An Explaination of Gravity by Neil Howard

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For many years I have, with countless others looked up at the heavens and wondered what it is all about.

My personal view is that we are as small as bacteria against the backdrop of the universe, however, we have been privaleged to witness the wonders that exist over our heads. I have always had an interest in physics and astomony but my parents were not so fortuneate as to have the money to send me to a university or understand why I should follow Physics as a profession. My interest was heightened when I was introduced to the weak forces during my enginering studies. What force is it exactly that binds materials and us together, however, our lectureres could give no explaination for the forces. Then we have gravity and no one to this day can give a full explanation of gravity except to say it exists and the explaination of gravity is the holy grail of science. Sadly, most nights before I get to sleep, I ask my mind to consider the question of gravity. The question takes my mind of all the other dross of life and allows me to sleep. Sometimes, in the mornings, I wake up and think No result overnight, then? However, to day, I had a thought which triggered a way that I personaly could consider as a posible answer. As all of us have expereinced the effects of gravity and for those few who have been to the moon have experinced a weaker effect we must all ask what can exist to hold the earth revolving around the sun and the moon revolving around the earth and all the other giants in the sky following an orderly path orbiting around the sun. All this

motion being constrained without any visible means we can understand. Most of us as we grow up and grow old experience pressure, not a stress, but that which we use to blow up a balloon or blow up a car tyre. On occasions we experience the results of making an overpresure and the balloon, for example, blowing up in our face much to our surprise. As the ballon breaks apart the material is given a acceleration which sends it half way across the room We also talk to each other without really thinking about the mechanics of speech. In this case our thoughts being registered by a combination of the working of our lungs and our mouths giving a sound. That is we make the air vibrate, similar to hitting a drum. In essence we have caused a shock wave to travel through the air. What we are experiencing is a pressure differential, for example, a high pressure vis a vis a low pressure or a low pressure vis a vis a vacuum. My proposed explaination for gravity and the weak forces takes the position that the space in the Universe is not a true vacuum as we understand but is composed of matter, known today, as Dark Energy matter and maybe other matter. Currently, the best minds in the world are wrestling with the problem that, having concluded there is an energy imbalance, there must be Dark Energy to balance the books and that Dark Energy is in the space that is outside of the parameters of the bodies we can all relate to eg Earth Sun Moon and stars. If we assume that the earth and other planetary bodies have attributes that are unknown to science we can assume that the Earth and other plantary bodies are slowly absorbing Dark Energy.

What would be the result of a pool of water ( Dark Energy) and a pump ( the Earth) drawing on the pool of water. There would be a flow of water towards the pump. Now a speck of debris in the water at a great distance from the pump would eventually start to move towards the pump. Could we interpret the movement as gravity. We can on Earth as this is exactly what happens to water when pumped. What we are witnessing with the water flow is a differential pressure and is there anything we know to tell us the Dark Energy is not behaving the same in relation to our earth or any other celestrial body. In recent years we have begun to challege the theroy of relativity and in recent years we have witnessed massive black holes and pulsars. In much closer time we have observed the massive energy released from a pulsar in jets eminating on opposite sides of the sperical surface. Clearly, more questions to be asked. I have struggled in my mind for years to understand gravity as something which draws us to Earth. From today, I believe the mechanism involves something which carries us to earth, which is a very different way of seeing the effects of gravity.

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