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Philosophy is a branch of science that greatly influences spiritual and cultural lives, if given the chance.

But he states that people in his day didnt care about philosophy and thought it had nothing to do with their spiritual and cultural lives. The work of thinking is the key. Rudolf Steiners right thinking (free thinking) and to the path of the polymath. Reading and literacy are needed for survival past lower economic levels but studying a science that greatly influences spiritual and cultural lives, if given the chance, Philosophy is the polymath path. Getting people to read a book, especially a philosophical book and use the power of thinking is considered to much work in the U.S. Even though we are surrounded with the Internet, eBooks, Pads, Kindle devices and unlimited educational and self educational options, illiteracy is still a major problem in U.S. society in the 21st century and 2012. A Five-Year Plan to Create Community Literacy Collaborations to Solve Americas Illiteracy Problem. PROBLEM OF ILLITERACY ON AMERICA The failure of the National Literacy Act of 1991, the Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act of 1998, and the failure of the system running public education to teach English language literacy skills to students and adults, has lead to the Retarding of America and the Imprisonment of Potential in the American Family and Workforce. The National Literacy Act of 1991 was created to help 30 million illiterate adults, over the age of sixteen, become literate. Today, about 90 million Americans (National Adult Literacy Survey, 1993, 55% of the adult population) are functionally illiterate. Additionally, the national increase in the high school dropout rate has contributed to the functionally illiterate population. In its 1991 National Literacy Act, Congress defined literacy as follows: an individuals ability to read, write, and speak in English, and compute and solve problems at levels of proficiency necessary to function on the job and in society, to achieve ones goals, and develop ones knowledge and potential. Twenty-two million people each year (44,000 people each week) are added to the adult illiterate population in the United States. (U.S. Department of Education) Forty-three percent of the people with the lowest literacy skills live in poverty; 17 percent receive food stamps, and 70 percent have no job or a part-time job. (National Institute for Literacy) An estimated 5 million adults holding jobs are considered functionally illiterate. (Nation's Business) Four out of ten job applicants tested in 1992 for basic reading and/or math skills lacked the mastery necessary for the job they sought. (National Adult Literacy Survey, 1993)

A child who grows up in a home with at least one illiterate parent is twice as likely to be illiterate. (Laubach Literacy Statistics) At least 1/3 of all AFDC mothers (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) is illiterate. (Laubach Literacy Statistics) The single most significant factor influencing a child's early educational success and achievement (first and second grade) is an introduction to books and being read to at home prior to beginning school. (U.S. Department of Education, A Nation at Risk, 1985) Children who have not already developed some basic literacy practices when they enter school are three to four times more likely to drop out in later years. (National Adult Literacy Survey, 1993) Dont worry that your children don't listen to you. Worry that they are watching you.

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