CMS Guidelines For Sale. Adam Harris, M.D.

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CMS Guidelines For Sale!

Adam I. Harris, M.D. San Antonio Orthopdic Specialists

Saturday, October 20, 12

Commercial Bias

Saturday, October 20, 12

Commercial Bias
Rampant in the medical literature despite disclosures

Saturday, October 20, 12

Commercial Bias
Rampant in the medical literature despite disclosures How do you read literature?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Commercial Bias
Rampant in the medical literature despite disclosures How do you read literature? Do you check the funding sources of the authors?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Commercial Bias
Rampant in the medical literature despite disclosures How do you read literature? Do you check the funding sources of the authors? If not, you should

Saturday, October 20, 12

Commercial Bias
Rampant in the medical literature despite disclosures How do you read literature? Do you check the funding sources of the authors? If not, you should But do the Experts do the same?
Saturday, October 20, 12

Who are the Experts?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Who are the Experts?

Often the same people whose opinion may be
influenced by $$

Saturday, October 20, 12

Who are the Experts?

Often the same people whose opinion may be
influenced by $$ bias involved

Today, well review one guideline, and the commercial

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Guidelines

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Guidelines

American College of Chest Physicians

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Guidelines

American College of Chest Physicians

Since the mid 1980s, theyve been dictating how

everybody else should run their practice

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Guidelines

American College of Chest Physicians

Since the mid 1980s, theyve been dictating how

everybody else should run their practice

Being fair:

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Guidelines

American College of Chest Physicians

Since the mid 1980s, theyve been dictating how

everybody else should run their practice

Being fair: Edition 9 of the guides (2/2012) is more honest

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Guidelines

American College of Chest Physicians

Since the mid 1980s, theyve been dictating how

everybody else should run their practice

Being fair: Edition 9 of the guides (2/2012) is more honest Still not 100% free of bias
Saturday, October 20, 12

CMS Adopted the th 8 Edition of The Guides

Saturday, October 20, 12

Why Not the 9



Saturday, October 20, 12

Why Not the 9



The SCIP Technical Expert Panel (TEP) regularly

reviews relevant guidelines and has determined in general that only a change with Level I recommendations would affect the SCIP performance measures. The current measure specification for VTE prevention are based on Level IA recommendations.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Why Not the 9



The SCIP Technical Expert Panel (TEP) regularly

reviews relevant guidelines and has determined in general that only a change with Level I recommendations would affect the SCIP performance measures. The current measure specification for VTE prevention are based on Level IA recommendations. That there are NO current Level I recommendations does not seem to bother the CMS

Saturday, October 20, 12

There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who do not.
So it is also with the Government
Saturday, October 20, 12

Two Types of Doctors

Saturday, October 20, 12

Two Types of Doctors

Compliant Doctors Do all of the paperwork Interchangeable Bad Doctors

Saturday, October 20, 12

Have you seen these?

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP 8 Edition Guidelines for prevention of DVT


Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP 8 Edition Guidelines for prevention of DVT

Released 2008


Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP 8 Edition Guidelines for prevention of DVT

Released 2008 Shortly after the AAOS released their guidelines


Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP 8 Edition Guidelines for prevention of DVT

Released 2008 Shortly after the AAOS released their guidelines Major changes from the 7 edition bashed the AAOS


Saturday, October 20, 12

Review of Arthroplasty Recommendations only

I cannot comment on cardiology, general surgery, etc. Lets look at some of the major points made by the ACCP Their work is as significant for what it does not say as it is for what
it does say

Saturday, October 20, 12

How is the ACCP presented to Orthopdists??

Saturday, October 20, 12

How is the ACCP presented to Orthopdists??

An Orthopdic Surgeon gave the following presentation
on DVT prophylaxis:

Saturday, October 20, 12

Orthopdic Surgeons like it simple

Saturday, October 20, 12

Surgery causes DVT

Saturday, October 20, 12

DVT causes PE

Saturday, October 20, 12

PE causes death

Saturday, October 20, 12

Death is bad!

Saturday, October 20, 12

Do Orthopdists really like it this simple

Saturday, October 20, 12

How to read Medical Literature

Saturday, October 20, 12

How to read Medical Literature

Was the study well designed/executed?

Saturday, October 20, 12

How to read Medical Literature

Was the study well designed/executed? Do the results justify the conclusions/recommendations?

Saturday, October 20, 12

How to read Medical Literature

Was the study well designed/executed? Do the results justify the conclusions/recommendations? Are the results/recommendations relevant to your

Saturday, October 20, 12

Glenn Beck
Dont take my word for it, do your own research

Saturday, October 20, 12

Saturday, October 20, 12

Evident Faults
Inaccurate Assertions Faulty Logic Blind Eye Political Posturing
Saturday, October 20, 12

Critical Review of th Edition ACCP 8 Guidelines: Prevention of DVT in Arthroplasty patients

Saturday, October 20, 12

Assertion # 1
VTE is the most common cause for readmission to the hospital following THR
Saturday, October 20, 12

VTE is the most common cause for readmission to the hospital following THR

Saturday, October 20, 12

VTE is the most common cause for readmission to the hospital following THR

Does anybody see this today?

Saturday, October 20, 12

VTE is the most common cause for readmission to the hospital following THR
Prominently featured on multiple web sites.
Does anybody see this today?
Saturday, October 20, 12

Is this still the fact?

References ACCP Recommendations What is their reference?

Saturday, October 20, 12

One reference

Saturday, October 20, 12

One reference
Seagroatt, Tan, Goldacre, Elective total hip replacment:
incidence, emergency readmission rate, and postoperative mortality BMJ 1991; 303:1431-1435

Saturday, October 20, 12

One reference
Seagroatt, Tan, Goldacre, Elective total hip replacment:
incidence, emergency readmission rate, and postoperative mortality BMJ 1991; 303:1431-1435 patients operated in England

11,607 admissions; after exclusions, 7547 THA

Saturday, October 20, 12

One reference
Seagroatt, Tan, Goldacre, Elective total hip replacment:
incidence, emergency readmission rate, and postoperative mortality BMJ 1991; 303:1431-1435 patients operated in England

11,607 admissions; after exclusions, 7547 THA Surgery between 1976 and 1985

Saturday, October 20, 12

One reference
Seagroatt, Tan, Goldacre, Elective total hip replacment:
incidence, emergency readmission rate, and postoperative mortality BMJ 1991; 303:1431-1435 patients operated in England

11,607 admissions; after exclusions, 7547 THA Surgery between 1976 and 1985 No mention of prophylaxis, if any
Saturday, October 20, 12

One reference
Seagroatt, Tan, Goldacre, Elective total hip replacment:
incidence, emergency readmission rate, and postoperative mortality BMJ 1991; 303:1431-1435 patients operated in England

11,607 admissions; after exclusions, 7547 THA Surgery between 1976 and 1985 No mention of prophylaxis, if any 1985We only kept people in bed for 3 days
Saturday, October 20, 12

One reference
Seagroatt, Tan, Goldacre, Elective total hip replacment:
incidence, emergency readmission rate, and postoperative mortality BMJ 1991; 303:1431-1435 patients operated in England

11,607 admissions; after exclusions, 7547 THA Surgery between 1976 and 1985 No mention of prophylaxis, if any 1985We only kept people in bed for 3 days That was considered aggressive!
Saturday, October 20, 12

Assertion # 2
The rates of major bleeding in the placebo groups of other randomized trials in THR patients were similar (4%)
Saturday, October 20, 12

The rates of major bleeding in the placebo groups of other randomized trials in THR patients were similar (4%)

Saturday, October 20, 12

The rates of major bleeding in the placebo groups of other randomized trials in THR patients were similar (4%)

Turpie, Levine, et. al. A randomized controlled trial of

a low-molecular-weight heparin (enoxaparin) to prevent deep-vein thrombosis in patients undergoing elective hip surgery. N Engl J Med 1986; 315:925-929

Saturday, October 20, 12

The rates of major bleeding in the placebo groups of other randomized trials in THR patients were similar (4%)

Turpie, Levine, et. al. A randomized controlled trial of Colwell, Spiro, Efficacy and safety of enoxaparin to
prevent deep vein thrombosis after hip arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res: 1995: 215-222
Saturday, October 20, 12

a low-molecular-weight heparin (enoxaparin) to prevent deep-vein thrombosis in patients undergoing elective hip surgery. N Engl J Med 1986; 315:925-929

Turpie et. al.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Turpie et. al.

Small Study--100 patients

Saturday, October 20, 12

Turpie et. al.

2 patients in the placebo group and 2 in the treatment
Small Study--100 patients group had significant bleeding episodes

Saturday, October 20, 12

Turpie et. al.

2 patients in the placebo group and 2 in the treatment
Small Study--100 patients group had significant bleeding episodes

1 in the placebo group, died of complications from

heparin after a diagnosis of DVT (adrenal hemorrhage)

Saturday, October 20, 12

Turpie et. al.

2 patients in the placebo group and 2 in the treatment
Small Study--100 patients group had significant bleeding episodes

1 in the placebo group, died of complications from

heparin after a diagnosis of DVT (adrenal hemorrhage)

(Doesnt the ACCP belittle small studies elsewhere?)

Saturday, October 20, 12

Power Analysis

Saturday, October 20, 12

Power Analysis
Placebo group had 4% observed major bleeding

Saturday, October 20, 12

Power Analysis
Placebo group had 4% observed major bleeding Is this statistically different from 0%?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Power Analysis
Placebo group had 4% observed major bleeding Is this statistically different from 0%? 95% confidence interval to exclude 0%

Saturday, October 20, 12

Power Analysis
Placebo group had 4% observed major bleeding Is this statistically different from 0%? 95% confidence interval to exclude 0% alpha = 0.05

Saturday, October 20, 12

Power Analysis
Placebo group had 4% observed major bleeding Is this statistically different from 0%? 95% confidence interval to exclude 0% alpha = 0.05 Need 74 patients

Saturday, October 20, 12

Power Analysis
Placebo group had 4% observed major bleeding Is this statistically different from 0%? 95% confidence interval to exclude 0% alpha = 0.05 Need 74 patients Therefore, with 50 patients, 4% is not different from 0%
Saturday, October 20, 12

Placebo Sample Size (observed = 4%)

Major Bleeding Real Rate
0% 0.5% 1% 1.5% 2% 2.5% 3%

Sample Size needed

74 149 192 294 763 1491 3635

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Large study, four centers, >1900 patients

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Large study, four centers, >1900 patients Similar protocols, many groups

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Large study, four centers, >1900 patients Similar protocols, many groups placebo, LMWH 10 mg/day, LMWH 30 mg BID,
LMWH 40 mg QD, Heparin SQ 5000 units TID, Heparin 7500 units BID

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Large study, four centers, >1900 patients Similar protocols, many groups placebo, LMWH 10 mg/day, LMWH 30 mg BID,
LMWH 40 mg QD, Heparin SQ 5000 units TID, Heparin 7500 units BID

Saturday, October 20, 12

Only 50 in the placebo group!

Colwell et. al.

Large study, four centers, >1900 patients Similar protocols, many groups placebo, LMWH 10 mg/day, LMWH 30 mg BID,
LMWH 40 mg QD, Heparin SQ 5000 units TID, Heparin 7500 units BID

Saturday, October 20, 12

Only 50 in the placebo group!

One of the bleeding deaths was from an adrenal

hemorrhage 11 days post op.

Colwell et. al.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Based on intent to treat

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Based on intent to treat

Any patient who had at least ONE dose of study drug

was included in the results

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Based on intent to treat

Any patient who had at least ONE dose of study drug

was included in the results

No discussion on how many patients did not complete

the therapy or why they did not complete therapy

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Based on intent to treat

Any patient who had at least ONE dose of study drug

was included in the results

No discussion on how many patients did not complete

the therapy or why they did not complete therapy

Like most studies, it excludes high risk patients

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Used non invasive tests on all patients

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Used non invasive tests on all patients

All positive tests were verified with venograms

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Used non invasive tests on all patients

In addition, all patients WERE to have bilateral

All positive tests were verified with venograms

venography done at the end of study treatment or on discharge from the hospital (not applicable to the first 24 patients enrolled in the Canada-1 study)

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Used non invasive tests on all patients

In addition, all patients WERE to have bilateral

All positive tests were verified with venograms

venography done at the end of study treatment or on discharge from the hospital (not applicable to the first 24 patients enrolled in the Canada-1 study)

No mention of how many actually had venograms!

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Why is the lack of venograms important?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Colwell et. al.

Why is the lack of venograms important? Lack of contrast venography is used to write off

studies concerning multimodal therapies in THA.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Adrenal Hemorrhage?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Adrenal Hemorrhage?
Both in the placebo group

Saturday, October 20, 12

Adrenal Hemorrhage?
Both in the placebo group Both from Canada

Saturday, October 20, 12

Adrenal Hemorrhage?
Both in the placebo group Both from Canada Both Canadian studies lacked venograms on the first 24

Saturday, October 20, 12

Adrenal Hemorrhage?
Both in the placebo group Both from Canada Both Canadian studies lacked venograms on the first 24

Both Canadian studies had 50 in the placebo group.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Adrenal Hemorrhage?
Both in the placebo group Both from Canada Both Canadian studies lacked venograms on the first 24

Both Canadian studies had 50 in the placebo group. Turpie is from Canada
Saturday, October 20, 12


Saturday, October 20, 12

One MUST conclude that the Turpie study is a subset of
the Colwell study, and therefore, therefore not an independent entity.

Saturday, October 20, 12

One MUST conclude that the Turpie study is a subset of
the Colwell study, and therefore, therefore not an independent entity.

Therefore, only ONE reference is really cited.

Saturday, October 20, 12

The rate of major bleeding in the placebo group of the only small other randomized trial in THR patients was similar (4%).

Saturday, October 20, 12

The rate of major bleeding in the placebo group of the only small other randomized trial in THR patients was similar (4%).

Not quite as powerful a statement!

Saturday, October 20, 12

Now make it complete

Saturday, October 20, 12

Now make it complete

The rate of major bleeding in the placebo group of the
only small randomized trial in THR patients was similar (4%). With the limited sample size, the reported rate of 4% in that study is not statistically different from 0%. Conversely, with thousands of patients in treatment arms of chemoprophylaxis studies, the rate of major bleeding is clearly defined and is statistically significant.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Now make it complete

The rate of major bleeding in the placebo group of the
only small randomized trial in THR patients was similar (4%). With the limited sample size, the reported rate of 4% in that study is not statistically different from 0%. Conversely, with thousands of patients in treatment arms of chemoprophylaxis studies, the rate of major bleeding is clearly defined and is statistically significant.

Even less of an endorsement for chemoprophylaxis.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Assertion # 3
Aspirin and other antiplatelet drugs provide much less protection against VTE compared with other thromboprophylaxis methods.
Saturday, October 20, 12

Aspirin and other antiplatelet drugs provide much less protection against VTE compared with other thromboprophylaxis methods.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Aspirin and other antiplatelet drugs provide much less protection against VTE compared with other thromboprophylaxis methods.

PEP trial, Lancet 2000

Saturday, October 20, 12

Aspirin and other antiplatelet drugs provide much less protection against VTE compared with other thromboprophylaxis methods.

PEP trial, Lancet 2000 ACCP states The primary effectiveness outcome in

the trial, vascular death, was not significantly reduced by aspirin

Saturday, October 20, 12

Aspirin and other antiplatelet drugs provide much less protection against VTE compared with other thromboprophylaxis methods.

PEP trial, Lancet 2000 ACCP states The primary effectiveness outcome in
Saturday, October 20, 12

the trial, vascular death, was not significantly reduced by aspirin Half true

PEP trial

Saturday, October 20, 12

PEP trial
Primary goal was NOT reduction of all vascular deaths

Saturday, October 20, 12

PEP trial
Primary goal was NOT reduction of all vascular deaths Primary goal was to confirm or refute the metaanalysis results that ASA reduced the risk of DVT and PE in various high risk groups.

Saturday, October 20, 12

PEP trial
Primary goal was NOT reduction of all vascular deaths Primary goal was to confirm or refute the metaanalysis results that ASA reduced the risk of DVT and PE in various high risk groups.


Saturday, October 20, 12

PEP trial
Primary goal was NOT reduction of all vascular deaths Primary goal was to confirm or refute the metaanalysis results that ASA reduced the risk of DVT and PE in various high risk groups.

Results: Significant reduction of fatal PE, VTE, and proximal

Saturday, October 20, 12

PEP trial
Primary goal was NOT reduction of all vascular deaths Primary goal was to confirm or refute the metaanalysis results that ASA reduced the risk of DVT and PE in various high risk groups.

Results: Significant reduction of fatal PE, VTE, and proximal


No change in all vascular deaths

Saturday, October 20, 12

PEP trial

Saturday, October 20, 12

PEP trial
Confounding variables?

Saturday, October 20, 12

PEP trial
Confounding variables? ACCP emphasizes that many patients also received
other prophylactic measures

Saturday, October 20, 12

PEP trial
Confounding variables? ACCP emphasizes that many patients also received
other prophylactic measures

PEP trial DOES analyze these independently

Saturday, October 20, 12

PEP trial
Confounding variables? ACCP emphasizes that many patients also received
other prophylactic measures

PEP trial DOES analyze these independently

Effect of ASA remains positive

Saturday, October 20, 12

Assertion # 4
If thromboprophylaxis is not used, fatal PE occurs in approximately one patient per 300 elective hip arthroplasties
Saturday, October 20, 12

If thromboprophylaxis is not used, fatal PE occurs in approximately one patient per 300 elective hip arthroplasties

Saturday, October 20, 12

If thromboprophylaxis is not used, fatal PE occurs in approximately one patient per 300 elective hip arthroplasties

Dahl et. al., Fatal vascular outcomes follwoing major orthopedic surgery. Thromb Haemost 2005; 93:860-866

Saturday, October 20, 12

If thromboprophylaxis is not used, fatal PE occurs in approximately one patient per 300 elective hip arthroplasties

Dahl et. al., Fatal vascular outcomes follwoing major orthopedic surgery. Thromb Haemost 2005; 93:860-866

Pooled overall mortality and fatal pulmonary embolism for patients undergoing elective hip and knee replacements without prophylaxis could not be calculated.

Saturday, October 20, 12

If thromboprophylaxis is not used, fatal PE occurs in approximately one patient per 300 elective hip arthroplasties

Dahl et. al., Fatal vascular outcomes follwoing major orthopedic surgery. Thromb Haemost 2005; 93:860-866

Saturday, October 20, 12

Pooled overall mortality and fatal pulmonary embolism for patients undergoing elective hip and knee replacements without prophylaxis could not be calculated. It does comment on Hip Fractures

If thromboprophylaxis is not used, fatal PE occurs in approximately one patient per 300 elective hip arthroplasties

Saturday, October 20, 12

If thromboprophylaxis is not used, fatal PE occurs in approximately one patient per 300 elective hip arthroplasties

Howie et. al. Venous thromboembolism associated with hip and knee replacement over a ten-year period; A populationbased study

Saturday, October 20, 12

If thromboprophylaxis is not used, fatal PE occurs in approximately one patient per 300 elective hip arthroplasties

Howie et. al. Venous thromboembolism associated with hip and knee replacement over a ten-year period; A populationbased study

Actually a very good study from the Scottish health registries

Saturday, October 20, 12

If thromboprophylaxis is not used, fatal PE occurs in approximately one patient per 300 elective hip arthroplasties

Howie et. al. Venous thromboembolism associated with hip and knee replacement over a ten-year period; A populationbased study

Saturday, October 20, 12

Actually a very good study from the Scottish health registries But is makes no comment regarding mortality without thromboprophylaxis

ACCP Doubletalk?

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Doubletalk?
Although metaanalyses [sic] have shown that
thromboprophylaxis with LDUH or aspirin is superior to no thromboprophylaxis, both agents are less effective than other thromboprophylaxis regimens in this highrisk group.

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Doubletalk?
Although metaanalyses [sic] have shown that
thromboprophylaxis with LDUH or aspirin is superior to no thromboprophylaxis, both agents are less effective than other thromboprophylaxis regimens in this highrisk group.

Main reference is 7th edition of the ACCP guides!

Saturday, October 20, 12

ASA vs. Placebo

Saturday, October 20, 12

ASA vs. Placebo

Antiplatlet Trialists Collaboration. Collaborative overview of randomized trials of antiplatelet therapy: III. BMJ 1994; 308:235-246

Saturday, October 20, 12

ASA vs. Placebo

Antiplatlet Trialists Collaboration. Collaborative overview of randomized trials of antiplatelet therapy: III. BMJ 1994; 308:235-246

Efficacy for all DVT was moderate

Saturday, October 20, 12

ASA vs. Placebo

Antiplatlet Trialists Collaboration. Collaborative overview of randomized trials of antiplatelet therapy: III. BMJ 1994; 308:235-246

Efficacy for all DVT was moderate not specified as symptomatic vs. asymptomatic

Saturday, October 20, 12

ASA vs. Placebo

Antiplatlet Trialists Collaboration. Collaborative overview of randomized trials of antiplatelet therapy: III. BMJ 1994; 308:235-246

Efficacy for all DVT was moderate not specified as symptomatic vs. asymptomatic Efficacy for FATAL PE was great! 0.2%
Saturday, October 20, 12

Assertion # 5
VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.
Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Freedman, JBJS AM 2000; 82:929-938

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Freedman, JBJS AM 2000; 82:929-938

No difference in fatal PE with multiple different type of


Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Freedman, JBJS AM 2000; 82:929-938

No difference in fatal PE with multiple different type of


Increased wound complications ONLY with Heparins!

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Freedman, JBJS AM 2000; 82:929-938

No difference in fatal PE with multiple different type of


Increased wound complications ONLY with Heparins! Concludes that the best combination of safety/efficacy is
warfarin, along with IPC.
Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Lieberman & Hsu, JBJS 87-A(9), Sept 2005; 2097-2112

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Lieberman & Hsu, JBJS 87-A(9), Sept 2005; 2097-2112

Concludes the opposite

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Lieberman & Hsu, JBJS 87-A(9), Sept 2005; 2097-2112

Concludes the opposite The risk of major postoperative bleeding episodes in patients

taking warfarin was no higher than that in patients treated with a placebo.

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Lieberman & Hsu, JBJS 87-A(9), Sept 2005; 2097-2112

Concludes the opposite The risk of major postoperative bleeding episodes in patients In general, the bleeding rates were higher in patients who
were treated with low-molecular-weight heparin.

taking warfarin was no higher than that in patients treated with a placebo.

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Mismetti et. al., J. Thrombosis & Haemostasis;2004; 2: 1058-1070

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Mismetti et. al., J. Thrombosis & Haemostasis;2004; 2: 1058-1070 Increased bleeding, but not significantly different from LMWH

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Mismetti et. al., J. Thrombosis & Haemostasis;2004; 2: 1058-1070 Increased bleeding, but not significantly different from LMWH Trend towards more bleeding with LMWH

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Mismetti et. al., J. Thrombosis & Haemostasis;2004; 2: 1058-1070 Increased bleeding, but not significantly different from LMWH Trend towards more bleeding with LMWH Also not different from LMWH re: all PE or all cause mortality
Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Mismetti et. al., J. Thrombosis & Haemostasis;2004; 2: 1058-1070 Increased bleeding, but not significantly different from LMWH Trend towards more bleeding with LMWH Also not different from LMWH re: all PE or all cause mortality Funded by Sanofi-Synthelabo
Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Saturday, October 20, 12

VKAs reduce VTE, but are associated with a significant increase in wound hematoma rates.

Last reference here is the 7th edition of the guidelines

Saturday, October 20, 12

Faulty Logic # 1
Recommended INR 2.0-3.0

Saturday, October 20, 12

Recommended INR 2.0-3.0

Saturday, October 20, 12

Recommended INR 2.0-3.0

Note that there are no references for this
recommendation, only that most studies used this range.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Recommended INR 2.0-3.0

Note that there are no references for this
recommendation, only that most studies used this range. protectionor even reduce the risk of bleeding

They threaten that a lower INR may not provide optimal

Saturday, October 20, 12

Recommended INR 2.0-3.0

Note that there are no references for this
recommendation, only that most studies used this range. protectionor even reduce the risk of bleeding

They threaten that a lower INR may not provide optimal Again, no references
Saturday, October 20, 12

Faulty Logic # 2
LMWH are highly effective and safe

Saturday, October 20, 12

LMWH Safe??

Saturday, October 20, 12

LMWH Safe??
ACCP admits: The rate of major bleeding was significantly
greater in the patients who started LMWH before surgery than in those who received warfarin

Saturday, October 20, 12

LMWH Safe??
ACCP admits: The rate of major bleeding was significantly ACCP admits to a higher need for transfusion in patients
receiving LMWH regardless of starting time compared to warfarin greater in the patients who started LMWH before surgery than in those who received warfarin

Saturday, October 20, 12

LMWH Safe??
ACCP admits: The rate of major bleeding was significantly ACCP admits to a higher need for transfusion in patients
Saturday, October 20, 12

greater in the patients who started LMWH before surgery than in those who received warfarin receiving LMWH regardless of starting time compared to warfarin ACCP concludes that LMWH are highly effective and safe

Faulty Logic # 3
multimodal strategies are very likely to be effective, they are more complex and more costly than single modality options.
Saturday, October 20, 12

Conclusions from Multimodal Strategies

Study LMWH + IPC vs LMWH + GCS ASA Alone vs ASA + VFP DVT Incidence with IPC with GCS
All DVT Prox. DVT

ACCP Conclusion

0% 29%
32% >95%

(Relative Rate Reduction)

Saturday, October 20, 12

Conclusions from Multimodal Strategies

Study LMWH + IPC vs LMWH + GCS ASA Alone vs ASA + VFP DVT Incidence with IPC with GCS
All DVT Prox. DVT

ACCP Conclusion

0% 29%
32% >95%

LMWH is Good

(Relative Rate Reduction)

Aspirin is BAD

Saturday, October 20, 12

Is Aspirin Really Bad?

Meta-analysis 1996-2006 English Literature3 month all
cause mortality, hip and knee arthroplasty
Treatment arm Xa inhibitors Warfarin Aspirin & IPC Patients identified 14,750 5,006 7,193 All cause mortality 0.47% 0.41% 0.19%

Saturday, October 20, 12

What does ACCP say about Aspirin?

Saturday, October 20, 12

What does ACCP say about Aspirin?

Saturday, October 20, 12

What does ACCP say about Aspirin?

3.1.2 For patients undergoing THR, we recommend
against the use of any of the following: the sole method of thromboprophylaxis. (Grade 1A)

Saturday, October 20, 12

What does ACCP say about Aspirin?

3.1.2 For patients undergoing THR, we recommend 3.2.3 For patients undergoing TKR, we recommend
against the use of any of the following: the sole method of thromboprophylaxis. (Grade 1A) against the use of any of the following as the only method of thromboprophylaxis: aspirin (Grade 1A)...

Saturday, October 20, 12

What does ACCP say about Aspirin?

3.1.2 For patients undergoing THR, we recommend 3.2.3 For patients undergoing TKR, we recommend
Saturday, October 20, 12

against the use of any of the following: the sole method of thromboprophylaxis. (Grade 1A) against the use of any of the following as the only method of thromboprophylaxis: aspirin (Grade 1A)... 3.4.2 For patients undergoing HFS, we recommend against the use of aspirin alone (Grade 1A)

Blind Eye # 1

Saturday, October 20, 12

Blind Eye # 1

Gelfer et. al.; Deep vein thrombosis prevention in joint arthroplasties: continuous enhanced circulation therapy vs low molecular weight heparin J. Arthroplasty, 2006 Feb; 21(2): 206-214

Saturday, October 20, 12

Blind Eye # 1

Gelfer et. al.; Deep vein thrombosis prevention in joint arthroplasties: continuous enhanced circulation therapy vs low molecular weight heparin J. Arthroplasty, 2006 Feb; 21(2): 206-214

CECT + 100 mg ASA/day vs. enoxaparin 40 Q day

Saturday, October 20, 12

Does it qualify?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Does it qualify?
Head to head with an established regimen of LMWH

Saturday, October 20, 12

Does it qualify?
Head to head with an established regimen of LMWH Meets the comparator criteria

Saturday, October 20, 12

Does it qualify?
Head to head with an established regimen of LMWH Meets the comparator criteria Contrast venography

Saturday, October 20, 12

Does it qualify?
Head to head with an established regimen of LMWH Meets the comparator criteria Contrast venography Drop outs were specified 7 in each group

Saturday, October 20, 12

Does it qualify?
Head to head with an established regimen of LMWH Meets the comparator criteria Contrast venography Drop outs were specified 7 in each group SoYES it qualifies

Saturday, October 20, 12

Does it qualify?
Head to head with an established regimen of LMWH Meets the comparator criteria Contrast venography Drop outs were specified 7 in each group SoYES it qualifies Published early 2006, so it could have been included
Saturday, October 20, 12

CECT Results?

Saturday, October 20, 12

CECT Results?
More effective than LMWH

Saturday, October 20, 12

CECT Results?
More effective than LMWH DVT: 4/61 with CECT, 17/60 with LMWH

Saturday, October 20, 12

CECT Results?
More effective than LMWH DVT: 4/61 with CECT, 17/60 with LMWH PE: 1 in LMWH group, 0 in CECT group

Saturday, October 20, 12

CECT Results?
More effective than LMWH DVT: 4/61 with CECT, 17/60 with LMWH PE: 1 in LMWH group, 0 in CECT group THA efficacy: 13/17 LMWH, 0/4 CECT

Saturday, October 20, 12

CECT Results?
More effective than LMWH DVT: 4/61 with CECT, 17/60 with LMWH PE: 1 in LMWH group, 0 in CECT group THA efficacy: 13/17 LMWH, 0/4 CECT With 100 mg Aspirin comparable safety
Saturday, October 20, 12

Cost of CECT?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Cost of CECT?

Saved the hospital an average of >$2,600 per patient!

Saturday, October 20, 12

Blind Eye # 2

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
Debunk the philosophy that DVT = PE

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
Debunk the philosophy that DVT = PE By using the same studies [mis]quoted by ACCP

Saturday, October 20, 12

Blind Eye # 3
Mechanical Compression?

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
There is not a contemporary study that adequately
describes the incidence of major surgical bleeding in patients who have not received prophylaxis, but all reports of mechanical antithrombotic devices are noteworthy for an incidence of major bleeding of less than 1%

Saturday, October 20, 12

Mechanical Compression

Saturday, October 20, 12

Mechanical Compression
Hip Arthroplasty:

Saturday, October 20, 12

Mechanical Compression
Hip Arthroplasty: Approved by the ACCP - only - for high risk of
bleeding patients

Saturday, October 20, 12

Mechanical Compression
Hip Arthroplasty: Approved by the ACCP - only - for high risk of
bleeding patients

Even then, only until the bleeding risk goes down

Saturday, October 20, 12

Mechanical Compression
Hip Arthroplasty: Approved by the ACCP - only - for high risk of
bleeding patients

Knee Arthroplasty:

Even then, only until the bleeding risk goes down

Saturday, October 20, 12

Mechanical Compression
Hip Arthroplasty: Approved by the ACCP - only - for high risk of
bleeding patients

Knee Arthroplasty: OK if optimal but even then, a Grade IB

Saturday, October 20, 12

Even then, only until the bleeding risk goes down

Mechanical Compression
Hip Arthroplasty: Approved by the ACCP - only - for high risk of
bleeding patients

Knee Arthroplasty: OK if optimal but even then, a Grade IB LMWH, high dose, Grade 1A
Saturday, October 20, 12

Even then, only until the bleeding risk goes down

Blind Eye # 4
The Patient

Saturday, October 20, 12

Major vs. Minor Bleeding

Saturday, October 20, 12

Major vs. Minor Bleeding

The AAOS notes that the definition of major bleeding
varies, but tends to underestimate the bleeding risks.

Saturday, October 20, 12

Major vs. Minor Bleeding

The AAOS notes that the definition of major bleeding
varies, but tends to underestimate the bleeding risks. Studies that do report major bleeding do not have follow up on long term results and complications in patients who have major bleeding

Saturday, October 20, 12

Minor Bleeding
No big deal?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Not to the Patient

Saturday, October 20, 12

Not to the Patient

Patients with minor bleeds have:

Saturday, October 20, 12

Not to the Patient

Patients with minor bleeds have: More pain

Saturday, October 20, 12

Not to the Patient

Patients with minor bleeds have: More pain Slower progress in Physical Therapy

Saturday, October 20, 12

Not to the Patient

Patients with minor bleeds have: More pain Slower progress in Physical Therapy Higher infection rate

Saturday, October 20, 12

Not to the Patient

Patients with minor bleeds have: More pain Slower progress in Physical Therapy Higher infection rate Ultimate outcome less favorable
Saturday, October 20, 12

What is the Patients concern?

Saturday, October 20, 12

What is the Patients concern?

Symptomatic VTE

Saturday, October 20, 12

What is the Patients concern?

Symptomatic VTE

From chronic lymphedema to fatal PE

Saturday, October 20, 12

What is the Patients concern?

Symptomatic VTE

Do (m)any patients care about asymptomatic DVT?

From chronic lymphedema to fatal PE

Saturday, October 20, 12

What is the Patients concern?

Symptomatic VTE

Do (m)any patients care about asymptomatic DVT? Probably not

From chronic lymphedema to fatal PE

Saturday, October 20, 12

Political Posturing

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
Like the ACCP, the literature was graded

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
Like the ACCP, the literature was graded Similar to the ACCP, the scale was based on the type of
study, and the quality of the recommendations

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
Like the ACCP, the literature was graded Similar to the ACCP, the scale was based on the type of
study, and the quality of the recommendations

The same studies though, were rated differently

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
Hip Studies:

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
Hip Studies: Only 2 were considered good

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
Hip Studies: Only 2 were considered good Applicability for both was only moderate

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
Hip Studies: Only 2 were considered good Applicability for both was only moderate Only 1 had wide applicability

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
Hip Studies: Only 2 were considered good Applicability for both was only moderate Only 1 had wide applicability The quality was considered only fair
Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines

Knee Studies

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines

Knee Studies

All studies rated as fair or poor quality

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines

Knee Studies

All studies rated as fair or poor quality 3 studies with wide applicability

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines

Knee Studies

All studies rated as fair or poor quality 3 studies with wide applicability All of poor quality

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
When only low quality or no evidence were available,
guidelines were developed based on the consensus of expert opinion and the best available evidence

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
When only low quality or no evidence were available,
guidelines were developed based on the consensus of expert opinion and the best available evidence

The ACCP doesnt like this statement

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS guidelines
When only low quality or no evidence were available,
guidelines were developed based on the consensus of expert opinion and the best available evidence

The ACCP doesnt like this statement Instead they say: Although the recommendations are
evidence based, we also provide expert, consensusbased suggestions that clinicians might find useful when the evidence is weak

Saturday, October 20, 12

What does the ACCP have to say about the AAOS?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Saturday, October 20, 12

Another slide from the other side

Saturday, October 20, 12

[mis]Quoted by ACCP

Saturday, October 20, 12

[mis]Quoted by ACCP

They claim that the AAOS:

Saturday, October 20, 12

[mis]Quoted by ACCP

They claim that the AAOS:

Failed to show benefit for any individual agent over


Saturday, October 20, 12

[mis]Quoted by ACCP

They claim that the AAOS:

Failed to show benefit for any individual agent over


All the recommendation are based on expert

Saturday, October 20, 12

[mis]Quoted by ACCP

They claim that the AAOS:

Failed to show benefit for any individual agent over


All the recommendation are based on expert Guidelines not linked to results of their analysis
Saturday, October 20, 12

Other Discrepancies
Excluding trials before 1995 Expert Opinion Guidelines and analysis

BAD: eliminates classic studies

GOOD: Techniques have advanced, need relevancy

BAD: Claims that there is Best available when there science AND that ALL is NOT good science AAOS is based on opinion (ACCP states the same) Claims AAOS is not linked Clearly linked and explained

Saturday, October 20, 12

They see it this way!

Saturday, October 20, 12

They see it this way!

Where is the patient?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Buy it still?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Buy it still?

I dont

Saturday, October 20, 12

Buy it still?

I dont
recommendation that I did investigate, was faulty.

I did not investigate EVERY recommendation, but every

Saturday, October 20, 12

How Could This Happen?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Survey of Aspartame studies: correlation of outcome and funding sources

Saturday, October 20, 12

Survey of Aspartame studies: correlation of outcome and funding sources

Meta-Analysis concerning the artificial sweetener

Saturday, October 20, 12

Aspartame by Ralph Walton, M.D., Chair of Psychaitry, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine Divided studies by funding source 92% of studies independently funded found safety issues with Aspartame 100% of industry funded studies found it to be safe

AAOS Disclosure

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS Disclosure
Nine authors

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS Disclosure
Nine authors All volunteers

Saturday, October 20, 12

AAOS Disclosure
Nine authors All volunteers None related potential conflict of interest

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Disclosure

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Disclosure
ACCP 8th edition, 2008

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Disclosure
ACCP 8th edition, 2008 Seven authors

Saturday, October 20, 12

ACCP Disclosure
ACCP 8th edition, 2008 Seven authors Six disclosed at least one financial or intellectual
conflict of interest

Saturday, October 20, 12

If money be not thy servant, it will be thy master.

Sir Francis Bacon

Saturday, October 20, 12

Figures dont lie, but liars figure

Ronald Reagan

Saturday, October 20, 12


Saturday, October 20, 12

Adopted the
edition recommendations despite the th edition of The Guides publication of the 9
th 8

Saturday, October 20, 12

Adopted the
edition recommendations despite the th edition of The Guides publication of the 9
th 8

Has $$ bought the Governments Experts also?

Saturday, October 20, 12

Personal Issue

Saturday, October 20, 12

Personal Issue
MSH is a 76 y. o. white female
with atrial fibrillation

Saturday, October 20, 12

Personal Issue
MSH is a 76 y. o. white female
with atrial fibrillation

PMH is significant for PMR,

spinal stenosis, both of which have been treated with low to moderate dose steroids for years

Saturday, October 20, 12

Personal Issue
MSH is a 76 y. o. white female
with atrial fibrillation

PMH is significant for PMR,

spinal stenosis, both of which have been treated with low to moderate dose steroids for years fragility in the skin

Demonstrated capillary
Saturday, October 20, 12


Saturday, October 20, 12


INR = 2.8

Saturday, October 20, 12

What does it all mean?

Saturday, October 20, 12

If this one guideline is so (apparently) dishonest

Saturday, October 20, 12

Odds are, many others serve the source of funding, and not the patients!

Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Read the literature carefully and critically

Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Look at the whole picture of patient safety
Read the literature carefully and critically

Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Look at the whole picture of patient safety With all due respect to Dr. Colwell, even water has to be
Read the literature carefully and critically monitored

Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Read and understand the guidelines pertinent to your patient (singular)

Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Read and understand the guidelines pertinent to your patient (singular)

Understand the commercial bias in the guidelines

Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Read and understand the guidelines pertinent to your patient (singular)

Understand the commercial bias in the guidelines CYA: Document why youre doing the right thing instead
of the required thing
Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Remember, your patients are individuals, not groups!

Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Remember, your patients are individuals, not groups! Do what is best for all of your patients

Saturday, October 20, 12

Take home message

Remember, your patients are individuals, not groups! Do what is best for all of your patients --one patient at a time!

Saturday, October 20, 12

Thank You

Adam I. Harris, M.D.

Saturday, October 20, 12

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