Conference Program Final

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12:30 13:30 REGISTRATION Mehmet Akif Ersoy Hall Opening Remarks: Ufuk zda, Hacettepe University Chair, The Department of American Culture and Literature Gnl Uele, Baheehir University Chair, The Department of American Culture and Literature Former Chair, Professor Emerita The Department of American Culture and Literature, Hacettepe University S. Bilge Mutluay etinta, Hacettepe University Assistant Dean, Faculty of Letters A. Murat Tuncer, Hacettepe University Rector 14:15 15:00 Opening Speech: The Epistemology of the Glass Cabinet: Reading Allegories in the Work of Edith Wharton Matthew Gumpert, Boazii University Moderator: Ufuk zda Documentary: Girls of Hope / Umudun Kzlar Commentary: Ayegl Selenga Takent Moderator: Nur Gkalp Akkerman OPENING RECEPTION Hosted by Prof. Dr. A. Murat Tuncer Rector, Hacettepe University

13:30 14:15

15:00 16:30

16:30 17:30


9:30 11:00 CONCURRENT SESSIONS MEHMET AKF ERSOY HALL Reading and Writing the Self Re-membering the Self/Destroying the Face Machine: Autobiography and Identity Construction in Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy Ceylan Ertung Booklists in African American Life Writing and Karla Holloways Bookmarks S. Bilge Mutluay etinta Tongue Tied America: Reading Chicano Narrative Santiago Vaquera-Vsquez CHAIR: S. Bilge Mutluay etinta 1

K HALL Reading in the Transnational Context Is All Reading Reading and What Good Does It Do? American Perspective and Not Only Andrzej Ceynowa Reading of Jack London as a Cultural Cartography in China Min Zhou Russian Reading of Modern International Political Jokes and Anecdotes: Ethnic and Cultural Stereotyping of Americans Oksana Zhernovaya CHAIR: Himmet Umun 11:00 11:30 11:30 12:30 COFFEE BREAK CONCURRENT SESSIONS

MEHMET AKF ERSOY HALL Reading, Writing and Responding From Cover to Cover: Every Cover Has a Story Meryem Ayan and Feryal ubuku Reading Jane Austen: Journeys of Self-Discovery in The Jane Austen Book Club H. vg Tzn CHAIR: Gnl Uele K HALL Letters, Codes and Erasure: Reading the Postmodern Novel A Parable about Reading: Mark Z. Danielewskis House of Leaves Glen Aslan We Are What We Read: Percival Everetts Erasure zlem Grey CHAIR: zlem Uzundemir 12:30 14:00 14:00 15:30 LUNCH CONCURRENT SESSIONS

MEHMET AKF ERSOY HALL Reading the Landscape Reading Epitaphs, Memorials and Museum Inscriptions: On Traces, Presences and Interpretation Zbigniew Bialas Say Nice Things about Detroit: Reading the American Post-Industrial Landscape Julia Sattler What Do We Mean When We Talk about Reading Photographs Olaf Hansen CHAIR: Aye Lahur Krtun

K HALL Reading Science Fiction and Fantasy The Power of Remembrance: Reading as Political Empowerment in Science Fiction Narratives Cem Klarslan Looking Backward to See the Future: Discursive Community and the Culture of Steampunk Gordon J. Marshall Reading the Metaphors at Stake: Transformation and Americanization of the Vampire in the Twentieth Century Gzde Erdoan CHAIR: Cem Klarslan 15:30 16:00 16:00 17:00 COFFEE BREAK CONCURRENT SESSIONS

MEHMET AKF ERSOY HALL Reading and the Library in the Age of Technology Transformation of Libraries as Cultural Institutions of Reading: Writers Vision Marta Koval Shakespeare Seeking an American Marketiser: Towards a Youtubisation of Literature Kassim Boudjelal Safir CHAIR: Linda J. Strom K HALL Reading and Writing in Nineteenth-Century America Americans and Books: Reading and Cultural Identity in the Antebellum United States Marek Wilczynski Baking Powder and Politics: Female Newspaper Readership before the Women's Page Naama Maor and Dafnah Strauss CHAIR: Tanfer Emin Tun 19:00 22:30 CONFERENCE DINNER


9:30 10:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS MEHMET AKF ERSOY HALL Politics and Poetry Experience of the Word: Readings of Beats zge zbek Akman Reading Haikuography as Racial Representation in the Poetry of Sonia Sanchez Sally Michael Hanna CHAIR: Aya Germen

K HALL Reading Readers Reading Reading Thoreau Reading Walden Bar Gmba Marilyn Monroe Reading Meltem Kran-Raw CHAIR: Belgin Elbir 10:30 11:00 11:00 12:30 COFFEE BREAK CONCURRENT SESSIONS

MEHMET AKF ERSOY HALL Reading Race in the Transnational Age Reading Leslie Marmon Silkos Storyteller: Fusion of Globalism, Regionalism and Ecocriticism Gl Kurtulu Reading Problematic Representations of Latina/os and Muslims in American Culture Christopher Rivera Creating A Reading Culture: The Social Power of Literacy in Richard LaGraveneses Freedom Writers Linda J. Strom CHAIR: Meldan Tanrsal K HALL Reading War and Violence Dangerous Readings: The Turner Diaries as an Inspiration for Hate and Violence Ceylan zcan Reading the Falling Man: Violent Closeness between the Victims and the Perpetrators in J. S. Foers Extremely Close, Incredibly Loud and Don DeLillos Falling Man Julia Szoltysek Judging Books by the Cover: Covering the Experience of War in Iraq Merve zman CHAIR: Ceylan zcan 12:30 13:30 13:30 14:15 LUNCH Closing Speech: Reading as Travel, Travel as Reading David Espey, University of Pennsylvania Moderator: S. Bilge Mutluay etinta

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