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Answer, Key Homework 11 David McIntyre 45123 May 10, 2004 This print-out should have 8 questions.

ons. Multiple-choice questions may continue on the next column or page nd all choices before making your selection. The due time is Central time. Chapter 9 problems. 001 (part 1 of 2) 0 points Two blocks of masses M and 3M are placed on a horizontal, frictionless surface. A light spring is attached to one of them, and the blocks are pushed together with the spring between them. Explanation:

Let : M = 5 kg and k = 6300 N/m . 1 1 1 2 k L2 = M vm + (3 M ) v 2 2 2 2

M Before (a) v M After (b)


L= =

2 M vM + 3 M v 2 k

(5 kg) (8.49 m/s)2 + 3 (5 kg) (2.83 m/s)2 6300 N/m

= 0.27618 m .


A cord holding them together is burned, after which the block of mass 3M moves to the right with a speed of 2.83 m/s. What is the speed of the block of mass M? Correct answer: 8.49 m/s. Explanation: Let : v = 2.83 m/s .

003 (part 1 of 2) 0 points A 1070 kg car skidding due north on a level frictionless icy road at 278.08 km/h collides with a 2107.9 kg car skidding due east at 176 km/h in such a way that the two cars stick together. 176 km/h N vf

From conservation of momentum p = 0, in our case we obtain 0 = M vM 3M v Therefore vM = 3 v = (3) (2.83 m/s) = 8.49 m/s . 002 (part 2 of 2) 0 points If M is 5 kg and the spring between the masses has a spring constant of 6300 N/m, how much was the spring originally compressed from its equilibrium length? Correct answer: 0.27618 m.

2107.9 kg 278.08 km/h 1070 kg

At what angle (180 +180 ) East of North do the two coupled cars skid o at? Correct answer: 51.2693 . Explanation:

Let : m1 v1 m2 v2

= 1070 kg , = 278.08 km/h , = 2107.9 kg , and = 176 km/h .

Answer, Key Homework 11 David McIntyre 45123 May 10, 2004 p2 N m2 v2 p1 m1 v1 pf = m f vf

How much kinetic energy is lost in the collision? Correct answer: 2.96555 106 J. Explanation: To nd the energy lost in the collision, we need to know the total kinetic energy of the system before and after the collision. (There is no change in potential energy since the cars remain on level ground.) The initial and nal energies are given by Ei = K i = = 1 1 2 2 m1 v1 + m2 v2 2 2

Basic Concepts: Momentum Conserva1 p = mv. tion, K = mv 2 , 2 During the collision, the total momentum of the two car system will be conserved pf = p 1 + p 2 = m1 v1 + m2 v2 pf x + p f y = m 1 v1 + m 2 v2 . Looking at the x and y components of momentum, pf x = m 2 v2 = (2107.9 kg) (176 km/h) 103 m 1h km 3600 s = 103053 kg m/s , and pf y = m 1 v1 = (1070 kg) (278.08 km/h) 103 m 1h km 3600 s = 82651.6 kg m/s . Since we are asked to nd the angle from the y-axis instead of the x, tan = pf x pf y 103053 kg m/s = 82651.6 kg m/s = 1.24684 103053 kg m/s = arctan 82651.6 kg m/s = 51.2693 . 004 (part 2 of 2) 0 points

1 (1070 kg) (77.2444 m/s)2 2 1 + (2107.9 kg) (48.8889 m/s)2 2 = 5.71126 106 J , and Ef = K f 1 2 = (m1 + m2 ) vf . 2 To nd vf , we need to go back to the momentum equation; pf , m1 + m 2 or in component form, pf x vf x = , m1 + m 2 pf y . vf y = m1 + m 2 vf =


Now that we know the components of vf , we can nd its magnitude

2 2 2 vf = v f x + v f y .

We can substitute this into the equation for the nal kinetic energy to get Ef = 1 pf x + p f y 2 m1 + m 2 = 2.74571 106 J .
2 2

The energy lost is then Elost = E = Ei Ef = (5.71126 106 J) (2.74571 106 J) = 2.96555 106 J .

Answer, Key Homework 11 David McIntyre 45123 May 10, 2004 005 (part 1 of 1) 0 points Two people are initially standing still on frictionless ice. They push on each other so that one person, of mass 120 kg, moves to the left at 2 m/s, while the other person, of mass 80 kg, moves to the right at 3 m/s. What is the velocity of their center of mass? 1. vcm = 0 correct 2. vcm = 2.4 m/s to the left 3. vcm = 0.5 m/s to the left 4. vcm = 1 m/s to the right 5. vcm = 2.5 m/s to the right Explanation: By denition, the velocity of the center of mass is v1 m1 + v 2 m2 vcm = . m1 + m 2 Taking the left as the positive-x direction, we know vcm (2 m/s) (120 kg) (3 m/s) (80 kg) = (120 kg) + (80 kg) = 0 m/kg .

Basic Concept: The center of mass coordinate is x dm x , m dm , and dm = y dx , where mass is the areal density of the plate. area Solution: Let (x1 , y1 ) = (6, 0) (x2 , y2 ) = (9, 0) (x3 , y3 ) = (9, 4) . The equation for the hypotenuse is y y1 y3 y 1 = . x x1 x3 x 1 The slope of the hypotenuse is s= y3 y 1 x3 x 1 40 4 = =+ . 96 3 where m

Rewriting the equation, we have y = s (x x1 ) + y1 4 = + (x 6) + 0 . 3 The x-coordinate of the center of mass is


006 (part 1 of 1) 0 points A uniform at plate of metal is situated in the reference frame shown in the gure below.

x2 x1 x1

x y dx

y dx x s (x x1 ) dx

5 4 3 2



s (x x1 ) dx
x1 x2

1 0 0 1 2 3 4

x (x x1 ) dx =
x1 x2

5 6 x

7 8

9 10

(x x1 ) dx

Calculate the x coordinate of the center of mass of the metal plate. Correct answer: 8 . Explanation:

1 3 1 x (x1 ) x2 3 2 = 1 2 x (x1 ) x 2



Answer, Key Homework 11 David McIntyre 45123 May 10, 2004 1 3 1 (x2 x3 ) (x1 ) (x2 x2 ) 1 2 1 2 = 3 1 2 (x2 x2 ) (x1 ) (x2 x1 ) 1 2 3 x1 (x2 2 x1 x2 + x2 ) 2 1 = 3 (x2 2 x1 x2 + x2 ) 2 1 2 2 x x + x2 ) 2 (x2 x1 ) (x2 1 2 1 + 2 2 x x + x2 ) 3 (x2 1 2 1 2 = x1 + (x2 x1 ) (1) 3 2 = 6 + (9 6) 3 = 8. Alternate solution: The center of mass 1 of a right triangle is of the height or base 3 of the triangle measured from its right angle. Therefore Eq. 1 is the x-coordinate of the center of mass of the metal plate. The y-coordinate of the center of mass of the metal plate is y = y2 + 1 (y3 y2 ) 3 1 = 0 + (4 0) 3 = 1.33333 .

all the way down to the bottom of the wedge, how far does the wedge slide to the right?

Correct answer: 0.753747 m. Explanation: Consider the wedge and the block as a twobody system. The external forces acting on this system the weight of the wedge, the weight of the block and the normal force from the table are all vertical, hence the net horizontal momentum of the system is conserved,
wedge block Px + Px = const.

Furthermore, we start from rest = center of mass is not moving, and therefore the X coordinate of the center of mass will remain constant while the wedge slides to the right and the block slides down and to the left, Xcm = mXblock + M Xwedge = const. m+M

Note: This problem has a dierent triangle for each student. 007 (part 1 of 1) 0 points A triangular wedge of height H = 1.368 m, base length L = 2.28 m and mass M = 8.95 kg is placed on a frictionless table. A small block of mass m = 4.42 kg is placed on top of the wedge as shown on the picture below: m

Note that only the X coordinate of the center of mass is a constant of motion: The Ycm accelerates downward because the Py component of the net momentum is not conserved. Constant Xcm means Xcm = 0 and therefore mXblock + M Xwedge = 0. Note that this formula does not depend on where the wedge has its own center of mass; as long as the wedge is rigid, its overall displacement Xwedge is all we need to know. Finally, consider the geometry of the problem: By the time the block slides all the way down, its displacement relative to the wedge is equal to the wedge length L, or rather L because the block moves to the left of the

All surfaces are frictionless, so the block slides down the wedge while the wedge slides sidewise on the table. By the time the block slides

Answer, Key Homework 11 David McIntyre 45123 May 10, 2004 wedge. In terms of displacements relative to the inertial frame of the table, this means Xblock Xwedge = L. Consequently, 0 = mXblock + M Xwedge = m(L + Xwedge ) + M Xwedge and therefore Xwedge = mL = 0.753747 m. m+M xcm =

Finally, the center of mass of the boat-child system is D+ L X 2 M + (D + L X ) m M +m ,

008 (part 1 of 1) 0 points A(n) 72 kg boat that is 5.9 m in length is initially 6 m from the pier. A 53 kg child stands at the end of the boat closest to the pier. The child then notices a turtle on a rock at the far end of the boat and proceeds to walk to the far end of the boat to observe the turtle. Assume: There is no friction between boat and water. How far is the child from the pier when she reaches the far end of the boat? Correct answer: 9.3984 m. Explanation: Let D = distance of the boat from the pier, L = length of the boat, M = mass of the boat, m = mass of the child, and X = change in position of the boat.

where X is the change in position of the center of mass of the boat. Since the center of mass of the system does not move, we can equate the above two expressions for xcm L M +Dm D+ 2 M +m L D + X M + (D + L X ) m 2 = M +m and, solving for X , we have L D+ M +Dm 2 L = D + X M + (D + L X ) m 2 0 = X M + (L X ) m X (M + m) = L m X = m L m+M (53 kg) = (53 kg) + (72 kg) (5.9 m) = 2.5016 m . of the child from the

The nal distance pier is

=D+LX = (6 m) + (5.9 m) (2.5016 m) = 9.3984 m .

Initially, the center of mass of the boat-child system is D+ xcm = L M +Dm 2 M +m

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