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OCTOBER 2011 Time : Three hours

P/ID 37532/PBES
Maximum : 80 marks

PART A (5 5 = 25 marks) Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Explain the process involved in designing a training program. Explain the role of a trainer. Differentiate the various training methods with suitable examples. Discuss the merits and demerits of on the job training method. Explain the need for training. Define the characteristics of learning process. Narrate the decision points in planning training program. Explain the bases of evaluation of training programmes.

2. 3.


5. 6. 7.


PART B (4 10 = 40 marks) Answer any FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. 9. 10. 11. Differentiate training, education and development. Analyse the need for executive development programmes. Explain the various method evaluating the effectiveness programmes. Write short notes on : (a) Identification of training needs (b) Sensitivity training. Highlight the programme. popular methods of training available for of training


13. 14.

Explain the effectiveness of a training programme with suitable examples. PART C (1 15 = 15 marks) (Compulsory)


Case study : Sales Training at ABC Company Few years ago, ABC company developed a training strategy for training its global sales force. An important feature of the strategy was to create a 2

P/ID 37532/PBES

master training plan for each year. The organisations strategic plans, objectives and functional tactics would drive this plan. Once an initial procedure was designed it was the evaluated and critized by the top management, different units, and training council. The input from these stakholders would be summarized and transferred in to a master training plan. The major questions that was asked by the designers of training program was, what results do we want from sales people after the training programme is over? Answer to this questions becomes the objective of the training program. The training content was designed, videos were made. The video took 3 to 6 months to produce. Video contains live production plants, clients, offices, partner offices, supplier, manufacturers locations and other locations. Videos were used to train sales people in various area such as market information, sales process, product information, polices and procedures. Around thousand of sales persons were getting a specific video training. The sales people were getting training material along with this video. Sales representations then watch video follow the directions, and refer to the material if face any problem. When sales people feel they have mastered the material, they would take on exam and call a toll-free number to transmit responses to exam. 3

P/ID 37532/PBES

Sales people who successfully passed on exam were factored in to performance and merit reviews as well as promotional opportunities. Those couldnt pass the exam were asked to go through the material and video again before retaking the exam. If the sales person failed an exam again, the reporting manager was notified. Questions for Discussions : (a) In todays technological world, is video still the best way to deliver the training? (b) Is video the most effective way to achieve training objective?

P/ID 37532/PBES

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