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Crow Business By David A Reece, Sam Blackman, and Christina Perera


GARY (crow 1) lands on one wire of the power line. A few minutes later PHIL (crow 2) lands on another power line. GARY (turns to Phil) Mornin Phil! PHIL Good morning to you too Gary. And how did your meeting go yesterday? GARY Oh! Well aint this news then! Marge got the sack! PHIL Really? Well I feel real sorry for the poor soul! GARY Well I dont! She aint got one wit o humour about her! Gary is about to continue his tirade when Phil interrupts him. PHIL Hey Gary! Looks like that kid is roaming around again. GARY Hey whats he doing? A soccer ball hits Gary, and he falls backwards off the power line. GARY Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhh!!! He keeps falling until he lands on top of some banana peel (which lands on his head) in an open trash can by the side of the road. Phil looks in abject horror at the place where GARY was standing. He suddenly turns around to look down at an obnoxious 9 yr old boy, DECLAN.


EXT. TYPICAL SUBURBAN HOUSE (FRONT GARDEN) Declan looks at Gary falling and laughs loudly EXT. POWER LINES DAY


Phil gives Declan the "evil eye" EXT. TYPICAL SUBURBAN HOUSE (FRONT GARDEN) DAY

Declan glares back at Phil before throwing a ball at him. EXT. POWER LINES DAY

Phil jumps and dodges the ball, before flying over a power pole to the land on another power line further away from Declans house. An aging cockatoo lands next to Phil. JOHNSON Howdy there Im Johnson! I see your having trouble with young Declan... PHIL Yeah! just a small amount of trouble.... Whats it to you anyway? JOHNSON (mumbles)Oh, nothing much really... (clears throat)I suppose Ive just seen him terrorise so many animals -mainly our kind of course- of late that it seemed inevitable that hed try to have a bit of fun with you and your friend down there... You should probably check on him. PHIL Oh, hell be fine. So... how come you know so much about Declan. JOHNSON I know many things, Im just offering to help you teach that ratbag a lesson. If youre up to the challenge. PHIL Oh were up for it, I just need to get my friend


Phil flies down to the trash can and starts shaking Gary. PHIL Wake up you idiot! GARY No more gummy birdies! No more gummy birdies!! Phil starts slapping Gary with his wings. PHIL Pull yourself together! Come on! Well get back at the kid. GARY Okay! Okay, Im getting up Gary and Phil fly up to meet Johnson JOHNSON Okay, the first thing you need to know about young Declan here, is that he is a creature of habit, if you upset that routine, youll surely get under his skin. Johnson pulls a roll of parchment out from under his wing. JOHNSON I had a plan once... to teach the boy a lesson but I never got around to it.... Here.. Johnson hands the roll of parchment to Phil. JOHNSON So long, young birdies! I have other things that need attendin Johnson tips his hat before flying off. Phil and Gary open the roll of parchment and smile cheekily at each other. INT. TYPICAL SUBURBAN HOUSE (DECLANS ROOM) MORNING

Declan is sleeping in his bed, Gary and Phil land on the window sill outside his window. They look at each other with glee and start cawing as loud as they can. Declan becomes very upset and throws himself out of bed, he looks over at the birds. Gary shakes his rear at Declan before both birds fly off.




A group of children are playing soccer in the street when Declan rides in on his bike and steals the ball, the kids plead for him to give it back to them but Declan just taunts them. Suddenly Gary and Phil swoop down on Declan, startling him. DECLAN Argh! Go away Declan lifts his hands up to swat the birds away with his free hand and falls off of his bike. The group of children run up and begin pointing and making faces at Declan. Declan growls at them and they scatter. Gary and Phil (on a tree) high five. INT TYPICAL SUBURBAN HOUSE (LOUNGE ROOM) DAY

Declan is inside his house watching TV, static appears on the screen and Declan walks outside to check the satellite dish. EXT TYPICAL SUBURBAN HOUSE (BACKYARD) DAY

Declan looks up to see Gary and Phil rocking back and forth on the satellite dish. DECLAN Argh! Ill show you! Declan picks up a basketball and throws it at the birds. They take flight and the basketball smashes into the satellite dish, which falls of the roof and lands with a crash. DECLANS FATHER (yelling) Declan! What was that noise?! Declan stares in terror at the smashed dish. Gary and Phil pull the glass door to his house shut. DECLAN (nervously) Umm, nothing dad Declan goes to run inside but crashes into the glass sliding door. Gary and Phil (in a tree) laugh and give each other a double high five.

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