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The Rise of Modern Iran

By William P. Litynski
From the Grassy Knoll in Tehran, Persia:
Lone Gunman or Patsy?
The Assassination of Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar, Shah of Persia (May 1, 1896)
Im just a patsy!: Persian atsy! Mir"a #e"a Kermani assassinates $asser al%&in Shah 'a(ar (Shah $asser!), the Shah of
Persia, at the Shah%A)*ol%A"im Shrine in #ey, Persia (lo+ate* 6 miles so,th of Tehran) on Fri*ay, May 1, 1896-
$asser al%&in Shah 'a(ar (16 .,ly 18/1 0 1 May 1896), the Shah of Persia, 1as assassinate* )y Persian atsy! Mir"a #e"a
Kermani, a follo1er of .amal al%&in al%Af2hani, 1hen he 1as 3isitin2 an* rayin2 at the Shah%A)*ol%A"im Shrine in #ey,
Persia on May 1, 1896- $asser al%&in Shah 'a(ar *ie* imme*iately from 2,nshot 1o,n*s- $asser al%&in Shah 'a(ar 1as the
Shah of Persia from Setem)er 14, 1858 to May 1, 1896-
6n Th,rs*ay, the /7th of Aril, it 1as anno,n+e* that the Shah 1o,l* ay a 3isit to the shrine of Shah"a*e)%A)*,l%A"im,
sit,ate* a)o,t 6 miles so,th of Teheran, on the site of the an+ient +ity of #hey, or #ha2es- This re3io,s noti+e 2a3e the assassin
time to mat,re his lans- Fri*ay )ein2 the Mohamme*an *ay of rest, 2enerally lar2e n,m)ers a3ail themsel3es of the oort,nity
to ay their *e3otions at the tom) of the saint- 8t has al1ays )een +,stomary 1hen the Shah entere* the +o,rt of the shrine to t,rn
o,t the or*inary 3isitors an* ma9e it :,ite ri3ate- 6n this o++asion, ho1e3er, the Shah ref,se* his san+tion to this re+a,tion,
an* sai* he 1o,l* 2o in 1ith the eole, an* 2a3e or*ers to ha3e his rayer +aret ta9en into the inner san+t,ary +ontainin2 the
shrine- This 1as a)o,t mi**ay- 6n the Shah enterin2 the san+t,ary, a man stan*in2 )ehin* some 1omen (not *is2,ise*, as at
first reorte*) ,she* for1ar*, an*, ,n*er the retense of resentin2 a etition, fire* a re3ol3er at his heart- 6ne of his atten*ants
r,she* for1ar* an* too9 hol* of ;is Ma(esty, 1ho, after 1al9in2 a fe1 a+es, sat *o1n an* e<ire*- The )o*y 1as imme*iately
)ro,2ht )a+9 to Teheran an* an e<amination ma*e )y the Shah=s >,roean hysi+ian, assiste* )y &r- ?ishar* an* other
>,roean *o+tors, an* the +a,se of *eath )ein2 ro3e*, an e<lanatory +ertifi+ate 1as *ra1n , an* si2ne*-!
0 @etter of Mr- Ale<an*er M+&onal*, A-S- Minister to Persia (189/%1894), to Mr- 6lney, @e2ation of the Anite* States in
Tehran, Persia, May 5, 1896 ($o- B51, &i- Ser-)
(So,r+e: Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, with The Annual Message of the President transmitted to
Congress December , !"#$ and the Annual Report of the Secretar% of State (1894), - 589
Shah%A)*ol%A"im Shrine in #ey, 8ran, 1here $aser al%&in Shah 'a(ar 1as assassinate* )y a lone 2,nman!
The @yin2 in State of the )o*y of the late $aser al%&in Shah 'a(ar, Shah of Persia, in the Te99ieh &a1lat in May 1896
Mir"a #e"a Kermani, the lone 2,nman! 1ho assassinate* $asser al%&in Shah 'a(ar, is seen 1earin2 +hains in 1896- Kermani
1as e<e+,te* on A,2,st 17, 1896 after months of interro2ation- The assassination mar9e* a t,rnin2 oint in 8ranian
Constit,tional #e3ol,tion-
(Photo: htt:DD111-fo,man-+omDEDPi+t,reFGie1%'a(arF$asero**inFShahFAssassinFMir"aF#e"aFKermaniF1896-htm)
Mohamma* Ali Shah 'a(ar (+enter), Shah of 8ran (8 .an,ary 1974%16 .,ly 1979), 1ith his yo,n2 son Ahma* Shah 'a(ar an*
Gla*imir @ia9ho3 (stan*in2 )ehin* Ahma* Shah), the Comman*er of Persian Cossa+9 Hri2a*e an* Military Go3ernor of
Tehran- Mohamma* Ali Shah 'a(ar, 1ith the hel of Gla*imir @ia9ho3, shelle* the 8ranian Parliament an* e<e+,te* se3eral
+onstit,tionalist lea*ers-
(Photo: htt:DDfarsi"a)an-t,m)lr-+omDostDB8I/15857I5Dmohamma*%ali%shah%:a(ar%1ith%his%yo,n2%son%ahma*)
Assassination attemt on Mohamma* Ali Shah 'a(ar (184B%19BI), Shah of Persia, on Fe)r,ary B8, 1978- The Shah of Persia
es+ae* ,nharme*- (8ll,stration from Fren+h ne1saer @e Petit Parisien- Mar+h 1I, 1978)
Mohamma* Ali Shah 'a(ar ,nishes the Mayor of Tehran (shortly after a faile* Assassination Attemt a2ainst him) in a si2n of
an2er- (So,r+e: Fren+h &aily @e Petit .o,rnal, S,n*ay, Mar+h 1Ith, 1978)
Mohamma* Ali Shah 'a(ar 1as the Shah of Persia from .an,ary 8, 1974 to .,ly 16, 1979- ;e 1as a2ainst the +onstit,tion that 1as
ratifie* *,rin2 the rei2n of his father, Mo""afar%al%&in Shah- 8n 1974 Mohamma* Ali *issol3e* Ma(les (8ranian arliamentD$ational
assem)ly) an* *e+lare* the Constit,tion a)olishe* )e+a,se it 1as +ontrary to 8slami+ la1- ;e )om)ar*e* the Ma(les 1ith the military
an* oliti+al s,ort of #,ssia an* Hritain-J;o1e3er, he a)*i+ate* follo1in2 a ne1 Constit,tional #e3ol,tion an* he 1as remem)ere*
as a sym)ol of *i+tatorshi- ;e fle* to 6*essa, #,ssia- Mohamma* Ali lotte* his ret,rn to o1er from 6*essa- 8n 1911 he lan*e* at
Astara)a*, 8ran, ),t his for+es 1ere *efeate*- Mohamma* Ali Shah fle* to Constantinole an* *ie* in San #emo, 8taly on Aril I,
19BI (),r- Shrine of 8mam ;,sain, Kar)ala, 8ra:)- ;is son an* s,++essor, Ahma* Shah 'a(ar 1as the last r,ler in the 'a(ar *ynasty-
he !all o" the Qajar Dynasty an# the $ise o" the Pahla%i Dynasty

@eft: Ahma* Shah 'K(Kr (B1 .an,ary 1898 0 B1 Fe)r,ary 19/7) 1as Shah of Persia from .,ly 16, 1979 to 6+to)er /1, 19BI-
Ahma* Shah 'a(ar 1as re*,+e* to a fi2,rehea* in a military +o, on Fe)r,ary B1, 19B1 )y his Minister of ?ar an* Comman*er
of the Cossa+9 Garrison Colonel #e"a Khan (later #e"a JKhanL Shah Pahla3i on 1ent into e<ile in 19B/-
#i2ht: #e"a JKhanL Shah Pahla3i (Mar+h 1I, 1848 0 .,ly B6, 1955), the Shah of Persia, 2o3erns from the Pea+o+9 Throne in
Tehran in 19B8- #e"a JKhanL Shah Pahla3i 2o3erne* Persia (rename* 8ran in 19/I) as the Shah from &e+em)er 1I, 19BI ,ntil
Setem)er 16, 1951, 1hen the Hritish army *eose* him an* e<ile* him to So,th Afri+a- #e"a JKhanL Shah Pahla3i ser3e* as
Prime Minister of 8ran from 6+to)er B8, 19B/ to $o3em)er 1, 19BI- #e"a JKhanL Shah Pahla3i, the ro%$a"i Shah of the
8merial State of 8ran (19BI%1951) an* an a*mirer of A*olf ;itler, +han2e* the name of his +o,ntry from Persia to 8ran, a Farsi
1or* for Aryan!, in 19/I- #e"a Shah Pahla3i li3e* in e<ile in .ohannes),r2, So,th Afri+a, 1here he *ie* on .,ly B6, 1955-
$e&a Shah Pahla%i #e'lare# Iran a neutral nation at the (e)innin) o" *orl# *ar II+
Ceremonies in connection with the coronation of Reza Khan as monarch of Persia have been taking place in Teheran. The
erstwhile groom after having !epose! the reigning r"ler ma!e himself !ictator an! finally s"preme r"ler. Reza Kahn rea!ing at
the Constit"tional #ssembly !"ring ceremonies. $an"ary % &'(). *+ Bettmann,C-RB./0
Reza Khan a former private sol!ier who became Premier an! then seize! the Persian throne fo"n!e! a new !ynasty while the
weak legitimate r"ler s1"an!ere! his time an! money in 2rance crowne! himself the /hah of Persia on 3ay (( &'(). This
e4cl"sive photo taken at the act"al ceremonies which was the most elaborate in generations shows a part of the Persian #rmy
at the coronation in Tehran Persia on 3ay (( &'(). *+ Bettmann,C-RB./0
M,stafa Kemal Atat,r9 (left), the Presi*ent of the #e,)li+ of T,r9ey, 2reets the Shah of Persia *,rin2 the ShahMs 3isit to An9ara,
T,r9ey on .,ne B4, 19/5- (N HettmannDC6#H8S)
The royal +o,rt of Ahma* Shah, the last 'a(ar 9in2 (thir* from ri2ht) an* #e"a Khan (thir* from left) 1ho 1as later to esta)lish
Pahla3i *ynasty, Sar*ar Oafar Bn* from left, Sar*ar .an2 1st from ri2ht-
(Photo: htt:DDfo,man-+omDEDPi+t,reFGie1%Ahma*FShahF#e"aFKhan-htm)
A Goo*year Tire Comany offi+e on Saa*i Street in Tehran, 8ran in 1951, at the time of the An2lo%So3iet 8n3asion of 8ran
(Photo: htt:DDfo,man-+omDEDPi+t,reFGie1%1951FSaa*iFStreetFTehran-htm)
Chief 6ffi+e of the 8merial Han9 of Persia, the +entral )an9 of Persia, in 19/8
Territorial Chan2es of PersiaD8ran
Fla2 of the 8merial State of 8ran (19BI%1949)
Si2ne* Photo2rah of A*olf ;itler for #e"a Shah Pahla3i in 6ri2inal Frame 1ith the S1asti9a an* A*olf ;itlerMs (A;) Si2n 0
Sahe)2haranie Pala+e 0 $ia3aran Pala+e Comle<- The te<t )elo1 the hoto2rah: ;is 8merial Ma(esty % #e"a Shah Pahla3i %
Shahanshah of 8ran % ?ith the Hest ?ishes % Herlin 1B Mar+h 19/6 % The si2nat,re of A*olf ;itler!
The Hritish army (a)o3e) an* the So3iet #e* Army in3a*e 8ran )e2innin2 on A,2,st BI, 1951, (,st t1o 1ee9s after Hritish Prime
Minister ?inston Ch,r+hill met 1ith A-S- Presi*ent Fran9lin &elano #oose3elt a)oar* ;MS Prince of &ales in $e1fo,n*lan*-
Hritain an* So3iet Anion ro+ee*e* to remo3e Shah #e"a Pahla3i on Setem)er 16, 1951 an* installe* the ShahMs son Mohamma*
#e"a Pahla3i (the Shah! 1ho 1o,l* e3a+,ate to Ameri+a in 1949)- Hritain an* So3iet Anion in3a*e* 8ran to se+,re a s,ly line
from the Persian G,lf to So3iet #,ssia an* to se+,re 8ranMs oil for Allie* military nee*s-
(So,r+e: Catherine @e2ran*, .a+:,es @e2ran*: Shah%i 8ran- Creati3e P,)lishin2 8nternational (Farsi e*ition), Minneton9a, M$ 1999, S-
51- 8#D##) htt:DDen-1i9ie*ia-or2D1i9iDFile:Hrtitishtroosiran-(2
So3iet #e* Army sol*iers ri*in2 in a So3iet T%B6 )attle tan9 atrol the streets of Ta)ri", 8ran in late A,2,st 1951-
8ranian 1omen aear )esi*e an Allie* s,ly +on3oy some1here on the Persian Corri*or! in 8ran in 195/-
(Photo: Fran9lin &- #oose3elt @i)rary an* M,se,m)
An Ameri+an train en2ine transortin2 allie* 1ar e:,iment to So3iet #,ssia stos at a train station in 8ran *,rin2 ?orl* ?ar 88-
(Photo: htt:DD111-arstimes-+omDhistoryDersianF2,lfF+omman*D+orri*orID)
/oviet !ictator $osef /talin #merican Presi!ent 2ranklin Roosevelt an! British Prime 3inister Winston Ch"rchill atten! the Tehran
Conference in Tehran .ran on 5ovember (' &'67. /tan!ing from left to right8 9./. /ecretary of Commerce :arry :opkins /oviet 2oreign
3inister ;yacheslav 3olotov 9./. #mbassa!or to the /oviet 9nion #verell :arriman British #mbassa!or to the /oviet 9nion /ir #rchibal!
Clark Kerr an! British 2oreign /ecretary #nthony <!en. *Photo8 .mperial War 3"se"ms0
/hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran sal"tes Winston Ch"rchill the Prime 3inister of =reat Britain on the occasion of Ch"rchill>s )'th
birth!ay at the concl"sion of the Tehran Conference in Tehran .ran on 5ovember 7? &'67. /tan!ing on the far left is #li /oheili the Prime
3inister of .ran. Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran was installed as the new Shah of Iran on September 16, 1941 by the British
army drin! the "n!lo#Soviet Invasion of Iran in "!st#September 1941$ *Photo8 http8,,en.wikipe!,wiki,2ile8/hah@ch"rchill.Apg0
6eration A(a<: An2lo%8ranian 6il Contro3ersy P
Co, *Metat of A,2,st 19, 19I/
8ranian sol*iers s,rro,n* the 8ranian arliament in Tehran, 8ran on A,2,st 19, 19I/- This in+i*ent +,lminate* in the C8A%
)a+9e* 8ranian +o, *MQtat that *eose* Mohamme* Mossa*e2h, the *emo+rati+ally%ele+te* remier of 8ran-
8ranian eole rotest a2ainst Hritish infl,en+e an* oil refinery o1nershi *,rin2 the An2lo%8ranian 6il +onfrontation in the
early 19I7s-
#efineries in A)a*an, 8ran 1ere +lose* *,rin2 the An2lo%8ranian 6il +onfrontation in the early 19I7s-
The Central 8ntelli2en+e A2en+y (C8A), le* )y C8A &ire+tor Allen &,lles (a *ire+tor of the Co,n+il on Forei2n #elations in
$e1 Eor9 City), sta2e* a +o, *Metat in Tehran, 8ran on A,2,st 19, 19I/ in an attemt to remo3e 8ranMs Prime Minister
Mohamma* Mossa*e2h from offi+e-
Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i, the Shah of 8ran, sal,tes to his sol*iers *,rin2 his ret,rn to 8ran in late 19I/-
2ormer Prime 3inister of .ran 3ohamme! 3ossa!egh e4amines some paperwork !"ring his treason trial that was hel! in late
&'B7 after he was remove! from office.
Prime Minister of 8ran Gen- Fa"lollah Oahe*i (left) 2reets Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i in 19I/ (ress i+t,re release* )y the imerial
ala+e in 19II)- Oahe*i s,++ee*e* Mohamma* Mossa*e2h as Prime Minister of 8ran in a C8A%)a+9e* +o, on A,2,st 19, 19I/-
Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i, the Shah of 8ran (1hite s,it), aears 1ith Prime Minister of 8ran General Fa"lollah Oahe*i (stan*in2
)ehin* Shah) ,on the ShahMs ret,rn to o1er in 19I/, follo1in2 the +o,-
#i+har* $i<on (left), the Gi+e Presi*ent of the Anite* States, sha9es han*s 1ith General Fa"lollah Oahe*i, the Prime Minister of
8ran in Tehran, 8ran in &e+em)er 19I/-
8ranian Army General Fa"lollah Oahe*i, 1ho ser3e* as the Prime Minister of 8ran from A,2,st 19, 19I/ to Aril 4, 19II (an*
s,++ee*e* Mohamma* Mossa*e2h as Prime Minister), 1as arreste* )y Hritish sol*ier Sir Fit"roy Ma+@ean in 195B for his ties
to $a"i Germany- Oahe*i 1as flo1n o,t of 8ran )y Hritish for+es an* interne* in Hritish Palestine ,ntil the en* of ?orl* ?ar 88
in 195I- A fier+e nationalist, Oahe*i har)ore* *ee reser3ations an* s,si+ions to1ar*s the Allie* For+es-
.ran>s Prime 3inister 3ohamme! 3ossa!egh e4amines the Liberty Bell while visiting .n!epen!ence :all in Phila!elphia in &'B&. :e was
Aoine! by 3ayor of Phila!elphia Bernar! /am"els. *Photo8 :arry /. Tr"man Presi!ential Library0

Left photo8 3ohamme! 3osa!!egh *&CC(D&')%0 the former Prime 3inister of .ran who was remove! in a co"p !>etat s"pporte!
by the #merican C.# on #"g"st &' &'B7 sits alone in #hma!aba! .ran in circa &')B.
Right photo8 /epahbo! :aA #li Razmara *&'?&D&'B&0 was the Prime 3inister of .ran from $"ne () &'B? to 3arch % &'B&.
Razmara was assassinate! by a Elone g"nmanF name! Khalil Tahmasebi in Tehran .ran on 3arch % &'B&. Razmara was close
to ratifying the /"pplemental -il #greement between .ran an! the #ngloD.ranian -il Company *#.-C0. The #ngloD.ranian -il
Company was rename! British Petrole"m in &'B6.
#verell :arriman *right0 a !irector of the Co"ncil on 2oreign Relations from &'B? to &'BB speaks to Prime 3inister of .ran
3ohamme! 3ossa!egh *Life Photo0
#verell :arriman *left0 former 9./. #mbassa!or to the /oviet 9nion meets with 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi the /hah of .ran
*right0 in circa &'B&. *Life Photo0
#verell :arriman *left0 speaks to Prime 3inister of .ran 3ohamme! 3ossa!egh on $"ly (C &'B&. 3ohamme! 3ossa!egh was
overthrown from office in a co"p s"pporte! by the C.# on #"g"st &' &'B7. *Life Photo0
#verell :arriman *left0 speaks to Prime 3inister of .ran 3ohamme! 3ossa!egh on $"ly (C &'B&. 3ohamme! 3ossa!egh was
overthrown from office in a co"p s"pporte! by the C.# on #"g"st &' &'B7.
9./. /ecretary of /tate Gean #cheson *left0 meets with Prime 3inister of .ran 3ohamme! 3ossa!egh.
3ohamme! 3ossa!egh the Prime 3inister of .ran appears with 9./. Presi!ent :arry /. Tr"man *left0 at the White :o"se in
Washington G.C. 9./.#. in &'B&. *Photo8 #bbie Rowe,5ational #rchives0
Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i (left), the Shah of 8ran, meets 1ith 8ranMs Prime Minister Mohamma* Mossa*e2h-
he Shah , !rien#s- In'+: #,ssell C- @effin21ell (left), a former artner of .-P- Mor2an P Co- )an9in2 firm in $e1 Eor9 City
an* the Chairman of the Co,n+il on Forei2n #elations, an* Allen &,lles (ri2ht), Presi*ent of the Co,n+il on Forei2n #elations
an* a mem)er of S,lli3an P Crom1ell la1 firm in $e1 Eor9 City, aear 1ith Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran at the
;arol* Pratt ;o,se in $e1 Eor9 City- Allen &,lles 1as the &ire+tor of Central 8ntelli2en+e A2en+y an* a &ire+tor of the
Co,n+il on Forei2n #elations 1hen 8ranMs Prime Minister &r- M,hamma* Mossa*e2h 1as remo3e* from offi+e on A,2,st 19,
19I/- (So,r+e: Continuing the 'n(uir%) The Council on Foreign Relations from !#*! to !##$ )y Peter Grose, a2e B5)
Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i, the Shah of 8ran (*resse* in a 1hite military ,niform), oens the fa+ilities of 8nternational $a3al 6il
Comany of 8ran in 1947-
The An2lo%8ranian 6il Comany @imite* 1as rename* The Hritish Petrole,m Comany @imite* in 19I5, one year after 8ranMs
Prime Minister Mohamma* Mossa*e2h 1as remo3e* from offi+e in a +o, *Metat-
A ma of oil fiel*s in 8ran an* the Persian G,lf- $ational 8ranian 6il Comany ($86C), a state%o1ne* +ororation, 1as
esta)lishe* in Tehran, 8ran in 1958-
.ran>s Prime 3inister 3ohame! 3ossa!egh conversing at the .nternational Co"rt of $"stice *.C$0 in circa &'B& with 3. 5asrollah <ntezam
#mbassa!or former 3inister an! the only .ranian to have serve! as Presi!ent of the 95 =eneral #ssembly. Prime 3inster 3ossa!egh
wante! to be involve! personally in !efen!ing .ranHs position. 5otwithstan!ing his !eteriorating health an! ol! age he le! .ranHs legal team to
!efen! the .ranian parliamentHs !ecision. *Co"rtesy of the .nternational Co"rt of $"stice. #ll rights reserve!.0
2ig"re &8 Representing =reat Britain an! 5orthern .relan! on behalf of British Petrole"m in the case against .ran in circa &'B&8 /ir Lionel
:eal! I.C. 3.P. #ttorneyD=eneralJ Professor C. :. 3. Wal!ock C.3.=. -.B.<. I.C. Chichele Professor of .nternational Law in the
9niversity of -4for!J 3r. :. #. P. 2isher 3ember of the <nglish BarJ 3r. G. :. 5. $ohnson #ssistant Legal #!viser of the 2oreign -ffice as
Co"nselJ hlr. #. G. 3. Ross <astern Gepartment 2oreign -fficeJ 3r. #. K. Rothnie <astern Gepartment 2oreign -ffice.
*Co"rtesy of the .nternational Co"rt of $"stice. #ll rights reserve!.0 http8,,payvan!.com,news,?',a"g,&&)&.html
This lea*ershi! rin+ile in 8ranian so+ial life s,orte* a ri3ile2e* r,lin2 2ro,, or elite, 1hi+h *ominate* the +o,ntry-
Ma*e , of lan*o1ners an* 2entry, 1ith s,)stantial interests in ),siness (ese+ially 2o3ernment +ontra+ts), it 1as also the +hief
so,r+e of hi2h 2o3ernment offi+ials an* of army offi+ers- The mem)ers of this elite, mostly resi*ent in Tehran, ha3e, in most
+ases, o1erf,l lo+al interests of an e+onomi+, family, an* so+ial 9in* in 3ario,s ro3in+es an* are ,s,ally the lea*ers of these
*istri+ts- Het1een this elite an* the easantry is a small mi**le +lass of ),sinessmen, rofessional ersons, ),rea,+rats, an*
e*,+ate* eole 1ho 2enerally *iffer from the elite )e+a,se they are less 1ealthy, ha3e fe1 if any ersonal follo1ers, an*,
la+9in2 ersonal s,ort in lan* or family, are m,+h less li9ely to )e asso+iate* 1ith lo+al *istri+ts- This mi**le +lass is the
rin+ial so,r+e of nationalist feelin2R one of the +hief feat,res of re+ent Persian life has )een the 1ay in 1hi+h the shah has
shifte* the )asis of his s,ort from the elite lan*e* 2ro, to this 2ro1in2 mi**le +lass an* to those 1hose so+ial osition is
)ase* on 9no1%ho1 an* trainin2 rather than on 1ealth an* family- Chief roles in this shift ha3e )een laye* )y the army an* the
a2rarian :,estion- A +ent,ry a2o, oliti+al o1er in 8ran 1as +on+entrate* in the han*s of the a,to+rati+ shah s,orte* )y the
interlo+9in2 elite of lan*lor*s an* army offi+ers- At that time the shah, in fa+t, 1as not Persian, ),t T,r9i+, the 'a(ar *ynasty of
1496%19BI- 8t 1as a erio* in 1hi+h Persia 1as a "one of oliti+al +onfli+t )et1een the imerialism of +"arist #,ssia an* that of
Gi+torian Hritain- 6n t1o o++asions, in 1974 an* a2ain in 195B, these t1o Po1ers ma*e a2reements settin2 , sheres of
infl,en+e in 8ran- Sin+e these a2reements 1ere rea+he* )e+a,se of their +ommon enmity to1ar* Germany, it 1as almost
ine3ita)le that these a2reements 1o,l* )rea9 *o1n an* ri3alry )e res,me* on the *efeat of Germany in 1918 an* a2ain in 195I-
8t 1as almost e:,ally ine3ita)le that 8ran sho,l* see9 s,ort from some o,tsi*e Po1er a2ainst the (oint or arallel An2lo%
#,ssian ress,re, as it *i* from Germany )efore, )efore 1951, an* from the Anite* States sin+e 1956- 8ran=s a)ility to resist any
o,tsi*e ress,re 1as re*,+e* )y the 2eneral 1ea9ness an* +onf,sion of its o1n 2o3ernmental system- This 1as a ersonal royal
a,to+ra+y restin2 ,on a fe,*ali"e* s,)str,+t,re of tri)al +hiefs, 2reat lan*lor*s, an* reli2io,s lea*ers, e3en after the
esta)lishment of a +onstit,tional 2o3ernment an* a $ational Assem)ly (the Ma(lis) in 1976- The stron2 role laye* )y ersonal
infl,en+e, ese+ially that of the shah, re3ents the formation of real oliti+al arties or the f,n+tionin2 of the 2o3ernmental
str,+t,re as a system of rin+iles, la1s, +on3entions, an* esta)lishe* relationshis-!
0 Traged% and +ope )y Carroll ',i2ley, - 17I/%17I5
8n the *ays of his a,to+rati+ o1er, )efore 1915, the shah so,2ht to raise f,n*s for his ersonal ,se )y sellin2 +on+essions an*
monoolies to forei2n 2ro,s- Most of these, s,+h as those on to)a++o or s,2ar, 1ere e<loitati3e of the 8ranian eoles an*
1ere 3ery ,no,lar- 6f these +on+essions the most si2nifi+ant 1as one 2rante* in 1971 to ?illiam Kno< &=Ar+y for the
e<+l,si3e ri2ht to e<loit all sta2es of the etrole,m ),siness in all 8ran e<+et the fi3e ro3in+es )or*erin2 on #,ssia- The
+ontrol of this +on+ession sh,ffle* from one +ororate entity to another ,ntil, in 1979, it +ame into ossession of the ne1 An2lo%
Persian 6il Comany- This +omany esta)lishe* the 1orl*=s lar2est refinery at A)a*an on the Persian G,lf an*, )y 1915, si2ne*
an a2reement 1ith the Hritish 2o3ernment 1hi+h ma*e it the +hief so,r+e of f,el for the Hritish $a3y- 8t 2ra*,ally e<ten*e* its
a+ti3ities, thro,2h a myria* of s,)si*iary +ororations, thro,2ho,t the 1orl* an* sim,ltaneo,sly +ame to )e +ontrolle*, thro,2h
se+ret sto+9 o1nershi, )y the Hritish 2o3ernment-!
0 Traged% and +ope )y Carroll ',i2ley, - 17I5
At the en* of ?orl* ?ar 8, 8ran 1as a )attle2ro,n* )et1een #,ssian an* Hritish arme* for+es- Hy 19B7 the 1ith*ra1al of
Hritish for+es an* the Holshe3i"ation of #,ssia left the anti%Holshe3i9 #,ssian Cossa+9 Hri2a*e as the only si2nifi+ant military
for+e in the +o,ntry- The +hief 8ranian offi+er in that for+e, #e"a Pahla3i, in the +o,rse of 19B1%19BI, 2ra*,ally too9 o3er +ontrol
of the 2o3ernment an* e3ent,ally *eose* the in+ometent, t1enty%ei2ht%year%ol* Shah Ahma*- #e"a Shah Pahla3i follo1e*
the attern of mo*erni"ation esta)lishe* )y Kemal AtatSr9 in T,r9ey ),t 1as +onstantly hamere* )y ina*e:,ate finan+ial
reso,r+es, )y the ,n*er*e3eloe* e+onomi+ system, an* )y the )a+91ar* so+ial *e3eloment of the area- $e3ertheless, he *i* a
2reat *eal of ,n+oor*inate* mo*erni"ation, ese+ially in e*,+ation, la1, an* +omm,ni+ations- ;is +hief aim 1as to )rea9 *o1n
tri)alism an* lo+alism an* to esta)lish national loyalty to a ,nifie* 8ran- To this en* he *efeate* the a,tonomo,s tri)es, settle*
noma*i+ 2ro,s in 3illa2es, shifte* ro3in+ial )o,n*aries to )rea9 , lo+al loyalties, +reate* a national +i3il ser3i+e an* oli+e
for+e, esta)lishe* a national re2istration 1ith i*entity +ar*s for all, an* ,se* ,ni3ersal +ons+rition to min2le 3ario,s 2ro,s in a
national army- 6ne of his +hief efforts, to imro3e +omm,ni+ations an* transortation, +,lminate* in the Trans%8ranian #ail1ay
from the Persian G,lf to the Casian Sea, ),ilt in ele3en years (19B9%1957) at a +ost of a)o,t T1I7 million- #oa*s 1ere
+onstr,+te* 1here only lo+al aths ha* e<iste* )efore, an* some effort 1as ma*e to esta)lish in*,stries to ro3i*e 1or9 for a
ne1 ,r)an +lass- All these ro(e+ts re:,ire* money, 1hi+h 1as 3ery *iffi+,lt to fin* in a +o,ntry of limite* nat,ral reso,r+es-
The +hief reso,r+e, oil, 1as tie* , +omletely in the +on+ession hel* )y the An2lo%Persian 6il Comany (later +alle* An2lo%
8ranian or A86C), 1ith the ine3ita)le res,lt that it )e+ame the tar2et of the 8ranian nationalist *esire for a**itional *e3eloment
f,n*s- 8n this str,22le the ol*er elite of 8ranian life, in+l,*in2 the shah, the army, an* the lan*lor*s 1o,l* ha3e )een satisfie*
1ith a rene2otiate* *eal 1ith A86C yiel*in2 a**itional f,n*s to 8ran, ),t the ne1er ,r)an 2ro,s of rofessional an*
+ommer+ial ori2in +om)ine* 1ith the reli2io,s a2itators to *eman* the +omlete remo3al of forei2n e+onomi+ infl,en+e )y
nationali"ation of the etrole,m in*,stry-!
0 Traged% and +ope )y Carroll ',i2ley, - 17I5%17II
8n this *i3ision 1ithin 8ran, +ontrol of the sit,ation 2ra*,ally mo3e* from the ol*er elite to the ne1er nationalist 2ro,s for a
3ariety of reasons- The years of the 1orl* *eression, the finan+ial +risis, an* the Se+on* ?orl* ?ar 2reatly intensifie* all the
o)(e+tiona)le feat,res of the A86C system an*, at the same time, seeme* to sho1 that no ne1 a2reement 1ith the +omany
+o,l* reme*y these o)(e+tions- S,+h a ne1 a2reement ha* )een ma*e in 19//, ),t the sit,ation )e+ame 1orse (from the 8ranian
nationalist oint of 3ie1)- A++or*in2ly, 1hen the 2o3ernment in 19I7 trie* to o)tain a ne1 s,lemental a2reement, nationalist
feelin2 rose :,i+9ly a2ainst it an* *eman*e* +omlete nationali"ation of the oil ),siness instea*- 8n .,ne 19I7, the shah ,t in as
rime minister his man, General Ali #a"mara, formerly +hief of the General Staff:, to for+e thro,2h the s,lemental a2reement-
6osin2 2ro,s intro*,+e* nationali"ation )ills in oosition to the 2o3ernment- Gra*,ally the nationali"ation for+es )e2an to
+oales+e a)o,t a stran2e fi2,re, &r- M,hamma* Mossa*e2h of an ol*, 1ealthy, lan*e* family 1hi+h ha* ser3e* the 'a(ar
*ynasty as ministers of finan+e sin+e the ei2hteenth +ent,ry- Mossa*e2h 1as a ?esterni"er 1ith an earne* *o+torate in
e+onomi+s from a S1iss ,ni3ersity, a man of 2reat ersonal +o,ra2e an* fe1 ersonal am)itions or *esires, 1ho 1as +on3in+e*
that national in*een*en+e +o,l* )e esta)lishe* an* the o)3io,s +orr,tion of 8ranian oliti+al life eliminate* only )y the
re+o3ery of 8ranian +ontrol of its o1n e+onomi+ life )y nationali"ation of A86C- Politi+ally he 1as a mo*erate, ),t his stron2
emotional aeal to 8ranian nationalism en+o,ra2e* e<tremist rea+tions amon2 his follo1ers- @on2 an* fr,itless *is+,ssions
)et1een A86C an* the 8ranian 2o3ernment, 1ith +onstant interferen+e )y the Hritish 2o3ernment le* to stalemate- The +omany
insiste* that its stat,s 1as )ase* on a +ontra+t,al a2reement 1hi+h +o,l* not )e mo*ifie* 1itho,t its +onsent, 1hile the Hritish
2o3ernment maintaine* that the a2reement 1as a matter of international ,)li+ la1, li9e a treaty, 1hi+h it ha* a ri2ht to enfor+e-
The 8ranian 2o3ernment *e+lare* that it ha* the ri2ht as a so3erei2n state to nationali"e an 8ranian +ororation oeratin2 ,n*er
its la1 on its territory, s,)(e+t only to a*e:,ate +omensation an* ass,mtion of its +ontra+t,al o)li2ations-!
0 Traged% and +ope )y Carroll ',i2ley, - 17II%17I6
The 8ranian nationalist ar2,ments a2ainst the +omany 1ere n,mero,s an* *etaile*:
1- 8t ha* romise* to train 8ranians for all ositions ossi)le, ),t instea* ha* ,se* these only in menial tas9s, traine* fe1 nati3es,
an* emloye* many forei2ners-
B- 8t ha* re*,+e* its ayments to 8ran, 1hi+h 1ere )ase* on its rofits, )y re*,+in2 the amo,nt of its rofits )y )oo99eein2
tri+9s- For e<amle, it sol* oil at 3ery lo1 ri+es to 1holly o1ne* s,)si*iaries o,tsi*e 8ran or to the Hritish $a3y, allo1in2 the
former to resell at 1orl* ri+es so that A86C ma*e small rofits, 1hile the s,)si*iaries ma*e 3ery lar2e rofits not s,)(e+t to
8ranian royalty o)li2ations- 8ran )elie3e* that the rofits of s,+h 1holly o1ne* s,)si*iaries 1ere really art of A86C an* sho,l*
fall ,n*er the +onsoli*ate* )alan+e sheet of A86C an* th,s ma9e ayments to 8ran, ),t as late as 19I7 A86C a*mitte* that the
a++o,nts of I9 s,+h *,mmy +ororations 1ere not in+l,*e* in the A86C a++o,nts-
/- A86C 2enerally ref,se* to ay 8ranian ta<es, ese+ially in+ome ta<, ),t ai* s,+h ta<es to HritainR at the same time, it
+al+,late* the 8ranian rofit royalties after s,+h ta<es, so that the hi2her Hritish ta<es 1ent, the less the 8ranian ayment )e+ame-
8n effe+t, th,s, 8ran ai* in+ome ta< to Hritain- 8n r9// A86C ai* U/7I,518 in Hritish ta<ation an* UB45,51B in 8ranian ta<esR in
1958 the t1o fi2,res 1ere UB8,/17,/I/ an* U1,/69,/B8-
5- The ayment to 8ran 1as also re*,+e* )y ,ttin2 rofits into reser3es or into +omany in3estments o,tsi*e 8ran, often in
s,)si*iaries, an* +al+,latin2 the 8ranian share only on the rofits *istri),te* as *i3i*en*s- Th,s in 1954, 1hen rofits 1ere really
U57-I million, almost U15-9 million 1ent to Hritish in+ome ta<, U11-I million 1ent to reser3es, o3er U4-l million 1ent to
sto+9hol*ers (of 1hi+h U/-/ million to the Hritish 2o3ernment), an* only U4-1 million to 8ran- 8f the ayment to 8ran ha* )een
+al+,late* )efore ta<es an* reser3es, it 1o,l* ha3e )een at least U6 million more that year-
I- Moreo3er, A86C 1as e<emt from 8ranian +,stoms tariffs on 2oo*s ne+essary to its oeration )ro,2ht into the +o,ntry- Sin+e
it +onsi*ere* e3erythin2 it )ro,2ht in, 1hate3er it 1as, to )e ne+essary, it *eri3e* 8ran of a)o,t U6 million a year )y this-
6- The +omany ai* only a 3ery small ortion of the so+ial +osts of its oerations in Persia, *ra1in2 many ersons to ari* an*
,ninha)ite* ortions of the +o,ntry an* then ro3i*in2 3ery little of the +osts of ho,sin2, e*,+ation, or health-
4- The A86C, as a mem)er of the international etrole,m +artel, re*,+e* its oil ro*,+tion in 8ran an* th,s re*,+e* 8ran=s
8- The A86C +ontin,e* to +al+,late its ayments to 8ran in 2ol* at U8-17s- er o,n+e for years after the 1orl* 2ol* ri+e ha*
risen to Ul/ an o,n+e, 1hile the Ameri+an +ororation, Aram+o, in Sa,*i Ara)ia raise* its 2ol* ri+e on *eman*-
9- The A86C=s monooly on oil e<ort from 8ran re3ente* *e3eloment of other 8ranian oil fiel*s in areas o,tsi*e the A86C
As a +onse:,en+e of all these a+ti3ities, the 8ranian nationalists of 19IB felt an2ere* to thin9 that 8ran ha* 2i3en , /77 million
tons of oil o3er fifty years an* re+ei3e* U17I million, 1hile Hritain ha* in3este* only UB7 million an* o)taine* a)o,t U877
million in rofits-!
0 Traged% and +ope )y Carroll ',i2ley, - 17I6%17I4
($ote: &r- Carroll ',i2ley 1as one of former A-S- Presi*ent Hill ClintonMs rofessors 1hile Clinton 1as a st,*ent at
Geor2eto1n Ani3ersity-)
The 8ranian oosition to nationali"ation 1as )ro9en in Mar+h 19I1, 1hen the rime minister, Ali #a"mara, an* his minister of
e*,+ation 1ere assassinate* 1ithin a sa+e of t1o 1ee9s- The nationali"ation la1 1as asse* the follo1in2 month an*, at the same
time, at the re:,est of the Ma(lis, the shah aointe* Mossa*e2h rime minister to +arry it o,t- This 1as *one 1ith +onsi*era)le
t,rmoil, 1hi+h in+l,*e* stri9es )y A86C 1or9ers a2ainst mistime* Hritish 1a2e +,ts, anti%Hritish street riots, an* the arri3al of Hritish
2,n)oats at the hea* of the Persian G,lf- #ather than 2i3e , the enterrise or oerate it for the 8ranian 2o3ernment, A86C )e2an to
+,rtail oerations an* shi home its en2ineers- 6n May BI, 19I1, it aeale* to the 8nternational Co,rt of .,sti+e in site of 8ranian
rotests that the +ase 1as a *omesti+ one, not international- 6nly on .,ly BB, 19IB, *i* the +o,rt=s *e+ision ,hol* 8ranMs +ontention )y
ref,sin2 (,ris*i+tion- At first the Anite* States, an* ese+ially its am)assa*or in Tehran, s,orte* the 8ranian osition- 8t feare* that
Hritish re+al+itran+e 1o,l* *ri3e 8ran to1ar* #,ssia, an* 1as ese+ially alarme* at the ossi)ility of any lan*in2 of Hritish for+es,
sin+e this 1o,l* allo1 the So3iet Anion to in3a*e the $orth 8ranian ro3in+es as ro3i*e* in the So3iet%8ran Treaty of 19B1- ;o1e3er,
it soon )e+ame e3i*ent that the So3iet Anion, 1hile s,ortin2 8ranMs osition, 1as not 2oin2 to interfere- The Ameri+an osition then
)e+ame in+reasin2ly ro%Hritish an* anti%Mossa*e2h- This 1as intensifie* )y the shift in a*ministration from Tr,man to >isenho1er
early in 19I/, an* )y the ress,res on the Ameri+an 2o3ernment )y the international etrole,m +artel- At the same time, the Ameri+an
oil +omanies, 1hi+h ha* )riefly hoe* that they mi2ht rela+e A86C in the Persian area, *e+i*e* that their ,nite* front 1ith A86C in
the 1orl* +artel 1as more 3al,a)le to them- his .orl# oil 'artel ha# #e%elope# "rom a tripartite a)reement si)ne# on
Septem(er /0- /123 (y $oyal Dut'h-Shell- 4n)lo-Iranian- an# Stan#ar# 5il+ he three si)ners .ere Sir 6enri Deter#in) o"
Shell- Sir 7ohn 8later Lor#9 :a#man o" 4I5:- an# *alter :+ ea)le o" ;sso+ hese a)ree# to mana)e oil pri'es on the .orl#
mar<et (y 'har)in) an a)ree# "i=e# pri'e plus "rei)ht 'osts- an# to store surplus oil .hi'h mi)ht .ea<en the "i=e# pri'e le%el+
>y /1?1 the 'artel ha# as mem(ers the se%en )reatest oil 'ompanies o" the .orl# 4n)lo-Iranian- $oyal Dut'h-Shell- ;sso-
:also- So'ony-@a'uum- Gul"- an# e=a'o9+ ><+l,*in2 the Anite* States *omesti+ mar9et, the So3iet Anion, an* Me<i+o, it
+ontrolle* 9B er+ent of the 1orl*=s reser3es of oil, 88 er+ent of the 1orl*=s ro*,+tion, 44 er+ent of the 1orl*=s refinin2 +aa+ity,
an* 47 er+ent of the 1orl*=s tonna2e in o+ean tan9ers- As soon as Hritain lost its +ase in the 8nternational Co,rt of .,sti+e an* it
)e+ame +lear that 8ran 1o,l* 2o ahea* 1ith its nationali"ation, Hritain ,t into effe+t a series of rerisals a2ainst 8ran 1hi+h rai*ly
+rile* the +o,ntry- 8ranian f,n*s in Hritain 1ere )lo+9e*R its ,r+hases in Hritish%+ontrolle* mar9ets 1ere interr,te*R an* its efforts
to sell oil a)roa* 1ere fr,strate* )y a +om)ination of the Hritish $a3y an* the 1orl* oil +artel (1hi+h +lose* its sales an* *istri),tion
fa+ilities to 8ranian oil)- These +,t off a s,)stantial ortion of the 8ranian 2o3ernment=s re3en,es an* for+e* a *rasti+ +,rtailment of
2o3ernment e<en*it,res-!
0 Traged% and +ope )y Carroll ',i2ley, - 17I4%17I8
To *eal 1ith this sit,ation, ese+ially to +,t the military ),*2et, Mossa*e2h, in .,ly 19IB, as9e* for f,ll o1ers from the Assem)ly-
;e 1as ref,se* an* resi2ne*, ),t the Ahma* Gha3am 2o3ernment 1hi+h rela+e* him laste* only si< *ays, resi2nin2 ,n*er ress,re
of ro%Mossa*e2h street riots- Ha+9 in offi+e, Mossa*e2h o)taine* *i+tatorial o1er for si< months- ;e )ro9e off *ilomati+ relations
1ith the Hritish, +lose* *o1n nine Hritish +ons,lar offi+es, *eorte* 3ario,s Hritish e+onomi+ an* +,lt,ral 2ro,s, an* *ismisse* )oth
the Senate an* the 8ranian S,reme Co,rt, 1hi+h 1ere )e2innin2 to :,estion his a+tions- Hy that time (s,mmer, 19I/) almost
irresisti)le for+es 1ere ),il*in2 , a2ainst Mossa*e2h, sin+e la+9 of So3iet interferen+e 2a3e the ?est f,ll free*om of a+tion- The
Hritish, the A86C, the 1orl* etrole,m +artel, the Ameri+an 2o3ernment, an* the ol*er 8ranian elite le* )y the shah +om)ine* to +r,sh
Mossa*e2h- The +hief effort +ame from the Ameri+an s,er%se+ret intelli2en+e a2en+y (C8A) ,n*er the ersonal *ire+tion of its
*ire+tor, Allen ?- &,lles, )rother of the se+retary of state- &,lles, as a former *ire+tor of the S+hroe*er Han9 in $e1 Eor9, 1as an ol*
asso+iate of Fran9 C- Tiar9s, a artner in the S+hroe*er Han9 in @on*on sin+e 197B, an* a *ire+tor of the Han9 of >n2lan* in 191B%
195I, as 1ell as @a"ar* Hrothers Han9, an* the A86C- 8t 1ill )e re+alle* that the S+hroe*er Han9 in Colo2ne hele* to arran2e ;itler=s
a++ession to o1er as +han+ellor in .an,ary 19//- Mana2in2 Mossa*e2hMs fall in A,2,st, 19I/, 1as +onsi*era)ly easier, sin+e he left
his *efense 1i*e oen )y an atta+9 on the rero2ati3es of the 8ranian Army, aarently in the )elief that the army 1o,l* )e re3ente*
from mo3in2 a2ainst him )y his infl,en+e o3er the mo)s in the streets of Tehran- H,t thro,2ho,t the $ear >ast, street mo)s are easily
ro,se* an* *ire+te* )y those 1ho are 1illin2 to ay, an* &,lles ha* the ,nlimite* se+ret f,n*s of the C8A- From these he 2a3e T17
million to Colonel ;- $orman S+h1art"9of, former hea* of the $e1 .ersey State Poli+e, 1ho 1as in +har2e of trainin2 the 8merial
8ranian Gen*armerie, an* this 1as (,*i+io,sly alie* in 1ays 1hi+h +han2e* the mo)sM t,ne +onsi*era)ly from .,ly to A,2,st 19I/-
The 1hole oeration 1as *ire+te* )y &,lles himself from S1it"erlan* 1here he 1as 3isite* )y S+h1art"9of, the Ameri+an
am)assa*or to Tehran, @oy ;en*erson, an* messen2ers from the shah in the se+on* 1ee9 of A,2,st 19I/- Mossa*e2h ,r2e* the
army of oosition elements 1itho,t +omlete s,++ess in the srin2 of 19I/, 2oin2 so far as to arrest the +hief of staff on Mar+h 1st- 8n
.,ly he so,2ht to )yass the Assem)ly an* *emonstrate his irresisti)le o,lar s,ort )y ha3in2 all his s,orters resi2n from the
Ma(lis (th,s araly"in2 its oerations), an* hel* a le)is+ite in A,2,st to aro3e his oli+ies- The offi+ial 3ote in the le)is+ite 1as
a)o,t t1o million aro3als a2ainst t1el3e h,n*re* *isaro3als, ),t Mossa*e2h=s *ays 1ere n,m)ere*- 6n A,2,st 1/th the shah
re+iitate* the lanne* anti%Mossa*e2h +o, )y namin2 General Fa"lollah Oahe*i as rime minister, an* sent a messen2er *ismissin2
Mossa*e2h- The latter ref,se* to yiel*, an* +alle* his s,orters into the streets, 1here they riote* a2ainst the shah, 1ho fle* 1ith his
family to #ome- T1o *ays later, anti%Mossa*e2h mo)s, s,orte* )y the army, *efeate* Mossa*e2h=s s,orters in Tehran, 9illin2
se3eral h,n*re*- Mossa*e2h 1as for+e* o,t of offi+e an* rela+e* )y General Oahe*i- The shah ret,rne* from 8taly on A,2,st BBn*-!
0 Traged% and +ope )y Carroll ',i2ley, - 17I8%1767
The fall of Mossa*e2h en*e* the erio* of +onf,sions 1hi+h ha* ens,e* sin+e the for+e* a)*i+ation of #e"a Shah in 1951-
From 19I/ on, the shah an* the army, )a+9e* )y the +onser3ati3e elite, +ontrolle* the +o,ntry an* the *o+ile Ma(lis- T1o 1ee9s
after the shah=s +o,nter%+o,, the Anite* States 2a3e 8ran an emer2en+y 2rant of T5I million, in+rease* its ann,al e+onomi+ ai*
ayment to TB/ million, an* )e2an to ay TI million a month in M,t,al Se+,rity F,n*s- These ayments rea+he* a total of a
:,arter of a )illion *ollars o3er fi3e years- 8n ret,rn 8ran )e+ame a firm mem)er of the ?estern )lo+, (oine* the Ha2h*a* Pa+t
(Central Treaty 6r2ani"ation) in 19II, an* ro3i*e* a +lose )ase for s,rretitio,s a+tions (s,+h as A%B o3erfli2hts) a2ainst the
So3iet Anion- The Comm,nist%+ontrolle* T,*eh Party, the only oliti+al arty in 8ran 1ith the esta)lishe* *o+trine an*
or2ani"e* str,+t,re of s,+h a arty in the ?estern sense, ha* )een offi+ially )anne* in 1959 ),t ha* s,orte* Mossa*e2h from
,n*er2ro,n*, 1 here it 1as relentlessly ,rs,e* after 19I/- Hy 1967 the shah felt his osition s,ffi+iently stron2 to try to ,rs,e
a oli+y of his o1n, an* )e2an to shift his ali2nment from the ol*er elite 2ro, of lan*lor*s an* army to1ar* the more
ro2ressi3e 2ro,s of ,r)an mi**le%+lass rofessional eoles 1hi+h ha* s,orte* Mossa*e2h- The +hief e3i*en+e of this 1as
an effort to a*ot, more or less as his ersonal oli+y, a ro2ram of a2rarian reform 1hi+h so,2ht to restri+t ea+h lan*lor*Ms
hol*in2s to a sin2le 3illa2e, ta9in2 all e<+ess lan*s o3er for 2o3ernment ayments srea* o3er ten years an* 2rantin2 the lan*s to
the easants 1ho 1or9e* them in ret,rn for ayments srea* o3er fifteen years- The shah=s o1n estates 1ere amon2 the first to
)e *istri),te*, ),t )y the en* of 196B o3er fi3e tho,san* other 3illa2es ha* also )een 2rante* to their easants- 8n the meantime
the oil *is,te 1as settle* )y a +omromise in 6+to)er 19I5- The e<loitation an* mar9etin2 of 8ran=s oil 1as ta9en o3er )y a
+onsorti,m of e<istin2 etrole,m +omanies from the 1orl* +artel an* some Ameri+an in*een*ents,! 1ith a 57 er+ent
interest hel* )y A86C itself- The re3io,s *is,tes 1ere +omromise* 1itho,t too m,+h *iffi+,lty on+e it 1as re+o2ni"e* that
)oth si*es ha* a +ommon interest in reser3in2 the 1orl* str,+t,re of mana2e* oil ri+es in or*er to ens,re s,)stantial in+omes
to )oth-! 0 Traged% and +ope )y Carroll ',i2ley, - 1767
;(almar S+ha+ht, former Presi*ent of the #ei+hs)an9 an* 4#ol" 6itlers "inan'ial a#%iser, meets 1ith 8ranMs Prime Minister
Mohamme* Mossa*e2h on Setem)er 15, 19IB- (So,r+e: +itler,s +/almar +orace 0reele% Schacht )y .ohn ?eit")
@one G,nman or PatsyV
8ranMs &e+a*e of Assassinations! (1956%19II)
Hy >)rahim $oro,"i, M& P Arash $oro,"i
The Mossa*e2h Pro(e+t
.an,ary 1/, B711
Het1een 1956 an* 19II, 1a3es of assassination lots
threatene* n,mero,s 9ey fi2,res in 8ranian so+iety- The
ma(ority of these +rimes 1ere +arrie* o,t )y Feda,ian 'slam, a
militant e<tremist 2ro, 9no1n for tar2etin2 those it *eeme*
=enemies of 8slam=- @e* )y a yo,n2 seminary st,*ent name*
$a3a) Safa3i, it also ha* the s,ort of se3eral reli2io,s
fi2,res- Amon2 them: the oliti+ally infl,ential Ayatollah
A)ol2hasem Kashani, a +olla)orator in the /1AB 'oup, an* the
f,t,re lea*er of the 8slami+ #e3ol,tion, #,hollah Khomeini,
then only a mi*%le3el +leri+-
8t 1as in this 3iolent oliti+al en3ironment that the Ma(les
(Parliament) ele+te* a ne1 Prime Minister, Dr+ Cohamma#
Cossa#e)h- 6nly t1o 1ee9s into his osition, Mossa*e2h
informe* a formal Ma(les session of a Feda,ian lot to 9ill
him- For his safety, he 1o,l* remain there startin2 that same
*ay, May 1/, 19I1- After a short erio*, he transferre* his
offi+e to his o1n resi*en+e, 1here he staye* for the rest of his
Tho,2h Feda,ian mem)ers
1ere resonsi)le for the
ma(ority of 9illin2s in this
erio*, some 1ere asso+iate*
1ith m,ltile in*i3i*,als or
fa+tions, fore3er +lo,*in2
these +ases in mystery- After
the WSelf%Sa+rifi+ers for
8slamW, the m,r*ers 1ere
,s,ally lin9e* to the
+omm,nist T,*eh arty,
elements +onne+te* to the
royal +o,rt, in*i3i*,al oliti+ians or mem)ers of the 2o3ernment- Some 1ere also lin9e*, *ire+tly or
in*ire+tly, to the forei2n han*s of Hritain an* Ameri+a-
Many in the +o,ntry 1ere tar2ete* for *eathR some s,r3i3e*, others *i* not- The +hronolo2y s,mmari"e*
here +omrises the ten most si2nifi+ant atta+9s *,rin2 a san of nearly 17 years X 8ran=s *e+a*e of
ar)et: Ahma* Kasra3i
Date: Mar+h 11, 1956
$esult: S,++essf,l
6n Mar+h 11, 1956, Ahma* Kasra3i, a hi2hly a++omlishe* a,thor, historian, lin2,ist an* se+,lar
a+ti3ist, 1as s,mmone* to the +o,rt to )e :,estione* re2ar*in2 +omlaints from 8slami+
f,n*amentalists offen*e* )y his 1ritin2s- There, in a hi2hly )ra"en a+t of 3iolen+e, he an* assistant
1ere sa3a2ely m,r*ere* )y Saye* ;ossein >mami an* an a++omli+e, )oth of 1hom )elon2e* to the
ne1ly forme* Feda1ian 'slam- >mami, 1ho tol* a,thorities his name 1as A)*,llah #aste2ar, 1as
arreste* ),t 1as soon set free, *,e mainly to me*iation )y reli2io,s fi2,res-
$a3a) Safa3i ha* )een *etermine* to eliminate Kasra3i, shootin2 him ersonally in a re3io,s
attemt on his life-
The )o*ies of Ahma* Kasra3i (ri2ht) an* his assistant, ;a**a*%o,r-
ar)et: Mohamma* Maso,*
Date: Fe)r,ary 1B, 1958
$esult: S,++essf,l
Mohamma* Maso,*, the talente* (o,rnalist an* o1ner of Mard2e23mrou4
ne1saer, 1as 2,nne* *o1n on Fe) 1Bth, 1958- Maso,*Ms 3itrioli+ 1ritin2s
atta+9in2 the elites, the +o,rt, the army an* the monar+hy 1ere le2en*ary-
$o +lear +,lrit 1as i*entifie*, tho,2h some s,se+te* the in3ol3ement of the royal
+o,rt, ese+ially Shah=s sister Ashraf Pahla3i, as 1ell as M,slim fanati+s- Many
years later, some T,*eh mem)ers sai* arty lea*ershi 1as also in3ol3e*- J1L
ar)et: Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i
Date: Fe)r,ary 5, 1959
$esult: Ans,++essf,l
8ran=s monar+h, Shah Cohamma# $e&a Pahla%i, fa+e* an assassination attemt
*,rin2 a +eremony at Tehran Ani3ersity on Fe) 5th, 1959, ),t 1as only sli2htly
Fo,r of the fi3e (ullets "ire# at the Shah misse#, an* assailant $asser Fa9hrara=ei,
osin2 as a hoto2raher, 1as instantly shot to *eath )y offi+ers on the s+ene-
?hen a ress +ar* )elon2in2 to a ne1saer r,n )y Ayatollah Kashani=s son in la1
1as *is+o3ere* on his erson, Kashani 1as arreste* an* e<ile* to @e)anon- Also
)lame* in the assa,lt 1as the T,*eh, 1hose arty 1as )anne* an* lea*ers arreste*-
The Shah=s ra*io a**ress follo1in2 the assassination attemt-
ar)et: A)*ol%;ossein ;a"hir
Date: $o3em)er 5th, 1959
$esult: S,++essf,l
Co,rt minister an* former Prime Minister A)*ol%;ossein ;a"hir 1as m,r*ere* )y
Saye* ;ossein >mami on $o3 5th, 1959- >mami, a Fe*a=ian 8slam +,ltist 1ho ha*
)een Ahma* Kasra3i=s assassin nearly fo,r years earlier, 1as arreste* an* han2e* in
,)li+- The 2o3ernment ,se* the e3ent as an oort,nity to s,ress oosition- 8t
esta)lishe* military r,le, arreste* some mem)ers of the (,st esta)lishe* $ational
Front (.e)he Melli) an* e<ile* its fo,n*er, &r- Mohamma* Mossa*e2h, to his 3illa2e
of Ahma*a)a*- JBL
8roni+ally, as a fa3or to the reli2io,s esta)lishment, ;a"hir ha* ,se* his infl,en+e to
sa3e >mami from (,sti+e for m,r*erin2 Kasra3i in 1956-J/L
ar)et: Ahma* &eh2han
Date: May B4, 19I7
$esult: S,++essf,l
Ahma* &eh2han 1or9e* 3ario,sly X an* often sim,ltaneo,sly X as an a+tor, theater
o1ner, ne1saer an* ma2a"ine ,)lisher, an* Ma(les *e,ty- 8n May 19I7, he 1as
m,r*ere* )y T,*eh arty mem)er ;assan .afari- Some se+,late* that the 9illin2 1as a
(oint 3ent,re )et1een the T,*eh an* General Ali #a"mara- 6ne month after the
assassination, #a"mara )e+ame Prime Minister-
Assassin ;assan .afari 1as e<e+,te* in Aril 19I1-
ar)et: Ali #a"mara
Date: Mar+h 4, 19I1
$esult: S,++essf,l
Prime Minister Ali #a"mara 1as shot to *eath at a mos:,e on Mar+h 4, 19I1-
Khalil Tahmase)i, a +arenter an* Feda,ian mem)er, 1as the shooter, tho,2h
some +laim that #a"mara 1as 9ille* )y an army ser2eant, a+tin2 on the Shah=s
instr,+tions, 1hen Tahmase)i misse* his tar2et- J5L JIL There 1as 1i*esrea*
s,si+ion that the Shah an* his +onfi*ante, Assa*,llah Alam, laye* a role in
#a"mara=s *eath- J1L ?hate3er the ans1er, the oliti+al 1ran2lin2 of the time
a+t,ally res,lte* in the ar*onin2 of Tahmase)i-
#a"mara=s )o*y
Ayatollah Kashani 2reets #a"mara=s assassin, Khalil Tahmase)i, as a hero ,on his release in &e+em)er 19IB
ar)et: A)*ol%;ami* Oan2aneh
Date: Mar+h 19, 19I1
$esult: S,++essf,l
6nly 1B *ays after the assassination of #a"mara, his Minister of
>*,+ation an* &ean of @a1 s+hool, A)*ol%;ami* Oan2aneh, 1as also
2,nne* *o1n-
The Mar+h 19, 19I1 m,r*er of Oan2aneh, an ,no,lar oliti+al
fi2,re, 1as attri),te* to Feda1ian 'slam, tho,2h ?estern ress reorts
state* that the 9iller, $osratollah ',mi, 1as a st,*ent of Oan2aneh=s
1hom he ha* re+ently +a,2ht +heatin2- The in+i*ent romte* the
Shah to instit,te martial la1 an* a Mar+h B7th +,rfe1 in Tehran,
a++or*in2 to reorts-
ar)et: &r- ;ossein Fatemi
Date: Fe)r,ary 16, 19IB
$esult: Ans,++essf,l
6n Fe)r,ary 16, 19IB, 1hile atten*in2 the anni3ersary of his assassinate* (o,rnalist
frien* Mohamma* Maso,*, Dr+ 6ossein !atemi, Mossa*e2h=s loyal Forei2n Minister,
himself )e+ame the tar2et of an assassination attemt-
The assailant, Meh*i A)*i%Kho*aei, 1as a 16 year%ol* Feda,ian 'slam mem)er 1ith a
5th 2ra*e e*,+ation- &r- Fatemi s,ffere* e<tensi3e a)*ominal *ama2e an* ,n*er1ent emer2en+y
s,r2ery- Altho,2h he s,r3i3e*, he sent nearly a year in the hosital an* ne3er f,lly re+o3ere*-
Fatemi (Bn* from ri2ht), moments )efore teena2e shooter fires oint )lan9 into his a)*omen-
Fe)r,ary 14, 19IB ress arti+le
ar)et: &r- Mohamma* Mossa*e2h
Date: Fe)r,ary B8, 19I/
$esult: Ans,++essf,l
6n Fe)r,ary B8th, 19I/, Premier Cohamma# Cossa#e)h 1ent to see the Shah at
his ri3ate ala+e, rior to the Shah=s tri to >,roe, ostensi)ly for me*i+al treatment-
Shortly after his arri3al, Mossa*e2h re+ei3e* a messa2e that Ameri+an am)assa*or
@oy ;en*erson ha* re:,este* an ,r2ent meetin2 1ith him, +,ttin2 his 3isit short- As
Mossa*e2h left for home, he hear* a hostile +ro1* o,tsi*e, sho,tin2 slo2ans
a++,sin2 him of for+in2 the Shah to lea3e the +o,ntry- ;e mana2e* to sli a1ay
thro,2h a small 2ate that oene* to an a*(a+ent ),il*in2 an* to another street- ?hen
he met 1ith ;en*erson that afternoon, Mossa*e2h 1as asto,n*e* to *is+o3er that he
ha* no imortant matter to *is+,ss-
@ater, the a2itate* mo), hea*e* )y notorio,s th,2 Sha=)an .afari, mo3e* to Mossa*e2hMs home an*
)e2an to atta+9 it- 6ne 9nife%1iel*in2 mal+ontent +lim)e* a tree an* trie* to )rea9 in, sho,tin2 of his
intention to 9ill &r- Mossa*e2h- .afari, 1ho ha* +lose ties to Kashani, o3ertoo9 an army me*i+al (ee
an* ramme* it into the ho,se 2ate, ),t 1as still ,na)le to )rea9 thro,2h- Tho,2h se+,rity for+es
*efen*in2 the resi*en+e 1ere ositione* to shoot if anyone entere* the remises, Mossa*e2h *e+i*e* to
es+ae )y +lim)in2 a la**er o3er the 1all to the a*(a+ent roerty, 1hi+h he also o1ne*, an* then to
army hea*:,arters-
The lot a2ainst Mossa*e2h, 1hi+h +ame to )e 9no1n as 5o1he 3sfand (9th of the month in Persian
+alen*ar), in+l,*e* mem)ers of the royal +o,rt, *is2r,ntle* army 2enerals, an* +leri+s s,+h as Ayatollah
Kashani an* Heh)ehani- @oy ;en*erson=s )i"arre )eha3ior that *ay, as 1ell, +a,se* Mossa*e2h to
s,se+t him of +onsirin2 to 9ill him-J6L
A re3io,s threat, *es+ri)e* in a .an,ary 17, 19IB ress arti+le
ar)et: Mahmo,* Afshart,s
Date: Aril 19, 19I/
$esult: S,++essf,l
8n mi* Aril 19I/, Mossa*e2h=s loyal oli+e +hief, Hri2a*ier Mahmo,* Afshart,s,
1as fo,n* to )e missin2 1itho,t any tra+e- Se3eral *ays later, his )o*y 1as
*is+o3ere* in a +a3e o,tsi*e Tehran, tort,re* an* )r,tally m,r*ere*- Fo,r retire* hi2h
ran9in2 army offi+ers 1ere arreste* on s,si+ion of +onsira+y in his 9i*nain2-
Also imli+ate* 1ere &r- Mo"affar Ha2haMi, a former s,orter of Mossa*e2h,
General Oahe*i an* three of Oahe*i=s relati3es- The Hritish se+ret intelli2en+e M86
1as also imli+ate*, at least thro,2h their a2ents, the #ashi*ian )rothers-
The m,r*er of Afshart,s *eri3e* Mossa*e2h of an irrela+ea)le, loyal s,orter in the arme* for+es-
An*er the rote+tion of Kashani, Oahe*i re+ei3e* shelter in the Ma(les an* Ha2haMi, 1ho ha* a *efinite
role in 9i*nain2 an* m,r*er of Afsharto,s, 1as aarently ne3er trie*-
ar)et: ;ossein Ala
Date: $o3em)er 14, 19II
$esult: Ans,++essf,l
6n $o3em)er 14, 19II, yet another mem)er of Feda1ian 'slam, Mo"affar%Ali Ool2ha*r,
attemte* to ta9e the life of ;ossein Ala, the Shah=s Co,rt Minister-
Ala, a former Forei2n Minister an* )riefly, s,++essor to the assassinate* Premier
#a"mara, s,r3i3e* the or*eal 1ith only a hea* 1o,n*, s,staine* 1hen the 2,nman
thre1 his 1eaon at him after missin2 his tar2et- Ool2ha*r 1as imme*iately arreste*-
$a3a) Safa3i, +at,re* on $o3em)er B4, 19II-
The attemt on Ala=s life 1as not the last of its 9in*, yet it mar9e* the en* of Fe*ai=ian=s ma(or rei2n of terror- $a3a) Safa3i,
)arely /B years ol*, alon2 1ith some of his follo1ers 1ere ro,n*e* , an* ,t on trial- Ool2ha*r, Safa3i, Khalil Tahmase)i, an*
another mem)er, Saye* Mohamma* Gahe*i, 1ere +on*emne* to *eath in a military +o,rt- 6n .an,ary 18, 19I6, all 1ere
e<e+,te* )y firin2 s:,a*-
The Fe*a=ian=s infl,en+e, ho1e3er, li3e* on- &e+a*es later, the 8slami+ #e,)li+ of 8ran 1o,l* honor $a3a) Safa3i )y namin2 a
metro station an* a Tehran e<ress1ay after him, in a**ition to memoriali"in2 him on osta2e stams an* ,)li+ m,rals- 6ther
Fe*a=ian terrorists 1o,l* later (oin Khomenei=s ne1 8slami+ 2o3ernment- Meh*i A)*i%Kho*aei, 1ho ser3e* as a *e,ty in the
first Ma(les follo1in2 the 1949 re3ol,tion, ha* attemte* to 9ill Forei2n Minister ;ossein Fatemi as a teena2er- Feda1ian 'slam
ha*, of +o,rse, also inten*e* to eliminate Mossa*e2h, ),t ha* to settle for s,ortin2 the +o, a2ainst him in 19I/-
After the +o,, &r- Mossa*e2h narro1ly a3oi*e* e<e+,tion )y the +o, re2ime, yet his yo,n2 Forei2n Minister, ;ossein Fatemi
1as not so l,+9y- 8n 19I5, he 1as )r,tally )eaten, sta))e* an* finally 9ille* )y the Shah=s firin2 s:,a*- As Fatemi 1as reorte*
to ha3e remar9e* after the +o,, *,rin2 Mossa*e2hMs B8%month 2o3ernment, not a sin2le erson 1as in+ar+erate*, harme* or
9ille* for oliti+al reasons at their )ehest-
D/E Fa9hre**in A"imi, 'ran) The Crisis of Democrac%, 2- 186%4
D2E A6AD' 7uarterl% Re8iew, Y B6 P B4 % S,mmer P A,t,mn B771
DBE Stehen Kin"er, All the Shah's Men
D?E ;oma Kato,"ian, Musaddi( and the Struggle for Power in 'ran, 2- 85
DAE Mostafa >lm, 9il Power and Principle, 'ran1s 9il 5ationali4ation And 'ts Aftermath, - 87
DFE &r- Mohamma* Mossa*e2h, Memoirs
Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i P Frien*s
I"een $"liana of the 5etherlan!s *left0 appears with the 3ohamma! Reza /hah Pahlavi of .ran *center0 an! her h"sban! Prince
Bernhar! of the 5etherlan!s at the Royal Palace in #mster!am 5etherlan!s on 3ay (( &'B'. Prin%e Bernhard of the
&etherlands attended the private Bilderber! Meetin!s %onferen%es from 19'4 to 19('$ *Bettmann,C-RB./0
2rench Presi!ent Charles !e =a"lle *center0 an! his wife Kvonne ;en!ro"4 *not pict"re!0 are welcome! by 3ohamma! Reza
/hah Pahlavi an! his wife 2arah in Tehran .ran on -ctober & &')7. *Photo8 Raymon! Garolle,<"ropress,/ygma,Corbis0
',een >li"a)eth 88 of Great Hritain (B
left) an* Prin+e Phili, &,9e of >*in),r2h (ri2ht) ose 1ith Shah Mohamma* #e"a
Pahla3i of 8ran (Bn* ri2ht) an* his 1ife Farah Pahla3i *,rin2 their state 3isit to Tehran, 8ran in Mar+h 1961- (AFP Photo)
Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran aears 1ith ',een >li"a)eth 88 of Great Hritain *,rin2 The Shah of 8ran=s state 3isit to
@on*on in 19I9-
Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran (B
ri2ht) an* his 1ife Shah)ano, of 8ran Farah Pahla3i (ri2ht) 3isit Kin2 .,an Carlos of
Sain (B
left) an* his 1ife ',een Sofia of Sain (left)-
Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran aears 1ith ',een >li"a)eth 88 of Great Hritain *,rin2 The Shah of 8ran=s state 3isit to
@on*on in 19I9-
A @ife hoto of Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran an* his 1ife an* son osin2 for a formal ortrait on the Pea+o+9 Throne
Prime Minister of 8n*ia .a1aharlal $ehr, (left) aears 1ith Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran (se+on* from ri2ht)-
(Photo: htt:DDarsee*-irDin*e<-hVlin9i*Z/669P:lan2Zen)
Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran meets 1ith Kin2 ;,ssein of .or*an (1earin2 a 1hite s,it) in .or*an in 194I-
8n*ira Gan*hi (left), the Prime Minister of 8n*ia, 2reets Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran (+enter) an* his 1ife Shah)ano,
of 8ran Farah Pahla3i *,rin2 their state 3isit to 8n*ia in 1947-
Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran (left) ren*ers a sal,te *,rin2 his meetin2 1ith >meror ;irohito of .aan in To9yo, .aan
in May 19I8-
(Photo: htt:DDiranian-+omDmainD)lo2D*ari,s%9a*i3arDmo*ernity%tra*ition%shah%iran%meets%(aans%hirohito%19I8-html)
/hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran *(
right0 visits =eneralissimo Chiang KaiDshek *center0 in Taipei Taiwan Rep"blic of China in &'BC.

/hah 3ohamme! Reza Pahlavi of .ran *center0 an! his wife <mpress 2arah of .ran *left0 visit <mperor :aile /elassie of <thiopia in #!!is
#baba <thiopia.
/hah 3ohamme! Reza Pahlavi of .ran *center0 an! his wife /hahbano" of .ran 2arah Pahlavi *right0 appear with Comm"nist China>s envoy
:ia ="oDfeng at 5iavaran palace in Tehran .ran.
Presi!ent :arry Tr"man meets with /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran in the -val -ffice on 5ovember &C &'6'.
*Photo8 :arry /. Tr"man Library0
<leanor Roosevelt visits /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran in Teheran .ran on 3arch (? &'B'. *Photo8 2ranklin G. Roosevelt Library0
Presi!ent :arry /. Tr"man an! 3rs. Tr"man appear with /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran in formal attire !"ring the /hahHs visit to the
9nite! /tates on *circa0 5ovember &C &'6'. *Photo8 :arry /. Tr"man Presi!ential Library0
Presi!ent :arry /. Tr"man *front center0 appears with the /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran *front secon! from right0 an! 9./.
/ecretary of /tate Gean #cheson *front secon! from left0 at a !inner in .ran.
Presi!ent Gwight G. <isenhower appears with /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran at the White :o"se on Gecember &6
&'B'. /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran "se! the /avak *.ranian secret police0 to terrorize the .ranian people an! to
eliminate political !issent an! free!om of speech. *Photo8 Gwight G. <isenhower Library0
/hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran *left0 Presi!ent $ohn 2. Kenne!y *center0 an! 9./. /ecretary of Gefense Robert
3c5amara meet in the Cabinet Room of the White :o"se on #pril &7 &')(. *Photo8 $ohn 2. Kenne!y Presi!ential Library0
Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran (left) meets 1ith A3erell ;arriman, An*er A-S- Se+retary of State for Politi+al Affairs, in
Tehran, 8ran on .an,ary /, 196I- ;arriman 1as a mem)er of the Co,n+il on Forei2n #elations, a ri3ate forei2n affairs or2ani"ation
in $e1 Eor9 City, from 19B/ to 1986- (AP ?irehoto)
Ameri+an la1yer Geor2e ?- Hall (left) meets 1ith the Shah Mohamme* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran in 6+to)er 1964- This hoto aears in
Geor2e ?- HallMs )oo9 The Past +as Another Pattern) Memoirs- Geor2e ?- Hall 1as a re2,lar Hil*er)er2 Meetin2s arti+iant an* a
mem)er of the Co,n+il on Forei2n #elations-
@yn*on H- .ohnson (+enter), the Gi+e Presi*ent of the Anite* States, 1at+hes Shah Mohamme* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran (left) 2reet
A-S- Am)assa*or to 8ran .,li,s C- ;olmes- .,li,s C- ;olmes 1as a mem)er of the Co,n+il on Forei2n #elations-
(Photo: htt:DD111-ms2%history-+omD2alleryBDmain-hV2BFitem8*Z16/BB)

#merican <mbassy in Tehran .ran *Photo8 http8,,,gallery(,main.phpLg(@item.!M&%B'C0

Presi!ent Richar! 5i4on speaks to /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran *left0 in the -val -ffice on $"ly (6 &'%7.
5ational /ec"rity #!visor :enry Kissinger *wearing glasses0 /ecretary of /tate William P. Rogers *right0 an! #ssistant /ecretary of /tate $oe
/isco *rear thir! from right0 watch Presi!ent Richar! 5i4on shake han!s with /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran at the White :o"se on
-ctober (7 &')'. *Wally 3c5amee,C-RB./0
Anite* States Presi*ent #i+har* $i<on (left) meets 1ith Ar*eshir Oahe*i, the Forei2n Minister of 8ran, in Tehran, 8ran in 1969-
Ar*eshir Oahe*i ser3e* as Forei2n Minister of 8ran (/ Mar+h 1966 0 15 .an,ary 194/) an* 8ranian Am)assa*or to the Anite*
States of Ameri+a (16 Mar+h 1967 0 /7 Mar+h 196B, 4 Mar+h 194/ 0 11 Fe)r,ary 1949)-
/hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran *left0 appears with Presi!ent of <gypt #nwar /a!at in an "n!ate! photo.
Presi!ent Richar! 5i4on actor Peter 2alk 2irst La!y Patricia 5i4on the /hahbano" of .ran an! The /hah of .ran celebrate at a
party on $"ly (6 &'%7.
Presi!ent $immy Carter atten!s a meeting with /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran at the White :o"se in Washington G.C.
on 5ovember &B &'%%. 5ational /ec"rity #!visor Nbigniew Brzezinski sits on Carter>s left an! /ecretary of /tate Cyr"s ;ance
sits on Carter>s right.
Left to right8 /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran Presi!ent $immy Carter /hanbano" an! 2irst La!y Rosalyn Carter appear
at the /tate Ginner in Tehran .ran on Gecember 7& &'%%. *Photo8 $immy Carter Library0
Presi!ent $immy Carter appears with King :"ssein of $or!an the /hah of .ran an! the /hahbano" of .ran in Tehran .ran on
Gecember 7& &'%%.

Left8 Presi!ent Lyn!on B. $ohnson intro!"ces 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi */hah of .ran0 to $. Wa!!y B"llion at the White :o"se on $"ne &&
&')C. *Photo8 Lyn!on B. $ohnson Presi!ential Library0
Right8 The .ranian people welcome the .mam #yatollah Khomeini at his resi!ence in Iom after he was release! from prison in &')6.
S,rely 1e )elon2 to Go*, an* to ;im 1e 1ill ret,rn[8 +annot e<ress the sorro1 8 feel in my heart- My heart is )rea9in2-
Sin+e the *ay 8 hear* of the latest *e3eloments in 8ran, 8 ha3e )arely slet[-- ?ith a sorro1f,l heart, 8 +o,nt the *ays ,ntil my
*eath +omes (the a,*ien+e 1ees)- 8ran no lon2er has an >i*R they ha3e t,rne* o,r >i* into mo,rnin2[----hey Dthe Iranian
)o%ernmentE ha%e sol# us- they ha%e sol# our in#epen#en'e[6,r honor has )een tramle* onR the 2reatness of 8ran has )een
*estroye*-! 0 8mam Ayatollah Khomeini, in his famo,s see+h re2ar*in2 the +ait,lation )ill! (the roose* stat,s%of%for+es
a2reement for Ameri+an military ersonnel statione* in 8ran) he *eli3ere* on 6+to)er B6, 1965-
$ote: The 8ranian military for+es arreste* Khomeini on $o3em)er 5, 1965 an* *eorte* him to T,r9ey in 196IR Khomeini 1o,l* li3e
in $a(af, 8ra: for se3eral years )efore mo3in2 to Fran+e- ;asan%ali Mans,r, the Prime Minister of 8ran from 4 Mar+h 1965 ,ntil his
*eath on B6 .an,ary 196I, ha* ers,a*e* Khomeini to reno,n+e his remar9s an* aolo2i"eR Khomeini ref,se* to aolo2i"e an* Prime
Minister Mans,r reorte*ly slae* Khomeini in the fa+e- Prime Minister Mans,r 1as assassinate* in Tehran on .an,ary BB, 196I-
Presi!ent $immy Carter *left0 toasts /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran following a formal !inner in the 5iavaran Palace in
Tehran .ran on Gecember 7& &'%%. "%%ordin! to the )hinese %alendar, 19(( was *nown as +ear of the Sna*e$
Cohamma# $e&a Pahla%i o.e# his seat on the Pea'o'< hrone to "orei)n inter%ention #urin) *orl# *ar II- an# "or
the ne=t "our tur(ulent #e'a#es Irans enormous oil reser%es an# pro=imity to the So%iet Gnion ensure# that it .oul# (e
in the interest o" the *estern po.ers to <eep him there+ For the first three *e+a*es of the ShahMs rei2n, Great Hritain
e<er+ise* re*ominant oliti+al an* e+onomi+ inf1,en+e in 8ran, as it ha* for more than a +ent,ry thro,2ho,t the Persian G,lf-
This +han2e* in 1968 1hen Prime Minister ;arol* ?ilson anno,n+e* his +o,ntry 1o,l* 1ith*ra1 its military for+es from east
of S,e" )y early 1941- The tas9 of +ontainin2 the So3iet Anion an* rote+tin2 the 3ital oil reser3es of the re2ion no1 *e3ol3e*
on the Anite* States- The $i<on &o+trine, 1hi+h +alle* for smaller re2ional o1ers s,orte* an* s,lie* )y the Anite* States
to +arry the ),r*en of *efense a2ainst Comm,nist e<ansion aro,n* the 1orl*, )e+ame the +ontrollin2 oli+y, an* in the Persian
G,lf the t1in illars! 1o,l* )e Sa,*i Ara)ia an* 8ran- he Shah too< a'tion to (olster his o.n position+ 6e systemati'ally
eliminate# politi'al opposition an# 'entrali&e# 'ontrol o" Irans e'onomi' a""airs in his o.n han#s+ he Shah sou)ht to
trans"orm his tra#itionalist Islami' so'iety (y intro#u'in) a pu(li' health system- esta(lishin) pu(li' s'hools throu)hout
the 'ountry an# ma<in) e#u'ation 'ompulsory "or .omen as .ell as men- an# institutin) uni%ersal su""ra)e- )i%in)
.omen the ri)ht to %ote "or the "irst time+ he Shahs mo#erni&in) re"orms met stron) opposition "rom Cuslim 'leri's
an# the (a&aar mer'hants+ hey in%ei)he# 'onstantly a)ainst .hat they sa. as the #e)ra#ation o" IranHs Islami' 'ulture
throu)h the e""e'ts o" .esterni&ation an# prosperity: the short s<irts- jeans- mo%ies- an# #is'otheIues+ 8n the early 1947s
1hen h,2e amo,nts of oil re3en,e floo*e* into 8ran, the Shah o,re* money into infrastr,+t,re: roa*s, orts, airfiel*s,
ele+trifi+ation, hositals, an* s+hools- An* he emhasi"e* the *i3ersifi+ation of in*,stry, ro*,+in2 an en3ia)le e+onomi+
2ro1th rate that 1as ,narallele* in any other +o,ntry at that time, at least for a fe1 years- *hile the Shah #i# mu'h to
trans"orm Iran into a mo#ern state- there .as a #ar< si#e to his re)ime+ S4@4J- the se'ret poli'e- represse# those .ho
oppose# the re)ime or simply #eman#e# a more #emo'rati' politi'al or#er+ 5%er time he (e'ame more an# more
isolate# "rom the realities o" li"e in his o.n 'ountry- an# his re)ime (e'ame in'reasin)ly in"le=i(le an# repressi%e+
herein lay the see#s o" his #emise+! 0 Memoirs )y &a3i* #o+9efeller, - /I4%/I8
Prior to the 1947s my +onta+ts 1ith the Shah 1ere +onfine* to t1o )rief meetin2s: an a,*ien+e in Tehran in 196I an* a *inner
in 1968 1hen ;ar3ar* a1ar*e* him an honorary *e2ree- Chase, on the other han*, ha* lon2 maintaine* stron2 +orreson*ent
relationshis 1ith the Han9 Mar9a"i, 8ranMs +entral )an9: the Han9 Melli, the lar2est +ommer+ial )an9R an* a *o"en other
+ommer+ial )an9s- More imortant, )y the mi*%l947s 1e ha* )e+ome the lea* )an9 for the $ational 8ranian 6il Comany
($86C), the state%o1ne* +ororation that *ominate* the +o,ntry=s e+onomy- ?e ha* e3en )een a)le to )riefly enetrate 8ran=s
hi2hly rote+te* *omesti+ )an9in2 system )y settin2 , a *e3eloment )an9 there in artnershi 1ith @a"ar* Freres in 19I4-
;o1e3er, the 8ranian 2o3ernment s,)se:,ently restri+te* )oth o,r o1nershi er+enta2e an* the oerations of the instit,tion,
sn,ffin2 o,t a romisin2 oort,nity- For the ne<t *e+a*e 8 loo9e* for a 1ay to esta)lish a *ire+t +ommer+ial )an9in2 resen+e
in 8ran, ),t 1ith no s,++ess- A realisti+ oort,nity finally emer2e* in the early 1947s, for 1hi+h 1e nee*e* the ermission of
the Shah to ro+ee*- 8n .an,ary 1945, only a fe1 months after the first oil sho+9,! 8 stoe* off to see the Shah in Saint%Morit"
1ith some Chase asso+iates an* my son #i+har*- ?e 1ere on o,r 1ay to the Mi**le >ast an* ha* learne* the Shah 1as s9iin2 in
S1it"erlan*- #i+har* too9 notes of the meetin2, 1hi+h laste* nearly t1o ho,rs an* +o3ere* many s,)(e+ts- The Shah )elie3e*
the ri+e of oil sho,l* )e *etermine* )y the +ost of e<tra+tin2 oil from shale, a ri+e e3en hi2her than the one artifi+ially
imose* )y the 6P>C +artel- ;e ointe* o,t that etrole,m 1as a nonrene1a)le reso,r+e that 1o,l* )e *elete* 1ithin a finite
n,m)er of years: therefore, a hi2h ri+e 1o,l* )e 2oo* )e+a,se it 1o,l* for+e the 1orl* to *e3elo ne1 so,r+es of ener2y- 6ilMs
most 3al,a)le ,se, he sai*, 1as for etro+hemi+als, an* 1e sho,l* ,se other ener2y so,r+es for f,el- ;e insiste* that hi2h oil
ri+es 1ere a fa3or, not a *isser3i+e, to the in*,strial 1orl*- The Shah en3isione* a 2ol*en f,t,re for his +o,ntry as a res,lt of
hi2her oil ri+es- 8ran, he ass,re* ,s, 1o,l* )e+ome an in*,strial o1er an*, 1ithin t1enty%fi3e years, one of the to fi3e
e+onomies in the 1orl*, alon2si*e the Anite* States, #,ssia, China, an* Hra"il- ;e +laime* in+orre+tly, ),t 8 *i* not +hallen2e
him, that Tehran ha* alrea*y rela+e* Heir,t as the finan+ial +enter of the Mi**le >ast an* that )efore lon2 it 1o,l* ri3al )oth
@on*on an* $e1 Eor9- 6,r t1o%ho,r +on3ersation 0 the lon2est 8 1o,l* e3er ha3e 1ith him 0 to,+he* on many toi+s, from
So3iet *esi2ns on 8ran to Presi*ent $i<on an* his ?ater2ate tro,)les- ;enry Kissin2er ha* tol* me the Shah 1as an
e<+etionally a)le man 1ith a stron2 2ras of international affairs- 8 +ertainly fo,n* this to )e the +ase, ),t there 1as also an
arro2an+e that ,n*erlay his rono,n+ements on many of these iss,esR they la+9e* la,si)ility an* )etraye* an alarmin2 isolation
from oliti+al an* e+onomi+ reality- The Shah seeme* to thin9 that )e+a,se he )elie3e* somethin2, it 1as a,tomati+ally a fa+t-
The term h,)ris o++,rre* to me as 8 sat listenin2 to him o,tline his startlin2 3ision of an imerial 8ran re+laimin2 the an+ient
*omain of the Me*es an* the Persians- ;e seeme* ,n+on+erne* a)o,t the ha3o+ the oil ri+e in+reases ha* alrea*y +a,se* in the
2lo)al e+onomy, let alone 1hat his e<tra3a2ant roosals 1o,l* 2enerate- A fe1 *ays later in Tehran, 8 *is+,sse* the meetin2
1ith Am)assa*or #i+har* ;elms- &i+9, 1ho ha* only re+ently ta9en , his ost after ser3in2 as the *ire+tor of the C8A, felt the
8ranians 1ere really feelin2 their oats-! 6il 1ealth an* their re*ominant military osition in the G,lf, lar2ely the res,lt of
assistan+e from the Anite* States, ha* transforme* 8ran=s strate2i+ an* e+onomi+ osition- H,t ;elms also note* that Wtheir
)i22est ro)lem is that they ha3e the money, the materials, ),t not the traine* mano1er ne+essary to han*le them- ?hat is
erhas e3en more serio,s, the ministers are not sohisti+ate* or e<erien+e* eno,2h to +oe 1ith the a**e* 2o3ernmental
+omli+ations 1hi+h their s,**en enormo,s 1ealth is )rin2in2 them-!
0 Memoirs )y &a3i* #o+9efeller, - /I8%/67
8 ha* not stoe* in Saint%Morit" to ta the Shah=s 2eooliti+al e<ertise ),t rather to *is+,ss ChaseMs effort to ,r+hase an interest in
an 8ranian +ommer+ial )an9- Si< months earlier 8 ha* raise* this iss,e at a )rief meetin2 at Hlair ;o,se *,rin2 one of his 3isits to
?ashin2ton- The Shah, 1ho 1as in the ro+ess of ne2otiatin2 an e+onomi+ an* arms a2reement 1ith the Anite* States, 2a3e me
a,thori"ation to e<lore the ossi)ility of ,r+hasin2 an 8ranian )an9- ;o1e3er, the t1o )an9s 1e ha* )een allo1e* to aroa+h 1ere,
to ,t it mil*ly, lemons 0 )a*ly mana2e* an* 1ith ne2ati3e +ash 3al,es- ?hen 8 tol* the Shah in Saint%Morit" this 1as not the
oort,nity Chase ha* )een loo9in2 for, he a2ree* an* sai*, 8t mi2ht )e )est to ermit the esta)lishment of an entirely ne1 )an9- 8
ha3e re+ently ermitte* three or fo,r ne1 mer+hant )an9s, so 1hy not one moreV! ;e sai* he 1o,l* 1ire Tehran that ni2ht 2i3in2 the
ne+essary instr,+tions- ;e ,r2e* me not to )e+ome in3ol3e* 1ith small +ommer+ial loans ),t to *o somethin2 really )i2-! The Shah
1as as 2oo* as his 1or*, an* o3er the ne<t year an* a half 1e ,t to2ether a (oint 3ent,re 1ith the state%o1ne* 8n*,strial Cre*it Han9
to form the 8nternational Han9 of 8ran (8H8) to finan+e e+onomi+ *e3eloment ro(e+ts as 1ell as hel 1ith the formation of an 8ranian
+aital mar9et- :hase in%este# K/2+F million an# BA per'ent o" the ne. (an<+ he Shahs help ha# (een essential- (ut it
.as the only time he e%er inter%ene# on :haseHs (ehal"+ 4"ter :hase esta(lishe# a physi'al presen'e in ehran- it .as the
(an<s #eposit )atherin) an# tra#e "inan'e a'ti%ities "rom .hi'h .e (ene"ite# most su(stantially+ 4s Iran earne# more "rom
the sale o" oil a"ter /10B- Iranian #eposits maintaine# .ith :hase in'rease# #ramati'ally+ In a##ition- our tra#e "inan'e
(usiness (oome# (e'ause .e 'ontinue# to "inan'e a si)ni"i'ant portion o" IranHs oil e=ports+ >y the mi#-/10Ls as mu'h as KAL
to KFL million a #ay passe# throu)h :hase- an# Iranian #eposits at one point in late /103 e='ee#e# K/ (illion+ *hen Iran
entere# the international 'apital mar<ets in the mi#-/10Ls to "inan'e its lar)e pu(li' se'tor proje'ts- :hase too< the lea# in
"loatin) ei)ht syn#i'ate# loans+ >y /101 .e ha# ser%e# as a)ent "or syn#i'ations totalin) K/+0 (illion- o" .hi'h our portion .as
a(out KBBL million+ These 1ere si2nifi+ant ),t )y no means e<traor*inary amo,nts, 2i3en that Chase=s total forei2n len*in2 at the en*
of 1949 1as more than TBB )illion an* o,r total *eosits e<+ee*e* T58 )illion- Moreo3er, none of these finan+ial lin9s *een*e* on
my ha3in2 a se+ial relationshi! 1ith the Shah: they 1ere the res,lt of Chase=s lea*in2 role in 1orl* finan+ial mar9ets- 8roni+ally, 1e
1ere ne3er s,++essf,l in attra+tin2 the Shah himself as a +,stomer: he pre"erre# to <eep most o" his money in!
0 Memoirs )y &a3i* #o+9efeller, - /67%/61
The romise of the ShahMs re2ime *een*e* lar2ely on ho1 the 8ranian monar+h ,se* his ne1fo,n* oil 1ealth to reform his +o,ntry=s
oliti+al an* e+onomi+ str,+t,re- There 1as +ertainly eno,2h money to *o this, ),t money )y itself 1as not the ans1er- This 1as one
of the messa2es that 8 *eli3ere* to him in Saint%Morit"- 8n 194I, 1hen *ilomati+ an* oliti+al relations )et1een the Anite* States an*
8ran 2re1 +loser as a res,lt of the $i<on%Kissin2er initiati3es, 8 1as as9e* to (oin the )oar* of the ne1ly forme* 8ran%A-S- H,siness
Co,n+il, the ri3ate se+tor +o,nterart of the A-S-%8ran .oint Committee- The latter ha* )een forme* )y ;enry Kissin2er an* ;,shan2
Ansary, the minister of finan+e an* e+onomy, to e<lore 1ays in 1hi+h the t1o nations mi2ht imro3e their e+onomi+ ties- 8n late
194I the .oint Committee as9e* the H,siness Co,n+il to or2ani"e a +onferen+e in Tehran to a*3ise the 8ranian 2o3ernment on the stes
they nee*e* to ta9e in or*er to lay a lar2er role in 2lo)al finan+ial mar9ets- ;,shan2 Ansary tol* me that the Shah ,n*erstoo* the
nee* for reform an* ,r2e* that the meetin2 )e +on3ene* as soon as ossi)le- 8 as9e* o,r Chase e+onomists to ,t to2ether )a+92ro,n*
aers for the +onferen+e, 1hi+h 8 1o,l* +hair- ?e s+he*,le* the meetin2 for Mar+h 1946 in Tehran an* assem)le* a *istin2,ishe*
2ro, of Ameri+ans that in+l,*e* Pa,l Gol+9er, then resi*ent of the $e1 Eor9 Fe*eral #eser3e Han9R &onal* #e2an, +hairman of
Merrill @yn+h P Co-R Peter G- Peterson, +hairman of @ehman HrothersR an* the hea*s of se3eral ma(or A-S- +ommer+ial )an9s- The
8ranians fiel*e* a *ele2ation of senior +a)inet ministers, )an9ers, an* ),sinessmen- The Chase e+onomists ainte* a essimisti+
i+t,re of 8ran that 1as *iffi+,lt to re+on+ile 1ith the Shah=s o1n 3ision of finan+ial an* e+onomi+ he2emony- 8ran ha* lar2e :,antities
of oil money an* e3ery e<e+tation that this so,r+e of in+ome 1o,l* +ontin,e to 2ro1- H,t almost nothin2 else 1as in la+e to ens,re
this 1in*fall 1o,l* )e t,rne* to ro*,+ti3e ,se- 8ran la+9e* )oth an or2ani"e* money mar9et an* a sto+9 e<+han2eR its +,rren+y 1as
1ea9, an* its forei2n e<+han2e 1as in *isarray- ;%en more important- the Iranian le)al an# )o%ernmental system la'<e#
transparen'y- a''ounta(ility- an# 're#i(ility- all ne'essary "or attra'tin) "orei)n in%estment+ he )o%ernment
e%erythin) o" any e'onomi' 'onseIuen'e an# mana)e# e%erythin) "rom the top #o.n an# "rom the 'enter out- .hi'h pro#u'e#
tremen#ous .aste- ine""i'ien'y- an# 'orruption+ o )et anythin) #one reIuire# payin) (ri(es- < someone in or
(oth+ he ShahHs "amily an# mem(ers o" his inner 'ir'le (ene"ite# "rom this system an# #i# not .ish to see it 'han)e#+ Gntil
these (asi' 'on#itions .ere 'han)e#- there .as little li<elihoo# that the Shah .oul# reali&e his %ision o" ehran as an
international "inan'ial 'enter or o" Iran as an important )lo(al e'onomi' "or'e+ he Iranians .ere not please# .ith our
"in#in)s+ At the *inner that +on+l,*e* the +onferen+e Prime Minister Amir A))as ;o3ey*a s,)(e+te* ,s to an imassione* haran2,e
for e<ortin2 a la+9 of morality! to 8ran- ;e *eno,n+e* Ameri+an +omanies for )ri)in2 8ranian offi+ials an* then a++etin2
9i+9)a+9s for m,ltimillion%*ollar military ro+,rement *eals- ;o3ey*a=s remar9s 1ere a self%ser3in2, 2rat,ito,s attemt to )lame the
?est for ro)lems that seeme* to )e *eely em)e**e* in the 8ranian system- ?hen 1e +alle* on the Shah to reort the +onferen+e=s
+on+l,sions, he romise* to st,*y them, ),t 8 thin9 he alrea*y sense* that 8ran=s s,**en in+rease in 1ealth ha* intensifie* ),t ha* not
sol3e* his +o,ntry=s ro)lems- The Shah ha* ina,2,rate* a ro+ess of so+ial an* oliti+al +han2e, ),t it remaine* to )e seen 1hether
he 1o,l* +ontrol it or if it 1o,l* +ontrol him- H,t for the moment the Shah=s *omesti+ osition remaine* stron2 an* his relations 1ith
the Anite* States firm- 8n late 1944, Presi*ent an* Mrs- Carter ai* an offi+ial 3isit to the Shah in Tehran- At a state )an:,et on $e1
Eear=s >3e, Presi*ent Carter in tele3ise* remar9s so9e of the imortan+e of A-S-%8ranian relations- ;e sai* in art: 8ran, )e+a,se of
the 2reat lea*ershi of the Shah, is an islan* of sta)ility in one of the more tro,)le* areas of the 1orl* ---- ?e ha3e no other nation 1ith
1hom 1e ha3e +loser +ons,ltation on re2ional ro)lems that +on+ern ,s )oth- An* there is no lea*er 1ith 1hom 8 ha3e a *eeer sense
of ersonal 2ratit,*e an* ersonal frien*shi-!! 0 Memoirs )y &a3i* #o+9efeller, - /61%/6B
/hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran *center0 an! his wife 2arah Pahlavi *right0 greet /oviet Commissar Leoni! Brezhnev in
3oscow /oviet 9nion in &'%?. *Photo8 http8,,en.wikipe!,wiki,2ile82pmoscow&')'.Apg0
#lgeriaHs Presi!ent :o"ri Bo"me!ienne *center0 is flanke! by /hah 3ohamme! Reza Pahlavi of .ran *left0 an! /a!!am :"ssein
*right0 vice presi!ent of .ra1Hs Co"ncil of Revol"tionary Comman! at the /alle !e :ono"r at #lgiers #irport in #lgiers #lgeria on
3arch 7 &'%B. .ra1Hs representatives to the -P<C /"mmit arrive! at the airport shortly after the /hah. .ra1 Presi!ent #hme!
:assan #lDBakr !i! not atten! the conference. *Bettmann,C-RB./0
#mir #bbas :ovei!a *secon! from left0 the Prime 3inister of .ran appears with /Oleyman Gemirel *secon! from right0 the
Prime 3inister of T"rkey in an "n!ate! photo. :ovei!a was e4ec"te! by .ranian revol"tionaries in .ran on #pril % &'%'.
#mir #bbas :ovei!a the Prime 3inister of .ran from $an"ary () &')B to #"g"st % &'%% meets with King :"ssein of $or!an at
Tehran .ran in $"ne &'%7.
3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi *center0 the /hah of .ran appears with members of the .ranian cabinet in &'%B. Prime 3inister of
.ran #mir #bbas :ovei!a appears to the right of the /hah an! .nterior 3inister of .ran $amshi! #mo"zegar *2inance 3inister
from &')BD&'%60 appears to the left of the /hah.
3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi *left0 meets with Prime 3inister of .ran $afar /harifD<mami *right0 in Tehran .ran on #"g"st 7? &'%C. $afar /harifD
<mami serve! as Prime 3inister of .ran from #"g"st (% &'%C to 5ovember ) &'%C. *+ Cla"!e /alhani,/ygma,Corbis0
/hah 3ohamme! Reza Pahlevi *secon! from right0 an! the newly appointe! Prime 3inister of .ran /hapo"r Bakhtiar *right0 are shown with
members of the new civilian government which replace! the military regime in Tehran .ran on $an"ary ) &'%'. /hah 3ohamme! Reza
Pahlevi fle! Tehran by airplane an! went into e4ile on $an"ary &) &'%'. /hapo"r Bakhtiar a famo"s .ranian !issi!ent who was imprisone!
repeate!ly for his opposition to the /hah of .ran !"ring the &'%?s fle! .ran in #pril &'%' an! went into e4ile in Paris 2rance. /hapo"r
Bakhtiar who serve! as Prime 3inister of .ran from $an"ary 6 &'%' to 2ebr"ary && &'%' was m"r!ere! by .ranian assassins in Paris on
#"g"st ) &''&. *+ Bettmann,C-RB./0
Richar! 5i4on *(n! from left0 former Presi!ent of the 9nite! /tates visits /hah 3ohamme! Reza Pahlevi the !epose! /hah of .ran *(n!
from right0 his wife <mpress 2arah *left0 an! their son Reza *right0 at the /hah>s temporary home in C"ernavaca 3e4ico on $"ly &7 &'%'.
*+ Bettmann,C-RB./0
Richar! 5i4on *(n! from left0 former Presi!ent of the 9nite! /tates visits /hah 3ohamme! Reza Pahlevi the !epose! /hah of .ran *(n!
from right0 his wife <mpress 2arah *left0 an! their son Reza *right0 at the /hah>s temporary home in C"ernavaca 3e4ico on $"ly &7 &'%'.
*+ 3ichael 5orcia,/ygma,Corbis0
The SAGAK (S:4em:n2e 3ttel:1:t 8a Amni%at2e ;esh8ar, or 6r2ani"ation of 8ntelli2en+e an* $ational Se+,rity) 1as a se+ret oli+e
an* intelli2en+e a2en+y esta)lishe* )y the Shah of 8ran (left) in 19I4 an* *issol3e* in 1949- The SAGAK 1as 9no1n for +ensorshi,
tort,re, an* s,r3eillan+e-
Lone Gunman or Patsy?: ;assan%Ali Mans,r, Prime Minister of 8ran (Mar+h 4, 1965,ary B6, 196I), 1as assassinate* in
Tehran, 8ran )y a lone 2,nman! 0 8ranian terrorist Mohamma* Ho9haraii 0 on .an,ary BB, 196IR ;assan%Ali Mans,r *ie* on
.an,ary B4, 196I-

@eft hoto: General $ematollah $assiri ser3e* as the &ire+tor of SAGAK from 196I to 1948- General $ematollah $assiri 1as
e<e+,te* )y firin2 s:,a* on Fe)r,ary 16, 1949-
#i2ht hoto: ;assan Pa9ra3an ser3e* as the &ire+tor of SAGAK (1961%196I), 8ranian Am)assa*or to Pa9istan (1966%1969), 8ranian
Am)assa*or to Fran+e (1969%194/), an* +hief of army intelli2en+e (19I1%19I/)- ;assan Pa9ra3an 1as e<e+,te* on Aril 11, 1949-

@eft hoto: Amir A))as ;o3ei*a ser3e* as the Finan+e Minister of 8ran (Mar+h 4, 19650Fe)r,ary 1, 196I), Prime Minister of 8ran
(.an,ary B6, 196I%A,2,st 4, 1944), an* Minister of #oyal Co,rt (A,2,st 4, 1944 0 $o3em)er 6, 1948)- ;o3ei*a 1as e<e+,te* )y
8ranian re3ol,tionaries in 8ran on Aril 4, 1949-
#i2ht hoto: .amshi* Amo,"e2ar ser3e* as Finan+e Minister of 8ran (Fe)r,ary 1, 196I0Mar+h 1, 1945), 8nterior Minister of 8ran
(Mar+h 1, 19450A,2,st 4, 1944), an* Prime Minister of 8ran (A,2,st 4, 19440A,2,st B4, 1948)-
8ranian #e3ol,tion of 1949 P
The >sta)lishment of the 8slami+ #e,)li+
#yatollah Khomeini ret"rns to .ran after &6 years e4ile on 2ebr"ary & &'%'. :e is helpe! off the plane by one of the #ir 2rance
pilots. #yatollah Khomeini *(( /eptember &'?(D7 $"ne &'C'0 whose f"ll name was /ayye! R"hollah 3ostafawi 3o"sawi
Khomeini live! in e4ile from 5ovember &')6 to 2ebr"ary & &'%'. Khomeini live! in e4ile in 5aAaf .ra1 from &')B to &'%C when
/a!!am :"ssein s"ggeste! that the #yatollah leave .ra1. Khomeini live! in Paris 2rance from &'%C "ntil 2ebr"ary & &'%'
when he ret"rne! to .ran. Khomeini went into e4ile in T"rkey in &')6 after protesting the stat"s of forces agreement signe! by
the .ranian government an! the 9./. government that allowe! #merican military personnel imm"nity from .ranian laws.
Follo1ers of the Ayatollah Khomeini +ele)rate his ret,rn to 8ran from e<ile in Fe)r,ary 1949- (&a3i* H,rnettDConta+t)
#rme! militants arrest a pres"me! member of the /#;#K the 5ational .ntelligence an! /ec"rity -rganization in Tehran .ran
on 2ebr"ary &? &'%'. The /#;#K was the most feare! .ranian instit"tion before the &'%' .ranian Revol"tion.
*Photo8 #lain Keler,/ygma,Corbis0
/#;#K members 3r. Teherani an! 3r. #rach appear on trial at Iasr Prison mos1"e in Tehran .ran on $"ne &B &'%'. The
/#;#K was the /hah>s secret police an! intelligence agency s"pporte! by the #merican Central .ntelligence #gencyJ the
primary mission of the /#;#K was to repress !issi!ent movements thro"gho"t .ran. *Photo8 Christine /pengler,/ygma,Corbis0
Ayatollah Khomeini (left) aears 1ith Prime Minister of 8ran Meh*i Ha"ar2an at a ress +onferen+e in 1949- Meh*i Ha"ar2an
ser3e* as the Prime Minister of 8ran from Fe)r,ary 5, 1949 to $o3em)er 6, 1949R Ha"ar2an resi2ne* as Prime Minister of 8ran
follo1in2 the 8ranian atta+9 on the Ameri+an >m)assy in Tehran-
Meh*i Ha"ar2an (se+on* from left) aears 1ith Ara) terrorist Easser Arafat (se+on* from ri2ht)-
8ranian st,*ents stan* on the 1alls of the Ameri+an >m)assy +omo,n* an* *ese+rate an Ameri+an fla2 in Tehran, 8ran in
$o3em)er 1949-
Iran 6osta)e :risis 8No%em(er ?- /101 M 7anuary 2L- /13/9: 8ranian +olle2e st,*ents *etain IB Ameri+an >m)assy staff
mem)ers an* hol* them as hosta2es in Tehran, 8ran on $o3em)er 5, 1949- The 8ran ;osta2e Crisis en*e* on .an,ary B7, 1981-
This in+i*ent 1as in resonse to Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran )ein2 a*mitte* to Ameri+a for me*i+al treatment on
6+to)er BB, 1949- (Hettmann Ar+hi3es)
6ne of IB Ameri+an hosta2es sei"e* )y ra*i+al 8ranian M,slim yo,th in Tehran, 8ran on $o3em)er 5, 1949
(Alain Minam D@iaison)
Ara) terrorist Easser Arafat (B
left) meets 8ranMs sirit,al r,ler Ayatollah Khomeini (left)-
Ameri+an hosta2es hel* in 8ran +ele)rate as they *eart an airlane at an airort in ?est Germany on .an,ary B1, 1981-
(&e?il*en)er2DGamma @iason)
Central 8ntelli2en+e A2en+y (C8A) a2ent @t- Col- 6li3er $orth, ASMC, is s1orn in on his first *ay of testimony at the 8ran%
Contra hearin2s on Caitol ;ill in ?ashin2ton, &-C- on .,ly 4, 1984-
Forei2n Minister of 8ran Mohamma*%Ali #a(ai (ri2ht) 3isits Ali ;osseini Khamenei (left), the +,rrent S,reme @ea*er of 8ran
(Ayatollah), in a hosital after Khamenei s,r3i3e* an assassination attemt in .,ne 1981- Ali ;osseini Khamenei ser3e* as the
Presi*ent of 8ran from 6+to)er 1/, 1981 to A,2,st /, 1989-
Presi*ent of 8ran Mohamma*%Ali #a(ai (left) an* Prime Minister of 8ran Mohamma*%.a3a* Hahonar (ri2ht) 1ere assassinate* in
Tehran, 8ran on A,2,st /7, 1981 after an assassin lante* a s,it+ase )om) ne<t to them *,rin2 a meetin2-
.ran>s Presi!ent 3ohamma! Khatami greets #rab terrorist Kasser #rafat.
.ranian Presi!ent 3ohamma! Khatami an! /yrian Presi!ent :afez alD#ssa! meet in Gamasc"s /yria on 3ay &6 &'''.
*3ohsen /han!iz,/ygma,C-RB./0
Prince Charles of Wales *left0 the son of I"een <lizabeth .. of =reat Britain shakes han!s with Presi!ent of .ran 3ohamma!
Khatami in Tehran .ran on 2ebr"ary ' (??6. Prince Charles of Wales was the first British monarch ever to visit the .slamic
Rep"blic of .ran. *Re"ters0
Prince Charles of Wales *left0 the son of I"een <lizabeth .. of =reat Britain visits Presi!ent of .ran 3ohamma! Khatami in
Tehran .ran on 2ebr"ary ' (??6. *#2P,=etty .mages0
2ormer Presi!ent of .ran 3ohamma! Khatami atten!s a Royal .nstit"te of .nternational #ffairs *R..#0 conference hel! at
Chatham :o"se in Lon!on.

Presi!ent of .ran 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *left0 appears with former Presi!ent of .ran 3ohamma! Khatami in (??B.
*=etty .mages0
Presi!ent of R"ssia ;la!imir P"tin *left0 greets Presi!ent of .ran 3ohamma! Khatami in in T"rkmenistan on #pril (6 (??(.
*Photo8 Presi!ential Press an! .nformation -ffice,Kremlin0
.ranian Presi!ent 3ohamma! Khatami accepts a book from R"ssian Presi!ent ;la!imir P"tin !"ring their meeting in 3oscow.
*#P Photo0

/yria>s !ictator Bashar alD#ssa! *left0 an! .ran>s r"ler 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! review the /yrian army at the /yrian alD/haab
Presi!ential Palace in Gamasc"s /yria on $"ly &' (??%. *#2P,=etty .mages0
/yria>s !ictator Bashar alD#ssa! *right0 shakes han!s with .ran>s r"ler 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! prior their official meeting at the
/yrian alD/haab Presi!ential Palace in Gamasc"s /yria on $"ly &' (??%. *Lo"ai Beshara,#2P,=etty .mages0
.ranian Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *R0 meets with his /yria>s Presi!ent Bashar alD#ssa! *L0 in Tehran .ran on 2ebr"ary &% (??%.
Bashar alD#ssa! to!ay arrive! in .ran his co"ntryHs closest regional ally for talks with Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! an! other .ranian
lea!ers official me!ia sai!. *#2P,=etty .mages0
/yrian Presi!ent Bashar alD#ssa! *L0 shakes han!s with .ranian Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *R0 after a Aoint press conference in
Tehran .ran on #"g"st 7 (??C. #hma!ineAa! tol! sta"nch regional ally #ssa! to!ay that Tehran is serio"s in n"clear talks an! hopes it will
Pbear practical res"lt.P *#2P,=etty .mages0
.ranHs s"preme lea!er #yatollah #li Khamenei *R0 meets with /yrian Presi!ent Bashar alD#ssa! *C0 an! his .ranian co"nterpart 3ahmo"!
#hma!ineAa! *L0 in Tehran .ran on &C 2ebr"ary (??%. Close allies #ssa! an! #hma!ineAa! yester!ay ple!ge! they wo"l! work together to
confront 9./. an! .sraeli PplotsP in the 3i!!le <ast. #ssa! is in .ran for a twoD!ay visit aime! at f"rther bolstering alrea!y rob"st ties his
secon! trip to the .slamic rep"blic since #hma!ineAa! took power in #"g"st (??B. *#2P,=etty .mages0
.ranHs s"preme lea!er #yatollah #li Khamenei *R0 meets with .ra1i Prime 3inister 5"ri alD3aliki in Tehran .ran on $"ne ' (??C. 3aliki who
live! in e4ile in .ran !"ring /a!!amHs !ictatorship is on his thir! visit to the co"ntry as prime minister. #hma!ineAa!Hs 3arch visit to .ra1 the
first by an .ranian presi!ent was also haile! as a lan!mark in ties. *#2P,=etty .mages0
.ranian Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *L0 shakes han!s with .ra1i Prime 3inister 5"ri alD3aliki at the latterHs office in the heavily fortifie!
=reen None in Bagh!a! .ra1 on 3arch ( (??C. #hma!ineAa! haile! a new chapter in ties with .ra1 on /"n!ay saying he was Ptr"ly happyP to
make a lan!mark trip to Bagh!a! now that .ranHs archDfoe /a!!am :"ssein ha! been !epose!. #hma!ineAa! is the first .ranian presi!ent to
visit .ra1 since /a!!am la"nche! a r"ino"s eightDyear war on .ran in &'C? in which a million people !ie!. :e is also the first lea!er from the
region to visit since the 9./.Dle! invasion in (??7. *Re"ters0
.ranian Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *L0 shakes han!s with .ra1i Prime 3inister 5"ri alD3aliki at the latterHs office in the heavily fortifie!
=reen None in Bagh!a! .ra1 on 3arch ( (??C. #hma!ineAa! began a historic visit to .ra1 to!ay DD the first ever by an .ranian presi!ent DD
hoping to boost ties with Bagh!a! with which Tehran fo"ght a bitter eightDyear war. *#2P,=etty .mages0
2rom left to right the #mir of Iatar /heikh /alman bin :ama! #lDKhalifa 9nite! #rab <mirates Presi!ent /heik Khalifa bin Naye! #l 5ahyan
.ranian Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! ;enez"elan Presi!ent :"go Chavez /a"!i #rabian King #b!"llah .ra1i Presi!ent $alal Talabani
.n!onesian ;iceDPresi!ent $"s"f Kalla <c"a!orian Presi!ent Rafael Correa 5igerian Presi!ent 9mar" KarH#!"a #mir of K"wait /heikh
/abah #l #hma! #l $aber #l /abah an! #lgerian Presi!ent #b!elaziz Bo"teflika pose for a gro"p photograph as they atten! the -rganization
of the Petrole"m <4porting Co"ntries *-P<C0 opening ceremony in Riya!h /a"!i #rabia on 5ovember &% (??%. *#P Photo0
# han!o"t pict"re from .ra1Hs Presi!ent -ffice shows .ranian Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *CDR0 reviewing an .ra1i hono"r g"ar! !"ring a
welcoming ceremony alongsi!e his .ra1i co"nterpart $alal Talabani *front L0 at the latterHs resi!ency in Bagh!a! on 3arch ( (??C.
#hma!ineAa! began a historic visit to .ra1 to!ay DD the first ever by an .ranian presi!ent DD hoping to boost ties with Bagh!a! with which Tehran
fo"ght a bitter eightDyear war. *#2P,=etty .mages0
.ra1i Presi!ent $alal Talabani *R0 shakes han!s with .ranian Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! "pon his arrival in Bagh!a! on 3arch ( (??C.
#hma!ineAa! arrive! in Bagh!a! on /"n!ay the first .ranian presi!ent to visit .ra1 since the two neighbo"rs fo"ght a bitter eightDyear war in
the &'C?s that kille! a million people. *Re"ters0
.ran>s Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! greets /a"!i #rabian King #b!"llah in Riya!h /a"!i #rabia on 3arch 7 (??%.
.ran>s o"tgoing r"ler 3ohamma! Khatami *right0 gives some a!vice to 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa!.

.ran>s Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *left0 hol!s han!s with /a"!i #rabian King #b!"llah in Riya!h /a"!i #rabia on 3arch
7 (??%. *#P Photo0
T"rkeyHs 2oreign 3inister #li Babacan *R0 shakes han!s with .ranian Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! before an official meeting in Tehran
.ran on -ctober (C (??%. #li Babacan has atten!e! the Bil!erberg 3eetings in the past. *Re"ters0
.ranHs Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! is accompanie! by T"rkey>s Presi!ent #b!"llah ="l at the Ciragan Palace in .stanb"l T"rkey on
#"g"st &6 (??C. #hma!ineAa!Hs visit to T"rkey may not yiel! the e4pecte! oil an! gas !eals following new !eman!s from the .ranian si!e a
so"rce from the T"rkish prime ministerHs office sai! on Th"rs!ay. *Re"ters0
.ran>s Presi!ent 3ohamma! Khatami greets .ra1i powerbroker #hma! Chalabi.
.ranHs Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *R0 walks with /a"!i #rabia King #b!"llah *C0 an! -manHs lea!er /"ltan Iaboos bin /ai! as they
arrive for the opening of the ="lf Cooperation Co"ncil *=CC0 s"mmit in Goha Iatar on Gecember 7 (??%. *Re"ters0
/a"!i #rabia>s King #b!"llah bin #b!"l #ziz alD/a"! *R0 greets .ran>s Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *L0 in Riya!h /a"!i #rabia on
5ovember &% (??% as he arrives for the twoD!ay -rganization of Petrole"m <4porting Co"ntries *-P<C0 s"mmit. The twoD!ay -P<C s"mmit
is only the thir! in the organizationHs 6%Dyear history bringing together &( hea!s of state from the oilDrich nations. .n a preDs"mmit meeting of
-P<C ministers yester!ay a gaffe reveale! a spat between /a"!i #rabia an! .ran abo"t the waning 9./. c"rrency. *#2P,=etty .mages0
.ran>s Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *R0 shakes han!s with his R"ssia>s Presi!ent ;la!imir P"tin *L0 in Tehran .ran on -ctober &) (??%.
The lea!ers of five Caspian /ea states sai! &) -ctober they were near agreement on a final accor! for sharing the wealth of the hyr!rocarbon
an! fishDrich inlan! sea b"t a!mitte! !ifferences remaine!. .n a !eclaration after their s"mmit in Tehran the presi!ents of #zerbaiAan .ran
Kazakhstan R"ssia an! T"rkmenistan calle! for a final agreement on the legal stat"s of the sea. *#2P,=etty .mages0
.ran>s /"preme Lea!er #yatollah #li Khamenei *R0 speaks with #zerbaiAan>s Presi!ent .lham #liyev *C0 as .ranian Presi!ent
3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! listens at an official meeting in Tehran .ran on -ctober &) (??%. *Re"ters0
2rom left8 Presi!ent of #zerbaiAan .lham #liyev Presi!ent of T"rkmenistan ="rbang"ly Ber!ym"khamme!ov Presi!ent of Kazakhstan
5"rs"ltan 5azarbayev Presi!ent of R"ssia ;la!imir P"tin an! Presi!ent of .ran 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! wave !"ring a gro"p photo in Tehran
.ran on -ctober &) (??%. R"ssia Aoine! the fo"r other Caspian /ea littoral states in s"pporting .ranHs right to n"clear energy in a statement
iss"e! after their s"mmit in Tehran. *=etty .mages0
.ranHs s"preme lea!er #yatollah #li Khamenei *R0 meets with R"ssian Presi!ent ;la!imir P"tin *C0 an! his .ran>s Presi!ent 3ahmo"!
#hma!ineAa! in Tehran .ran on -ctober &) (??%. P"tin to!ay warne! against military action on .ran an! backe! its right to n"clear energy
!"ring the first visit to the co"ntry by a Kremlin chief since Worl! War ... P"tin atten!ing a s"mmit meeting of Caspian /ea states arrive! in
the .ranian capital ami! heavy sec"rity an! secrecy over his travel plans after reports that a s1"a! of s"ici!e bombers planne! to kill him.
*#2P,=etty .mages0
.ranian Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *R0 la"ghs !"ring a meeting with his R"ssia>s Presi!ent ;la!imir P"tin *L0 at the presi!entHs office in
Tehran .ran on -ctober &) (??%. P"tin to!ay warne! against military action on .ran an! backe! its right to n"clear energy !"ring the first visit
to the co"ntry by a Kremlin chief since Worl! War ... P"tin atten!ing a s"mmit meeting of Caspian /ea states arrive! in the .ranian capital
ami! heavy sec"rity an! secrecy over his travel plans after reports that a s1"a! of s"ici!e bombers planne! to kill him. *#2P,=etty .mages0
/yria>s Presi!ent Bashar alD#ssa! *righ0 meets with .ran>s 2oreign 3inister #li #kbar /alehi in Gamasc"s /yria on /eptember
&' (?&(.
Presi!ent of .ran 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *left0 an! C"ba>s comm"nist go!father 2i!el Castro hol! han!s !"ring #hma!ineAa!>s
visit to :avana C"ba on $an"ary &7 (?&(. *Photo8 http8,,theso"thsentinel.wor!,(?&(,?&,&7,0
.n this photo release! by the official website of the .ranian presi!ency office .ranian Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! secon!
right welcomes <gypt>s Presi!ent 3ohamme! 3orsi for the opening session of the 5onaligne! 3ovement 5#3 s"mmit in
Tehran .ran on Th"rs!ay #"g"st 7? (?&(. 3orsi !escribe! the /yrian regime as PoppressiveP an! calle! for it to transfer power
to a !emocratic system !"ring a visit to /yriaHs key regional ally .ran on Th"rs!ay. .ranian ;iceDPresi!ent 3ohamma! Reza
Rahimi stan!s at right an! 2oreign 3inister #li #kbar /alehi left. *#P Photo,Presi!ency -ffice0
.ran>s Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *front row (
right0 an! /yria>s Presi!ent Bashar #ssa! *front row right0 pray at a local
A han*o,t i+t,re release* )y the Syrian Ara) $e1s A2en+y (SA$A) sho1s (left to ri2ht) @e)anonMs ;e")ollah terrorist +hief
;assan $asrallah, SyriaMs Presi*ent Hashar al%Assa* an* 8ranMs Presi*ent Mahmo,* Ahma*ine(a* arri3in2 for an offi+ial *inner
in &amas+,s, Syria on Fe)r,ary BI, B717- (Photo: AFP SA$A 0 Ar+hi3e)
B779 8ranian Presi*ential >le+tion #iot
8ranian s,orters of reformist resi*ential +an*i*ate Mir ;ossein Mo,sa3i *emonstrate in Tehran, 8ran on .,ne 16, B779- 8ran
)anne* forei2n me*ia from +o3erin2 rallies in the +o,ntry an* 8ran=s G,ar*ian Co,n+il reorte*ly sai* that they 1o,l* re+o,nt
some of the 3otes in resi*ential ele+tion that +riti+s say 1as ,nfairly 1on )y 8ranian resi*ent Mahmo,* Ahma*ineh(a*-
(Getty 8ma2es)
S,orters of 8ranian resi*ential +an*i*ate Mir ;ossein Mo,sa3i r,n in the streets *,rin2 rotests in Tehran, 8ran on .,ne 16,
B779- (Getty 8ma2es)
8ranian +iti"ens rotest in Tehran, 8ran in .,ne B779 as riot oli+e fires tear 2as- (#e,ters)
8ranian +iti"ens rotest in Tehran, 8ran in .,ne B779 as riot oli+e fires tear 2as- (#e,ters)
3embers of the .ranian BasiA militia affiliate! to the Revol"tionary ="ar! march !"ring a ceremony commemorating 7?th anniversary of the
BasiA fo"n!ation at the .mam Khomeini =ran! 3os1"e in Tehran .ran Th"rs!ay 5ov. () (??'. *#P Photo,;ahi! /alemi0
.ranian missiles on !isplay in a military para!e
Cahmou# 4hma#ineja# re%eale# to ha%e 7e.ish past
Mahmo,* Ahma*ine(a*=s 3itrioli+ atta+9s on the .e1ish 1orl* hi*e an astonishin2
se+ret, e3i*en+e ,n+o3ere* )y The &aily Tele2rah sho1s-
Hy &amien M+>lroy an* Ahma* Gah*at 4:/7AM HST 7/ 6+t B779
A hoto2rah of the 8ranian resi*ent hol*in2 , his i*entity +ar* *,rin2 ele+tions in Mar+h B778 +learly sho1s his family has
.e1ish roots- A +lose%, of the *o+,ment re3eals he 1as re3io,sly 9no1n as Sa)o,r(ian 0 a .e1ish name meanin2 +loth
1ea3er- The short note s+ra1le* on the +ar* s,22ests his family +han2e* its name to Ahma*ine(a* 1hen they +on3erte* to
em)ra+e 8slam after his )irth-
The Sa)o,r(ians tra*itionally hail from Ara*an, Mr Ahma*ine(a*=s )irthla+e, an* the name *eri3es from W1ea3er of the
Sa)o,rW, the name for the .e1ish Tallit sha1l in Persia- The name is e3en on the list of reser3e* names for 8ranian .e1s
+omile* )y 8ran=s Ministry of the 8nterior-
><erts last ni2ht s,22este* Mr Ahma*ine(a*=s tra+9 re+or* for hate%fille* atta+9s on .e1s +o,l* )e an o3er+omensation to hi*e
his ast- Ali $o,ri"a*eh, of the Centre for Ara) an* 8ranian St,*ies, sai*: WThis ase+t of Mr Ahma*ine(a*=s )a+92ro,n*
e<lains a lot a)o,t him- W>3ery family that +on3erts into a *ifferent reli2ion ta9es a ne1 i*entity )y +on*emnin2 their ol* faith-
WHy ma9in2 anti%8sraeli statements he is tryin2 to she* any s,si+ions a)o,t his .e1ish +onne+tions- ;e feels 3,lnera)le in a
ra*i+al Shia so+iety-W
A @on*on%)ase* e<ert on 8ranian .e1ry sai* that W(ianW en*in2 to the name se+ifi+ally sho1e* the family ha* )een ra+tisin2
.e1s- W;e has +han2e* his name for reli2io,s reasons, or at least his arents ha*,W sai* the 8ranian%)orn .e1 li3in2 in @on*on-
WSa)o,r(ian is 1ell 9no1n .e1ish name in 8ran-W
A so9esman for the 8sraeli em)assy in @on*on sai* it 1o,l* not )e *ra1n on Mr Ahma*ine(a*=s )a+92ro,n*- W8t=s not
somethin2 1e=* tal9 a)o,t,W sai* #on Gi*or, a so9esman-
The 8ranian lea*er has not *enie* his name 1as +han2e* 1hen his family mo3e* to Tehran in the 19I7s- H,t he has ne3er
re3eale* 1hat it 1as +han2e* from or *ire+tly a**resse* the reason for the s1it+h-
#elati3es ha3e re3io,sly sai* a mi<t,re of reli2io,s reasons an* e+onomi+ ress,res for+e* his )la+9smith father Ahma* to
+han2e 1hen Mr Ahma*ine(a* 1as a2e* fo,r- The 8ranian resi*ent 2re1 , to )e a :,alifie* en2ineer 1ith a *o+torate in
traffi+ mana2ement- ;e ser3e* in the #e3ol,tionary G,ar*s militia )efore 2oin2 on to ma9e his name in har*line oliti+s in the
&,rin2 this year=s resi*ential *e)ate on tele3ision he 1as 2oa*e* to a*mit that his name ha* +han2e* ),t he i2nore* the (i)e-
;o1e3er Meh*i Kha"ali, an internet )lo22er, 1ho +alle* for an in3esti2ation of Mr Ahma*ine(a*=s roots 1as arreste* this
s,mmer- Mr Ahma*ine(a* has re2,larly le3elle* )itter +riti+ism at 8srael, :,estione* its ri2ht to e<ist an* *enie* the ;olo+a,st-
Hritish *ilomats 1al9e* o,t of a A$ meetin2 last month after the 8ranian resi*ent *eno,n+e* 8srael=s =2eno+i*e, )ar)arism an*
Hen(amin $etanyah, ma*e an imassione* *en,n+iation of the 8ranian lea*er at the same A$ s,mmit- WEester*ay, the man 1ho
+alls the ;olo+a,st a lie so9e from this o*i,m,W he sai*- WA mere si< *e+a*es after the ;olo+a,st, yo, 2i3e le2itima+y to a
man 1ho *enies the m,r*er of si< million .e1s 1hile romisin2 to 1ie o,t the State of 8srael, the State of the .e1s- ?hat a
*is2ra+e- ?hat a mo+9ery of the +harter of the Anite* $ations-W
Mr Ahma*ine(a* has )een +onsistently o,tso9en a)o,t the $a"i attemt to 1ie o,t the .e1ish ra+e- WThey ha3e +reate* a myth
to*ay that they +all the massa+re of .e1s an* they +onsi*er it a rin+ile a)o3e Go*, reli2ions an* the rohets,W he *e+lare* at a
+onferen+e on the holo+a,st sta2e* in Tehran in B776-
N Coyri2ht of Tele2rah Me*ia Gro, @imite* B711

Mahmo,* Ahma*ine(a* sho1s his aers *,rin2 ele+tion- 8t sho1s that his family=s re3io,s name Sa)o,r(ian 1as .e1ish-
Rabbi 3oishe #rye 2rie!man *left0 shakes han!s with .ran>s Presi!ent 3ahmo"! /abo"rAian #hma!ineAa! !"ring #hma!ineAa!Hs
meeting with participants of a conference on the :oloca"st in Tehran .ran on T"es!ay Gecember &( (??).
Iran,s President Mahmod "hmadine-ad in his .wn /ords
2e%ember 14, 011'
PTo!ay they Q<"ropeansR have create! a myth in the name of :oloca"st an! consi!er it to be above =o! religion an! the
prophets S This is o"r proposal8 give a part of yo"r own lan! in <"rope the 9nite! /tates Cana!a or #laska to them Q$ewsR so
that the $ews can establish their co"ntry.P
(Speaking to thousands of people in the Iranian city of Zahedan)
2e%ember 13, 011'
P.f the killing of $ews in <"rope is tr"e an! the Nionists are being s"pporte! beca"se of this e4c"se why sho"l! the Palestinian
nation pay the priceLP
(Comments published on Iranian state television's Web site)

2e%ember 4, 011'
P/ome <"ropean co"ntries insist on saying that :itler kille! millions of innocent $ews in f"rnaces.... #ltho"gh we !onHt accept
this claim if we s"ppose it is tr"e o"r 1"estion for the <"ropeans is8 .s the killing of innocent $ewish people by :itler the reason
for their s"pport to the occ"piers of $er"salemL .f the <"ropeans are honest they sho"l! give some of their provinces in <"rope
DD like in =ermany #"stria or other co"ntries DD to the Nionists an! the Nionists can establish their state in <"rope.P
(While speaking to reporters at an Islamic summit in Mecca)
&ovember 0(, 011'
PKo" Qthe 9nite! /tatesR who have "se! n"clear weapons against innocent people who have "se! "rani"m or!nance in .ra1
sho"l! be trie! as war criminals in co"rts.P
*uring a nationally televised ceremony of the establishment of Iran's volunteer !asi" paramilitary0
.%tober 09, 011'
PThey Qthe 9nite! /tatesR think they are the absol"te r"lers of the worl!.P
(Marching in a demonstration alongside a cro#d of students in $ehran)
.%tober 04, 011'
PThey Q.nternational Nionist an! <4pansionist Policies of the Worl! #rrogance i.e. 9nite! /tates an! .sraelR are cheeky h"mans
an! they think that the entire worl! sho"l! obey them. They !estroy Palestinian families an! e4pect nobo!y to obAect to them.P
(efending his earlier comments)
.%tober 06, 011'
P.srael m"st be wipe! off the map S The establishment of a Nionist regime was a move by the worl! oppressor against the
.slamic worl! . . . The skirmishes in the occ"pie! lan! are part of the war of !estiny. The o"tcome of h"n!re!s of years of war
will be !efine! in Palestinian lan!.P
(In an address to %&''' students at a program titled& '$he World Without Zionism')
5ne 19, 011'
P.t is not A"st for a few states to sit an! veto global approvals. /ho"l! s"ch a privilege contin"e to e4ist the 3"slim worl! with a
pop"lation of nearly &.B billion sho"l! be e4ten!e! the same privilege.P
(In an intervie# #ith state television shortly before his election)
5ne 4, 011'
The 95 str"ct"re is oneDsi!e! stacke! against the worl! of .slam.
(In an intervie# on state television)
2e%ember 10, 0116
PThanks to peopleHs wishes an! =o!Hs will the tren! for the e4istence of the Nionist regime is !ownwar!s an! this is what =o!
has promise! an! what all nations wantS$"st as the /oviet 9nion was wipe! o"t an! to!ay !oes not e4ist so will the Nionist
regime soon be wipe! o"tP
*Comments to Iran's (olocaust Conference0
&ovember 09, 0116
PWhat have the Nionists !one for the #merican people that the 9/ a!ministration consi!ers itself oblige! to blin!ly s"pport these
infamo"s aggressorsL .s it not beca"se they have impose! themselves on a s"bstantial portion of the banking financial c"lt"ral
an! me!ia sectorsLP
*)etter from *hmadine"ad +to the *merican people+0
&ovember 13, 0116
P.srael is !estine! for !estr"ction an! will soon !isappearP
.srael is Pa contra!iction to nat"re we foresee its rapi! !isappearance an! !estr"ction.P
.%tober 19, 0116
PThe Nionist regime is co"nterfeit an! illegitimate an! cannot s"rviveP
*as ,uoted by Iranian state television0
"!st 6, 0116

PThey *.srael0 kill women an! chil!ren yo"ng an! ol!. #n! behin! close! !oors they make plans for the a!vancement of their
evil goals.P
*as ,uoted by -horasan .rovincial $/0

"!st 4, 0116

P# new 3i!!le <ast will prevail witho"t the e4istence of .srael.P
*as ,uoted by Malaysian ne#s agency !ernama #ebsite0

"!st 0, 0116

6#ltho"gh the main sol"tion is for the elimination of the Nionist regime at this stage an imme!iate ceaseDfire m"st be
(as ,uoted by Iranian $/)

P#re they h"man beingsL... They *Nionists0 are a gro"p of bloo!Dthirsty savages p"tting all other criminals to shame.P
(as ,uoted by Iranian $/)

5ly 0(, 0116

PThe occ"pying regime of Palestine has act"ally p"she! the b"tton of its own !estr"ction by la"nching a new ro"n! of invasion
an! barbaric onsla"ght on LebanonP
(as ,uoted by Islamic 0epublic 1e#s *gency via the *ssociated .ress)

5ly 16, 0116
PThe Nionists think that they are victims of :itler b"t they act like :itler an! behave worse than =enghis Khan.P
*as ,uoted by the Iranian 1e#s *gency0
5ly 13, 0116
PThe Nionists an! their protectors are the most !eteste! people in all of h"manity an! the hatre! is increasing every !ay.P
PThe worse their crimes the 1"icker they will fall.P
PQ.sraelR has blackene! the pages of historyP.
*as ,uoted by Iranian state television0
5ne 16, 0116
P. think we have s"fficiently talke! abo"t this matter an! these :oloca"st events nee! to be f"rther investigate! by in!epen!ent
an! impartial parties.P
P#n event that has infl"ence! so many !iplomatic an! political e1"ations of the worl! nee!s to investigate! an! researche! by
impartial an! in!epen!ent gro"ps.P
P.f it is tr"e then the response to this 1"estion sho"l! not be solve! in Palestine. The Palestinian 1"estion sho"l! be settle! as
soon as possible. .f it is false why sho"l! s"ch meas"res be taken against the people of PalestineLP
*a ne#s conference follo#ing a meeting #ith China's president0
May 04, 0116
PI believe the =erman people are prisoners of the :oloca"st. 3ore than )? million were kille! in Worl! War .. . . . The 1"estion
is8 Why is it that only the $ews are at the center of attentionLP
PWe say that if the :oloca"st happene! then the <"ropeans m"st accept the conse1"ences an! the price sho"l! not be pai! by
Palestine. .f it !i! not happen then the $ews m"st ret"rn to where they came from.P
*in an interview with =ermanyHs er Spiegel magazine0
May 11, 0116
.srael is Pa regime base! on evil that cannot contin"e an! one !ay will vanish.P
*to a student rally in 2akarta& Indonesia0
"pril 04, 0116
HHWe say that this fake regime *.srael0 cannot not logically contin"e to live. -pen the !oors *of <"rope0 an! let the $ews go back
to their own co"ntries.P
*In a ne#s conference held on *pril 3%& 3''40
"pril 14, 0116
PThe Nionist regime is an inA"stice an! by its very nat"re a permanent threat. Whether yo" like it or not the Nionist regime is
hea!ing towar! annihilation. The Nionist regime is a rotten !rie! tree that will be eliminate! by one storm.P
P.f there is serio"s !o"bt over the :oloca"st there is no !o"bt over the catastrophe an! holoca"st being face! by the
Palestinians. :oloca"st has been contin"ing in Palestine over the past )? years.P
(In a speech at the opening of the +Support for the .alestinian Intifada+ conference on *pril 5%654 hosted in $ehran)
7ebrary 03, 0116
PThese heino"s acts are committe! by a gro"p of Nionists an! occ"piers that have faile!. They have faile! in the face of .slamHs
logic an! A"stice . . . They inva!e the shrine an! bomb there beca"se they oppose =o! an! A"stice . . . B"t be s"re yo" will not
be save! from the wrath an! power of the A"sticeDseeking nations by resorting to s"ch acts.P
*In a speech broadcast on state television& #here *hmadine"ad suggested that the bombing of a ma"or Shiite shrine in Ira, by
Sunni insurgents #as plotted by Israel and the 78S8 to divide Muslims8)
5anary ', 0116

P:opef"lly the news that the criminal of /abra an! Chatilla has Aoine! his ancestors is final.P
*$o a group of Muslim clerics in the Iranian city of 9om& as ,uoted in the semi6official student ne#s agency IS1*& in a reference
to the illness of Israeli .rime Minister *riel Sharon0.

PQ5Ro 3"slim nation wo"l! p"t "p with this entity Qi.e. .sraelR in .slamic lan!s not for one moment S .f itHs tr"e that the
Q<"ropeansR committe! a big crime in Worl! War .. then they m"st take responsibility for it themselves an! not ask the
Palestinian people to pay the price S Those co"ntries that s"pport this regime Q.sraelR were terrifie! at the s"ggestion that
Q.sraelR sho"l! be relocate! to their neighborhoo!. /o why sho"l! the Palestinians an! the co"ntries in o"r region accept this
(In a speech before an audience in the Iranian city of 9om& aired on television)

5anary 0, 0116

PQThe creation of .srael after Worl! War ..R kille! two bir!s with one stone Qfor <"ropeR S QThe obAectives achieve! by <"rope
wereR QsRweeping the $ews o"t of <"rope an! at the same time creating a <"ropean appen!i4 with a Nionist an! antiD.slamic
nat"re in the heart of the .slamic worl! SNionism is a Western i!eology an! a colonialist i!ea ... an! right now it massacres
3"slims with !irect g"i!ance an! help from the 9nite! /tates an! a part of <"rope ... Nionism is basically a new Qform ofR
(In #ritten ans#ers to ,uestions from the public reproduced in several Iranian ne#spapers)
&ovember 0(, 011(
P.t is impossible that the Nionist regime will s"rvive. Collapse is in the nat"re of this regime beca"se it has been create! on
aggression lying oppression an! crime.P
**s ,uoted by I01*0
-n #nnapolis8
PWe regret that some people fell victim to the c"rse! Nionist regime an! they are mistaken if they tho"ght this meeting was an
achievement for them or helps reinforce the Nionists.P
**s ,uoted by the *:.0
.%tober ', 011(
-n Nionist control of the West8
P. wo"l! now like to ask Western governments to e4plain which one is right. #re they hel! captive Qby the NionistsR or are they the
p"ppet masters of the NionistsLP
P.n both cases they are accomplice to the crimes of the Nionist regime an! they sho"l! know that they sho"l! be acco"ntable for
what they have !one.P
PThey sho"l! know that if they are hel! captive by the Nionists an! they !o not !issociate themselves from them they wo"l!
soon be trie! an! p"nishe! in co"rts of A"stice by the powerf"l han!s of nations.P
-n the :oloca"st8
P#fter the /econ! Worl! War they create! a scenario calle! Hpogrom against $ews.H #ll over <"rope an! the co"ntries "n!er
Western r"le an antiD$ewish movement has been concocte!. The climate of propagan!a an! psychological warfare on the one
han! an! on the other han! "sing the iss"e of ovens b"rning h"man beings they have concocte! a myth of !eprivation an!
innocence for the $ews of <"rope. They "se this prete4t of the innocence of $ews an! the s"ffering of some $ews !"ring the
/econ! Worl! War. Ri!ing on the crest of a wave of antiD$ewish sentiments they have lai! the fo"n!ations for the Nionist
-n resettling the $ews from .srael to Cana!a or #laska8
P...yo" cannot tolerate the presence of Nionists in <"rope b"t want to inflict them on the people of o"r regionL Ko" have so m"ch
lan! in yo"r possession. This vast lan! of Cana!a an! #laska can be "se! to resettle the $ews. /ave yo"rselves.P
**l69uds ay speech0
September 04, 011(
-n aliyah to .srael8
P...on the other han! they gather a n"mber of $ews from !ifferent parts of the worl! thro"gh false propagan!a an! with the
promise of provi!ing them with welfare Aobs an! foo! an! settle them in the occ"pie! territories e4posing them to the harshest
restrictions psychological press"res an! constant threats.
They prevent these people from ret"rning to their homelan!s an! by coercion an! propagan!a in!"ce them to malevolence
towar! the in!igeno"s Palestinian people.P

Call for P!ivine A"sticeP in the international comm"nity8
PThe era of !arkness will en!. Prisoners will ret"rn home. The occ"pie! lan!s will be free!. Palestine an! .ra1 will be liberate!
from the !omination of the occ"piers. #n! the people of #merica an! <"rope will be free of the press"res e4erte! by the
*Speech to 71 ;eneral *ssembly0
"!st 04, 011(
PNionists are people witho"t any religion. They are lying abo"t being $ewish beca"se religion means brotherhoo! frien!ship
an! respecting other !ivine religionsS
They are an organize! minority who have infiltrate! the worl!. They are not even a &????Dstrong organization.P
**t a ne#s conference in $ehran0
"!st 14, 011(
PThe Nionist regime is the flag bearer of violation an! occ"pation an! this regime is the flag of /atan. S.t is not "nlikely that this
regime be on the path to !issol"tion an! !eterioration when the philosophy behin! its creation an! s"rvival is invali!.P
**ddress to an international religious conference in $ehran0

5ne 3, 011(
PWith =o!Hs help the co"nt!own b"tton for the !estr"ction of the Nionist regime has been p"she! by the han!s of the chil!ren of
Lebanon an! Palestine . . . By =o!Hs will we will witness the !estr"ction of this regime in the near f"t"re.P
*Speech& as ,uoted by the :ars 1e#s *gency)
Mar%h 01, 011(
P.t is 1"ite clear that a b"nch of Nionist racists are the problem the mo!ern worl! is facing to!ay. They have access to global
power an! me!ia centers an! seek to "se this access to keep the worl! in a state of har!ship poverty an! gr"!ge an!
strengthen their r"le. The great nation of .ran is oppose! to this inh"man tren!. -f co"rse the .ranian nation will stick to its
rightf"l stance. The Nionists an! their s"pporters !o not know that they are "sing faile! approaches to take on h"man val"es
h"man civilization nations an! the great nation of .ran. #!mitting the right of the !ear .ranian nation an! s"bmitting to A"stice
an! the r"le of law are the best way to salvation an! the best way o"t of the !ea!locks they have create! for themselves.P
(from a recorded 1e# <ear's message aired on Iranian television)
7ebrary 04, 011(
PThe Nionists are the tr"e manifestation of /atan . . . 3any Western governments that claim to be pioneers of !emocracy an!
stan!ar! bearers of h"man rights close their eyes over crimes committe! by the Nionists an! by remaining silent s"pport the
Nionists !"e to their he!onistic an! materialistic ten!encies.P
*to a meeting of Sudanese Islamic scholars in -hartoum0
September 03, 0114
PThe !ignity integrity an! rights of the #merican an! <"ropean people are being playe! with by a small b"t !eceitf"l n"mber of
people calle! Nionists. #ltho"gh they are a minisc"le minority they have been !ominating an important portion of the financial
an! monetary centers as well as the political !ecision making centers of some <"ropean co"ntries an! the 9/ in a !eceitf"l
comple4 an! f"rtive manner. .t is !eeply !isastro"s to witness that some presi!ential or premiere nominees in some big
co"ntries have to visit these people take part in their gathers swear their allegiance an! commitment to their interests in or!er
to attain financial or me!ia s"pportP
PTo!ay the Nionist regime is on a !efinite slope to collapse an! there is no way for it to o"t of the cesspool create! by itself an!
its s"pportersS.#merican empire in the worl! is reaching the en! of its roa! an! its ne4t r"lers m"st limit their interference to
their own bor!ers. To!ay the tho"ght of hegemony 1"ickly becomes a !emerit.P
*#!!ress to the 9nite! 5ations =eneral #ssembly0
September 14, 0114
P. have hear! some say the i!ea of =reater .srael has e4pire!S.. say that the i!ea of lesser .srael has e4pire! too.P
PWe have no problems with these people *.sraelis0 b"t they sho"l! leave the occ"pie! territories leave them to their gen"ine
owners an! get back to their co"ntries an! homes where they originally came from.P
PThe :oloca"st is a lie an! the real :oloca"st is happening to the Palestinians.P
PThe Nionist regime *.srael0 is going towar!s its final collapse after )? years of aggression. The final sol"tion wo"l! be a
referen!"m on PalestineHs f"t"re fate with the participation of all Palestinians regar!less of whether 3"slims $ews or
P-"r nation has no problem with other nations b"t as far the Nionist regime is concerne! we !o not believe in an .sraeli
government or an .sraeli nation.P
*/electe! remarks at a press conference in Tehran as 1"ote! by news services0
"!st 03, 0114
P#bo"t (??? organise! Nionists an! %??? to C??? agents of Nionism have !ragge! the worl! into t"rmoil. S The powerf"l
han! of the nations will clean these so"rces of corr"ption from the face of the earth.P
*/peech at a rally in #rak0
PWe will witness the !ismantling of the corr"pt regime *.srael0 in the very near f"t"re.P
*/peech marking PWorl! 3os1"e Week in Tehran as 1"ote! by the official .R5# news agency0
3ay &7 (??C
PThis terrorist an! criminal state *.srael0 is backe! by foreign powers b"t this regime wo"l! soon be swept away by the
*Remarks at press conference in Tehran as 1"ote! by dpa0
May 4, 0114
PThose who think they can revive the stinking corpse of the "s"rping an! fake .sraeli regime by throwing a birth!ay party are
serio"sly mistaken.P
PTo!ay the reason for the Nionist regimeHs e4istence is 1"estione! an! this regime is on its way to annihilation.S *.srael0 has
reache! the en! like a !ea! rat after being slappe! by the Lebanese.P
*Remarks on .sraelHs .n!epen!ence Gay as 1"ote! by .ranHs official .R5# news agency0
Mar%h 11, 0114
PResistance is the only way to !efeat the Nionists an! their masters.P
*as 1"ote! by .ranHs official .R5# news agency0
7ebrary 01, 0114
PThe worl! powers establishe! this filthy bacteria the Nionist regime which is lashing o"t at the nations in the region like a wil!
beast. S PQ.sraelR won s"pport Qfrom the other nationsR which create! it as a scarecrow so as to keep the people of this area
"n!er control.P
5anary 31, 0114
P. warn yo" to aban!on the filthy Nionist entity which has reache! the en! of the line. .t has lost its reason to be an! will sooner
or later fall. The ones who still s"pport the criminal Nionists sho"l! know that the occ"piersH !ays are n"mbere!. S #ccept that
the life of Nionists will sooner or later come to an en!.P
.%tober 11, 0119
PThe Nionist regime wants to establish its base "pon the r"ins of the civilizations of the region...The "niform sho"t of the .ranian
nation is forever HGeath to .srael.H...P
*#s 1"ote! by :ars 1e#s *gency0
September 14, 0119
PThey *the Western powers0 la"nche! the myth of the :oloca"st. They lie! they p"t on a show an! then they s"pport the
$ewsS. .f as yo" claim the :oloca"st is tr"e why can a st"!y not be allowe!L ... The prete4t for establishing the Nionist regime
is a lie... a lie which relies on an "nreliable claim a mythical claim an! the occ"pation of Palestine has nothing to !o with the
:oloca"stSThis claim is corr"pt an! the prete4t is corr"pt. This *the .sraeli0 regimeHs !ays are n"mbere! an! it is on its way to
collapse. This regime is !ying.P
*at the ann"al #l I"!s Gay rally in Tehran0
May 3, 0119
PRemoving present threats re1"ires to p"t press"re on threat centers. -therwise enemies wo"l! contin"e threatening "sS Qyo"
sho"l!R stan! "p to all threats an! make efforts to p"t f"rther press"re on threat centers in or!er to get ri! of them.P
*2rom a!!ress to .ranHs aca!emic an! scientific comm"nity0
"pril 00, 0119
PGonHt be afrai! of those Nionists. They are on the verge of !eath. Their time has passe!. Go not s"rren!er yo"r people to
PGonHt yo" know the nat"re of the NionistsL GonHt yo" know who the Nionists areL They came in or!er to take over o"r region in
its entirety. #t first they sai! that they wante! Qa co"ntryR from the 5ile to the <"phrates. -nce they got settle! they sai! that
there ha! been a mistake an! that they wante! all the .slamic lan!sS
P9nless they are p"t in their place at the very beginning of their conspiracy an! fitna they will Aeopar!ize the sec"rity of the
whole worl! they will Aeopar!ize the sec"rity of the whole regionS They want the entire worl!. #t their very first step yo" m"st
cr"sh their step cr"sh their leg so that they !o not !are to inva!e the .slamic lan!sP
*/peech carrie! by .ranian 5ews Channel I0I118 /o"rce8 3<3R.0
"pril 01, 0119
P#fter the /econ! Worl! War by e4ploiting the holoca"st an! "n!er the prete4t of protecting the $ews they Qthe WestR ma!e a
nation homeless with military e4pe!itions an! invasionSthey establishe! the most aggressive racist co"ntry in another territory
i.e. Palestine.
PThe global Nionism is the complete symbol of racism which with "nreal reliance on religion has trie! to mis"se the religio"s
beliefs of some "naware people an! hi!e its "gly faceS we sho"l! try to p"t an en! to the mis"se of international means by the
Nionists an! their s"pporters.P
*Remarks to the 9nite! 5ations G"rban Review Conference =eneva /witzerlan! #pril (? (??'0. 3ore
5anary 04, 0119
P# brief review of the events after Worl! War .. shows that the :oloca"st iss"e D with the !imensions they !efine for it D is an
e4c"se to contin"e !ominance an! e4pansion of infl"ence of the victors especially #merica an! Britain in the international
PThe illegal Nionist regimeS has !eman!e! bloo! money of some! have "se! some of this money to establish a
Nionist regime in the lan! of Palestine an! have "se! this e4c"se to attack Palestine an! by killing an! !isplacing the people
from their motherlan! they have occ"pie! their mother lan! an! establishe! a Nionist regime which is taske! with the Aob of
!enying an .slamic power emerging to co"nter the West.
PThe :oloca"st is knitte! together with liberal !emocracy. .t is the claimants of liberal !emocracy who s"pport the :oloca"st
logic an! have sanctifie! it to the !egree that no one !ares 1"estioning its sanctity.
PTo!ay the Nionists comman! many centers of power wealth an! the worl! me!ia an! "nfort"nately they have enthralle! many
politicians an! political partiesS.
P#lso !o not forget that the Nionist network which has create! the :oloca"st !isco"rse m"st be ma!e known to the nations...P
*<4cerpts from a speech title! P:oloca"st the :oly Lie of the WestP at /harif 9niversity in Tehran0
.%tober 14, 0111
PKo" are the heroes that g"ar! LebanonHs sovereigntySKo" have proven that there no force in the worl! can beat yo". The
resistance of the Lebanese nation !rawn from faith in =o! can stan! "p to any .sraeli force T planes tanks an! shipsSThe
Nionists planne! to !estroy this village b"t it stoo! strong against the occ"piersSThe worl! sho"l! know the Nionists are
mortal ... to!ay the Lebanese nation is alive an! is a role mo!el for the regional nationsSThe whole worl! sho"l! know that the
Nionists will event"ally !isappear an! Bint $beil will remain alive.P
*#t a rally in the /o"thern Lebanese town of Bint $beil which bor!ers .srael0
.%tober 13, 0111
We Poppose the occ"pation an! aggression an! the crimes committe! by the Nionist enemy an! those who s"pport it.P
*#t a news conference with Lebanese Presi!ent 3ichel /"leiman0
September 03, 0111
P2irst the event of the .. /eptember (??& which has affecte! the whole worl! for almost a !eca!e. #ll of a s"!!en the news of
the attack on the Twin Towers was broa!cast "sing n"mero"s footages of the inci!ent.
P#lmost all governments an! known fig"res strongly con!emne! this inci!ent. B"t then a propagan!a machine came into f"ll
forceJ it was implie! that the whole worl! was e4pose! to a h"ge !anger namely terrorism an! that the only way to save the
worl! wo"l! be to !eploy forces into #fghanistan. <vent"ally #fghanistan an! shortly thereafter .ra1 were occ"pie!.
PPlease take note8
P.t was sai! that some three tho"san!s people were kille! on the .. /eptember for which we are all very sa!!ene!. Ket "p "ntil
now in #fghanistan an! .ra1 h"n!re!s of tho"san!s of people have been kille! millions wo"n!e! an! !isplace! an! the conflict
is still going on an! e4pan!ing.
P.n i!entifying those responsible for the attack there were three viewpoints.
P&D That a very powerf"l an! comple4 terrorist gro"p able to s"ccessf"lly cross all layers of the #merican intelligence an!
sec"rity carrie! o"t the attack. This is the main viewpoint a!vocate! by #merican statesmen.
P(D That some segments within the 9./. government orchestrate! the attack to reverse the !eclining #merican economy an! its
grips on the 3i!!le <ast in or!er also to save the Nionist regime.
PThe maAority of the #merican people as well as other nations an! politicians agree with this view.
P7D .t was carrie! o"t by a terrorist gro"p b"t the #merican government s"pporte! an! took a!vantage of the sit"ation.
#pparently this viewpoint has fewer proponents.
PThe main evi!ence linking the inci!ent was a few passports fo"n! in the h"ge vol"me of r"bble an! a vi!eo of an in!ivi!"al
whose place of !omicile was "nknown b"t it was anno"nce! that he ha! been involve! in oil !eals with some #merican officials.
.t was also covere! "p an! sai! that !"e to the e4plosion an! fire no trace of the s"ici!e attackers was fo"n!.
PThere remain however a few 1"estions to be answere!8
P&D Wo"l! it not have been sensible that first a thoro"gh investigation sho"l! have been con!"cte! by in!epen!ent gro"ps to
concl"sively i!entify the elements involve! in the attack an! then map o"t a rational plan to take meas"res against themL
P(D #ss"ming the viewpoint of the #merican government is it rational to la"nch a classic war thro"gh wi!esprea! !eployment of
troops that le! to the !eath of h"n!re!s of tho"san!s of people to co"nter a terrorist gro"pL
P7D Was it not possible to act the way .ran co"ntere! the Riggi terrorist gro"p who kille! an! wo"n!e! 6?? innocent people in
.ran. .n the .ranian operation no innocent person was h"rt.
P.t is propose! that the 9nite! 5ations set "p an in!epen!ent factDfin!ing gro"p for the event of the .. /eptember so that in the
f"t"re e4pressing views abo"t it is not forbi!!en.
P. wish to anno"nce here that ne4t year the .slamic Rep"blic of .ran will host a conference to st"!y terrorism an! the means to
confront it. . invite officials scholars thinkers researchers an! research instit"tes of all co"ntries to atten! this conference.P
*#!!ress to 9nite! 5ations =eneral #ssembly0
September 03, 0111
PThis regime *.srael0 which enAoys the absol"te s"pport of some western co"ntries reg"larly threatens the co"ntries in the region
an! contin"es p"blicly anno"nce! assassination of Palestinian fig"res an! others while Palestinian !efen!ers an! those
opposing this regime are press"re! labele! as terrorists an! anti /emites. #ll val"es even the free!om of e4pression in
<"rope an! in the 9nite! /tates are being sacrifice! at the altar of Nionism.P
*#!!ress to 9nite! 5ations =eneral #ssembly0
September 01, 0111
PThe 1"estion is why !onHt we allow this s"bAect *the :oloca"st0 to be e4amine! f"rther... .t is incorrect to force only one view on
the rest of the worl!.
P:ow come when it comes to the s"bAect of the :oloca"st there is so m"ch sensitivityLP
*.n a meeting with Ao"rnalists in 5ew Kork City0
September 16, 0111
.n an interview #hma!ineAa! blame! PNionistsP for the contoversy over the propose! .slamic c"ltr"al center near =ro"n! Nero.
PWe believe that thereHs a minority in the 9nite! /tates an! they are Nionists . They have no religion. They believe in no religion.P
*.nterview with #n!rea 3itchell 5BC 5ews0
September 0, 0111
PThe Nionists are gro"ps of hypocrite racists who have been operating "n!er the prete4t of following $ewish religion principles.P
*#!!ress at a rally marking .nternational I"!s Gay0.
"!st (, 0111
5o PNionistsP were kille! in the Worl! Tra!e Center beca"se Pone !ay earlier they were tol! not to go to their workplace.P
PThey anno"nce! that 7??? people were kille! in this inci!ent b"t there were no reports that reveal their names. 3aybe yo"
saw that b"t . !i! not.P
PWhat was the story of /eptember &&L G"ring five to si4 !ays an! with the ai! of the me!ia they create! an! prepare! p"blic
opinion so that everyone consi!ere! an attack on #fghanistan an! .ra1 as *their0 right.P
*#t a televise! conference in Tehran0
Mar%h 11, 0111
P/ee what has become of .srael. They Qthe WestR gathere! the most criminal people in the worl! an! statione! them in o"r
region with lies an! fabricate! scenarios. They wage! wars committe! massive aggressionS an! ma!e millions of people
homelessSTo!ay it is clear that .srael is the most hate! regime in the worl!S .t is not "sef"l for its masters Qthe WestR
anymore. They are in !o"bt now. They won!er whether to contin"e spen!ing money on this regime or notSB"t whether they
want it or not with =o!Hs grace this regime will be annihilate! an! Palestinians an! other regional nations will be ri! of its ba!
*.n a speech in so"thern .ran0.
7ebrary 0', 0111
P.f the Nionist regime wants to repeat its past mistakes this will constit"te its !emise an! annihilationSWith #llahHs help the new
3i!!le <ast will be a 3i!!le <ast witho"t Nionists an! .mperialists.P
*#t a news conference in Gamasc"s with /yrian Presi!ent Bashar alD#ssa!.0
"pril 01, 0111
PThey say they want to create a new an! greater 3i!!le <ast "n!er the 9./. an! the Nionist regimeHs *.srael0 !ominance. . am
telling yo" that a new an! greater 3i!!le <ast will be establishe! witho"t the e4istence of the 9./. an! the Nionist regimeS. .n
recent years regional nations have realize! that the 9nite! /tates an! the Nionist regime are their main enemiesS. #rrogant
powers try to !eceive nations. They have p"t the .ranian nation "n!er press"re to oblige it to retreat b"t the resistance of
.ranians an! their stea!fastness has le! to their *the WestHs0 !efeat....P
*#!!ress to a large crow! in the .ranian city of /anan!aA0
"pril 1(, 0111
PThe era of Nionism an! capitalism has passe! away.P */peech in honor of .ranHs #rmy Gay0
/o"rce8 #ntiDGefamation Leag"e, http8,,www.a!,main@.nternational@#ffairs,ahma!ineAa!@wor!s.htm
.ran U 5"clear <nrichment Controversy
8ranMs Presi*ent Mahmo,* Ahma*ine(a* 3isits the $atan" Arani,m >nri+hment Fa+ility in +entral 8ran on Aril 8, B778-
(Photo2rah: >PA) (So,r+e: htt:DD111-rferl-or2D+ontentDarti+leD1/5448/-html)
.ranian Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *R0 meets with .nternational #tomic <nergy #gency *.#<#0 chief 3ohame! <lBara!ei
*L0 in Tehran .ran on -ctober 6 (??'. The 95 atomic watch!og hea! hel! talks with #hma!ineAa! an! other officials on .ranHs
n"clear !rive ami! reports it has ac1"ire! s"fficient !ata to b"il! the bomb. *=etty .mages0
8A>A &ire+tor General Mohame* >lHara*ei meets 1ith 8ran=s S,reme @ea*er Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Tehran, 8slami+
#e,)li+ of 8ran on .an,ary 1/, B778- (Photo: M>;#) htt:DD111-iaea-or2DA)o,tD*2Del)ara*eiDhotoal),m-htmlVi*ZB778
8A>A &ire+tor General Mohame* >lHara*ei an* &r- Ali A9)ar Salehi, Gi+e Presi*ent of the 8slami+ #e,)li+ of 8ran an*
Presi*ent of the Atomi+ >ner2y 6r2ani"ation of 8ran )efore the start of the A>68 ress +onferen+e in Tehran, 8ran on 6+to)er 5,
B779- (Photo Cre*it: 8A>A) htt:DD111-iaea-or2DA)o,tD*2Del)ara*eiDhotoal),m-htmlVi*Z&GPressConf8ran
Chief of the 8nternational Atomi+ >ner2y A2en+y (8A>A), Mohame* >lHara*ei (@), an* 8ran=s $,+lear Chief Ali A9)ar Salehi
(#) hol* a ress +onferen+e in Tehran, 8ran on 6+to)er 5, B779- >lHara*ei sai* that his inse+tors 1ill +he+9 8ran=s ne1 ,rani,m
fa+ility )ein2 ),ilt near the holy +ity of 'om, 8ran on 6+to)er BI, B779- (Getty 8ma2es)
8ranian am)assa*or to the 8A>A, Ali As2har Soltanieh (#), sea9s 1ith 8ran=s n,+lear +hief Ali A9)ar Salehi (@), *,rin2 a (oint
ress +onferen+e 1ith +hief of the 8nternational Atomi+ >ner2y A2en+y (8A>A), Mohame* >lHara*ei (,nseen), in Tehran, 8ran
on 6+to)er 5, B779- (Getty 8ma2es)
8A>A &ire+tor General Mohame* >lHara*ei (left) an* &r- Ali A9)ar Salehi, Gi+e Presi*ent of the 8slami+ #e,)li+ of 8ran an*
Presi*ent of the Atomi+ >ner2y 6r2ani"ation of 8ran, +onfer 1ith ea+h other *,rin2 a ress +onferen+e at the Atomi+ >ner2y
6r2ani"ation of 8ran in Tehran, 8ran on 6+to)er 5, B779- (Photo Cre*it: M>;#)
8A>A +hief Mohame* >lHara*ei meets 1ith Ayatollah Khamenei, the S,reme @ea*er of 8ran-
8A>A &ire+tor General Mohame* >lHara*ei met Se+retary General of the @ea2,e of Ara) States Amr Mo,ssa at the 8A>A
;ea*:,arters in Gienna, A,stria on Aril 16, B778- (Photo: &- CalmaD8A>A)
-riginally starte! "n!er the /hah of .ran in the &'B?s with the help of the 9nite! /tates the .ranian n"clear program was an effort by .ran to
!evelop n"clear technology. #fter the &'%' Revol"tion the program was temporarily !isban!e!. .t was soon res"me! albeit with less
Western assistance than the preDrevol"tion era. .ranHs c"rrent n"clear program consists of several research sites a "rani"m mine a n"clear
reactor an! "rani"m processing facilities that incl"!e a "rani"m enrichment plant. The .ranian government asserts that the programHs only
goal is to !evelop the capacity for peacef"l n"clear power generation an! plans to generate )???3W of electricity with n"clear power plants
by (?&?. #s of (??) n"clear power !oes not contrib"te to the .ranian energy gri!. *from en.wikipe!,wiki,5"clear@program@of@.ran0
*/o"rce8 http8,,,photos,hame!,(7%%'?%&%,0
R"ssian *left an! right0 an! .ranian operators monitor the n"clear power plant "nit in B"shehr .ran abo"t &(&B km *%BB miles0 so"th of
Tehran on 5ovember 7? (??'. *Re"ters0
A 2eneral 3ie1 sho1s the n,+lear o1er lant in H,shehr, 8ran, a)o,t 1,B1I 9m (4II miles) so,th of Tehran, on $o3em)er /7,
B779- #,ssia lans to start , 8ran=s first n,+lear o1er station in Mar+h B717 to +oin+i*e 1ith the 8ranian $e1 Eear, t1o
so,r+es +losely in3ol3e* 1ith the ro(e+t tol* #e,ters- #,ssia a2ree* in 199I to ),il* the 1,777 me2a1att n,+lear o1er lant at
H,shehr on the G,lf +oast in so,th%1estern 8ran, ),t *elays ha3e ha,nte* the T1 )illion ro(e+t an* *ilomats say Mos+o1 has
,se* it as a le3er in relations 1ith Tehran- Pi+t,re ta9en on $o3em)er /7, B779- (#e,ters)
Re! China>s Presi!ent :" $intao *(n! L0 an! R"ssia>s Presi!ent ;la!imir P"tin *(n! R0 are followe! by .ran>s Presi!ent
3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! *R0 as they hea! for a meeting !"ring the ann"al s"mmit of the /hanghai Cooperation -rganization
*/C-0 in /hanghai Re! China on $"ne &B (??). *Photo8 =etty .mages0
.ran>s Presi!ent 3ahm"! #hma!ineAa! *left0 shakes han!s with Re! China>s Presi!ent :" $intao *R0 in /hanghai Re! China on
$"ne &) (??). *Photo8 Vinh"a,http8,,,(??)?),&),eng(??)?)&)@(%6)CB.html0
A ma sho1in2 ethni+ an* reli2io,s 2ro,s in 8ran
An a*3ertisement that romotes Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ranMs roosal for n,+lear ener2y in 8ran-
(So,r+e: htt:DDen-1i9ie*ia-or2D1i9iDFile:Shah%n,9e8ran-(2)
8ran=s na3y +hief A*miral ;a)i)ollah Sayyari )riefs the me*ia on an ,+omin2 na3al e<er+ise in a ne1s +onferen+e in Tehran,
8ran on &e+em)er BB, B711- Sayyari sai* his for+es lan to hol* a 17%*ay *rill in international 1aters )eyon* the strate2i+ Strait
of ;orm," at the mo,th of the Persian G,lf, an e<er+ise that +o,l* )rin2 8ranian shis into ro<imity 1ith A-S- $a3y 3essels-
(;ame* .afarne(a*DAP)
Tan9ers ass thro,2h the Strait of ;orm,", )et1een the Persian G,lf an* G,lf of 6man on .an,ary /1, B779-
(Hill FoleyDAP)
A +ro1* of an2ry 8ranian rotesters stan* in front of the Hritish >m)assy at Fer*o1si Street in Tehran, 8ran on $o3em)er B9,
B711- The +ro1* rela+e* the Hritish fla2 1ith an 8ranian fla2 an* storme* the em)assy +omo,n* later that *ay-
Central Han9 of the 8slami+ #e,)li+ of 8ran hea*:,arters (ri2ht) in Tehran, 8ran
Mahmo,* Hahmani (left), Go3ernor of the Central Han9 of the 8slami+ #e,)li+ of 8ran sin+e Setem)er B, B778, aears 1ith
Presi*ent of 8ran Mahmo,* Ahma*ine(a* at a ress +onferen+e in this ,n*ate* hoto-
;=ile# son o" shah o" Iran 'alls "or Israels help
Asso+iate* Press
Mon*ay, Aril 9, B71B
.>#ASA@>M (AP) X he e=ile# son o" the topple# shah o" Iran 'alle# on Israel not to (om( his home 'ountry- (ut
rather to help the opposition to the rulin) system- in an inter%ie. aire# Con#ay on Israeli tele%ision+
Prin+e #e"a Pahla3i tol* 8sraelMs Channel 17 TG from his home in ?ashin2ton that (om(in) Iran .oul# play into the han#s
o" the re)ime- 8nstea*, he aeale* for hel sayin2 the .e1ish state sho,l* ,t its Wte+hnolo2i+al, finan+ial an* other reso,r+es
at o,r *isosal-W
Pahla3iMs father, the late Mohamme* #e"a Pahla3i, ha* +lose ties to 8srael )efore he 1as o,ste* in the 1949 8slami+ #e3ol,tion-
The +leri+al hierar+hy is no1 hea*e* )y Ayatollah Ali Khamenei-
he (est thin) you 'an #o "or the re)ime is to tell that- N*e are )oin) to atta'< you- or in "a't atta'< you- he sai#+
Oou .ill (e )i%in) Jhamenei an# all his 'liIue- .hen they ha%e no ans.ers anymore to the 'ountrys ills- the )reatest
)i"t o" all (y #oin) that+ hat is just 'ra&y+ hat just #oesnt ma<e sense+
8srael, alon2 1ith m,+h of the ?est, )elie3es that 8ran is tryin2 to *e3elo a n,+lear 1eaon- The 8sraelis fear a n,+lear 8ran
1o,l* threaten its e<isten+e-
8srael has left oen the otion of atta+9in2 8ran if *iloma+y an* san+tions fail- A ne1 ro,n* of tal9s )et1een the ?est an* 8ran
are set to )e2in this 1ee9 in T,r9ey- 8ran says its n,+lear ro2ram is for ea+ef,l ,roses-
Pahla3i +alle* the +,rrent 8ranian re2ime fanati+,! ),t sai* real 8ranians 1o,l* are+iate 8sraeli assistan+e rather than a stri9e
a2ainst the n,+lear sites, 1hi+h he sai* +o,l* lea* to all%o,t 1ar in the re2ion-
?ho in this lanet *oesnMt 9no1 that there is a military otion, ),t are there other otionsV! he sai*- The )est otion is to
,tili"e the )est army in the 1orl* in la+e rea*y to stri9e, 1hi+h is the 8ranian eole themsel3es- An* if yo, *onMt hel that,
Go* hel ,s all-!
So,r+e: htt:DDne1s-yahoo-+omDe<ile*%son%shah%iran%+alls%israels%hel%18B7BI656-html
4&er(aijan a''use# o" )rantin) Israel a''ess to air (ases to mount stri<e a)ainst Iran
A-S- *ilomats an* military intelli2en+e offi+ials ha3e +laime* that A"er)ai(an ha* 2rante* 8srael a++ess to its air
)ases, 1hi+h +o,l* assist in otential stri9es a2ainst its nei2h)o,r 8ran-
Hy 6,r Forei2n Staff
8:19PM HST B9 Mar B71B
Citin2 anonymo,s senior offi+ials, Forei2n Poli+y ma2a"ine s,22este* that +ooeration )et1een 4&er(aijan an* Israel 1as
Whei2htenin2 the ris9s of an 8sraeli stri9e on 8ranW-
The arti+le s,22este* that a++ess to A"er)ai(ani airfiel*s near the 8ranian )or*er +o,l* 2i3e 8sraeli fi2hter lanes lo2isti+al
a*3anta2es in +arryin2 o,t sorties a2ainst n,+lear fa+ilities in 8ran, 1hi+h the .e1ish state s,se+ts of *e3eloin2 atomi+
The A"er)ai(ani *efen+e ministry sai* the +laims 1ere Wa)s,r* an* 2ro,n*lessW-
A senior offi+ial at A"er)ai(an=s resi*ential a*ministration sai* s,+h se+,lation 1as Waime* at *ama2in2 relations )et1een
A"er)ai(an an* 8ranW-
#elations )et1een Ha9, an* Tehran ha3e )e+ome in+reasin2ly straine* in re+ent months 1ith 8ran ,nhay a)o,t A"er)ai(an=s
frien*ly lin9s 1ith 8srael an* its reorte* ,r+hase of h,n*re*s of millions of *ollars= 1orth of 1eaons-
Tehran last month a++,se* A"er)ai(an of 1or9in2 1ith 8srael=s sy ser3i+es an* helin2 assassins 1ho m,r*ere* 8ranian n,+lear
s+ientists in re+ent years % a +laim re(e+te* )y Ha9, as Wslan*erW-
Tensions ha3e also flare* o3er a series of re+ent arrests in A"er)ai(an of s,se+te* atta+9 lotters 1ith alle2e* lin9s to Tehran-
So,r+e: htt:DD111-tele2rah-+o-,9Dne1sD1orl*ne1sDmi**leeastDiranD9145IB1DA"er)ai(an%a++,se*%of%2rantin2%8srael%a++ess%to%
The +ity of Ha9,, A"er)ai(an is lo+ate* ne<t to the famo,s Ha9, oil fiel*s in the Casian Sea-
Presi*ent of A"er)ai(an 8lham Aliye3 (left) sha9es han*s 1ith Presi*ent of 8ran Mahmo,* Ahma*ine(a* (ri2ht) *,rin2 a meetin2
in Tehran, 8ran in Mar+h B779-
Presi*ent of A"er)ai(an 8lham Aliye3 (left) meets 1ith Presi*ent of 8ran Mahmo,* Ahma*ine(a* (ri2ht) in Tehran, 8ran in Mar+h
Presi*ent of 8ran Mahmo,* Ahma*ine(a* (left) aears 1ith Presi*ent of A"er)ai(an 8lham Aliye3 at a *inner )an:,et hel* in
Ha9,, A"er)ai(an on $o3em)er 14, B717- (Photo: htt:DDen-resi*ent-a"Darti+lesD1176)
Presi*ent of 8srael Shimon Peres (left) 2reets Presi*ent of A"er)ai(an 8lham Aliye3 in an ,n*ate* hoto- A"er)ai(an is lo+ate* ne<t to
the 8slami+ #e,)li+ of 8ran- 8ran se3ere* *ilomati+ relations 1ith 8srael in 1949 after the Shah of 8ran 1ent into e<ile- There ha3e
)een reorts that A"er)ai(an has 2rante* 8srael a++ess to A"er)ai(anMs airfiel*s- 8srael has maintaine* *ilomati+ relations 1ith
A"er)ai(an sin+e Aril 199B, si< months after A"er)ai(an *e+lare* its in*een*en+e from the So3iet Anion-
Presi*ent of A"er)ai(an 8lham Aliye3 (left) an* Presi*ent of 8srael Shimon Peres (+enter) 1al9 to2ether *,rin2 an offi+ial
1el+omin2 +eremony at the resi*ential ala+e in Ha9,, A"er)ai(an in B779-
Presi*ent of 8srael Shimon Peres (ri2ht) meets 1ith Forei2n Minister of A"er)ai(an >lmar Mamma*yaro3 (left) at the Presi*ent
of 8sraelMs resi*en+e in .er,salem, 8srael on Aril BB, B71/- (A)ir S,ltanDeaDCor)is)
Presi*ent of A"er)ai(an 8lham Aliye3 (se+on* from left) aears 1ith A"er)ai(ani army offi+ers on a military )ase near 8ran-
Presi*ent of A"er)ai(an 8lham Aliye3 (left) em)ra+es Presi*ent of 8srael Shimon Peres in an ,n*ate* hoto-
Co"ncil on 2oreign Relations U .ran
.ranian 2oreign 3inister #li #kbar /alehi speaks at the Co"ncil for 2oreign Relations on Park #ven"e in 5ew Kork City on
3on!ay -ctober & (?&(. #li #kbar /alehi is the c"rrent 3inister of 2oreign #ffairs of .ran *(?&?Dpresent0 an! former :ea! of
#tomic <nergy -rganization of .ran *(??'D(?&?0. *#P Photo,$ohn 3inchillo0
2ormer Presi!ent of .ran 3ohamma! Khatami *left0 an! 9./. /enator $ohn 2. Kerry *right0 take the stage for a !isc"ssion on
EThe 2"t"re of the 3i!!le <astF at the Worl! <conomic 2or"m in Gavos /witzerlan! on $an"ary (% (??%. $ohn 2. Kerry is a
member of the Co"ncil on 2oreign Relations. *#P Photo,;irginia 3ayo0
$ohn :. Coatsworth *left0 Gean of /chool of .nternational #ffairs at Col"mbia 9niversity shakes han!s with .ranHs Presi!ent
3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! after speaking at Col"mbia 9niversity in 5ew Kork City on /eptember (6 (??%. $ohn :. Coatsworth is
a member of the Co"ncil on 2oreign Relations. *=etty .mages0
#BC 5ews Ao"rnalist Giane /awyer *right0 a member of the Co"ncil on 2oreign Relations has an e4cl"sive interview with .ran>s
Presi!ent 3ahmo"! #hma!ineAa! in Tehran .ran on 2ebr"ary &( (??%. *Photo by #BC 5ews via =etty .mages0
#verell :arriman visits /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran. #verell :arriman was a member of the Co"ncil on 2oreign
Relations for )7 years an! a member of /k"ll U Bones at Kale 9niversity.
#verell :arriman *left0 speaks to Prime 3inister of .ran 3ohamme! 3ossa!egh on $"ly (C &'B&. 3ohamme! 3ossa!egh was
overthrown from office in a co"p s"pporte! by the C.# in &'B7J #llen G"lles was the C.# !irector an! a !irector of the Co"ncil on
2oreign Relations at the time of the co"p. #llen G"lles was a Girector of the Co"ncil on 2oreign relations from &'(% to &')' an!
a C.# !irector from &'B7 to &')&. 3ohamme! 3ossa!egh was electe! by the people of .ran to serve as Prime 3inister of .ran.
Co"ncil on 2oreign Relations member <rnest #. =ross shakes han!s with Prime 3inister of .ran 3ohamma! 3ossa!egh in
-ctober &'B&.
/ecretary of /tate Gean #cheson *left0 smiles as he listens to Prime 3inister of .ran 3ohamme! 3ossa!egh.
Geor2e C- M+Ghee (left), a #ho*es S+holar, meets 1ith Prime Minister of 8ran Mohamme* Mossa*e2h in 19I1-
9./. #rmy =eneral 3a4well G. Taylor visits /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran.
*Photo8 S#ords and .lo#shares by =en. 3a4well G. Taylor *&'%(00
Presi!ent Gwight <isenhower meets with /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran on Gecember &7 &'B6. /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of
.ran "se! the /avak the .ranian secret police to terrorize the .ranian people an! to eliminate political !issent an! free!om of speech.
/hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran is greete! by 9./. /ecretary of /tate $ohn 2oster G"lles *left0 an! 9./. ;ice Presi!ent
Richar! 5i4on *center0 as he arrive! at Washington #irport on $"ne 7? &'BC for a threeD!ay visit. *Bettmann,C-RB./0
Geor2e ?- Hall (Bn* ri2ht), .ohn .- M+Cloy (Bn* left, +hairman of the Co,n+il on Forei2n #elations), an* A-S- Am)assa*or to
8ran Armin ;- Meyer meet 1ith Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran in Tehran, 8ran on 6+to)er B9, 1964- Geor2e ?- Hall
atten*e* the 1964 Hil*er)er2 Meetin2s +onferen+e hel* at Cam)ri*2e, >n2lan* from /1 Mar+h% B Aril 1964- Hall an* M+Cloy
atten*e* the 1966 Hil*er)er2 Meetin2s hel* at ?ies)a*en, ?est Germany (near Fran9f,rt) from B%5 Aril 1966-
(Photo: Geor2e ?- Hall Paers, Seeley G- M,** Man,s+rit @i)rary at Prin+eton Ani3ersity)
A-S- Se+retary of State ;enry Kissin2er (left) aears 1ith Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran (ri2ht) in 194I- (AFP hoto)
/hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran meets with 9./. /ecretary of /tate :enry Kissinger *(n! left smiling0 in N"rich
/witzerlan! on 2ebr"ary &C &'%B ami! tight sec"rity for a s"mmit meeting. *+ $ames #n!anson,/ygma,Corbis0
5ational /ec"rity #!visor :enry Kissinger *wearing glasses0 /ecretary of /tate William P. Rogers *right0 an! #ssistant
/ecretary of /tate $oe /isco *rear thir! from right0 watch Presi!ent Richar! 5i4on shake han!s with /hah 3ohamma! Reza
Pahlavi of .ran at the White :o"se on -ctober (7 &')'. *Wally 3c5amee,C-RB./0
9./. #mbassa!or to .ran Richar! :elms a former !irector of the Central .ntelligence #gency presents /hah 3ohamma! Reza
Pahlavi of .ran his cre!entials at the /hah>s palace in Tehran .ran in &'%7.
*/o"rce8 * )ook =ver My Shoulder> * )ife in the Central Intelligence *gency by Richar! :elms with William :oo!0
Presi!ent $immy Carter smiles as 5ational /ec"rity #!visor Nbigniew Brzezinski shakes han!s with /hah 3ohamma! Reza
Pahlavi of .ran at the White :o"se in Washington G.C. on 5ovember &B &'%%.
3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi the /hah of .ran *center0 appears with 9./. 5ational /ec"rity #!visor :enry Kissinger *left0 an!
.ranian #mbassa!or to the 9nite! /tates #r!eshir Nahe!i *right0 at a party on $"ly (6 &'%7.
Presi!ent $immy Carter atten!s a meeting with /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran at the White :o"se in Washington G.C. on 5ovember
&B &'%%. 5ational /ec"rity #!visor Nbigniew Brzezinski sits on Carter>s left an! /ecretary of /tate Cyr"s ;ance sits on Carter>s right.
/hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran *left0 meets with *left to right0 #lfre! #therton *#ssistant /ecretary of /tate for 5earD<astern an! /o"th
#sian #ffairs0 9./. #mbassa!or to .ran William :. /"llivan /ecretary of /tate Cyr"s ;ance Presi!ent $immy Carter an! 5ational /ec"rity
#!visor Nbigniew Brzezinski in Tehran .ran on Gecember 7& &'%%. #ll five men on the right are or were members of the Co"ncil on 2oreign

Presi!ent =eral! 2or! meets with /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran at the White :o"se on 3ay &B &'%B.
*Photo8 =eral! R. 2or! Presi!ential Library0
Presi*ent of the Anite* States Geral* #- For* (left) an* Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran (+enter) atten* the State Arri3al
Ceremony on the So,th @a1n of the ?hite ;o,se-

Left photo8 Co"ncil on 2oreign Relations chairman R"ssell C. Leffingwell *left0 an! Co"ncil on 2oreign Relations presi!ent #llen G"lles *right0
appear with /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran at the :arol! Pratt :o"se. */o"rce8 Continuing the In,uiry> $he Council on :oreign
0elations from 5?35 to 5??4 by Peter =rose page (60
Right photo8 /enator $ohn 2. Kerry *left0 meets with former Presi!ent of .ran 3ohamma! Khatami at the Worl! <conomic 2or"m in Gavos
/witzerlan! on $an"ary (% (??%. *#P Photo via 2o4 5ews0
Presi*ent .immy Carter (left) shares a toast 1ith Shah Mohamma* #e"a Pahla3i of 8ran at the State &inner in Tehran, 8ran on
&e+em)er /1, 1944- (Photo: .immy Carter @i)rary)
Presi!ent $immy Carter toasts /hah 3ohamma! Reza Pahlavi of .ran following a formal !inner in the 5iavaran Palace in
Tehran .ran on Gecember 7& &'%%. $immy Carter Aoine! the Co"ncil on 2oreign Relations in &'C7. *Bettmann,C-RB./0

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