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Adv Digital Design

By Dr. Shoab Ahmed Khan

Fall 2002

Coding Guide Lines

Engineering Education Trust Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering 5-A Constitution Avenue, Software Technology Park. Islamabad, Pakistan.

The art of algorithm to architecture mapping

Guidelines for writing efficient RTL-level Verilog HDL code

Naming Conventions

All names (signals, variables, modules) in lowercase, parameters and macros in uppercase characters.
Use a single underscore ('_') to separate parts of a name, don't use it as first or last character.

BAD: parameter width = 16; input [width-1:0] DataIn; BETTER: parameter WIDTH = 16; input [WIDTH-1:0] data_in;

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Active low signals

Rule: Active low signals must end with '_n'.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Clk and res_n

Rule: All synchronous modules must use

an asynchronous active-low reset called "res_n" a clock signal called "clk".

The names of clock and reset signals should be the same throughout the whole design. If multiple clocks are needed, they should use "clk" as common suffix, e.g. "bus_clk". An asynchronous active-low reset is the most common supported type of reset found in today's cell libraries.
always@(posedge clk or negedge res_n) if(!res_n)
Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Use meaningful names for variables, signals, modules, FSM states, etc. Don't use reserved HDL keywords, either Verilog or VHDL.

This makes the HDL code much more readable.
Common pre-/suffixes like 'addr', 'ctrl', 'en', 'data', 'val', etc. help a lot to understand the functionality of a design.

Example: BAD:
wire w1; reg dff6; // state names s0, s1, s2, ...

wire addr_bus_en; reg bus_data_val; // state names IDLE, RUN, WAIT, ...

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Comments Rule:
Use comments for modules and every major code block to describe the functionality.

This enables other designers to understand your logic in a reasonable amount of time.

/* - describe the functionality of the module - I/O constraints */ module top (...); /* implements comb/seq logic for ... */ always @(...) ...
Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

FSM Implementation Style

Prefer Moore machines over Mealy FSMs.

Mealy machines have the disadvantage that the outputs depend on the inputs, which means you have asynchronous paths in your design.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Design Methodology

Find the right balance for your design hierarchy.

Too large modules (with hundreds of lines of HDL code) may become un-managable and lead to unacceptable tool run times. Too small modules (with just a few gates) prevent synthesis tools from finding an optimal implementation for your logic.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Registered Outputs

All major functional blocks must have registered outputs.

It avoids asynchronous paths running through several functional blocks. Synthesis tools have a much easier job to meet timing goals, when designs stick to this rule.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Combinational Logic
Rule: Use continuous assignments only for small equations, always blocks for larger logic. Use only blocking assignments for combinational logic. Explanation: Continuous assignments spread over multiple lines of code (e.g. using if-then-else) become unreadable. Example: 2-4 decoder using an always block 2-1 MUX using a cont. assignment always @(din) begin : decode case (din) 2'b00: dout = 4'b0001; 2'b01: dout = 4'b0010; 2'b10: dout = 4'b0100; 2'b11: dout = 4'b1000; default: dout = 4'bxxxx; endcase end assign out = (sel == 1'b0) ? a : b;

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Sequential Logic Rule:

Use always blocks with non-blocking assignments for sequential logic. Specify asynchronous behavior first, followed by the normal operation.

Asynchronous behavior must be specified at the beginning of an if-then-else statement to be recognized correctly by synthesis tools, followed by the normal operation of the cell.

8-bit counter with parallel load always @(posedge clk or negedge res_n) begin : main if(res_n == 1'b0) // asynch. reset cnt <= 8'h00; else if (load == 1'b1) cnt <= load_data; else cnt <= cnt + 1; end

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Assignment Use blocking assignments to model combinational logic within an always block.

Use non-blocking assignments to implement sequential logic.

Do not mix blocking and non-blocking assignments in the same always block.

Do not make assignments to the same variable from more than one always block.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Sensitivity List Rule:

Include all signals in the sensivity list of an always block describing combinational logic, that are interpreted (read) within the block (signals on RHS of assignments, signals in conditions, etc.).

This rule ensures that no unwanted latches are inferred during synthesis. Why do they appear? Because the goal of the synthesis tool is a functional equivalent gate-level implementation of your RTL code. So if your sensitivity list misses one signal, a simulator will not trigger the always block on its transition. That means, a transition of one of the inputs to the combinational logic block does not result in an updated output value. To match this behavior, the synthesis tool has to insert a latch.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan



Example: 2-1 multiplexer resulting in an inferred latch

always @(a or sel) // incomplete sensivity list begin : mux case (sel) 1'b0: y = a; 1'b1: y = b; // <- b appears on the RHS, default: y = 1'bx; // but is not in the sensivity list! endcase end
Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Label all begin...end statement blocks.

This can help you to locate design parts during debugging. Use short but meaningful names, like in all examples in this guide.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan



If no priority is required, make sure that the different cases are mutually exclusive.

The synthesis tools checks for overlapping cases when it parses the HDL code. If it finds some, the resulting logic uses a priority scheme. This chained logic is significantly slower than full parallel logic, which is otherwise build.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Implement a 4-2 encoder Two ways to implement a 4-2 encoder

BAD: always @(din) begin : encode casex (din) 4'bxxx1: dout = 2'b00; // highest priority! 4'bxx1x: dout = 2'b01; 4'bx1xx: dout = 2'b10; 4'b1xxx: dout = 2'b11; // lowest priority! default: dout = 2'bxx; endcase end

Sometimes it's a good idea to use casex and x's to specify "don't care" bits. But here all the cases overlap and you end up with priority logic during synthesis!
Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan



always @(din) begin : encode case (din) 4'b0001: dout = 2'b00; 4'b0010: dout = 2'b01; 4'b0100: dout = 2'b10; 4'b1000: dout = 2'b11; default: dout = 2'bxx; endcase end

At first, this might look like it results in more logic. But now all cases are mutually exclusive and the synthesis tool is allowed to use a parallel implementation for your logic, which is significantly smaller and faster!

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Avoid Latch

Always cover all input patterns, either by specifying them or using a default case.
If possible, assign "don't care" to the output for the default case.

If not all possible cases are specified and no default case is given, the synthesis tool infers latches to hold the output value during the uncovered terms.
Assigning an 'x' is interpreted by a synthesis tool as "don't care", which gives room for further logic optimization. 20

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

If-Then-Else Statements

Avoid long if-then-else chains.

Large if-then-else chains are hard to overlook. There is also again the pitfall of ending up with priority logic, when multiple conditions within one statement overlap. One should better use a case statement with mutually exclusive cases.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Example: The same 4-2 encoder as above, now with if-then-else

BAD: always @(din) begin : encode if (din[0] == 1'b1) dout = 2'b00; else if (din[1] == 1'b1) dout = 2'b01; else if (din[2] == 1'b1) dout = 2'b10; else if (din[3] == 1'b1) dout = 2'b11; else dout = 2'bxx; end 22

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Port Declarations

A consistent port declaration order can improve the reusability of your designs. Rule:
List ports in the following order: outputs, clocks/resets, inputs.

This complies to the method defined for Verilog primitives. Also define one port per line inside a module for better readability.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Port Declarations
Use connection by name when instantiating a submodule.

Following this rule, it is explicitly specified, which signal should connect to which port. Connection by order can introduce errors, when the port order inside the sub-module changes.

Example: BAD:
my_submod instance1(data_out, core_clk, data_in);

my_submod instance1(.dout(data_out), .clk(core_clk), .din(data_in));

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


D Type Flip Flops:

Two things to note about inferring flip flops: Non blocking signal assignment (<=) should always be used The sensitivity list must have the keyword posedge or negedge. (also for resets)

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


D-type flip flop reg q; always @ (posedge clk) q <= d;

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


D type flip flop with asynchronous reset reg q; always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset) if (reset) q <= 1'b0; else q <= d;

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


D type flip flop with synchronous reset reg q; always @ (posedge clk) if (reset) q <= 1'b0; else q <= d;

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


D type flip flop with gated clock reg q; wire gtd_clk = enable && clk; always @ (posedge gtd_clk) q <= d;

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Data enabled D type flip flop

reg q; always @ (posedge clk) if (enable) q <= d;

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Negative edge triggered D type flip flop

reg q; always @ (negedge clk) q <= d;

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan



reg q; always @ (q or enable) if (enable) q = d;

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan



Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Two input multiplexer (using if else)

reg y; always @ (a or b or select) if (select) y = a; else y = b;

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Two input multiplexer (using ternary operator ?:)

wire t = (select ? a : b);

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Two input multiplexer (using case statement)

reg w; // mux version 3 always @ (a or b or select) case (select) 1'b1 : w = a; default : w = b; endcase

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Two input multiplexer (using default assignment and if)

reg p; // mux version 4 always @ (a or b or select) begin p = b; if (select) p = a; end

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Three input multiplexer with no priority (using case)

reg s; always @ (a or b or c or select2) begin case (select2) // synopsys parallel_case 2'b00: s = a; 2'b01: s = b; default: s = c; endcase end

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Comparator (using assign)

module comparator1 (a,b,c); input a; input b; output c; assign c = (a == b); endmodule

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


The Role of HDLs and Synthesis in Design

Implementation Technologies Design Flows

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Implementation Technologies

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Synthesis Design Flow

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


General Coding Style Guidelines

Unintentional Latch Inference

For if, set default value beforehand or specify value for else. For case, set default value beforehand or use default in case or If you know for sure some cases will not occur use compiler directive // synopsys full case

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Separating Combinational and Sequential Assignments

FSM Outputs
Sequential (Registered) - Can include in clocked always Cominational (Not Registered) - Use asynchronous always for outputs If Mealy, depend on inputs as well as state Place inputs in this case in sensitivity list

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Design Partitioning for Synthesis

Partition for design reuse Keep related combinational logic together Avoid glue logic, particularly at top level Register block outputs Partition by design goal Partition by compile technique Keep sharable resources together Place large SRAMs and DRAMS at top core level Size blocks based on available computational resources

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Design Reuse

Partition so that existing designs can be used in your design To permit future reuse:
Define and document interface thoroughly Standardized interface Parameterize the code

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Keeping Related Combinational Logic Together

Default DC cannot move logic across hierarchical boundaries Logic optimization cannot cross block boundaries

Group related combinational logic & destination register together

Improves logic optimization potential Enables sequential optimization

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Avoid Glue Logic

Glue Logic
Small amounts of logic added to correct interface mismatch or add missing functionality

Eliminating glue logic

Improves logic optimization potential Reduces compile time At top level, simplifies floor-planning

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Register module outputs

If module outputs are not registered:

long, complex inter-module delay paths can exist

Simulation speed is slower due to sensitivity lists that contain more than clock & reset

Drive strengths on inputs to modules differ


Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Register module outputs (continued)

Registering outputs may add clock periods to system delays for function execution Registering outputs may severely restrict module boundary locations

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Partition by Design Goal

Design Goals
Area minimization Delay minimization

By partitioning on design goals:

Allows area constraints on logic without timing issues Allows timing constraints on logic without area issues Reduces optimization effort

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Partition by Compile Technique

Compile Techniques
Forcing Structure (factoring) Forcing Flattening (2-level logic)

XOR-heavy error detection and correction Circuits should be structured Random logic should be flattened Therefore, should not be together in module

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Keep Sharable Resources Together

Only resources within the same always can be shared.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Keep UDRs with the Logic They Drive

If duplication to meet timing constraints is necessary, can do it Delay may be reduced by reducing the fanout on a given UDR by duplicating it

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Isolating Special Functions

Includes pads, I/O drivers, clock generation, boundary scan, and asynchronous modules The external interface should be at the top level and not placed in modules Special functions that tie to the interface should be at the next hierarchical level down Asynchronous functions should be separate modules at an appropriate level of the hierarchy Example: Figure 3-10 DCUG

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan

Place large SRAMs, DRAMS & ROMs at top core level

Relates to physical design interaction with synthesis Large memory structures need to be placed in the floorplan independently of logic Floorplanning is needed to do accurate timing analysis and control Example

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Size blocks based on computational resources

Large blocks permit optimization flexibility Large block my overwhelm workstation in terms of memory, swap space or processing throughput Large blocks my cause excessive compile times Thus, need to select workable intermediate size for blocks

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Partitioning for Synthesis

Register all outputs.

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Partitioning for Synthesis

Separate modules that have different designs

Critical logic Non Critical

Preferred way
Critical logic Non Critical



Synthesized data for time

Synthesized for area

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Avoid Asynchronous Logic

You might be able to convert asynch


If required partition asynchronous logic in separate module If delay required you may use buffers
A0 A1 A2

For generating a pulse

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Merging Resources
Resource sharing off

If ( cnt ) z = a+b else z = c+d

a c

better way using one adder

b d

Select operands
Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Eliminate glue logic at the top level

In top level you must use only instantiations

Bad Design

move this inside Instantiation of modules

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Coding for synthesis

Simulation Algorithmic Behavioral level FPGA


for synthesis

FPGA Concerned with this one

RTL device


Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Inter Register

Use register for sequential logic Dont use initial statement

Use reset

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


Avoid latches

Avoid combinational loopback.

Combinational cloud Combinational cloud

Combinational cloud

Adv. Digital Design By Dr. Shoab A. Khan


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