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Akinbiyi Babarinde


Understanding Character
The first thing I tried to define was the thief and Kung-Fu aspect of my character; I wanted to find out what type of thief hed be and what his motives were, so I looked into Subject of Thief and examples of thieves, I also did the same for Kung-Fu.

By definition a thief is simply someone who steals from another person, and this definition left a lot of space for me to really define the character as a person. These are characters and stories I looked into to help me define the thief aspects of my character;

Samurai Champloo
Samurai Champloo is an anime about a two swordsmen, one of whom is a thief and they begin a journey to find a man with a female Character. Its set in a fictional japan during the edo period, and its inspired heavily by hip hop culture.this got me thinking about the settings and influences that could help shape what my characters lair.

Thief is a stealth game that follows the character Garrett, hes an example of a thief whod steal for himself, hes a complex character, and is classed as a villain

Robin Hood
Robin Hood is a thief from English folklore; he stole from the rich and gave to the poor, hes an example of a good thief he was a highly skilled archer and swordsman who was known for stealing, assisted by a group of outlaws Robin Hood wasnt alone in his adventures, he was a menace to the law enforcers but a hero to the locals.

Understanding Character
These are characters and stories I looked into to help me define the Kung-Fu aspects of my character;

Journey to the West

Journey to the West is a Chinese Novel about a character called Sun Wukong (The Monkey King), hes a Monkey born from a stone and though the story has strong Kung-Fu influence the main character has supernatural powers which enable him to do a lot of things that were previously impossible. In terms of developing my character, Sun Wukong was the only character I looked to for inspiration when it came to the Kung Fu aspects of things, as I didnt feel the need to look to other characters. After looking into what defines a thief and deciding on my main influence for the Kung-Fu aspects of my character, I decided on a setting for my character, hell be set during a period in the Qing Dynasty and I began looking into key events to decide where in the period that hell existing in.

Events in the Qing Dynasty

The Qing Dynasty lasted from 1644-1911 The Qing Dynasty was founded by the Jurchen Aisin Gioro Clan, led by Nurhachi 1644 a peasant revolt lead by Lizicheng 1635 Hong Taiji constituted a single and united Manchu people The Chongzhen Emperor commited suicide when the city fell Kangxi Reign 1662-1722 Qialong Reign 1736-1795 There were three principal groups of artists were working during Qing; The Traditionalists The Individuals The courtiers The Officials and the Professional Artist. The introduction of fist fighting in Kung-Fu, started towards the end of the Ming Dynastythis was when the Shaolin monks switched from fighting with weapons to predominantly using hand to hand combat. In 1727 Kung-Fu was banned, but people living around the Temples were very active in practicing martial arts, boosting the development of Kung-Fu. 1911 Martial Art clubs were established and all the Kung-Fu became more popular as time went on

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