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Mysteries Within the Temple Church and School Student Handbook

Contact Email: Facebook: Phone (Admissions Calls ONLY!!!): 813-770-9819

About the School Founded originally in 1993 by Reverend Pagan High Priestess Isis Starr, this school focus a lot on knowledge. "Knowledge of the past and its practices helps us for the future and its practices." Programs and individual classes are available.

In 2007, the online school began, bringing in more students who were in awe of the Goddess. You went through an admissions process and were accepted from many. We dont say this to mean that you are better than others (for we all are One) but we have found you to fit in with our school. There will be quite a bit of work to be done but this is because this school is focused on knowledge and understanding. To know and understand something is to give you power over it. Not power to harm but to protect in case of harm. Our school is ran by the 13 Elders, described below.

About the High Council The Mysteries Within the Temple High Council consists of 13 elders of the Craft. All of the High Council and teachers are initiated. The High Council Members are as followed: Elder MorningGlory Mist, teacher of 15 years, elder of 25 Elder Isis Starr, teacher of 13 years, elder of 21 Elder Rain Fire, teacher of 14 years, elder of 20 Elder Blue Eagle, teacher of 10 years, elder of 20 Elder RaySun, teacher of 23 years, elder of 42 Elder Set Hotem, teacher of 15 years, elder of 18 Elder Raven SilverMoon, teacher of 8 years, elder of 15 Elder Willow of the East, teacher of 10 years, elder of 23 Elder Ashen Snow, teacher of 10 years, elder of 19 Elder Chief Lionbolt, teacher of 13 years, elder of 20 Elder Morrigan Rae, teacher of 26 years, elder of 10 Elder Hephaestus Apostate, teacher of 30 years, elder of 23 Elder Sagebush Firefly, teacher of 35 years, elder of 25. The High Council has the final say in all the things dealing with the school and its students. Appeals, paperwork, etc goes through the High Council.

Respect "R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me." Famous lyrics for this word. To some, this is hard to come by. Others say it is not around at all anymore. At this school we work in an area of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust, also "you reap what you sow". As a student, respect is given to All. What we mean is the plants, animals, Deities and each other. Disciplinary measures will be taken to ensure this happens.

NiceNet We use for our online class lectures, assignments and tests. When documents need to be posted, they are posted on this system. You also turn in the majority of your assignments here. It is good to log in to your nicenet account at least twice a week to make sure assignments dont slip past you. Keeping up with your assignments and such helps us see your perseverence toward learning the Craft.

Engrade We use for the school's gradebook. Here you can check your grades. Attendence grades are given through the teacher being able to see when the last time you logged in was. Manditory weekly check-ins to your engrade account are actually necessary. This helps us see your perseverence toward learning the Craft.

Discipline This department, of course, will be dictated by the High Council. Levels of discipline vary from extra tasks to being cut from the school, depending upon your issue.

Grades As mentioned before, we use to view your grades. The grade scale is same as a regular school: A 100-90, B 89-80, C 79-70, D

69-60, F 59-50.

Initiation To become initiated into the Craft you have at leasted passed all the requirements for 1st Degree. After you have done so, you will be contacted by us with more information. Due to secrecy guidelines, that is all you are able to know at this point in time.

Programs These are the programs currently offered: initiatory program, croneship program, lightworkers and advanced lightworkers program. After you have finished your Wicca 101 class and have proved to the High Council your dedication to the Craft, you will be contacted by us with more information.

Classes These are the individual classes currently offered: Natural Magick Sabbat Studies Divination Coven Leadership Candle Magick Elemental Magick Celtic Magick Druidism Astral Projection Ascension Magick Kabbalah Studies Healing Magick Angelic Magick Enochian Studies Dark Studies Kitchen Magick Tarot

Before you are able to take any other class, you must pass Wicca 101. The reason for this is because there is a similar basic structure in all of these that stem from the structure of Wicca.

Why is the Work so Important? Sometimes the amount of work given to you will seem rediculous but will you go that extra step to learn the Mysteries of the Goddess? Here is a tip: most of the time you learn of the Mysteries when you are alone. The work and lessons are written and separated into a format where it fits into a busy daily schedule but there will be that point where you are tested and you get to prove and extend yourself.

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