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A Disease

Are YOU affected by it?

Why do I Procrastinate?

I dont know how to do the task I dont like the job Its not important I dont have enough time Its not high priority I need help I dont have/cant find what I need to do the job I have goals with no deadlines

Effective Time Management Workshop

Why do I Procrastinate?

Laziness Lack of motivation Personal disorganization Unpleasant Task Distraction Fear of failure

Effective Time Management Workshop

Why do I Procrastinate?

Unclear priorities Perfectionism Indecision Complex Projects Thrill of last minute rush Lack of dead line

Effective Time Management Workshop

Procrastination - A Vicious Circle

Effective Time Management Workshop

How to break this circle

Effective Time Management Workshop

To Start with.

Promise yourself a reward Set a deadline Break big task into small easy to do pieces

start with the easiest parts first

Have your Focus on that Do not allow perfectionism as a reason for procrastination
Effective Time Management Workshop

How to overcome Procrastination

Understand what and why of your procrastination tendency Remove Distractions Think positive Do not fear failure No Excuses Attitude of DO IT NOW
Effective Time Management Workshop

Dump Procrastination

Stop all Excuses Prioritize the tasks Understand how much time it takes to do a task Do not be a last minute decision taker Gather information for a task in advance. if we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin. DO IT NOW
Effective Time Management Workshop

Positive Delay

Sharpen your Axe Brain Strom Relax if tired, tense, confused Pause, Think and Act Do something more important
Effective Time Management Workshop

Good Bye - Procrastination

Recognize that procrastination stems from habit. New habits will be needed, and these take time and commitment to develop..

Effective Time Management Workshop

Designed & Created by

Effective Time Management / Goal Setting & Achieving Customized In-house & Out-bound Workshop
Contact: Shabbar Suterwala

Email: Or Call: +91-989 222 5864

Effective Time Management Workshop

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