, hook, impress, keep, keep the ~ on its toes, keep the ~ rapt, look at, move, mystify, pander to, please, reach, read before/to, retain, rivet, rouse, shock, speak to, stir, struggle for, survey, sway, target, warn ~ V: ~ applauded, booed, heckled, is prone/resistant to, jeered, walked out, whistled A: advertising, alert, applause-prone, appreciative, attentive, average, broad, captive, critical, demanding, discerning, dwindling, eager, earnest, enthusiastic, exclusive, impressive, large, mass, mixed, nation/wide, packed, peak, potential, prime-time, prone, radio, rapt, receptive, remaining, (un)responsive, select, sizeable, sparse, spellbound, student, (un)sympathetic, target, television, upscale, vast, viewing ~

P: ~ analysis, composition, number, participation, profile, rating, reaction, response, size, turnover; out of the view of the ~; responsibility towards ~; growth in ~ n. a detailed inspection of the accounts of an organisation audit, revizie/ verificare by a professionally trained person contabil V: add value to, be certified for, carry out, complete, conduct, go over, make, manage, participate in, perform, undertake ~ V: ~ ascertains, can be extended to, disclosed, evaluates, reveals A: annual, complete, external, governmental, internal, management, procedural, resource, routine, traditional ~ P: ~ certificate, commission, committee, costs, cycle, documentation, evidence, firm, issue, log, partner, problem, procedure, register, regulation, report, risk, scheme, strategy, supervisor, survey, system, team, tool, trail

v. to examine the accounts of an organisation

a efectua un audit financiar-contabil /o revizie contabil

audit accounts, invoices, figures, non-profit entities, outsourcers, organisations, profit n. qualified person to audit accounts or to conduct an auditor, inspector audit of a department or organisation financiar V: act as, appoint, be examined by, be inspected by, call in, claim against, exercise the profession of, select ~ V: ~ conducts a thorough and expeditious investigation, does not concur, finds, has full power to determine/examine, has access to, investigates, recommends A: agreeable, appointed, chief, district, excellent, external, independent, internal, nominated, qualified, practising, public, senior, statutory, trained ~ P: ~'s input, recommendation, responsibility, report, role

n. 1. the right to enforce obedience or give orders 2. a person cited or recognised as an expert 3. power given to sb to act 4. pl. a government or other body that has the power to make and carry out regulations

1. (power) V: abuse, accept, acknowledge, (re)assert, assume, attack, be in, bolster, boost, challenge, consolidate, defy, delegate, deny, diminish, divest sb of, enforce, enhance, establish, evade, exercise, exert, have, impair, imperil, impose, invoke, lack, maintain, (dis)obey, oppose, overstep ones, overthrow, protest against, question, recognise, resist, respect, restore, retain, share, subvert, support, transfer, undercut, undermine, uphold, use, usurp, weaken ~ V: ~ extends over, is vested in sb, is at stake A: administrative, absolute, civil, clear, competent, discretionary, enforcement, established, executive, express, full, government, high(er), imperial, individual, inspection, investigating, issuing, joint, legal, moral, municipal, necessary, official, regional, regulatory, royal, superior, supervisory, supreme, surveillance, ultimate ~ P: absence, abuse, figures, limits, position, scope of ~ 2. (expert) V: appeal to, consult, quote, recognise sb as an ~

1. putere, autoritate 2. expert, autoritate n domeniu 3. mputernicire 4. autoriti (guvernamentale sau locale)

A: best, distinguished, eminent, (world-)famous, foremost, great, leading, managerial, noted, principal, renowned, sole, statutory, world-wide ~ 3. (authorisation) V: claim, countermand, continue, get, give, grant, make use of, obtain, receive, recognise, take away ~ A: full, written ~ P: ~ record; ~ to accept, act, buy, collect, confirm, conclude, decide, dispose, draw, export/import, negotiate, pay, sign 4. (administrative body) V: anger, apply to, defy, inform, (dis)obey, rebel against ~ies A: appropriate, central, competent, export, health, housing, immigration, local, military, monetary, police, proper, public, responsible ~ies

n. the degree to which a consumer knows of the existence of a product

gradul de sensibilizare a consumatorului vizavi de un produs de pe pia

V: arouse, create, develop, diminish, elevate, have, heighten, increase, lose, maintain, measure, raise, sharpen, show, strengthen, sustain ~ V: ~ continues to remain low, needs to be continuously reinforced A: advertising, brand, commercial, consumer, consumer rights, constant, continual, critical, deep, full, growing, information, keen, needs, price, product, public, strong, vivid ~ P: ~ seminar, training; lack, level of ~

Collocation practice
I. Fill-in-the blanks:
1. Read the collocations for the headword BRAND. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the right collocation. The abbreviations between brackets point to the grammatical category to be used: V = verb that comes before the noun V ~ = verb that comes after the noun A = adjective P = phrase e.g.: The specialists have tested the ______ (A) brand. The specialists have tested the new brand.

1. This is a ______-______ (A) brand on the German market. 2. They cultivated the brand ______ (P) and as a result sales boosted. 3. We want to know how to ______ (V) a brand in less time and with less money by using storytelling techniques. 4. In todays highly competitive environments, improving consumers brand ______ (P) allows marketers to maintain a lasting position in the marketplace. 5. Louis Vuitton postponed the launch of its ______ (A) brand.


Read the collocations for the headword CURRENCY. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the right collocation. The abbreviations between brackets point to the grammatical category to be used: V = verb that comes before the noun V ~ = verb that comes after the noun A = adjective P = phrase e.g.: The euro is the ________ (A) currency shared by most of the EU member states. The euro is the single currency shared by most of the EU member states.

1) Banks should _________ (V) currency at a fixed parity to the dollar. 2) Romania will replace the ________ (A) currency with the euro in 2012. 3) The euro is considered to be a ________ (A) currency with low inflation and low interest rates. 4) The US currency ________ (V~) today due to the present uncertainty about the direction of the world economy. 5) We want to find ways to stabilise Europes currency ________ (P).

3. Read the collocations for the headword INVESTMENT. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the right collocation. The abbreviations between brackets point to the grammatical category to be used: A = adjective V = verb that comes before the noun V ~ = verb that comes after the noun P = phrase e.g.: Home Buying is a _______, _________ (A) investment. Home Buying is a sound, long-term investment.

1) These are all part of our recent investment __________ (P). 2) They decided to cut interest rates in order to ________ (V) investment. 3) Putting your money into real estate is a _______ (A) investment nowadays. 4) Their large-scale investment ______ (V~) of 30%. 5) After considering all the legal aspects, he decided not to _______ (V) the investment. 4. Read the collocations below for the headword INSURANCE. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the right collocation. The abbreviations between brackets point to the grammatical category to be used: V = verb that comes before the noun V ~ = verb that comes after the noun A = adjective P = phrase e.g.: Is swine flue ______(V) by travel insurance? Is swine flu covered by travel insurance?

1. It is important that you (V) your insurance when it expires. 2. The task of insurance (P) is to keep up with customers and court new ones. 3. The medical (A) insurance market has changed since the 1990s. 4. Insurance (~V) to all needs. 5. Floods in Romania have led to compulsory insurance. 5. Read the collocations below for the headword FREIGHT. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the right collocation. The abbreviations between brackets point to the grammatical category to be used: V = verb that comes before the noun V ~ = verb that comes after the noun A = adjective P = phrase e.g.: The Scottish storage firm receives five trains daily carrying over 1500 ______ (P) of freight. The Scottish storage firm receives five trains daily carrying over 1500 tons of freight.

1. The company _____ (V) freight on the railway. 2. Freight ___ (P) ran until 1999. 3. They had to pay extra charges for the _____ (A) freight. 4. Freight charges both in ocean and air transport may be _____ (V) in the currency of the country of export. 5. All freight ______ (V~) onto trucks. 6. Match the words in the two columns to form suitable collocations: spring deliver invite nurture set receive rub to up question advice speech shoulders mind firm ability with sb


Now fill in the gaps in the following text with the collocations you found above:

AMONG the thousands of business schools now operating around the world you would be hard-pressed to find one that doesnt believe it can teach the skills of entrepreneurship. However, of the people who immediately ____________ ___ ________ 1. when one thinks of entrepreneursBill Gates, Richard Branson or Oprah Winfrey, for examplefew have done more than ____________ ___________ 2. at a business school. Indeed, a recent study by Kings College in London has suggested what many intuitively suspect: that entrepreneurship may actually be in the bloodmore to do with genes than classroom experience. All of which ___________ ___________ 3. does an entrepreneur really need a business-school education? Not surprisingly some of the best-known schools in the field have a ready answer to this: they dont actually profess to create entrepreneurs, rather they ___________ innate _________ 4. Or as Timothy Faley of the entrepreneurial institute at Michigans Ross School of Business puts it: A good idea is not enough. You need to know how to transform a good idea into a good business. Schools do this in a number of ways. One is to ensure that faculty are a mix of classic academics and businesspeople with experience of ____________ their own successful __________ 5. They can also create incubators where students nurture ideas and __________ ______________ on a day-to-day basis ________ 6. the external business world, __________ both _________7. and hard cash in the form of investment.


Match the words in the two columns to form suitable collocations:

ad advertising campaign car and truck election grassroots media national social television ad advertising analyst campaign commercial group industry media spending strategist

fall inspire

debate by 6.3%


Now fill in the gaps in the following text with the collocations you found above:

At the annual gathering of the 1. ______________ ______________ in Cannes at the end of June, all the talk was of the accelerating shift away from established 2. ______________ ______________, especially the 30-second commercial, towards newfangled social media. The winner of the coveted Titanium prize was Barack Obamas 3. ____________ ___________, which was a combination of lousy advertising, but great marketing, says Marian Salzman of Porter Novelli, a unit of Omnicom, another huge 4. _____________ ___________. This 5. __________ much ___________ about how to turn every customer into an evangelist, and how to drive 6. ____________ ___________ using Facebook and Twitter. A forthcoming book by Mr Obamas chief 7. ____________ _____________, David Plouffe, seems destined to become the ad industrys new bible. Not everyone is convinced that a revolution is under way. John Deighton of Harvard Business School claims that 8. ____________ __________were crucial to the Obama campaign only in the first half of the primaries, because using them is well suited to insurgency. After that, he says, the campaign reverted to a fairly standard effort dominated by 9. __________ ________. Indeed, Mr Deighton believes that the 10. ___________ ____________will remain the mainstay of the advertising industry for years to come. Magnas Mr Wieser seems to agree, noting that, contrary to reports of its demise, Americas viewing habit continues to grow, and 11. ___________ __________ on 12. __________ ___________ is likely to 13. __________ this year ________ only _______ a triumph, in the circumstances. Local television advertising in America has been hit much harder, owing to the car industrys woes, especially the bankruptcies of Chrysler and General Motors. Car dealerships, which are closing in large numbers, are big advertisers. But Benjamin Swinburne, a 14. _________ ________ at Morgan Stanley, is forecasting a surprisingly

strong 15. _________ __________, especially on television, because dealers spending on car and truck ads has fallen implausibly low: down by 65% in the first quarter of 2009 compared with the same period last year.

II. Correct the mistakes. Read the following text and identify the collocational errors which occur:
We can't really afford to ignore these results. The survey was one of the most extensive of its kind and covers a far-reaching range of corporations. We can see in this next slide the results from the American part of the survey. This survey was based on interviews carried out with senior managers in 200 corporations. You can see here ... 35%) of the group of managers classified as participative reached senior management positions. On the other hand, 74% of the more individualistic managers realised senior management status. So, I think the conclusion is self-evident. If you want to attain the top of American companies, you have a much better chance if you adopt a fairly autocratic, top-down approach. What is important here is not to dismiss the last ten years. Ten years, in which the value of participative management has been preached ... No, what we must do is to better understand the motivation of major management. If we look at this next slide, we can see the results from another survey into senior management attitudes. This shows how managers firstly evaluate the qualities of a good manager ... and secondly, how they evaluate the qualities of a good leader. What is quite flagrant is that managers are supposed to be sensitive, adaptable, and cooperative while leaders need to be decisive, dynamic, and single-minded. So, we find there is a massive contradiction. Good managers are supposed to be participative - to make sure they consult and discuss. Good leaders are supposed to be strong individuals - able to make decisions on their own.

III. Gapped sentences. Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all sentences.
1. She received a glowing ________ of her son's progress. I've never been there, but it's a beautiful place by all ___________s. The money will be credited to your _________ tomorrow. It is best to settle the ___________ each month. The _____________ of all this information leads me to offer the reward in the hope of finally lifting the lid on this sordid mystery. The Swiss have also had a much better savings record, because they have encouraged this ______________of private capital. The decision reached in 1938-39 was made after the ____________ of a large amount of data and thorough study thereof. The family is staying in temporary _________ until their house is rebuilt. Many old people choose to live in sheltered _____________. It is the duty of the local community to provide ____________ for the homeless.




You may be able to claim housing _____________. The government has cut unemployment _____________. He's on social security ____________. Local people started a petition and letter-writing _________ to keep the hospital open. She has fought a one-woman ___________ for ten years about the lack of childcare provision in the town. A ___________ of intimidation was waged against people trying to vote. At the moment it is difficult to assess the extent of the _________________. Serious _______________ control was needed after the information was leaked to the papers. The insurance policy covers the building for accidental ________________. The power plant will cause untold ______________ to the local environment. Savings are being planned as part of a huge _____________ drive. Should we be worried that a dollar crisis threatens the ___________________? It was impressive to see her ____________ of movement as she worked the machine. It has been a while since the ___________ experienced a deep economic downturn. You can't put a dollar _________ on the lives ruined by the hurricane. He was a familiar __________ in the town. The seated __________ in the corner beckoned me over. He cut a dashing __________ in his uniform. The country is experiencing a period of high _______________. The factory has achieved a steady ____________ in output. A good diet is vital for healthy _____________. Give the plants a good pruning to encourage _____________. The broader _____________ of the plan were discussed. The emphasis on testing leads to greater stress among students and carries ______________ of failure. Brian paused for a moment while he digested the ____________ of this statement. You need to consider the legal ____________ before you publish anything. He was sentenced to four years hard ____________ for his crime. By the end of the century the Roman Catholic Church was beginning to make itself felt, mainly through such institutions as hospitals but also through its attitude towards organized ____________. He was an industrialist who spoke out on working conditions, pioneering ideas about the division of ______________ and discipline in factories. We look forward to a long and successful ______________ with them. We are trying to develop a working __________ between local schools and industries. We are working in close _____________ with our Japanese clients.










Translation exercises
Match the words in the two columns to form suitable collocations:
bring about enforce issue mend upset renew run up against set up balance law lobby negotiations outbreak problem shortcoming warning

2. Now translate the following article into English, using some or all of the collocations you found above. You may want to change their form. Other combinations may be possible as well:

Negocieri pe srm
Ping-pong cu Romnia ntre Bucureti i Bruxelles
Avertismentele lansate de oficialii europeni au pus degetul pe ran. Haosul din justiie, drepturile omului, libertatea de exprimare se afl n topul problemelor semnalate. Totui, tentativa de suspendare a negocierilor are o miz politic.

Un exemplu: dac mecanismul de aplicare a legilor nu funcioneaz, cum vom putea aplica legislaia european? ,,Aadar, s se suspende negocierile, s se rezolve problema. Apoi se pot relua", cam aa suna mesajul de luni al Emmei Nicholson. Ce-i corect e corect. Nu putem intra in UE cu aceast lacun nerezolvat. La ea se adaug drepturile omului, corupia, libertatea de exprimare, n topul problemelor semnalate. Acestea exist de cnd e democraia n Romnia. Neregulile n adopiile internaionale au fost cireaa de pe tort. Aflm ns c nu numai aceste probleme au zgndrit declanarea scandalului. Emma Nicholson a recunoscut c unii parlamentari europeni au fcut lobby pentru adopii internaionale. Mircea Geoan suspecteaz o atmosfer tensionat n Parlamentul European, dat de apropierea alegerilor. Analitii economici vd c oamenii de afaceri europeni nu sunt foarte ncntai de extindere. i, nu n ultimul rnd, campania electoral a nceput prea devreme n Romnia. Iat numai cteva dintre posibilele ,,greuti" care nclin ntr-o parte sau alta negocierile cu UE, care i aa mergeau mai mult pe srm. (Capital, No. 7/12 February, 2004, p. 3)


Match the words in the two columns to form suitable collocations:

antiquated economic gilt-edged long-term real substantial terrorist visible attacks estate gains jewellery players recession results securities

bank consultancy diamonds investments price

firms dealer account stagnations instruments

life assurance stock exchange

dealings policy

4. Now translate the following article into English, using some or all of the collocations you found above. You may want to change their form. Other combinations may be possible as well:

Plasamente sigure pentru investitori

Dup aur i obiecte de art, imobiliarele i diamantele atrag noi investitori
Investitorii preocupai de un ctig substanial au nceput n ultimii doi ani s fac afaceri cu terenuri i apartamente. Cei de curs lung aleg n continuare plasamentele n aur, art i, mai nou, diamante. GABRIELA INTEANU MOLDOVEANU Contul n banc ofer o protecie. Asigurarea de via i asigur viitorul. Tranzaciile la burs ofer ctiguri superioare la nivelul unui an. Febra investiiilor n case i terenuri a nceput n urm cu doi ani i deja rezultatele se vd. Numai n 2004 preul caselor a crescut cu 20%. Cei care au achiziionat imobile n 2002 au ctigat dublul sumei investite n nici doi ani. Si totui, exist i alte piee de investiii care dau semne c vor s se dezvolte. Piaa bijuteriilor din aur este n cretere de la an la an. Atentatele din septembrie 2001 din SUA au adus o cretere important a preului aurului pe bursele internaionale. Rzboiul din Irak a condiionat o nou maxim a cotaiilor aurului pe pieele internaionale. Tablourile de art din Romnia nu se mai vnd acum la licitaii sub preul de zece mii de euro, chiar dac n cei aproape 13 ani de existen, piaa obiectelor de art a cunoscut uneori chiar regresii ale valorii acestor tipuri de investiii. ,,Car cu boi" al lui Nicolae Grigorescu s-a vndut i n

2004 cu 35.585 de dolari, n condiiile n care n 2003 era trecut la cele mai scumpe tablouri vndute cu numai o jumtate de miliard. La ora actual, piaa obiectelor de art s-a stabilizat, chiar dac romnii prefer, n continuare, s cumpere doar bijuterii vechi i tablouri. Tot anul trecut pe piaa romneasc a intrat primul comerciant de diamante, ca instrument de investiie, nu ca piatr preioas, Diamond Investment, care susine c piaa diamantelor n Romnia a crescut cu 30%. Toate aceste investiii au n comun refugiul investitorilor ntr-un plasament stabil, ferit de recesiunile economice sau intemperiile istoriei. Investiiile imobiliare (terenuri, case sau alte construcii), precum i o serie de alte plasamente n obiecte de art, antichiti, obiecte din metale preioase sunt realizate, de regul, pe termen lung i presupun sume nsemnate de bani. ntruct nu exist nc piee organizate i reglementate pentru aceste investiii, tranzaciile realizndu-se n mod direct intre persoanele interesate, valoarea acestor investiii poate fluctua n timp, iar cea mai bun protecie este informaia. Firmele de consultan i analitii financiari pot oferi informaii legate de evoluia preurilor pe perioade mai lungi, pot explica o serie din caracteristicile specifice fiecrei investiii n parte i pot contribui substanial n luarea unor decizii corecte. Pe termen lung, preurile proprietilor i ale obiectelor de art nregistreaz creteri, chiar dac momentan situaia economic a Romniei din prezent mai poate determina stagnri ale preurilor unora dintre aceste investiii. (Capital, No. 40/30 September 2004, p. 41) 5. Match the words in the two columns to form suitable collocations:
sole payroll legal negligible number statuses traders costs

hold take advance withstand file issue

reason crisis


position employment record card statement bankruptcy petition

work set

for on under up within

a salary of employment contract desired parameters a company enterprise

4. Now translate the following article into English, using the some or all of the collocations you found above. You may want to change their form. Other combinations may be possible as well:

Angajaii fac coad la Registrul Comerului s se fac antreprenori

VIORICA ANA CHIU Tot mai multe firme tind s devin un fel de clustere alctuite din firme mai mici, persoane fizice autorizate etc. Motivul? ncercarea disperat de a reduce costurile salariale, care atrn cel mai greu n bugetele de criz ale firmelor. Sunt economist, dar ocup un post de consilier de vnzri la un dealer de maini. Patronul ne oblig s ne facem persoane fizice autorizate. Sunt agent de vnzri de cinci ani, iar acum firma la care lucrez mi cere s m fac PFA. Firma m oblig s devin PFA cu un salariu de 1.200 lei. Lucrez la o firm de consultan i publicitate. Au trecut deja dou luni de cnd m-am angajat, iar eful meu nu vrea s-mi fac carte de munc, pentru c dorete ca toi angajaii s-i fac PFA. Toate declaraiile de mai sus sunt culese de la persoanele venite s se nregistreze ca persoane fizice autorizate (PFA), la Oficiul Registrului Comerului (ORC) de pe lng Tribunalul Bucureti. Situaia este similar n toat ara. Directorul ORC Bucureti, Liviu Chiric, ne spune c numrul solicitrilor s-a dublat fa de luna trecut. De la 50 de nregistrri pe zi, acum avem peste o sut. Majoritatea solicit nmatriculri pentru PFA, dei procedurile i costurile sunt similare i pentru celelalte forme: ntreprinderi individuale sau familiale. Nu sunt necesare explicaii. Motivele invocate de solicitanii intervievai la ghieele de la parterul ORC sunt edificatoare. Muli sunt obligai de patroni s se fac PFA dac vor s-i continue activitatea la ntreprinderea unde, pn acum, au lucrat pe contract de munc. Din valul nou-veniilor la ORC n aceast lun, puini sunt cei care vor ntr-adevr s-i iniieze o afacere simpl, pe cont propriu. De aceea nu opteaz dect un numr nesemnificativ de oameni pentru ntreprinderea individual sau familial, care le permite s angajeze cu contract de munc tere persoane, respectiv membri din familie. Multe nregistrri se fac acum on-line. Exist avocai care lucreaz pentru firme de IT care au cte 200-300 de programatori. Acetia trimit online documentele pentru nmatricularea programatorilor ca PFA. Dar nu numai. La acest sistem de colaborare recurg acum i alte firme. Recent, a venit o companie din domeniul serviciilor de paz i securitate, care are 500 de angajai, pentru a le face nmatriculare ca PFA. Management n deriv, angajai sacrificai Managementul companiilor nu mai are niciun control asupra zilei de mine i apeleaz la formule contractuale de lucru atipice, pentru a putea supravieui actualei crize. Adrian Stanciu, managing partner Human Sinergystics, spune c ne confruntm cu o criz sistemic, imprevizibil prin natura ei: Nimeni nu mai poate vedea ce se ntmpl n viitor. Sistemul financiar i economic a devenit att de fragil, nct a nceput s cad ca un castel din cri de joc n toat lumea, nu numai n Romnia. Din aceast cauz, angajatorii recurg la tot felul de forme alternative la contractul de munc, pentru a-i continua activitatea n parametrii dorii. (Capital, 4 Februarie 2009)

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