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Including everything you want to know about Rochester School and MORE!

Table of Contents
Shakespeare in Trouble?
Theater play in Bogota where students from different schools assisted.

Me and My New School

Article talking about Maria Alejandra Cotes new experiences in a new seat and all about it.

The Story of Cupcakes

The creation of cupcakes.

27 Years Ago Disaster

Armeros volcanic eruption.


World War l and Russian Revolution

Connection between this two events , causes and more, studied in Historys class.


The City of the Future

Take a look of how Bogota will be in 2057! English project.


What I Learned in Chinese

Article about Maria Alejandra Cotes experience in Chinese class.



Events 50 and 25 years ago


Shakespeare in Trouble?
What is Shakespeare in Trouble? Well, Shakespeare in Trouble is a theater play made by The Performers which involves 3 of the most famous plays of William Shakespeare; it is presented in Bogota in the Agustiniano Ciudad Salitre. Students from different schools such as Rochester School, Tierra Nueva and San Bartolome de la Merced assisted to this play on October 31th/12 at 10:30 am act. Rochester School students from 8th grade to 11th grade assisted to this play in order to have the opportunity of meeting with this plays of William Shakespeare by paying attention to the whole act and learning what the play wants to expose. In this article I am going to compare and contrast the theater play presented by The Performers and the 3 original plays of William Shakespeare involved in The Performers presentation which are: Romeo and Juliet, The King Lear and Macbeth. In addition, I am going to talk about some things that I think might be better to improve.
The Performers play and William Shakespeare plays have many similarities and differences, buy first I am going to start by exposing to you the similarities of them. The Performers idea of Romeo and Juliet show parts of the real one, for example both of them show the story of two young lovers that despite the rivalry between their families, decided to fight for their love to the point of having a secret wedding, ending up by committing suicide by a series of events. Now, the similarities with the original King Lear are that both plays come up with the same story of the old king that do proves to his daughters to see who of them stays with the kingdom but is betrayed by them. Another similarity is that in both plays they say And laugh at gilded butterflies a part of a quote I really like. Finally, the similarity between Macbeth and The Performers play is the same, they come up with the same story which is of a general that receives a prophecy in which he is going to be king, so impulse by his wife he kills people becoming the king ending up with her wifes death and his own too. The connection between William Shakespeare plays is that the 3 of them are tragedies.

The differences between The Performers play and Shakespeare ones are some others; the principal difference is that The Performers play context is in a drama class where 4 students start to talk about the 3 different plays of Shakespeare and begin to act them trying to bring to life Shakespeares famous works while Romero and Juliet, King Lear and Macbeth are 3 different and separate plays. Another difference is that the actors in The Performers play included musical issues unlike Shakespeare works that dont contain anything of musical issues. Also another difference is that The Performers play occurs like in actuality but representing Shakespeare plays from the past in the same scenario in contrast that Shakespeare works occur like in 15th or 16th century in many different scenarios and backgrounds. In my opinion, The Performers should improve some things, first select carefully the music they are going to use for their play if they are suppose to represent Shakespeare works and also connect better the title with the play because people including me where expecting something different for example I dont understood the title said Laura Ortega and I expected to see the story of Shakespeare while writing his works or something like that said Richard Moreno.

In conclusion, this theater play presented in Bogota has its similarities and differences with the original Shakespeare works, is similar principally by the content of stories written by Shakespeare and the one shown by The Performers and different because of the style of the showing proposal, the play has its good things and also has not so good things or things to improve, principally the connection between the title of the play (Shakespeare in Trouble) and the content of the theater play because it is not so clear for the audience why does the play is called like this. If you want to know more about this play go to The Performers site and search for future functions here in Bogota for you to enjoy, see or judge by you what this article is talking about!

Sent by one of our followers: Maria Alejandra Cote


Model: Maria Bernal

Me and My New School

Do you want to know about me and my new school? I really dont have a new school; I study in Rochester School since 11 years ago when it was located in Cedritos. But what is new is my new school site! I am going to describe you how is my new school, what is the purpose of having a new site, what are the benefits of this new site, what events had I experienced with my new school site and my new school projects. Also I should talk about the proposals that my new school is giving to everyone for a better life, the new proposals of study for different grades and the new Rochester School structure and things that need to be done. And also I am going to talk about what I expect of my new experience with this new site. Rochester Schools new site is located in the Vereda Fusca, Km. 15 Lote Olguita, North East Side Highway, Chia, Cundinamarca, Colombia and its new name is Fundacion Educativa Rochester. My new school site construction started in 2011 by the help of Oikos by constructing the buildings.
The Rochester School new site is a new space with many ecological issues with many green zones, it supports the environment and it will be certificated as sustainable construction because of the good manage of air, temperature, water, electricity, etc based on the use of new renewable sources of energy. Its classrooms were constructed for the different types of classes the students have everyone with its own characteristics, the soccer court, volleyball and basketball fields, etc are good for sport to improve in our school, it also has an aquatic center, an art center called Inspira for students to explore their own imagination and a auditeria where students come together for having lunch and different activities. The new site have 5 towers where different classrooms, offices and others things are located. The purpose of constructing a new school is optimizing the use of space and learning and having new opportunities for the students. The benefits of the new school are many, in my opinion the most important is that even thought a construction needs too much works and damage to the environment, this construction and its ecologic proposal didnt made a several damage to the environment.

Another benefit is the new proposals of education and also the new optimization of learning and opportunities to express, my new school projects basically want students to be prepare for better things in future and to make conscience in people for taking care of the environment. For different grades, different classes were implemented such as Choice Theory, Chinese or French and for 10th and 11th grade a class that emphasizes in their future universities. Most everything in Rochester School is constructed with ecological things, walls, floor, painting, etc are ecologic. My new school site is not already done, it need some things in structure to be finish like the Inspira center. In these 2 months that I have class I went to field trips with the school like the one to Pionono for learning about nature and to a roll play for learning about different theater plays. Also in my new school we had a Bake Sale, a celebration of Halloween and a cultural Friday. Rochester School is certificating in Leadership and Energy and Environmental Design which means to have a green construction said Andres Ramirez which gives a benefit of school for being recognized by being friendly with the environment.

I believe this new school site will be an excellent opportunity for every student that is in Rochester School or that want to enter to it. It is a site where new anecdotes, friends, memories and more things are going to be in our minds for the rest of our lives. This school will be one of the most fascinating, ecological and wonderful schools in Latin America. This new site will be a place to enjoy, to grow personally, to learn and to have beautiful experiences. It will be a new opportunity for every student; it will be a possibility for every person to be better. Also I will like that every people appreciate things as Sergio Lopez thinks The Rochesteriano appreciates the knowledge I hope that every person that meets with this new opportunity learn to appreciate things that are done for them and that this year and the coming ones be enjoyable, grateful and unforgettable.

Sent by one of our followers: Maria Alejandra Cote

The Story of Cupcakes

Have you seen something more delicious than a cupcake? Had you ever wonder to know how this cake was invented? Or either you wanted to know why it is called like this? Well, I am going to explain the process of cupcakes creation, help you figure out this and more things about cupcakes, its history, its purpose, etc. Probably after reading this article you will like to eat one or prepare one and I hope you are totally sure of where does cupcakes come from, when, where and how did they were first made and invented. Cupcakes nowadays are used as decoration in parties, for having a good time while making them, for giving them as gifts, for buying and selling them and for other things, but previously they were made by housewives for cooking something sweet and creative. The cupcake was created in the United States in the 19th century and it was a great invention because of the amount of time it saved in the kitchen and how easy it was to cook. In the 19th century, housewives used the measure of a cup for making cupcakes but while times change and different things were invented the way to do them and the measures also changed. According to the Food Timeline Web housewives used two different ways for cooking cupcakes There are two theories: The cakes were original cooked in cups and the ingredients used to make the cupcakes were measured out by the cup. In the beginning, cupcakes were called "number" cakes, because they were easy to remember by the measurements of ingredients it took to create them: One cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups of flour, four eggs, one cup of milk, and one spoonful of soda. Cupcakes are called like this because its name means cake in a cup all because its old preparation. Since cupcakes creation, cupcakes have become a pop culture in the culinary world. They have being created lots of shops devoted to create cupcakes and sell them. And also when cupcakes evolve many different ways, decorations and flavors appear for making them. Cupcakes first mention was in 1796, when Amelia Simms used this term for a "tart cooked in small cups" in her book American Cookery. Also in Eliza Leslie's recipe Seventy-Five Recipes for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats published in 1828. In the 21th century, the cupcakes were fashionable in the United States. Cupcakes received so much publicity in Sex and the City. And in 2010 many people published books of how to make cupcakes. Cupcakes had pass though many changes during these years making them each day more delicious, nowadays you can find different ways of making and decorating them in cooking books and also on internet. Its creation was for cooking easier and for husbands for being happy about what was prepared for them, cupcakes have a large history and many different presentations. These little cakes are the most wonderful experience on food, they are easy to do, they are not expensive and you could do them easily in your own home or you can buy them in many different bakery stores. Personally I love to do them because they are delicious and I can have a good time with my friend while making each cupcake and I can teach others how to do them and also give them as gifts.

Sent by one of our followers: Maria Alejandra Cote

Ingredients 2 cups all purpose flour 1 1/2 cups sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 egg whites from large eggs 1/2 cup shortening 1 cup 2% milk 2 large eggs 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Here you have how to make a cupcake

Vanilla Cupcake Recipe Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line cupcake pans with paper liners. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, shortening, milk and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Mix at low speed for 2 minutes. Scrape bowl. Add egg whites and mix at high speed until fluffy and smooth, approximately 2 minutes. Fill liners 1/2 to 2/3 full of batter. Do not overfill. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pans then remove from pan, and place on wire racks to cool completely. Frost and decorate your vanilla cupcakes as desired.

27 Years Ago Disaster

Do you remember what happened 27 years ago? Dont you remember the suffering of many people on November 13 of 1985? Or perhaps you were there? Well, although I wasnt there on November 13 of 1985, I am going to describe you what happened that day according to what my family has told to me and what I have found about the tragedy. On November 13 of 1985 the Armero tragedy occurred, it was a natural disaster produced by the volcanic eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz in Tolima, Colombia. In this tragedy approximately more than 30.000 people died all because the government decided not to tell them what was going to happen with the Nevado del Ruiz. The pyroclastic flows emitted from the volcanos crater melted a 10% of the mountains glassier, sending 4 enormous lahars down the mountain at 60 km/h and then the lahars took place to the 6 bigger rivers in the volcanos base. The town of Armero located at 50 km of the volcano was hit by the lahars making that 20.000 died that night. 10

Remembering Armero; Sent by Maria Alejandra Cote

This tragedy could have been avoided, although the eruption was inevitable, millions of people could have been saved if the government had warned them of what was coming, because after the tragedy, it emerged that the first signs of smoke on the volcano were issued in September 1985, so the government had the time to warn people and make an evacuation plan, but they didnt and thats why nowadays we regret this tragedy. Personally, I think the Colombian government is directly involved with the deaths of these people because it was a foreseeable catastrophe. A banner at a mass funeral in Ibague read "The volcano didn't kill 22,000 people. The government killed them. The relief efforts after the tragedy occurred were difficult to make because of the huge mud that has covering the town and the huge gas emission that was still covering the town and after 12 hours the savers could help people who still alive. In addition to the suffering already caused, the fundraiser of money to rebuild the town was spent on other things.

That night of November 13 of 1985 at 9:09pm the Nevado del Ruiz ejected dacitic tephra more than 30 kilometers into the atmosphere, but at 11:00 pm the lahars arrived to Armero. If you go to Armero you can still hear the cries of help from people said Aida Murad de Albornoz. When the avalanche arrived to the town all was quiet and after too, is true what they say, after the storm comes the calm said Miguel Jaluf (Survivor from Armeros tragedy), When the lava reached us, it felt as if I was suspended in the air for a second and then had fallen back said Layla Jaluf (Survivor from Armeros tragedy). Maybe you had hear many stories about this tragedy and maybe the most famous the one of Omayra Sanchez, a girl who was trapped under rubble and mud for three days which died for gas gangrene and hypothermia and the truth about this story is that Omayra could probably be alive if the government had responded to the request for a water pump to drain water quickly where she was so people get her out of there, but there was no response from the government since the image of the girl gave great publicity. And there are thousands of stories like this one that are not so popular or recognized. I truly believe that one day these kinds of tragedies can be avoided, that people will realize the harm they do to society and all they do for citizens cease to believe in our government. This tragedy is lamentable; many things could have been avoided but thanks to the negligence of some people there were many others affected by the disaster. There are many things not yet known and its important that we as citizens do something as community and avoid many problems. This tragic story turns 27 years of having occurred this year and I hope many people are able to go and visit Armero and see what they can remember about that wonderful town. It is unfortunate that despite efforts, this wonderful town full of memories and anecdotes has not been able to fully lift. 27 years of the history of a town, huge years of stories to remember. 11

New Vocabulary
Word Pyroclastic flows Lahars Foreseeable Fundraiser Dacitic tephra Definition Known scientifically as a pyroclastic density current is a fast-moving current of superheated gas and rock which reaches speeds moving away from a volcano.


Volcanically induced mudslides, landslides, and debris flows. Able to be foreseen or anticipated, Someone who solicits financial contributions. Dacite: Volcanic rock (or lava) that characteristically is light in color and contains silica, sodium and potassium. Tephra: Materials of all types and sizes that are erupted from a crater or volcanic vent and deposited from the air. Known as "Clostridia Myonecrosis", is a bacterial infection that produces gas in tissues in gangrene. It is a deadly form of gangrene usually caused by Clostridium Perfringens bacteria. Condition in which core temperature drops below the required temperature for normal metabolism. A pump that cause the water to circulate is a failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in like circumstances. Are short or interesting stories of a real incident or person. Is the process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved by the brain. Alleviation, ease, or deliverance through the removal of pain, distress, oppression, etc. Is a sudden, drastic flow of something down a slope.

Gas gangrene

Hypothermia Water Pump Negligence Anecdotes Memories Relief efforts Avalanche

Rubble Banner

Is broken stone, of irregular size, shape and texture. is a flag, cardboard, etc showing a symbol, logo, slogan or other message.

Picture sent by one of our followers: Laura Ortega

Model: Daniela Romero



World War l and Russian Revolution

Have you wondered what the causes of World War I were? Or why did the Russian Revolution occur? Or either what is the connection between these two? In history class this year students of 9th grade of Rochester School addressed these two issues that were catastrophic to the world, the First World War and the Russian Revolution. I will explain what I had learn in class, what were the causes of these two events, why are they called like this, the connection between these events and some other things of interest. The First World War was an event that happened between July 28, 1914 and November 11, 1918 and passed between major European powers because they wanted to extend their territories. The Russian Revolution was an event that overthrew the czarist regime of the 19th century. These two events were primarily in Europe, Asia and Africa. The World War I started when Francisco Fernando was killed on July 28, 1914. The conflict was because of the imperialism of external politics of different power like the AustroHungarian empire, the Russian empire, etc. Then many other countries start to participate in the war like EE.UU, Japan, Africa, etc. And two big groups formed: The Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. The World War I was called like this because it had involvement of fighters from different countries. The Russian Revolution occurred because Russia had an autocratic and repressive government because of Czar Nicolas II, the Russian Revolution causes different revolutions which finished with the Czar regimen and destroyed Russia. And thats why Russia left the World War I.

The connection between these two events is that Russia had several problems years ago before the World War I started and when the World War I began, the Russian Revolution also but in the middle of the World War I. When the Russian Revolution started Russia weakened and had to withdraw from the First World War because the government had many problems with the citizens. Russia was a great participant in the World War I because it was many political and economical revenge with different countries and also Russia was part of the Triple Entente which won the battle without Russia. Russia was weak so thats why the government decided to translate its government into a socialist and soviet nation in which citizens have the right to vote and other things. The World War I and the Russian Revolution ended with the sign of The Treaty of Versailles which said that Germany had all the fault of the war and that need to play to the Triple Entente. These two events were catastrophic for the humanity and for the whole world. These events marked part of history and thats why nowadays we remember this as events to regret because many people were involved and died.

Sent by Maria Alejandra Cote


The City Of The Future

Can you imagine how Bogota will be in 50 years? What will change and what will happen with all of us? I am going to describe you how could Bogota look like in 50 years and some things that are going to be better. Bogota and the whole world are in constant improvement and many things are changing and improving including housing, technology, health, clothes, sports, food, world relations, transportation entertainment and many other things. Different things are going to appear In our cities by the increase of knowledge in people, things are going to change in many different aspects. According to a research made by Discovery Channel, homes in the future will be greener because people will have more environmental awareness and will want to help repair the damage they are doing to the environment at this moment and this will be viable thanks to new renewable energy resources. Health will specialize in improving patient health through high automation of the tools. The technology will be based on the use of the Internet to communicate with different people around the world making easier the communication with different cultures.

Sent by Maria Alejandra Cote

Also food will change because it will be not so natural, it will be more artificial by the use of technology while making food. Sports will become some more difficult but some others easier, there will be galactic things because it is expected that the Earth could have a connection with the moon. World relations will be easier because you will communicate with different people in just a second. Also transportation will advance, as we have seen on movies, cars in the future are expected to fly. In Bogota different things will advance but is expected that not so fast as in other countries that have more resources and technology for doing more things better and faster. In 50 years some things will improve and some others will be not so good, some things will advance and some others will stay the same. People are going to have more knowledge about many different things and will enjoy and have the opportunity of meeting with different things and circumstances. As we see, many things are going to appear and personally I expect that people can use things as they are suppose to be use and give the new technology a good use and not for harming others or inventing things that are not good for a society or for kids and persons that will live in that near future. Great minds are the heart of a great community.


What I Learned in Chinese

Where am I learning Chinese here in Colombia? It is so difficult or is not that bad? I am going to describe you what I have learned this year in Chinese class. In Rochester School, as a 3rd language the directives decided to apply either Chinese nor French. I personally decided to choose to learn Chinese because I think that for me is easier to learn French later in any academy here in Bogota than learning Chinese in the future because here in Colombia there are not so many places for learning it and also because for me Chinese its going to be a very important language in the future world relations. I am learning Chinese for approximately 3 months ago and I have learn how to write, recognize and pronounce different basic words that can be useful in a conversation with a person from China. In Chinese class I have learn basic things, I have learned the numbers from 1 to 100, the parts of the body and the necessary words and phrases for having a conversation with someone. Also I learned how to write the numbers and how to write the parts of the body. My teachers name is Bei Tian, she also had teach parts of the verb to be in Chinese. Also I learned the way to write each character in Chinese because in Chinese the way of writing has an special path. In Chinese there is no alphabet, they have approximately 6000 characters that represent a word, there are no individual letters. Each character represent something determinate and each word for depending where is located, for example when we talk about parts of the body if you are talking about the head the way of writing and pronouncing the word is similar to the way of writing and pronouncing hair. It is impossible for us to learn all the characters that Chinese has because kids in China learn 30 new words each day they go to school starting from kindergarten while my class and I will learn approximately 15 new words each quarter. I think that having either Chinese nor French in our school Is a great opportunity for learning. Not only how to talk a different language but also for knowing more about different cultures. It is a great advance for the school and it is a great opportunity for future negotiations in our future works. I expect I will know more about different people and the way they live by learning more each Chinese class. Ni jiao W de mngz jio mlyy l hng d l (Hola mi nombre es Maria Alejandra) I hope that with learning this new language many doors can open for me, that my classmates and I learn many different things and that I could possible talk relatively goo this language.


1959 1961 U.S. breaks diplomatic Chile break diplomatic The Venera First probe to Venus. relations with Cuba. relations with the Castro regime. 1962 John Kennedy is sworn in as new U.S. president

1985 1985 Armeros tragedy

1986 Spain and Portugal enter the European Community, which later becomes the European Union 1986 1988 The first National Cancer Survivors Day is held.

1987 The Simpsons cartoon first appears as a series of shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show 1987


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