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ARKI TOUR 2012, Palevino

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(ARKI TOUR 2012)


Marinet O.Palevino
BS Architecture 3A

Ar. Reynaldo O. Nacional, uap


2nd Semester A.Y. 2011-1012

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History of Philippine Architecture is a box of treasured known stories. Many of these stories are being passed thru generations that are now becoming less credible because maybe,for others,they never were real because no proof has been easily given. Believe it or not,there are still places where the development of Philippine Architecture can still be seen. These places are being preserved so that every Filipino may not think skeptically whether those stories really happened or not. Did the Japanese really bombarded some regions in the archaepelago?-Yes!The rustic walls of Intramuros tells its story. Did the Spaniards really got the time socializing with the Filipinos?-Yes! They even designed Filipino houses that still stands at present at Vigan City. The characteristics of a Filipino can also be described by how various structures are made, his firmness and strength are like the buildings made long time ago that are still resilient against any disturbance and her beauty and charm pleases everyone with delight. Time goes faster than we could imagine. Modern technology becomes a surplus, it deprives us from appreciating the real madness of our history. History may not be as important as the future for others but without knowing how a certain thing came to what it is now could be a big lost.

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There may be no time machine to take us back and lectures may sometimes become sleepy, yet,we are lucky enough to have the chance to be in the timeline of how Philippine Architecture was developed. We did not just saw what weve seen or walk on the trails of history but weve also left fingerprints on those places.

General Objective

The Educational Tour aims to give students the sufficient experience and knowledge related to Architecture,especially in the History of Philippine Architecture.

Specific Objectives

1. For the students to see other environment other than their locality of province. 2. For the students to analyze how the environment, culture, tradition and others affect their style of getting into life.

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3. For the students and mentors to have quality and fun time together.

The Educational Tour is a yearly activity of the Bicol University Department of Architecture participated by 3rd year Architecture students. This year,the tour had the general destinations in Manila, Clark and Ilocos that has settled from January 22-28, 2012. A total of 55 3rd year students joined the activity with Ar. Reynaldo O. Nacional, Ar. Leo A. Del Rosario, Ar. Delfin Mirabete, Ar. Rommel Bellen and Ar. Eduardo Loquinario as facilitators and Human Explore Travel and Tours as the tour organizer.

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The terminal greets us with a blast of cold air. The premises are the seperate lanes for private and public transport. Its fairly easy to find your way to the exit, as there are signs along the way.

THE FARER ADIEU (January 22) Everythingd packed and everyones ready.

We have waited for our tour buses, there were two busses, a large one and the other is medium in size. We stayed on the larger one with Kuya Macky as our tour guide. We departed in Legazpi City Domestic Airport at 10:10 AM. Fortunately, the flight went well. We landed at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Terminal 3,40 minutes later,earlier as the expected arrival. There were still vacant seats on the bus, it was favorably so we can change place whenever we want.

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After taking lunch, we then headed to Makati City and visited the Ayala Museum,we enjoyed a visual presentation wherein the history of the Philippines was showcased and the heroism of Ninoy Aquino was highlighted. Ayala Museum is a good, modern, interactive and interesting experience, it ishelpful for getting to know the history of the Philippines and exposure for local artists.A captivating feature of this museum are the dioramas telling our countrys history.

Our nesxt destination is Intramuros, the walled city, hands down is just great. The architecture and the history behind it is wonderful, the historic buildings and It was almost noon, we ate our lunch at Mang Inasal. On the way to Mang Inasal,many information were given by Kuya Macky and he also mentioned the rules to be observed during the tour. churches gives us some idea of what the Filipino people have experienced in the history, especially during the Spanish times.We have visited San Agustin Church and the Manila Cathedral,there were ongoing wedding

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ceremonies on both churches so we were obliged to be in better decorum.

We are very fortunate to have great lectures about this historic place. We go on to Fort Santiago. Fort Santiago is a necessary stop, probable the most relevant from Intramuros.This walled area of the city is what remains from the Spanish colony founded in the XVI Century. Fort Santiago has the magnificent walls and fortresses. However, Fort Santiago suffered much during the war and most of the damage is still there. Walked around the area and enjoyed the historic buildings and grounds. The history was kept alive with the footsteps of the national hero Jose Rizal and his little museum that housed his paraphernalia and enlarged replica of his novel noli me tangere in spanish and with translations in many languages. The undergroung passages amazed us wanting us to stay longer in the place to explore it. It was then announced that we are first having our free time in Mall of Asia and on our way there,we had a rolling tour seeing structures like the Cultural Center of the Philippines, Folk Arts Theatre, Design Center of the Philippines,Philippine International Convention Center, Hotel Phil. Plaza, GSIS, Philippine Trade Training Center, Coconut Palace and many others. We then stopped at MOA, had a very happy time there, just walk and roam over the place. We were then picked by the bus, checked in Garden Plaza Hotel and Suites and had the dinner there.

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we entered Clarkfield,cool atmosphere and green environment greeted us. We take a stroll around Nayong Pilipino. With just a few steps from one place to another we experinced time after another time when we were on that GOI place, we could tour the entire Philippine Island. Nayong Pilipino also holds several functions including cultural shows, there were many tourists in that place, and everyone enjoyed the place. It is a cluster of replicas of houses, churches, Spanish type plaza with a grand old church at the center. NG NORTH (January 23) We checked out of the Garden Plaza and departed for Clarkfield Pampanga. It is a very educational place. As we visited each area, we felt really great to be Filipinos. Everyone gets tired walking, taking pictures everywhere and buying souvenirs. We had a heavy lunch and go on the way up north to Ilocos provinces.

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Having an early dinner made us sleepy thru the ride. We reached Vigan City atmost midnight. The town is celebtrating its feast. We did not

seemed to be tired and walk along some stops in the city before getting the days rest.

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My body brings me to stand between time and space, where the hand points toward truth and says to me, You think too much. Dive into the present and drink the seconds like wine; get drunk and never wonder how again. I begin to sever the ties that once held my arms high, bent at the elbows and hung like a lie over the page. I was a doll. I was skin and string, stuffed with dream and pinned to a stage in tribute to the uniform I wore: youthful sighs and younger laughs before stepping back to watch myself through the glass that hangs like a door between myself and fact. That hangs like a door between myself and fact, the tinted window that becomes less and less intact as I bash against it, hoping one day that it might break into sunny beads and I could feel awake with seeing. I have been put into a crystal box

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made for voyeurs fingerprints and building blocks. This is a house of mind; this is a tree growing through cracks, roots breaking back, showing me that I cannot be released into reality I am relegated only to perception and morality, for this tree is only as I see it, green wood leaking dew like blood. The one good thing is that I can bring about the end of days simply by sleeping til the nights black rays. Simply by sleeping til the nights black rays shadow-shine through the glass, I create a maze for silhouettes and memory to wander like minds throughout their selves; the path winds around in a circle anyway, recurring upon itself again and again until all the whirring stops. I am left with a box and a doll, a bleeding tree, broken glass and endless mazes. Me. I stare into the seconds, drink them all. Time floats alongside me as I sink into it, tearing at the throats that show themselves. I never wonder how again. As the present swallows me, I do however wonder when and why and what, and my eyes fill with saltwater, suffusing me with Time, and all its sons and daughters.

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