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NOTP (Excerpt) 2

Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc. [ bottom ]

INT. SUNNY SHAH'S HOTEL ROOM - BATHROOM - NIGHT Flashback to earlier; the British Woman locked inside the bathroom SCREAMS for help and POUNDS on the door. BRITISH WOMAN Help! Help! Can anyone here me!? Let me out please!

ANGLE ON: INSIDE CLOSET Darkness, a pair of cold eyes peaks through some hangers.

HOTEL ROOM - CONTINUOUS The closet door slowly opens. A masked man dressed in black, like that of a ninja, exits the closet. He is armed with 2 handguns equipped with silencers. He takes off his mask to reveal the face of EL HUMO. BRITISH WOMAN (O.S.) Can anyone bloody here me!? El Humo looks around the room and gives a pained smile, having witnessed Prakash kidnap Sunny Shah only moments ago, he finds the turnout of events displeasing yet comical. BRITISH WOMAN Open the door! Please! (O.S.) (CONT'D)

El Humo positions himself by the bathroom door. With guns raised, he removes the chair from beneath the door knob, and kicks in the door with a swift kick. BRITISH WOMAN (O.S.) (CONT'D) Ah! Who the bloody hell are you? Wait! Please no, you don't have to do this. You don't have to do this! El Humo fires 2 SILENCER SHOTS into the bathroom - the British Woman's body THUMPS - she dies off screen. El Humo returns to the main door and looks through the viewer. He turns off the lights and positions himself with his back against the adjacent wall. The TV illuminates him as he extends his arm ready to kill the next person that enters.

INT. PARKING GARAGE - NIGHT El Humo now walks with a limp, an unseen injury occurring since we last cut. He carries a black duffel bag, arrives to a CAR.

INT. CAR - SAME He lifts the injured leg in and SLAMS the car door shut. He touches the STAB WOUND on his thigh and bursts into a fit of rage, punches the roof of the car repeatedly as he curses. EL HUMO (in Spanish) Son of a whore, bitch, faggot, cuntlicker, assole!

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NOTP (Excerpt) 2

Rage turns to laughter as El Humo breathes deep and gathers himself in this charged moment. He opens the glove box and lights a cigarette. He pulls a bloody knife out of the duffel bag and wipes the blood off it using a napkin, tosses it in the glove-box, and slams it shut. EL HUMO (CONT'D) OK. OK mother-fuckers. He reaches in the back seat for a laptop computer.

ON LAPTOP SCREEN A pictures slide show - exterior morning shots outside a Community Center in Edison, NJ. 1. Prakash stakes-out in his Yellow Taxi 2. Sunny Shah walks with is BODY GUARDS 3. Prakash approaches Shah and his Guards 4. Sunny Shah and Prakash speak to each other 5. Prakash's Taxi License Plate

ECU. LAPTOP SCREEN Prakash's Personal info: Name & Address in Edison, NJ. The car's engine ROARS as we cut.

EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX - NIGHT Lightning strikes and thunder CRACKS, it rains hard. El Humo's car pulls up to the residential complex.


BINOCULARS POV The balcony to Prakash's apartment. The sliding door is closed with the blinds drawn. El Humo lowers the binoculars. He holsters his gun and places a silencer in his pocket.

EXT. EL HUMO'S CAR - SAME El Humo exits the car, spots something and stops short. He reaches for the binoculars.

BINOCULARS POV The balcony sliding door whips open and Sunny Shah leaps out. Shah hops over the railing and tumbles to the wet ground. El Humo renters his car, STARTS the engine and drives off. [ top ]

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NOTP (Excerpt) 2

Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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