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Commencement Date: 5 March 2007 Intent The Universitys leave liability must be effectively managed to ensure that staff have a reasonable period of rest and recreation and to prevent excessive leave being accrued. The process of managing leave is the responsibility of the Head. The Head will consult with staff to ensure, where possible, leave accruals are taken at a mutually convenient time and the operations of the areas are not adversely affected. A staff member is entitled to take long service leave at a time of their choosing, providing six months written notice is given. Definitions Accrued leave means leave that has accumulated over time in accordance with the provisions of the employment instrument balances means the amount of leave available to a staff member, that being the difference between the leave entitlement granted to an individual and leave taken by that individual. credits means the positive balance or amount of leave remaining. entitlements means an established right granted in accordance with the provisions of the employment instrument Head means the head of the academic unit in which a staff member is employed Procedural Guidelines Annual Leave Employees are normally expected to take their full annual leave entitlement within the year following its accrual, however it is recognised that staff may wish to build up an accrual for an extended absence. In accordance with the provisions of the various employment agreements, staff may accrue up to 40 days annual leave. In instances where a staff member has accrued in excess of 40 days annual leave at 31 December of any year then the provisions outlined in the section Excess Annual Leave shall apply. Long Service Leave Employees are normally expected to take their full long service leave entitlement prior to the accumulation of a further entitlement (i.e. within seven years). In accordance with the provisions of the various employment agreements, staff may accrue up to 98 days, however specific clearance requirements are in place as outlined in the section Excess Leave. Leave Management Plan All staff members are required to establish a leave plan for each calendar year, ideally as part of their work plan. The plan is to be developed by the staff member in consultation with their Head, and addresses annual leave, and where appropriate long service leave, usage and balances. The purpose of the leave management plan is to ensure that staff take their leave entitlement on a regular basis, that the School/Area is able to continue its business by managing the timing of staff leave, and that accrual is understood and managed. A Leave Management Plan template is attached. The template is for the purposes of planning and is indicative only. It does not substitute the leave application form. Employment agreements require that leave balances are to be maintained at or below the prescribed limit.
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Recording of Leave Unless leave has already been notified and approved in writing in some other way (e.g. in a study leave application or by means of authorised Leave Management Plan), every staff member must complete and submit an Application for Leave (unless an online leave booking can be made via the Employee Kiosk) for every absence from work for the purpose of either annual or long service leave. This is mandatory. Heads of Unit are required to consider and approve/decline applications for leave and ensure that staff are submitting applications forms correctly. If a staff member fails to submit an application, the Head must personally complete a form for recording purposes and ensure that the staff member signs the form. The Head shall advise the staff members of the correct procedure to be followed in future. Excess Leave Balances Any leave (annual or long service) accrued above the amounts permitted within applicable employment agreements is deemed an excess and a plan must be developed to ensure that annual leave is reduced to an appropriate balance by an agreed date. The workplan must be adjusted accordingly when there is a direction to reduce a leave balance. Annual Leave Specific provisions apply to staff covered by the terms of the Universitys Certified Agreements: No general staff member shall have more that 40 working days annual leave entitlement at 31 December 2005 and each 31 December thereafter. No more than 60 days of annual leave shall be paid out upon resignation or retirement. An academic staff member, who at 31 December each year has annual leave credits in excess of 40 days shall clear the excess leave within the next 12 months, unless there are exceptional circumstances. With effect from 1 July 2007 no more than 60 days annual leave shall be paid out on resignation or retirement, unless special circumstances have limited a staff members ability to take annual leave. In instances where these provisions would impact upon the operations of a School/Area the following arrangements shall apply: Where a staff member has in excess of 40 days annual leave, the balance between 40 days and actual accrual of leave entitlements, must be exhausted in accordance with the following formula: 41-60 annual leave days, the Head to negotiate a balance not in excess of 40 days annual leave as at 31 December each year within 2 years of written notification to the employee, unless there are extenuating circumstances and these are clearly documented; and Over 60 annual leave days, the Head to negotiate a balance not in excess of 40 days annual leave as at 31 December each year within 3 years of written notification to the employee, unless there are extenuating circumstances and these are clearly documented. Long Service Leave A staff member with an accrued entitlement of 98 working days or more will be required to clear not less than 33 working days and not more than 65 working days within two years of accruing the latest period of 33 working days, except where the staff member has advised of their intention to retire within the next five years, or where alternative arrangements have been agreed with the appropriate Executive Dean or Deputy Vice-Chancellor. All employees affected by this provision will be notified in writing of their leave entitlements when 98 days is accrued and must consult with their Head to plan the exhausting of the excess balances within two years. A staff member may take long service leave at a time of their choosing with six months written notice. The Head will, where possible, plan for the leave to be taken at a mutually convenient time for the employee and School/Area.

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If the excess leave has not been exhausted within two years and agreement cannot then be reached for the leave to be taken at a mutually convenient time for the employee and School/Area, the employee may be directed to take such leave. In so doing, the Head will consider the operational needs of the area. The Head must give the staff member at least 14 days notice in writing, and preferably more, specifying the actual dates on which leave will be taken. Monitoring Staff Services will regularly review the excess leave data to identify which segments of the University are accumulating excessive leave and liaising with Executive Deans in relation to the options available.

REFERENCES Responsible Area: Prepared in consultation with: Staff Services Implementation and Monitoring Committee (IMCC); and Management and Staff Consultative Committee (MSCC)

RESPONSIBILITIES Persons/Areas Affected: Contact: Management and Staff of the University Director, Staff Services Tel: 9266 4120 Fax: 9266 2401 Approval Authority: Deputy Vice-chancellor, Academic Services


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For the calendar year from ________________
Name _______________ Staff Number __________ Position Title _______________ Leave Balances Annual Long Service Leave _______ days ______ days

Periods of Leave From _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ to to to to to to To _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ New Balances _______ days _______ days _______ days _______ days _______ days _______ days _______ days _______ days _______ days _______ days _______ days _______ days

NOTE: The template is for the purposes of planning and is indicative only. It does not substitute the leave application form. Employment agreements may require that leave balances are maintained at or below the prescribed limit.

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