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Knowing the Gate (Level-One Gilded Cage Ritual)

This ritual allows the Architect to sense previously created gates to any location, created by any other magic user; it need not be another Architect. (Gates are usually defined as any location that gives direct entrance to another location via nonmundane methods. For example, a Haunt might contain a gate to the Underworld but a door between rooms would not be a gate.) It does not, however, give the Architect any idea of where the gate leads to as that is the providence of Viewing the Gate. Ways and Means: A detailed floor plan of the building in question or a detailed map of the area in question if looking outside a building.

Gilded Cage Rituals

to be that evening to allow easier hunting for the subject. Block the Path does just the opposite through the same technique. By perceiving the ways mortals tend to move through a domain, the Architect can influence the leylines of a city to pull mortals away from a subjects typical hunting areas. This ritual penalizes the subjects hunt rolls by the successes gained on the rituals casting roll, this lasts for a number of hunts equal to the casters Gilded Cage rating. Ways and Means: A planners map of the city.

Colours of the Crystal Web (Level-Two Gilded Cage Ritual)

The resonance of a leyline affects the areas it flows through, and the canny Architect can alter this resonance to suit his needs through mystically intertwining the emotions inspired by a work of architecture and the leyline to project that emotion along the leylines path. Similar to Aura of the Monolith (another Level-Two Gilded Cage Ritual), this ritual allows the caster to link the leyline symbolically to a great structure in order to allow its awe, reverence, or fear to permeate the resonance of the leyline. The effect is only maintained as long as the caster keeps both the structure and leyline in direct line of sight (which must be directly visible and not through binoculars or on television). Ways and Means: Line of sight to the structure in mind from the leyline

Facets of the Crystal Web (Level-One Gilded Cage Ritual)

Cities unconsciously follow the designs of the local leylines, which are in turn influenced by the buildings, which in turn are influenced by the leylines. This ritual allows a caster to discover the locations of leylines or their crossing points and so be better able to influence the building of the Gilded Cage. As the ritual is performed, the crystal swings along the paths of the leylines in the area. Failure to activate the ritual will not prevent the crystal swinging, so the caster may well end up with false results. This ritual does not show the locations of places of power. Ways and Means: A map of the location, a crystal on a string or cord (a plumbob, but must be crystal) to dangle over the map, and being physically present at the location.

Empowering the Monolith (Level-Two Gilded Cage Ritual)

Building structures strong and powerful and able to withstand the elements is a key factor in any architectural handbook. The ritual allows the caster to link herself to the citys ley lines and sap some of their power in order to strengthen and harden modern items into stronger and less-prone to destruction tools and building equipment or mend damaged items of the same variety. The only materials this ritual will work on are steel, glass, stone, processed stone, fiberglass and aluminum. For strengthening items, each success on the initiation roll adds one durability to the items rating. For instance, a stone pillar with a durability rating of 2 is used in this ritual and 2 successes are gained the stone pillars durability is raised to 4. For repairing items, each success on the initiation roll causes the material to rebuild itself at a rate of 1 Structure per round up to the amount of successes rolled items completely destroyed cannot be rebuilt. Any extra successes on the repairing roll should be treated as strengthening successes. For instance, a revolver made of steel has taken 3 structure levels of damage (of its 4), on ritual initiation the caster gains 4 successes; over a span of 3 rounds the gun repairs itself and at the end is actually stronger for it, gaining one extra durability due to the excess success on the initiation roll. This ritual only can apply to one item at a time (and only once per item per type of use), and could not be used on say, an entire building because a building is made up of many different steel beams, glass windows and other materials.

Supernal Geomancy (Level-One Gilded Cage Ritual)

The Architects are known for their affinity with the leylines, and this power is representative of it if nothing else is. The caster can study the complex interplay, overlapping, shape and flow of leylines surrounding them, and this ritual helps them to determine the landscape of the current energy passing along the lines - their construction, intensity, path and resonance are all words used by Architects to define what this ritual gives them the idea of. The truth is simpler, the Architect can determine if anything is affecting, or has recently affected, the leylines or nests which the Architect can view. This ritual gives the caster an idea if the mystical energy of the city has been, or is currently being, tapped for some task, and the general idea of what it is being tapped for. The character can gain a snapshot of this sort for a number of past nights equal to successes gained on the ritual. Ways and Means: A looking glass and a piece of copper wire.

Block the Path (Level-Two Gilded Cage Ritual)

The most basic level of Gilded Cage allows the user to perceive the energies that act upon a populace to direct their movements. The Paths of Prey can be used to predict where mortals are likely

Way and Means: Line of sight to a structure that has the same properties as the item in question (glass would need line of sight to a building that has glass windows, for instance).

Make Ready the Great Work (Level-Two Gilded Cage Ritual)

The Masons of the Dragons, tolerated but only just, have begun to make waves by their mastery of the lines of leys, which were previously ignored by the Kogaion and Guardians of the Ordo Dracul. One of the reasons for which is this ritual, which utterly amplifies the resonance and essences of a Wyrms Nest for a limited time, by forcing the energies along the lines leading to the nests to draw more than normal to a specific point. There are rumors amongst the line that this ritual has come through dreams only now, from Ermenjart la Charpentire herself, because the final plans of the bloodlines Great Work are beginning to manifest, and the amplification of lines and nests are part of the Plan. If successful, the intensity (Value) or dice bonus of a Wyrms Nest is temporarily increased by the successes gained on the ritual. The amplification only lasts for the night in which it is cast. Furthermore, anyone not Kindred attempting to utilize the Nest to power supernatural abilities find their rolls made at a penalty equal to successes gained. This ritual may only be done once per week. Ways and Means: A length of transportation rail and something which represents the nests resonance.

Make Silent the Voice (Level-Two Gilded Cage Ritual)

The Architect Bloodline makes use of the patterns in the world, and the manipulation of those patterns, in order to enact their grand plans. Its this underlying understanding that allows them to see and manipulate leylines or predict the paths of prey. People and mystical energy isnt the only thing that travels in patterns though, telecommunications take advantage of a most basic pattern: the wave. An Architect of the Monolith can use this ritual to disrupt the waves of telecommunication devices to cut a single individual out of the grid. This ritual works on cellphones, text messages, land-line phones and all other forms of long-distance communication, blocking their use for nights equal to successes on the activation roll. For example, a letter could be written but lost in the mail, a text message composed and sent but never delivered, the 3G going dead just before making a forum post, or a call dropped before the other side connects. It even works on communication of mystical means, although less reliably. To block mystical long-distance communications, it works once for each success gained on the activation roll. The activation roll is penalized by the victims Resolve. Ways and Means: A cellular telephone and a picture or personal item of the victim.

in sight of the building during the casting, though the rituals effects remain in place for a year and a day after casting. This duration may not be cut short by the caster. For the duration of the ritual, any lethal or bashing damage up to the number of successes rolled done to the Architect is transferred to the building instead (aggravated damage still affects the caster directly). Bashing damage manifests itself as wiring failures, broken windows, burst pipes or other superficial damage to the building, while lethal damage is much more dire, causing walls and support columns to crumble. If the buildings Durability (Generally 3) + Successes gained on the ritual cast are ever exceeded in lethal damage, the building collapses entirely. Health Levels may only be restored to the building by repairing the structure. If the character chooses to remove this bond prior to the collapse of the building, he can do so at some amount of pain to himself. He immediately takes 1 Aggravated Damage when removing the bond. The sympathetic bond between caster and building goes both ways; should an attacker manage to completely destroy the structure, the rituals caster immediately takes enough damage to put her into torpor; the mystical assault happens so fast that the Architect is unable to spend any Vitae to heal before being plunged into the sleep. Hence, Architects are always cautious not to reveal which building they have chosen as the focus for their ritual. Enclaves of Architects are often hesitant to teach this ritual to their students; typically, only the most headstrong and selfish Architects will even use it...unfortunately, the bloodline has more than its fair share of Kindred fitting that description. Ways and Means: The building itself, as well as copies of the architectural plans.

Speaking Through the Pyramid (Level-Two Gilded Cage Ritual)

Using this ritual the Mason imbues identical crystal pyramids with the power of the leylines. He can then pass one of the pyramids to another person of his choosing, but must keep one for himself. He can initiate conversation through the pyramid at any time provided he enacts the ritual. The person with the receptor pyramid must be willing to accept the conversation, and can ignore it without penalty if he so desires. If he does accept, he is at a -2 penalty to all actions... talking in your head makes other things a little harder to concentrate on. Ways and Means: A minimum of two crystal pyramids (up to a total of your Gilded Cage rating)

Strength of the Monolith (Level-Two Gilded Cage Ritual)

Massive bridges straddling great rivers, great towers of concrete and glass that reach toward Heaven, and towering spindles of steel that span gorges. Monumental architecture projects a palatable aura of indestructibility. An eternal testament to strength and power. This ritual allows an Architect to tap into that strength in order to enhance her own physical prowess for a time. For each success rolled, the caster may add one bonus dice to her Strength, Dexterity or Stamina rolls. The effect functions

Soul of the Builder (Level-Two Gilded Cage Ritual)

This ritual creates a direct bond between the physical integrity of a building and the rituals caster. The Architect must be with-

only so long as the caster is within or on the building on which this ritual was cast, but will function for the rest of the night as long as she returns to the building. Changing buildings requires a new ritual and no more than one ritual can be enacted at once. Ways and Means: The character must be on or within the structure.

Summons to Speak (Level-Two Gilded Cage Ritual)

(Or, How Did You Get This Number?) (Or, Ask Not For Whom the Phone Rings - It Rings For Thee) This ritual permits the Architect to telephone anyone in the city. The incantation is mathematical rather than mystical, involving the numerological aspects of the phase of the moon, the time of night, the characters of the targets name (whatever name he is known as to the Architect - it need not be a True Name), and a host of other variables. These numbers are filtered through a tortuous quasi-mathematical equation which inevitably yields a seven-digit solution. A calculator or notepad may be used to help with the math, but is not required for the ritual. What is required is a land line telephone. The solution is dialed, and the nearest land-line phone to the target begins to ring. In an effect reminiscent of Majesty 4, the target will know without a doubt that the call is for him. So will anyone else nearby. Receptionists will offer the phone to the recipient of the ritual without answering first, saying simply Call for you, sir. Homeowners will allow their guest to answer, knowing that the call isnt meant for them. There is no compulsion to answer - nothing that requires a resistance roll, anyway. Just the knowledge that the call is meant for them usually suffices. Even disabled or outof-service phones will function. Dedicated lines - like those phones installed in elevators - will serve the ritual just fine. If the subject is not near a phone - driving down the street, for instance - the Architect will somewhat irritatingly be put on hold. He will hear soft muzak reflecting his mood until the target approaches a suitable land-line phone. So long as he doesnt hang up, the ritual will function. If he does hang up, the ritual fails, and the willpower spent is still lost. It should also be noted that the seven-digit result of the equation/ritual is only good once - it will not function later, and the ritualist does not gain confidential or unlisted numbers for later use. Caller ID does not identify the ritualist...indeed, it does not recognize an incoming call at all. Ways and Means: A Land Line Telephone Example: Tanya and Drew stood around the corner of a convenience store, watching the Bus Depot burn. The Unaligned anarchists had escaped, the ransom money was going up in flames, and likely so was the Seneshcals childe, in torpor and probably locked in one of the lockers in the blazing bus station. With a muffled boom, another fuel tank went up behind the depot, where the busses filled up between runs. Tanya ducked, hiding her face from the fireball down the block - skittish as any Mekhet. Drew refused to look away. It wasnt just a building going up in flames, he knew. It was his chances of seeing another night. Around the corner, at the front of the convenience store, a pay phone began to ring. With a cold, gnawing certainty, the Gangrel knew it was

for him. He picked up the receiver, noting that the phone had been vandalized, and the cord was all but severed. He nonetheless held it to his ear without saying a word. From my window, I see a fire downtown. From my blood, I feel the heat. My childe is in that fire, Supplicant. Either retrieve her, or join her. Yes, Dr. Seward. Right away, sir, Drew answered, but the line was already dead. Hmm. Poor choice of words, that. With a glance at Tanya, he started jogging toward the inferno, steeling himself against the heat and fear. She would be of no help, and he had no choice. As the elder had demonstrated - it wasnt as if he could run. Seward would find him.

Viewing the Gate (Level-Two Gilded Cage Ritual)

This ritual allows the Architect to peer into a previously discovered gate to see what rests on the other side. Although not yet powerful enough to step though the gate, the Architect can still witness events happening on the other side. The duration of this ritual lasts only for 1 hour per success. Auspex abilities may be targeted at the building through this mystical connection and gain a +2 bonus, possibly allowing the viewer to penetrate Obfuscate powers (Vampire, p. 119). Ways and Means: A sketch of the gate in question with enough detail to give a good idea of its location to someone uninformed.

Dead Letter (Level-Three Gilded Cage Ritual)

Write a letter to an unknown but named target (e.g., Dear Prince of Southwark) over the course of about a week it arrives at their door, it will only be able to be used for purely mundane letters with no tracking devices or other items enclosed. There is no compulsion to reply and the sender does not know if they even received it. Only works in the same city. Ways and Means: Write the letter

Pull of the Crystal Web (Level-Three Gilded Cage Ritual)

Through the workings of this ritual, the caster is able to temporarily shift the flow of leylines in his city to better suit his needs. During the workings of the ritual he reaches out and grasps the leyline in the air (he must know it is there either by a power that allows him to see leylines or having first used Facets of the Crystal Web successfully on the area) and then begins to pull it in the required direction. Observers will see this rather strange behaviour, but it is in no way Masquerade breaching. The ritualist can move the line by five yards per success gained on casting (accumulating less than the three required to activate the ritual achieves nothing), and can repeat the ritual to move it further. Once he has moved it, he must invest a point of vitae into the ground to hold the line in place (he must bleed on the ground) where it will stay for one hour per dot the caster has in Gilded Cage before snapping back to its previous position. Ways and Means: Being physically present at the site of the leyline to be moved.

Unified Sting of Diaphanous Steel (Level-Three Gilded Cage Ritual)

Cities are often considered places of marvel and wonder, but they can also be equally dangerous as well. This ritual allows an Architect to draw this danger to herself and make it a tangible force that she can wield within a small steel compass. Once activated, this ritual remains charged and waiting to be released from the compass. If anyone outside of the caster touches this compass, the charge releases instantly the Architect cannot decide whom the ritual may ignore. The ritual has the potential to inflict one point of lethal damage for each level of the casters Gilded Cage rating at time of the casting. The character may make no more charged compasses than she has levels in Gilded Cage. Ways and Means: A steel architects compass.

Ways and Means: Physical access to the leyline and (drawing) compass to ritually release the vitae

Shadowed Hand of the City (Level-Four Gilded Cage Ritual)

A well-designed structure is organized in such a way as to control the flow of traffic, air, and even light. Sunlight is one of the most feared banes of the requiem, and even in their havens some Kindred do not feel safe. The Architects have discovered a way to utilize the essence of the very structures around them to provide protection. This ritual can only effect a single room no larger than 30 feet on a side. To activate, the caster must scribe specific geometric symbols on all entrances and exits (though they must already be sealed in some other fashion, such as with heavy curtains), and while these symbols remain active the structure changes to prevent sunlight from entering, even if a door is flung open or curtains torn aside. The ritual remains active for one month and can only be used on an already enclosed space. This, of course, is a bit of a Masquerade breach after all, if a building twists like a pop top to surround one small area scheduled for demolition... Ways and Means: A black pearl and a slide-rule.

Master of the Manor (Level-Four Gilded Cage Ritual)

This ritual, one of the rarest and newest discovered by the bloodlines members in Germany during the alignment of Berlin, allows the sorcerer an edge against all outsiders within a building. This ritual, when cast, makes it more difficult for those outside of the bloodline to cast Disciplines in the confines of the building in which it is cast for. The ritual roll is penalized by the Haven Size of the building in which it is cast. If successful, any and all Discipline rolls for those who are not of the Architects of the Monolith bloodline are penalized by the sorcerers dots in Gilded Cage. In the case of Disciplines which do not require a roll to activate (such as Awe, Vigor or Resilience for example), a roll of Resolve + Blood Potency, with the same Gilded Cage rating penalty, is necessary on each activation to see if it activates or simply fails to do so. The ritual lasts for one scene. Ways and Means: Floorplans of the building to be cast within and a golden heart pendant.

Traversing the Gate (Level-Four Gilded Cage Ritual)

Upon reaching this level of mastery the Mason now has the ability to traverse from one place to another using a pre-created gate. This does not give the Mason the ability to create gates or to move from one location to another unless there is a gate already present, although that gate does not have to have been created by the Architect in question. In general, it is unwise to traverse a gate without having previously used the Viewing the Gate ritual to see where it goes, and it is impossible to do so without first using the Knowing the Gate ritual. Crossing through the gate is an instant action. (The ability to move without a gate is providence of the Level-Five Gilded Cage Ritual Metropolis of the United Diagram on p. 37 of Bloodlines: The Hidden) Ways and Means: Knowledge of the gate and a compass always set to north.

Radiance of the Crystal Web (Level-Four Gilded Cage Ritual)

The flow of a leyline and its resonance into an area can drastically effect the location, so this ritual allows an Architect to temporarily change that flow to their own ends. The Storyteller should determine the strength of the leyline before hand, between 1 and 5 - where 1 is barely a trickle, 2 is average, and 5 is a raging torrent. If the caster succeeds at the ritual, they may bleed onto the leyline to adjust its strength either up (to a maximum of 5) or down (to a minimum of 0) by a number of points up to their successes on the last draw of the ritual. If this is not enough for the casters purposes, they may cast the ritual again with all the normal costs. Each point moved costs 1 vitae, and the line strength remains changed for a number of hours equal to the casters dots in Gilded Cage before returning to its normal strength. The higher the temporary strength, the faster it will effect locations that it flows through with its resonance. Attempts to manipulate the line strength again within 24 hours suffer a penalty equal to the number of points of strength it has already moved. This applies to the caster as well as others.

Creating the Gate (Level-Five Gilded Cage Ritual)

Not as powerful as the ability to traverse the city regardless of a gate, this ritual does allow a prepared Architect to create a gate from one single location to another single location. The Architect must have visited the location he wishes to make the gate open into and the ritual must be cast at one of the originating locations. Gates can be crossed in two directions; therefore the Architect must be knowledgeable of both locations. (A scene must be spent in each location previous to the casting.) Due to the nature of an Architects understanding of leylines, city planning and general mystics he is unable to create this ritual in a location empty of a previous standing mundane gate or door. This ritual does not secure the gate therefore it can be found, and used, by any one with the ability to do so. An Architect can

only have as many created gates as he has willpower dots however, he does have the ability to let gates lapse therefore there may have been gate somewhere previously that is not there which could be quite a surprise for someone attempting to use the ritual Traversing the Gate. Ways and Means: A gate, door, or other such creation (a hole in a wall would work, for example) and a picture or sketch of the location the gate should open into.

Ermenjarts Vision (Level-Five Gilded Cage Ritual)

This extremely potent ritual is prized by the Clef de Vote of any city. It is both time consuming and expensive, but when successfully done works towards the perfect alignment of a city. This ritual is only workable on large buildings, as well. When successful, the Architect can create Haunts or Fontals (or Crucibles, though the Architects tend to not be interested in sharing that knowledge in an already secretive line). But there is more to this required than just the obtaining of the building, which must be a building of Size 4 or greater. The sorcerer must shed a number of blood or vitae at the place where this is to be cast, along its foundation or upon its roof, equal to twenty points per Haven Size (so a Size 4 would require 80 points of blood or vitae to be shed). Additionally, a number of willpower must be specifically invested in the site of the building (in the same location which the blood or vitae was shed) equal to the Size of the building. If this is cast where there is already a Haunt or Fontal, with intention to increase the potency or change the type of Nest, there is no willpower requirement, and only ten blood or vitae per Size level is required. It goes with saying that it is not uncommon for Architects to utilize Gather the Herd for nefarious means in conjunction with this ritual. Once successful in the creation of the mammoth task, and the casting is successful, the Architect may choose to create a Haunt, Fontal or Crucible at the site. The intensity (Value) of which is variable, as the Architects cannot control the strength of a place for long periods of time, only create. Initially, however, for the first week of the Wyrms Nests creation, the intensity (Value or dice bonus) of the nest is equal to the successes gained on the ritual roll. This over-amplification fades after one week. The rest of the details for that place, such as the ultimate intensity (Value) or the benefits, Resonance, Coils or bonuses gained are left to the Storytellers to determine. This ritual will alter the lines (and potentially other location of nests if the lines are pulled out of sync from it) of a city, immediately, and Storytellers are encouraged to interweave this into play. Ways and Means: The vitae or blood shed at the site as well as a mathematically and mystically accurate leyline mapping of the building and the block surrounding.

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