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Jamia Hafsa was a madrassa for women located near Lal Masjid. It was the largest Islamic religious institution for women in the world, with more than 6,000 students. In July 2007 the Lal Masjid complex including Jamia Hafsa was laid siege and then attacked by the Pakistani army, this attack involved 60,000 soldiers against 1,400 students including women and children who were inside the Mosque complex. What ensued can only be described as a massacre in which at least 100 students were killed. The world's media were silent! If Malala Yousufzai had studied in Lal Masjid, would the British media have condemned the Pakistani government? Had she studied in Lal Masjid would they have honoured the bravery of her friends who died at the hands of Pakistani forces? Had she studied in Lal Masjid would they have transferred her to a British hospital to recover? Anyone with sense knows the answer to these questions, this sudden apparent care towards this girl is nothing more than blatant propaganda. Indeed, as the war against Islam and the Muslims intensifies so to the lies become more exaggerated and grotesque. It is very strange that the media who on any other day are vilifying Muslims and justifying atrocities and crimes against Muslims, are on this day concerned for the lives of Muslims in particular Malala. How many children in Afghanistan and in Pakistan have been wounded by NATO forces, I wonder how many of our children died on hospital beds because of a lack of medical facilities in Afghanistan and Pakistan and yet Malala is transferred to the UK. It is very clear that rather than being the Muslims who are against women studying, it is in fact the British and the Pakistani governments who are against the education of women and of men. They are vehemently opposed to the Muslims studying their own way of life namely Islam and of studying their own history, and their own ruling and judicial system. How many madrassas have been shut down and indeed bombed by western governments. They would like nothing more than for the Muslims to remain ignorant, ignorant of their own religion and system of life.

Throughout our history the Muslims have studied, both men and women, our study is derived from a wealth of knowledge as vast as the oceans, Islam has been the source of knowledge for the believers since the time of Adam (as) and rather than producing workers, Islam produces statesmen, activists, people who have the courage to stand up to the corrupted governments of our time, people who will one day implement Islam and restore the authority and security to the Muslims.

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