September October Newsletter

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The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:4

September - October 2012 Dear Friends and family,

Its a Girl! Our family blessing

We are pleased to announce that we have been blessed once again with another precious baby girl! Manessa Joy arrived on September 20th in good health. Big sister, Massenda, is quite taken with her new baby. Thank you to all of you who prayed for Manessas safe arrival. Our family plans to return to Haiti the beginning of December. Pastor Massenat plans to go the end of November so he can start to look for housing and then Melinda and the girls and Grandma Pat will follow a week or so later. This return to Haiti is much different then we have experienced in the past because we will be moving to a new area and pioneering a new ministry.

Notes of Praise
Manessa Joys birth and good health Most of the funds for the Nivard Holiness church rental property have been raised Ata (the young man who was shot in the arm) is doing well God continues to provide and open doors The provision of our travel funds to return to Haiti and rent for one year Kreyol scripture cards

A new beginning a ministry blessing

We will be making our home in the city of Gonaives so we can be close to Roche Plate; the area where we plan to start a new ministry. This small rural community with a population of about 2,500 has been on our hearts for several months now. In August Pastor Massenat went to visit Roche Plate so he could meet the people, pray with them and pass out scripture cards. The people have expressed the need for a church and reported that the only local school is a makeshift shanty. The closest clinic is several miles away and since walking is the only means of transportation for most people this makes it very difficult and sometimes impossible for the people to receive care. The living conditions are desperate with the local river serving as the only source of water for all household needs including cooking and drinking. The people of Roche Plate are needy both physically and spiritually. We have stayed in contact with these precious people by telephone and they continue to express a strong desire to have us come and share Jesus with them and live in their community. After much prayer and seeking Gods direction for our family we are going to go minister in Roche Plate. When we return we will put up a brush harbor church; we will hold services every evening for a week and then the church will officially open. A man from the community has offered to loan us a small piece of land he owns so a temporary church structure can be put up. This temporary location will also be used for Melinda to hold clinic days so we can begin providing first aide locally. We will arrange transfers to a hospital in the city for those who need more extensive care.

Prayer Requests

Nivard Holiness Church and the new converts The remaining funds to complete the church rental project A spiritual awakening Financial support for the ministry Gods guidance as we begin the ministry in Roche Plate (Wsh Plt) Safety, health and protection and spiritual covering for our family

When we first arrive in Haiti we will be living in guest housing until we can find a home to rent. Once we find a house we will need to rent a truck to move our furniture and personal effects, medical supplies and equipment from our former home across the island in Mirebalais. Please pray for us as we return to Haiti to start this new ministry among the people of Roche Plate. Special prayer for our children during this time of transition is greatly appreciated. In our last newsletter we told you about the need for a rental property for the church in Nivard and the family who offered their property so the church could be moved. We are pleased to announce that most of the funding for the 3 year lease of $600 has been raised! The Lord is good! Thank you to each of you who helped to make this happen.

Thank you for your support and prayers. Blessings,

Pastor Massenat, Melinda and Massenda Ulysse and Patricia Smith ~Living everyday by His grace~

Current Needs: $3,000 for shipping costs for supplies and moving expenses in Haiti A dependable vehicle *If you would like to donate toward one of these needs simply send a memo with your donation designating the funds

Above: The local river is the source of water for all household needs including cooking and drinking. The buckets pictured are for carrying water cooking and drinking. Right: Pastor Massenat witnessing and having prayer with the people of Roche Plate.

Website: E-mail: Financial Support can be sent to: Hilltop Chapel 11700 Spring Arbor Road Concord, MI 49237 *Include a memo designating the funds for Haiti Ministries

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