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significant information of an ATTACK being executed today via SOUND vibrational patterns & frequencies resulting in what Jordan Maxwell has been claiming is a deliberate Scientific Mutation of the Human Race; real factual accounts of 1000s of personal experiences with these beings, information about their capabilities & limitations, an abundance of circumstantial factual evidence to support these claims along with precise details on the biological symptoms of onset, the dark forces behind it, as well as the scientific method in which this is being invoked. Yes as crazy as it sounds its all here.
LISTEN CAREFULLY I fully understand what Im about to say will sound completely ludicrous & simply not possible. I fully understand that despite my utmost of conviction & compassion, compelled to simply follow my heart & do what is right I will continue to subject myself to mass ridicule & extreme personal/professional scrutiny; however the simple fact of the matter is that I have made a discovery, far-fetched & startling as it may be; and what is truly remarkable is that I am only bringing some very important pieces to the table in what Ive learned is an extremely complex & far-reaching puzzle. At a minimum it is critical you simply take the time to read the initial 22 FAQs Ive compiled below as it could be the most important thing you will ever read. And in the end whether you buy what Im about to say or not it is indeed the truth & it is extremely important you simply remember this information to call upon when the time comes. As stated months ago I am without a doubt the claims that folks like Jordan Maxwell have been claiming for almost a decade about an intent to mutate the human race is not only very real but it is happening now in this very moment within human history. I really need you all to please keep an open mind & open heart & awaken to the reality of what is transpiring regardless of how ridiculous it may seem. Simply look at the facts as Im about to present a mountain of them in which they will all point to the same conclusion. I need to stress that I would never put myself out there like this, subjecting myself to ridicule, personal & professional criticism, while creating unnecessary cause for concern

unless I was 100% sure of what is transpiring. I was 100% sure back in May & every day that passes just reinforces this even more. How could it be that I, someone with an MBA/MSMIS rapidly climbing the ranks of upper management within one of the largest internet companies of the world, have come to such remarkable & admittedly "ridiculous" conclusions? Simply put I have undergone a very real & extraordinary series of events which led to a massive swarming by paranormal entities, an all-out assault via sound & presumably EMF's, and somewhat rapid manifestation of these changes in which I presume the onset has been much more gradual in others. Had these events not happened who knows if I would have ever picked up on the changes myself. Also just following the logic there is a cause & effect here -- assaulted by sound & manifesting biological change. After being exposed to these frequencies in such an intense fashion I have been able to recognize the patterns resonating all throughout our environment -- from electrical/mechanical devices, to synthesized sounds in all forms of media, motorized vehicles, appliances -- you name it. Planted throughout our environment for decades; escalated & manipulated today without any public conscious awareness. I need to summarize the primary symptoms as they are becoming more & more prominent out in public by the day. Just look around you and baseline yourselves for changes to skin texture (leathery, water resistant, puffy, freckle-like appearance), unnatural growth in teeth with fang-like protrusions, slight bulges in the suture areas of the skull (i.e. vertical ridge from the outer brow up to the hairline). These seem much more pronounced in males, elderly, & I have confirmed 2 of these for myself medically. It is also more or less confirmed that the catalyst to invoke these biological changes are indeed frequencies that have been engineered & planted throughout modern-day society. If you think about it just about all of the frequencies we are exposed to, audible or not, are ones that do not occur at these levels naturally; & in relation to EMF's & microwaves swarming around us in this mobile 3g, 4g, wireless world we live in they simply have not been present long enough for us to truly know the effects on our bodies. Well now we do know.
FAQ | YouTube | Awakening | Revelations |Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The

Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts |


NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS MUTATION and everything they do not want you to know. PLEASE JUST TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS. 1.

What the heck led you to conclude that some otherworldly race of beings is not only present in our world but that they are a principal force in guiding the fate of humanity? a. I suppose only when these otherworldly beings presented themselves in my face in the 100s if not 1,000s back in May during which they manifested in our reality via leveraging a human host (which Ill get into more later) did I begin to accept that we are truly not alone in this world. Looking back on my experiences I now realize that these entities have been targeting me for quite some time at least a decade in which their primary interest was to lure me into certain behaviors & beliefs all centered around obsession, fear, and judgment. I can say without a doubt that they have been manipulating my reality for at least a decade (going back to my first encounters with them) & can only speculate that they have been a presence in this world for much longer - but that seems to make a hell of a lot more sense than these things just randomly making an appearance on this earth 10 years ago. 2. What do you think these entities are & where do you think they come from? a. I can only speculate but based upon historical accounts of entities influencing this world Id say they represent Reptilian, Anunnaki, Demons, and Djiin all wrapped up into one. They seem to demonstrate both a physical & a supernatural/energetic characteristics & certainly have shown capability well beyond what I would consider within the realm of humankind. In the end what sort of label is put on these entities isnt nearly as important as simply recognizing what they represent. Here is what I

can state based upon personal experience: i. These entities can manifest in our reality by leveraging the essence of a human host. I know this is a startling concept but think of it in terms of a human body or vessel being a biological computer of sorts. What I have witnessed on literally 1,000s of occasions is that these entities can project their consciousness into a human biological vessel in which they can share that vessels 5-senses to observe, use their advanced capability to manipulate an environment / subject, and most startling take control of a host for a short-period of time. Now when they manifest themselves in our reality in such a fashion they demonstrate very noticeable & striking physical characteristics in an ethereal sense. Its like the human host is the primary form of presence but that hidden behind in a transparent fashion is this other entity; however for whatever reason they cannot hide their presence entirely upon which the most striking physical characteristic is in the eyes. Its sort of like a glossy-black window in which the eyes have an eerie, emotionless gaze. The pupils either become extremely dilated or the eyes demonstrate a darker appearance. In addition the pupil always seems to be shifting shape like its in a bit of a constant motion as opposed to be sitting circular & still at the center of the eye. ii. Another rather odd characteristic is that maneuvers of the tongue become rather prevalent. Yes licking of the lips extensively is a characteristic but even sticking out the tongue for no rhyme or reason happens frequently. Now the licking of the lips seems to primarily be in the form of a side-to-side motion. Its like they cannot help but do this repeatedly. Also there is repetitive blinking of the eyes like double/triple blinks & at

a much more frequent pace. Ive also noticed that posture of people changes to a much more upright & formal position as opposed to casual. iii. Also these entities have the capability to manipulate electrical/mechanical products in real- time. This can be as straight forward as manipulating content on a web-page, causing a device to turn on/off, causing financial transactions to fail (i.e. purchase attempts online), enhancing lighting to become brighter & generate a perceived halo effect, to most striking manipulating a television broadcast in real-time. Yes this takes some imagination but Ive experienced this way too many times to ignore. This can be as simple as manipulating background sounds/music, plugging in subliminal messages, manipulating commercials for an intended target, and most profoundly staging an entire broadcast of a show/event for a particular target. Now how these entities can perform this is way beyond my comprehension, but they can. iv. They seem to be deeply knowledgeable in how to manipulate humans including hypnotic/subliminal suggestion & leveraging their energetic capabilities to burst either euphoric or dark/constricting sensations in a subject (typically to facilitate a form of manipulation) and how to layer these to really drill a subject into a particular desired state, generally aimed around sexual impulse, fear, paranoia, or some other trigger based behavior. Imagine them plotting out a path for you and every step you take in their intended direction they burst you positively, and negatively if you start going down another path. They can do this incrementally layering say 7-8 bursts on top of each other. They can even manipulate by planting keywords around a subject, just as a hypnotist can do, to invoke a certain behavioral or

emotional response. v. Id say that all of this implies that these things know exactly what they are doing; they have perfected this over many many years, and have deliberately held a hand in setting the stage for global manipulation at its finest. vi. In regards to where they come from well I havent really the faintest idea. I will say that above all they seem to want to keep their entire existence a secret, using various manipulation techniques particularly under the guise of the many forms of religion out there, and will do whatever they can to direct a subject (i.e. me) towards a deflective path. In fact Id say its entirely likely that these entities have planted various alternative means of interpreting their existence upon mankind for millennia all in the spirit of keeping the true nature of their existence a secret. I cant say for certain whether Ive encountered any of these entities in physical form although I have strong speculation that I indeed not only had plenty of face time with one but that I actually have the entire event recorded on video. Its speculation but this person demonstrated many of the characteristics of those documented by others as of reptilian. 3. How many encounters have you had with these entities & when was your first encounter? a. So only in May did my encounters with these beings increase exponentially. Of course this was around the time I began to not only start speculating of their existence but of their intent to somehow invoke biological change on humanity (which Ill get into later). However once they presented themselves to me in the 100s if not 1,000s on a daily basis the only thing I could really relate it to at first were the 15 or so episodes I had over the past decade that I would classify as frightening/paranormal but I had never been able to quite

make sense of what those episodes were. I generally chalked them up to perhaps a dramatic misinterpretation on my part but now I fully know these entities played a part in all of those episodes primarily due to the physical anomalies that were always present in others when these had occurred. So yes I have been targeted by these beings in a devious fashion for a decade or longer with their sole intent into manipulating me towards obsessive behavior, what I presume was some form of hypnotic suggestion, with the later years centering around a false sense of being at risk of a cardiac issue (they blasted me with negative constricting energy in the chest on multiple occasions); and in this fear of dying they pushed heavily for me to interpret that my soul was being judge or that I was in some sort of purgatory state. Im not entirely sure why they did this so aggressively although its quite possible they had singled me out to be manipulated into interpreting these coming of events, genetic changes & all, as some sort of religious event in which I may have been desired to be used a prophet of sorts well a false one at that. b. As soon as I started breaking away from their grasp things started to intensify significantly. Now as much credit as Id like to single-handedly take for being able to break free of their manipulation I must say that over a period of 6- months I absolutely had channeled my beliefs, faith, consciousness, and asked for angelic aid in my pursuit of this; and I have no doubt that these were not only heard but that they were responded to. I have numerous episodes in which I was provided powerful guidance to break free of this manipulation being put upon me. This also coincided with me starting to recognize all of the subliminal mind control crap that was being directed towards me various trigger words, whisper tones, even electronic-type harassment in which I firmly believe has contributed to me being a chronic/daily headache sufferer for the past 10 years, coincidentally which began the same timeframe as my initial encounters with these entities. I

also began to notice all sorts of anomalies on my television broadcasts so much so that I decided I would record a bit of an extremely odd sequence on my phone. I had no idea that this event was going to be a catalyst for extreme paranormal, aggressive reaction by these entities. In short it was this event that led to me being swarmed by these entities basically 24/7 in the office, out in public, when traveling, etc. which started in May and pretty much hasnt stopped. However it is purely from their reaction towards me & relentless pursuit that I have obtained all of the information that I have. Had they not swarmed me in so many ways I likely would have never even become aware of their existence, nor the manipulations they were performing on me, nor the subsequent attack with sound & other frequencies, nor the genetic manipulation that is taking place. I suppose the whole experience has been about the most profoundly ironic experience of many lifetimes. It has been as though weve been following a most remarkable script in which the irony, coincidences, & synchronicity has been set forth by a divine hand. I mean there is no way I of all people should have been able to uncover such a deep & twisted plot. Well I should rephrase - I did uncover it thus it was meant to be. 4. What was the first thing that led you believe that we as a species are undergoing physical changes? a. Well interestingly enough I have been a habitual nail-biter since childhood and the first thing I started noticing was that an extra layer of skin seemed to be forming around my fingertips. I didnt think much of it at the time but it was resulting in a bit of puffiness as well as slightly diminished sense of touch. The next thing I noticed was that a ridge in one of the suture areas of the skull was deepening a bit. Now these were noticed well before any paranormal experience began Id say in Jan/Feb of this year. I had mentioned the suture deepening to a colleague at the time with my only concern being that because I was a chronic headache sufferer I may want to get it checked

out. b. Now fast-forward to May when the extreme paranormal began to surface. As these entities began to swarm me I somehow was able to sort of block them out & continue to fulfill all of my professional & personal obligations, thus they didnt realize I had such attunement to their presence. In fact they even commented to each other on one occasion do you think he knows? No hes too chatty. Now I can only presume that this question was about whether I knew they were manifesting off of the human hosts. Also it should be noted that this is absolutely a limitation I have witnessed on 100s of occasions that these entities rely on verbal/non-verbal communication to interact when manifesting in this ethereal method. Many times would they make comments about a designed manipulation, tactics, comments about my personal state, etc right in front of me. They would also use hang-gestures as well to communicate signals very compelling that they are limited to this means of communication. Now I suspect they were a little careless since they didnt realize I had copped on, but for say a month straight they monitored my every action and of course I was trying to decipher what the heck was going on while outlining precisely the physical symptoms they demonstrated as mentioned earlier. However in doing this I also began to notice distinct physical characteristics in the people around me namely that the bottom teeth of the majority of folks, again mostly males, seemed to crowd in which to 2 next to the front bottom were angling towards the back of the mouth. I also began noticing that the suture areas of the skull, again in males, seemed to either be deepening or bulging ever so slightly. Now again I was only taking notice of this as I was trying to outline what exactly I was seeing when these entities were residing within them. At the time I didnt know whether these were physical characteristics or ethereal characteristics. c. So herein began the assault via sound. Ill get into more

of those details later but a few weeks into it the first thing I noticed was that I had developed new vein structure in the wrist area of my right forearm. These veins were in a striated pattern - almost like a spider wed & very close to the surface of the skin. Now this was only in my right arm, and on top of that I noticed that while taking a shower the water on my right arm, wrist, and hand would stream off as though it were coated in oil totally different from my left arm. As I continued to let the water flow I noticed that my right hand was no longer absorbing water & pruning as my left one was. Now this was the first symptom I showed to a colleague in which she noticed that my right arm had a much more puffy appearance than my left. Again this leads to strong speculation that there are indeed changes to both vein & skin structure, as first indicated when I noticed what appeared to be an extra layer of thin skin, presumably fatty/oily as it maintained water-resistance, forming in the fingers of my right hand. d. Now I wasnt sure what to make of all of this but as I continued base-lining myself for changes 2 of the things I monitored closely were the suture areas of my skull & teeth formation. About 3 weeks into the assault with sound I noticed that the suture area on the right side of my forehead the vertical ridge from the outer eye brow up to the hairline started to bulge. Now this was entirely inconsistent with how this had been defined my entire life & was no longer in symmetry with the left side. Also remember this is the exact same symptom I noticed manifesting in others. Now this bulge wouldnt necessarily be openly visible however it was clear as day to the touch particularly to someone who has endured chronic headaches& is familiar with every nook & cranny of his forehead. Of note I subsequently had an MRI of my cranium performed in June which clearly indicates change in the precise place I had indicated. Not only that but since June the bulging has become much more pronounced particularly on the left side of my forehead

thus if I were to have another scan performed it would show even more change in a very short period of time. e. Now I had been wearing an Invisalign retainer on my bottom teeth for about 6 months a guard in which the design retained the alignment of my teeth. About the same time I woke up one morning and my bottom teeth hurt like heck. Upon further inspection I noticed the guard I had been wearing not only didnt fit, but it wasnt even close. I mean these Invisalign retainers mold perfectly to your teeth, and upon inspection is was entirely obvious that not only did I exhibit unnatural growth in both my top & bottom teeth, but that this growth was indeed starting to cause my bottom front teeth to bunch together in which the 2 adjacent to the forefront teeth were getting pressured into angling towards the back of the mouth. Why did I experience pain in my teeth? Well the guard I had been wearing was to keep the front bottom teeth in place thus there was quite a bit of conflict going on. I also noticed that one of the gold crowns I had in one of my back molars started to have 2 spear-like projections on the surface as though the tooth underneath the crown was growing resulting in upward pressure & reformation of the malleable crown. f. Waking up one morning & observing these changes was quite a shock. Now remember I wasnt quite sure how to interpret these very same changes I was observing in others. Now it pretty much was conclusive if I was experiencing physical change then there was strong likelihood that I was not alone. g. Now presumably I have quite a resistance to the frequency/ear stimulating effects as I only manifested change after being doused with these intensely however here are some more symptoms I have noticed in others (elderly seem most impacted which would make sense as their ears may be the most sensitive/damaged): i. Scaly texture to skin & freckle-like appearance particularly on the tops of hands ii. Much more pronounced vein structure on

hands & feet iii. The puffy appearance of skin on the forehead causing the wrinkles to deepen a bit iv. Vein structure more pronounced in the temple areas presumably due to the structural changes of the cranium & skin 5. Why do you feel this is widespread as opposed to simply a personal experience? a. Again I had noticed the same anomalies manifesting in others say a month before they manifested in myself. To me this is strong indication that these changes are affecting a much larger population than just me. On top of that I was assaulted with sound & other frequencies. This is strong indication that these are indeed the catalyst for these changes in which everyone would be susceptible to the influence of these sounds planted throughout our environment. Also what would be the point of simply targeting one individual? If anything this would simply risk exposing any subsequent plans towards the mass population. However I should state that although I have visually observed these same anomalies &patterns now in 1,000s of people I cannot say for certain that they are indeed changing as Im simply not them, but we cannot overlook what makes the most logical sense and that this is indeed on a mass scale. b. Now I have no idea if it is affecting every single person out there. I will say that more often than not do I notice these physical symptoms manifesting in others much more prominently in males. I have no idea if there are other factors (i.e. vaccines, immunizations, etc). However everyone has ears & everyone is being exposed to what I would consider as this radiation thus I wouldnt rule out that this is affecting everyone. 6. What led you to conclude that one of the primary catalysts to invoke this mutation is sound/frequencies? a. Well in short a large part of my paranormal experience involved an intense bombardment of sound of all things. Now you have to wonder why in the world would sound

be something that is used against someone? Now this wasnt just any old sound it consisted of either loud/violent vibrational events (i.e. non-stop ridiculously loud muffler blasts) or high-pitched frequencies. Ill elaborate more but the end result was that after about 30 days of this I manifested biological change. Sure seems like that answers the question as to why sound; but let me elaborate more. b. Television the first thing I started noticing say a couple of months prior to my experience was that there seemed to be distinct sound patterns embedded in television broadcasts. Lets take one example which I dub hissing speech. It is almost like certain pronunciations are amplified intentionally to add a bit of a hissing resonance, particularly in the ssss tttt pssst. Just listen to the television & youll see. Well I didnt think much of this at the time but as youll see it will become very relevant. I also started noticing the same high-pitched chimes, bird tweets on just about every broadcast just extreme commonality & patterns. Of course this was couple by other visual anomalies I was noticing in many of the people being broadcast but there are plenty of other people posting about that on YouTube. c. Sound resonation in my home as my paranormal experience started to escalate I noticed that the resonation of sound from within my own home a new high-pitched squeal coming from my refrigerator which mapped precisely to the same high-pitched chirping coming from my air filter, and the same from my water heater, and clicking sounds from my furnace. Now again nothing extremely alarming at the time but this was even picked up on by friends unprompted. Its like the sound level from inside my home went up a few notches for no reason. d. Non-stop barrage of spastic birds now this is going to sound extremely odd but Ive lived in my home for 10 years and have never encountered such an event in my life. About a week or so into my experience I started

noticing non-stop chatter of birds, and when I say chatter I mean like an amazon jungle. This took place literally non- stop, no breaks, starting at say 4am and ending until midnight. Now it seems innocent enough but this was extraordinarily odd as these bird calls were frantic, spastic, extremely piercing in which they woke me up numerous times throughout the night, and entirely seemed to be centered around my house. Literally it would be a perimeter of bird-calls that would dissipate as soon as I would pull out of my driveway. These bird calls at this level & intensity were nowhere near present in the area outside of my home. A first with all of the paranormal stuff going on I wasnt sure if these birds were trying to tell me something or what. Soon you will see why this is extremely relevant. e. Odd frequencies omitting throughout the night now Im not entirely sure what to chalk this up to but basically along with the birds were other sounds channeled towards my home that I simply havent observed before. These were mostly in the form of faint high- pitched tones similar to the faint sound of a tornado siren or something, but higher pitched. This again started abruptly and lasted throughout the duration of my experience. f. Planes & automobiles lets talk about the motor vehicles first. Now imagine heading off from a suburb to downtown & having multiple vehicles pull alongside you for no apparent reason other than to expose you to violently loud muffler blasts. Imagine almost being sideswiped by a motorcycle which intentionally pulled up alongside just to blast the loudest muffler blast youve ever heard at you. This was so startling & loud I decided to record it with my phone. Imagine then pulling into a gas station only to have vehicle after vehicle drive up to you blasting violently loud sounds at you. You get to your destination and are now so confident that this is being aimed at you that you are able to predict as soon as you show your fact on the street multiple vehicles would

present themselves seemingly intent on exposing violently loud sounds 4 in a span of 5 min. But it gets much more interesting. On the way home you hear extremely high- pitched ringing that gets louder as you start approaching a semi-truck. I mean you could hear this tone from a mile away and it became piercingly loud once alongside it. So you move past it and as the sound fades on that one you hear another one but it must be way ahead. So this time you take your phone out to record it (which I did) and again as I got closer to another semi it was radiating high- pitched sounds directed at me. g. Ok bizarre but this is just one evening. So onto the next day where not only does the exact same thing happen but it is more intense. Were talking everywhere I went, non- stop obvious targeting with either loud vibrational blasts or high-pitched tones. There was even an occasion where on the highway I was enclosed on both sides getting this. Now I have recorded much of it with my phone only audio at first but its there. Now this went on for maybe 10 days straight before I finally had enough of it & went public with what was transpiring. h. Lets talk airplanes now. For reasons that now make sense along with the birds, sirens, vibrational blasts, came an onslaught of airplanes flying at extremely low altitude over my house about 24/7. I mean I live a few miles from a small airport but never have I observed any traffic my way let alone non-stop. These flights were every 30 min even in the early morning hours. I have much of this recorded were talking flights at 1am, 130am, 2am, 230am, etc that started out of nowhere and magically coincide with all of this other crap. In addition as my speculations grew stronger with regard to these genetic changes about 2 weeks before I finally went public I started seeing military over my head throughout the city non-stop, each craft always performing a typical circling maneuver and flying at extremely low altitude. In addition some sort of military operation commenced that involved multiple aircraft, surveillance & otherwise, fly out



to the west part of the city, screech directly over my house at ridiculously low altitude, circle, and return 30 min later. I mean were talking 20-30 fly-bys over my house in this fashion in a single day starting at 8am and lasting till 4am sometimes 24 hours straight. Now I have maybe 200 of these recorded - it is so over the top & ridiculous Im not sure what to think of it. Also these military would do the same thing wherever I was located throughout the city. Now you can chalk this up to coincidence or training missions Ill provide you with my speculation around why this was happening later. Btw these military missions went on daily/hourly for 3 months straight throughout my entire experience. Bombarded in public everywhere by ghosts ok so imagine walking into a shop like Walgreens which you have gone to for 10 years & suddenly every time you walk in the door you get a loud buzzer blasted at you. Same when you check out. Now its only happening to you mind you. Same thing with alarms, sirens, etc. and were talking everywhere you go, only you. Again without the other data points maybe this doesnt seem relevant but this was so frequent & so odd I could predict it every time thus I have many of these experiences recorded. On many occasions employees are baffled why such high- pitched tones are blasting out of their intercom one even commenting that perhaps it was a ghost. I hope this puts it into perspective as this happened on a 100 occasions any opportunity to hit me with sound it happened. I also noticed when these sounds started resonating out in public on a mass scale retail outlets, shopping malls, public transportation you name it. This was back in May as though this is being set-forth in a planned gradual fashion. Homedics device & earplugs so these sounds after about a month became so annoying I decided I was going to mitigate by doing 2 things sleeping with earplugs and using an old Homedics sound device that I purchased maybe 10 years ago which can help wash out

noise. Now this is one of those events that can be dubbed synchronicity as Im not even sure why I kept this sound device, but as I plugged it in and started opting through the various sound effects, white noise, etc, I came across one that gave me shivers. It was a nature theme and to my utter shock the synthesized bird-tweets were the exact same pattern & frequency as the birds that suddenly took habitat around my house and were blasting me. Now you could call this an epiphany but keep in mind at this point I had already accepted the fact that these entities existed, I already recognized that they for whatever reason were deliberately targeting me with sound, and here are bird-calls planted in an electronic device that mirror what I was being exposed to in a paranormal sense. My conclusion then & now is that these deliberately engineered frequencies & patterns have been planted throughout our society in all sorts of ways for decades, not only to entirely desensitize our awareness to them but so that they could be escalated & manipulated throughout our environment with more devious intent, as is what is happening at this very moment. k. With regard to the earplugs one thing that was immediately noticeable upon putting them in was that despite being in complete silence there was a constant high-pitched ringing with mild beeps that matched precisely to the frequencies & patterns Ive noticed resonating throughout our environment. Now I didnt know what to think of it at the time but my thought then was that this constant resonation was effecting us subconsciously pretty much 24/7. I still feel the same its a deliberate scheme to traumatize the ears such that they generate these frequencies & beeps on their own. Its a form of tinnitus in which once the ears are subjected to intense patters, loud noises, high-frequencies over time they begin to generate these same electrical impulses on their own upon which somehow these electrical impulses are triggering biological change.


Chemtrails, EMFs & microwaves So about 6 weeks into my experience & after I went public with my speculations I began noticing craft that I had never seen before overhead. Now they just didnt seem right small white dots with very long streams behind them. Now this took place for a solid 2 weeks daily over my home & other places where I was residing within the city. My suspicions about these phenomena didnt come to full-fledge until these craft/streams continued to appear over my head daily even while traveling overseas. Now these craft straight up look out of place, they hardly have any definition of a physical craft, and they spew out very long streams into the air. Now what sealed the deal for me about these phenomena was while traveling across France attending a reception out in the middle of the country literally the middle of nowhere as soon as the outdoor reception commenced about 50 of these craft came out of nowhere and littered the skies with these sheets of white streams. Now I have taken photos/videos of this entire event. These continued to be overhead daily, across to Bordeaux, to Paris, to Dublin, back to Omaha and were talking in the 100s daily. Now these streams also had a very unique characteristic where they refracted bright pink/orange at sun fall. Well upon doing some research I have become familiar with the theories around chemtrails and these absolutely meet the criteria of what others have been claiming. About 4 weeks into these daily bombardments spanning 3 different countries a new phenomenon started to appear and that is these streams began to manifest from a central location on the ground, spewing up into the skies and blanketing a targeted area which of course happened to be directly overhead. Now can I confirm that these indeed are chemical agents and not clouds? no, but I have taken water samples as well as shot an enormous amount of footage in which these streams demonstrate the exact same characteristics in refracting illuminating pink/orange at sun fall. On top of that I was told before I had my

suspicions about this in a very profound manner that these streams were now coming from the mountain it is what led me to investigate these phenomena further. m. So why chemtrails? Well my immediate speculation was that these agents can contribute to some health related complications and they certainly may, but the pink/orange refracting of sunlight led me to believe that these were likely crystalline metallic in substance. This along with the fact that many others have speculated that these agents enhance the frequency effect of microwave/RF radiation and there is your answer. Now one of the symptoms I noticed immediately after these bombardments over the sky was that there would be a subsequent pressure- sensation in the ears accompanied by a faint ringing with mild beeps. Wow what a coincidence these are the same symptoms as being exposed to loud noises or varying frequencies. It is my belief that these coordinated efforts all are intended to accomplish one thing to either expose people to various frequencies or induce trauma to the ear in which these frequencies/electrical impulses will generate on their own in the form of tinnitus & microwave/RF hearing. n. Locusts, crickets, other sounds of insects now again Im not even going to speculate on how this is being accomplished but its almost as if sounds of nature have been planted throughout our environment in which they are generating a piercing white noise effect, namely masked in sounds of cicadas or crickets in fact they very well could be actual sounds of cicadas or crickets although to me they sound much more piercing and leave a very long resonation of sound in the ear. In my opinion these sounds are just another contributor to cause over- stimulation and/or trauma to the ear, generate a deliberate form of tinnitus which will cause the resonation of various frequencies/beeps/electrical impulses in which an overwhelming amount of pieces point to this as the precise trigger to invoke this genetic change on the masses. Another aspect to the sounds of nature

being a contributor is that they would escalate in volume level & change pattern around my presence (which I have recorded), they would stop as soon as it was detected that I was recording them, they setup a perimeter around my home initially, and these piercing/stimulating sounds can be setup widespread to blast away without any suspicion or conscious awareness. o. If you approach it from a devious/inventive/advanced- capability perspective all of these observations do connect. Just go with me here if you wanted to leverage frequencies & electrical impulses in the ear as a catalyst what would the primary delivery mechanisms be? i. Television the hissing sound is very similar to the piercing cicadas observed outside presumably contributing to over-stimulation of the ear & mild tinnitus. The frequency tweets & pitches can be embedded anywhere in sound- effects, live-sporting broadcasts (i.e. planted whistle tones), background music, etc. Television is a primary means of delivery & it extends to all forms of media on the internet, mobile devices, video games, music, etc. ii. Nature ok yes this one requires a stretch of the imagination but if you were an advanced hand wanting to execute something like this wouldnt this be the next best thing to television? I mean these can be planted pretty much anywhere in the world without suspicion & resonate subconsciously even throughout sleeping hours (i.e. crickets). Cicadas over-stimulating the ear; birds & crickets same thing while contributing to the precise intended frequency range iii. Frequencies & patterns in electrical/mechanical/motorized devices again everyone uses them and once you pick-up on the secondary high-pitched undertones you will begin to consciously be aware of their presence

everywhere iv. Frequencies/patterns in synthesized sounds & music this is becoming more obvious by the day. Most every commercial I see, movie I watch, television broadcast these are buried everywhere, including the exact sounds of nature observed prior v. Loud-vibrational blasts (i.e. mufflers blasts) can overstimulate the ear leading to tinnitus which results in the ear generating on its own the same electrical impulses as these frequencies generate vi. Plant all of these anywhere people would congregate public places, various means of transportation, etc just as I have observed vii. EMFs, RFs well we are living in a cesspool of this radiation in this mobile world we live in & how could we truly understand the long-term effects when this wireless technology hasnt been around at these levels for much more than a decade. Also you have speculative programs like HAARP in which if I had to guess this can be used in conjunction with chemtrails to deliver a dose of these frequencies to any particular area. The result in what is known as a microwave hearing effect, essentially generating pulses in the ear at a specific frequency range which to me sounds the exact same as tinnitus, which sounds extremely similar to crickets, which sounds the same as the undertones in appliances, synthesized sounds, etc. p. The noise assault runs deep. Even things like the vibrational resonance in plumbing/piping, hair/hand dryers, vacuums, cash registers, synthesized sounds in childrens toys, fans, clicks of a hard-drive, ringers of a phone, sirens of police/fire, car alarms, wind chimes, frequency resonance from cars/trucks/semis on the highway, sounds from an ATM machine, video games, synthesized birds always blasting in the background of

childrens programs on the tele, sounds embedded in all forms of music, tuned-whistling overlaid in sporting events - you name it. Were talking every opportunity to place these deliberately tuned patterns in our modern-day society requiring a century of planning & execution. These are being escalated & manipulated in which the frequencies are contributing but also invoking / traumatizing the ears to generate the electrical impulses on their own in the form of tinnitus 24/7. In tinnitus & RF hearing these frequencies are resonating subconsciously ever so slightly but can be detected when plugging the ears. q. Think of it as a collective assault one that took decades to implement in which now these sound patterns, frequencies, EMFs/RFs are being escalated & manipulated without any suspicion or public conscious awareness. Were literally exposed to engineered vibrational patterns & frequencies 24/7 yet who is going to conclude that specific sound patterns are a threat? Sound, but more specifically unique & deliberate frequencies & patterns, truly are the perfect weapon as its one that can be incrementally planted throughout modern-day society in which the intended targets will use upon themselves & each other unknowingly. In fact I cant think of a much better method to invoke this transformation in a gradual fashion on a global scale. This plot is as ingenious as it is devious. 7. Why do you feel that the human race is being genetically modified scientifically mutated so to speak? a. Well that is a good question. I can say that because this must have been planned for many years literally a century to implement with the coming of modern-day mechanics, electronics, and mobile technology, along with the fact that its being conducted entirely in secrecy is a strong indication that this is certainly not for the benefit of humanity. I mean to covertly interfere with the progression of the human race at a genetic level?....seems pretty dang devious to me. Now I have to put a lot of

weight into what others have been saying for quite some time now about a deliberate scientific mutation of humanity; folks like Jordan Maxwell. I mean after all he pegged this as early as 2003 and pretty much got the entire thing right from an otherworldly presence manipulating humanity, to a scientific means of genetically altering the human race. Now he came to this conclusion based upon 50 years of research in the field of history, astrology, theology, the occult, law, secret societies, and his conclusion was that the human race was being deliberately mutated into some sort of sub-species to facilitate the overall goals of eugenics that is to separate out human species into an elitist group & slave oriented group. I have no way to validate whether or not this is the intent but it sure seems to make as much sense as any. I mean physical changes is one thing, but that is just what is transpiring on the surface & who knows what other genetic changes are being introduced which could affect the core spirit of the human race. Bottom line is if this were at all positive I cant see why it would be executed in such a covert manner. Also if this were positive why would someone like me who has profoundly uncovered what is happening be responded to with such aggression, suppression, & intimidation? Also there is no way that someone in my position should be one of the few & first to uncover & communicate such a plot which tells me that the many hands involved in executing this are doing whatever they can to keep this from the public eye. 8. Why do you suppose this is being executed now - this particular moment in time? a. Well my immediate thought is that it simply couldnt have been performed until now. Leveraging sound, vibrational patterns and other frequencies as the catalyst you would need to incrementally introduce these in a mass way across society. This would take delicate planning & patience. Id say in the last 15 years with the introduction of mobile/wireless technology, the internet, mass

entertainment & delivery of that entertainment, devices, etc. hug leaps have been made in preparation for executing this. I mean we live in a cesspool of radiation sound, EMFs, microwaves, RFs, etc. of the likes humanity has never seen before. How could anyone truly know the implications these collective forms of radiation could have on our bodies? Well now we know. b. Also if you think about it not only would you need to enable the infrastructure & means to coordinate this attack but you would need to above anything else ensure that it would go unnoticed. There are plenty of folks out there who have been preaching about the deliberate dumbing down of society, the deliberate destruction of the human spirit, addictions to ADD-quick hit forms of entertainment, etc. This is a culmination of 100s if not 1,000s of years of planning. I dont find it coincidence that this is all taking place during the mysticism & potential fears around 2012. Perhaps this is being timed with some greater event. Whats important is that it is happening now in our lifetime, period, and we need to be prepared for it. c. I mean one thing these entities would have never suspected was that so many details of their plot would be uncovered so early. This is ultimately why I have been such a person of interest its not me per se but its the truth & knowledge that I hold. 9. Why is it do you suppose that the vast majority if not everyone else is entirely oblivious to these changes? I mean after all this is affecting the masses correct? a. I have pondered this one many times. For starters people are not meant to know. Great strides appear to have been taken so that people would not recognize what is transpiring - to completely eliminate humanitys connection with our distant past; same can be said about the knowledge held by our ancient ancestors with regard to astro-theology & our broader understanding of consciousness & spirituality. This has all been by design; however on top of that there are a couple of extremely

unique circumstances that led me to uncovering this. First off was the paranormal experience now how many people out there have had the benefit of being introduced to an armada of otherworldly entities? I mean once this experience took place my openness to possibilities grew tremendously. Also remember I was exposed to an extremely high-dose of these sounds/frequencies in which the onset of my changes were presumably much more rapid than what is occurring in the masses. So whereas it may have taken folks years to develop the same anomalies as me it only took me a month thus it was much easier for me to detect. b. Some of these changes are so obvious however that Im still puzzled why widespread acknowledgement hasnt been reached. I supposed the last thing people would suspect is that they are being mutated and would be inclined to chalk it up to aging. But I think it might be a bit deeper than this. In general no one was willing to even entertain the fact that I was changing. It was almost like some state of forced denial was encapsulating them. Even when I have validated these claims medically people are having an extremely difficult time even caring about it. Now Ive always speculated that these sounds indeed can also induce some sort of hypnotic state. I dont know if its possible but perhaps some sort of subconscious block is being placed upon the masses. What I recommend is to simply baseline yourselves. Ive outlined all of the symptoms of onset take a look & see if these have developed or whether they progressively manifest. Ive noticed the bulges in my forehead absolutely are becoming more prominent therefore its likely this will be an ongoing progressive transformation. Be observant. 10. How do you to anticipate this is going to be unveiled to the public? a. Well one thing I learned very fast about these entities is that they are all about deceit & misdirection. There was a period of time in which I would channel myself so that

they could burst me with energy in a yes/no fashion so I could ask them questions and if they could indicate to me a yes or no response. As much as I tried to reason, as much as I tried to negotiate, I was repeatedly let down by the fact that they were simply performing delay tactics, misdirection, etc. and had no real interest in having a genuine dialogue with me. b. These entities seem to be most concerned with keeping their existence an absolutely secret. They also seem to have a hand in everything I mean if you think about something like this must have been planned for a century & involved people on the ground here on earth to be facilitating this on a global scale. Im not very well versed with the illuminati or the new world order but it would seem to fit right in line with how this is playing out. Also you have to assume that if they can generate/direct air- traffic at will; if they can manipulate military, if they can pull something like this off on a global scale without any response from government or religion well then that tells me that all major forms of control, influence, power have been compromised. c. This is a very important point as when this is unveiled to the public in which at some point it simply has to; I mean we are changing physically & how long can that be held in the dark it will be without a doubt that the official version of what is transpiring will be delivered in a complete bed of lies. People just need to think about who (or what) could pull something like this off taking decades to implement, how it could be that someone in my position would have uncovered it & communicated the precise details outward many months in advance, why there would be so much effort involved in suppressing the information I have, if what Im saying is not only true but that it goes entirely against what they are setting humanity up for. Its all about manipulation, generating fear/chaos and what a better way to do that than to invoke a mutation. d. My strongest advice is to just not take things for face

value. If something this extraordinary, this bizarre, beyond most of our means of comprehension can transpire than you should be willing to throw the entire book out with regard to what you know about this world/reality we live in government, religion, science, history, as this should provide a statement that 100% without a doubt we have been seriously duped. Seek your own truths out & look to each other for answers and do not follow blindly down a path laid out by what could quite possibly be the same control scheme who is pulling this mutation off government, religion, power I cant see any other viable scenario other than these bodies all having been compromised in this, willfully or otherwise. 11. Do you feel this has anything to do with religion, namely Christianity; how do you associate the coming events to those as described in religious texts? a. Well religion means so many different things to so many different people. Here is what I know there are forces out there beyond our physical awareness forces of good & forces of evil. If youd like to call them angels & demons thats totally fine; if youd like to call them Pleadians & reptilians same thing. These are just words; remember it is what these entities represent that is important. I also know without a doubt that my becoming a person of unwavering faith faith in my own spiritual essence & the divine hand that guides it, faith knowing we are eternal souls fundamentally connected to the angelic nature of this universe, faith knowing that we are not to blame for our actions & that this is simply an experience & opportunity to learn & strengthen our core convictions all of these aspects of faith have held a tremendous if not fundamental part in my entire experience going back a decade. That being said it has been my own personal relationship with the spiritual forces that guide us & my own personal relationship with the divine presence in this universe in which my faith does not waver. My only caution with religion is that it can limit possibility. I mean during some of the intense manipulations I was led to

believe that this experience all had to do with my own personal salvation; however I recognized I didnt need to be saved. I had already reached a point of pure serenity with myself & what I represented to the core. There was no need for judgment as I exist & am the essence of my spirit thus once this point was reached I no longer was willing to entertain any further manipulation with regard to this being about me; and after all could I truly take that risk and just focus on myself? My point being is that I had to keep myself open to all possibilities in trying to interpret what the heck has been going on something that religion absolutely constrains. b. Another word of caution with regard to organized religion is that if it is a place in which to seek answers or guidance you have to keep an open mind with the fact that what is being executed has likely been planned for 1,000s of years. You have to ask yourself how could it be that these entities have been able to keep their existence a secret. Why is it that no religious texts outline their presence & hands in manipulating humanity to the level of detail others are providing? Modern-day religions, although founded on profound & enlightening information about our history, may very well be corrupted by this dark influence. c. Now another reason why I feel this could be the case is that throughout my experience I was pushed heavily into seeking comfort from the church. I was also told that its not enough simply to be good but that you needed to believe. Well I believe and its not because of what someone has told me what to believe. They also made a comment early on when I was sitting with my hands clasp & fingers folded on top of each other like you would commonly see in a position of prayer that well thats a positive sign. So simply a misinterpretation of me performing a standard practice of western-religion was a positive sign to them. Also the more I was being pushed towards the church, the more they were trying to influence me with euphoric energies, the more I was being

misdirected into understanding exactly what was going on, including this mutation by a scientific means. Now if this pertained to say the coming of Revelations, and if humans were manifesting demon like attributes for their sins, why would a scientific means be required to facilitate this? Why would it have taken 100 years to implement? Why are none of the religious outlets talking about this? How is it that all of the details have been uncovered outside of any form of organized religion out there? d. Now I have thought about the fact that I very well could have been targeted for the past 10 years in a much deeper fashion than these things just having a good old time manipulating me. They seemed to incrementally introduce concepts to me the first was about the possibility of experiencing damnation for my sins, the next was a false fear of a cardiac issue, the next was that I may be a fallen angel, then that my soul was being judged. This all culminated during an experience in which repeatedly there were manipulations performed on me about the possible coming of Revelations. Now just consider this if these entities had been successful into getting me to think that my soul was being judged and that I was in some sort of purgatory state, could they have manipulated me further into becoming some sort of religious prophet predicting the coming of days? I mean all of the crazy shite that was presented to me I can see how someone else may not have been able to see through to the depths of this scheme. e. Anyway its just something to think about. If this does unfold under the guise of Revelations again I recommend just to not take anything for face value. What is being presented to you will almost certainly not be the actual case. Perhaps a good rule of thumb what you think it going on?....well its probably the opposite. 12. Why you? I mean how is it that you have come to this precise knowledge where no one else has? a. Yes I often wonder this myself. People have asked so

what are you the chosen one? My response is simple I may have been enlightened with information, pointed in the right direction, been mentored & offered guidance & protection but all of this wouldnt mean a thing unless I made my own decision to openly share my experience with others. That being said its difficult to put into words how exactly I have been able to come to the revelations that I have. The best way to think about it is that every essence of me, how I think, how my brain works, my creative spirit, my intellectual capacity, openness to possibility, bouts with demonic influence, being a person of faith, photographic recollection of visual perception, the way my brain breaks down acoustics, my background in biology & technology, background in chess, willingness to accept experience all of it combined is the answer as to why me. I suppose this is what I am here for. b. Now of course there is a deep & dark tale of the purest of irony with regard to how I have been able to decode so much of what is going on. Its not like I have been a follower of this phenomena or a researcher in this field. I was simply targeted & seduced by these dark forces, I broke freebecame consciously awake so to speak, these entities reacted, I reacted, they pursued even further, I played it cool while breaking down everything that was happening around me. In many ways it has been through their actions alone that I have been able to get to this point. Again its like weve been following a script one that has been written by some sort of divine hand. 13. Why is it that you specifically have been targeted so to speak? a. As mentioned prior I have been a target by these entities for a decade in various manipulations & speculate that perhaps they were trying to set me up for something much grander & related to what is transpiring. I mean they had me for a while but they made some serious missteps once I started awakening & breaking free of their influence. I also need to stress again that as much as a target as I may be the real target is the suppression of the knowledge & truth that I have obtained about what is


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transpiring. I mean these are very detailed specifics with regards to how they are executing this, what it is resulting in, tying back to a wealth of circumstantial evidence with regard to what is behind it. A unique aspect is that Im corporate professional with post-graduate education in technology rapidly accelerating the ranks of upper management within one of the largest internet companies of the world, who out of the blue has become aware of the existence of this otherworldly race of entities including intimate details of their physical characteristics, energetic capability, advanced technology, manipulation tactics, intellectual/emotional capacity, even their limitation when in our physical reality I was able to detect the onset of gradual physical changes in others & myself I concluded that we were being genetically modified via a scientific method I have outlined the 6-7 precise physical/biological symptoms of onset After being intensely assaulted with sound I was able to correlate the mutation effects as being triggered from sound & other frequencies in which I have outlined all of the major contributors planted throughout modern-day society I was able to detect the moment when these started resonating in an escalated manner all over our surroundings I was able to detect even sounds of nature that have been planted throughout our environment which have been a major contributor to these effects primarily bird calls, crickets, & locusts I was able to detect EMF/microwave radiation in the form of microwave hearing as a contributor in which the ringing & beeping in the ear matched precisely to many of the resonating forms planted throughout our environment I was able to recognize the loud disruptive sounds of motorcycle blasts, sirens, alarms, etc as a contributor to

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tinnitus in which the ringing/beeping matched precisely to the microwave hearing which also matched to the frequencies resonating throughout our environment I was able to break free of the manipulation that was being placed upon me for a decade I may have been targeted because of my unique resistance to the effects of these frequencies as well as to the human hosting I have witnessed in others I may have also been targeted for the past decade to be used as some sort of religious prophet to help interpret the coming of events for others in a manipulated fashion (in which I was able to see through to the true hand behind all of this). This is due to major attempts by these entities during the past decade to manipulate me into having a false fear of a cardiac issue, being judged or in a purgatory state, during their manipulation they implied the coming of Revelations, etc. I have been able to uncover the precise scientific method for bringing upon this mutation (frequency resonation), how these contributors have been planted throughout our environment, the fact that this is a global coordinated event, etc I also have been able to substantiate the physical changes in myself medically which can be used as leverage down the road including MRI scans & molds of my teeth. In short I have the means to prove at least with regard to myself that I am undergoing rapid unnatural biological change I have had the courage to share my speculation wide, far, & fast despite mass ridicule, suppression, intimidation, etc even jeopardizing my professional accolades & standing I was evaluated by these entities right off the bat as being a threat because of my charm They also indicated they werent sure why it wasnt working on me thus I may be a bit of a science project to them which of course has backfired I have been provided angelic guidance & protection & these entities know this thus they may be trying to

understand what forces are out there helping humanity during this critical time t. I was able to subsequently link my experience to the work being performed by others including Camelot & Avalon & recognize my experience is part of a much larger mass consciousness & spiritual awakening u. I have endured 5 months of intense monitoring, attacks, paranormal experience, stalking, ridicule, etc. This must be an entirely unexpected turn of events for these entities as demonstrated by their continuous aggressive mitigation steps which of course have been the primary reason for my uncovering all of this in the first place. They are still up my arse 24/7. v. The fact that I have received so much attention is a strong indication that my interpretation of events & conclusions are indeed the truth. Of course I have little doubt as to the well-founded nature of my conclusions but they are basically reinforcing it tremendously by their reactions to me. w. Lastly they are also making a statement that whatever they have intended certainly isnt a done deal. I mean I already have sensed that this is a dramatic attempt at suppressing this mass awakening that is growing by the day, but the fact that they view little old me and the information I have as so critical and such a risk while investing so much resources, time & energy into this just speaks volumes to how fragile their whole scheme truly is. Ill talk more about this later as this is a very important takeaway & I have been provided an important message with regard to how humanity will need to get through this. 14. You do realize how crazy all of this sounds correct? a. Well yes of course! I also now recognize just how truly crazy the world we live in is. But you know this has all transpired with such velocity & synchronicity I havent had much time to just stop to think of how entirely ludicrous all of this sounds. You know what is equally as ludicrous is that Im not entirely breaking new ground here that

folks have been making claims to this fact for years. I have just brought some extraordinary details to the table. b. One thing I will say to aid in helping people wrap their arms around this is that it starts with simply keeping an open mind. Weve been so blatantly conditioned by misguided truths, belief-sets, pseudo-science, education, history etc. that these walls seem almost impenetrable to break down. However there is a wealth of knowledge out there substantiated by hard-core facts. Im bringing quite a few hard-core facts to the table and people need to focus on the facts and not on the immediate trigger based reactions to this information. I mean had the existence of these entities been hammered away at us through various religious outlets or in our history classes it wouldnt be such a far-reaching concept now would it? c. I know that the majority of folks are not going to be able to consume this information, as I have learned quickly that our minds have been programmed to spit out responses based upon the information that is flowing in without even taking the time to spend looking at the facts & exploring possibility. Try & put yourself in the mindset of serving on a cosmic-jury of sorts. No prejudice, no assumptions, just an objective assessment. d. In the end whether people buy into this now or not isnt entirely relevant as when this starts to unfold in the public eye people will be forced to start opening up to a much wider set of possibility. This is the trigger that humanity needs.the catalyst to start awakening to the true nature of our existence. People just need to follow the information trail thats out there and start listening to & believing in one another. Folks like Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan they have been pouring their heart & soul into seeking out & sharing truths for a reason. Were not all delusional lunatics you know J. 15. You mentioned that throughout your many engagements with these entities you were able to gain a good sense of their intellectual & emotional capacity. Can you elaborate a bit more? a. Well based upon my experience these entities seem to

share striking similarities with us in regards to our capacity for intellect, reasoning, problem solving, etc. Now they are masters at manipulation & deceit but I must say they are very rash & aggressive when it comes to their mode of operation. I get the sense that they didnt entirely think this whole thing through in regards to their over-the-top response towards me. They may have underestimated me as well. And in the end Ive just been myself throughout this whole experience and now they seem to want to hold it against me. b. Ive also experienced many times in which these entities seem to bond with one another. In one scenario during a manipulation one of them was commenting to the others that they were winning in regards to pushing me towards religion. Obviously they were having quite a bit of fun with it at the time. Ive witnessed their expressions of joy yes they smile, particularly when performing a successful manipulation. Ive also experienced their expressions of frustrations & disappointment when things arent going as they had hoped, even tossing their hands in the air out of frustration. c. They seem to be quick at evaluating a particular situation. About 2-days into my experience their immediate assessment of me that I was a threat because of my charm. Well in many ways I suppose this was an adequate assessment charm equating to sincerity & ability to immediately connect with others, resulting in genuine credibility. d. They also certainly share a sense of humor. While they were evaluating me hard-core, wondering why their manipulation techniques, key word behavioral responses, etc. were no longer effective one of them commented were not sure why its not working; maybe its because of his hair. Ok yes I have a bit of a metro bouffant haircut but I find it amusing that they throw this out just like any of us would. Ive even cracked jokes around them & got them to laugh of course they didnt know at the time I was aware of their presence.

e. Lastly I had an experience in which during one of their manipulations they were hitting pretty hard in regards to a personal-emotional experience; upon which the female (at least they were occupying a female host) leaned over to the other & whispered I cant believe you did that. This was clearly a demonstration that although supportive of the manipulation she perhaps thought that it was a bit over-the-top. Does this translate to a demonstration of some form of empathy? Id be inclined to think yes. f. But throughout all of this I dont want to undermine how vicious these entities have been. At first it may have been a bit amusing for them a wicked & intense game of cat & mouse, or chess, but as they kept coming & coming this has seemed to snowball into an operation mitigate at all costs. Its unfortunate as I have attempted to connect with them multiple times on multiple levels. These things have disrupted my life in methods that would challenge the imagination. They have invaded all forms of privacy. They have threatened me even directly saying that they have everything Ive ever done on video one of their many methods at trying to instill feelings of guilt or fear its all artificial bs as these entities have clearly demonstrated that they are responsible for all of it. Yet despite all of this I have offered them respect for their accomplishments, their place in this vast & diverse universe we live in we just seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to an appreciation of all life. I at times wonder if they at least hold mutual respect with regard to all that has transpired. I also wonder if somehow, someday balance & harmony can be achieved. Perhaps this is what this mass-awakening is all about. 16. How long do you think these entities have been involved with the earth & humans & why do you think they maintain such a high interest? a. I can say definitively based upon my own interactions that they have been influencing this world for at least a

decade. Considering they undoubtedly are behind this grand-mutation scheme Id say that at a minimum would place them here for a century. Then you consider the fact that they must be extremely familiar with human genetics and I would be inclined to think they may have even held a hand in speculative mutations of homoerectus as described by the ancient Sumerian texts to have occurred 100,000s of years ago. They have been able to keep their entire existence for the most part a secret & are well beyond our capability, technologically & otherwise, & level of understanding of the nature of this reality. All that being said Id say its more likely than not that theyve been around since the very beginning. b. With regard to why they maintain such a strong interest in humanity I can speculate based upon their ongoing interest in me. They seem to thrive off of the vibrational energy we resonate during certain emotional states, states of arousal, fear/paranoia, etc. So much that it almost seems as though when occupying a human host they can not only accentuate & manipulate these states of being but that they get off of them almost like a high- potent drug. Perhaps we are being used as a means to tap into this energy, to get high off of. Who knows? There is also speculation that the human race was engineered as a slave race so perhaps they have some sense of ownership of our presence & being. c. Also its important to understand that time is all relevant. What has taken maybe 1,000s of years & many generations in our timescale to manipulate & dumb-down humanity to pull something like this off, this all could have been conceived, implemented, & executed within a single lifetime of one of these entities. When you look at it in that scale it makes more sense to link an event with the Sumerians 6,000 years ago to what is transpiring today. 17. Do you think the government is involved or aware of what is happening? a. Lets just say I cant see how all of the resources of the government at the very top wouldnt be aware of what is

transpiring. I mean if Im aware then come on of course there is an inner-circle that is entirely aware of what is transpiring. Whether forms of government are playing a willful hand I have no idea. But this is happening & they dont seem to be doing anything about it. 18. Why have you felt it necessary to share your experience & information you have obtained? a. You know throughout all of this I have been driven by simply following my heart & soul, doing what I think is right. This is not about me & getting people to understand how it could be that someone in my professional & personal stature could almost out of the blue come to such a mind-blowing conclusion. Ive already willfully have torn apart any ego I had in bringing this information to light. In the end I feel that people deserve to know the truth about what is transpiring. People deserve to know the true nature of our existence that we are not to blame for our actions & that we are spiritual beings undergoing an experience in this physical body. I mean Ive seen the consciousness as a separate entity than a body on 1,000s of occasions. If you had any doubt well than this should demonstrate conclusively that a consciousness is entirely separate entity than a physical body. b. It also upsets me that this is all transpiring in such a covert & devious fashion. People are being genetically modified without their awareness and yet I am aware. This information will be vital down the road when people are presented with such a frightening revelation. If I have an opportunity to aid in the understanding of events well then regardless of the consequence to myself, this is the action that I choose. c. I also have been provided with this information for a reason. I have been provided benevolent guidance. It has been extremely difficult to put myself out there in this fashion, enduring through the mass ridicule, labels, scars to my personal & professional stature, going through this ongoing mitigation operation on a paranormal scale. But

Im sharing this information just as I know others would do if they were in my shoes. This is what it means to be human. And if these entities have a problem with what Im doing well forgive me for being human but this is who I am.this is what we are. 19. How are you so certain of your perceptions & conclusions about all of this? a. How are you certain that you exist? How are you certain that your hair is the color that it is or that the sky is blue? All of these events are as certain to me as all of those other certainties. But of course knowing how difficult of a concept this is for people to grasp I have challenged myself every step of the way along with substantiating as many of my experiences as possible with audio, video, medical, etc. To this day not a single claim Ive made has been refuted, and of course Ive been on a mission to poke a hole in this as the last thing I want to believe is that we are being scientifically mutated as a species. In the end no matter how much information is provided people will need to seek out their own truths - & possibly go forward on a bit of faith. I firmly believe that if people channel themselves & demonstrate deep passion for seeking out the truth, the truth very well may seek you out. 20. It sounds as though in some ways youve been in a personal battle with an entire otherworldly force. Why have you been such a target & what steps have these beings taken against you personally? a. As stated prior I have been a target for various reasons for about a decade. And as of late as much of a target that I may be it is ultimately the truth & knowledge that I hold which is the real target. I mean to this day I have not encountered a single other person, many of which have dedicated their lives to uncovering this, who have cracked the entire code with how it is being implemented, the usage of frequencies, along with the precise biological symptoms of onset. The fact that I continue to be targeted just reinforces the credibility & importance of

this information. b. These entities have literally swarmed me invading all aspects of my life, stalking my every move, manipulating at every opportunity, and most startling even hosting & possessing people close to me. I picked up quickly when they would swarm me on the road in which there are a few dead giveaways. For starters remember they rely on verbal/non-verbal cues so to indicate to each other that they are in control of a subject while driving they dangle anything they can find in the rear-view mirror headphones, hats, stuffed animals, necklaces, whatever. I mean this became so obvious when literally every car around me for a month straight had these dumb items dangling, but it makes sense that they would do this. They also are not good drivers. I mean I cant imagine they typically hop into an automobile, so the way the position their hands on the steering wheel is awkward, they would swerve on the road, etc. They would also use hand gestures out the window to communicate to each other. I talked about how my brain is wired to absorb information well in this capacity I suppose I have a talent similar to the Bourne identity when it comes to assessing my surroundings in an instant. c. I was falsely incarcerated once I went public which I wont get into now but it was entirely under the hand of this influence, I have been electronically harassed, assaulted with sound, chemtrailed, intimidated with military, have had a massive number of orbs present around me even in my backyard, etc. d. I still have attunement to their presence and although they are being much more discrete about their stalking they still manifest in the droves everywhere I go, everywhere I travel, when Im out in public, when Im driving, etc. 21. Have you ever stopped to think that you could be wrong about this? a. You know as every day passes throughout this experience I question what exactly is going on. I continue to look at

this in every conceivable angle, with every form of skepticism, but what Ive found is that as each & every day passes, as I continue to encounter bizarre experience, as I continue to access research & knowledge shared by others looking at every conceivable angle, and as I continue feeling my forehead validating that these changes in me are still present there hasnt been a single thing to elude me to another possibility, and trust me Im looking for one. The last thing I want to believe is this reality and unfortunately Im beyond believing and Im to the point where I now know without a doubt. I completely recognize how difficult of a concept this is to grasp, even for those richly versed in this field. I simply ask to explore the facts as the facts speak for themselves. b. Its a fact that a 37 year old had a very profound experience in which encounters with otherworldly entities were so prevalent it was not only uncovered that they exist, but with precise physical symptoms, intellectual & emotional capacity, advanced technology capability, artificial energies they can stimulate, their limitations, even their sense of humor all of which map to historical accounts of similar beings. Its a fact that I was assaulted with sound, period. Now much of this can only be judged based upon my testimony, but here is where there should be so much credibility as opposed to prejudged conclusions without any basis. Its a fact I have changed biologically as substantiated by medical examinations. Its a fact that others in this field way before me laid claim to the fact that we as a race are being scenically mutated. So I in no way came up with this concept but I have indeed substantiated it through experience. c. Ive also documented an entire mitigation operation placed upon me which includes massive paranormal experience, obviously the assault with sound, intimidation methods such as military, chemical bombardments, electronic harassment, attempts at destroying my credibility linking my experience to chemical related, ganstalking, swarmed by entities, orbs & other

phenomena pretty much documented daily. Now I cant conjure up this stuff just to make my story more interesting. I have 100s of hours of video footage of this stuff now the interpretation of what they mean is up to the individual but the fact of the matter is there is no denying that the physical reality of these events happened. d. I have explored medical options which have only substantiated my claims even more. e. I have shared my experience & information despite mass scrutiny, ridicule, suppression, while jeopardizing my professional & personal stature tremendously. Now people need to ask themselves why in the world would anyone do this? I would never cause any unnecessary confusion, pain, turmoil, etc if I didnt know without a doubt what was transpiring. Heck I probably wouldnt be putting myself out there in this fashion if there were any doubt. f. Everything I have learned to accept as reality since the day I was born; everything in my heart & soul tells me that this is indeed transpiring. Why would I doubt myself after 37 years of experience? Why is it that to this day not a single claim Ive made has been refuted? Its because they cant be. I know because they are entirely real. g. In the end with everything that has transpired & the entire culmination of experience even if by some magical chance that I am unique in my experience & onset of biological change could I really take the chance and keep all of this to myself? I suppose in the end Im just being me & following my heart. My heart is telling me that people deserve to know what is happening. People deserve to know the truth. Im doing this in the spirit of loved ones. Im doing this in the spirit of all of you. Im doing this in the spirit of humanity I suppose love ignites action, regardless of consequence. 22. What ultimately would you like people to take away from your experience? a. You know there are so many distractors in our

environment.things that seem to have been deliberately placed to keep us from even putting much thought around the meaning of our existence who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. And not from an individualistic point of view but as a unified race of spiritual beings. There has been so much delusion of the human spirit, so much delusion of what is truly important in this wonderful experience of life, and the result has been a total lack of comprehension to what is truly happening in this global society. Its much easier to think that events can happen purely by chance but when you look back in history if there is one thing that has been demonstrated its that corruption has always been present, particularly since the Roman Empire, and that hidden hands have always intended to have a grip on the control of the world on a global scale. Why people shun at the possibility that even in todays world this hidden hand and intention could still be present I dont know. Ive now come to terms with the fact that nothing proceeds as mere chance, and that everything is by meticulous design, and all signs point to this hidden hand as the ultimate director. b. I feel that people deserve to know the truth, and there are powerful messages of hope & encouragement in this truth in spite of recognizing full-well this is going to be one chaotic period in our existence. People deserve to know the true nature of our existence first and foremost that we are not along on this great blue planet of ours and likely never have been. And in that although a dark presence is around us there is benevolence that do care about our existence & progression and who are putting themselves out there trying to help you can refer to them as angels if youd like, but we need to start helping ourselves with the first step listening to & believing in one another as a unified race. No more imposed divisions based upon anything. I mean an event like this opens your eyes to how important our fundamental angelic connection to one another is and will be.


I have been provided 2 important messages throughout my experience Self-determination & unity. Now if you think about it these 2 aspects absolutely will be the driving force behind getting through what is to come, and again I didnt come up with these themes they were messaged to me in a very similar fashion as how these dark-forces have been executing their manipulation. Now self-determination can be thought of as will, and we need to demonstrate the core-will as a race to get through this. I feel as though we are being mentored yet no one is going to hold our hands through the entire thing. We must not ever give up hope and never give up on our physical & spiritual pursuits. I hope in my story it can show just how powerful self-determination can be. d. Now once will is achieved it wont be the individual will of each person that will overcome; it will be the collective will & spirit cracking open the power of a unified race once and for all. Its interesting as Ive been trying to come to grips with all that has transpired; reaching out to folks who may have had similar experiences (i.e. on Avalon) all preconditioned belief-sets & divisions are immediately thrown off the table. I mean this is serious stuff & does it really matter what economic bracket you come from, or what religion you subscribe to, or what ethnicity you are, what your political preference is, etc? Absolutely not in fact none of these aspects whatsoever are important. You see this mutation being executed is presumably targeted towards everyone. What I can say is that it doesnt care what religion you are, what color your skin is, etc; and once we recognize what is transpiring like a big bang all of these barriers of division engrained in our heads can & will come crashing down. This is where the ultimate irony lies with a mutation of the human race comes an understanding of truth & the unification of the human race. Again these are the messages I have been provided thus I need to stress those first & foremost. e. Obviously Love is the driving force behind both of these


aspect, as not only will it steer us in the right direction when all seems to be lost, but it will inspire each & every one of us to do the right thing, regardless of consequence. You see as humans we have lost this connection but we truly do fundamentally love each and every other human on the planet. Just wait & see as an event like this is the opportunity to recognize this aspect of human nature once again. Based upon my experience & seeing firsthand how devious & manipulative these forces can be Ive learned that people are truly not to blame. This can be perceived on a macro scale with regard to the mass suppression of the majority of this worlds population but also on an individual scale. Now of course we make our own perceived decisions and it is in the swaying back & forth between light & dark, good decisions & bad ones, do we recognize the uniqueness of our lifelong opportunity to learn & grow, to understand all spectrums of emotion, behavior, and to develop the core foundation of what you represent as an eternal soul. However just as a child can be influenced & misdirected so have we. Not only have we been duped about our history, where we came from, but we have been conditioned to perform certain actions, to maintain varying beliefs, and even in a more dramatic means programmed/mind-controlled to perform certain behaviors. Now I cant say for sure how deep this goes but I can certainly state that I fully have become aware of the hypnotic suggestions being placed upon me and my case likely wasnt nearly as severe as what has been imposed on others. The point is you know deep down what you represent as a fundamental soul. Toss aside all of the garbage that may have polluted you up to this point as there is now definitive proof some or all of it could have been artificial. Toss out any guilt that you hold with regard to any of these decisions or behaviors. Their grip on us is immensely strong but once you let go of any guilt, which should be easy now as you have an exact entity to point the finger to, you will immediately begin to feel their

tight hands loosening. You see its all smoke and mirrors designed to instill guilt, fear, obsessive behaviors, and to turn you inward. g. So many of us have been conditioned to believe that this is truly all that there is. That we are alone, that we evolved from micro-organisms and that once we die that is it. This is simply not the case. How do I know this? Well take my own beliefs aside its a fact I have seen the consciousness or soul as a separate entity of a body on 1,000s of occasions. Sure it has been with regard to these entities projecting their consciousness into a human body, but its all the same. If a consciousness can run inside any generic biological computer then its pretty obvious these are 2 distinct entities - on in a physical sense and one that appears to have no mass. h. Also if we have been misled on something as profound as the fact that we are not alone how can you hold much weight into other universal or cosmic aspects that we have been conditioned to believe? It would appear as though life is abundant in this vast & diverse universe we live in; such abundance that entities on polar opposidte sides of the spectrum of light & dark exist. Now I do not agree with what is transpiring in this mutation but I recognize that these entities exist for a reason, I respect the fact that they are one of gods creations, and that they have made some truly remarkable accomplishments, devious as they may be. But we need to recognize that there is a master architect in all of this a master plan, written & directed by the divine. We are all here for a reason, during this particular totally bizarre, frightening, yet powerful time in human history. Just think about why you are a part of this, here & now, as we each have a part to play in all of this. i. I also hope these entities take a look at how these events have unfolded and stop to think, why? What are they meant to learn in all of this. I mean there is no way they believe this has all transpired due to coincidence. Did god really mean for the forces of light & dark to contrast each


other for eternity? I think not, as what point would that make? It is in this seemingly eternal struggle to reconcile these forces where the opportunity lies. I hope we take a moment to ponder what the divine hand would hope for all of us to learn throughout all of this. In the end if the window of endless possibility isnt open for folks now, it surely will be. And when that happens connect with that possibility, that openness, seek out your own truths, and most importantly connect & bond with each other. I cant see any other path than one that is going to be arduous, frightening, challenging, but again if this were all set in stone I wouldnt have this knowledge would I, nor would you (which you do now :).

Appendix My experience: Was bombarded with loud vibrational blasts (i.e. motorcycles, airplanes, fire alarms, motor vehicle loud muffler blasts, lawn mowers, even deep-base sounds) Bombarded with pattern-based frequencies, alarms, beeps/rings of electronics everywhere I went in public Had high-pitched frequencies channeled to me when driving in which cars literally enclosed me on the road Had non-stop aircraft screeching overhead at extremely low altitude including military; have non-stop air traffic routed to fly directly over my house hourly Had birds & other sounds of nature enclose my house in a perimeter in which they blasted almost 24/7, awaking me multiple times throughout the night & early morning hours Bombarded with white noise piercing sounds of insects particularly cicadas Bombarded with cricket-chirps Bombarded with EMFs, microwaves, RFs Recognize cricket chirp like patterns embedded in an extremely diverse range of electrical/mechanical products all major appliances, fans, air conditioning units, fish-tank filter, as well as

in public places airports (i.e. on the conveyer belts), subways, vending machines, high-pitched frequency omitted from airplanes when flying, you name it Recognize same tweets in synthesized sounds on the television, music, video games High-pitched resonation in public transportation, subways, airplanes, cars

All of these share one thing in common they either omit a high-pitched frequency range (sounding like encoded high-pitched beeping or crickets in the distance) or generate mild-trauma in the ear, resulting in either microwave hearing or tinnitus, both upon which the ear generates these electrical impulses automatically which is interpreted as hearing the same frequency & patterns even in dead-silence. Fact: after a 30 day bombardment with sound I decided to start wearing earplugs at night & only then noticed a tinnitus type of resonation equating to a constant ringing in the ears with mild beeping, like morse- code or hard-drive clicks. Fact: these same beeps/clicks are present all over modern-day society Fact: these same beeps/clicks manifested in my ears after a continued bombardment of chemtrails & presumably microwave/RF radiation Fact: I not only noticed gradual physical changes occurring in others but I commented on them not quite sure how to interpret it Fact: only after this intense assault did I start to manifest my own biological changes which mapped precisely to what I had noticed manifesting in others Fact: I was able to detect when these patterns started to escalate everywhere in a coordinated fashion back in May Fact: my conclusion based upon these extraordinary events was based purely upon experience in which I had no prior knowledge of theories out there around an otherworldly presence, genetic manipulation, etc. Hypothesis it is the collection of sounds/EMFs/pulse-modulations &

subsequent trauma to the ear which is the catalyst for bringing about genetic change. My speculation is that this programmed response was embedded in our genetics long ago only to be invoked upon the right time, once society reached a point where these sound patterns could be delivered non-stop via modern-technology & entertainment. Another possibility is that somehow we have recently been programmed by some sort of nano-technology to invoke genetic change upon a unique instructions set (frequency resonation) Hypothesis due to my own encounters with this otherworldly presence, the fact that they exhibit capabilities well beyond what I would consider within the realm of humanity, and the fact that something like this would take a century to implement what is transpiring seems to be driven & executed by a race of beings outside of our physical awareness. Fact my conclusion seems to match precisely to those who have been researching this field for decades, including the fact that we are being genetically modified by an otherworldly hand in a scientific fashion. Since my speculation they, the forces who are executing this plot, have only reinforced my hypothesis by continuing the sound bombardment upon myself in any way possible, constantly surrounded & hounded by loud motorcycles, directing all air traffic over my house, military craft at extremely low altitude, sounds of nature, chemtrails & EMF & microwaves, sounds of emergency, anything that is loud & traumatic to the ear. So there will undoubtedly be a series of events that will be thrust upon humanity blurring the line between fantasy, religion, science fiction, & physical reality. I am in a unique position, a blessing & a curse, to have foresight in these startling events to come; however it is in this knowledge that I hope can be presented the true nature of what is transpiring as there are so many ways in which these events could be interpreted, manipulated, and its almost a certainty that whatever version seems the most likely is all part of the vastly deep manipulation that has been executed upon humanity for the ages. Here are the facts: Dark-forces have been manipulated at least myself for 10 years They above anything seek to hide their true existence,

particularly behind schemes put in place to deflect primarily religion o I spent numerous days/weeks contemplating the religious aspect of all of this. You need to keep in mind these entities did whatever they could at all costs to push me to interpret these events as religious. It is ONLY when I started recognizing the true nature of their deceit did their interest in me intensify o Also if this is religious focused then why would they need a scientific method to mutate humanity? Why would they rely on technology so heavily? o In their manipulations they like to play both sides & I fully suspect this to continue once this is unveiled to the public. If a revelations event is to come we cannot let ourselves take things at face value. If Jesus were to present himself we need to question how do we know that this is the true Jesus & not an imposter, for these entities are entirely about playing the role of imposters, trickery, and manipulation Their mind-control techniques are advanced subliminal & suggestive influence including EMF & microwave transmissions to induce a mental or emotional state, mind control There are clearly historical accounts of these entities hidden away in our ancient past. We need to explore all options The method in which they have responded to me is almost a giveaway that I fully understand the truth. It is the truth around what these entities are, how they are performing this mutation on humanity, and their desired end goal that is of risk to them. If I were to interpret this as religion well then they would likely be just feeding it along without such a mitigation operation Their mitigation effort has been absolutely staggering with even monetary costs in the $1Ms if not $1Bs no joke. Were talking 10,000s of aircraft spanning multiple continents, 1000s of entities, 24/7 focus, etc. for 5 months straight. Ask yourselves why would they put the effort in doing this?

Same beeping pattern (like crickets chirping) coming from the water heater. Same pattern coming from my refrigerator. Same pattern coming

from my air filter. Same tone/pattern coming from the filter behind my fish tank. Similar tone/pattern coming from crickets. What would be the purpose of irradiating someone with blasts of noise? Sounds that have been deliberately channeled to try & bring upon mild tinnitus. Loud mufflers, sirens, sounds of emergency, alarms, piercing high-pitched synthesized sounds, airplanes, whistles, etc. Bird calls lots of them & in crazy patterns, crickets chirping, white noise of locusts that are resonating in the ear like you attended a locust concert. The end result it tinnitus the exact same high-pitched Morse code-like beeps in the ear like clicks of a hard-drive. This is resonating 24/7. Whats the effect of EMF/microwave radiation? Chemtrail agents enhance the frequency effect and these frequencies cause a pressurized sensation in the ears along with a faint ringing & Morse-code like beeps. So the commonality in all of this loud noises, high-pitched piercing sounds, encoded patterns in electrical/mechanical devices, nature blasts, EMFs, microwaves is that they all lead to this cricket Morse-code like beeping in the ear. Its something I noticed immediately when I first put earplugs in after being bombarded with SOUND of all things. Because of this commonality and the fact that the cricket type of sounds masked in appliances, electronics, etc. sound EXACTLY like the microwave hearing effect which sounds EXACTLY like tinnitus which sounds about the same as crickets is a strong indication that it is this encoded message a beeping in the ear that is triggering these changes to take place.
FAQ | YouTube | Awakening | Revelations |Original Post | Who Is Behind

This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts |

ORB CLUSTER in my backyard 9/7/11 massive UFO/orb filmed in Los Angeles Orb along with Air Force One - Another orb caught on film of chemtrails along with typical military hovering overhead Massive amount

8/24/11 If you are wondering how exactly sound vibrational wave energy may be causing a recombination of matter/DNA please watch this video: Sound recombining matter:
8/23/11 As I stated prior in a matter of months I've been vaulted from speaking in front of 100's of executives at tech-conferences to speaking about this. In the end we can't afford to not speak truths out of fear or simply because people fail to understand - for now. As Icke stated when he first went public - "you can't un-hear something". And when this "mutation" becomes public people will remember & know that someone long before not only caught this in the act, but outlined precisely the symptoms, the catalyst (sound), as well as the perpetrators. People will be forced to open up to a much wider set of possibilities than the ignorant narrow-minded views that have been hammered into our minds, mine include. So although prior to say 4 months ago I had never dived into most of the content discussed by Icke, Avalon, Maxwell, etc the topics absolutely intrigued me & I have always been a "truth seeker", enlightened by intellectuality/spirituality, & 100% channeled my intentions towards what I can only describe now as a consciousness "awakening" - although no way ever could I have imagined the extent in which this was going to unfold, despite me feeling somewhere in the core for quite some time now that I was going to play a huge part in this "master plan". I have had so many "paranormal" experiences over the past few months it's scary - I mean in the 1,000's. But it hasn't been all negative & in no way do I think it's all "doom & gloom". Actually I know it's not or else I wouldn't be here sharing this information. I've had countless encounters with these "demonic" entities as well as being guided all along in the oddest sequences by benevolence. I have one hell of a story to tell someday, but I in the most remarkable of ways have spent a decade building up to this moment. The primary reactions I'm receiving from people - even ones close to me are bizarre & entirely reflective of just how brainwashed our race has become. Forget the paranormal aspect of this along with the mutation - these

very short-sighted themes can apply to anything. 1. I have been responded to numerous times that - "oh even if what you are saying is true what can a single person do about it?" Not sure if this is coming out via subconscious influence or what, but can you believe this is what our society has been condition to believe? "Oh little old me, I can't do ****e about anything so I'll just throw my hands up.". I mean I can't believe it. You see it's not about one person - it's about the network we represent as a unified race. Well if there is one thing I am going to demonstrate to people is the power that one person truly has in contributing to a cause they believe in. 2. I've also heard "so what are you saying, that you're a chosen one?". I mean are people so blinded? It's not about being "chosen" - it's about taking accountability and CHOOSING. We choose our own path; we choose our destiny - it's not the other way around. Now of course there will be guidance & support along the way, but as much as I may have been chosen to do this, it wouldn't mean ****e if I didn't make the decision to choose to take this path myself. In the end i'm just like all of you, & in that we need to recognize & rely on that commonality very quickly. What's it going to take for people to finally start believing in themselves & in each other? Ultimately this is where the power lies & its what I hope to leave you all with by sharing this information. There is a hidden war being waged for our hearts & souls. It's very real but I've been provided a message - self-determination & unity. You see I'm not out there fighting with a gun (or laser in hand. I haven't been guided down this path without reason. All of my actions have been driven out of genuine love, compassion, & determination. But all of that alone isn't what is going to unite us. I...we need people to believe & have faith. Well I've figured out the catalyst to bring about out mass awakening, faith, individualistic determination, and world-wide unity once & for all. Call it divine guidance or intuition, but what starts with irony ends with irony. This mutation has no choice but to become public. I've already seen placements out there about the possibility but my speculation is that this is going to come on suddenly led by the puppet control schemes, primarily the government, religious outlets, & puppet media. But once the can of worms is open the smoking gun for humanity will be present. Humanity will have 2 choices - (1) recognize that someone long before driven by love & compassion documented & shared the entire coming of this along with the control scheme that was behind it. This has been planned for decades, and in that every form of major power has been compromised - including religion. It's simply a fact as without it this couldn't be pulled off. This is malicious, the reaction I've received is one entirely based upon contain & invade at all costs, and it's causing gradual mental deterioration as well, presumably to yield us to the end-goal of eugenics - a global dumbed-down slave race. The second choice (2) is to completely fail as a race and fall into the BS story being unfolded around us whether it's the coming of Revelations, 2012, that the mutation is natural & positive, that it's being caused by the sun, whatever - it's 100% going to be

bull**** - problem, reaction, solution at its fullest leading us straight down the path of a New World Order. The proof should be that no one person should have ever discovered this was happening along with the who, how, & when before the government or "scientists". I mean come on give me a break & I first went public with this in MAY. This is the choice humanity is going to be left with & in many ways it will decide our fate - will we believe in one another & unite as a race or be duped, suppressed, and controlled for the ages. Whether there are rules to be played or what - there are angels & demons among us. Scrap religious definition out of it - some entities are with us sincerely trying to help, and some are against us. Plain & simple. We as humans absolutely can represent one or the other as well. Perhaps this is the method in which these entities can relate to us within our physical reality. perhaps a middle ground was struck in which both parties will play their side in all of this. Maxwell was correct in his claims about this mutation, but what he didn't anticipate was that the cause (vibrational energy) would be discovered prior to the bull**** story unfolding. This in my eyes is a total game-changer and if it weren't the armada wouldn't have jumped up my arse for 3 straight months to this day. They have exhausted so much energy & resources already in their attempt to contain this - just follow my story & you'll understand. Jordan may have been right about the mutation, but he was absolutely wrong about what it will mean for humanity. Like I said I haven't gotten to this point alone & of course there is meaning to it all. How wonderful it is knowing 100% that we are not alone in this - and remember we will always have each other. We all have an important part to play in this & we will prevail. You see our souls aren't being judged. Don't buy into the implanted fears of being damned for eternity. We are being allowed to demonstrate what we can & will represent as a race. No one is going to hold our hands entirely through this. I was taken down the furthest depths before I lifted myself out but I took to heart the messages I was receiving & which in the most profound of ways was everything that I needed to hear - but again I needed to self discover. I needed to lift myself. It was almost like I was being evaluated hard-core for years for being placed into this position. I don't blame "them" as it is a totally crazy position to be in. Ultimately the faith was put into the fact that I believed in myself & would do "the right thing". Now the question is will we as humans do the same. Well here is your answer Truth--->awareness---->unity---->freedom 8/22/11 Greetings & salutations to the physical, spiritual, interdimensional, and reptilianal (notice which one of these terms has ANAL embedded in it. Oh come on laugh a little :). Any chance we can end this childish nonsense & start focusing on how we can progress as uniform entities? After all my intentions of wanting to progress humanity now seem a bit short-sided. How about we channel our intentions to progress universally? I mean isnt this the

true test & will of the divine hand? Perhaps this epic struggle is a defining moment for eons to come. Just think about it. Keep in mind I had no real concept of the "illuminati", New World Order, or of a "Reptilian" race prior to a few months ago. But I have undergone a very real & profound experience in which I have gained in depth knowledge of what is transpiring, why it is happening, and who is behind this attack - & I'm referring to what would absolutely be considered as a "supernatural" hand in all of this. I can't say for certain the perpetrators are the Reptilian or Anunnaki, but what I can say is that my paranormal experiences have involved 1,000's - and I mean 1,000's of encounters with beings whose physical characteristics & technological/energetic capabilities parallel very closely to historical accounts made by others of the Reptilian race of beings. I have NOT seen any Reptilians in physical form - but every instance upon which these entities reside in our physical reality they have been required to "piggy back" off of a human host in which there are multiple & yes startling symptoms they exhibit. Again I didn't come up with any of these concepts however based upon my very real experience substantiated by boatloads of circumstantial & physical evidence I'd conclude that it's certainly more likely than not that this race of entities not only exist but that they have been manipulating the human race for 1,000's of years. In regards to this attack I know there is so much information I am unloading it's hard to absorb. Equally it's entirely astonishing (yet not coincidental) that I have uncovered so much about what is transpiring in such a short amount of time. If you have followed my story you would understand that there has been so much irony with regard to how this has transpired - so much of my findings have been due to the direct result of the rash & aggressive reaction I've been given by the perpetrators. But let's not get caught up now with regard to the supernatural; let's talk about the physical. 1. So far not a single claim I have made, physical anomalies on myself & otherwise, have been refuted. I would jump for joy if these could be but they simply can't. I mean how can you refute something that is 100% true? Ill state again if there is a single person who can refute any piece of what I'm saying please do so & I will cut a check for $10k right now. But to deny what I'm saying would be to believe that out of nowhere I came up with a story so remarkable, original, and far-fetched yet in the most imaginative of ways it's a story that can't be disproved? I'm a creative person yes, but not that creative...

2. If you perform any bit of research on ancient history you will find an enormous amount of historical material dating back to 3,000 BC in which this Reptilian race of beings have been documented with precise detail. Just research the ancient Sumerians & come to your own conclusions. 3. If you understand the goals of eugenics well then you know that the underlying goal is to not only entirely brainwash & control the mass population but to transform via GENETIC MUTATION the human race into a "hobgoblin" slave race - dumbed down to the fullest & physically deformed from the "powers at be" 4. Research Jordan Maxwell as he has been stating for years that this deliberate mutation has been in effect Again I have not come up with any of these concepts however I have had the smarts & creativity to put the pieces together regardless of how ridiculous they seem in our false-perception of reality. We have been entirely dumbed down & duped as a society for centuries - more prevalent in the past few decades. The world is going backwards & if you can't at least get that then there is no point reading further. Yes based upon our imposed manipulated views on reality it's far too easy to accept that things just happen randomly. Well is it too far-fetched to think that this world - with all the elite & power, has always & is progressing as designed? With regard to sound think about it - it's wave energy. In fact sound energy can create recombination of all matter based upon the specific frequency range omitted. This is a fact. Why is it too farfetched to think that modern-day society, say in the past 100 years, was put in place for the sole intent of pulling this scheme off. I do not find it coincidence that my findings revolve around the false fears of 2012. Planting the possibility of global disaster in our minds is absolutely a part of this. But if I were to try & pull something this devious off I would have a few requirements: 1. develop a means to invoke genetic change leveraging methods that would go undetected a. wave/radiation energy in this case vibrational patterns & frequencies 2. develop a means to transmit this undetected on a global scale a. modern-day products, mechanics, motorized vehicles,

synthesized sounds, planted sounds of nature in the environment 3. Ensure public would never be suspicious by making sure the weapon (sound) would never be perceived as harmful. HELLO we know sound can be used as a weapon already both physically & mentally (hypnotic suggestion) 4. Even better develop a weapon in which people would use on themselves television, products, synthesized sounds in video games, phones, lawn-mowers, motorcycles, plumbing you name it 5. Make sure that if anyone ever copped on to have a mitigation plan a. Public suppression & ridicule (check) b. Assault subject with sound with attempt to weaken physically & mentally (check) c. Threaten & intimidate subject (check) d. Gangstalk subject (check) e. Swarm subject with paranormal activity (check) f. Manipulate subject into thinking the experience to be religious (check) g. Leverage human-hosting capability to control & manipulate people to push subject down a path of lies & deceit (check) h. Falsely incarcerate subject (check) i. Flood subject with surveillance land, sea, air (check) j. Military training missions to intimidate (check) k. Suppress medical assessment (check) l. Douse subject with chemicals for weeks (check) m. Litter atmosphere with agents to enhance frequency effect (i.e. HAARP) (check) Dont you see it SOUND is the absolute perfect weapon. We are using it against ourselves unknowingly, it is entirely without suspicion, and is a form of energy upon which its effect on humanity at certain patterns & frequencies ranges has obviously been suppressed. Its all around us, 99% of the sounds we hear on a daily basis are ones that have been ENGINEERED including what we are now perceiving as birds/locusts/etc, and they are resonating non-stop 24/7. As ingenious as this plan is I cant take credit for coming up with it as it was obviously plotted out at least a century ago likely more like 1,000s of years ago along with planting the idea of Satan, fears of being Judged, 2012, and Revelations. Well its all coming to a

head now I just happened to have uncovered it in the most profound of ways. As I mentioned in other thread I am absolutely being guided, protected, & believed in from beyond. Now all we need to do as a race is start believing in one another. Stay tuned for more & take care. More examples of vibrational frequencies (energy) in plumbing which magically matches precisely to a jet engine Obviously there is an "advanced' hand at work here. In terms of the perpetrators of this attack I'm hesitant to say advanced "intelligence" as just because their capabilities our beyond our as well as their intellectual enlightenment, throughout their manipulation & assault on me I have not felt inferior intellectually, a lesson in which they have learned very quickly. Essentially I've endured their attacks & cracked this entire thing in a matter of weeks - to what is happening (mutation of humanity), to outlining precisely what the symptoms of onset are (see for more info), to determine HOW they were executing this attack (subconsciously via sound vibrational patterns engineered & planted everywhere), even all the way to strong speculation with circumstantial evidence around who (or what) was behind it all, to even deciphering their advanced technology capability, energetic capability, human hosting capability, symptoms demonstrated when hosting & even methods to determine if you yourself have an entity influencing or residing within you, to the limitations they have when residing within our physical reality, and on and on. This from someone who literally 4-5 months ago had absolutely no concept of this sort of stuff. I have so much experience, knowledge, information, and evidence this needs to be shared & absorbed as quickly as possible. The barrier I'm running into everywhere is subconscious influence being placed on others to suppress or detain this information (i.e. medical personnel), to what I speculate is some sort of hypnotic suggestion being placed upon the masses to keep the mind suppressed & blinded, to people blinding themselves & trying to suppress me due to centuries of manipulation, false belief sets, and false barriers to the possibilities within our reality. This is all very real, and as startling as it will seem at first this is going to turn around into being the "smoking gun" for humanity to awaken from this induced coma, recognize this devious control scheme we have been so wickedly duped by, finally understand the

nature of our reality, spirituality, and the fact that we share many companions in this wonderful infinite universe of our, and bring our race together once and for all. You see I'm beginning to finally fully break out of my shell. I've been provided messages like this from beyond now ever since these paranormal events began back in May. It's no coincidence I have this information. It's no coincidence I've been so massively resistant to the methods of attack being placed upon me 24/7 - the latest being pinkish like chemtrails all hours of the day and now spouting out from behind a hill littering the sky 24/7. Just take a look at some of my YouTube posts (tsaklar). It's no coincidence I have the confidence & courage to share this information despite being suppressed, attacked, ridiculed, etc - I'm putting myself "all in", and someone, somewhere knew beforehand I would be able to do this. See I may have been tested in the most profound of ways leading up to this. I had channeled my intentions 6 months prior - seeking out the truth, understanding that we as a race needed to change in a big way from an individualistic nature to one focused on progressing as a race - our understanding of spiritual enlightenment, unifying our religions in which they recognize our universal existence as opposed to being so arrogant to focus on simply mankind & this earth. I had developed unwavering faith in the divine & the divine hand, and as well I had overcome all personal demons, fears, and was at complete serenity with myself in regards to who I was to the core, despite of course having plenty of faults & poor decisions in my past but who doesn't? This is what it means to be human, in which now of course I entirely know that we are not to blame - I mean truly we aren't. I've not only seen manipulation at its fullest on me but have seen full out human hosting by these entities in their attempts at corruption. I spoke of my desire to want to teach & enlighten people. Can you believe it? All of these factors have played a massive role in this profound awakening and experience, and if a single piece was missing I may not have been up to the task. But the last piece was about belief - my belief in regards to faith, the belief entities from "beyond" had in me, but ultimately belief in myself. I now recognize that was the final "test" that was put upon me. You see no one is going to hold our hand entirely through this process. There are guiding forces but we still need to be wise enough to recognize the messages, have faith in ourselves and in others, and have the

courage to do what's right - in the name of love, despite all of the invisible barriers that have blocked our race from achieving this. Lastly I was given a message about 3 years ago and this is entirely the truth - "write it down, tell the world" it was. I'll get into how exactly this was provided to me but at the time I considered it a bit of novelty. There was a friend with me at the time who found the experience to be equally profound. 3 years later this is exactly what I'm doing - writing it down, and telling the world. Please don't dismiss this as we as a race have a lot of work to do. Selfdetermination & unity has been a theme throughout. Together each of us can & will make a difference. P.S. this information & response to it needs to be elevated quickly. I'm going to keep pushing back on these bastards as they aren't letting up, but support around this is important. Even if you don't quite buy into all of this there is no harm in spreading the word, asking around, and contributing to this cause. I'd really like to partner with someone of the likes of Bill or Kerry but can & will start funding assistance as needed. I have so much proof to back these claims - it's just a matter of getting it in front of the right people. In the end all the proof in the world isn't what is going to open people's eyes. Everyone, yourselves included, will need to also go on a bit of faith. Take care. Well the manifestations of the entities I've seen REQUIRE a human host to "piggy-back" off of when they are residing within our physical reality. There are very real & startling symptoms if you were aware, and keep in mind I've seen this 1,000's of times over the past few months when they weren't aware I had "copped on", thus I was able to gain intimate knowledge of how they operate. There are 2 forms of human hosting capabilities I've seen - one in which all of the 5 physical senses can be shared which is used to spy on a subject, manipulate surroundings (i.e. electrical devices, television, computer systems, lighting for a halo effect) as well as manipulating the subject via artificial bursts of energy, both positive & negative. The positive feels like a bit of an adrenaline rush, similar to having a positive epiphany - a tinglnig/shivering internal energetic sensation that can be placed anywhere within the body but predominantly in the chest area radiating outward. It can also be used to stimulate a subject - sexual arousal or intensifying a sexual experience as well. The dark/negative energy is used to create false fears - i.e. chest constriction to bring upon a false fear of being susceptible to a cardiac issue. It's very constricting as though

everything around you is slowing fading out - not visibly but vibration ally. These positive/negative energies are layered on top of each other. During a manipulation a series of events will transpire where if you perform an action or verbal response (remember they share your sense of hearing as well) they can surge you one way or another. This is likely why drugs can induce fear/paranoia so rapidly as well as sexual arousal. Also these entities seem to use humans to "get off" on - like a human drug via sexual impulse & stimulation, fear, obsession, paranoia. The second form of hosting is more disturbing and involves full control of a host via the subconscious. I've seen this performed 1000's of occasions as well. During this mode the entity must need to present themselves more within our physical reality thus demonstrates major symptoms. 1. eyes go black & emotionless - it's literally like what you'd see in a movie like children of the corn or something where kids are possessed. This could be due to pupil dilation to the fullest but it's more than that - they seem to reflect more energy or something and don't flow with facial expressions of emotion. 2. massive blinking patterns - rapid blinking, repetitive blinking just like you'd see in accounts of reptilians on YouTube 3. major licking of the lips side to side - like once every 1-2 minutes. and it's a fairly fast lick starting from one end of the mouth going to the other 4. lack of eye contact - it's like they try to hide their appearance so if you suspect they will immediately look away from you. 5. vertical/upright posture - like sitting very properly 6. they are very poor drivers - when they are in a host say gangstalking you and taking control of a person driving they are all over the road swerving 7. they still rely on verbal/non-verbal communication to communicate. when i was getting stalked they had to hang something from the rearview mirror to indicate they were in "control" of the human host. slowly but surely every car around me for weeks straight had something stupid hanging from the rearview mirror - hats, ribbons, badges - anything. they also need to give hand gestures to communicate. 8. in addition they rely on physical communication with each other when residing in human hosts. They would talk to each other right

in front of me - talking about my emotional/mental state, tactics remember for weeks they didn't realize I had awareness to them so I suppose they were a little careless. they like to pretend to be angels & demons & manipulate pushing someone towards a particular religious belief set. I suppose it's one way to hide behind the paranormal activity they are generating. 9. lastly you can feel their energy if you are in tune. I can feel them all the time & they know it thus are being much more cautious when presenting themselves fully around me. There is benevolence as well and when they provide guidance via human hosts I don't sense any harmful intention, full mind control, or detect any physical symptoms. I had someone mention to me out of nowhere the other day "it's now coming from the mountain" as I was recording daily chemtrails overhead. Low and behold I walked around the corner and there it was - a central source spewing chemicals into the sky, littering my surroundings. It's messages like this that are provided. Sometimes it's difficult to tell whether you're being manipulated or guided. In the end if the message provided you with benefit - like helping to develop faith or overcoming fear, its very likely to be benevolent. Try not to get too caught up in the religious aspect. I found myself trying to decipher whether or not i was being manipulated into religion thus was encountering "entities" pretending to be angels & demons. You see angels & demons do exist. You don't need wings to be an angel nor horns to be a demon. We as humans can represent an entity of this nature. Its the concept & what the entities represent that is important - not a word in a dictionary used to describe something. Cheers. Just wondering - has anyone else picked up on this yet? Do you feel it in your hearts that what I'm saying is true? You need to understand I have absolutely zero doubt about the whole ordeal which has been backed by countless forms of substantiating pieces. I was even told the "attack" would be initiated on May 26th. I didn't know the extent of it at the time, but this widespread, it's advanced, it's global, and it parallels to the claims Jordan Maxwell has been making with regard to a deliberate mutation of humanity. There are noticeable symptoms: 1. buldge/ridge formations slowly developing in the forehead - most noticeable in the suture areas, particularly from the outer brow to the hairline. The sutures in the front-center of the forehead will slowly deepen as well. The anomalies extend all around the skull so

a bald head would show more noticeable signs 2. growth in teeth - growth in molars (dropping downward/upward from the gums), fang-like protrusions in canines, and particularly the bottom teeth will start to crown causing the outer front 2 on the bottom to start angling towards the back of the mouth 3. skin changes - becoming more leathery & a more puffy, dry-like appearance. I've also noticed that water streams off of one of my arms now as if it is coated in oil. Even when one of my hands is absorbed in water for 20 min it barely prunes - implying that the skin changes are resulting in enhanced water resistance. temple areas may start showing some dry patches. pinching skin together, particularly on the top of hands, will cause it to wrinkle up in a very odd pattern. crowed 4. New vein structure - most noticeable in the forearms, top of hands and top of feet. The puffy skin is causing the veins to protrude more as well - they are more pronounced 5. More pronounced tendon structure - particularly in the neck. It's almost as though new tendons are popping up 6. constant ringing in the ears. mine is probably much more noticeable as I have been targetted & bombarded for 3 months straight. listen for a continuous high-pitched resonation with faint beeps like grasshoppers or morse-code The gradual onset is what is likely making this difficult but please baseline yourselves & others around you as this "attack" seems to be escalating. PLEASE AT A MINIMUM TAKE THE TIME TO WATCH THIS VIDEO Compilation of HYPNOTIC patterns & frequencies planted throughout our environment TODAY 8/17/11 Needless to say the coming to my realizations, now without any doubt whatsoever that Jordan Maxwell's claims of a deliberate "mutation of humanity" is in effect, was (and still is) rather startling I have been provided equally profound insight that this apparent "enemy", which can in some ways be thought of as vibrational energy which is invoking change at a genetic level, can ultimately become in the most profound & ironic of ways humanity's greatest ally. In fact ripples around this are already being felt despite awareness around this not fully penetrating the masses. This change, initially perceived as "supernatural", will be determined to have been caused by sound - primarily due to folks as you spreading

the word, and this will outwardly spread "virally" through the masses. Once the true nature of this change is discovered it will lead to only one possible party/scheme that is responsible for causing this mutation. It will be the same control scheme people have trusted, in many cases with their lives, for 1,000's of years. But once that trust is broken....shattered beyond repair people will awaken - they will be forced to. Once people awake they, or I should say WE, will begin to truly listen to one another, rely on one another, UNITE, and finally manifest into the race that we deserve to be. It's happening now & I'd again ask that you please simply spread the concept around whether you buy into any of this or not. Use it as one hell of an original plot for a screen play. Take it - it's yours. Ask around, drop the theory onto others - even if it is to say "hey did you hear what some bozo is saying" or "wouldn't this make for a great Sci-Fi concept?" I've come to realize that people need not to believe any of this now, but when the masses are left looking for answers they will have 2 choices - (1) believe in the complete BS story being proposed by the control scheme via the government, puppet media, & religious outlets unfolding like a blockbuster movie production, or (2) recall that someone long before not only had foresight into things transformations to come with precise detail, but outlined EXACTLY how it was being performed along with WHO (or what) was behind it all. Please do what David Icke has dubbed the "truth vibration" a service & spread the word. It's simply information & a theory at this point - what harm can there be in that? Even without any pro-activeness the minute each of you become aware of what is going on (and you will) please leverage all channels Facebook, YouTube, Message Boards, social, professional, & family circles, etc - to spread the truth as quickly as possible. Take care. P.S. here is a link to my latest chemical dousing 8/16/11 - I am sincerely trying to help everyone gain awareness to what is happening & more importantly what is to come. What do you honestly believe would compel someone to put themselves out there like this regardless of the consequences? Well the motive is all of you, and underneath that is unconditional love. A friend of mine after reading through this asked whether there was benevolence in all of this. There most certainly is but do not underestimate the benevolent hand & power each of us holds. Ive been told many times, oh even if what youre saying is true what can one person possibly do. Well this one person is doing more than he could

have possibly imagined at one point but now my imagination is running wild with endless possibility. Its important to again stress that its as important to channel your intention towards seeking the truth, your beliefs & faith, and desire to connect with what is going on as it is action. Just give it a try & ask to be heard, as Im living proof that as much as you may want to uncover the truth ultimately it is the truth that will uncover you. As David Icke has stated numerous times "you can't un-hear something". Well now you've all heard this. If you think about it if there were an underlying control scheme manipulating humanity for millennia moving towards some sort of new world order fascist state (it doesnt take a genius to see that we are in times of uncertainty, lies (9/11, WMD), war, increased fear/stress, division, etc) then what I am saying is simply perfect scheme: 1. plant false fears of being judged, Lucifer, Revelations, 2012 - 1,000's of years ago 2. introduce electric current - something that can easily be manipulated in terms of voltage & frequency 3. introduce mass media, television, video games, motorized vehicles, modern electronics/mechanics; leverage alternating current as the trigger to "turn this on" globally - like waving a magic wand... 4. eliminate any suspicion whatsoever of sound (wave energy) possibly being able to invoke mental or biological change, despite hypnotic suggestion obviously being linked to sound as well as vibrational energy 5. gradually manipulate & escalate these vibrational patterns & frequencies in our environment without public awareness 6. bring upon genetic change manifesting as something that could be perceived as "Luciferian" or demonic when the actual trigger is SOUND 7. leverage the "control scheme", puppet media, hands of religion, etc to manipulate humanity into further chaos, doom, & ultimately a new world order. welcome to Albert Pike's 3rd & final world war - the war of Revelations.... I cant blame folks for being dismissive as Ill be the first to admit they sound like something straight out of a JJ Abrams novel, but my testimony alone should carry huge significance in itself due to my history of extremely sound judgment, professional & educational standing, social stature, sincerity & genuine credibility, etc. its highly likely these sounds are extremely hypnotic to keep people in a suppressed mental state & oblivious. Im also a strong believer that channeling intentions & being aware (you will start to put up a natural defense) is as important as action. Its a tough one to do as for decades weve been intentionally desensitized to these engineered sounds - who is going to put much thought around elevated noises coming from everyday products, machinery, synthesized sounds on the television,

etc. Unfortunately this is why this plan is as ingenious as it is devious. Understandably the genetic manipulation invoked (via sound) is the most difficult aspect to swallow although folks like Jordan Maxwell have been saying all along that this is happening. What even Jordan likely didn't anticipate is that the trigger for invoking this change would be discovered - SOUND. There is so much power in this knowledge and now you all have it. Im not expecting an immediate favorable response; but be observant as the primary symptoms (extremely gradual) are vertical bulge/ridge formations on the forehead from the outer brow to the hairline, puffy/scaly & water resistant skin particularly in the hands/fingers (i.e. they can no longer prune); excessive crowding of bottom teeth causing front teeth to angle towards the back of the mouth. In the end this has no choice but to become public. The question will be whether the true cause will shine through. Perform your own research; be observant & it doesnt hurt to throw the theory out, post on message boards, pose it to people (i.e. wouldnt this make for a great Sci-Fi concept human mutation caused by frequencies embedded in products for decades only to be manipulated without awareness around the false-fears of 2012); ridicule me in the process Im well beyond being afraid of public perception . At this point I dont care as the truth is the truth whether people acknowledge it now or not. As I see it this is the smoking gun humanity needs, as when the cause is flushed out as being SOUND (after all how could it be that someone could predict the coming of this), there will be a single place to point the finger to in regards to who (or what) could pull something like this off, and that finger will be pointing to the same control scheme that will be feeding the public lies & manipulating a course of action to further facilitate this chaotic agenda. This will in the most ironic of ways be the catalyst to bring upon individualistic self-determination & true global unity across all of humanity once and for all. No more imposed divisions based upon conditional belief sets. No more divisions based upon physical, social, political, religion, race, or other deliberately placed concepts that divide, control, & subdue. p.s. remember the truth will act as a shield to what is to come so the minute you become aware of what is transpiring please make sure to immediately communicate to others the cause, SOUND, as it will have a destructive cascading effect on this entire BS agenda. truth --> awareness --> unity --> freedom. Take care.

08/11/11 - I'm probably 12 months ahead in terms of truly being understood with regard to what is transpiring, but if you're reading this

it's a good start and that means you will be ahead in "the game" as well when this unfolds. Remember due to a dramatic & sudden "paranormal" awakening I have found myself in the middle of something as profound as it is startling. Since my experience began I have uncovered a handful of credible resources, Jordan Maxwell to be one of them, who have been making claims for over a year that the human race will be undergoing a significant mutation in the near future. Well that "near future" is unfortunately now. Here is the link - just listen to the first 10 minutes of it Jordan Maxwell planned mutation of the human race Point being is I in no way am a "conspriracy theorist" nor have I spent any significant amount of time researching any of these topics. I'm simply a guy in the Midwest working in the corporate world who has undergone a very significant & real experience in which I feel the information I have obtained needs to be shared for the benefit of all of you, even if it is to the detriment of my own reputation & well-being, which this certainly has been. Although I certainly didn't come up with the concept of this "mutation" in a remarkable way I have uncovered the method - embedded sound frequencies & vibrational patterns in modern day engineered products & synthesized sounds that are being manipulated without public conscious awareness. Sure sound seems harmless enough but I am someone who has been targeted because of my suspicions, who was assaulted by SOUND of all things for weeks, and who has suddenly undergone mild yet noticeable physical transformations. This will all be corroborated soon but do please do see my cranial scans below as well as YouTube posts (tsaklar). You see once you become consciously aware of these frequencies, many of which I've posted as examples, you will begin to hear them EVERYWHERE, 24/7, on pretty much everything broadcast on television, etc and this is no coincidence. I could go on & on but will close by simply laying out the top 5 contributors to these subconscious patterns/frequencies: 1. VENTILATION - heating & cooling units, public ventilation units, furnaces - essentially anywhere air is being pumped so are these patterns. 2. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - subways, airplanes, buses, other motorized vehicles 3. MEDIA on the TV, Movies, Commercials, Music, etc - these frequencies have been planted everywhere - particularly in the form of high-pitched rings (like waving a magic wand) and sounds of NATURE 4. SOUNDS OF "NATURE" - yes this

one is certainly the craziest of them all. Although I have my speculation I'm not going to go out on a limb right now and profess how I think this is being accomplished but just listen to your surroundings - birds, locusts, crickets, etc. If these sound odd to you well there is a reason. 5. PUBLIC PLACES - airports, malls, train stations, hypnotic music in pretty much every shop you walk into - basically anywhere people congregate it makes for a good target In addition Im finding others around the world that are starting to put some of the pieces together & are chiming in. Here are a few links where people were compelled to record & post: odd frequencies now omitting from street lights in UK (one of the contributors I posted weeks ago) strange sounds of nature someone decided to record & post (look at my #4 above) odd vibrational frequency someone was compelled to record extremely similar to examples I have posted In the end Im a human being just like you & in that we need to start truly listening to one another. The truth will act as a shield so even if it is to ridicule me please just spread this concept. What harm can be in that? Hey did you see what some bozo posted or wouldnt this make for a cool SciFi theme? I mean the concept is truly remarkable to embed these patterns throughout modern day mechanics & synthesized sounds for decades to desensitize public awareness; only to be manipulated to bring upon chaos under a lie. No physical transformation will ever take away from our fundamental angelic nature as human beings. Please remember that, be observant, perform your own analysis & research to come to your own conclusions, and most importantly take care of yourselves & each other. MRI VIDEO SHOWING PRECISE AREA OF UNNATURAL CHANGES invoked by these frequencies - The medical scans have been ridiculous-- from me having to show up at the ER myself to have the MRI performed (was getting blocked from

having them done despite the symptoms I was expressing -- completely makes no sense), to me not accepting that a comparison was performed with my 2008 scans in which upon retrieving the medical records I validated that a comparison WAS NOT performed, this after being told multiple times that it was. I've had to obtain copies of the scans myself from 2 different medical organizations, and on and on. All of this with regard to a patient who has suffered from headaches & is making claims that cranial structure has changed. Don't people find this to be just a bit odd? More footage of restrictions being placed upon me from adding additional comments to YouTube videos (so much for freedom of speech) - 07/22/11 As suspected this attack is indeed GLOBAL, as indicated by the exact same frequencies & symptoms manifesting around me while overseas. I'm not entirely sure why this experience has presented itself so suddenly & profoundly. As I stated earlier the honest truth is that I had absolutely no concept of these "entities" a few months ago. Due to my awakening & resistance to their attacks I have been a target however in becoming so I have gained intimate knowledge of this race, their tactics, their capabilities & limitations, and even their emotional & intellectual similarities to us. I have seen their wicked joy expressed on countless occasions when performing a successful manipulation technique; and to the contrary I have seen their sheer expression of disappointment when things aren't going the way they had planned. They have a sense of humor yet make extremely rash decisions & reactions in a rather aggressive manner. They definitely seem to bond with one another & obtain a huge sense of joy when manipulating a human subject. They also can pretty much hop into just about ANY human being for a short amount of time via 2 forms of hosting - (1) a more simple form in which they can share all 5 physical senses to observe, monitor the subjects physical/emotional state (i.e. their vitals which may indicate fear/stress), and can use their energies to present artificial forms of stimulation, both positive & negative. The other form (2) is much more alarming in which they can physically take over an entire subject in the form of "possession", yet when doing so they show obvious physical symptoms like eyes going black & emotionless, repetitive & pattern based blinking, licking of the lips from side-to-side, etc. In fact if you are consciously aware of your subconscious behaviors

(i.e. blinking) you can rather easily detect when you have one of these entities piggy-backing off of your human "vessel". But the most alarming aspect to all of this is my awareness to the plot that has been executed to invoke gradual physical changes upon society via the usage of subconscious frequencies embedded in modern-day society (i.e. electrical/mechanical products) & synthesized sounds. I had noticed these gradual changes manifesting in just about everyone around me and only when I was bombarded with a massive dose of these frequencies did I correlate them with the physical changes as in the end I started developing them myself - corroborated by an MRI scan of my cranial structure & molds of my teeth. It should also be noted that these entities view this recent pressing forward with these frequencies as an "attack" against humanity as this was clearly communicated to me. The speculation is that once this is unveiled to the public the last thing anyone will consider is that a specific frequency range & vibrational pattern was the cause. Just remember the truth - that these manifestations are being invoked via SOUND. Lastly it is largely compelling that with the introduction of modern day mechanics these frequencies have been buried in products for decades which subconsciously are weakening our minds or subtly changing our patterns to make us extremely susceptible to being hosted. Just plug your ears for a few min & it is highly likely you will still hear a high-pitched frequency with mild clicking resonating. This plan being executed is as ingenious as it is devious; however the truth behind it can go a long way & the further this information can be spread the better for all of humanity. It has been a "tit for tat" game with these entities in which I will continue posting more evidence & information should the harassment continue. Best Regards... 07/20/11 Just a glimpse of the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE I have accumulated to substantiate everything I am saying in regards to the biological changes being invoked on society via subconscious frequencies embedded in media (television, music, etc), electrical/mechanical products, appliances, fans/cooling units you name it; resulting in gradual ridge-formation in the forehead area (see below), growth in teeth, and skin/vein/tendon structural changes. Below is a snapshot of the 100s of medical MRI images I have obtained that indicate significant unnatural skeletal changes all around, more

notably in the forehead area developing as V shape ridges from the brow to hairline, just as I have repeatedly been stating all along. Keep in mind these changes manifested in weeks time after being BOMBARDED with frequencies from nature, vehicles, airplanes, etc 24/7 most of which I have RECORDED. Whereas these changes have been extremely gradual for most, likely why they have gone unnoticed, I endured a massive dose of these frequencies for 3-4 weeks resulting in very rapid change. I have molds of my teeth that indicate similar unnatural change. Trust me I wish I was wrong about all of this but pictures dont lie. Ill keep these coming as needed. 07/18/11 PLEASE READ it has been asked on numerous occasions how in the world I could have come to these completely profound, extraordinary, and off-the-wall conclusions. Well here is the abbreviated version (oh and greetings to those beyond our physical reality and thanks ghost rider for buzzing the tower again today with the air show made for some great footage): -an over-the-top aggressive & rash reaction by these "entities" upon me recording a bit of the extreme anomalies I was seeing on my television with my phone. -the response included of all things (be prepared for admittedly some completely bizarre stuff) a broadcast to my television in real-time by these entities pushing me to conclude that what I was experiencing was religious/satanic (which failed). -the response included immediate observation of these entities while residing within HUMAN HOSTS from all around me for weeks - yes I have witnessed this 1000+ times in which I'm not sure if everyone can see the signs or not, but in short during full-on possession pupils of hosts become extremely dilated (eyes almost black), constant repetitive blinking, licking of the lips side-to-side, lack of emotional expression, and of course completely bizarre behavior. I've witnessed 2 forms of "possession" which I have outlined on the site. Also it's worth noting that when these entities are possessing a human host they rely on verbal/non-verbal interaction via the hosts to communicate (they seem to be limited to our physical reality).

-this "risk mitigation" operation involved primarily a BOMBARDMENT via SOUND for 3-4 weeks straight - everywhere I drove, manipulating sounds of "nature" around my house" - these are all things in which unbeknownst to "them" I have recorded. -upon eventually putting earplugs in when sleeping I noticed a residual high-pitched ringing & clicking noise (like a hard-drive), resulting in a very compelling conclusion that these sounds subconsciously are resonating in the ear 24/7. -likewise whereas I presume just about everyone affected is experiencing extremely gradual physical change my changes (although minimal) were brought upon in weeks' time due to this extremely intense bombardment via vibrational patterns & frequencies. Primary changes are slight ridges which developed in the forehead in a V shape pattern, unnatural growth of teeth, and slight but noticeable changes to skin/vein structure. -lastly these "entities" have been harassing me ever since which is absolutely NO JOKE. Id like to think that we share a love/hate relationship; and it should be noted that there is NO DOUBT there are benevolent entities that have among other things provided guidance, strength, & protection along the way. I know this sounds totally crazy but after performing some research trying to make some sense of this & listening to David Icke this is the ONLY conclusion to draw from this. ALSO please remember that there isnt a single physical manifestation that can take away from what YOU represent to the core as an individual nor can it take away from our angelic fundamentals and eternal connection to humanity. Should any physical transformations take place they will NEVER indicate any personal form of sin or demonic aspect. They are being invoked to cause fear, to cause guilt, and to cause a false perception of being judged. DO NOT ever blame yourself for your actions as the who or what to blame is RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU in these entities. Remember the TRUTH as it starts with forgiving yourself and how easy it should be now for you to do that when you absolutely KNOW for a FACT it has been and is THESE ENTITIES, call them Reptilian or Demon, who have been manipulating devious & sinful behavior on humanity since day-1. Ill say it again, DO NOT let yourself get caught up in any blame or guilt as demons and sin do indeed exist and they have had powerful strongholds on all of us for a very long time. I have somehow broken free of this stronghold, and as in the end I AM JUST LIKE YOU,

there is absolutely no doubt you all can break free from this as well through FAITH, complete serenity with who you are, open-mindedness, and with an open heart. Oh and with some EARPLUGS :). And remember there are many entities including those people close to you who are constantly listening so never be afraid to ask for help and it will be provided to you. P.S. I learned these subliminal high-lighting techniques from these entities as they can manipulate media, including results on the internet, in REAL-TIME. Dont be fooled by any of these advanced- technology tactics as the intent in no doubt will be to perceive these as supernatural events, just like the smoke-and-mirrors that were performed on our ancient ancestors to view these entities as GODS. Just a HANDFUL of the HUNDREDS of audio & video I have amassed over the past few weeks along with many other forms of physical evidence to corroborate this attack that has been initiated upon society: Obvious Reptilian pupil & iris anomalies being broadcast to my house 24/7 Hypnotic pattern in EU airport hypnotic frequencies in London- Heathrow example of vibrational frequencies & patterns engineered & planted in modern-day society for DECADES in preparation for this attack 2 of over 20 VEHICLES that enclosed me blasting me with vibrational patterns & frequencies for 3 days straight EXTREME Reptilian Shape-shifting being broadcast to my house 24/7 same Reptilian symptoms on a bald head more VEHICLE bombardment on the highway (notice the alternating vibrations & frequencies) more examples of vibrational patterns & frequencies engineered & planted in electrical/mechanical products; listen to w/ headphones but only listen sparingly example of hypnotic patterns in adult films it is littered with this type of stuff hypnotic & disturbing vibrational patterns & frequencies of nature that surrounded my house for weeks hypnotic locusts which migrated here after the birds first is audio from a 2 week barrage of bird calls surrounding my house followed by synthesized birds from electronic devices; notice the commonalities with the extreme high-pitch, pattern, and frequency example of high-pitched patterns & frequencies littered in movies & entering in through our subconscious COMPARE WITH PRIOR POST of nature surrounding my house eye adjustment chem-trails have now followed me around in 3 different countries chem-trails have now followed me around in 3 different countries example typical tongue maneuver more SOUND examples notice the common hypnotic & extremely high-pitched patterns & frequencies but please listen sparingly pupil anomalies, blinking pattern, half blinks masked pupils & slits military training exercise fly out to west-suburb, circle for an hour at low altitude, refuel and return. one of about 15 military flights recorded coincidentally hovering at EXTREMELY low altitude where I happen to be located within the city same military operation 12 various crafts seen circling my location in a single day & observed by many others around me military I have many more of these recorded - military more military again more military flights at EXTREMELY low altitude circling my whereabouts throughout the city for days. chem-trails more possibly to come.
7/6/11 | Happy belated 4th to all, including those of and not of this dimension!

YouTube | Awakening | Revelations |Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | Consciousness Awakening From The Matrix Only someone who has undergone this extraordinary experience can describe with intimate detail the series of events transpired, personal observations & experiences, impact to personal life, and ultimate grips & level of understanding pertaining to the bizarre reality in which we have labeled the experience as life. I am sharing this initial section not only to validate without a doubt the experience & knowledge Im about to share, but ultimately the extreme importance of unfolding this information to others. I have been in an ongoing negotiation with these beings for many weeks now, prompted literally out of nowhere due to an extraordinary awakening & turn of events, and all attempts at reasoning with these beings has failed resulting in bit by bit sharing of information, with the end result to be to unleash everything should I be pushed in that direction. First off let me state that such an understanding would never have been possible without the accumulation of experience & knowledge that others have shared, however it is primarily AFTER my own awakening did I correlate my experience almost verbatim with those of David Icke. It is through the following depiction of experience & impact it has had on my views of spirituality & reality that should provide 100% validation that what I am about to share is not only real to the minute detail, but an experience of one with such an analytical & scientific nature it has been substantiated with personal interactions with 1000s of Anunnaki- Reptilians over the course of only a handful of weeks, although for reasons shared elsewhere it is now extremely evident that I have been a target by these beings (which is described in great detail in the greater collection of writings) for the past decade & possibly beyond. Fairy-tale life o I need to preface who I am I was born & raised in the

Midwest in the mid 1970s; well-educated with an undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences, all the way through graduate school in the field of Computer Science. I have been able to quickly climb the ranks within one of the 5 largest technology companies in the world with an upper-level management position which has entailed 50+ visits to sites around the world supporting & managing a large-scale technology operation. I have spoken at a variety of seminars & vendor tradeshows one of which was a keynote following Bill Gates in San Francisco in front of 3,000 people, the latest being this past May in Texas in front of an audience of 300. In terms of income, investments, and opportunity literally the sky is the limit in regards to corporate achievement, which of course was a huge driver in my ambitions to accelerate my career. o I am a family man with strong international ties, viewed as extremely intellectual, grounded, rational, analytical, loving, compassionate, indiscriminate, embracing, charming, having uncanny visual & audio perceptions, having photographic accounts of experiences for decades, and as a charismatic gentleman; with an extremely large network of friends, colleagues, family, and acquaintances from around the globe. I am rather scientific in nature but extremely open- minded and extraordinarily innovative, both in regards to my professional career as well as my personal views & theories on universal & spiritual aspects. I have always been fascinated with a variety of sciences, quantum physics, ancient history, our universal existence, etc. It is extremely important to establish this baseline as prior to this year I really did not have ANY knowledge of a Reptilian agenda nor did I correlate any prior experiences with an inter-dimensional race. However a series of events have unfolded which have put me at the very forefront of a hidden war that is being waged upon humanity. Unwavering faith by overcoming exponential fear & sexual impulse o It is apparent now that I have been over the years extremely attractive by these beings from beyond, primarily because of a bizarre addiction to pornography & a false perception & fear of a possible cardiac issue both mind you have been

planted on me for years by these beings in which their greed in seduction & manipulation has backfired on them more than they could have possibly imagined. The very first step in my awakening to the manipulation that was being placed upon me was overcoming these artificial stimulations by these beings in which now I have a complete understanding of not only their methods but also of the energies they can create within a human host to induce sensations such as arousal, fear, paranoia, etc. Also I should state that not only in todays society can they host just about all individuals to plant these artificial energies to manipulate thought & emotion, they can flat out possess just about anyone for a short period of time. I have witnessed this occur over 1,000 times in the past month this is what a huge risk I have been to these beings due to the uncanny resistance (which Ill get into later) to their attacks but also due to the enormous wealth of knowledge I have about their mode of operation, tactics, advanced technology capability, as well as their limitations. Again however once I was able to overcome all fears (which honestly took about 5 years to fulfill) the awakening started to take place. Asking for truth, opportunity to progress humanity, and the creation of a unified religion o Now this is extremely relevant as over the past 6 months or so not only have I opened my mind completely to act as a receiver to beings from beyond, primarily due to the comfort I had in who I am as a person to the core, but I also openly discussed these concepts with close friends of mine. Essentially I had no reservations with being read completely as a book and yes of course I have made some extremely poor decisions in my life which had taken me to dark places, but it is through those mistakes and overcoming darkness that I developed such a sense of unwavering faith, was able to hurdle over any guilt or blame I had of myself; and had reached a state in my life where concepts around understanding our true meaning, the desire for us as a race to be focused on how we can progress as a race as opposed to as individuals, and understanding the limits within our current

forms of religion while redefining what religion should be all about which is our universal existence which is all embracing, with no beginning & no end, and no individuality. What is astonishing is that these concepts presented themselves to me with such velocity it was and still is very difficult to fully grasp & control. But again stage-2 of my awakening was to channel my own intentions and ask to be heard from those around me and beyond, in which there is no doubt I was heard and responded to in the most profound of ways. Awakening through a series of startling discoveries o I had speculated over a year ago through my discoveries with adult films (I know lame but everything happens for a reason) that subconscious & suggestive messages were littered throughout pornography. I now fully understand that because I have been meticulously targeted by these beings some of these messages were actually intended specifically for me. But basically a series of audible anomalies inspired me to do a bit of research. I uncovered all sorts of odd hypnosis types of suggestions via verses repeatedly spoken, hissing & tweeting sounds all over the place, and underlying trance-like music which didnt take an expert to realize the significance. But it was the visual anomalies that were the most startling. o After watching some documentaries on 9/11 and realizing my initial reaction to the conspiracy theories of whatever were so narrow-sighted I was led to some related videos on the Reptilian entities (praise YouTube). What was striking was that just about all of the visual anomalies of the many accounts of these beings were present in the collection of adult films I had downloaded. So much that I decided to perform some research and was amazed to find 100s of comparable traits in less than an hour ranging from the jagged teeth, to masked pupils, to misshapen pupils, to formations in the skull on the forehead, to actual instances of shape shifting occurring on the screen. Now I still didnt think much of it but after a couple of days of investigating I figured I would apply the same analysis towards my television and was

absolutely stunned to find all of the same anomalies occurring on my television. Now this happened for days and it was pretty much every episode of anything on any channel demonstrated these characteristics. o I was a little freaked out and one night something so bizarre happened on my television that I decided to record a bit of it on my phone and this led to a massive turn of events that lasted 8 weeks straight to this very day. In short what I didnt realize at the time was I was being manipulated and groomed for what I speculate as a religious prophet so to speak, with experiences of angels & demons being planted on me for a decade in which these beings would have never figured that I would have copped on to what was really behind it all, nor did they anticipate me every overcoming my fears & awakening, nor did they expect me to recognize what was happening on the screen & obtaining proof, which I didnt even realize at the time. Encounters with 1000s of inter-dimensional beings o This led to an immediate reaction by these beings in which I witnessed them hosting individuals all around me everywhere from family, to friends, to everyone in public, to 1000s of coworkers. While hosting a human they portray very noticeable & repeatable traits in their eyes & pupils & they constantly lick their lips from side to side. The pupils become EXTREMELY dilated, their posture changes, their behavior changes, their expression of emotion is extremely limited, and on and on and on. I have seen this so many times I can outline precisely the symptoms. On top of that there are 2 forms of hosting which can be achieved one which I describe as spying & manipulating where they can share all of the 5 senses of a host while manipulating each (primarily sense of touch) and one where full-on possession can take place. At this point in time I seem to be the ONLY one resistant to the possession type of attack. Point being is I unknowingly became a massive risk-assessment operation in which I had a feeling what was going on but was able to carry out my daily routine & professional/social engagements without much issue. This allowed me to gain so much knowledge & 1000s

of articles of proof (which is shared later) that they literally dug themselves into a serious hole. o It should also be mentioned that there are some stark limitations that these beings have while hosting a human, from only being able to temporarily take control of a host, to requiring physical communication via verbal & non-verbal messages to one another (i.e. when in our physical reality they seem limited to our physical boundaries). Additional limitations as well as their technological capabilities are shared in much further detail in the other sections. Being groomed as a prophet for the coming of days o As mentioned prior it is now evident that I was being groomed towards religion, with the speculation being that either I needed to interpret was is to come as religious so that I wouldnt be a risk or I was being used as a human to manipulate other humans. I think it was both as remember I have been extraordinarily resistant to their mental attacks in which I was able to also somehow break free of their hypnosis effect. Rather profound & certainly not a coincidence. Physical anomalies begin manifesting in humans o It was a starting discovery when I realized that the people around me, primarily in the workplace, started showing signs of physical anomalies representing the historic accounts of the Reptilian race and those observed in the hours of video footage primarily being broadcast through my television. The most noticeable features included teeth that were growing & changing to become more fang-like & crowded, forcing bottom teeth to start angling inward towards the mouth, ridges that were forming ever so slightly from brow to hairline on the forehead, and a change in skin-structure as if skin were becoming more leathery, resulting in more pronounced vein structure & tendons in the neck area. People were also blinking like mad very repetitious with multiple uncontrollable blinks. My first thought this was my visual attunement to the hosting & possession that was taking place and not an actual physical change, but I was mistaken as youll read more about below. Being protected & guided from beyond our physical reality

o I have obtained numerous messages in various forms from beyond, in which case my speculation is that there are other forces working to help find balance & harmony to break humanity free from this controlled-state & hypnosis we have been under for literally eons. I also do not find it at all coincidental that I as a subject not only show 100% resistance to these attacks, but that I am also able to decipher what exactly has transpired with literal ease. Also it is apparent that even my willingness to share this information is affirmation that my experience has been carefully selected, in which I have been equally careful how I have chosen to handle it. Again I still am looking for a middle-ground but am 100% willing to go as far as needed to bring a cease to these attacks. Enduring an attack that lasted 6 weeks straight including a false incarceration on allegations of being mentally ill and dangerous despite not a single experience shared being refutable o In addition to the weeks of observation & suggestive influence by these beings I started noticing all sorts of anomalies with regard to sound, at first with regard to sounds resonating & vibrating from appliances, hissssssing speech coming from my television, tweets & bells in synthesized sounds of television, commercials, and a massive amount of bird calls surrounding my house. At first I simply found this to be odd but over a matter of just a week they slowly escalated & intensified, with birds literally BLASTING me every time I stepped outside with very high-pitched frequencies & patterns. The thing is the sounds all shared extreme commonality with regard to their pattern & frequency. o Next began a VERY INTENSE operation which involved 3 days straight, 24/7 of various vehicles following me, blasting massive forms of sounds ranging from high-pitched frequencies to extremely loud muffler blasts. I had semi- trucks in which a high-pitched siren could be heard from a mile away blasting these sounds in which I would intentionally pull alongside them as I was RECORDING all of this. Literally had 20 vehicles blasting various sounds on the road in a matter of about 90 minutes of driving over a couple of days. o I then started noticing all sorts of siren-like sounds surrounding

my house, birds being intensified, appliances getting louder, electrical current frequencies from lighting, and on and on and on. o This then escalated into military planes coincidentally flying missions which coordinated with my exact location for days, all the while blasting odd noises & flying at extremely low altitude. In a span of 30 minutes I recorded 4 different planes which sort of resembled the ghost plane seen on 9/11 and have subsequently recorded DOZENS of them. o Then something extremely odd & extraordinary happened as I was sleeping the sound was so disruptive I started to wear earplugs, and low and behold I could still hear resonating clicks and high-pitched sounds in my ears for hours. Essentially these sounds patterns were causing a 24/7 resonation in the ears which subconsciously I had subjected myself to intensely for weeks. Correlating physical biological changes invoked & hypnotic state with SOUND o It was evident that there was obvious intention of conducting such a large scale operation leveraging sound as the key element. My initial speculation was that through frequencies & patterns the mass-form of hypnosis being placed upon society could be manifested & that the sound resonation over time was weakening the human mind to make it more susceptible to the 2 forms of hosting. I still believe this to be the case, however after wearing a retainer on my teeth for about a year I woke up one morning and my teeth hurt like hell. Upon further inspection my teeth had changed significantly. I had of course been keeping a baseline of my own physical features due to my observations of changes manifesting in others but what I hadnt realized is that these changes were being invoke via SOUND PATTERNS. I then noticed when showering my right arm was EXTREMELY water resistant, had puffier skin, and new vein structure that was forming. On top of that I started to see changes to my skull structure on my forehead; although slight they are very apparently to me with ridges forming in a V shape pattern from the inner and outer eyebrow vertically up to the hair

line. Now keep in mind these were the EXACT physical anomalies I had started noticing in others around me. o The obvious conclusion was that these sound patterns & frequencies were manifesting some sort of physical change in people ever so gradually, and that these patterns & sounds have been intentionally planted & engineered into just about all electrical & mechanical products on the market to desensitize our awareness of them. Now that we are processing these sounds entirely through our subconscious they can be manipulated without our awareness, resulting in invoking physical changes likely by activating suppressed genes within the human genome. You then need to start asking the questions, why? o Well #1, by planting these in modern-day society our minds have been and continue to be weakened, making us extremely susceptible to hypnosis, control, manipulation, and hosting. But on top of that these physical manifestations can and will likely be interpreted as RELIGIOUS or SPIRITUAL events once they are unfolded to the public. This will be a complete lie, with this being planned from the very get-go as a failsafe or end-game measure to bring upon the perception of the end of days, Revelations, the coming of Lucifer, WWIII, and the final step in the creation of the New World Order. Gaining intimate knowledge & perspective from these beings due to their rash & aggressive handling of the situation o I have had so many encounters with these beings, predominantly when they were completely unaware that I had realized their hosting & possession capability thus they were a little careless that I have picked up their emotional state at times, their manipulation techniques, use of positive/negative energies to manipulation emotion & thought, use of advanced technology capability, and physical characteristics & how to detect even when you have a host within you (primarily by being aware of your subconscious behaviors such as blinking & licking of the lips; if you are in tune with your consciousness you can also sense their energies as well or at least I can). I have also seen their

wicked joy expressed when performing a successful manipulation, as well as sheer disappointment when things arent going their way. They have a sense of humor and seem to bond with one another. Oddly enough we are a lot alike in many ways; they just have it in for us for some reason, and based upon my experience it is to use us as vessels to get off on, like a human-drug, primarily in the form of sexual impulse, fear, paranoia, and obsession. I do sense that not all of them quite agree with their steadfast agenda and have seen some minor sense of empathy, primarily from their female entities (who still to this day Id like to meet one day :). Accumulating a wealth of physical evidence I mean 1000s of articles ranging from molds of teeth that show rapid change, 100 hours of audio footage, recordings of conversations with humans that are hosted, 100 hours of video of sound bombardments, 100 hours of adult films which contain 1000s of physical anomalies, on screen shape-shifting, audio anomalies & subconscious suggestions, 100 hours of DVR material containing 1000s of physical & audible anomalies, filmed military operation that lasted days, MRI scans, photos, journal entries, and on and on and on. o Essentially I have been in a battle with these entities for 8 weeks now with every attempt at reconciliation or reasoning failing miserably. Of course I was led to believe multiple times that they were going to back down simply to find manipulation after manipulation while they regrouped to determine a more secretive & devious approach to fulfilling their objective which is to mitigate this major human risk from exposing their presence & agenda by weakening me to succumb to hypnotic suggestion & fear, which after 1000s of various forms of attack simply at this point is never going to happen. o It is through these attacks & experiences that I (unbeknownst to them) gained countless forms of physical evidence enough to blow this whole thing open at ease. I often ask myself why I havent done so yet with the primary reason being my human-idealistic nature in hopes that we will eventually be able to find balance & harmony which slowly but surely Im beginning to learn just simply isnt going to

happen. o There is so much irony in how this progressed its not even funny by years of manipulation of planting false fears & seduction on the subject (me), to pushing the subject to open his mind to endless possibilities & developing unwavering faith, to performing a very rash reaction to the chain of events which allowed me to realize exactly the level of knowledge & corresponding proof I had acquired, to the full-on attack which allowed me to correlate the sound patterns & frequencies to the physical changes manifesting, to understanding their devious tactics & agenda, and on and on and on. It is literally through their repeated actions & missteps, as if we were following a very specific & detailed script, that I have been able amass so much knowledge, evidence, & personal-harmony in such an extraordinarily short amount of time (only 8 weeks or so) o All of this evidence is spread across 100s of places btw, from external hard-drives, to memory sticks, to laptops, to file- servers, to websites, to DVDs, to DVRs, to physical anomalies present on myself by comparing teeth molds, skin, vein structure, and of course skull structure on the forehead. Its all over the place in the event that it needs to be brought forward which is looking more & more likely by the day. Complete change in perspective of reality, importance, & a new taste of life o Imagine waking up one day and realizing your entire existence has been based upon a lie and not only that realizing the true hand of creation. On top of that coming to a realization of the intent & meaning of religion, angels & demons, how people are constantly being manipulated in the most devious of methods some which are be groomed as prophets. Imagine the comfort in knowing that our physical reality is only a sliver of our true meaning and existence. Imagine seeing first-hand 1000s of times the consciousness or soul completely separated from the physical body and imagine the comfort knowing that our bodies are simply vessels, but unfortunately vessels that can be piggy-backed off of by other entities some of which are

there to help & protect mind you. Imagine all the learned joys of this physical world such as mainstream entertainment being instantly turned to garbage. I mean its like when you learned that professional wrestling was staged, except on the scale of life. o Imagine knowing that we are not alone, however experiencing the sheer disappointment knowing that there is a race of beings who are our creator as well as our destroyer. Imagine being invaded on all levels privacy, professionally, personally, socially, and having to come to grips with a reality crumbling around you at all levels. Imagine going from a fast- track driven high-profile career to being labeled, simply due to the fact that the vast majority has not undergone such an awakening. Imagine trying to deal with these entities for 8 weeks straight, attempting to reason, being on the defensive, expressing appreciation & love yet biting back when feeling threatened (that must be the Reptilian in me :). In the end I have recognized what it means to truly be human along with the endless love, compassion, and empathy I share with all of you and with all beings, ironically enough even with these damn Reptilians. o See what I have realized is that our universal existence includes beings & entities of all shapes and sizes and on all spectrums, and for whatever reason these entities are compelled by demonic behaviors & thoughts on the complete other spectrum of the true nature of humanity. Coming to these revelations has been a wonder despite all of the hardships. Coming to these revelations has been the most profound & extraordinary realization one could ever experience. Coming to these revelations is what it means to Awaken, and I hope by sharing this you have realized just how real and important all of this information is to absorb & share, as its the truth.. YouTube | Awakening | Revelations |Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN |

Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts |
7/2/11 | perhaps this one will create inspiration to finally call it off.

REVELATIONS the MOVIE of the THIRD and FINAL WORLD WAR First off let me state that should such an event take place in the near- future this will in NO WAY represent a spiritual or religious event, it has been planned likely since the existence of man and the implantation of modern day religion, it will feed off of peoples fear of Lucifer, being judged, it will involved physical transformation of society being invoked TODAY through the use of SOUND (via manifestation of suppressed genes in the human genome), we will be told COMPLETE LIES as to why this physical transformation is taking place, these beings will pray upon the belief-sets of Christianity, invoking fear of judgment day and looking for complacency while people take no action while putting faith in a messiah, it will leverage a movie-like production leveraging the media to unfold this story to the masses, it will leverage advanced technology which we arent privy to likely to enact natural disasters, likely to cause electrical & computer systems to go haywire, symbolism of Lucifer & the 4 horsemen, and of course it will leverage the capability of human hosting and full-on possession of bodies to cause chaos, fear, and attempt to prove to the public the false lie that this is indeed a religious event. It will also likely capitalize on the false-prophecies of the coming of days in 2012, heightening the awareness of the Mayan calendar while instating false prophets (as I was being groomed for) to manipulate humanity into creating their own perception of the coming of the end while laying claims of what needs to be done to get through it which of course will be to follow the EXACT AGENDA being put forth as we speak by these advanced beings. Remember there is absolutely nothing religious or spiritual with regard to what is likely to transpire, nor is there any need to fear what is in store. Now tell me when this actually happens how could it be that someone so far in advance could predict it? Well I can also predict how we will need to get through it so read on as this message is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, and as Ive stated prior if needed I will dedicate my life to exposing this for what it is if continued to be pushed into that direction.

Now that the Anunnaki/Reptilian race has been CONFIRMED to exist through the 1000s of personal experiences corroborated by countless forms of physical evidence (which I will unveil if pushed in that direction) one can only presume that the Illuminati, the hidden hand of the Reptilian race on Earth here to push its agenda of manipulation, control, and the ultimate target of the New World Order, is not only in full-effect but has been in place since the existence of man. It is here within the Illumati that after doing a bit of research in regards to the NWO agenda that a revelation about REVELATIONS has emerged. Looking at my own experience and history it is now obvious that I have been a target for multiple reasons for over a decade. It has been confirmed that through the use of TECHNOLOGY, predominantly via sounds/frequencies/patterns that have been embedded within modern- day society (i.e. motorized, electrical, and mechanical products); synthesized in television, music, movies, and masked as sounds of nature (i.e. birds, locusts, crickets, etc), the Reptilian / Illuminati are invoking biological physical changes to the mass public. In addition there is strong speculation that these frequencies are causing mental fatigue by a constant 24/7 resonation in the ears increasing susceptibility to 2 forms of hosting by the Reptilian entities (1) a form of hosting in which the entity can reside within a human host to monitor & record all physical senses while using various forms of energy to manipulate thought, arousal, fear, and emotion; and (2) a full-on bodily possession of the human host. There is also strong speculation that these frequencies are causing some sort of subconscious block or mass-hypnosis keeping the public eye immune to these changes represented on the screen as well as within themselves, at least for the near-term. I seem to have been targeted initially due to an extraordinary form of resistance both to the physical changes invoked but more importantly to the mental attacks being placed upon us in secrecy, with myself either overcoming these forms of possession overtime or being more or less immune from the get-go with the caveat that these entities are invited in INSTANTLY for type-1 hosting upon smoking cannabis in which unbeknownst to me I had performed numerous times and it is generally in these situations that the largest manipulation attempts were placed upon me.

First came an unexpected addiction to pornography starting about a decade ago in which simply watching it for hours took place many times without much of any sexual arousal. What an odd form of addiction which now has obviously been STRONGLY influenced by these beings if not flat-out controlled. My initial speculation as to why this was performed was due to the fascination this race has with sex, in which upon hosting a human subject they can share physical senses thus humans would likely be used all the time as an avatar so to speak to get-off from. I mean what a fascinating concept using human hosts as the ultimate drug to get high off of fear, sex, paranoia, obsession, and other traits represented in the R or Reptilian brain. And although I firmly believe this may have been the initial intention of these beings, now that I can look back on the past decade and recount with precise detail numerous occasions in which full out possession by these entities occurred, many times out in public or at social events (i.e. after hours parties) it seems apparent that I was dually targeted because of my unique resistance to these types of possession. So why would me being resistant even be important to these entities? Well at first Im sure it posed a nice little game as well as a real challenge from the norm which Im sure was capitalized on numerous times as an ultimate form of entertainment. But beyond that with an agenda now recognized to be in the works for centuries & implemented decades ago should an end-state involve supernatural events someone who has a rather scientific nature (i.e. me) they would either need to eventually succumb to the attacks or view these events in a religious fashion to truly be eliminated as a risk to exposing the truth. And after a decade long attempt at manipulation without the subject even coming close to copping onto really what was happening around him, what would the risk be of me actually deciphering the real-hand behind all of this pretty much next to none. So first was the influenced obsession with pornography in which 18 months ago I had speculated that suggestive & subconscious messages were being planted all throughout pornography; I mean after all I had become quite a resident expert. I had even mentioned this to a friend multiple times and although I was inclined to dig into this concept further I just figured I would put it on the back-burner. Then a very bizarre thing

happened upon me uncovering numerous fascinating accounts of these reptilian entities primarily on Youtube from various people posting as well as from some of the clips of David Icke. Fascinating stuff indeed in which I saw a lot of parallels in the physical anomalies being described with those I was noticing in pornography in which at the time I really didnt have much of a reference. So this inspired me to do some very light investigative work and I was shocked to discover 100s of anomalies in the pornography in just a single research session. Very odd indeed but it gets better I started downloading some films off of Vuze to do some further research and I came across a video that completely caught me off guard. I mean this one had the most notissssable anomalies seen to date as well as an OBVIOUS HYPNOTIC clicking that lasted about 7 seconds completely out of place (which subsequently matches exactly to the clicking frequencies observed in electrical products discovered after the fact of course). But on top of that it had a number of planted fantasies of mine. I wont get into the details but it was pretty obvious this film was tailored for me with the intention of keeping me on the porn. The level of subconscious suggestion was also increased SIGNIFICANTLY as they have obviously been adjusting the frequencies for years to try to get them to have an impact on me. I have all of these porn videos on video as well which upon analysis the veil would be uncovered immediately. But looking deeper than just the subconscious sinful influence being placed upon me to keep me locked into the porn it is now apparent there were HUGE steps being taken to affect my personal life to keep me locked into a logistical state where these influences could be maintained. Basically think about the extraordinary influence & power these beings have, the extent in which they executed an attack to try and keep the information I obtained from being communicated outward, and then you can start piecing together that such lengths were being taken time and time again throughout the past decade lengths to keep me on my own, single, where I would be most prone to succumbing to their extreme powers of suggestive influence & locked into pornography which Ill get to in a minute. Again all of this seems to be related to keeping the subject hooked on pornography to facilitate an agenda. Well after performing research and

identifying the 1000s of subconscious suggestions, hissings, tweets, synthesized sounds, etc I know how come to a VERY STRONG conclusion that the intent was to continue exposing me to a variety of SOUNDS, just like the sounds being subconsciously blasted in modern-day society & the television, until it started having the same effect as it was on the mass public which is hypnotic state to subconsciously block out what was happening, invoke physical/biological change, and invoke mental weakness & susceptibility to possession. I mean its pretty much a no- brainer that this agenda had been pushed upon me due to my resistance for a decade, but it didnt end with the porn. There was a plan-B in place that was being executed in parallel in the event that the sound-induced changes were not able to take affect and that was to condition the subject with fear, sin, judgment, and an interpretation of these ongoing bizarre events and presumably what is to come as RELIGIOUS events. And the manipulation in regards to this was even deeper than keeping me onto the porn. It started about 7 years ago with some minor fears of death being placed upon me starting with some false sense of cardiac issues such as constriction of the chest, fear/paranoia energy boosts, and subconscious suggestion. This was followed by an initial placement of Satan being put upon me in a casual discussion with friends where they repeatedly said those who didnt believe in Christ would be going to hell, all the while (unbeknownst to me at the time) getting blasted with negative energy to cause paranoia. Next was a series of about 10 of these episodes ranging from people in public randomly looking over and saying, hes a fallen angel & doesnt even know it to various fear induced episodes when I was experiencing sin, to angels & demons playing the role of good buy vs. bad guy either advocating my salvation or causing fear of being damned, similar to having your soul on trial. This happened on multiple occasions, but looking back on it I always found it interesting that the beings performing these acts in human-hosts were always commingling and communicating with each other in a physical sense (i.e. verbal & non- verbal communication). I mean why would angels & demons need to interact with each other via talking discreetly with one another to plot out their next move? The more recent episodes involved the bizarre incidences on the

television, in which the intent was to get me to have a strong sense that I had an encounter with Satan who was trying to vie for my soul in which I got a second chance provided to me by an angel, and lastly a group of friends for no reason chanting RevelationsRevelations.Revelations., followed by angels being brought up, a big poster of The Devil Inside being hung up in the basement (subconscious influence), a friend asking another friend whether he talked to that angel inside, a couple telling me how they recently found religion, with the craziest part of this episode having a friend bring up the passing of a nephew from a couple of years ago in which after I responded that I have a picture of him on my fireplace with an angel looking down upon him, a girl walked up to him and said I cant believe you did that in which he looked over at a group of friends, smiles, and says, it looks like Im winning. Looking back on it this was an obvious manipulation attempt to push me again towards religion. I was also planted with the number 444 by a friend, which was followed by a song on a disc in a friends car beginning at 4:44 as opposed to :01 at the EXACT moment I was first speaking to anyone about the 444 (remember all electrical products can be manipulated in real-time), which I was then later told by another friend that this mean that angels were surrounding you, which was then followed by birds waking me up at 4:44am 2 mornings in a row in which I was told by a friend that birds were a sign that angels were around you, which to top it off was followed by the same friend who planted the 444 on me stating that some anomalies I was seeing in Facebook (see coincidences) were signs from god. But it doesnt stop there even song lyrics, particularly those manifesting coincidentally in just about all of the 10-15 songs Ive listened to the most from the latest albums of my 2 favorite bands of the last 5 years, seemed strongly influenced to start planting these same concepts on me with thoughts of being dead, salvation, heaven, hell, possession, reckoner, faith, and on and on and on. Its simply amazing but now that I recognize what a risk I have been this whole time it makes sense that these lengths were being made. Something extraordinary happened that totally took these beings off guard I mean to have plan A fail would have been a disappointment,

to have both plan A and plan B fail would have been a huge disappointment, but to have BOTH plans FAIL and then have the subject actually discovery the TRUTH behind all of this was simply NOTHING they could have planned for; however they obviously had some final safe guards in place in the event this happened. The additional mitigation should neither of these manipulation attempts be successful began the form of threat & intimidation (they have everything I have done on video from my OWN PERSPECTIVE & EYES which Im sure will be used against me and others as Ill talk about in more detail below. This was then escalated to an all-out assault first with sounds of nature being planted all around my house, airplanes flying around 24/7 blasting sound everywhere, electrical products & appliances blasting hidden frequencies, vehicle following me for days blasting noises, and on and on and on. The sounds were then planted throughout the ENTIRE CITY, in all public places, planted in trees everywhere I mean this operation included 24/7 monitoring of me for weeks by 1000s of these entities hosting humans, a full-on military operation with semi trucks, military planes youre talking 100s of vehicles. This was a flat out enormous risk management operation, so what do you think was going their heads when the worst-case scenario (with me) was coming to light larger than they could have expected? The next thing came delay tactics and a strong attempt at getting me back into the family life, but the thing is I was so fed up with the 5 week harassment I decided to post my experiences on Facebook and low and behold the major operation ceased the very next day. But of course it didnt stop there as soon as I purchased DVDRs to make a statement I was going to record the mountains of evidence onto I got arrested the following day on FALSE allegations of being MENTALLY ILL and DANGEROUS. Really? Prove to me a single thing I stated in my experience along with the wealth of evidence that I have didnt happen..oh you cant. Then a credibility blast took place obviously to either make me out to be a druggie or mentally disturbed, neither of which have any merit. After that they decided to incarcerate me for 11 days while forcing me to experience SSRI discontinuation syndrome, followed by more attacks while incarcerated, followed by more attacks upon my

release. Well nothing has worked and in fact throughout all of this I have accumulated so much knowledge & evidence its not even funny. I have enough to blow this open tomorrow if I wanted to and trust me I starting to think strongly about it due to these beings simply not backing off; I mean they are relentless. But lets get back to the WHY the immediate plan should the mental attack not have any effect was to push me towards RELIGION. First you need to recognize not only the positives of religious faith but also the glaring negatives. First off religion in our reality forces people to NEED to subscribe to a man-made DEFINED set of beliefs in order to reach salvation. And in fact as long as you subscribe to your belief system, you will be saved. Does anyone see a problem with this? First off there are countless forms of religion to subscribe to (including atheism), so immediately out of the gate we as humans are forced down a path of DIVISION. Next there are a certain set of beliefs or behaviors that must be ENFORCED, including rituals that include drinking wine (Im sure the Reptilians are still laughing at the fact weve been convinced into performing this one), and irregardless of any angelic behaviors you have on this world (such as the demonstration of pure compassion & empathy towards others) you will be damned for all of eternity should you not follow these beliefs / behaviors. And lets think about that for a second how many people out there subscribe to a belief system due to the fear of Lucifer & eternal damnation as opposed to the eternal love of human connection? This is a fear-based driven belief system in which you can literally get away with murder as long as in the end you believe. But lets continue these religion ultimate preach arrogance when it comes to which is right, and which is wrong. I mean do these religions embrace any of their peers to the point where everyone has the potential to be saved? Absolutely not, so who is to say which one is right? Is it an emperor from around 350 AD who leveraged a collection of hand-picked texts he felt would be of most use to unite a divided kingdom? If so you are subscribing to the Christian religion, and in through those decisions of Constantine are the reasons to this day why woman are no viewed as privileged enough to serve in the priesthood despite this being the norm prior to his hand-picked agenda. Also the

expansion of this agenda and Roman empire is the primary reason why the majority of Europe spreading over to the United States is now based upon a Christian belief. I mean do you really believe the native Europeans had much of a choice when it came to subscribing to a belief system? They were BRUTALLY conquered, conditioned, and killed if they diverged. Take a look at early scientific discoveries that may have challenged the belief system these breakthroughs were apparently too soon to be accepted or viewed as a risk to the expanding agenda so the discoveries along with the discoverers were often locked away for the rest of their lives. Of course this nature can be expanded to pretty much all forms of religion one in which a set of beliefs are forced and pushed down to a group of people as opposed to allowing freedom of choice. And now that there are just a handful of dominating religions with the masses already subscribed to them there is simply no need to force the hand as WE FORCE IT UPON OURSELVES through upbringing. Why arent these the stories that are taught in our history & religious classes? Lastly since were on the topic of Christianity (Ill explain why this is the focus later) lets explore the complacency aspect as Ive heard it too many times to ignore simply put your faith in god and everything will turn out fine. Again Im all for putting faith in god and it is through that faith that I have been able to endure, but wouldnt stopping there be a pure disappointment in the eyes of god? God is there to provide guidance & protection, but not there to promote a bunch of non-thinkers and non- action oriented people. We are human, we have lives to maintain, we have decisions to make on our own, and it is through GOD that we will make OUR OWN and CORRECT DECISIONS. God would certainly not want people to stand around and let destruction run its course. God would certainly not want folks to collect themselves in a box and simply pray should Lucifer come down to play games on humanity. God can and will manifest in all of us, and it is up to US to truly become the angels of Revelations. We must manifest our own angelic qualities should we need to overcome, and we will. Atheists dont be fooled you were only partially correct in your belief system, in which youre likely open minded enough to think that its more likely than not our creator was of extraterrestrial origin as

opposed to an almighty god, in which case you would be correct! And do not let yourself have the wool pulled over your eyes to think that you were wrong and now your souls are damned. This will simply be a manipulation technique all humans bonding together form the ultimate religion against any demonic entity, whether it is falsely represented as Lucifer or Hades. Deception at all levels including those at the heads of major religions, predominantly Christianity as this is where the true money, control, and power is not only with regard to the ones running it but also within the people who have subscribed to this belief the upper class, the working class, the privileged, the people of the free country if you can control and manipulate this segment the rest will fall into place on its own. Lucifer does exist in a physical sense and has corrupted & deceived all major forms of religion to work on his behalf. People will likely be asked to put their faith in god and the messiah and everything will turn out ok. We most certainly put our faith into god and our own personal messiahs, but we cannot afford to buy into these words completely, nor can we afford to be stagnant. The messiah does live in each and every one of us and waiting around with no action is simply not what our heavenly entities would want us to do. You see heavenly entities can not only offer us assistance, but they live within each and every one of us. There has been a hidden war between angels and demons since the existence of humanity, and WE ARE THE ANGELS. We are the ones who must rise above to fend off the demonic attacks and influences; we are the ones who must act upon behalf of our god and of each other. Mark my words upon the reckoning you will be asked to put your faith in go with the implication that will be enough. If there is truly a war in the mix with demonic entities do you think that waiting around and doing nothing is really going to bring upon salvation? Maintain your faith, and through your faith YOU will have the STRENGTH to determine your OWN path, and remember ANY PATH YOU CHOOSE will bring upon salvation, in which you certainly DO NOT need to follow any particular path of what youve been told to do. Throughout my experience I have been told and influenced many times to simply have faith and everything will sort itself out. Yes I will

maintain my faith, but in doing so it will provide me with the strength to ENSURE everything gets sorted out. This is what god has asked of us and this is what we need to do for each other. I have also been told to simply put my faith in god to let him sort it out. Can you see the level of deception here? Dont do anything, simply pray and have unwavering faith, go to church and you will be saved. Or in other words be complacent while we progress our agenda and attacks. Praying will absolutely be important as well as demonstrating your unwavering faith, but we cannot be nave enough to think that complacency alone is what is going to bring about change. This is the deception that has always been placed upon us and look where it has gotten us. Again you must ask if there is someone out there who can predict the coming of such events, then surely this person can predict the level of deceit we will likely experience throughout it as well as the complete necessity for us as a human race to be self-determined and UNITE, regardless of whatever faith we have subscribed to. The time will be coming soon for a universal form of religion one that brings people together as opposed to divides; one that preaches love, hope and harmony across all beings as opposed to driving behavior based upon fear and a symbol of fear in Lucifer. This religion will recognize the wonders of creation and the sliver of existence that man represents as opposed to expressing arrogance of a single god whose focus it was and is to revolve around the Earth and humankind. God does exist and we ALL represent a part of our creator. We are both at the same time the creator and its creation. It is up to US to determine how we will progress throughout our eternal existence. My conditioning to become a person of religious faith and subsequently a prophet telling of my experience with Lucifer is now not only blatantly obvious but I now have such insight and understanding into why this was to be. First off as mentioned earlier the transformational process through the use of various TECHNOLOGIES, in this case the primary form being sound patterns & frequencies, was simply not working. The decade long attempts at getting me to succumb we also not working, so out popped the idea of lets incrementally condition him to think that (a) he could possibly be in a purgatory state invoking a false fear of death, (b) invoke thoughts of judgment and only through a

subscription into a belief system (which will subsequently be manipulated immensely upon the coming of Lucifer will he be saved, and obviously (c) lets above all deter him from understanding the real-truth and hand behind all of this whilst his interpretation of the coming events will be spiritual as opposed to SCIENTIFIC. And I have to say the manipulation techniques were extraordinary, startling at times, and very effective but obviously not effective enough. The last core reason was that these beings need to rely on the HUMAN RACE to manipulate themselves, hence this is the EXACT REASON why I was being CONDITIONED to become a PROPHET of the COMING OF DAYS albeit a false one at that. The true IRONY here, possibly the largest sense of irony throughout our entire existence, is that I certainly do have the opportunity to become a prophet one that understands entirely what is to come and the real hand behind it. Let me repeat these are NOT SPIRITUAL entities and are indeed ones of extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional origins that have been corrupting and manipulating man for 1000s of years. To come to these revelations is a wonder never to have been anticipated, and as I stated before in my Deep Thoughts section a revelations about the coming of REVELATIONS is the ultimate revelation and irony. So how could it be that a regular guy from a town in the Midwest could be conditioned to become a prophet well Im sure its the exact same method used to create other false prophets in the name of god throughout our existence. First you need to instill a belief system in which this case time and time again it was conditioned upon me based upon FEAR of Lucifer. I mean I never was presented with visions from god nor was I presented with a vision from our messiah the closest I got to this was an obvious see through attempt at presenting angels manifesting through human hosts to provide guidance and protection. Now Im not saying that I havent received guidance and protection from other entities as this is an ABSOLUTE. I wont get into the details but plenty of times have I received messages to help me along my path and in addition its absolutely no coincidence that I was in a sense hand picked for this rather grueling & extraordinary task of spreading the truth, but strictly in a sense of manipulation as I have mentioned before these beings play both sides of the coin with the FULL INTENT to move a subject down a particular

path. So lets get into the details of how this was ALMOST achieved. I have seen 1000s of times the consciousness separated from our human body. Its simply a fact and I can go into very specific detail with regard to my observations and speculations around how it is achieved. Its simply a FACT at this point if a consciousness can be projected into a human body or machine, then of course the 2 aspects are completely separate entities! Consciousness does not equal a brain the brain is just a vehicle or compute for the consciousness to more or less run on, in which MULTIPLE forms of consciousness can actually run within a SINGLE brain. Its flat out a fact, and this alone should provide you with the strength and faith that our consciousness exists in realms we couldnt possibly understand within the limits of our physical reality. It also exists without requiring ANY physical aspect in this reality we are in, as if that were the case how could it be projected from one entity to another riding on different variations of machinery? It has no mass, its not tied to a bundle of atoms or anything like that it exists in an entirely new form of energy we do not yet understand. But the important aspect is that our consciousness, soul, whatever you want to call it is a form of energy that can exist outside of our physical bodies. Quite profound and extraordinary to not only have experienced this firsthand but to have PROOF of its manifestation through the actions of these demonic entities. the Reptilians controls them, and why is the symbol of the snake and reptile a representation of Lucifer? Why are we being transformed into physical appearances that would make us look more demonic which happens to coincide with the accounts of the Reptilian entities? Pretty obvious dont you think. This is what Revelations has been all about since its conception to plant the possibility of the coming of days, to instill fear based on the symbol of all evils in Lucifer, and to allow for this figure to take physical form in the representation of what weve been conditioned for this figure to look like a Reptilian demon! Why this cycle from angelic to demonic? Well speaking from my own experience this is truly how we can learn and appreciate what it means to be angelic, what it means to be seduced into the world of demonic, and ultimately what it means to rise above to express our true nature of humanity.

INSERT HERE IF NEEDED being groomed to become a prophet Again first was to present fear to the subject, and what better fear is there to present than fear of being judged and sentenced to eternal damnation with a guy in a red suit, horns, and a pitchfork? Scary as hell thats for sure, pun intended. INSERT HERE IF NEEDED how they are going to try and pull this off yes I have all the details - a Lucifer lead End of Days operational & technical PROJECT PLAN Oh and did I mention I have such an accumulation of physical evidence I could make all of this information irrefutable?! I think I did mention that. YouTube | Awakening | Revelations |Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | The Original Facebook Post Were being attacked through sound frequencies & patterns: Through faith in god I have maintained the strength to endure. I need all of you to listen very carefully to me. I share a common bond with all of you & many of you know me to the core. The revelation I'm about to share with all of you takes the utmost of courage & through this courage should demonstrate my utmost conviction despite my internal struggles to reconcile these factual and very real experiences. Those of you in Omaha - have you noticed a recent barrage of audible signals, amplified sounds, mufflers, trains, pattern-based bird calls all throughout the city at every hour of the night? For the past 4 weeks I have been noticing gradual physical changes to just about everyone, from teeth growing, becoming more crooked & jagged, pupils becoming more & more dilated & losing their round shape, skin on the face, neck, & arms, changes to bone structure in the forehead area, more pronounced veins & tendons, etc etc. These changes have been startling yet apparently

oblivious to the people affected including myself until 4 weeks ago. At that moment I must have unknowingly broke away from this "spell" with a series of events documented, recorded, observed by others, yet the conclusion made is so "far-fetched" it requires a significant leap of faith by all of you to acknowledge. These factual & witnessed experiences include a barrage of frequencies blasted at my house for weeks, automobiles, trucks, & planes following my every move blasting me with sounds. Military planes flying @ low altitude circling my house, blasting sound, and as of late blasting sound across all of Omaha. I have all of this recorded, including 6 military planes in a 30 min span yesterday as well as me being surrounded by vehicles blasting me with high & low frequencies. The end result is that I too am showing these transformative features, observed by others, which include the following: Obvious growth in multiple teeth, gradual changes to my skull appearing as multiple ridges forming from brow to hairline, gradual pupil dilation, obvious skin & swelling changes in my right arm which is now entirely water resistant, new veins that have formed in my forearm, etc. It has been extremely difficult to reconcile why these physical changes are occurring & even worse the mental changes observed in individuals. I have recorded multiple sounds including hard drive clicks, all kinds on different sounds, and most predominantly pattern based bird calls all over the city at all hours of the day. Interestingly enough my hard drive on my laptop has been clicking nonstop for at least 6 months & I never found it odd until now. Last night to try and drown out the noises I dug out a Homedics sound machine purchased 10 years ago and cycled through the sounds. I went to the jungle button & the exact same bird patterns appeared. You need to listen - these patterns have been implanted in our products for decades, from hard drive clicks, to motor cycle sounds, to airplanes, to mufflers, to fan noises, to refrigerators, to just about every product on the market. I can only speculate that the intent was to get the population adjusted to these sounds and frequencies as normal. Now that they are

being blasted we are desensitized to them. This has been an agenda in the works for decades. Listen carefully - these frequencies are causing physical & mental changes in everyone. I have the symptoms myself acknowledged by all friends, colleagues, and family & despite all of the evidence it's difficult for about everyone to make this leap. Additionally these changes are making us susceptible to being hosted by other entities, as I have observed this hundreds of times. Yesterday I followed 3 individuals that were tailing me & upon following them they drove back to their homes, unaware that they were even following me; clear sign of being under some suggestive influence. Whether these are demons or reptilian entities is still TBD, but the fact they rely on technology to invoke these changes could indicate they are some sort of advanced race with advanced capabilities. Research the Anunnaki, as they were documented by our earliest ancestors as creating humans as a genetic hybrid race for slave labor. Could it be that they are invoking suppressed genes by using frequencies to cause these changes to better control & manipulate the expanding human population? Please do not dismiss this. I was told years ago to "write this down & tell the world". I chalked this up to a very spiritual event but did not realize the meaning until now. This is for real & you need to protect, be self-determined, unite, and have faith. I couldn't possible have the imagination to make this stuff up. Look at the facts & draw Ur own conclusions. This is really happening & I need you all to share this and remember to protect yourselves from these beings mentally & from these frequencies. For love, for everyone, for my angels. YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts |

I suppose the areas of this story that are just too difficult to comprehend or imagine that they could be part of our smoke screen reality are the fact that an advanced-race, speculated as the Anunnaki, could be responsible for what is happening as well as the fact that using sound as a trigger they could invoke some sort of biological change within the human race. I know these concepts are very difficult to grasp and only through some CONSTANT experience, documenting the facts, researching the possibilities, and connecting the dots can both of these conclusions be reachable. As this is likely a sticking point for most lets spend some time exploring both of these in more detail. Who Could Be Behind All of This? Well the options arent many but sure there could be a handful of explanations for what is happening but through deduction only one conclusion really makes sense: 1. 2. 3. 4. Some supreme form of governmental power (i.e. the US & US Military) Subject is experiencing insanity (its a truly insane point of view but yes unfortunately it is a conclusion one could draw) Religious or spiritual experience (we are dealing with concepts that appear supernatural and otherworldly and this is actually a possibility I have explored fairly thoroughly) attack or manipulation from some sort of advanced race of beings o New infiltration from the gods above o Pressing forward with an agenda of a pre-existing race Some supreme form of governmental power (i.e. the US & US Military)


Could the Unites States or another form of government pull something like this off? Well in many ways if they have been keeping secrets away from the public in regards to technology capability well than yes, and the conclusion is that the US government obviously has a strong hand in this but based upon the experience they simply cannot be working alone. Interestingly enough exploring this in more detail actually ends up answering quite a few questions that simply

havent made sense throughout history, such as why would our own government perform an attack on its own people during 9/11 (the answer as youll see is that it didnt, at least not in the sense that it was CONTROLLED by our government). Same questions about why is oil in its gross abundance around the world (look it up) still perceived and managed as such a scarcity, funneling in trillions of dollars to the cartels in the Middle East, and why have the implementation of alternative fuel sources not been a priority?! I mean give me a break of course this dependency could have been broken decades ago if it were desired. The obvious answer is for money, power, and control - scarcity = dependency = control, but as youll see below its not control being placed upon the population from any form of conventional government that we understand. Sure some sort of government could likely accomplish much of what has been witnessed, documented, and recorded throughout this experience. Yes they could have been privy to the human genome and what could be unlocked within its genetic code; sure I suppose its even possibly that through decades of testing someone could have figured out a trigger, in this case sound, to cause mental & physical change in animals and subsequently humans. We already know that governments have been studying the effect of subconscious suggestion for decades and have been using it in modern-day society to control and manipulate the population just take a look at the mainstream media for an obvious example. I suppose its even possible that through some form of telekinesis manipulation of emotion and bodily control/possession could be possible. But again were talking 100 years of planning to carry out such a plot ever since the invention of electric current. I mean these signals needed to be developed a century ago so that they could be incrementally placed throughout society. They question is whether before modern-day computing could something like this have been conceived. The quick answer and a very compelling one is NO this scratched out the human-executed potential. 2. Insanity Listen Ill be the first to throw out that much of this story sounds

insane. After all only after 5 straight weeks of personal experience, corroborating what I was experiencing with audio, video, and personal/physical documentary was I able to reconcile and without a doubt connect-the-dots; a luxury that I wouldnt wish upon anyone (in which case I hope that I can take one for the team!). But you need to ask yourself who or what is it that has defined what our society views as sane vs. insane, within the realms of reality and outside the realms, what is imagination vs. scientific. If you simply look at the facts and perform some research you will come to the conclusion that so much of our ancient history has been covered up and modified, with a huge suppression effort being placed upon the scientific community should anyone raise very rational questions followed-up with compelling evidence to challenge the mainstream. Evolution is a POSTER CHILD which represents a mainstream scientific cover-up with such extraordinary leaps made in such a small amount of time, 100,000 years or less, to go from eating bananas in caves to building full civilizations with ancient monolithic structures, agriculture, animal domestication, farming, architecture, etc. Any of the modern-day scientists who repeatedly visit this unexplainable gap get labeled as being insane. Same could be said about the theories around other dimensions present within our existing universe in the form of parallel universes, which of course as insane as it was 50 years ago is accepted almost conclusively by modern days physicists. And then you need to start asking the questions why? If you were to take a look at the simply ridiculous theory with regard to how the Great Pyramid was built we actually accept as opposed to pointing out that what weve been told about it is what really sounds insane. Why is it that were so quick to accept the ridiculous and challenge something we really may not have any clue about? To jump to a conclusion of insanity before performing any bit of research or looking at the facts demonstrates how insane & brainwashed our society has become. As I expressed prior in great detail there is just no basis of insanity present, nor have ANY of the factual accounts or mountains of physical evidence been REFUTED. Multiple assessments by medical staff, blood work, neurological scans, etc show absolutely NO indication of any form of

delusional qualities exhibited; coupled with the fact that you have an extremely healthy, well-grounded, and successful individual in which if no conventional explanation can be provided perhaps the explanation is truly something that is UNCONVENTIONAL! 3. Religious or spiritual experience (we are dealing with concepts that appear supernatural and otherworldly and this is actually a possibility I have explored fairly thoroughly)

The religious aspect of this experience is certainly present and represents not only how extraordinarily tied to religion this experience is, but also in how deep the IRONY is that I have been able to come to the core level of truth that I have. For a DECADE now I have had chance encounters with these beings, as stated before presumably to get high off of fear, sex, obsession, and other reptilian behaviors they would thrive off of while inside a human host, but I can also now speculate that because of this resistance to hypnosis and mental attacks I continue to maintain without any effort mind you (this is obviously not a coincidence), I have been targeted so that the extremely profound experiences, observations, and transformations I have been experiencing are interpreted as religious or spiritual events as opposed to scientific, and they were EXTREMELY close to having me fooled. I mean looking back on it first I was planted with fear of being judged, then planted with the idea that there was the possibility I could spend eternal damnation with a guy in a red suit and pitch-fork, then I was planted with sin, then I was planted repeatedly with the question of whether or not I would be saved, then I had encounters by angels and demons multiple times, literally some people actually pretending to be angels & demons which I have ON THE RECORD (of course in their minds they were performing this act somehow on my behalf); I had random people plant church on m multiple times while getting manipulated with energy; Ive also had multiple halo effects during these episodes which of course can now be linked to simply spikes in voltage to increase the output of light radiating both indoors and outdoors (i.e. street lights). I then witnessed co-mingling of these angels & demons

multiple times as if they were strategizing together to determine my fate coupled with the use of TECHNOLOGY anomalies to perform this manipulation. This is actually when I started truly wondering what it is I was experiencing. Ill give you a few examples: I have had search results manipulated in real-time so that one of the result sets (say in Google) in the lower portion would have some words planted in there for a subconscious or personal message. Ive had the same experience on Facebook with a quiz posted about me which included very personal things in which I was later told verbally by a friend that they were signs from god Ive had purchases fail in real-time, obviously the dozen or so attempts to purchase airfare using multiple financial instruments and multiple sites all failing, but in addition Ive had iTunes fail for a friend trying to purchase a song on Apple TV during one of these episodes which for no other reason but to manipulate me into thinking that I had already purchased these very angelic songs and that I was not to be given another chance, or another purchase unless I cleaned my act up. I believe the exact message was you have already purchased this song which of course I hadnt. All the while I was getting blasted with negative/constricting false energy which magically went away as soon as I wisened up in which my friend had the purchase finally go through followed up by a blast (from that very friend who was obviously being hosted) of extremely positive-warm energy. Last example Ive experienced multiple times fans blasting me in public and only me in real-time, buzzers going off when I go through doors and only me going through doors when out in public, processing of transactions getting delayed to keep me in a certain position/location while I was to be continuously blasted, and on and on and on. Probably 100s of these coincidences in an extremely short amount of time.

There are many more examples but when you combine these very PHYSICAL experiences with the fact that the means in which most of the extraordinary experiences are invoked through the use of technology (artificial halo effect, internet anomalies) not to mention the use of SOUND and other frequencies to invoke the mental, physical, and like as well the possession experiences and the conclusion seems very compelling that this is all physical related as opposed to spiritual. In fact other than the possession in which Ive speculated that it is being performed in the same manner that wireless computing is exempt on a biological/genetic level, all of the experiences have taken place in the physical realm thus not leaving much doubt about the final conclusion. 4. Some sort of advanced intelligence or entities from another world/dimension As bizarre as it sounds this is pretty much the only conclusion left to be made for the reasons stated above. This leaves one with the question is this being carried out by an advanced race that have RECENTLY discovered/visited the Earth, or is this executed by a race that has been here since our existence. Well we know that it must have taken decades if not centuries to plan these latest events leveraging modern-day technology & sub-conscious suggestion, but could this have been seeded far long ago and the answer most definitely points to YES. I mean to invoke genetic or biological changes leveraging sound of all things. You would have to have intimate knowledge of the human genome, and on top of that you would in all likelihood needed to have PLANTED these genetic qualities INTO the human genome upon its creation. Sure we have a lot of junk DNA inside us, which should be apparent that not nearly everything we thought or have been told was junk is indeed the case. Also lets just ask the prior human generation what they think, and the prior one of that, leaping all the way back as far as we can go starting with our earliest ancestors and the creation of civilization starting in Samaria and expanding outward through Europe, Asia, and Africa. All of the earliest civilizations refer to and have documented gods descending from the heavens

interbreeding with the daughters of man. In fact this is the primary basis of modern-day religion. But looking deeper there is an absolutely astonishing story by our earliest ancestors who documented that an advanced race of beings named the Anunnaki, evolving advanced-intelligence from a reptilian strain from a planet called Nibiru within our very own Solar System, in which after damaging their atmosphere via the use of nuclear weaponry they were in need of finding gold as a raw material to remedy the situation. This led to the discovery (or rediscovery) of Earth in which after locating an abundance of gold humans were genetically engineered as a slave race to perform the gathering of raw materials & resources for them (I have to wonder if 1000s of years later if much as really changed!). Again its a fascinating story and to me the most plausible in terms of all of the many stories out there with regard to the creation of man, but if you perform some deeper research you uncover a wealth of physical evidence (I mean how can an ancient civilization map out not only our entire solar system but flight paths from planet Nibiru to Earth?) and also extreme parallels spreading from the Zulu tribes to the Hindu religions and so on and so forth. In fact these epic tales of creation span 1000s of years and only with the creation of modern-day religions have these concepts been lost throughout our history. But even if you look at recent accounts the fact is there are 100,000s if not 1,000,000s of people who have had experiences similar as mine, documenting their accounts which as astonishing as it is match very closely to mine. Others throughout the years have described the physical characteristics of this race and I have to say just about ALL of the historical depictions match precisely with the physical anomalies I have been witnessing all over the place; thus there is an EXTREMELY STRONG conclusion based upon historical & recent accounts of these beings that they are indeed the ANUNNAKI, and if that is the case they have not only been here since our existence but likely held a huge hand in creating our existence while playing the human race as fools all along since day one. I will be including part II if I continue to be manipulated (i.e. at Costco).

Who are the Anunnaki? Sons of the Gods interbreeding with the daughters of man Drugs the gateway into the mind Cannabis - the instant inter-dimensional transmitter & susceptibility to Type-A hosting by the Anunnaki Methamphetamine physical transformation chalked up to things like poor hygiene, grinding of the teeth, dehydration, lack of sleep. All likely relevant but after recent observations in a handful of meth addicts they are all taking on what appears to be a much more rapid onset of many of the physical characteristics Cocaine Other street / pharmaceutical drugs A few can only control the many when the many are manipulated to control themselves David Icke If you are saying things that are beyond the capacity of the Mind to understand, you must, by definition, be insane and not in a normal mental state David Icke What class statements from Mr. Icke - I mean how difficult is it to suppress information when we are the ones doing it to each other? How difficult is it to label someone as insane when we do it to each other for no valid reason or without looking at the facts or performing any bit research? It wasnt the Anunnaki who has suppressed me the most it is SOCIETY. It isnt the Anunnaki who jumped to label me with drugs, mentally ill, insane, neurological issue, etc it was YOU. I dont blame you as I may have fallen into the same mix but an awakening is happening do with the information as you see fit. Scarcity = dependency = control David Icke

YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | The Conscious and Subconscious Mind Think about it both the subconscious & conscious mind can control physical bodily functions as well as dictate emotional state. The conscious mind is certainly the easiest to conceptualize we think therefore we do. Its quite simple

actually. Im thinking now of what message I would like to get across which translates into words I would like to combine in the form of sentences, which then translates into physical bodily movements of my fingers onto the keyboard, although I cant say Im consciously directing my fingers to the specific keys as I have performed this task so readily it has become essentially part of my subconscious. But lets explore the subconscious in more detail as it certainly takes a bit more to rationalize. We all have autonomic functions such as breathing, blinking, feelings of hunger, muscle contractions when we sleep to pump blood back to the heart, etc. We also have all incorporated a number of habitual subconscious behaviors. I myself have a tendency to bite my nails, many times of which are not even performed via a conscious decisions to do so. The same can be said about licking lips :). We also have compulsive or addictive behaviors such as drug or alcohol use, mood swings, eating binges, even exercise over time can be an addictive behavior; obsessive-compulsive behaviors such as the constant need to organize or clean, bodily compulsory behaviors such as eating habits or lack thereof. These are decisions and actions we dont necessarily put too much thought into we are who we are, thus we do. The subconscious can also influence our state of being & emotion! When you smell popcorn you might get hungry, or when you hear a song play on the radio it may bring upon an emotional state of a prior experience. When you simply see people, places, or things it may bring upon an emotional state that isnt necessarily consciously made. Now think about how those mechanisms work. Our physical senses pick up on something and our brains decode the senses into a message to feel or do something. The only problem is these can happen without our full awareness. These concepts have been known for years, and everyone has heard of the subliminal messages of Coca-Cola when they would sneak in a frame of their product during pre-cinema ads or during a film itself, invoking a subconscious thought of being thirsty and perhaps buying a coke - simple concept which has proven to be effective. If you dont recall the Coca-Cola lawsuit around this then sure

you have watched the film Fight Club correct?! Subliminal messages are still all over the place in modern society. Just do a quick Google or YouTube search and you will find examples everywhere. And these occur without our conscious mind actively processing this information. So if you were to expand this concept you could apply it to all sorts of things background music in a film to provoke emotional thought of a scene, voices or comments being made that plant an ideation or physical/emotional response; Obamas hope/believe/dream anyone?! Point being is that BOTH the subconscious & conscious control bodily & emotional state. The key difference is that it is the subconscious that can be manipulated without the subject having any state of awareness, and again this is a proven technique based upon decades of study & science. Regarding the subconscious, think about when you are out at dinner or at a social gathering. Your brain is obviously processing all of the sights, sounds, and smells, but you dont necessarily process these events as conscious thought. Take this example if you were out at dinner & consciously decided to eavesdrop on the conversation going on at the table next to you, it wouldnt be terribly difficult to listen to the entire dialogue in full. Now take the same example in which you make no conscious decision whatsoever to eavesdrop & instead engage in your meal or conversation with your dinner party. Does your brain still pick up the vibrations of particles from around the room & translate it into sound? Of course it does, you just arent processing it in a conscious manner, nor are you actively storing it into thought or memory. However as you hear all of that noise in the background and you hear your name thrown into the conversation you will immediately start tuning in in a conscious manner. This is because we have been trained to pick up on certain things however the vast majority just gets processed as background noise. Another example is driving into work every day. Imagine your first day driving into the office. You would actively be navigating your way, taking notice of the streets & stoplights, noticing perhaps where the potential traffic bottlenecks are, potholes, etc. However over time all of this becomes second nature to the point where on most occasions you wouldnt even consciously recall all of the events that transpired in that

20 min trek to work. You just hop into your car, maybe join a conference call, and away you go. You brain is of course still processing all of the same information, we are just tuning out what we feel is irrelevant to allow us to focus on what we think may be more important or attractive, like the morning radio show or those MP3s cycling through your stereo player. Now take this one step further & recall the very first time you drove an automobile. Im sure you, like me, were focused on absolutely everything! - from the ignition, to going into the proper gears, to checking every mirror & driving with extra caution, using every blinker, actively monitoring your speed, etc. Over time these become an automated behavior again an example of differentiating between the subconscious & conscious. Now lets take a look at that wonderful diagram again (simple is best sometimes :): Joe Blow And lets impose the unique personality of an individual well use Joe Blow for this example: Joe Blow projecting his presence, soul, consciousness, whatever you want to call it into the brain & controlling consciously & subconsciously all actions pertaining to Joe! Joe Blow

Now imagine this scenario as we KNOW it is all around us: Not sure about you but Im not entirely comfortable knowing that our emotional & physical state is constantly being influenced without any conscious thought or recognition meaning its happening whether we are aware of it or not. To not accept this fact would seemingly be due to our subconscious not allowing us to even recognize it. But its obviously all over the place, from simple examples like product placement, sex ads, to more complex scenarios like propaganda campaigns, political agendas, and behavior/educational controls. Joe Blow External factors, messages, etc And last but not least, regardless of whether you feel this is completely

ridiculous or far-fetched surely you can accept the possibility, and inherently due to the nature of the influence you would be completely unaware that this was happening: Because of the rule of unawareness of this control it makes it difficult for anyone to rule out the possibility, and unfortunately I have witnessed this on so many occasions it has become an essential fact that not only is this possible but its happening all over the place in our modern society. The question of course is who is achieving this and how. I have my own speculations which I will get into later, but first lets outline why it is I am so certain this is happening and why it is happening around me as a target. Joe Blow External factors, messages, etc Another entity?!

From my own many personal accounts the best way to describe this is that you have a brain which is controlling all conscious & subconscious thought, action, and emotional behavior which is simply running the program of the individual. Some brains are of course more optimal than others to run this program, but its pretty much a constant that the brain at some capacity can run this very complex program. Now imagine if another program could be projected into the brain in complete secrecy by entering in through the subconscious. I wont even to being to try and describe how this is performed, although an analogy of wireless computing would seem to fit except on a biological/genetic level. What Ive witnessed on 1000s of occasions is this very thing, and some of the more recent experiences are rather astounding. Imagine engaged in conversation with family members, and then out of the blue one of them looks at another and softly comments did you see that hes on his phone a lot; I think he has a hidden agenda. Imagine seeing a family member without full control of his bodily actions who states on multiple occasions I cant when trying to perform the simplest of bodily gestures like walking. Imagine having grown adults pretend to be angels here to save & protect you, only to have them somehow rationalize the behavior & statements afterwards. Let me continue breaking down just a handful of the entire collection I have experienced only in a few weeks time: Multiple people tailing me when I drive, obvious to the extent that they ALL hang something in the review mirror, presumably to identify one another when they are in a host & host vehicle, who have a tendency to drive as if they were intoxicated, swerving across lanes & what note, who have a tendency to stay an exact distance behind you whether the traffic is slow or speeding up, and who when encountered have no recollection of even following in the first place. This has happened on so many occasions hundreds in the last month and completely blatant. Imagine having all sorts of messages planted to invoke a certain

believe of what was going on around you, such as in a 30 min period a group of folks mentioning a recently deceased loved one in heaven followed by a look over to a friend to say I think Im winning, how a couple recently found religion, a group of folks chanting revelations, revelations, revelations, followed by me walking into a room with a giant poster of The Devil Inside; commenting on my personal eating & sleeping habits that week (how could they know), commenting on what time I was getting off work that week (again how is this possible?), and one speaking to another asking whether they had talked to that angel in the room. This all happened with many accounts witnessed by others although without any context with a seemingly push towards an interpretation of a religious experience as opposed to a scientific one. Ive had people around me look & say hes a fallen angel and he doesnt even know it. Ive had people comment hes a threat because of his charm. Do you think he knows? No hes do chatty; Im not buying it Having a close friend rip something of EXTREME importance (about this topic) out of my back pocket in one-fell swoop and start reading it, without this friend even knowing I had it in there, or ever performing such an action before in their life. I see the number 444 around you followed by a series of events that involved the number 444, such as getting awoken by birds 2 mornings in a row at 4:44am, and having a track for a song begin at 4:44 as opposed to 0:01 the EXACT moment I was speaking about these numbers for the first time. Im not sure its not working; maybe its because of his hair 1000s of people who do not engage with direct eye-contact as to avoid any indication of the observation that is taking place. sssshhhhh hes back People fist pumping when they see a behavior they are pushing for, smirking when they are actively in the game or visible signs of frustration such throwing hands up into the air upon turning off of an exit when there are no cars behind me to hop into and tail further

And on and on and on. And a VERY important aspect of all of this is

that while these comments are being made ALL of them show the signs of obvious hosting from pupil dilation/malformation, to constant blinking, to a very proper upright vertical posture, repeated licking of the lips from side to side, to extremely oddly placed comments made by people close to me that Ive known for decades. Its physical attributes COMBINED with these direct accounts that make this so recognizable & factual for the person experiencing it, which of course is me. Another recognizable trait is that when they want to acknowledge a comment or behavior made without bringing notice they will look at each other for a second or to, then look back. Its like being engaged in a conversation with someone and midstream they look away directly at the eyes of another as a sign of recognition or approval, before continuing the conversation. Example asking a friend in the middle of a conversation whether he had heard of the Anunnaki. I got a pause, look at another person both with smirks on their faces, and then a response. This has happened on like 10 occasions & is very recognizable. Another example is screwing up the name of a coworker and calling her Gina Lynn got the same response mid conversation.

Also when others are in the mode of being hosted the cohost has the ability to try & invoke a false sense of emotional state by projecting either a positive or negative sensation into the body. For example if they are trying to steer you into a religious connotation they may ask a series of questions, and ones that move towards religion youll get a warm-fuzzy sensation, and once that dont youll get it taken away & even a dark-constricting feeling. These can be escalated multiple times to either a high- state of warmth or a low state of darkness. Its quite odd, but the darkened state can induce some significant fear or paranoia, but I can contest that these are entirely artificial and unless you let the sensations trick you into thinking they are real states they cannot truly affect you. This has taken me YEARS to recognize & overcome, hence the were not sure its no longer working; maybe its because of his hair.

A good example of this is a multi-year successful attempt at convincing someone was at risk of a cardiac issue. This can develop into sensations of a heart murmur, constriction of the chest, inducing fear/anxiety/paranoia, which of course then compounds on itself by your own body & mind response. I say successful loosely as this may have worked for a few years but once I developed comfort & faith in God and in myself I no longer let the fear get to me. I have subsequently been attempted to be manipulated in this fashion on numerous occasions and although I let the sensations work (just to get a better understanding of how far it could go and boy can it go far) they more or less do not have any effect, as in the end of the day they are ARTIFICIAL. Ive even experienced on a few occasions the taste of iron in the mouth, presumably to invoke a taste of blood combined with constriction of the chest and induced fear. It worked on one occasion where I actually thought I may be dying, but logic overpowered here is a healthy individual with absolutely no signs of cardiac issues and in fact quite the opposite where vitals such as blood pressure, resting heart rate, etc are STELLAR! Just do not give into these scenarios as its quite obvious now when a sudden rush of positive warmth or dark constriction takes place for pretty much no reason remember it is quite possible and even likely that it is being artificially placed either from a host within you or by a host around you, which yes includes those being broadcast on the television. It is important to note that based upon my MANY personal experiences there are 2 methods of hosting being incorporated. One in which Ill refer to as the spying & manipulation technique is when an entity is projected into your subconscious in which they can share ALL of your physical senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) as well as influence your emotional state of being. Presumably this is indeed how I was being monitored from within myself when I was performing my research, copping onto what may have been taking place, taking various video/audio/photos with my phone (and getting a threatening response), and detailing some very personal & detailed accounts of my experience in a journal. Unbeknownst to

me at the time it was likely that all of this was being tracked & recorded via a host within my own body. In addition when a host is sharing your senses they can invoke their own energies to manipulate your sense of touch (i.e. for sexual arousal), discomfort (i.e. chest constriction), fear & paranoia, and even taste (i.e. the taste of blood in the mouth). I also get the sense that they essentially get off when hosting a human like a drug in which I very well could have been an addiction for various hosts (see section Human drug). By sharing senses they would get off on the fear you were feeling, or the pleasure you were feeling, or whatever it may be. They also use their energies to manipulate you into feeling or thinking something bringing you positive even if your action or may not be a positive one but one in which they would want to corrupt. They do this when they see (out of your eyes) you doing something they want to toy around with or they hear something such as a verse from a song, dialogue on the television, or you saying something. Also I do NOT believe when in this mode they have the ability to read minds. I tested this out on many occasions when I knew a host was in me. I would speak an utterance like thank you my angels for looking out for me and Id get a positive burst. Simply thinking this yielded nothing. Likewise simple oohs and ahhhs yielded positive boosts. Funny how I was actually manipulated them at the time they were manipulating me. However the next phase of hosting is far more alarming and disturbing. And believe it or not to this day I am the ONLY person who for whatever reason has been resistant to this form of hosting, which in all likelihood is why I was targeted & garnering so much damn attention as of late. I have seen this on 1000s of occasions, and it is when a cohost (other entity) can take entire control of bodily behavior, including what appears to be thought, action, speaking, doing, etc, and this can all be performed for extended periods of time (i.e. tailing someone for 15 min straight). I do not know whether this possession can cause someone to perform an action that is entirely against their morals or ethics (like an illegal action) but based upon what Ive seen it

appears the possession is in complete control of the body. It should be noted that conscious thought does seem to overpower the possession meaning if I were to engage a person in conversation that persons personality generally would win out, although Im not sure whether this is due to the entity just backing off for the time being to not draw too much attention. I know scary stuff but thus far I havent seen a possession go haywire; and usually they are performed to monitor and manipulate the situation. Lastly Im uncertain whether when in this mode the entity can read the thoughts of others, although there has been some indication of this being the case. Perhaps the spying and manipulation mode is purely subconscious, yet this superior mode of hosting is both conscious and subconscious, allowing the entity access to the entire conscious mind. I plan to test this scenario out a bit further but the mind mashing is still undecided at this time. Subconscious blocking I find it entirely odd that no one else is picking up on the seemingly obvious from the physical changes to myself as well as personal changes people are experiencing to the increased noise of our natural environment, from planes flying overhead NON-STOP blasting an undertone of some high-pitched frequency intermixed with the extremely loud sound of the engine. The bird noises are the most obvious and sound like small speakers have been planted in the entire city to constantly blast a variety of synthetic bird calls. I mean come on we dont live in the Amazon jungle and these bird noises are so piercing, so constant, and such a variety that people should be picking up on these. Dogs in the neighborhood certainly are, including my own that for the week I was getting blasted by these birds was freaking out regularly on a daily basis. It begs the question through these subconscious suggestions are people getting blocked from recognizing the obvious? I can see how the sounds of nature and products could be overlooked. After all most of the sounds we hear

nowadays are entirely man made with an intention from vacuum cleaners, to fans, to hard-drives, to airplanes, to trucks, weed-whackers, etc. The audible level & hidden frequencies omitted from these devices is obvious if you just stop and take a look to listen. Is society that desensitized to these products & sounds that we no longer register them consciously? I keep hearing feedback that these sounds are normal. Who is to say what is normal or not? They certainly arent natural, and is it that far-fetched to think that these in many cases engineered sounds dont have a more devious purpose? The physical changes are the most alarming and so obvious to me Im beginning to think that either because they have been invoked in such a gradual fashion people are interpreting them as normal biological change or signs of aging. However in my case due to my seemingly resistance and the barrage that transpired the physical changes have been invoked in a VERY short amount of time only a couple of weeks in which the results are EXTREMELY noticeable. I may try and get some more forensic evidence but my goodness when my Invisalign retainers which I have been using without a problem for 6 months straight clearly no longer fit either my top or bottom teeth to the point where they are painful to wear its a sign something has changed. When I point out 15 obvious changes to my teeth from growth, crowding, spear-like formations, crookedness no one can seem to register the significance or the fact that this all happened within the past few weeks. Same thing with the skull formations I mean come on I am someone who has suffered from headaches the past decade and someone who constantly massages their forehead to alleviate tension. I know every nook and cranny of my head/skull, every vein & artery, etc. On top of that I am extremely visually perceptive and can notice rapid change in myself. The fact is I noticed the change in my skull months ago without any context and mentioned it to a colleague. I noticed changes in others months ago and mentioned it to colleagues. I was examining myself on a regular basis to ensure I was not undergoing similar change, so it is no doubt when I uncovered that I was it must have been something of

significance & far from the baseline I (and the molds of my teeth) had collected. If indeed there are subconscious blocks being put on people so that they do not register these changes I have to wonder whether this is something that can be broken. Part of me thinks that awareness alone is enough to counter the hosting techniques & subconscious blocks being put on us. It certainly seems like that is the case for me and Im questioning how I may never recognize these obvious changes, although I certainly do not want to be nave as these beings would not be blasting me with sound 24/7 if they didnt think at some point it would have an effect. Also back to the sound, why is it the sound seems to correlate to the physical changes and physical change alone wouldnt allow me to be susceptible to a subconscious block or possession. I have to assume that the sound is also causing mental fatigue and/or deterioration, thus is why these sounds have been placed throughout our modern-day society to slowly weaken the mind. Now that the vast majority of us have been weakened we are extremely susceptible to allowing these entities in and I have no idea whether or not this is reversible. It seems reversible though as I have been weakened to the point where a host was inside me in a spy/manipulation mode. There are multiple signs when this is happening, including the dull headaches I have been suffering for the past 10 years, which now I believe have been continuous attempts at breaking into my mind to perform a full possession or subconscious block. I can see how a constant ringing & clicking in the ears would over time weaken or fatigue the mind, but as resilient as our bodies are I can also see how blocking out these signals would allow an individual to recover. The question is can we truly do this as a society as we are so dependent and addicted to these damn products that our society & way of life would collapse if we tried to abruptly turn these off. A better method would be moderation that is protect yourselves with earplugs when you dont need to listen, sleep with earplugs as this is the most

susceptible/vulnerable state you could be in, and use these stupid dependent devices in moderation. Dont have fans running in the background unnecessarily. Dont have water running if you need it to. Turn off lights unless you need them. Do not have your television constantly on in the background if you are not actively engaged in watching it. In fact moderate the dang television for only essential watching, that is if there is even anything essential left being broadcast these days. Give your ears a rest even a 24 hour straight one. See if that helps to break from the control & start the regeneration process. I know it sounds difficult, but the facts speak for themselves and I cant really think of a quick solution that breaks us from these modern-day conveniences, entertainment, and constraints. At some point we may need to get back into the human-to-human connection to function together as a race. Yes I know novel concept but its beginning to feel that not only is it due but that its been long overdue. A Story About a Stupid Person Can Make You Act Stupid (or Smart): Behavioral Assimilation (and Contrast) as Narrative Impact Media Psychology Volume 14, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 144 - 167 Media priming refers to the residual, often unintended consequences of media use on subsequent perceptions, judgments, and behavior. Previous research showed that the media can prime behavior that is in line with the primed traits or concepts (assimilation). However, assimilation is expected to be less likely and priming may even yield reverse effects (contrast) when recipients have a dissimilarity testing mindset. Based on previous research on narrative comprehension and experience as well as research on media priming, a short-term influence of stories on cognitive performance is predicted. In an experimental study, participants (N = 81) read a story about a stupid soccer hooligan. As expected, participants who read the story without a special processing instruction performed worse in a knowledge test than a control group who read an unrelated text. Participants with a reading goal instruction to find dissimilarities between the self and the main protagonist performed better than participants who read the story without this instruction. The effects of reported self-activation and story length were further considered. Future inquiries with narratives as primes and contrast effects in media effects research are discussed.
Think you're too smart to be influenced by the media you consume? That's cute. Anything we see -- a person on the street, an ad on TV, a character in a movie -- has some influence on our next thoughts, emotions or actions, simply because it's top of mind, says Joanne Cantor, a psychologist and member of the American Psychological Association who has studied the emotional and behavioral effect of TV and movies. What youve been thinking about recently or seeing recently (is) at a higher level in your consciousness, so your brain is kind of predisposed in that direction, says Cantor

YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | Detailed account of physical changes observed: Skull formations a. First slight ridges deepening & widening where the natural sutures are in the skull-forehead area b. Over time these will start to form into vertical diagonal raised areas like a V shape (see diagram) c. All in all there are about 5 locations where these will start to become more prominent from the brow region to the hairline d. Keep in mind these changes are VERY gradual (possibly years) although with the heightened sound barrage expect these to form more rapidly (possibly months) 2. Massive changes in teeth structure a. Fang-like formations develop in both the top & bottom canines b. The rounded edges of molars start to become more spear-like c. Major growth in all but the front teeth. If you monitor this over time you notice that where the front teeth were predominantly the longest all other teeth behind them will become longer d. Molars seem to almost double in size

3 layers of front teeth??? e. Either due to the growth in teeth or extra crowding the 2 teeth on the bottom next to the very front ones will start to angle towards the back of the mouth. This is

consistent with all examples seen both in person and on the television 3. f. Other teeth appear to be more jagged in appearance Vein development & pronunciation a. New veins appear pretty much all over but are most noticeable in the forearms & hands. The veins start to spider out and are very close to the surface of the skin. Other veins in the arms, feet, chest, etc look as though they are sticking above the surface more b. Veins are also more noticeable in the temple area likely due to the new vertical buldge-like formations forming from brown to hairline Tendons a. Tendons appear more noticeable particularly in the neck area b. You may experience some minor discomfort although not painful in your tendon areas, particularly the neck but also in the forearms/wrists but also in the hamstring area: Puffiness of skin and major water resistance a. This is particularly noticeable in the hands, fingers, and forearms b. Water which used to slowly absorb in the skin now runs off as if the skin were constantly coated in oil c. Its like another layer of skin is over top your existing one causing desensitization of touch you can actually peel this layer off without incurring much pain in which your sense of touch will become significantly greater & water absorption will occur d. The natural pruning effect of water absorption simply no longer happens which is very noticeable in the finger tips & hands try it out as it should occur within 5 min; it likely wont occur even after 30 min e. The puffiness of skin will give a slight swelling look to forearms & is likely contributing to the enhanced look of




veins Dryness in the skin a. This is rather obvious & seems to have a fairly sudden onset. The moisture/oil particularly in the forehead & temple area appears to lessen dramatically causing more prominent wrinkle formation as well as small round depressed dots in the temple area. Skin also seems to possibly take on a more reddish tone possibly due to changes in blood flow & vessels

7. Pupil dilation a. This is certainly a symptom try looking straight into a light and notice what used to be pinholes as pupils are now multiples larger. Pupil dilation is also a symptom when you or others are being hosted

8. Other noticeable symptoms a. Sporadic rapid blinking this is definitely a sign of being hosted b. Licking of the lips from side to side sign of being hosted c. If you catch yourself blinking more rapidly or sticking your tongue out chances are you are being hosted. If you notice this in someone else chances are they are being hosted. These are subconscious behaviors so try and monitor them in a conscious fashion d. Glancing side-to-side not sure why this is the case but it seems to happen when people are being hosted e. Tongue moving closer to the front/top of mouth when speaking seems to happen when people are hosted f. Upright vertical posture; like a proper alignment when sitting as opposed to casual again this seems to be a sign of when someone is hosted g. Constant ringing in the ears with intermittent pattern- based high pitches this is definitely a symptom of the sound assault that is taking place which is definitely a

cause of the biological changes taking place h. General mental fatigue this is likely due to the continuous barrage and sustained resonance of sound in the ears. This is very subtle but the speculation is that it makes one more susceptible to being both hosted & possessed i. Artificial bursts of positive/negative energy this can be performed by another who is at the time being hosted or if you have a host within you. As stated before this can be used to manipulate thoughts, emotions, decisions, and also induce a synthetic state of fear, paranoia, arousal, etc. YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | The Many Sounds of Nature. When is the last time youve paused to take a listen of what our natural habitat of modern day society sounds like? Well let me do so now on this lovely Saturday morning. Wow the birds are plentiful more so than I can ever recall in this lovely neighborhood of mine, and lots of variety thats for sure. And the piercing sound man are these birds full of vibrancy and energy; I swear with the constant chirping I dont see how they have any time to eat or nest! But as powerful as the huge variety of bird calls are they are shadowed by the other sounds in the environment multiple lawn mowers resonating throughout the neighborhood, multiple airplanes flying overhead at low altitude buzzing away, a weed- whacker sounds off just a few houses away. I hear mufflers of cars in the distance, followed by a train that is sounding off its horn. Air conditioner units are blasting away with a buzzing sound mixed with some high- pitched noises. And of course there are a couple of unidentifiable siren- type sounds in the distance. Its interesting to listen to as had I walked out onto my patio just a couple of months ago I doubt I really would have heard anything thats how desensitized we are to these engineered

sounds. So now let me walk into my house and take a listen . The first thing I hear is the television and it sounds like the treble is on to the max. From the distance all I hear are tweets and high-pitched sounds, including the dialogue in which the higher pitched tones (like hissssssing) are resonating the most prominent. I also hear my refrigerator mildly buzzing yet radiating a gentle high-pitched undertone. My fish tank filter is also making a buzzing/clicking sound. I hear the ventilation pumping AC in which is a soft squeal. I also hear my DirecTV units hard-drive constantly clicking as well as the one on this laptop. Again this is rather interesting as a couple of months back I probably wouldnt have actually registered any of this. So think about it Id speculate at least 90% of what our ears process as sound every day is sound that is engineered in some form or fashion. Sure we can chalk it up to natural sounds of various products & machines, but the fact of the matter is those very same products & machines were all ENGINEERED. Why is this relevant? Well I have speculated for over a year now that various tweets, hissing, and subconscious messaging was occurring in television, sound effects, and music most prominently manifesting as higher-pitched short-duration tweets like issst and psst and yesss. Once I started having encounters with the television & noticing all of the physical anomalies matching exactly the description of what 1000s of others have dubbed as Reptilians, I really began to wonder what exactly is the television unit Im watching here very affordable, high-quality, but really having no idea what is truly being broadcast to it other than what my brain is registering as light and sound. Once I began noticing physical changes in others (matching those I had seen on the television) my speculation on the television grew immensely. My theory was that these tweets, high-pitched sounds, and hissssing noises were targeting those with television sets (which is just about everyone) to invoke some sort of biological change through sound. I know it sounds crazy but keep listening as this has pretty much been substantiated. Upon further encounters with the television while being hosted (in type A spy/manipulate mode) while what I presume was an attempt at some hypnotic induction the comment was made Im not

sure its not working; maybe its because of his hair. At the time I wasnt quite sure what was being referenced to but I think it is a collection of things that are all related (a) the hypnotism or subconscious block being placed on people to actually comprehend what is going on simply wasnt working. This is all speculation but its hard for me to believe that some of these changes & events which are quite obvious are not being registered by people. (b) the full-on possession has not and was not working. Again I have seen this 1000s of times and have not witnessed anyone else around me with this same sort of resistance. And finally (c) the physical changes that I had seen in others were only very slightly manifesting in myself (slight ridge in the skull & skin changes on the fingers). So the next series of events last about 2 weeks brings home the relevance of sound. First off after this encounter I started noticing seemingly 100s of birds surrounding my house on a daily basis. Although I never quite saw these birds the amount of noise they were generating was massive and directed towards my house, and these bird calls were blasting out about 20 hours a day starting at 4am and ending at midnight, starting again at 4am the following morning. It was so strange and out of place I have multiple days/nights of this recorded on audio. Also these bird calls would elevate in pattern, volume, and frequency how strange! I have multiple examples where I would walk out onto my back patio and the volume would intensify for about 5 seconds 2-3x! I didnt know birds could do this; I have this example recorded as well. Equally as odd was when Id leave my house. I would listen to the bird calls and it was like a circle aimed at my house as when Id drive just a bit down the block the calls would disappear. How strange as Ive lived here for 8 years and have NEVER been awaken by birds in the middle of the night which happened repeatedly over this period, they popped up out of nowhere, and subsequently migrated away from my house out of nowhere (which Ill talk about later). So next was the airplanes seemingly all air traffic for this 2 week period was directed overhead my house, as observed by many others & recorded all throughout the night. Again I didnt realize the airport was open 24 hours but I have recorded for multiple nights in a row planes flying at low altitude blasting a lot of engine noise at midnight,

1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am, etc.around the clock. In fact the planes were essentially flying 24/7 which again I have recorded. I then started noticing very odd sounds throughout my house my ventilation was sounding off in a rotating pattern of frequencies which was pointed out by a friend in which I subsequently recorded. My air filter was making a new squealing noise, the hard-drive on my laptop was going crazy non- stop for no reason, etc. Even my car started sounding different the windshield wipers were squealing when they went up and down in a brand new car (which as subsequently gone away), the stereo was playing much deeper background organ tones with more hissing & tweets, the engine sounded different. Again this is all speculation but as you keep reading this will all make sense. Next whenever I was out in public multiple vehicles would drive by with very loud sounding engines, mufflers like loud Harleys only the werent always motorcycles. A bit strange considering many times this happened I was out downtown late at night on a patio having a few drinks. I then began noticing these same sorts of vehicles trolling around my neighborhood at all hours of the night it was like Omaha and particularly my house/neighborhood had become the absolutely noisiest place in the world. But it gets much much better. After being told they were moving into an attack posture, the next day I make a trip to the doctors office. Little did I know this was going to lead to a massive step-up in the barrage of sound. I was meeting a friend downtown which is about 10 miles away from my house. I hop onto the interstate and immediately meet up with a semi-truck which is squealing this high-pitched sound like extremely loud brakes that are locking. I didnt think much of it but as Im continuing down the interstate I hear in the background the absolutely loudest motorcycle coming from the distance. I mean this thing was simply unnatural. A van slows down in front of me and this bike pulls up alongside me literally about 18 inches away at one point almost hitting me. He then starts a barrage of sound not a constant sound you would expect from a motorcycle but alternating in volume and pattern. I quickly get my phone out as this is just too fricken weird. I record this bombardment for 8 straight minutes. As I take an exit to head downtown this a-hole continues driving east and continues blasting these sounds. I can hear this a-hold from over

a mile away and its starting. Now I have this all recorded, and keep in my its from my lap in my car with windows rolled up and it sounds like I have the phone stuck to this guys ass thats how loud it is. Ok so thats fricken odd I stop at a gas station downtown and fill up. Immediately a van pulls up with a similar sound as the motorcycle not quite as loud but equally out of place. He circles the block followed by 2 more cars with similar sound. Im thinking WTF man, so I pop over to see a friend. I tell her the story & predict that if I walk outside for a cigarette Ill have multiple cars drive by me blasting various sounds masked in these muffler noises. Its around 10:30pm mind you so I go outside. In a 3-4 min timespan 4 vehicles drive by one if which is the very same van I saw earlier. I have all of this recorded mind you. So fast forward when Im heading back to my house out west around midnight. I hop on the interstate and immediately start hearing a siren-type sound. I get my phone out to start recording as this is getting a bit ridiculous. As Im driving I realize the sound is coming from a semi- truck that looks eerily similar to the one I had passed on my way downtown. I continue to record this sound and overtake him. Its raining at this time and Im still recording, and I begin to hear an even more distinct sound coming from the distance. I dont see any vehicle immediately ahead but the sound gets louder and louder. I start approaching another semi which was about a mile in front of me and as I get close this very unnatural sound gets louder and louder. I intentionally pull up next to it as its obvious the sound is intended for me and I record it for about 3-4 min. As I take my exit he follows in parallel blasting this sound the entire way. So let me summarize for you 11 instances of this in the span of being outside about 45 min: High-pitched sound from semi #1 Violently loud motorcycle recorded 8 min 3 vehicles @ gas station 4 different vehicles while having a single cigarette recorded 4 min Semi #2 recorded 2 min Semi #3 recorded 3-4 min

The next day is just as bad but Ill keep this brief: On the way to work 2 vehicles same thing At work multiple semis & planes circling the office blasting sound Its so common now I just hit record before wherever I drive o OMW home for lunch 2 blasts, one high-pitched sound recorded o OMW to dentist office - high-pitched sound recorded o OMW from dentist to work - high-pitched sound o OMW from dinner that evening to parents house SAME semi with high-pitched sound recorded! This is when I start copping on to the military planes that continuously fly overhead, including when I was downtown the prior evening noticed by a friend of mine. These planes are flying at VERY low altitude in a circling pattern and at times sound off VERY loudly. o Plane downtown observed by friend o Next night plane over my parents house observed by father o At home 2 planes flying over my house o Next day at Walgreens 2 planes flying circular overhead observed by father o Go to Westroads 2 planes circling overhead record on phone o Driving home more planes flying overhead record on phone

So again let me summarize this for you. I probably spent a total time of say 90 minutes in my car in this 2-day span and experienced the following (most of which I have recorded) 13 vehicles blasting frequencies (most of which are recorded) 1 violent motorcycle for 8 min (recorded) 5 semi-trucks blasting frequencies (recorded) 6 military planes (witnessed or recorded)

Really? All of this in 90 minutes on the road? Wow what a coincidence.

So here is the kicker after all of this I started noticing some mental fatigue as well as the manifestation of the EXACT same physical anomalies I had seen in others which I will describe in detail later. But essentially I started noticing my pupils becoming more dilated (I believe this is a sign of when you are being hosted or at least when they are attempting to host/possess), my Invisalign retainers that I had worn for 6 straight months began hurting my teeth & no longer fitting; upon inspection I have experience major change in the size of my teeth including molars, canines, and spear-like formations forming; my right arm was experiencing new vein structure, puffier skin, and demonstrating extreme resistance to the absorption of water; the tendons around my neck area seemed more pronounced with some slight discomfort. My forehead was drying out with some blotches in the temple area. And finally the ridge in my skull that I had noticed months ago was deepening with 2 other ridges now developing from the outer brow to the hairline again all symptoms of what I was seeing first in the TV then manifesting in people around me. So the sequence of events is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Started notissssing anomalies in sound in the television - recorded Started noticing physical anomalies on the television - recorded Started seeing similar physical anomalies in people (matching accounts of these reptilians Started getting bombarded with various bird calls 24/7 recorded Airplanes 24/7 flying overhead Started noticing audible anomalies, changes, frequencies in electrical & mechanical products recorded Began getting harassed on the road with an audible bombarded - >20 occurrences in 2 days, just about all of which are recorded A coincidental military operation began which represented

more planes at low altitude with more sound in which the flight paths were coincidentally where I was. Look up the flight records and I have GPS which will place me in the exact same spot. These were witnessed AND recorded 9. Physical changes & mental fatigue experienced in myself You be the judge.. But on top of this there are some other very important elements to the story. When the full court press was being put on me, presumably to weaken my mind enough to where would either be susceptible to hypnosis or possession, I noticed a HUGE change in audible noises, frequencies, sounds coming from all electrical & mechanical products out in public! This includes other peoples homes as well as in retail stores the 2 prominent ones being Walgreens and Best Buy. I have these recorded as well and they are starting. First thing I noticed in Best Buy was when the doors opened up they not had a synthetic pattern based high-frequency squeal when the open & closed. Next from all of the television there was a high-pitched undertone frequency. The fans that were blasting sounded different, the intercom was tweaking out, the stereos, registers, EVERYTHING was just at a higher level. I recorded all of this in a before/after so you be the judge. At Walgreens the second I walked in I was greeted with a gigantic BUZZZZZ one in which I had never been greeted with before. This was followed by major buzzing and humming coming from the refrigerator which stored sodas. As I walked around the store the cooling areas were buzzing and humming more loudly, there were areas of the store where a high-pitched frequency was blasting for no reason, and the BUZZZZ from the door continued on multiple occasions, including upon my exit which I have RECORDED. So these noises just seem to follow me everywhere coincidences all around! My conclusion is simple and pretty dang compelling: audible signals are being used plain & simple in a subconscious & devious way. I mean follow the information path and the fact that I was assaulted by sound of all things for weeks straight resulting in physical biological changes which I clearly have documented with before/after photos. These sounds appear to be embedded in just about EVERYTHING,

and the engineered man-made electrical & mechanical products in our environment are specifically tuned to invoke these changes. Heck even lighting with its electric current can be tuned to resonate a specific frequency & my ears have tuned into this many times. Ive also hear similar resonating sounds in my shower, kitchen faucet, toilets, etc. I know this sounds extreme but you need to consider the facts and then ask yourself WHO could pull something like this off, HOW much meticulous planning it would take, and then you can start asking the questions WHY. Pulling something like this off would take decades if not a century to plan and implement and that is exactly what in all likelihood has happened. These audible noises have been placed in our modern-day society in just about everything we use on an everyday basis with the natural response when pointing out any of this is oh thats just a lawnmower, or oh thats just a cooling unit, or oh thats just an airplane, or oh thats just the television. Listen deeper and you will hear sounds that have obviously been engineered with the presumed intent to be to signal that something may be on/off or whatever. But how is it that an engineered sound that is not a part of nature couldnt have a secondary purpose in mind the steadily weaken the mind & make modern-day people much more susceptible to hosting & possession, and when triggered to elevate in volume while sending out concurrent masked frequencies these can resonate in the ear for hours upon hours even after being shut off from the sound. I started wearing earplugs at night towards the end of this experience & my ears were constantly ringing with slight siren like frequencies resonating with mild clicking (like a hard-drive). This went on for HOURS after the earplugs were put in telling me that our ears are picking up and processing these sounds pretty much 24/7 & who knows what impact it is having on our mental state. Mental fatigue obviously seems logical, but what if its causing much much more. Our brains are tuned into various frequencies all the time this is how we are able to interpret our real world environment, which if you look at the latest theories of quantum physics is just a fraction of what other frequencies & dimensions actually exist within the same space that we do, we just arent tuned in. Could it be that these frequencies are adjusting our own baseline frequency or polluting it so to speak, making

us more susceptible to accepting a broadcast from another frequency, another dimension, or another entity? The fact is I witnessed every so slight & gradual physical change in people. I have speculated something going on with sound on television/adult films for over 12 months. I noticed a slight ridge in my own forehead months ago. I got blasted with sound for over 2 weeks and then started developing more noticeable physical changes very abruptly. The correlation between sound and these changes is extremely compelling. If the human race was indeed engineered by a more advanced race thousands of years ago isnt it possible that locked within our genetic code there are suppressed genes that were intentionally placed that could be activated so to speak by a trigger, in this remarkable case sound? Could it be that we are being reprogrammed by this subconscious audible bombardment right before our eyes over the past decade without even realizing it? Could it be that for whatever reason a mass trigger has been initiated, perhaps through manipulation of electric current, to trigger these frequencies to omit in our everyday products in modern society? The answer is well yes anything is possible, and looking at the facts & personal experience I can safely say as crazy as it sounds this is absolutely more likely than not. There is no way I could predict my own physical changes and then manifest them by sheer will, all the while being harassed by audible signals & coming up with a wealth of theories & evidence. I may be resistant to these attacks but Im not a fricken X-Men with mutant powers. Ive been doing some reading & watching some interviews as of late of David Icke. His attunement to what is going on in the world & who is causing it is remarkable as well as his theories around the matrix fantasy world we live in. He also has speculated that all of the garbage being fed to modern society such as a blast of vaccinations (swine flu anyone?), medications & prescription drugs, street drugs, pesticides, artificial sweeteners, etc are causing the natural frequency base for human beings to be dis-jolted allowing for increased manipulation & mind control. Could it be that these audible signals are just another means of doing the same, perhaps one of the final milestones to a more devious & sinister end-plan? As of this point in time I have not experienced any discomfort

from the physical changes that have taken place, however to be manipulated biologically without any consent or knowledge is wrong in itself, and to see it happening on such a wide scale is alarming & unacceptable. My speculations around why this is happening are for the most part hypothetical, but I am basing them on a few principles (1) performing these actions in secrecy while incorporating massive subconscious manipulation & mind control is certainly not a positive thing in which the true cause of these events can remain to be hidden, (2) causing mental fatigue & deterioration intentionally would allow for far greater control of the human race, (3) causing physical changes which will be received as very frightening will likely cause a chaotic reaction from the public, and (4) if these are being caused by an advanced race (i.e. the Anunnaki) all accounts of this race throughout history have been that they have been performing mind fucks with the human race throughout our existence. My speculations around the WHY: Create chaos within the human race under a false truth. Its obvious weve been fed bullshit throughout our existence on a number of topics including ancient history, religion, and (deviously plotted) world events. Physical changes in people can be attributed to a number of things with the last one to come to mind invoking suppressed genes by audible signals. My guess is that this will all become public at some point with the cause of the changes to be pointed to some BS story such as a viral infection, radiation of some sort causing a mutation, or even a religious basis (such as the coming of revelations). Possess people to perform crazy actions. I find it very odd that the CDC would release a report about what to do in the event of a zombie infestation. Of the more severe causes of mental & physical deterioration Ive seen the best representation of what is happening to these poor folks is that they are becoming zombies. Again it sounds like a crazy Sci-Fi movie (21 days anyone?!) but when you factor in both physical change and possession anything is possible Invoke more FEAR about the coming of days. We have all be noticing the heightened awareness around the Mayan calendar &

the Dec 12, 2012 prophecies. Shit half the time I flip through the channel guide on DirecTV I see something about prophecies, the Mayan calendar, Nostradamus, etc. If all of this has been pre- planned then it is likely the 2012 date was placed into our society 1000s of years ago for a reason with that reason to create a false sense that a catastrophic event could indeed happen and that it would be NATURAL. You have to assume that none of these events & predictions anymore are NATURAL, but with society willing to accept even a small likelihood that something could happen it would be easy to trigger an event, planned in a devious & subconscious fashion under the table, and then point to the 2012 predictions as being the cause. This would fit right in with the manipulation & fear tactics demonstrated throughout our existence, and more recently demonstrated throughout my own personal experience I suppose if this Anunnaki race truly does exist (I wouldnt have believed it myself had they not presented themselves in front of me time and time again) then so does Nibiru. And after reading the well-known & documented findings of Zacharia Sitzchen its quite possible the orbit of this planet may be nearing our Solar System in the near future! 2012 anyone?? Last but not least we have religion. Again due to the fact I was pushed so heavily to interpret these events as religious based it leads to a strong conclusion that religion among other things was PLANTED intentionally to keep people away from the truth this truth. With so many people holding onto religious beliefs again with physical changes (possibly representing a more demonic aspect), possession (which is already perceived as a demonic event), and me being pushed to tell the world about this bullshit religious episode I was experiencing could something be in the works to hide under the guise of religion? A religious apocalypse, with this advanced race playing both sides as angels & demons (remember Ive already experienced this multiple times). What a fun game it would be for this race to manipulate our GREATEST fears being judged and whether we are destined for eternal damnation or eternal heaven. Just dont fall for either of this as we exist & will exist forever so do not let yourself be judged by the hands of lies.

Let me wrap up by saying I would have NEVER been able to come to these revelations had it not been for a sustained barrage over a period of 4 weeks one which escalated from films (yes adult :), to television, to music, to nature, to electrical & mechanical products & devices, to vehicles, to trucks, to airplanes, to the wonderful sounds of modern nature, and finally those in public places namely the wonderful sounds generated at retail outlets. Remember I have about 75% of these barrages recorded. YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | Coincidences within a SINGLE 24 hour period (Thu, May 26th to Fri, May 27th): Zoloft causes mania in an adult who had absolutely NO prior history of ANY health disorder whatsoever 1 in 10,000 (probably much higher) Zoloft causes mania after 10 years of absolutely NO issues (NEVER has happened before) 1 in 3,650 days Harassment on the road as recorded & expressed to police (NEVER has happened before) 1 in 1,000 (probably more) Facebook status updates & comments fail resulting in posting capability limited to comments via iPhone (NEVER has happened to me before) 1 in 100 (probably higher) VISA gets flagged for fraud & frozen immediately with a purchase attempt made from my own home with my own card; this has NEVER happened to me before 1 in 100 (probably much higher) Amex transactions magically fail (NEVER has happened before) on multiple sites 30 min after using it in Walgreens 1 in 100 (probably much higher) MasterCard fails on multiple sites (NEVER has happened before) 1 in 100 (probably much higher) PayPal transactions fail (NEVER has happened before) 1 in 100 (probably much higher)

BillMeLater pre-credit approval magically fails 1 in 100 (probably much higher) Garage collapses after 8 years in home (NEVER has happened before) 1 in 2,920 days So lets do the math: 1 in 10,000 x 3,650 x 1,000 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 2,920 In other words: 1 in 10,658,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 But lets be ridiculously conservative and reduce these odds down by a factor of 1,000,000: That would be 1 in 10,658,000,000,000,000,000,000..actually this number is still way too large for me to comprehend. How about I take away the entire Zoloft-mania odds occurring on a single day in 10 years & lets see what happens: 1,000 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 2,920 = 1 in 292,000,000,000,000,000,000 Still way too large how about I eliminate the Zoloft-mania, harassment, and garage collapsing (which of course all coincidentally occurred within the same 24 hour period) 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 x 100 = 10,000,000,000,000 OK so here is a number that I can at least type into words 1 in 10 trillion. And to think that I have screenshots of all of these and have removed the most jarring of coincidences despite those happening all concurrently. Also do you realize that with this ULTRA conservative mathematical estimate you would have the same odds of winning the US Powerball lottery 400,000 times as you would to experience what I did in a 24 hour period? Think about it and this represents just a SINGLE day within an entire 5 week experience. Now think about all of the many ADDITIONAL experiences chalked up to coincidence: 1. 2. 3. VISA frozen AMEX failure MC failure

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22.


PayPal failure BML failure Facebook failure Harassment Garage collapse Zoloft & mania Possibly the most personal note I have ever written folded in my back pocket gets immediately RIPPED out AND read upon taking it out into public for the first time Family members pretend to be angels Friends repeatedly chant revelations, revelations at party & one pretends to be an angel Mentioned 12 months ago about my speculations in subconscious messaging occurring in television Friends for absolutely no reason know information about me such as what time Ive been leaving work, eating & sleeping habits (discussed amongst each other) Mentioned 3 months ago about a ridge forming in my skull Invisalign after 6 months of usage start to cause pain & no longer fit All sorts of physical anomalies on television shown to others wow what a coincidence Water resistance developed in my right arm 444 placed upon me in which there were multiple 444 experiences, some witnessed by others Website that fiance was going to send me via Skype pops up onto my screen for a couple of seconds & disappears 10 seconds before fiance actually sends me the link. Im later told by the same person who planted the 444 on me that this is a sign from God wow what a coincidence Grandmother can move her leg after 10 years of paralysis at the very start of my experience The ONLY time I mentioned 444 to a friend at that exact moment as she is flipping through songs one decides to start at 4:44 as opposed to :01 which she observes as well! wow what a coincidence Father allegedly posts a quiz about subject on Facebook which asks (1) is subject dreamy, (2) does subject like to watch porn, (3)

24. 25.

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

33. 34. 35.

does subject like to pleasure himself I mean are you for real? I immediately send a note to my father about this which I still have and he doesnt respond Mother has a shoulder problem (undiagnosed by doctors multiple times) which begins at the very start of my experience and ENDS magically at the end of it Colleague has massive teeth issues caused by sudden emergence of his wisdom teeth which hadnt a problem for 37 years and which begins at the start of my experience & lasts 4 weeks After 2 years of VISA problems with my fiance it magically gets approved the DAY AFTER my initial experience Amazon jungle birds surrounding my house for weeks then magically migrating away recorded Birds increase their volume 2-3x when I step out onto my patio for about 5s blasting away, then decreased magically have this recorded Bird calls around my house MATCH the sounds of birds on a Homedics sound device purchased 10 years ago wow what a coincidence Multiple vehicles (~20) blasting different sounds at me for days all recorded Military operation hovering over Summerwood & other areas where I was present witnessed by others & recorded odd light when I'm bed for about 10 min comes in through my window at 5 min intervals slowly increasing in intensity and ONLY started to shine in at the beginning of my experience; tracking this light it reflects off of my mirror and onto the wall in a lower position indicating the light is shining downward from outside. The only place this could come from is the SKY My accounts of the physical anomalies match precisely those from 1,000s of other individuals around the world wow what a coincidence noises coming out of my ventilation with 3 distinct patterns including high-pitched frequency; this has been recorded & witnessed by others After 4 days of quieting down & getting back into the swing of things I get abruptly arresting the DAY AFTER I purchase DVDRs to

36. 37. 38.


40. 41. 42. 43.




record evidence on wow what a coincidence Chronic headaches for past 10 years which coincide with my initial spiritual experiences over the past decade Police block off Pacific St. after my first post on Facebook FACT Brother advises to smoke pot, father advises to take a tranquilizer, after I go home to take a nap father & aunt show up & awaken me, first pretending to be angels then aunt says lets drink some beer. Magically police show up 5 minutes later! Police are amused but need to have a therapist give the clear with an ETA of 20 min. 2 hours later they show up & the police officer says this never happens and he will file a complaint wow what a coincidence Aunt repeatedly searches my house for drugs and brings prescription bottles out to the police WTF? Hard-drive makes clicking sound for months for no reason (i.e. when my computer is just sitting there with nothing running) Street lights on my way into the office on May 25th ALL are having construction performed on them check the records I was incarcerated for 11-days for being dangerous which has since been revoked, in which my release was delayed repeatedly (3 times according to my insurance) with no explanation to me or to family members wow Siren-like sound coming from the ventilation at the Lasting Hope for the first 2 nights awaken residents in which the nurse (unprompted) brought me EAR PLUGS. She expresses she has NEVER heard this before. Are you kidding me? This is why I was brought in for the first place and coincidentally its occurring in a hospital? EXTREME push for increase in meds including an additional medication for bipolar to treat migraines which I DO NOT suffer from while completely ignoring SSRI discontinuation syndrome despite now 8 other medical staff including my neurologist citing this should not be ignored wow what a coincidence Diagnosed with a generic mood disorder not specified with no real clear explanation from the doctor as to how this manifested, why it manifested, and what the symptoms are; no clear statements around which behaviors where manic, ignoring multiple factual accounts & misstatements, no clear explanation


48. 49. 50.

51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

around the treatment & indicators for improvement to me or my family; no indicators around the criteria to evaluate release readiness for the entire 11-days Immediate focus on drugs, when that was cleared focus on being a danger (as in suicidal or homicidal), when that was cleared focus on mental illness, when that was cleared the final diagnosis is a completely thin-air fuzzy one; the result being a damage to credibility which seemingly has been an intended one Multiple fire-alarm & intercom drills at the Lasting Hope; based upon staff reaction these are extremely uncommon 90-day continuance magically offered during the hearing after 2 minutes once my fiance was cited as a witness on my behalf; expressed by staff that this never happens First stop out by myself at Walgreens the night of release get blasted by loud buzzing 4-5 times which after 100s of visits there I have NEVER heard; I have it RECORDED wow Im just a sound magnet arent I?! Same magical blasts happen at Best Buy & Borders which again I have recorded The day after I have an MRI done more birds magically migrate away from my house mania occurs when convenient yet goes away when there are people present or evidence to corroborate People following me all dangling an item (rope, air freshener, stuffed animal, feathers, whatever ) from rearview mirror Watching this fad develop & escalate in a matter of weeks from about 10% 4 weeks ago, to 25% 2 weeks ago, to 50% a week ago, and now ~75% - wow this is sure catching on quickly

And now for the incredible imagination that developed in a matter of weeks concurrently with all of these other coincidences: 56. mania allows subject to create magnificent theories and fantasies that are UNPRECEDENTED 57. Theory - sound causing mental fatigue & biological change 58. Artificial sounds have been engineered for decades in products to desensitize modern-day society to be used in a devious manner wow what a science fiction theme

59. Sounds placed throughout modern society make subjects more susceptible to subconscious suggestion 60. Sounds are now part of what we view as nature and when played concurrently with increase in audible levels will accelerate impact to mental & physical state; other frequencies are buried behind the engineered sounds of electrical/mechanical products 61. Artificial sounds of nature used to accelerate biological effect on humans 62. Not 1 but 2 forms of possession created one which represents complete control over the host, and another in which the cohost can share & manipulate the bodily senses with the host 63. Humans used as a drug when hosted to share in sexual pleasures, seduction/obsessions, & thrive off of induced fear & paranoia (like a game) 64. Broadcasts through the television in real-time to manipulate people via subconscious suggestion 65. 2-way transmission via the television 66. Subconscious suggestion & manipulation in audio based upon tweets, hisses, high-pitched background noises & sound effects 67. Entities playing both sides of religion angels & demons to manipulate & control the public 68. Entities using religion & angelic/demonic effects to create prophets to spread the truth, tell the world 69. Entities pushing anyone who may be resistant to these attacks & forms of possession to view these supernatural events as religious-based as opposed to scientific 70. Manipulation of emotion with positive/negative bursts of energy to manipulate thoughts & behaviors 71. Sharing of the senses is 2-way, meaning sense of touch & taste can be enhanced or reduced to try and manipulate subjects (i.e. increasing/decreasing arousal, taste of iron/blood in the mouth as a scare tactic, etc) 72. Physical changes induced to match historical accounts of an advanced race that genetically engineered humans 1000s of years ago 73. Manifesting & imagining changes to others and weeks later myself despite obvious changes in teeth, skin in right arm,

puffiness/vein development and more subtly skull-ridge formations & tendon structure - wow do I have an imagination Oh and lets not forget about the extreme amount of IRONY manifested that would inspire even that of Shakespeare: 74. By almost a decade of manipulation the subject overcame his core fear; judging himself to the core & coming out on top while developed unwavering FAITH to endure while being guided & protected by inter-dimensional entities possibly beyond even their advanced comprehension 75. By manipulation to tell the world the TRUTH about angels and demons, essentially being manipulated to become a prophet so to speak the subject actually copped onto the real puppet show in front of him in which this race was playing both sides of the coin wow angels & demons comingling to manipulate a subject. Such irony to be told to tell the truth which was of course a lie in which the subject uncovered the real truth. Still want me to tell the truth? 76. Only through the 5-week bombarded & continued ploys has the subject has been able to not only endure fairly easily but has been able to unravel detail upon detail great tactic 77. By undergoing an 11-day arrest the subject was able to compile 200 pages of documentation around this entire experience, physical & circumstantial evidence 78. By the simple greed of using the subject as a human drug to get high off of fear & sex and used as a human Guiney pig like any addict it was pushed too far until the subject copped on and only in a matter of WEEKS was able to decipher EVERYTHING There are so many more coincidences, scientific wonders & ironic tales I could list out its not even funny, and to chalk all of these events and astronomical mathematical odds (1 in 10 trillion?! Give me a break) as coincidence is about as narrow-sided and conditioned thinking as you can get. Why is so difficult to believe that somebody can be unique. Are people afraid that anything outside of our ridiculous mainstream view on life would be detrimental? Why do people feel the need to impose and

prejudge, when we should all be expressing the exact opposite. We should promote freedom of expression, we should be accepting & loving, we should be supportive without labeling, and we should strive to make our own decisions based upon fact & credibility as opposed to immediately letting society make these decisions for us. And here I am feeling like Im an outcast for doing EXACTLY all of that. How backwards can we truly be? Again a ridiculously conservative estimate on the odds of experiencing what I went through in a 24 hour period: 1 in 10,000,000,000,000 / odds of winning the US lottery 1 in 250,000,000 Thats the equivalent of winning the lottery 400,000 times in other words mathematically impossible. Follow the very factual information trial and a story unfolds which is clear as day. Ignore the speculation around the WHO & WHY but focus on (a) how could this have happened, (b) what other validation or research would be required to connect the dots, and (c) what conclusions should YOU draw upon it based upon the unwavering accounts, evidence, and credibility of the person sharing his views with you. Perhaps Ill buy a Powerball ticket and if I come out a winner maybe that will be convincing :). YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts |

Lions.Tigers.and Reptiles OH MY!!!!

Cliffs Notes of a very personal experience these are expressive & self-reflective remarks only to provoke thought, perhaps entertain (hopefully), to educate, provide a personal basis of my sincere intentions/convictions & commitments, while of course promoting my upcoming novel J i. ii. Prologue Multiple personal spiritual episodes mainly having to do with



v. vi.




overcoming personal fears, angels, and demons over 10 year period (maybe 10-15), many times experienced with helping hands from others, which I never was quite able to interpret a. Episodes allowed me to develop unwavering faith while overcoming just about all real or falsely induced fears I judged myself to the core & in the end had not a thing to be ashamed of! b. Expressed to multiple people about these episodes, overcoming fear, & developing unconditional acceptance Open minded seeker of truth who explored a variety of scientific, spiritual, & religious-based theories leading to the discovery of a fascinating theory about an alien race called the Anunaki; most research performed on YouTube& the History Channel Anunaki, Reptilians, David Icke Discovered theory of ancient Sumerians from 8,000+ years ago with first human writings ever discovered describing an otherworldly race (Anunaki) who created humans as hybrid race for outsourced labor of raw materials Had theorized on subliminal & subconscious messages placed in TV & pornography (ok yes I have watched some porn but so did Bin Laden :) which was mentioned to a friend 18 months ago Noticed a slight ridge forming in my skull back in March which I mentioned to a colleague; only concern at the time was whether it could be related to my chronic headaches as it was a vertical ridge from the inner brow to the hairline on my left side Inspired by fascination more than anything pursued research of Anunaki/Reptilians & to my amazement found 1,000s of articles/personal accounts/videos viewed by millions of people around the world Was intrigued by numerous accounts from others, particularly in regards to the physical anomalies present in these beings dilated square or slit pupils, teeth, skull, leathery skin, shape- shifting, more tendons in neck, protruding veins, etc. Discovered theories of David Icke (YouTube), a professional soccer player in England who after his own experience has dedicated his life to uncovering the secrets around this

Herein starts a 5-week period of escalating discoveries& intensely

profound experiences: i. Amazed that upon researching physical anomalies (yes first in adult movie research :) I saw them prevalent ALL over the place matching the accounts others have witnessed, recorded & shared on YouTube, & they were extremely suspicious & striking masked pupils, dilated & non circular, jagged/sharp/crooked teeth (yes this could be attributed to porn-hygiene Im sure :), pronounced tendons, many other odd physical anomalies appearing/disappearing, small dot formations in temple area appear/disappear, subliminal & subconscious suggestions all over the place, hypnotic background music & tones (what happened to the David Sandborn Jazz? :), on-screen shape-shifting appearance (yes it happens), and on & on 100s if not 1000s of examples discovered in a very short amount of time Intrigued I decided to explore any anomalies on the television. Was amazed that the anomalies matched PERFECTLY. Still only fascinated & intrigued. 3 days straight of seeing these all over television decided to take some photos & videos of what I was seeing. Little did I know this was going to trigger a whole string of events a. Odd real-time like interaction with the television (i.e. commented @ a person staring at them multiple times when my face was right up against the TV, threatened directly/subtly about what I was doing and not to share with anyone, told that everything Ive ever done was on video) details will be in my forthcoming fact or fiction Sci-Fi novel J Still didnt know WTF the think, did some more research on Reptilians, Angels, Demons, Anunaki, David Icke Upon 2 days more of videos & photos I began seeing VERY odd observation-like behavior within others, like they were being hosted by another entity & being used to perform some sort of surveillance. This manifested in startling lack of eye contact unless I engaged people in conversation, odd stares then looking away immediately when I glanced, very odd conversational overhearing, all which pertained to people close to me as well as in public places. These also included very odd comments as if


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other entities were piggy backing off of people & even communicating amongst each other through people. a. Some quotes overheard by others: i. do you think he knows?, no hes too chatty ii. he could be a threat because of his charm iii. not sure why its not working on him; maybe its because of his hair iv. you see that hes been on his phone a lot; he may have a hidden agenda v. did you see that angel over there? vi. we are your angels and were here to help you spoken directly to me vii. well be moving into an attack-posture Still didnt know what to think this went on for a week straight; I started recognizing quite a bit of audible anomalies in television, music like a big whissssper undertones plotted like morissss- code sss tttt hissss whatttt yessss arsssse bullsssssshitttt sssss ttttt ssssss; entirely unnecessarily placed sound-effects on programs all high-pitched in patterns & VERY odd Started notissssing similar sounds coming out of my electronics; just a slight gradual change in their sound like high pitched frequencies (i.e. ringing in the ears) mixed with clicks, lower pitched humming, squealing sounds but the commonality was they were constant. This also was coming out of my ventilation (4 distinctive rotating patterns of sounds), fans, appliances, etc rather slight but noticeable. Of note some of these were even observed (unprompted) & mentioned by others, who of course were without any context I continued for another week to experience this human hosting like behavior, performing observations, in which I was noticing some physical & audible anomalies, started noticing mild clicking resonating constantly in my ears, noticeable when plugged by my fingers, which I didnt think odd at the time Huge discovery - I started seeing the SAME anomalies I saw in research, video/television in PEOPLE! This was rather shocking but I was seeing gradual change in pupil dilation/shape, teeth formation & growth, spear-like teeth forming, slight ridges in skull on forehead from brow to hairline, skin changes (like becoming


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more dry & leathery) tendon pronunciation in neck area, veins starting to protrude more, hands/arms becoming a bit more puffy very odd indeed These were rather subtle changes but noticeable nonetheless; keep in mind my visual attunement to physical features has historically been rather uncanny not sure why but I just can observe the slightest of changes These changes progressively became more distinct over a 2-week period I began periodically recording my surroundings with my phone as this was just too strange as it was seemingly attracted to me everywhere I went I spoke at a conference and things subsided & I was ready to sort of let it go; I did hint at some of these things to a close out of town friend; still despite this going on for weeks I wasnt terribly concerned or phased Upon returning to Omaha I was a bit foolish & recorded a wicked anomaly I saw the television with my phone a. This received an immediate & very conveniently placed comment by the announcer on dancing with the stars in which he stated were moving into an attack posture. b. I sort of blew this off but it peaked my interest of course I decided to write down the physical anomalies I was seeing, put the piece of paper in my pocket, and went downtown to meet up with some friends for a social night Again upon arriving downtown I noticed just about everyone observing with physical anomalies noticeable. It should be noted again that I seem to be gifted when it comes to photographic-like visual & audible recollection & observation as experienced/witnessed for decades (yes Im that old!) COINCIDENTALLY enough this one time I have EVER written something so personal down to take with me it gets ripped out of my back pocket within 10 min of arriving downtown by a friend of mine who then started reading it. When I snatched it back I was responded with at least that got your attention. Just VERY odd considering (a) how would anyone even know I had something folded in my left back pocket, (b) how would anyone be able to snatch it out in one fell swoop, (c) this friend has never performed


xviii. xix.

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any such action before in their life & someone I have been with 100s of times. This one very personal & mildly alarming note I had gets ripped out of my pocket immediately when in public.are you kidding me? Now this was going on for a few weeks thus I needed to share my experience with a select number of folks. They arent quite sure what to think; more concerned about me & I dont blame them at all I head to the doctor the next day to ask about this ridge on my skull. Probably a dumb move as it was dismissed pretty quickly (odd) and later that day this apparent bombardment begins I start notice I am getting followed now in public & where I drive. Remember I have an amazing visual perception like the Porner Bourne Identity. The harassment on the road escalates to approximately 10 vehicles that drive up very close to me on the interstate, some of which almost hit me, and they are blasting VERY loud audible sounds at me. I am savvy enough to get my phone out & record this shit. The harassment continues for 3 days even on regular roads & intersections pretty much everywhere I go. Again I am savvy enough to record these events on my phone I then notice my home & neighborhood becomes the noisiest in all of Omaha, with loud airplanes flying overhead 24/7, birds surrounding my house performing synchronized chirping almost 24/7, odd sirens around, loud vehicles driving by constantly. Again Im savvy enough to record 10-20 hours of this on my phone. I still dont know WTF to think. I wake up the next morning and HOLY SHIT, my teeth hurt like hell. My Invisalign retainer Ive used for 6 straight months no longer fit. Upon further inspection a number of my back teeth have changed in length & shape both on the top & bottom. I look in the mirror & my pupils are a bit more dilated & slightly malformed. I feel my forehead and NEW ridges now forming from the outer brow up to the hairline. OK this is really fricken odd as these are the SAME anomalies I was seeing on the television, followed by people in real life, followed by me. The bombardment continues to escalate with military planes starting to fly overhead wherever Im present downtown late @




night (witnesses @ by others), at parents house (witnessed by others), constantly above my house (recorded) and these planes are also loud as shit & flying missions at all hours of the day night. The next day I have the day off only to have these military planes in full force. I go to Walgreens and there are 2 of them overhead (witnessed by family & recorded on phone). I drive to Westroads & get blasted by semis with high & low frequencies which I record as well. I see 2 more military planes circling overhead. I get out at Westroads & see 2 more (I record them 6 in total in about 30 min). Sure this could be coincidence but WTF. I begin to suspect the audible anomalies observed @ home, in appliances/electronics, on television, and land & sea are NOT coincidence and perhaps THEY are what is causing changes to people including myself Of course I am boggled that I am the only one perceiving this and ask myself this question repeatedly. I agree to go to the ER just to eliminate any possible medical condition with my chronic headaches and all. Nothing is found in blood/urine, nothing indicated in vitals & assessment by the physician. An MRI is not suggested at this time; I then remember the comment were not sure why its not working; maybe its because of his hair. My speculation is that this is 2-fold the physical changes were not responding to the enhanced audible levels, but also any mental deterioration (speculative) associated with the audible resonation were not having much effect, causing resistance to the entity hosting or possession I was observing in others. Also since these sounds are processed through our subconscious (somehow Im able to interpret them consciously) perhaps there are subconscious blocks being put on people to suppress awareness. As I am seemingly process these as conscious perceptions it also may be allowing me to block the effect. Who really knows This audible assault continues to escalate putting more weight into the speculation that these audible sounds, buried & planted in our modern day society for decades and exist in just about all electrical & mechanical devices on the market, in very meticulous manner gradually desensitize us to them entirely. Perhaps we have been progressively transforming & mentally weakened for

decades with for whatever reason only now are experience acceleration in audible levels, subsequent impact and rate of physical changes xxvii. I start having genuine concern for whats going on, not necessarily with regard to the attention Im getting but in regard to the fact that if this is happening I seem to be the only one with awareness & open minded enough to accept it while substantiating with a wealth of physical evidence; again it took me 4 straight weeks to accept this nonsense so expecting others to jump on board wasnt really in the cards xxviii. It hits me when these bird calls Ive been hearing all hours of the night magically are synchronous to a Homedics sounds machine purchased 10 years ago, implying they very well could be synthetic as part of this operation sak attack! Odd these birds have never been around my house like this in 8 years and woke me up @ 4:44am 2 mornings in a row xxix. Due to the rate of accelerated attack I decide I cant assume its only in regards to me & determine how I can share my experience with others hence the Facebook posts; plus to tell you the truth it was pushing me to my limits xxx. Upon posting on FB police close off Pacific St where Im located & interrogate me for 45 min xxxi. I obviously get a very odd & concerned response from loved ones, colleagues, etc which I completely understand. The whole 5 week experience was unnerving. I decide to go home to get some rest. Im advised to possibly smoke something, take a tranquilizer, or have some beers to cool my nerves by a few family members (no joke) xxxii. 10 min after I get home more police arrive. Im THANKFUL I didnt do any of the above (not that I was going to) but it surely would have spelled doom. I should state beforehand a couple of family members show up pretending to be angels here to protect me against these beings. I viewed this as an obvious charade to cover up what I was experiencing & pawning it off as religious xxxiii. The police are fairly entertained; Im on the phone with my fiance and as part of standard protocol a couple of therapists just need to check things out to give it the all clear with a 20 min

ETA. 2 hours later they arrive (officers mentioned they were going to file a complaint as it wasnt fair to have to wait this long), and I decide to record the conversation out of humor, and it was humorous. The main intent was to keep me occupied while my home got searched for drugs (nada), and after some witty jokes they decide its been long enough but not without asking 5 times if I was going to be with anyone later and who it would be. Not only that but it was 5 times asking for a name of a specific individual..hmmm. xxxiv. So I chill for the evening, however coincidentally enough my motorized garage unit after being in this home at least 8 years (since Ive been here) decides to collapse, and not only that it misses my head by about a foot. WTF really? So Im literally STUCK at home by myself after all this shite without the opportunity to go anywhere. I get the wild idea to see if I can book a flight to Dublin as after all of this it would be nice to get a flight out of here. I find a reasonable one & decide to book it on Travelocity. Hmmm WTF, my VISA fails to authorize, my Amex same thing, my MasterCard same thing. Ok this is odd so I go to Continental - VISA fails, Amex fails, MC fails, I see they offer PayPal so of course that will work.nope FAILS. Im preapproved for credit from BillMeLater so just will use that. FAILS! Are you joking? I try multiple sites for an hour and they all fail. I take screenshots. So I cant leave my house or Omaha or what? Doesnt this seem just a LITTLE fishy? Im pretty POd at this point and decide to start my second round of posts on FB. Amusing yet a bit alarming Im sure, but in the end I just wanted to get over to Dublin to see my family & get out of the scene of the crime. xxxv. The audible bombardment is in full force I again record it ALL. I have hours upon hours of video & audio. Oddly enough when I share it with others (even offered to show it to the police) no one is really interested. When I show the physical anomalies Im experiencing with forehead & teeth no one seems to accept it even though they seem to acknowledge it xxxvi. Interesting enough after posting a single status update on Facebook it FAILS. Status updates unavailable at this time. I take a screenshot. I try it from my phone FAIL. Are you kidding

me? I decide to try & post a comment from my phone and that works! That is the only method that works for me so I use comments to post my continued experience. xxxvii. Around midnight I go to bed. The next morning I wake up and all is quiet. What the heck? 4 weeks straight & all is quiet? My chronic headaches seem gone for the first time in 10 years. WTF is going on? Is all of this over? I post on FB to calm the waters. Interestingly enough about 30 min later I have about 15 people show up simultaneously at my house. Its actually quite spectacular some friends I havent seen in ages. I love it! However dang me starts to see what I perceive as another suppression/delay tactic from these entities as for better or for worse the signs when people are being hosted are just too obvious constant rapid blinking, licking of lips sticking out tongue from side-to-side, different posture or behaviors, pupil dilation. Yes I know this sounds very odd but its what I see. Once I sense a charade might be in the works everyone seems to bolt. It was a remarkable profound experience and Im still glad for the support that morning. xxxviii. A number of friends pop over throughout the day asking WTF. I dont blame them & its tough to put into words everything I was/am experiencing. I do keep getting recommended to remove my posts off of Facebook. That seems to be a priority oddly enough. I suppose if what I was sensing had any resemblance of truth I can see why the strong desire NOT to make it public. I mean look at the lengths this seemed to have gone xxxix. Next morning I get a call from Wells Fargo that my card was frozen for potential Fraud. I ask which transaction oh the one on Continental. So the flight I booked from my own home using my own card immediately triggers my card to be frozen for fraud? How is that even possible? Of course this is only 1 out of the 5 financial instruments that all simultaneously failed, which happened to occur the same day my garage collapsed, which all happened to occur hours after I posted on Facebook xl. Fiance arrives that evening what a joy. Things seem to be calming for the moment. We look at a home the following day, take my sis out to dinner for her birthday.pretty much do the


xlii. xliii.

same thing for a few days straight. However I sense the dang audible noises increased everywhere I go now public places, while driving of course, retail outlets which happen to be audible in just about every device/appliance/electronic like through electric current or something these could be activated concurrently at any time when needed. Things like refrigerators, fans, sliding doors, intercoms, registers, etc etc. I know weird & rather speculative but I do record this at a number of stores. Ill tell you now the before/after is VERY noticeable now that this seems to have subsided. A bit frustrated I buy 100 DVDRs showing a bit of a hand that enough is enough and at least I make a statement that the experiences/proof I collected is going onto shared-media Ironically enough the next day a whole series of events starts which Ill save for another time.perhaps in an upcoming book :)

Again Im not saying all of this is true, but the facts are facts and I will say to this day not a single FACTUAL thing Ive stated has been REFUTED, including the audio, video, photos, and most importantly the PHYSICAL CHANGES represented on my body which appear to have transformed in a VERY short amount of time. Again I have not had a full medical evaluation done with regard these changes so it is speculative, but I have plenty of before/after comparisons in teeth molds & photos which clearly indicate change. And I simply can no longer absorb water in my right hand & prune, even when soaked in warm water for 30 min. Also Im not implying that these changes are even negative as I have not really experienced any discomfort or complication but if something is happening it would be natural to want to know WHY! In the end I just hope everyone recognizes the amount of time it took for me to come close to accepting what may have been happening along with the courage it took to share my experience & speculations with everyone, and only because of the uncertainty of the why it was seemingly happening so aggressively did I find the matter urgent, again not related to the experience of myself but in the potential that things were/are in play for the non-informed masses. You guys know me & despite any self-infliction or personal sacrifice incurred I would be

compelled & willing to do in my heart what I felt was right. Also you guys know my rational convictions & just think of how long & how much accumulation of experience & evidence it must & did take for me to propose these revelations. So in the end Im not sure what the hell is up and Ill leave the rest up to all of you to make your own decisions of what to think. I would just encourage all of you to not prejudge your decisions based upon a conditional form of thinking what is within the range of possibilities. Of course there is so much more out there than we understand, of course there is significantly much more knowledge to be gained about our ancient history, ancestors, and spawn of humanity. Its ok to ask whether the lack of knowledge is intentional or whether our knowledge of history and even religion was placed to keep secret a more underhanded-truth. This experience could either substantiate or contradict religious beliefs, and although I am a person of strong faith I sometimes as what the true intention of religion is. Sure it comprehensively preaches good values, but it also controls by fear, spawns fearsome action in the name of god, and divides us like no other as a race. It certainly seems a bit odd to have such a radical division of beliefs, particularly if there was a more devious intention to control & keep away other truths and knowledge. I recommend you do your own research and make decisions with a clean- slate regardless of what weve been conditioned to think is acceptable and far-fetched. Again I have so much more material I could share but I think (at least for the time being) its best to bring this to closure. Let me leave you with one final thought. You now have a deeper understanding of my story, the facts & speculations, my motive, and my genuine concern for all of you that inspired my actions. Although Im letting this go it still would be extremely prudent to perform your own research, be consistently observant & aware, LISTEN, and always know that Ill be there for you whether you think you need me to be there for you or not :). XOXO YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature |

Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | RESEARCH, LOOK AT THE FACTS, AND THINK FOR YOURSELVES Im absolutely amazed at how quickly these factual accounts substantiated by a wealth of evidence are dismissed. Forget fantasy, forget religion, and simply look at the facts: 1. Explore the extreme CREDIBILITY of the genuinely sincere & caring person brave enough to talk about his experience, observations, and substantiating evidence. I mean first and foremost to make claims of insanity, mentally ill, or drug- induced before even exploring the facts is an absolute shame (look at the credibility sheet). 2. It was a very unique path I took unraveling all of this which presented the experiences to me time and time again over a period of 5 weeks. Why not take a leap of faith and follow it: a. First started noticing audible anomalies in television broadcasts & adult films (like the treble was on full and there was way too much higher-pitched noises resonating throughout) which I commented on to a friend over a year ago. b. Watched Ancient Aliens on the History channel which provided a wealth of knowledge of our ancient ancestors & first introduced me to the ancient astronaut theory which is rather compelling; first learned about the ancient Sumerian texts & the Anunnaki race. c. Based upon a friends comments around 9/11 I started researching the facts, primarily on YouTube, including watching the documentary Loose Change and to my surprise there are so many holes in the story it left me with quite a few unanswered questions along with a rather compelling who done it? along with the other half of the population. d. I saw some interesting related videos on YouTube citing accounts of the Reptilian beings that have the ability to

shape-shift to take on a humanoid look. To my surprise there was some really freaky stuff posted along with a HUGE following (multi-millions of views); in which I suddenly came to the realization that the physical anomalies people were pointing out (predominantly pupils, teeth, and shape-shifting) were many of the same anomalies I had seen in adult films but didnt think much of it at the time. e. Purely from curiosity more than anything I started doing some deeper analysis of the adult films and was shocked to find 100s of physical anomalies matching the accounts on YouTube in what couldnt have been more than an hours time. f. Still only curious I decided to explore these same anomalies on the television and was absolutely floored when I noticed just about every broadcast had these same anomalies that just didnt look right at all particularly the pupils which are ALWAYS masked with imposed white- pixel blotches seemingly to cover-up their unnatural shape, iriss that didnt take on a natural round shape, and most noticeable bottom teeth that always looked crowded, jagged, sharp, with the same crooked-pattern formations throughout along with consistent unnatural under-bites by a large number of people. g. After a few days of observing I decided to take some video of this on my phone which led to a massive reaction and subsequent mitigation operation from..well from what I later found to be some sort of otherworldly beings matching the accounts of the Anunnaki Reptilians. Crazy shit I know but the rest of the story is accounted for in a VERY detailed journal. 3. Perform some minimal research take a look at the ancient Sumerian texts, read a little bit about Zachariah Sitzchen who has undergone 20 years of research & documentary-based findings to come up with extremely compelling arguments that suggest the human race was engineered genetically as a hybrid-race from an advanced intelligence: So the Sumerians were so imaginative that 1000s of years ago they created a depictio

system, having the SUN as the center of the universe, not the Earth. They determined as planets are round, not flat, and they also depicted that planets orbit around the sun depicted each and every planet with accurate precision in location & size within our ow including 1 additional one that we havent found yet or that has been INTENTIONALLY anyone? I mean come on these so called solar discoveries werent made until mode right? Perhaps rediscoveries is a better term. 4. Research the Anunnaki and dont assume that our ancient ancestors were a bunch of morons. Take a look at the specific drawings depicting our entire Solar System including every single planet, our asteroid belt, size & distance from the Sun. a. ure=related Anunnaki b. re=related Nibiru c. ure=related Anunnaki, Nibiru d. explain this one Research the ancient shamans in Africa who claim their history ties back to heavenly gods that took the form of humanoid reptiles a. e=related African shaman **a must** Listen to and/or read up on the concepts & theories of David Icke, as after I performed research after my wild experience he seemed to corroborate most everything that I had witnessed and recorded. a. re=related David Icke b. David Icke Ask yourself why the reptile is a common theme in all religious beliefs around the world from ancient times when supposedly civilizations were not in contact with each other until relatively modern times. Ask yourself why theory in this regard is so dumbed down by





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modern-day science. Ask yourself how in the world 1000-ton solid stones of granite were moved miles and stood up vertically 1000s of years ago when such a feat couldnt even be accomplished today. Ask yourself whether it is reasonable to think that with ropes and pulleys ancient monoliths, pyramids, and stone carvings with machine precision accuracy could be performed in ancient times. Why havent these questions truly been explored? Look at the massive holes in evolution and the extraordinary leaps made in the past 100-thousand years which contradicts evolutionary progress that should have taken 100s of millions. Look at the 1000s of accounts by other individuals around the world citing experiences & accounts of another race among us; explore the many video accounts on YouTube and the millions of views & 1000s of comments from various people supporting these claims Please take a look at the FACTS, FACTS, and more FACTS of my personal account. The detail I have corroborated by EXTENSIVE evidence is alarming. I have a daily account of an escalated 5- week experience chalked up with such startling & odd occurrences its alarming and thus far IRREFUTABLE. In fact its quite the opposite if you actually take a look at chronology, absolutely amazing coincidences, and wealth of evidence obtained (look at the FACT sheet). Ask yourself how someone who has never come up with any wild- theories before suddenly can come up with the most profound and original scientific theories with precise detail as well as extreme irony that Sci-Fi fans would absolutely rave at (look at the COINCIDENCES sheet). Ask yourself why it is if I were to tie my beliefs to absolutely no evidence citing an almighty god & messiah while performing a ritual of drinking his blood and eating his flesh once a week to purify my soul isnt viewed as crazy; ask yourself why tying beliefs to a book of stories that was stapled together by a Roman emperor for purely political reasons isnt crazy. If I were to say that even if you represented all that was good in this world & dedicated yourself to helping & progressing humanity that wouldnt be enough and you would suffer ETERNAL






damnation I would simply be speaking the word of God right? If I were to tell you that if you sacrificed yourself in the name of Allah you would be granted eternal salvation partying with 72 virgins I would be speaking in the name of God correct? Like we even understand what eternal means. Ask yourself why eternal damnation alongside a devil down in the depths of fire with Hadeser I mean Satan isnt an absolute tactic to instill fear & control. Oh and to keep people away from even beginning to think about the REAL truth about our existence. Ask yourself what divides humanity more than religion while asking yourself why are there so many different religions, and then dividing variations among the denominations (Sunni vs. Shiite, Catholics vs. Protestants). I am a strong person of faith and have absolutely no problem with whichever faith or non-faith you choose, but why as a society have we been conditioned to feel the need to IMPOSE personal beliefs on one another, even if that means KILLING one another and we still havent copped on after 1000s of years of this shite? Ask yourself what the true meaning of politics is other than to divide, manipulate, and periodically satisfy based upon free elections despite political agendas remaining for the most part consistent from party to party. BASELINE yourself physically as well as others around you. This indeed is a gradual onset but occurring more rapidly as of late. Baseline your teeth as in no natural fashion should they grow as an adult. Feel your forehead & temple areas and monitor them for even the slightest changes. Dip your hands in water and see if they can still prune up. Take a look at your vein structure in your forearms, hands, and feet and ask yourself do they look any different than they did in months past? Is it really that difficult to perform this task? LISTEN to what is sounding off around you. Try and turn these subconscious, desensitized, and ENGINEERED sounds into conscious thought and observe. Listen to the constant hissing & tweets on the television. Listen for those same patterns when youre out in public, shopping at retail or grocery stores, etc. Again listen to those EXACT same patterns in just about all

electrical and mechanical devices. Plug up your ears and see if you have slight ringing with a high-pitched clicking sound constantly chugging away ever so slightly. 20. And lastly ask yourself why the term SHEEPLE is cutting in to represent our modern day society. Well I can tell you why based upon my personal experience (1) a shepherd represents CONTROL which obviously is dictating how EVERYONE would like to respond to these statements before even actually really listening to what they represent, and (2) the damn dog is FEAR which is what is constantly being imposed on me for expressing myself and sharing what I know to be right. This is fear from society, government, a massive fear & intimidation attempt from these beings, and yes even personified by all of you by prejudging, labeling, sounding off with oh hes somehow gotten magically crazy overnight or oh he must be on drugs, despite boiling down these statements to be absolutely absurd in itself. The ONLY other alternative is to funnel your way of thinking towards what the media, society, and false truths point you towards and that would be to claim insanity, and to do that here are all of the many absolutely absurd & crazy things you would need to believe: 1. Create & label the subject (me) with a groundbreaking form of schizophrenia-type illness that only manifests when it is convenient yet decides not to manifest when others are around, when evidence is collected, or when I decide to will it away; btw there was absolutely no symptom or diagnosis of ANY form of mental illness when assessed by a multitude physicians and medical staff. 2. This form of insanity manifested itself out of thin-air and took form immediately upon taking video with an iPhone of anomalies present on the television. 3. Also this revolutionary form of illness had an immediate onset at the age of 37 with absolutely no prior history and to an extremely healthy individual which magnificently went away during an 11-day impatient stay 4. This form of illness magically created hours upon hours of audio, video, and photography footage to corroborate the experience.





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Also this form of illness somehow corresponds with 1000s upon 1000s of other accounts around the world of similar experiences, matching those documented by our earliest ancestors & substantiated by well-known theologists, theorists, & modern-day scientist around the world. This newly discovered form of mental illness also concurrently manifested some of the most profound & remarkable experiences, coincidences, personal accounts, and science fiction in a matter of weeks. This illness also invoked people to pretend they are angels, have aircraft in which a large number were military follow the subject for an entire week, cause documented & recorded harassment by multiple vehicles on the road, extremely bizarre audible sounds, frequencies, & bombardments which have all been recorded when in public, driving on the road & when at home This illness also coincidentally caused ALL financial instruments to simultaneously be frozen within a 2 hour period, caused Facebook posts to fail, caused my garage to collapse (all on the same day mind you), caused the subjects teeth (among other things) to RAPIDLY change matching EXACTLY the same symptoms seen in others as well as on television broadcasts, oh and which match the countless accounts of this advanced race by 1000s of other people. This illness also allowed the subject to generate positive & negative energy boosts repeatedly which was interpreted at a form of intellectual & emotional manipulation. This illness also caused the subject to witness TWO forms of hosting, yes TWO one in which physical senses are shared & manipulated by the host, and another in which complete control over conscious thought was witnessed 100s of times in a matter of weeks. This illness also caused a colleague to coincidentally rip out the ONLY piece of paper with physical anomaly symptoms documented out of my back pocket and start reading it despite (a) this colleague NEVER doing such a thing in their life let alone to me, (b) this person NEVER reading anything of mine without consent, and (c) without possibly knowing something was even



14. 15.

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folded up in my back pocket as I NEVER have anything folded up and placed there. This illness also allowed the subject to have a revolutionary view on creation, religion, angels, demons, prophets while determining fascinating concepts like genetic manipulation via sound, using human hosts as a drug (to get high off of sex, fear, and paranoia), & becoming a person of UNWAVERING faith. This illness caused such conviction in beliefs the subject knowing how damaging this would be to his reputation, possible personal & professional implications put it all on the line to inform & share the experience because of his compassion for humanity. This illness caused the subject to be arrested on FALSE allegations a DAY after purchasing DVDRs to record the wealth of evidence on. This illness sharply converted the subject into an immediate science fiction novelist creating an entirely original story consisting of faith, religion, science & extraterrestrials; all with such irony even Shakespeare would be impressed. You would have to ignore the EXTREMELY sound CREDIBILITY built up over 37 years from someone referred to as the voice of sanity for the past 10 years. This illness magically inspired the subject to create prophetic writings to share with the world. Lastly this illness somehow fundamentally does not change the subject, his relationships and interactions with people, no paranoia, no real fear (other than fear for the safety of others); if I wanted to I could ignore all of this and walk back into my fairy tale world, but then again how long will that fairy tale truly last?

I could go on and on but let me ask you which of these choices is truly the most insane? Im sure the first individual who strongly proposed that there was more to story with regard to 9/11 than a bunch of 20 bozos pulling off acrobatic feats resulting in the largest terror disaster in US history was viewed as crazy. Now not only does the majority of the world agree but even 1/2 or more within the US have their suspicions as well, with the other half likely not looking an ANY of the facts. Im sure the first individual who proposed the moon landing was

staged was viewed as a bozo as well; same with the JFK assassination being a conspiracy which we now know was indeed the case. Im sure the 90% of the population that believes in extraterrestrials and the vast majority of those who believe they have visited earth were viewed initially as being crazy. Im sure all of the UFO accounts on YouTube are from people that are absolutely crazy. To suggest that a pioneering discovery couldnt possibly be made because it is outside the realm of our conditional views of reality is as narrow-sided as thinking the world couldnt possibly be round, or that the Earth was not the center of all things, and that there couldnt possibly be additional planets & solar systems out there, or indeed additional galaxies or even additional universes which is the current belief of most modern day physicists. If it were not for the fact that Ive seen the effect that these beings & their subconscious control & manipulation has on those around me first- hand I likely would NOT be brave enough in making such claims & putting my own reputation on the line, but if there is even the SLIGHTEST bit of truth to the experiences I am sharing how could I and you not take a bit of time to perform a little fact-finding, listening and observing based upon the physical evidence provided, and making a decision for yourself as opposed to a prejudged on that society has placed upon you. To not do this not only would be an injustice but would be a statement that we as a society have indeed lost our sense of free will. I mean how can you jump to a conclusion without exploring one little piece of the facts and call that freedom of choice? Listen I am for the most part just your average guy who was caught up in the fairy tale of life, with post-graduate level education, a fantastic job, world traveler, wonderful family, etc. Everything I have been conditioned to want was (and is still) right in front of me. I just happen to have a wicked sense of perception, strategic & innovative thinking, and problem solving to stay one step ahead. I also happened to be an individual who was targeted by these beings over a decade but in a relentless fashion over a 5-week period, and through this targeting I was able to connect the dots, was savvy enough to collect a wealth of evidence, strong enough faith (and likely help from others) to endure, and courageous & heartfelt enough to withstand massive self-image &

credibility sacrifice in the name of all of you. Yes Ill repeat this is for ALL OF YOU. I only ask that you truly hear me out on my story, explore the facts & wealth of evidence, and try and follow the information trail so that you, I repeat YOU can come to your own conclusions. Thats all Im asking, and if in the end your conclusions are not the same as mine so be it but let them be yours. Not to take this step would be a travesty and a misstep that has been taken time and time again as there is no way I have been the first to make such a massive discovery. I do believe because I was targeted & with protection have been able to endure, I was able to collect much more detail around the agenda, methods of control, and evidence than most. Remember I was told to write it down & tell the world as well as for all of us to exhibit self-determination & unity; and through these convictions we will have the strength to overcome. And thanks again to my angelic entities who have been guiding and protecting me throughout as in no way do I view the extraordinary and profound events & discoveries to be completely random or part of a mid-life crisis.well not in the traditional sense anyway. XOXO YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | Interactions with the television set, which Ive learned happens to be the most remarkable and efficient hypnotic device ever invented! Craig Ferguson (early May, 2011) my first real dive into the anomalies present on the television took place when in my bedroom watching of all shows the Late Late show with Craig Ferguson. The interesting thing is I cant recall a prior time when I had watched this talk show but I was simply compelled to watch it that night upon which I noticed some very odd stuff. 1. First off as Mr. Ferguson likes to approach the camera a lot during his initial monologue every time he came in for a close-up I got the feeling he was staring & communicating right to me. This manifested into not 1 but 2 times I approached the television to where I was

about a foot away at that very moment he made a somewhat irritable comment about how this one individual kept staring at him. Yeah sure he could have been referring to someone in the audience but the fact is on 2 separate occasions approximately 10 min apart I went up to the television he responded immediately with this statement. 2. Later on about 15 min in I started noticing some very odd physical anomalies with Mr. Ferguson matching the anomalies I had seen in adult films a. His pupils were just radiating a reflection with his eyes almost looking holographic b. The shape of his pupils was definitely not round c. His teeth shared the EXACT same pattern as the extreme odd jaggedness of those found in adult films! Yes I know hes European but come on Im talking Jaws teeth here d. The whole broadcast appeared staged with a seemingly blue screen setup with a fuzzy outline of Craig among others, the guests (Larry King & Sanjay Gupta) had the same appearance including the physical anomalies, blue screen, and the entire dialogue with the guests seemed scripted & following the eyes looked as though both were reading off of teleprompters in what was supposed to be a live-broadcast interview. Even the audience laughs & sounds seemed as though I was watching Scooby Doo with ridiculously fake laughing. It was so odd I decided to get my phone out and record about 5 min of what I was seeing. OK yes so a bit odd but nothing entirely convincing. Lets move onto the next night which is where it all started. After now noticing that just about every broadcast I was watching had similar anomalies matching the many accounts of others of this reptilian race I started getting a mild feeling of the eeby jeebies but still was simply driven by mild curiosity so I popped on Mr. Ferguson again and check this out: 1. Was watching again and got the eerily feeling I was watching a real- time broadcast directed specifically to me. This speculation increased immensely when I stepped away for about 2 min and came

back again the set was in very casual mode and then in about 2 seconds I hear this womans voice in the background say softly hey, hes back and the program starts to resume as if was specifically waiting for me. Ok a little freaky but again I had no problem chalking this up to coincidence. 2. As I continued watching & noticing the anomalies I wasnt thinking at the time there was any chance this communication was 2-way so obviously I was likely visibly showing my increased speculation around what I was seeing. This received a bit of an angry response from Mr. Ferguson in which he spoke aggressively dont you dare tell anyone about this.. I have it all (everything youve done) on VIDEO! This was followed up by, dont you get it, I have the entire DVD box set! Yes still only weird at this point but it gets better. 3. (Craig Ferguson, May 8, 2011)He introduces a guest in whom it is a younger blonde actress, Amy Smart but as soon as she steps onto the stage he states, Its so refreshing seeing someone with real skin, eyes, and hair for a change. Ok this is completely odd as the primary reason I was watching this episode was to check these sorts of features out on people. 4. The interview quickly went on to talk about his microphone looking like a vibrator, and he replied or one of those massagers at the store that could be used as a vibrator. Rather personal stuff there especially when he followed up with but it rather smells. Then he follows up with some really wicked stares at the television while drinking out of his mug which has a snake wrapped about it and he says to the guest, oh I think hes finally starting to get it. She then replies well should we give him one final chance? Craig, obviously playing the role of the bad guy here was more or less arguing against it but the guest got the final say in stating, Yes well give him one more chance. So this all was entirely freaky especially following the prior night of oddness on the show. I actually left the broadcast thinking WTF, having Mr. Ferguson drinking out of his snake mug representing the bad guy and having this guest, pure in physical form representing the advocate it could certainly be interpreted as an angelic/demonic interaction about the savior of the person viewing which in this case was me. Oh so I was granted another chance, but read on as it gets much much better &

much more convincing. 1. Immediately after this episode comes an advertisement for good feet or something like that, with the core message from a woman doctor who shared all of the similar physical anomalies glazing into my eyes saying, Spread the word, tell the world the truth. Ok so this certainly could be coincidental but keep in mind when these words are spoken you can see some sort of energy or reflective light piercing out of the eyes of the people saying it. I still question what exactly the intent of this one was but I speculate this was all part of the helpful hands who have been guiding me along. 2. The next day I still dont think much of all of these events but they are certainly food for thought. I get home from work and pop on the television and same anomalies present, same hissssssing sounds in the speech, etc. No big deal but on the news they break into Dan Patrick for a report and here is where it gets extremely alarming. This guy is about as demonic as it gets with what appeared to be a major hypnosis attempt coming from the television. I stare into his eyes for about 10s thinking WTF. As I turn away for a second I hear someone make the comment, Im not sure its not working, maybe its because of his hair. Ok this was totally out of place and most certainly directed at me, but it keeps getting better. 3. I make the trek over to my grandmothers house to say hello and she has the news on the television. Of course I glance over and see the same piercing eyes out of the television seemingly observing my every move. About 15 min after chatting with my grandmother Im about to leave and out of the television pops, hes a threat because of his charm. 4. Later that night I decide to take a bit of a break from it all and journal a bit. With the television on in the background I start jotting down some thoughts which lead me to some spiritual religious notes. The moment I start writing down about angels protecting me I feel this inner warmth start radiating from within me. Wow I think thats a bit odd but as I continue writing I mention something about the devil. At that very moment I hear background music on the television from a scene in a bar where

the lyrics start chanting release the beast.release the beast Ok another odd coincidence thats fine but at moment I start to feel a bit of darkness creeping in. My journal ends with a final statement thanking my angelic entities for their guidance and I get a blast of warmth in which I start to shed a tear. Now this tear mind you had nothing to do with my seemingly religious experience but more about the profound discovery I thought I was making. At that very moment I hear from the television, hey did you see that, its working. Well this all but confirmed it as based upon the series of events that transpired the following is conclusive: 1. 2. They were indeed pushing to have me view these events as religious as opposed to scientific (explains the Craig Ferguson oddities among other things) Perhaps they wanted me to spread the word about my religious experiences, perhaps this was guidance for me to share to the world these secrets I had uncovered. In either event this explains the Good Feet episode Its obvious now post audible-bombardment that this hypnosis, mental attack, and possession were not and still is not working on me. This explains the we dont know what its not working; maybe its because of his hair comment and also demonstrates the sense of humor that these beings have. The fact that I was relentless targeted for 5 weeks indicates what a threat I must have been (and still am) holding the knowledge that I do, despite me not really knowing the significance of this information until the attack commenced (how ironic). This explains the hes a threat because of his charm comment. Lastly this final nail in the coffin represents that not only is there a major push to have anyone with knowledge interpret these as religious events, but that the positive and negative bursts from within are entirely artificial, and the fact that they picked up on the tear followed by the immediate comment did you see that its working shows that they can and do manipulate emotion and thought via the television in which this can be performed in REAL- TIME! Quite profound and remarkable if you ask me but its




pretty easy to connect the dots in this 3-day window and come to the very same conclusions I have done. I suppose it makes it even more compelling when these episodes and experiences continued for 5 more weeks which only substantiated and validated all of this. Again how ironic that through the attack came such a deep understanding of what all was going on through manipulation, the television, the attack through sound, etc. A little tooironic.dont you think. Its like rain.on your wedding day.. UPDATE Ive since tried to track down the Craig Ferguson interview the Amy Smart in which the one present back from March, 2011 is ENTIRELY different from the episode broadcast to my home confirming the following that I have always speculated: Shape-shifters can pretty much take on the form of human being They can broadcast specifically to an individual television set in REAL-TIME to perform various manipulations They can somehow perform the acting in real-time and make adjustments on the fly to press forward with a particular manipulation technique. This explains why every episode being broadcast is in front of a blue-screen Also it appears as though Ive been able to make live broadcasts (i.e. on the news) stutter or be caught off guard when I suddenly walk up to the screen and start staring. Its like they hiccup for a couple of seconds before getting back into the broadcast. This could be entirely coincidental but its just a feeling that I get. Also I have had a couple of occasions where Ive sensed manipulation from video-game dialogue. Yes I know this one is truly bizarre but if they can broadcast dialogue in real-time in any other format why not to more or less a computer connected to the internet with background music & dialogue just like a movie or a television show. In one particular case out of nowhere when I was thinking about an angelic experience & perhaps commenting under my breath the game decided to blurt out, youre on the good path now. If they can manipulate the PC in real-time which Ive seen many times when various content on web-pages is displayed, subliminal content in the lower search results, etc then

they can certainly perform this via video games. And we thought out government was our big brother; they dont even come close to these entities, although its pretty obvious these entities run all forms of major government YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | The Real SIN Sin absolutely exists & I have experienced it many times, but its not caused by spiritual entities deep in the depths of hell or influence by a guy in a red suit with horns and a pitchfork; its caused by physical beings and physical stimulation at times in plain sight but in general hidden using various methods & techniques and disguised as supernatural events via the use of TECHNOLOGY. Yes I mean technology is a primary tool of sin, but were talking about advanced technology that has been around since the existence of man. But before we get into the how lets first talk about the what of sin and how it is planted throughout our society and how it was planted rather successfully within myself. My own personal definition of SIN is an act in which weve learned when performed would subject ourselves to eternal damnation unless we are forgiven which generally would be performed by subscribing to a certain set of belief(s). This is vastly different from moral or ethics in a couple of strict ways: 1. Eternal damnation is possibly the ultimate of FEARs that has been upon our society which card can be played at any given time to INDUCE fear. Sure Im all for preaching sound morals and judgment; however instilling a belief set based upon fear as opposed of hope (i.e. Im afraid Ill go to hell) seems opposite and seems like a superior way to control &

manipulate behavior 2. Again this form of manipulation FORCES you into a belief system in order to reach SALVATION. On top of that it forces you into one of the MANY DIVIDED belief systems out there, inherently creating artificial division amongst the human race. Anyone else see a problem with this? 3. We already have whats called human values and family values. On top of that we already have a society-sponsored legal system to ENFORCE proper behavior. Why is it we need yet another artificially instated belief system one that controls, divides, creates conflict, induces fear, and hides us from the REAL truth?!! Path to planting SIN: 1. Invoke a belief system primarily based upon fear using symbolism i.e. Satan 2. Capitalize on the belief system and drill in fear of being judged & eternal damnation based upon whichever belief system youre toying with (i.e. requiring the belief in a messiah) 3. Toy with subjects greatest fears which in holistically across the population is likely fear of death and/or fear of being judged i. Subconscious messaging via audio/visual means such as radio, television, internet, etc ii. Have people around you (while hosted) plant thoughts of salvation, damnation, etc such as randomly commenting about an episode of South Park which featured a number of DAMNED people in HELL because they didnt believe, all the while getting induced with negative energy to cause artificial fear and paranoia. 4. Plant the sin(s) and host the subject along the way to thrive off of the fear, sex, obsession, etc highs like a human drug; when the subject is performing these sinful behaviors leverage those opportunities to induce more artificial fear & paranoia


Play both sides of the coin in the case of Christianity present both angelic & demonic entities to the subject including halo type of effects i. These can be played through humans subconsciously acting on behalf or against the subject in a game of good guy / bad guy. There is an Angel on my shoulder but a Devil in my head. 6. Continue this struggle of good and evil periodically (i.e. every 6 months) with increased intensity & profoundness each time; blast the subject with positive/negative energy 7. Comingling of the beings (i.e. the angels & demons) to determine the best methods for manipulation at any given time, generally with one as an advocate and one as an adversary in terms of your Judgement and worthiness. In fact they will comingle right in front of you as they need to leverage the human body to communicate with each other in a physical sense i.e. what do you think we should do next? i. Should you answer or behave correctly which generally points to a religious aspect you will be granted a positive burst of energy, anything else and you will be hit with a dark/constricting form of energy usually incrementally until you may reach 6-7 levels deep. It gets pretty dark & frightening but I intentionally let myself get as far down as possible and in the end there was no real harm incurred. ii. Analogy good cop / bad cop, defense attorney vs. prosecutor its quite a fascinating manipulation technique and obviously one used by humans on a regular basis to this day 8. Ultimately plant an idea that either the subject will be saved or damned, likely based upon how the subject is responding to the ongoing manipulation. The point is do not let these FASLSE STIMULI determine whether or not you feel you should be saved or damned. Perform this judgment yourself and know that only because of this

ARTIFICIAL FEAR OF SIN will we ever let ourselves feel consumed with the thought of eternal damnation it simply doesnt exist. Techniques used in making the subject feel sin: 1. 2. Subliminal & subconscious messaging Technology manipulation to make things appear as supernatural based upon our false perception of what is possible / impossible 3. Artificial energy stimulation this is a big one! Is used regularly to invoke various thoughts or emotions in a subject 4. Hosting of self & others when within yourself obviously they can see/hear/feel exactly what you do and respond accordingly. When others around you are hosted same thing and they can cause the others to say or do things that are completely out of the norm. 5. Witnessing spiritual or supernatural events i.e. possession a. I personally have this taking place for at least 8 years so not a NEW technique by any means b. Speculation that by weakening the mind through subconscious audible/frequency techniques modern-day society is more susceptible to both forms of hosting to facilitate manipulation & control YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | Radiohead the path to faith, truth, and discovery?!! Song lyrics could it be that this meticulous plan included a target in the most extraordinary & profound of ways? How could it be that if we were to take the 3 bands I have listened to the most over the past few years they could collectively describe almost entirely the experience that I was being led to believe. Weve already determined manipulation through

sound and subconscious suggestion through audio and dialogue. Music seems to fit perfectly the format to subconsciously manipulate someone over time to concepts, ideas, and even beliefs. So lets explore this in more detail: Radiohead its been pretty much a given that this band represents one of the most talented bands in modern day and Ive been very open about my expression that since college they could represent quite possibly my favorite band. Why is it that through this experience about 9 months ago there was a trigger that got me back into this band in which I have listened to a 4 year old album almost for the first time as if it were fresh & new. This trigger was In Rainbows live from the Basement which was broadcast on a channel I had just started watching on DirecTV and sucked me back into their extraordinary sound. The parallels with what I have experienced are simply too fascinating to be ignored and as of late I have often contemplated whether this could be sheer astonishing coincidence at the highest level or whether this was indeed planted to lead me down a path of lies or truths. Ultimately that path was up to me to decide, but take a look at these crazy parallels and you be the judge. 15 Steps Radiohead, In Rainbows How could I end up where I started, how could I end up where I was Wont take my eyes off the ball again, you reel me out then you cut the string You used to be alright, what happened; did the cat get your tongue, did your string come undone. One by one One by one It comes to us all Facts for whatever Fifteen steps, then a shear drop Ok so on the surface these words probably dont resonate with my story, but remember I had approximately 10 15 spiritual experiences where I felt I was indeed being judged and that angels & demons were assessing my worthiness so to speak, now only to have later determined that these were indeed an advanced race, presumably the Anunnaki, playing

both sides of the coin. Now I cant recall exactly how many times this game was being played on me, but 15 is pretty dang close, and each encounter at the core seemed as though I was indeed back where I started meaning I was making the same sins in life without fully cleansing my soul in which my fear was that if I took my eyes off the ball again after each experience I wouldnt have another chance at possible salvation. Remember this was exactly what a couple of these episodes involved what do you think, should we give him another chance? The thing is I came to a final recognition that above all else we are the true judge of ourselves, and to let a sliver of guilt or blame consume the entirety of the genuine goodness of humanity we truly represent is what leads you down this rat-hole. Its ok to make mistakes that is how we learn in life and how we come out stronger. Without these faults I would have never been able to develop the profound and unwavering faith I have developed over the years. In the end it was me who judged my soul, and I came out on top. Bodysnatchers Radiohead, In Rainbows I do not, understand, what it is, I dont know Im full of holes, check the pulse Blink your eyes, one for yes, two for no Ive no idea what I am talking about Im trapped in this body and cant get out Make a sound, move back home Has the light gone out for you Because the lights gone out for me You can fight like a dog It brought me to my knees They got scared and they put me in All the lies run around my face All the lies run around my face And for anyone else to see, Im alive

Ive seen it coming Ive seen it coming.. I dont even have the words to describe the parallels of this song. I mean first off its called Bodysnatchers which is basically a synonym for possession are you kidding me? This whole experience revolves around possession that Ive seen taking place for a decade but obviously more prominently & aggressively in the past many weeks; and 2 forms of possession mind you. This to me is absolutely unbelievable but it gets so much more freaky. I do not understand what it is. I dont know, Im full of holes. Check the pulse and blink your eyes 1 for yes and 2 for no. I mean for real these words in this exact order may as well describe a significant part of my experience. Of course I didnt understand at first what I was witnessing and experiencing and it was as amazing as it was frightening. When I started expressing to a select number of individuals of course my story wasfull of many holes I hadnt quite yet put all of the pieces together. Its also amazing as I often constrict my left artery heading up my neck when I have a headache to help constrict the blood flow to alleviate some of the pain. This has been interpreted by just about everyone who sees me as if I were checking my pulse, and I have no doubt this is the interpretation these hosts had when they were monitoring and manipulating me over the years. Of course they thought I was checking my pulse almost daily which probably led to them planting this idea of a false cardiac fear on me. Blink your eyes one for yes & two for no. I mean this is an exact symptom I described when someone is hosted or whether you are viewing a Reptilian on a broadcast rapid or repetitive blinking when a host is within you and single normal-space intervals when not. Are you human blink one for yes, two for no. Holy Toledo Batman! But it doesnt stop there you can fight like a dog (yes I can), it brought me to my knees (well that goes for both of us), they got scared and they put me in (because they got scared and viewed me as a threat they did indeed put me into all of this!) All the lies run around my face well they do run around my face now that I can see through the lies and into the truth. And for anyone else to see write it down, tell the world. Im alive well of course I am however having the thought that I

was in a purgatory state was part of their multi-year manipulation tactic which Ill get to later (see the song Videotape, Coldplay & The Script). Ive seen it coming, Ive seen it coming well yes indeed unbeknownst to me at the time I have been prepared, guided, and protected to come to the extraordinary revelations and uncovering these profound secrets and not only have I seen it coming but I have so much insight into WHAT is coming. I mean this is absolutely unbelievable to have a SINGLE song represent so many parallels to this experience, not to mention that all of these songs I am listing are from a SINGLE album! Lets continue. Faust ARP Radiohead, In Rainbows Wakey wakey rise and shine its on again, off again, on again Watch me fall like dominos in pretty patterns Fingers in the blackbird pie Im tingling, tingling, tingling Its what you feel now What you ought to, what you ought to Reasonable and sensible Dead from the neck up Guess Im stuck, stuck, stuck We thought you had it in you But no, no, no, for no real reason Exactly where do you get off Is enough, is enough I love you but enough is enough, enough A last stop, theres no real reason You got a head full of feathers So in the initial stages of this bombardment I was waking up to either noise that was on again, off again, on again, and of all of this led to many whose perception it has been and probably still is watching me fall like dominos, albeit in pretty patterns. Fingers in the blackbird pie, Im tingling, Im tingling, Im tingling really? Blackbirds are a huge theme in this story, and tingling is EXACTLY what this artificial emotional and physical arousal feels like when these beings are bursting you with

energy. Tingling, its what you feel now, what you ought to, what you ought to wow. Reasonable and sensible if only people would not only recognize this extremely high quality of mine but also come to their own sense. Dead from the neck up, guess Im stuck, stuck, we thought you had it in you, but no for no real reason. In the end the lyrics of this album have been so immensely spot on and actually helpful in eliminating myself of any blame or guilt (stay tuned for Reckoner later) I interpret this as a message that I was being granted a gift with this knowledge, to get to my senses and awaken from the neck up, get out of my stuck phase of consciousness, because they thought I had it in me and in the end they KNEW I had it in me. This is remarkable stuff. Exactly where to you get off, is enough, is enough? porn addiction anyone? I love you but enough is enough I agree and finally copped on as they knew I would. A last stop for no real reason you got a head full of feathers bird bombardment anyone? Reckoner Radiohead, In Rainbows Reckoner, you cant take it with you, disavow the pleasure You were not to blame for bittersweet distractors Dare not speak his name Dedicated to all of you, all your needs Because we separate It ripples our reflections Because we separate It ripple our reflections Again another astonishing parallel Reckoner, you cant take it with you, disavow the pleasure. I am what you could simply classify as a reckoner, or someone who has undergone a spiritual awakening, and in doing so I had to and did disavow the pleasure porn addiction anyone? You were not to blame for the bittersweet distractors and now we now WHO or WHAT IS to BLAME.

Dedicated to all of you, all your needs I mean hello this represented my original expression to other about my experience. It was and has always been dedicated to them and their needs..our collective needs. Because we separate it ripples our reflections I have preached self-determination and unity. Without it we will indeed see ripples in ourselves and each other. This is pretty incredible stuff. Lastly Ill say that singing along to this song really helped catapult me past my last bit of guilt and blame as we truly are NOT to blame Ive seen, experienced, and witnessed this firsthand. I know what SIN is and its not some mysterious spiritual entity its this race hidden throughout our existence subconsciously manipulating our existence. Just look at my story and the amount of manipulation, aggression, fear, and obsession experienced at the direct cause by these beings. Sin is for the most part represented by physical stimuli put in place in secrecy by these beings. Amazing how accurately reflected my story is in this single disc. But it keeps coming. House of Cards Radiohead, In Rainbows Forget about your house of cards and Ill do mine And fall off the table, get swept under Denial, Denial The infrastructure will collapse Voltage spikes Your ears should be burning Denial, denial Your ears should be burning This whole thing is a fricken House of Cards. I mean think about it if it werent in a state of risk why would these beings be taking such significant steps in manipulation and control, and why would this fella in Omaha be viewed as such a large threat which warranted a 5- week barrage requiring significant planning and resources, all of which of course totally backfired. The infrastructure will collapse that indeed it will. This entire game and matrix were in will undoubtedly end; I mean the truth is

getting out there and if youre reading its getting out to you. Voltage spikes holy shite! I mean this is exactly how I have speculated how these entities manipulate electric current in various forms or fashion to generate halo type of effects to try and bring about a spiritual or religious experience for a subject, they can adjust electric current to manifest various frequencies, and possibly use this technique to trigger various audio sounds that have been engineered and planted in electrical products. Your ears should be burning, denial, denial wow this hits it right on the mark. Because Im tuned into these frequencies and hearing them as conscious sounds my ears are just about always in a constant state of burning, and as soon as you break out of your denial yours will be as well. Spectacular stuff. Videotape Radiohead, In Rainbows When Im at the pearly gates This will be on my videotape, my videotape Mephistopheles is just beneath And hes reaching up to grab me This one cracks me up a bit as this is the EXACT tactic that was used during my encounter with Sataner the Reptilian on the Craig Ferguson show. If you recall it was shouted to me that we have it all on VIDEO. I wonder if this would have been yet another chapter in this prophet in the making if I were indeed presented with a video of myself from within my own eyes. If indeed this is truly possibly when someone is within you hosting and manipulating you, which indeed I think it is, how else would you perceive this if you were to see from your own point of view some of the stupid shit you had done in your life. Youd probably shit your pants and then immediately think of this in some godly or religious manner. Well now you know the science behind such a possible feat, in which this would be far from anything that is godly. Weird Fishes/Anunnakier Arpeggi Radiohead, In Rainbows In the deepest ocean The bottom of the sea Your eyes, they turn me

Turn me onto phantom I follow to the edge, of the Earth Weird Fishes, weird fishes Hit the bottom and escape Ill hit the bottom and escape Whats incredible about this song is that in ancient times some of the old tribes from Africa referred to the Anunnaki as fish people with scaly skin I mean hello, WEIRD FISHES?!! In the deepest ocean, at the bottom of the sea it is also speculated that some of these Anunnaki actually live in hollowed-out sections of the Earth, moon, and possibly in the deepest ocean. Again what an amazing parallel. Your eyes, they turn me wow their eyes and their gaze absolutely can turn people in various ways, particularly emotionally and mentally. But also apparently they can also turn us into......snake people!! :O Turn me onto phantom well shit that is exactly what these beings represent pure and utter phantoms. Ill hit the bottom and escape this is a message for all of you that if you ever do feel that youre hitting the bottom remember that the bottom is truly only a state of mind. We can only be manipulated into thinking that we are at the bottom. Dont let yourself get consumed by the fear, blame, guilt, Judgement, or any of these other passions these entities thrive off of. Its all artificial and its NOT human. Other songs worth mentioning: Nude Radiohead, In Rainbows Dont get any big ideas theyre not going to happen You paint yourself white and feel up with noise But therell be something missing Now that youve found it, its gone Now that you feel it, you dont Youve gone off the rail Youll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking

Nude Radiohead, In Rainbows Im stuck in the T.A.R.D.I.S. (The Anunnaki Radio Device Induced Sound? :) Trapped in hyperspace One minute SNAKE charming The next in a MOTORcade All the right move in In the right places Watch me dance Im a puppet You can almost see the strings Jigsaw Falling Into Place Radiohead, In Rainbows I think the title says enough here. Its absolutely unbelievable to think that a SINGLE disc which I was listening to prior to and throughout this experience, honestly WAY more than any other disc I have listened to in the past decade, hits straight into this experience like a ton of bricks. I simply cannot chalk this up to yet ANOTHER coincidence. I mean think about it 15 Steps, Reckoner, Nude, Videotape, BodySnathchers, Jigsaw Falling Into Place, House of Cards, Weird Fishes. These songs alone summarize about half of my initial experience & learnings. And to top it off they are wonderfully orchestrated by one of the greatest bands of all-time. And last but not least lets look at the album cover & artwork: Ok first off the name of this band is RADIOHEAD. I mean that is exactly what our heads are full of radio waves, and these are EXACTLY what are causing many of these subconscious & subliminal messages as well as the onset of mental weakening & physical changes. But even more astounding - check out the universal image in the background. It sure looks like some sort of planetary collision taking place out in space. The ancient Sumerians wrote about the creation of the Earth being formed indeed by a planetary collision that took place eons ago in which the planet now called Nibiru seeded the earth with its DNA with the debris forming our asteroid belt which is why carbon-based matter has been found there. I just find it extremely extraordinary that this image could very well be perceived at representing some sort of similar event. Nice work Radiohead!!

Radiohead, In Rainbows Other fascinating coincidences on a profound level which represent possible meaning in a spiritual guidance level: Project Genesys this was more or less the final nail in the coffin for a set of technologies I have been overseeing since the VERY start of this journey in which it was finalized and in flight during my intensely profound 5-week experience. In the end it represented the largest project I have been responsible for in my career in which of course the book of Genesis pertains to the Old Testament in which the concept of creation has been at the VERY forefront of this experience. On top of that based upon a wealth of research performed by myself predominantly based upon the 20 years of research performed by Zacharia Sitchen the book of Genesis is a direct conglomeration of the writings of the Ancient Sumerians who wrote the very first historical document of creation EVER discovered which documented a race of beings dubbed as the Anunnaki, translated as those who from the heavens came, who engineered mankind as a hybrid reptilian- mammalian race dubbed as Adamu (or subsequently Adam). The fact that these historical archives were passed down generations to formulate the book of Genesys is absolutely an incredible parallel. On top of that the other huge project I was working on in parallel with this experience was called Pulse of all things. I mean pulse??? The word itself refers to a measurement of CARDIAC function in which I have already discussed the significance of the false sense of cardiac risk placed upon me as well as my misinterpreted constant checking of the pulse which was really a measure to aid in my chronic headaches. So Pulse & Genesys 2 other fascinating aspects in this remarkable & bizarre tale of faith, discovery, fear, hope, irony, and truth. YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The

Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | The Miracles of Todays World Throughout history what we as humans have viewed as godly events and unexplained miracles in many cases have been based upon our perception of what is possible/impossible, reality/fantasy, particularly in the realm of technological achievement. Yes our ancestors used terminology during their time to explain the events that they witnesses from gods descending from the heavens, using chariots in the sky to maneuver, to the miraculous creation of natural resources, which of course in todays world can describe modern-day aircraft, advanced power generation plants, natural resource mining & production, electrical & mechanical products, yet there are obviously still today this day vastly superior technology that is in use all around us that we simply arent privy to. Well let me take a minute to outline not only the technology feats that I have WITNESSES first hand, but also very compelling evidence of superior technology that is currently in use to project miraculous feats of achievement & perceived spiritual events. Experiences achieved (witnessed) through the use of technology: Manipulation of electric current in REAL-TIME this can be accomplish to invoke a number of different responses, including the generation of electric frequency (i.e. in lighting), likely to trigger various appliances & products to invoke secondary & hidden frequencies embedded to enact upon our subconscious, but to also generate halo types of effects in lighting to presumably bring upon a perceived angelic or halo effect. Lights can obviously be dimmed as well in real- time. Manipulation of computer equipment in REAL-TIME this can vary from modifying the result sets when performing a search (i.e. on Google) to include various hidden messages, to blocking transactions from processing on the fly (i.e. for purchases), to displaying various content that would be perceived as unnatural, to slowing down systems or data networks to a crawl to manipulate a particular situation. Ive seen all of this occur firsthand.

Manipulation of video broadcasts in REAL-TIME this can be used to invoke subliminal/subconscious messages to any particular target so that they are experiencing something unique from the general viewing public. Commercials can be targeting to a household/subject on the fly to again invoke particular thoughts or behaviors, generally with the ploy to spur thought based upon a directed or intended path of the subject (i.e. fear). Manipulation of MUSIC in real-time Ive heard numerous random break-ins like a hiccup or dj vu in both the television and the radio. Music is likely one of the very best forms of hypnotism out there and can be abruptly placed into pretty much any stream audio such as the radio, MP3s playing on your stereo, or as background music in a movie. Placement of frequencies, tones, clicks, etc which ALL mirror those hidden throughout modern day society, particularly when placed in sound-effects for movies, background effects representing birds & nature, vacuums, coffee machines, phones, etc. They are all engineered sounds just keep that in mind. Monitoring of all internet traffic, GPS location (well shit Apple & Google can do that), email communication, telephone & voice calls (Ive heard numerous times break-in like hiccups when on the phone in which repeatedly the party Im talking to asks what is that noise), txt msgs, etc. Generation of artificial sounds planted all over masking the sounds of nature, however there is a distinct rapid pattern, extremely piercingly high-frequency, and non-stop barrage of sounds its fairly easy to recognize these if you actually tune into them, especially when they are blasting from a pool of trees in which not a single bird is present. These can resonate at all hours of the night masked as birds, locusts, crickets, etc and can be modified on/off on the fly, enhanced in volume levels, specific patterns & sounds, etc all of which I have recorded mind you both on audio and video (with no birds present). Enhanced text to speech like technology to mirror a

particular voice of pretty much anyone, although if you listen carefully its like 95% perfect a little too mechanical for natural speech. Video productions of pretty much anyone, anywhere, at any time. Even on live broadcasts you can see obvious blue- screen effects with blurred outline of subjects, shadows that dont match up, etc. Makes you wonder what exactly on the television is real vs. a movie-like production. Based upon what Ive seen just about EVERYTHING looks like a movie being played out right before our eyes include news broadcasts & events. 2-way communication via the television set (i.e. like seen on Star Trek) so that they can monitor targeted people in real- time & perform their manipulation techniques via subconscious suggestion & artificial energy bursts. Real-time manipulation of mechanical/electrical equipment, such as having random buzzers to off, lights on/off, fans on/off, etc. Just remember if its tied to electricity it can be manipulated. Incremental bursting of energy such as going up 4-5 levels to warm fuzzies, back down to normal, then going down 4-5 levels to continued darkness & constriction. Its all artificial though so no need to get freaked out if you feel constricted, paranoid, etc. Speculation around how this is achieved is below.

Speculate technology achievements: Based upon a wealth of physical experience & evidence accumulated it is extremely likely that the use of various sound- patterns & frequencies can cause changes to our physical appearance (like a rapid onset of aging while taking on physical qualities teeth, skin, tendons, veins, skull bone structure, etc of these beings). It also appears that these sounds resonate constantly in the ear presumably weakening the mental state to increase susceptibility into being mind-controlled, hosted, and possessed. The speculation is that both forms of hosting (Type A

spying/manipulation & Type B bodily possession) are performed via some sort of wireless transmission to the brain trough the subconscious, similar to wireless computing. Monitoring of a subjects emotional & physical state via hosting these being have access to all physical senses (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell), talk about the ultimate invasion of privacy, but they can also manipulate these senses using various forms of artificial influxes of energy i.e. increased sense of touch, burst of warmth, burst of negative constricting feeling, paranoia & fear induced feelings. When other people around you are hosted they can burst you with these artificial energies as well to invoke a desired thought, behavior, or emotion. When others are hosted they can be controlled to speak or do things they wouldnt do under normal conditions and potentially for a sustained period of time (i.e. 30 min or greater); not sure exactly how far someone can be pushed before their conscious self kicks in They apparently have the ability to hop around from human host to human host; however they still need to rely on the human physical bodies to communicate to one another i.e. via non- verbal & verbal communication. Likewise I speculate that they do not always know which human subjects are susceptible to being hosted although the vast majority appear to be, thus the need to put up some sort of visual queue (i.e. hanging stupid shit in a rearview mirror so that they can identify one another, driving with day-lights on for no reason, using visors down for no reason, etc). Just the use of visual signals which tells me they CANNOT communicate telepathically. Also it is speculated that while inside a host these beings can RECORD all senses of the subject, presumably to be played back for entertainment & pleasure and possibly to freak the subject out at a later date if needed well at least this was a threat placed upon me. o Remember should this happen we can be influenced so heavily & even controlled at some level do not let yourself feel guilt or blame for your actions as this will be the intention. Also remember ANY video production can be

created using ANY subject on the fly so these videos may or may not even be real. o I DO NOT believe they can read minds, at least they cant read mine and it makes sense if they are only able to enter in through the subconscious mind. However if you were to let yourself get consumed they can read you off of your emotional state, so without reading your mind they can have a good grasp of what you might be thinking/feeling at the time (i.e. fear, paranoia, arousal, etc). Shape-shifting to near-perfect replication of any particular human being albeit with some very notissssable anomalies eyes/pupils, teeth, skin, tendons, etc. Real-time acting of these shape-shifters taking the place of the actual human actors in a reproduction of pretty much anything that is being broadcast whether it is on DVD, Netflix, Satellite, Cable, internet streaming, etc. This achievement is absolutely bonkers but Ive seen it happen too many times to ignore. Had it not been for this experience Im not entirely sure I would have been sold on this one, but if you research the HAARP project you can see that for decades there has been technology in place and in use to omit a massive amount of microwaves into the sky, reflect them off the earths atmosphere, and bounce them with precision accuracy back to a particular spot on the Earth, allegedly used to detect natural resources deep within the surface (i.e. for oil). HOWEVER, the side effect of this technology is that the microwaves, just like an oven, heat up the particular area the surface impacted extremely rapidly in an unnatural fashion. You connect the dots here the ability to control air/surface/water temperatures, essentially controlling weather, at specific areas around the world. Could it be that the seemingly unnatural patterns of DEVESTATING earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, etc are indeed caused by unnatural forces? I wouldnt put it past such an advanced race thats for sure Obvious usage of airships, spacecraft, UFOs, whatever you want to call them used to spy, monitor, record, etc to pretty much anyone around the world.

The point being is that there are obviously a WEALTH of other capabilities out there that these beings have, but the question to ask is are these feats spiritual or technical, and as you can see they are pretty much all bound to our PHYSICAL world, its just our understanding of our world is so limited & skewed we have a tendency, like our ancient ancestors, to view these feats as miraculous or spiritual. Just remember although spiritual events can and do happen you need to ask yourself could these feats be achieved through the use of technology that we dont quite yet understand. Its a pretty good sanity check to have, in which case the answer related to the above is pretty clear TECHNOLOGY. YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | Why Me???!! How is it this regular guy from the Midwest ended up being the largest celebrity of intergalactic proportions? Pretty good question Id boil it down to a handful of things: 1. Subject was targeted for a variety reasons for a DECADE by these beings however not until recently was I able to piece together what exactly was going on, who (or what) was behind it, and why. a. Subject had a number of weaknesses revolving around fear & sex and likely was extremely attractive to these beings for manipulation b. Subject somehow has been extremely resistant (possibly immune) to the possession types of attacks & hypnosis and perhaps has been targeted due to fascination by these beings along with this extraordinary uniqueness i. Sure I could be genetically variant from the norm but this seems very unlikely especially as all family members & relatives dont exhibit the same sort of resistance.

ii. Perhaps awareness alone is enough for the conscious mind to overpower, although due to the fact that I wasnt aware until recently this seems unlikely as well iii. Subjects unwavering faith certainly provides the strength to overcome just about all fears this definitely could have a hand in it but I cant imagine this would be enough to overpower science iv. Help from above this seems to be the most likely answer in which there have been a number of times upon which guidance, a sixth sense of intuition & perception, and seemingly protection has been in place in an intuitive fashion v. Perhaps I am simply in tune with my own frequency range of human existence in which the corruption attempts by these beings through various physical stimuli (i.e. toxins, sound/frequencies, etc) are not having much of any impact vi. I am experiencing (although very minor) some physical change so Im certainly not immune to that, but this only happened after 4 straight weeks 24/7 of a VERY INTENSE BOMBARDMENT of sound; and the physical is obviously separated from the mental consciousness so I dont see these 2 aspects being completely tied together vii. In the end Im NO DIFFERENT THAN YOU I mean Im a human-being which tells me we ALL have a natural resistance to these attacks as long as you maintain awareness, focus, faith, and it doesnt hurt to ask for a little help from your friends :) 2. Subject has a wicked sense of perception of physical senses particularly visual attunement & sense of hearing 3. Subject has a wicked memory to call upon physical accounts of events even from years back (has witnessed possession experiences of people in public for at least a decade)

4. 5. 6.




Subject combines knowledge & intellect with an open & creative mind in which possibilities outside of the norm are not immediately shut out Subject basis conclusions on historical accounts, research, evidence, and not questioning the obvious real experiences Subject was perhaps a bit lucky in the sequence of events as I was able to decipher so much of this in only a matter of WEEKS, largely due to the actions & attack being taken upon me & a severe underestimation of my resistance (which is a mistake still being made today), which I can only assume took these beings off guard in a most unexpected fashion The subject has been relentlessly targeted over and over again which has allowed for intimate closeness to these beings, observing their personalities at times, observing how they interact, observing their use of technology & limitations, and also personal communication on multiple occasions through yes/no types of question & answer sessions (i.e. through either typing of asking allowed when hosted); keep in mind you can & will invite a host in INSTANTLY by just smoking a bit of cannabis. I am able to put pieces together almost instantly in terms of perceiving what exactly is going on in my surroundings. Also although I have never quite been sure throughout the past decade what this sense was that I was feeling in many cases I have awareness of these beings presence through a sense as opposed to physical observation. Yes weird I know and Im not sure if this is due to some sort of energy they are radiating or just a gift that I have. Lastly I sense quite a bit of mutual respect for what Ive been able to accomplish in terms of resiliency, light-heartedness at times, compassion, intellect, and gaining such a deep understanding of these beings although due to the ruthless nature of their attacks I still wouldnt put it past them to stop at nothing to reach their goal regardless of my well-being (I hope Im wrong and equally am still hopeful for change). Imagine if as opposed to conflict and a shift in control we somehow reach a point of mutual understanding, awareness, and achievement. Seems like this is my idealistic nature coming to light but its absolutely something to embrace if given the chance. What do you think?!!

How is it that a 37 year old went from a daily routine as follows to one of such profound insight, discovery, and truth? In the Box routine: Shit/shower/shave Live in box, go to work in a box that plays music, go to work in a box with a computer, go home to play the Xbox, occasionally go shopping in larger boxes, go out and socialize at boxes with bars Go shopping for a larger box to live in, sometimes a newer box to travel in, etc Listen to the movie based reality of worldly events on a box mounted on my wall, all the while being conditioned to think pretty much at all times inside the box. Rinse & repeat

Breaking Outside the Box: This isnt all a bad thing and in many ways I was and still am in the same mode get up in the morning, shower, off to work, mingle with employees & colleagues, stress out a bit, wrap up for the day, return home, go to the gym, take the dog for a walk, go get subway for dinner, pop on the tube or the xbox for a bit. o I suppose a large difference between the 2 is that I deal with stress & adversity very well (as demonstrated at the highest levels throughout this freaky-deaky experience) o I also am a person of science and always have been seeking out truths but basing those truths on factual accounts as opposed to taking them for granted o I am driven by human connection almost above all and am fascinated by ancient history & the universe, presumably as these two aspects in life are such a MYSTERY o I also am a problem solver and innovator by nature yes sometimes coming up with some off the wall ways to solve things but its in exploring both conventional and non-conventional methods that extraordinary leaps are made in achievement. I mean if were to always be confined to how others did things how would we ever progress as a race?

But something changed about 5 years ago very subtle at first but it put me on a path of unparalleled enlightenment, faith, and discovery. I suppose a lot of it had to do with no longer taking for granted what I had been conditioned to think about the world around us. o Politics & decision making o The media o Religion o Science & Technology o The Economy o The professional world o Spirituality o Materialism o Entertainment o Biology & Chemistry o Compulsive Behaviors & influences o Our Education system (where has our creativity gone?) o Drugs & pharmaceuticals Why are our children being exposed to pesticides that cause ADD then prescribed meth- amphetamines? o sin & suggestive manipulation Started noticing all sorts of phenomenon in television & radio broadcasts that didnt make sense o Existential possibilities o Alternate realities o False truths Then of course once you have made a leap in discovery truths for yourself you start asking the question WHY? Why is there such misinformation intentionally put out there with regard to our ancient ancestors? Why is there such an obvious cover-up taking place regarding UFO phenomenon? Why are there so many holes in the 9/11 story even a child could see through the pack of lies

weve been told? Why are there consistent wars & division amongst humanity with the center of it always revolving around RELIGION? What is modern day religion? How was it founded, by who, and when? o Who the heck were these Anunnaki? Why were there so many accounts of these reptilian entities throughout history and even in modern times? Why are there 100,000s if not 1,000,000s of people around the world who have had personal experiences with these beings? Why are experiences with these beings simply NOT being made public or getting any media coverage whatsoever despite these being much more prominent than random UFO citings or alien abductions. So do I hate or despise these beings for what they are doing? Ironically I dont and in fact I recognize their gifts and potential despite being in TOTAL DISAGREEMENT with their agenda, disregard for life, and disrespect of human qualities. Perhaps it is because I am human that I recognize the beauty and significance of all forms life. Ive seen their companionship & what I suppose could be labeled as love for one another. Do I think that all of them are pushing for the same agenda? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Have I witnessed at least some human-like qualities of compassion and empathy? Well although extremely minimal I have seen a glimmer of this shine through. The point being is that although these beings seem to represent the exact opposite of what it is we do, they for whatever reason have a place in this extraordinary & profound universal existence. They do what they need to do and for whatever reason they are compelled & driven by behaviors and qualities that are on the polar opposite of humanity. Is it their fault? Well perhaps just as we are seduced & influenced by these beings without our conscious awareness, they are as well. We may never know, but the point is existence obviously includes all varieties, shapes, and sizes. They must understand the importance of connection within their own kind & I have to assume they bond with their own families & loved ones just as we do. I just hope that over time just as laws of physics seem to balance everything out that we are able to find true balance at some point in time.

Ill leave you with a quote from a B-movie I watched for the final 10 min yesterday in which Al Pacino, playing the role of a corrupt CIA recruiter, after being manipulated by Colin Farrell to oust himself as a double-agent, he states in a soft-spoken manner, well you have to give me credit.I do know how to pick em. Well I have to certainly give these beings credit as they most definitely know how to pick em :). YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | Angels & Demons Do angels & demons exist? This is a question that has been posed throughout humanity starting I suppose with first defining what these two concepts represent. Well let me attempt to do so based upon my understanding & experiences in encountering BOTH: Angel entity who is driven by unconditional love with a selfless desire to provide guidance, support, and protection to others either knowingly or more likely in a method outside of our physical senses. Demon entity whose existence is driven by corrupting the natural tendency of humans, promoting selfish actions, greed, death & destruction, and whose job it is to covert other beings into these demonic ways. Newly defined entity a Deangel one who has the qualities of both an angel and a demon and uses either behavior as appropriate to facilitate an intended path of a subject. Youll notice that neither of these definitions has ANYTHING to do with physical appearance meaning angels dont need to be flying around with wings & a halo, nor to demons need to have horns and bad breath. Physical appearance is truly only skin deep, and to be more specific it is based upon how our brains decode energy in the form of light reflecting off a particular set of molecules. If angels and demons are truly

spiritual, then our brains and how they decode have NOTHING to do with the representation of an entity and how they may intend to provide assistance to a subject and vice versa. This is important as should there be any physical transformation being imposed upon the human race these physical characteristics will in no way change the very essence of what it is we represent. Also these definitions in NO WAY imply that to represent an angel, demon, or both you must die and go to heaven or die and go to hell. ANY ENTITY in existence can represent an angel and/or demon, and that includes ourselves and the others around you. Ask yourself which do you represent and youll likely answer the question whether you are currently in heaven or hell. We are in a constant state of existence and the only thing that can take that from you is yourself by letting yourself be consumed by guilt, blame, and other feelings that have been placed upon us by demonic entities. Sin & influence do exist as I mentioned before, but they exist in a very physical sense, albeit some of the forms of physicality are simply beyond our current understanding of technology & reality. Throughout my encounters with these beings they have made numerous attempts at trying to convince me that the Christian definition of angels & demons do indeed exist, and it is obviously no coincidence that this form of good vs. evil was targeted upon me because of my upbringing into the Christian religion, not to mention my Facebook status indeed stated Christian (which I have since updated to spiritual :). Listen I have absolutely nothing against a particular set of beliefs, however to limit the representation of spiritual entities to what has been defined, by man, in a book is to be extremely narrow sighted, essentially stating that mans interpretation of these beings is absolute. I mean how arrogant, or maybe better stated ignorant can we be? These beings have been relentless in their conditioning attempt at presenting these concepts to me while during regular manipulation attempts through the use of technology, human hosting, and artificial bursts of positive/negative energy. Spending an entire decade trying to grasp what exactly these encounters have meant has been a task that I certainly did not feel I would necessarily accomplish in this lifetime or

even next. How ironic that in the final stages of manipulation I was able not only to decode what exactly was taking place, but determine who (or what) was behind it, as well as WHY! All of this mind you decoded in only a handful of weeks time. What a truly profound and unexpected turn of events this must have posed for our Anunnaki, and to think that all of what has transpired developing faith, applying uncanny physical perceptions to see and hear through it all, photographic accounts of all past events, decade-long resistance to the mental attacks, breaking free from the mass hypnosis, understanding the true meaning of religion, our existence & creation, and on and on would be about as narrow sighted to believe that angels and demons are limited to represent what is in a certain set of texts. These beings unfortunately have played both sides of the coin since our existence playing the part of demons to corrupt, invoke fear, and create conflict amongst humans, while every once in a while presenting themselves as angels sent down to help, in which based upon all of my encounters has been done purely from a manipulation standpoint. Do I believe in angels and demons of course I do; and I also believe in all of you. You see EVERY entity can represent angelic or demonic qualities, and we all have it in us to play the role of an angel or demon. Any entity in its existence based upon the definitions can either be an angel, demon, or of course both. In all likelihood neither is perfect in their endeavors and even we as humans tend to waffle back and forth, but just remember our inherent nature of peace, harmony, human connection, and infinite love and ask yourselves if there were no demons around us to push upon us their demonic influences and ways would we as a race even bother to play the part of a demon. I have a tendency to think that I am not above any of you, and although I have experienced sin, I have at times played the role of a demon, deep to the core I, like you, represent pure angelic qualities that make us human. Same bird patterns, tweets, and calls found in the following: Commercials particularly when taking place outdoors such as in the woods recorded Homedics device 10 years old playing the sounds of nature

recorded Blasting 20 hours a day throughout Omaha & particularly at my house recorded Movie sounds effects particularly when outdoors recorded Sounds of nature DVD while in the Lasting Hope And on and on and on obvious synthetic repetitive sound way too perfect & repetitive. Birds never get tire and there are way too many of them

YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts | A Real-life Science Fiction Novel This is the novel I find myself in, living out the greatest science fiction story ever experienced o 10 years of spiritual events, now understood as significantly advanced beings from either another world or dimension o Me repeatedly asking as of late for truth, wanting the focus on progressing & teaching humanity, expanding my views of our world & universe o Making extraordinary discovery after extraordinary discovery to the Nth degree o Questioning the reality we live in, spiritual vs. scientific, validating with historical research, current day testimonials, connecting a massive amount of dots & coincidences, monitoring physical changes in self, recording a 100 hours of evidence o Being threatened & intimidated not to say anything o Relentless attack primarily with SOUND of all things o Coming to an understanding of what this attack is, who is executing it, with solid speculation as to why

o Implanted thoughts of death & fear of judgment, FAITH overcomes fear o Risking self-image for the sake of others, humanity o Myself potentially being viewed as insane or on drugs by the conditioned mainstream view of reality which unfortunately includes just about everyone o Hypnotic spell simply not working 4 weeks of escalating experience documented & recorded o Witnessing human possession & connecting the dots throughout a 10 year experience o Understanding the true nature of sin & that we are not to blame while knowing who is o Staying one step ahead in a game of cat & mouse (with 1,000s of cats and 1 mouse) and unraveling more and more as the attacks continued, intensified, which is still unfortunately occurring to this day o Communication with these entities, guidance & protection from others o Dubbed as mentally ill; all sorts of holes in the diagnosis, treatment, false allegations, illegally kept without rights, etc o Attacked while in treatment o Upon exiting connecting more dots, still getting attacked, cause -- effect in terms of standing up a website & sharing experience after experience after knowledge until the bombarded was lessoned (still ongoing but much more discrete) o Having such a wealth of evidence to blow this open if desired Audio patterns 100s of these recorded in which any layman not to mention audio specialist could identify & connect the patterns so easily frequencies generated by electric current & lighting, household appliances, motorized vehicles, mechanical products, vibrational frequencies generated from water pressure, clicks/drips tuned in

water-based products & sanitation systems, engineered sounds in brakes, carts, horns, rings, buzzers, sound/television/movie effects, music, synthesized sounds, and on and on and on its simply astonishing actually Video any video expert would be able to break apart the broadcasts with minimal effort Audio/Video irrefutable evidence of personal harassment, bombardment, and even a military air operation which coincidentally followed me around for 4 days straight Photos same thing MRIs from 2008 to present easy to detect change in skull structure if needed Teeth this is the most obvious & could pop off all my crowns to show spear-like growth; comparison to molds indicate RAPID change in just a few weeks time - CONFIRMED Skin/veins any physician would be able to detect that change has occurred and that my right arm is different from my left; as well the lack of water absorption is obvious & easy to test o Trying to reason with a humankind long hidden enemy o Awakening to a brand NEW REALITY one that is entirely ENGINEERED for a purpose on ALL LEVELS o Mutual respect for achievements yet still the game is being played although I dont have much desire to continue to play Looking back on it I have had 100s of encounters with 1000s of these beings and that is simply NO OVERSTATEMENT, at times in a discrete fashion (simply feeling their energy); however most recently I have had personal encounters with 1000+ of them via human hosts, ranging from just about everyone I encountered in this wonderful city including 100s of people hosted in my workplace. Each encounter has always felt the same, including just an eerie feeling of energy when they are present with phantom like eyes which are EXTREMELY DILATED to the point people

look like they are in a bit of a daze when under this possession-type influence. Its like the natural emotional expression is hindered with eyes ALWAYS looking the same expressionless, emotionless, and almost lifeless. Im amazed that just about EVERYONE seems susceptible to being hosted which of course is speculated to be directly related to the mental fatigue caused by the constant resonation of hidden sounds in the ears. The Movie of Life on Planet Earth So although coincidentally I eliminated watching most of television a few months ago Ive decided to check things out a bit more, watch some local & national news, etc and what Im seeing is alarming. Pretty much EVERY broadcast of world events has obvious signs of being staged with blue screen events being played out like a movie production right before our eyes. Just take a look as if you cant see this o the screen youre either hypnotized or legally blind. Its interesting to think about what is it that we truly know about what is happening in this world? I mean if it werent for the media (television, internet, and newspapers) I wouldnt know jack shit, and once these outlets are centralized & controlled by a governing body ALL information & perception around what is happening in this world can be very easily manipulated, skewed, and flat out created. I mean since 9/11 weve been at war against Afghanistaner Bin Saddam Terror for a decade, and pretty much the only information I know about this war is based upon whatever is being broadcast to the public. Heck even if we werent at war Id really have no idea as long as the media were telling me it was so. Now expand this concept to a plot spanning say over a decade to introduce bit by bit bullshit stories to feed the public essentially like a movie script. I mean the entire world affairs could be scripted out and as long as you controlled the source of information no one would really have a clue about what was scripted, acted out, etc vs. what was real. Tack on the advanced technology available to create a doppelganger of ANYONE taking place ANYWHERE and there would be virtually no limit as to how far this could be pushed. I get a strong sense that this not only is happening before our eyes, but that weve gone from maybe 50% bullshit a few years ago to

now virtually 100%. Now that were so trusting of the information we are being fed I suppose it makes it pretty easy to pull off whatever stunt would keep folks off guard, in a state of fear, entertained of course, and distracted. We are living in a modern day Truman show. Everything we see in front of us, everything we are told to believe is all intended for a purpose. The only question is what is that purpose, and based upon prior bullshit our society has been fed (i.e. about 9/11, WMDs, Bin Laden) I cant imagine the agenda is a very pleasant one for the people of this world. I mean how remarkable of a feat it has been to hide the real terror under the mask of freedomthe American Dream. More like the muscle to drive global affairs however they seem fit. 10 years of manipulation although I may have been susceptible to possession in prior years (simply wouldnt know due to the subconscious nature of the act) I speculate this has not been so in which a meticulous plan was put in place to mitigate me as a risk over time -- the end goal to invoke fear, sin, judgment, salvation, and finally interpreting these experiences as religious, possibly even being groomed as a prophet (a false one of course). It almost worked!! Not only was I targeted, but have been in a very resource intensive fashion for year, even manipulating song lyrics spanning years to subconsciously influence me. Manipulating me into sexual/porn addiction, sin, fear of death, fear of being judged, religion, placing an entire armada in place to observe, manipulate, and report, initiating a massive attack, disrupting my professional & personal life until the agenda was successful; disrupting pretty much all aspects of my life & trying to destroy my credibility after uncovering the truth I mean holy shit! Could it be that after 6,000 years electricity was intentionally PLANTED in modern day society after 1,000s of years of fairly static growth this push very agenda? It sure seems like this was intended from the get-go, perhaps once a major control mechanism was to be pushed upon a rapidly growing & awakening population. On top of that it appears this attack requires electric CURRENT in many cases, so could it be that TESLAs superior form of electricity production was intentionally sabotaged to keep this agenda in place?
SONG LIST Enjoy the Silence Depeche Mode

This Charming Man The Smiths BodySnatchers Radiohead Whats the frequency Kenneth? REM Bring the Noise Beastie Boys Science & Faith The Script The Heart of Life John Mayer Reckoner Radiohead Free as a Bird The Beatles Unity- 311 Those Who Are Dead Coldplay Altered Beast Matthew Sweet Zombie The Cranberries Angel Sarah McLaughlin Hopes & Dreams The Bodeans Tears in Heaven Eric Clapton Ironic Alanis Morrissett Inside My Heaven Carrie Underwood Favorite Mistake Sheryl Crow Blackbird The Beatles Salvation The Cranberries Come Together The Beatles Somebodys Lying Chris Isaak Waiting For The End Linkin Park Silence Sarah McLaughlin Signs Tesla People Are People Depeche Mode X&Y Coldplay Clocks Coldplay Pyramid Song Radiohead Videotape Radiohead Weird Fishes Radiohead World Leader Pretend REM Videotape Radiohead If You Ever Come Back The Script Shout TEARS for FEARS Together We Cry The Script Possession Sarah MacLauchlan

DEEP THOUGHTS If Knowledge is power, then the misrepresentation of Knowledge is even more power, and the ability to CONTROL Knowledge is the ultimate power Heaven & Hell do exist Ive been to both places multiple times already We exist now & forever dont wait until you die to make this YOUR heaven We were created in Gods image, but God was created in someone elses Dracula does not exist, but vampires do

Is having a reptile for a pet the ultimate irony?! Insane in the membrane, insane in the vein!! If you were the only sane one in the world, does that make you insane? UFOs Unbelievably Fecking Obvious! Sounds of nature - birds, wind, water, airplanes, lawnmowers, sirens, weedwhackers, phones... If humans can engineer life does that make us god? If wars could be won by hair whose side would you prefer to be on? If licking lips is a sign of hunger let me buy the world a Big Mac :) Remember we all have the capacity to consciously be aware of what our subconscious is doing If charm is a threat I suppose I am dangerous! A revelation about Revelations could be the ultimate revelation I have mentioned in the past how nice it would be to replenish teeth as adults just as children do but I always thought that was only possible through veneers I may have a torn tendon but good thing I have 3 spares! The only problem with achieving checkmate is that its too easy simply to start a new game If the end-state of war is to vanquish your enemy how do you win when your enemy is a word? Terror anyone? Can lines of code running on servers truly be a social network? Drugs can be a gateway into the mind, just be careful of who or what you let in If we determine that everyone suffers from some form of mental illness would it be appropriate to start a new baseline? If Adderall is the red pill & Viagra the blue, is it appropriate to take both? If sound represents the vibration of particles does that me we are all in a constant state of vibration? If God created the Earth in 7 days, what was he doing the prior 5,292,500,000,000 days? Why cant science & religion be friends? Why cant religion & religion be friends or at least like Tom & Jerry? Who needs Botox when you can just get new skin?! If the media is biased does that mean YouTube is as well? If disasters are natural why does it seem that the latest rounds have been so unnatural? If entertainment has become reality does that make us all a form of entertainment?! If work is a 4-letter word then slave is a 5-letter one Imagine the creativity required to figure out how to suppress creativity If outsourced labor is more efficient then we could be the most efficient race in existence Are we alone? Not sure about you but Im certainly not I suppose its possible that our earliest ancestors in Samaria were a bunch of druggies & psychiatrists Would you rather have advanced technology or advanced intelligence? If you need to cheat to reach a goal will that goal ever truly be achieved? Remember we are not always to blame while also remembering who is Watch for signs of danger as danger is liking watching you

Talk yourself through it before through you it will talk Strive to create meaning while recognizing what it means to create Saying no to protect yourself is as important as saying Know to Protect Yourself Its ok to consume but try not to let yourself be consumed Humanity + Sumerian = Humanitarian Remember what our eyes physically see in people will never change what our hearts know about them Mammal + Reptilian = Mammalian Reptile + Alien = Reptilian! Commit yourself but try to avoid being committed :) Practice delay when needed but dont delay your practice Nurture others but dont forget to nurture yourself Listen to your needs as you need to listen Notice the source even if the source goes unnoticed Notice what you can control & what others can control of you If we were truly undergoing some form of mutation, does that make us the XMen First Class? If we are the X-MEN First Class, does that mean we can look forward to being XMen United? If we were X-MEN United, does that mean we would also look forward to the XMen Last Stand? If we are to become X-Men I call dibs on being Wolverine Is it coincidence that a chameleon is a lizard? Its not a coincidence that everything gets chalked up as a coincidence Unity + Self-determination = Unification

YouTube | Awakening | Revelations | Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movie of Life | Deep Thoughts |
6/30/11 | Dear Abby I have to wonder whether every time I post the collective Anunnaki cringe or whether this has become a primary form of pure intergalactic entertainment. I mean there are certainly some soap-opera qualities to this, action and drama behind the scenes that would rival anything airing on prime-time, and in the end although this may be disruptive to the overall agenda what real harm could I pose to the well-being of such an advanced race. But in typical cause & effect fashion I figured I needed to live up to my end of the bargain so enjoy and I truly hope there are no hard feelings. XOXO 6/28/11 | So yes the nephew who tragically passed has a birthday coming up this weekend & instantly I'm reminded of the interaction I had with you "angels" over at a party. I mean what a low blow for you to bring this tragedy up in that situation to simply facilitate your manipulation. And at least the female whispered over & said "I can't believe you did that" showing womanly....actually humanly compassion. In which upon me commenting about how I have a picture on my fireplace with an angel looking down upon him the male looks over at his cronies, smiles, and says "looks like I'm winning". So manipulating emotions (in this case pushing the subject towards religion) and

people's lives is a form of "winning"? Is this all a game to you? How much fun can it be to beat upon a defenseless "opponent" for all of "eternity"? Don't you get it I'm not an opponent of yours, I'm one of you. I mean seriously & somehow yet I, one of your astounding creations, finds it in my heart to still love all beings including all of you. And you would probably laugh & find that to be so "weak". Well I happen to smile, even while shedding a tear, and find it to be more human than anything else in the world. Listen to your women as they perhaps seem to share a bit more in common with us "lowly" beings than most. Talk about irony - here I am with open arms thanking you for your inventive and life-giving qualities even while you are likely plotting away trying to figure out how to destroy it. It doesn't have to be this way.... 6/26/11 |Good morning Anunnaki, why do you find it still necessary to mess with Tommusaki, I mean dont you feel that you have been behaving a little too cocky, and wouldnt it be more fun to just go out for some sushi and sake?! The Costco incident is just another episode which of course bothered me. I mean engineering shopping carts so that they perform the same patterns of clicks and frequencies, particularly when they are loaded with weight is one thing coupled with the completely unnecessarily loud and pattern-based cooling units, freezers, etc; but to keep someone unnecessarily delayed by manipulating systems in real-time so that they are EXTREMELY slow (yeah Im supposed to buy into the fact that first the membership application system fails, then the camera system for taking photos fails, then the American Express credit application fails - all simultaneously), all so that during the ridiculously and I mean REDICULOUSLY LONG episode countless numbers of carts and other noises would be blasting away, all the while knowing they dont have an effect on me? Thats ok as it gave me reason to just add another section below. Listen I can sign autographs as needed but if you could tone down the Anunnaki paparazzi that would be superb. Hope you have a Sunday Funday! xoxo 6/24/11 | As you still find it necessary to manipulate my broadcasts in real-time I figured it would be appropriate to comment on the many anomalies & observations I continue to experience: VISUAL - Every single broadcast on the television, DVD, cinema, video-streaming (i.e. Netflix, YouTube, MSNBC), etc is an obvious reproduction in which the actors, actresses, hosts, etc show ALL of the anomalies of a shape-shifting entity with consistent masked pupils with white-pixilation overlaid, jaws like jagged teeth particularly on the bottom, multiple tendons out of place in the neck area that appear/disappear, hair that always looks plastic/fake, skin that looks like Botox-overkill, dots in the temple area, and on and on and on. All persons being broadcast have obviously been blue-screened in with a slight fuzzy or colored outline on ALL persons present on the screen. The shadows when compared to the background are at different angles particularly when a scene is taking place outdoors (look at the angle of the shadows formed from the sun vs. the shadows cast by the people on the screen Obvious enhanced picture image of the characters in the forefront that does not match those in the background; speculation is that either these hosts can hop into these broadcasts at will or to desensitize the public over time to these very obvious & alarming anomalies. Also have you noticed that NOTHING on the internet news is any longer being streamed in true HD? Same can be said with certain programs on the television. AUDIO in addition to the constant hissing sounds, tweets in dialogue (isssst, pssst, yessss, thatttt) the sound-effects have been re-mastered to include all sorts of anomalies that match those found in modern-day society, electrical/mechanical products, the sounds of nature, etc with the ringing, high-pitched tweets that resonate, pattern-based clicks, other various frequencies that are entirely out of place an no longer match those of the original broadcast.

Real-time channeling of background effects, general noise, subliminal & subconscious suggestions via word & dialogue placement particularly when the television is running in the background in which your mind is picking up these suggestions subconsciously 2-WAY COMMUNICATION yes this one seems pretty far-fetched but remember were dealing with an EXTREMELY advanced race with advanced capability executing a plan that has been in the works for decades if not a century. The speculation is that not only is the screen a form of a 2-way broadcast (i.e. similar to what you would see in Star Trek), but that these entities in real-time can adjust what they do, say, and even invoke their seemingly super-natural artificial stimulation of thought & emotion onto the subjects watching it. Yes I seem to be the flavor of the month in which this is happening regularly. Even the background sounds can be adjusted for the viewing audience (in this case me). My intent of this note is to cease the manipulation occurring on my broadcast as well as those around me. And yes I do have 100 other pages written of this type of stuff.

6/23/11 | Ok so yes much of my prior note was out of frustration from the continued barrage I was receiving this week particularly the 6am siren call the other morning. Listen you guys (& gals :) may know me as well as anyone and in that you know that I represent possibly one of the purest forms of humanity out there. On top of that the profound discoveries on BOTH sides throughout this experience have been invaluable, yet Im shocked that despite this extraordinary event and even more extraordinary achievement your goal seems to be to continue to diminish, destroy, and corrupt. I hate making generalizations in regards to you but keep in mind the swarm of aggression, invasion of ultimate privacies, and devious tactics Ive been exposed to; although I have absolutely no doubt not all of you agree with this agenda, nor do all of you agree that it makes sense to continue this extremely unfair game of cat and mouse to slowly eat away at this extraordinary human-achievement in which ironically in multiple ways I can credit to you for creating :). Obviously I have a sincere mutual respect for you and an equal comfort knowing such advancement & commonality exists out there although I didnt really have much doubt but to hold the firsthand knowledge that I do is to hold one of the wonders of this world. Yes throughout this all you indeed are one of those wonders and Im truly impressed and amazed at what youve been able to accomplish, devious as it may be. Listen we may not see eye to eye and our pupils may not be the same shape but in the end I suppose we are alike in many regards. I just wish the approach would be to learn from each other openly as opposed to trying to secretly brush under the rug what is obviously a totally unexpected & remarkable subject you have here. Ive asked to head out for beers together which I know is unlikely; Ive asked to take a ride on one of your crafts which perhaps could happen someday. You could say..that you love me??! -Lionel Ritchie 6/21/11 | To my Anunnaki friends Yes I know we have a love/hate relationship but this is getting old. First will come just some written science "fiction" & if needed proof after more proof after more proof until there is simply no more need to prove the OBVIOUS If there is ANY further retaliation this extremely articulate, intelligent, sincere, convincing, and according to you CHARMING man will dedicate his entire life to speaking publicly about this topic. Do you really want another David Icke out there? - one equally as intellectual, charismatic, and based in America? Oh & all I have to do is pop this gold crown off and it's case closed. EVERYWHERE I go its the same shite and you bombard my house again this week? Either you back off or it's all coming. Is it simply not possible to end this game and evolve as species? If you don't know me by now then continue to make the wrong moves and I'll continue to make the right ones. Your call.

Read on as here is just a TASTE of the 200 pages I have along with hours upon hours of physical evidence, some of which you have intentionally gotten a taste of. Now imagine how many views this would get if I even began to promote it on Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc.oh and even in person & on the stage (which youve already seen me on).

YouTube | Awakening | Revelations |Original Post | Who Is Behind This? | The Conscious & Subconscious Mind | The Sounds of Nature | Physical Changes | The Multitude of Coincidences | Cliffs Notes of the Very Real Experience | Research |Television | The Real SIN | Radiohead! | Miracles of Today | Why Me? | Angels & Demons | The Movies of Life | Deep Thoughts |

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