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John P.Frush And Roland D.Fisher INTRODUCTION: Dentogenics is the art, practice and technique of creating the illution of natural teeth in artificial dentures and is based on the elementary factors of sex, personality and age. The dentogenic restonation is designed to enhance the naturalness of appearance in the indivisual for whom it is made by its complementary contribution to the beautify, chjarm, character, or dignity observed in a fully expressive simle or in earnest conversation. The dentogenic concept is an adventure in the realm of cosmetic art. There are two worlds: the world we can measure with line and rule, and the world that we feel with our hearts and imagination. The dentogenic concept, when applied, provides a more natural, harmonious prosthesis, which not only is desired by the patient, but also is the quality of care they deserve. The practical application of the dentogenic concept involves three separate educational phases. The first is the education of the dentist. Axiomatically, the dentist cannot achieve an accomplishment he does not understand any more than the student artist can be expected to produce a portrait comparable to that executed by a master painter. The second is the education of the dental laboratory technician. To many dentists, the laboratory technician is a very valuable assistant; together they form a working team. The third is the education of the patient. In the final analysis, the patient must be satisfied ; but without an understanding of the esthetic asset to himself, the patient cannot be expected to desire or even to be willing to submit to the innovations of dentogenics. Dentogenics can be considered as an esthetic option over the conventional denture appearance rather than a compulsion.This concept can be an ideal choice for single complete dentures. Dentogenics renders dentures with closest resemblance to the natural dentition for patients who do not want the typical denture appearance rather prefer one similar to their earlier profile or one mathing their age, gender and personality.

John P.Frush And Roland D.Fisher CONCLUSION: The dentogenic concept is an esthetic philosophy. Its purpose is to present knowledge whereby the prosthodontist may replace the lost dentition in such a manner as to effect an appearance which is complimentary to the sex, personality, and age of the patient. Other interests have seemingly occupied the attention of the profession, to the unfortunate exclusion of the esthetic or cosmetic phase. The result of this disinterest has been an impersonal, character-less, or mechanical arrangement of teeth. The dentogenic concept has been explained and demonstrated for the benefit of the dentist and the dental laboratory technician. The technician has been enlightened so that he can lend a helping hand to the dentist when needed. Both physical aids and knowledge have been placed in the hands of the dentist so that he may be able to guide the patient to look with the eye, and see with the mind, and thus believe in his dentists ability and understand his reasoning. Only in this manner can there be a welcome acceptance of the inspired efforts of the dentist, and the entire profession can be led to nobler heights in its service to mankind.

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