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UNIT 1 A: B: A: B: A: A: B: A: B: A: B: Hello, Im Juan. Are you Tina? Yes, I am. Its nice to meet you. Are you a musician? Yes, I am. What do you do, Juan? Im a teacher. Excuse me, are you Steve? No, Im not. Im Paul. Hes Steve, over there. Oh, is Steve an engineer? Yes, he is. OK. And what do you do, Paul? Im an architect. 6. A: B: A: B: Whats his phone number? 7281940. 7281940? Yes.

Example: Conversation A

A: Wheres the bank? B: Its just down the street. Conversation B A: Hi, excuse me. Wheres the Columbia restaurant? B: Its next to the bank. There. A: Thanks a lot. B: Youre welcome. Conversation C A: Wheres the school? B: Walk to the corner. The schools around the corner. A: Around the corner? Okay, thanks. Conversation D A: Excuse me. Wheres the bookstore? B: The bookstore? Lets see, I think its on the right. A: On the right. Thanks. B: No problem. Conversation E A: Wheres the newsstand? B: The newsstand is between the bookstore and the bank. A: Thank you. Conversation F A: Excuse me. Wheres the pharmacy? B: The pharmacy? Its across the street. A: Thanks. UNIT 4 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: . . . So tell me about your family. OK, well, here. I have a picture. Oh, great! Whos that? Thats my brother Tom. Thats your brother? Hes so tall! How old is he? Hes 26. So your brother Tom is 26? Thats right. And whos she? Shes Michelle, my sister. Shes 34. Hmmm, shes pretty . . . And whos that next to your sister Michelle? Oh, thats Jeff. Hes my husband. So Jeff is your husband. How old is he? Jeff is 42. And whos she? Shes so cute! Shes Rebecca, and shes 13. Is she your daughter? Yes, Rebeccas my daughter.

Example: A: Hi, Im John Ryan.

B: How do you spell that? A: R-Y-A-N. B: Thank you. 4. A: Hello, Im Neil Thomas. B: Excuse me? A: Neil Thomas. Thats T-H-O-M-A-S. 5. A: Hi, Im Amy Chan. B: How do you spell that? A: C-H-A-N. 6. A: Hi, Im Sally Griffon. Thats G-R-I-F-F-O-N. B: Thank you. UNIT 2
Example: A: Hey, Aidan, whats your address?

B: Its 18 Main Street. A: Number 18? B: Thats right! 1. A: B: A: B: A: Whats Ms. Steins address? Its 14 Grand Street. Its number 14? Yes. OK, thanks.

2. A: Whats your address? B: Its 20 New Street. A: Number 20? OK. 3. A: B: A: B: A: 4. A: B: A: B: A: 5. A: B: A: B: Excuse me, Mr. Fine. Whats your address? 12 Robin Street. 12 Robin Street? Yes. Thank you. Whats Karens phone number? Its 6341893. 6341893? Thats it. Thanks. Whats your phone number? Its 4022751. 4022751? Yep!


Audioscript (continued)
Alicia: Bethany: Alicia: Adam: After that I read. I usually have a lot of homework. And then? Then I take a nap. I get tired after a lot of reading. A nap! Thats a good idea . . .

Example: A: Hi, Amy. Theres a game on Monday at 5:30.

Would you like to go? B: Sure. 1. C: Amy, theres a concert on Tuesday. Would you like to go? B: What time is the concert? C: 7:00. B: Sounds great! 2. D: B: D: B: Hey, Amy, would you like to go to a movie on Thursday? What time? The movie is at 7:15. OK. Lets meet at 7:00.

Example: makes

6. a. comes b. checks c. washes 7. a. brushes b. studies c. takes REVIEW TEST 1 (UNITS 17) A: Hello, Language School. B: Hi, my name is Anabelle Simpson. I want to take Spanish classes. A: Great! I just need some information . . . Your last name is Simpson? B: Yes, Ms. Simpson. A: OK. How do you spell your first name? B: Its A - N - A - B - E - L - L - E. A: And what is your occupation? B: Im an engineer. A: When is your birthday? B: August 25th. A: And your phone number please? B: 3842710. A: What is your address? B: 59 Grand Street. A: What class do you want? B: The 6:30 class. A: OK. Youre all set. See you next week. B: Thank you. Good-bye. Marie: Jeff: Marie: Jeff: Marie: Jeff: Marie: Jeff: Theres a game at school. Would you like to go? Which day? Friday. What time? At a quarter to eight. Sure! Lets meet at my home at 7:15. Great. See you, Marie.

3. E: Hi, Amy, theres a party on Friday. Its at 6:30. B: A party on Friday at 6:30? OK, sounds great! A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Whens your birthday? April 4th. Whens yours? September 21st. September 21st? M-m-h-m-m. When is Michaels birthday? November 14th. What about Bill? When is his birthday? January 6th. UNIT 6 A: B: A: C: A: C: B: A: B: C: A: C: B: Hello. Welcome to The Mens Store. How can I help you? My husband needs a suit. OK, what color? Well, I have a black suit, so I want something different. Fine. We have this gray suit and this blue suit. I like the gray. Do you? Yes, but I dont like the blue suit. Oh, he needs a shirt and tie, too. No problem. We have these shirts here . . . I dont like that green shirt! No, but this white shirt is nice. What about ties? This red tie is good-looking. We have this yellow tie. This tie is gray . . . I like the red tie. I do, too . . . UNIT 7 Alicia: Hey, Adam! Hi, Bethany! Do you want to exercise on Saturday morning? Adam: Um, Im not really a morning person. Alicia: What about you, Bethany? Bethany: Im not a morning person either, Alicia. I like to go to bed late, and I usually get up around 11:00. Alicia: Really? Im definitely a morning person. Adam: Alicia: Adam: Bethany: Alicia: Adam: Alicia: Adam:

Marie: Hi, Jeff, come on in. Jeff: Am I late? Marie: No, youre not late. Its a quarter after seven. The game is at a quarter to eight.

Whats your typical Saturday like, Alicia? Well, I get up around 6:00. 6:00?! On a Saturday?! Sure. So then what do you do? My brother and I clean the house. And after that?

Audioscript (continued)
UNIT 8 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Hi, Cindy. Do you like your new office building? Yes! My office has a big window. Thats nice. Yes, and theres a kitchen, with a refrigerator and a microwave. Thats great! Is there an elevator? No. Oh, too bad. Yeah, I use the stairway. Look at this rug. Ryan, what do you think? I think its really beautiful, Matt. You do? Definitely. What about you, Beth? I think its awful! Awful? Yes! Well, look at this lamp. What do you think, Ryan? The lamp is really nice. Really? Definitely. Its very nice. Beth, what about you? I think its great. Do you really? Yeah, its great. UNIT 10 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: Mmm, something smells wonderful! Thanks. Its the chicken cooking on the stove. Do you want help with dinner? Sure. Can you get me the rice? Its in the cabinet. Rice . . . in the cabinet. Here it is. What else? Um, please pass me the butter. Its on the table. OK, heres the butter. I need the bread, too. The bread is on the shelf. OK, and next I want the cheese. Thats in the fridge. Oh, where are the tomatoes? Theyre on the counter, right in front of you! Oh, yeah. Thanks. Would you like some soda to drink? Sure, would you get it? Its on the shelf.

Matt: Ryan: Matt: Ryan: Matt: Beth: Matt: Beth: Matt: Ryan: Matt: Ryan: Matt: Beth: Matt: Beth:

UNIT 11 A: B: C: B: C: Look at these old pictures I found! Oh, lets see! Yeah! Oh, thats Dad in Florida, in 1979. Hey, do you remember thisour vacation to Germany? That was in 1985. A: Look. We went to Hawaii that year. It was 1988. C: When was this? B: This was in 2002. We went to Vancouver.
Example A: Did you go to Havana?

Example: Conversation A

B: Yes, we went three months ago. A: Hows the weather in Moscow? B: Its so cold! And its snowing! 4. A: Mr. Holt, when was the meeting? B: Two days ago. A: Thank you. 5. A: How was the beach yesterday? B: Awful! It rained all morning! 6. A: Is there a sale on shoes? B: Im sorry. The sale was last month. UNIT 12 A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: C: A: C: A: B: C: B: C: A: D: A: D: This is a great party! Yes, it is. Whos that? She looks familiar. Who? That woman with the curly blonde hair. Thats my friend Monica. Its not Michelle? No, Michelles hair is blonde, too, but its long and wavy. Hello. Hi, Lindsey. Oh, no! What happened to your hand? I cut it. Oh, Im sorry. Wheres Eddie? At home. He has a cold. I hope he feels better. Thanks. Oh, theres Ken. Hey, Ken! Do you want to dance? Sorry, but I shouldnt. I hurt my back. Oh, no! Yeah. Um, excuse me. I want to talk to that tall woman with the short red hair.

Conversation B A: Hows the weather in Rio? B: Great! Its sunny, but not too hot. Conversation C A: Whats the weather like in Portland? B: Awful! Its raining, and its very cold. Conversation D A: Hows the weather in Chicago? B: Its very windy here! Conversation E A: Whats the weather like in Dublin? B: Its OK. Its cloudy and cool. Steve: Kurt: Steve: Kurt: Steve: Kurt: Steve: Kurt: Hello? Hi, Steve. This is Kurt. What are you doing? Im studying. Should I call you back later? No, thats OK. Well, what are you doing this weekend? Nothing special. Do you want to get together on Saturday? Theres a football game at the stadium. Steve: Great! Lets meet at the park at 12:00. Kurt: OK, bye.

Audioscript (continued)
UNIT 13 Host: Hello, welcome to the show Star Talk. Im talking to actress Heather High. Heather, we want to know more about you. For example, can you dance? Yes, I can. Can you play the guitar? No, I cant play the guitar at all. And I sing horribly! Tell us about your life. What do you do at home? Well, I cant cook. My husband makes dinner. I can sew nicely, but I cant knit. Where do you go on vacations? I like the beach, but I cant swim. I love winter vacations. I can ski very well. Tell us something interesting about you. Well, I cant drive. I never learned.

REVIEW TEST 2 (UNITS 814) Mark: Sophie: Mark: Sophie: Mark: Sophie: Mark: Sophie: Hi, Sophie. Long time no see. Hi, Mark! Oh, no! What happened? I broke my arm. Oh, Im sorry. Thanks. How are you? Great. Im going to get married. Congratulations! Are you still studying architecture? Yes, I am. Im going to graduate in December. What about you? Are you still studying business? Mark: No, I graduated a year ago. Now Im working with my dad. Sophie: Oh, how is your family? Mark: My sister Emily changed careers last year. Sophie: Really? Mark: Yes, she works in information technology with computers. Sophie: Thats great! Robert: Hey, Katie. Im making chicken for dinner. Would you like to join me? Katie: Im sorry, Robert, but I cant tonight. Im too busy with work. But lets have dinner tomorrow. Would you like to come to my house? Robert: Sure. Youre a great cook! Katie: Thanks! Robert: What time should I get there? Katie: How about 7:00? Robert: Great. Im going to make something for dessert. Katie: Good idea. Could you get some coffee, too? Robert: Sure. No problem.

Heather High: Host: Heather High: Host: Heather High: Host: Heather High: Host: Heather High: UNIT 14

Example: A: Hi, Patty! Long time no see!

B: I know. I have some news. Im getting married. A: Congratulations! Thats great. 1. A: Hi, Jeff. Whats new? B: Well, I moved to a new house last month. 2. A: B: A: B: How is your friend Susan? Great. Shes changing careers. Really? Whats she going to do? Nursing, I think.

3. A: Where is Mark from? B: He was born in Argentina, but he grew up in Brazil. 4. A: What is Emma studying? B: Shes studying psychology. But shes going to graduate in May. 5. A: Hey, Eddie. What are you doing this weekend? B: Im going to relax and do nothing. A: Sounds great! 6. A: Wheres Jennifer? B: She went camping with some friends.


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