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Time is very precious than money. Money once lose can be regained, but time once lost was lost forever. Time and tide waits for no one. A Lost opportunities may spoil ones life. Those who doesnt act in time has to repent afterwards. An intelligent student prepares his lessons on advance.

(2007) . . .. .. .. .

Hence proper using of time is essential in life. Answers: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Very more Lose-lost Was-is Waits-wait Opportunities-opportunity Doesnt-dont Has-have On-in Using-use

The house on which we were to live on-in(2008) was in one end of the village. . It was hiding behind a screen of .. mango and orange tree and bushes . of hibiscus full from enormous Scarlet flowers. The house were adequate without be luxurious. We had just finished unpacking when they were greeted by the . housekeeper which name was Paula. Answers: a) In-at

b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

A-the Tree-trees From-of Were-was Be-being They-we Which-whose .. . .. .

The complex nature in human brain has acted against their own evolution. Scientists say that as a human brain grew on size and complexity, the evolve of its gene sequences has slowed down, compared by that of the lower animals. The complexity interactions that takes place between multiple genes in the brain preventing rapid evolution of the genes. Answers: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) in-of their-its a-the on-in evolve-evolution by-to complexity-complex takes-take preventing-prevent

The jungle was thick for dense. We had to hold on to the vines to avoiding slipping on the mud paths. We had walked for four hours but everyone were tired. The sun was shining brightly generating heat and vapour which will soon turn from rain. We were given some bread and cheese. After we had ate, the trip began again. Some of the weaker

. . .

members were already feeling tiring.

Answers: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) for-and avoiding-avoid paths-path but-and were-was ate-eaten tiring-tired

Having finished college and than a shorthand course, I was hiring as the secretary of the editor of a magazine. So now I had an income an apartment in New York. The was heaven for a women from a small town. Like much women of my generation, I had went straight from college to Secretarial school to learnt shorthand.

.. .. . . .. .. .. ..

Answers: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) than-then hiring-hired of the editor-by the editor an-and the-this women-woman much-many went-gone learnt-learn

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