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Issue No. 1

July 31, 1995

Religion of a NEW WORLD ORDER March of 1991 heralded the beginning of the end for those beings not of the Hebrew religion or race. The United States Congress (opposite of Progress) passed "Public Law 102-14" (H.J.Res. 104), undoubtedly at the behest of some influential Jews, declaring March 26, 1991, the 89th birthday of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Chief rabbi of the ultra-orthodox Jewish Lubavitcher sect, as "Education Day U.S.A.". By itself this law or proclamation would not be of great importance (Congress does such things all the time, wasting the earned income of American Trills). In this case, however, there is much more behind the story since the text of the "law" stated unequivocally that something called "The Seven Noahide Laws" was the bedrock of our civilization and, furthermore, "the ethical values and principles upon which our great Nation was founded." Many people consider themselves well read and informed about the matters most important to healthy and prosperous existence, without a doubt, 99.999% have never before heard of these "Seven Noahide Laws", the ethical values and principles upon which this Nation was supposed to have been founded. Research into the history of this fantastic claim will lead to the discovery that sometime in the past (probably after 1913, when America fell into the hands of the international bankers [Jews]), "somebody" had made extensive edits of books and encyclopedias: the more recent the printing, the less information it contained about the "Noahide Laws". Succinctly stated The Seven Noahide Laws is a set of laws to be followed by non-Jews (Goyim) living under Jewish rule. It is unfortunate that "non-Jews" have to view anything the Jews do with skepticism and extreme caution. Such an innocuous sounding proclamation as this, (signed by the multitude of U.S. Congressmen who undoubtedly do not have the foggiest notion what the Noahide Laws are all about,) may be the rope to someday be put around our necks. by Paul Hall JUBILEE Editor Education Day, USA. (Public Law 102-14) was signed into law in March of 1991 as Americans, still glued to their television sets, watched the Desert Storm post-war propaganda. Now, quite some time later, most Americans know little to nothing about this new "public law" -much less that it even exists. After careful examination the JUBILEE felt it was time to drop the bomb, as it were, on this deceptive public law. This seemingly innocuous "law" not only sneaks anti-Christian laws into place but establishes a religion as clearly forbade by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Education Day, USA. was introduced by Robert H. Michael (R-IL) on January 31st, 1991. It was co-sponsored by Richard Gephardt (D-MO) and ultimately 224 others. The bill (H.J. Res. 104) officially called "A JOINT RESOLUTION TO DESIGNATE MARCH 26, 1991 AS EDUCATION DAY, U.S.A." was passed in the House by a voice vote March 5th, 1991, and was passed by the Senate, also by voice vote, March 7th, 1991. On March 14th, 1991, it was sent to then President Bush who signed it into "law" March 20th, 1991. Paragraph one of this resolution leads the reader to believe that our representatives are re-establishing long lost Biblical principles and ethics. But not so, paragraph two points out that the "ethical values" and "principles" they are referring to are known as the "Seven Noahide Laws." Furthermore, the resolution states that without recognizing these Noahide Laws, civilization stands in serious peril of returning to "Chaos." The eighth paragraph promises to not only return the "United States" to the "moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws" but the "world" as well. What are these Noahide Laws that seem to go undefined? Where did they originate? What do they say? What is the Lubavitch movement and who is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson? Why are our elected representatives enacting laws in honor of a completely obscure Jewish Rabbi? Read On. The following are the Seven Noahide Laws as listed in condensed form:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Thou shalt not engage in idol worship. Thou shalt not blaspheme God. Thou shalt not shed innocent blood of any human nor fetus nor ailing person who has a limited time to live. Thou shalt not engage in bestial, incestuous, adulterous or homosexual relations nor commit the act of rape. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt establish laws and courts of law to administer these laws, including the death penalty for those who kill, administered only if there is one testifying witness. 7. Thou shalt not be cruel to animals. These sound honorable but keep in mind it is a matter of perspective as to what they mean and to whom they apply. As someone once said " consider the source." ORIGIN OF NOAHIDE LAWS The encyclopedia Judaica states "The sons of Noah' (or Noahites) is, in rabbinic usage, a technical term including all human beings......except Jews." It is stated specifically in the Judaica that Christians and Muslims are Noahides. The Judaica claims the Noachide (Noahide) Laws are "The Seven laws considered by rabbinic tradition as the minimal moral duties enjoined by the Bible on all men (except Jews)." Even though the Bible is mentioned, the Judaica cites the Talmud, not the Christian Bible, as the source. A small but clear lapse of secrecy proves that these laws are not the "ethical values upon which our great nation was founded," is seen for example in law number six. Even the average Bible student knows that before convicting a person of murder (or other crime) there must be TWO or more witnesses, not one. (See Deut. 19:15.) In the next breath, the Judaica claims the Noachide law was "derived exegetically from devine demands addressed to Adam (Gen. 2:16) and Noah i.e. the progenitors of all mankind." For rabbis to cite Genesis 2:16 as a source for the seven Noahide laws is weak at best. This verse is far from the seven laws and is positive in nature. Similarly, if one considers the book of Jubilees credible, the Judaica cites chapter 7:20 (7:16 in our translation) as a possible origin for the seven laws. This passage however lists six substantially different laws. In an Associated Press article (May 25th, 1991) about a Baptist preacher in Athens, Tenn., who defected to Judaism, the author reports: "The Noahites aren't Jews....but they believe the Talmud's seven laws of Noah contain the core of God's intended religion for non-Jews." No bones are made here concerning the origin of the Noahide laws. Even the Headline made it clear: "Former Baptist church embraces Talmud laws." It is also clear that Noahidism is a religion, i.e. Judaism. The ex-Baptist Pastor told the AP reporter, "Christianity is paganism" and like Jews, the Noahites reject the virgin birth of YeHoshua (Jesus) and the fact that he was raised from the tomb. Jews and Noahites also reject the fact that YeHoshua is Yahweh (God). In fact The Talmud --Jewish "common law" --teaches that Jesus Christ was conceived by a demon spirit having sexual intercourse with Mary, while she was menstruating. [See The Talmud: Kallah, 1b. (18b.)] According to the Talmud, non-Jews who accept the Noahidic covenant (seven laws) have a "share in the world to come (New World Order) even without becoming a Jew...such a man is entitled to full material support from the Jewish community and to the highest earthly honors. Davis notes Noahidism is a very simple study, "It is void of Theology." And of course, Theology is the study of the nature of God." MASONIC CONNECTION An interesting discovery was the definition of "Noachite" in Websters New International Dict. 2nd Ed. 1950. It states: "N. Freemasonry. One who has taken the 21st degree of the Scottish rite, called by its possessors not a degree, but the 'Very Ancient Order of Noachites' i.e. decedents of Noah... Some extend the term Noachites to all Freemasons." A quick check into "Morals and Dogma" by Albert Pike which is the Masonic Talmud -- if you will, confirms the connection on page 334 of the 1950 revised edition. In his book, "Freemasonry Unmasked As The Secret Power Behind Communism through Discovery of Lost Lectures," George F. Dillion, D.D., writes: "The real secret of Freemasonry consisted, even then [1747] in disbelief in the Divinity of Christ, and a determination to replace that doctrine, which is the very foundation of Christianity, by Naturalism or Rationalism." (emphasis added) The reader may interpret Naturalism and Rationalism as Humanism or Judaism. Dillion continues, "The Jews for many centuries previous to the Reformation, had formed secret societies for their own protection and for the destruction of Christianity...." And so there was no question, Dillion emphasizes. "The Jewish connection with modern Freemasonry is an established fact everywhere manifested in history. The Jewish formulas employed by Masonry, the Jewish traditions which run through its ceremonial, point to a Jewish origin, or to the work of Jewish contrivers." Has Bush signed into law not only Judaism but Masonic ritual -- for all America to "Observe with appropriate ceremonies and activities." Is the "determination to replace that doctrine (Christianity) being accomplished?

TO WHOM DO THE NOAHIDE LAWS APPLY? Diligent research, involving hours of nerve-racking reading through seemingly endless paragraphs of Jewish jargon, in the Encyclopedia Judaica, leads to the idea that the Noahide Laws were meant for "non-Jews." The Judaica says the Jews have disagreed on whether the Noahide Laws are for Jews, Non-Jews or both, but in reading the dialectical text carefully, it is clear that the "laws" apply to non-Jews only. Quote: "There was a divergence of opinion as to whether the Noachide Laws constituted a formulation of natural law or were intended solely to govern the behavior of the non-Jewish resident living under Jewish Jurisdiction." Are Americans considered to be living under "Jewish Jurisdiction"? "THOU SHALT ESTABLISH LAWS AND COURTS OF LAW" The question of enforcement of these "laws" constitutes another long series of debates in rabbinic circles. But even a cursory review of the Judaica makes it clear that the laws are enforceable upon non-Jews by Jewish courts and further, exempts Jews from the (Noahide) laws. Quote: "....the Noachide (non-Jew) is criminally liable for violation of any of his seven laws even though technical definition limitations would prevent liability by a Jew performing the same act. Thus a Jew is not liable for blasphemy...murder -- even of a foetus; robbery and eating of flesh torn from a living animal. In all cases a Jew would not be liable. (See The Talmud: Sanh. 56a-59b; Yad, Melakhim, ch 9, 10.) ...Violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noachide to capital punishment by decapitation. (See The Talmud: Sanh. 57; Yad, Melakhim, ch 9, 10.) This sheds new light on what may be in store for violators of Bush's "EDUCATION DAY U.S.A." According to the Jewish Talmud, Noachites (non-Jews) must accept the seven Noahide Laws as "divinely revealed." So why are Jews exempt? According to the Talmud, the non-Jewish society is simply held to be "more prone" to blasphemy, murder, and theft." (See The Talmud: Rashi to Sanh. 57a.) Even though PL 102-14 does not seem to have teeth, don't be impatient, once the Talmud is fully recognized as the law of the New World Order you can bank on decapitation! (Yahweh protects his sheep. Psalms 91) A MATTER OF INTERPRETATION As stated above, the "seven laws" appear to be moral but again it is a matter of interpretation. For example: To the Jew, idol worship might be any Christian who displays a crucifix or cross. These are forbidden items in Israel today. Any Christian symbols held by Christians to be honorable (like a Christian fish) that does not meet with rabbinic approval might easily be construed as idolatry. Sentence? Decapitation. In an article on Noahidism by Rabbi Michael Katz, he asks this pertinent question: "Does the (Noahide law) prohibition on idolatry include some or all of Christian practice?" The Talmud answers the question: "Christian Churches are places of idolatry." (See The Talmud: Abhoda Zarah (78)) The second law prohibits blasphemy. Since Jews do not believe Jesus Christ was God, Christians adhering to this Biblical fact will be tried for blasphemy. Sentence? Decapitation. The Talmud states emphatically: "The festivals of followers of Jesus are to be regarded as idolatry." (See The Talmud: Abhoda Zarah (78c)) Law three has interesting wordage. Read carefully, it does not prohibit murder, it prohibits killing those who have "a limited time to live." Is this some kind of prohibition against mercy killing? Law four prohibits rape, homosexuality, adultery, bestiality and incest. Keep in mind that Jews are exempt from these laws. One must ask, why is our government holding up such values while simultaneously promoting homosexuality and adultery in the schools and media? Law five: "Thou shalt not steal" the question is from who? The Talmud states Jews may keep lost property of Christians found by Jews. (See The Talmud: Choschen Ham (226,1)) Jews may keep overpayments made by Christians. (See The Talmud: Choschen Ham (183,7)) Usury may be practiced upon Christians or apostates. (See The Talmud: Abhoda Zarah (54a)) Law six clearly means establishing double-standard courts aimed at enforcing the seven Talmudic laws upon non-Jews. These will be international U.N. Tribunals. Law seven prohibits cruelty to animals. Nothing necessarily wrong with this except when the creation is set above creator. (Rom. 1:25). Does the spotted owl and baby dolphin ring any bells? The question Christians need to be asking is: Why are we as a nation, adopting Talmudic Noahide Laws when the Ten Commandments, Statutes and Judgements already exist? This set of laws was given to the Jews by the Sovereign (LawMaker) of the Universe. It seems as though the Jew has made the determination to assume the role of Sovereign and hand down NEW laws to govern those whom they consider to be inferior. Clearly, God's law, as revealed in the Bible was the basis for the establishment of America as the greatest nation on Earth, not the Talmudic codes, traditions and all the other Jew insanities recorded in that evil tome. "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians not on religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ." Patrick Henry. So why is Judaism being heralded as the religion that made America great? According to the Talmud, Jews are obligated to try to establish the Noachide Code "wherever they can." (See The Talmud: Yad, Melachim, (8:10)) WHO IS REBBE SCHNEERSON?

Why is Menachem Mendel Schneerson being heralded as a national "education" hero? Who is he and what is the Lubavitch Movement? Menachem Mendel Schneerson is the son of Rabbi Levi Isaac Schneerson who was a renowned kabbalist and talmudic scholar. Menachem married his third cousin, Rebbetzin Chaya Moussia, who was the daughter of the sixth Lubavitch rebbe, Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneerson. Joseph Schneerson came to America [N.Y. 1940] with the vision of making it a "center of "yiddishkeit" or Jewishness. His priority was to establish educational institutions in America that promote Judaism. Today, there are literally thousands of Lubavitch educational centers around America and the world. The Cabad-Lubavitch movement was begun in the 1800's from the teachings of Shneur Zalman. Lubavitch was named after a Russian town meaning "town of brotherly love." The Lubavitch movement is essentially the educational arm of hasidism. When Joseph Schneerson died, his son-in-law, Menachem Mendel Schneerson took over the Lubavitch movement headquartered at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, N.Y., where it still exists. Menachem Mendel Schneerson is a Hasidic Jew. In his official Biography, it claims "Hasidism emerged from the kabbalistic mysticism of the middle ages." However, D.S. Russell, in his book, Between the Testaments, notes that the hasidim itself dates back to the time right before Jesus and was known by another name. "The Pharisees exercised a great influence over a period of about three centuries and did more than any other party to determine the shape of Judaism in the years to come. Their spiritual (and probably racial) origin is to be traced to the Hasidim..." Jesus had little good to say about these people (creatures) in Matthew 23. "But all their works they do for to be seen of men...they love to be called of men Rabbi, Rabbi." According to the Jews a REBBE (such as Schneerson) is endowed with superior spiritual powers that enable him to serve as an intermediary between God and man; "taking the sins of his followers upon himself, and from time to time ascending to the upper realm to enter into a state of supreme communion with God." (He is probably a drug user/abuser) The REBBE is literally made a "savior" and god. Jews believe personal salvation of the ordinary hasid is totally dependant on the REBBE." Has Congress and President Bush set Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson up as our national "God" along with his anti-Christian religion? It should be noted that Schneerson has been honored before by the government. Carter proclaimed his seventy-eighth birthday "Education Day, U.S.A." and Reagan proclaimed his eightieth birthday a "National Day of Reflection." RELIGION OF A NEW WORLD ORDER Despite the fact that the Constitution for the United States of America clearly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." Bush is determined to do so anyway, making Judaism some kind of internationally recognized religion -- the religion of his "New World Order" where Christianity will be against the "law." Dr. Ernest Easterly III, Professor of International Law and Director of the institute for Comparative Legal Studies, Southern University Law Center, says, "With further recognition by other nations and international courts, the Seven Noahide Laws should become the cornerstone of a truly 'civilized' international legal order." Mr. Easterly is apparently privy to the fact that the Jews are pressing for United Nations recognition of the Noahide laws. Jewish "ethics" have already permeated world politics, finance, justice, entertainment and to a large degree, religion. The establishing of the Noahide laws is the last bastion of Zionism's quest for international religious dominion. The Encyclopedia Judaica offers this enlightening thought: "Views differ as to whether the ultimate stage of humanity will comprise both Judaism and Noahidism, or whether Noahidism is only the penultimate (next to last) level before the universalization of all the Torah." (Talmud) The Associated Press article quoted above ends with this: "Davis (the ex-Baptist preacher) is convinced that the Noahites are forerunners of a new world order of religion." Sleep ye gentle ones. Christian cowards. These Jew creatures are planning and implementing the machine to effect your destruction. If you live, may the chains of your slavery rest lightly around your cowardly necks...until the Jews are ready to slaughter and eat you. Additional Note: It was Rabbi Schneerson's motorcade which caused the accident that led to the Crown Heights riots in Brooklyn N.Y. between Blacks and Jews. Furthermore, Schneerson has stated that the Jews are the people of the moon, i.e. the opposite of those of the sun (us). "The great ideal of Judaism is that the whole world shall be imbued with Jewish teachings, and that in a universal Brotherhood of nations -- a greater Judaism in fact -- all the separate races and religions shall disappear." The Jewish World, Feb. 9, 1883. "The first rays of dawn evidence the rising of a still unseen sun. So, too, the "Seven Noahide Laws" provisions of Public Law 102-14 (102 P.L. 14: 1991 HJR 104: 105 Stat 44: establishing March 26, 1991 as "Education Day U.S.A. ") suggests a greater significance emerging in the realms of international law and comprehensive jurisprudence. "The Seven Noahide laws" now may receive a recognition as a source of international law, heretofore unexpected by secular legal authorities." "An authoritative enumeration of the sources of international law is embraced by the Statute of the International Court of Justice, article 38 (as annexed to the Charter of the United Nations). That Statute itemizes (a) international conventions, or treaties, establishing contractual rules expressly binding on signatory nations, (b) international custom (i.e., a general practice among nations accepted as law), and (c) "the general principles of law recognized by civilized nations."

The general principle of international law reflects a contract so fundamental that it inheres in virtually every legal system. The most usual approach to identification of such principles relies upon techniques of comparative law, i.e., a search to discover if national legal systems employ a common principle. Apart from comparative law surveys and selected court decisions, the evidences used to determine general principles of law prove exceedingly various. The U.S. Department of State lists its " sources of international law making" as including "treaties, executive agreements, legislation...." (Digest of United States Practice in International Law 1973 v.) Public Law 102-14 certainly falls within the ambit of that itemization. This approach to determining general principles of international law, however, lacks either theoretical foundation or justification for their use as a source of international law. By stating that the "ethical values and principles" which have been "the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization" are the "Seven Noahide Laws," Public Law 102-14 provides national recognition to both a theoretical foundation and the justification for general principle of law as sources of international law rules. Additionally, a recognition of the Seven Noahide laws as the foundation of general principles of law recognized by civilized nations, permits more effective (i.e., less subjective) and just (e.g., not arbitrary or capricious) application of comparative law analysis. This theoretical foundation anticipates further international recognition by its incorporation in an "international scroll of honor signed by the president of the United States and other heads of state" and essaying to "return the world to...the Seven Noahide Laws." This act will further advance the importance of the Seven Noahide laws for international law on two additional levels, First, such a document constitutes an international convention binding on the signatory nations. Second, such an act evidences an emerging principle of customary international law applicable to all nations. The practical, as well as theoretical, implications of the Seven Noahide Laws provisions of Public Law 102-14 in terms of both international law and domestic U.S. law require a treatise for adequate introduction. Nonetheless, this Congressional Joint Resolution provides the first national articulation of a likely incredible advance in international law with the identification of the e general principles of law within the Seven Noahide Laws. With further recognition by other nations and international courts, the Seven Noahide Laws should become the cornerstone of a truly "civilized" international order. DR. EARNEST EASTERLY, III. Easterly's short essay, above, on the ramifications and possible implications for the people of America (non-Jews) of the Seven Noahide Laws should bring a coldness to your insides that will not subside. It ultimately will mean that you or your children will either die in chains or die by violence in opposition to the power of the Jew strangle-hold on virtually every aspect of our lives presently manifested for all to see if they but perceive the danger of the cancerous abomination in our midst. Any opposition to the Jew is met with force instead of reason. Because it is unreasonable for Americans to just give up everything, including their lives, to the Jews without a reason. Lately, several people (among them Ernst Zundel, 206 Carlton Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2L1, Canada) have been heavily fined or even imprisoned (in "free' Germany) for questioning the incredulous holocaust tales of the Jews. It is obviously the result of concerted and well organized (organization = MAFIA in Italian) Jewish attempts to impose the color of the Seven Noahide Laws on people everywhere. Note how the American media (owned/controlled by Jews) asks the question "do you believe in the Holocaust?" Just like during the inquisitions of the Roman Catholic Church, if you answer incorrectly to this terroristic attack upon your mind, the outcome is set and you are targeted for future destruction. "The Holocaust" has obviously become religious dogma that must not be blasphemed on pain of death. Another sign of the institution of the Seven Noahide Laws and the most abhorrent of the values of the Jews on American Christian society, are the abstract sculptures or so-called pieces of art which now disgrace so many public plazas in Europe and in America. The very values which in the Education Day, U.S.A. Resolution have been praised by so many stupid American Congressmen (Jewish sympathizers/dupes). Considering the Jewish prohibition of using human images for worship (a golden calf is OK), this ugly, chaotic abstract art is nothing but graven images of Jewish religion(s) and beliefs, with which the Jews mock our God and Creator of the Universe. It is no coincidence that most of this junk "art" was created by Jews, or at the behest of Jewish art dealers and "connoisseurs".

But ... "Don't worry -- be Happy!" Do Nothing, it'll be alright. Have another beer. Watch Football. Have faith that all is well. These forebodings couldn't happen in America.

PUBLIC LAW 102-14 [H.J. RES. 104]; MARCH 20, 1991 EDUCATION DAY U.S.A. -- PROCLAMATION Joint Resolution to designate March 26, 1991, as "Education Day, U.S.A.." Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws; Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos; Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society; Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizen of this nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future; Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world; Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26, 1991; Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, "the rebbe. "this his ninetieth year will be seen as one of "education and giving," the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and the house of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as "EDUCATION DAY U.S.A." The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities."

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