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UTEC Faculty of Social Sciences English Department

Module 2 Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language Educational Administration (Module I) Professor: Martn Ulises Aparicio Morataya

Planning a Social Research 20% 1. Groups members: 1. _Andres Tobar Cruz_________________________ (Coordinator) 2. Carlos Armando Martinez Chicas_______________ 3. _Carlos Ernesto Salazar Majano________________ 4. _Roxana Landaverde:________________________ 5. __________________________________________ 2. Topic to study. The Computer as a Teaching Strategy In Teaching Learning Process Of Children from Colegio Camilo Jose Cela Del Municipio De Lourdes Colon La Libertad , El Salvador

3. Description of the problem (Statement of the problem) Does the Salvadorian educational system have the appropriate human and, technological resources to offer good quality in colegio Camilo Jose Cela del municipio de lourdes colon?

4. Justification This research will be focused in the use of technology in the education that we have in our country ( El Salvador, take a reference one school) related in how teaching English taking in consideration the use of technology, because technology is more effective for teaching and learning English than more traditional classroom approaches, whether some technologies are more motivated than others and know what is the impact that have the school with respect to the use of technology for teaching English.

5. Deficiencies: Verify if there is a center of computers inside the school Who has access over this center Conditions of computers and technologic devices to be used by students and teachers Teachers use the technological devices to teach the classes

6. Target Population Our research was created for all teachers that teach in the School Camilo Jose Cela municipio de lourdes colon, La Libertad , El Salvador

7. Bibliography Zorrilla, S. (1992). Introduccin a la metodologa de la investigacin. Mxico, D.F. Aguilar, Leon y Cal Editores. S.A. de C.V

Cuevas Cerver, A. (2007). Reading, information literacy and school library. Gijn: Ediciones Trea, S.L.

Pica, T. (1992). Language Learning Research and Classroom Concerns. English Teaching Forum, Vol. XXX, 3 (July, 1992): 2-9.

8. Attach two RAE. a.__ Trinity College London (2010). Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE). Syllabusfrom 1 February 2010. Published by Trinity College London. London , UK. 2nd impression. Recuperado desde b. __ Richards, J.C.; (2006)Communicative language teaching today. DIALOGOS, udb (2009)porque los estudiantes de las escuelas pblicas no aprenden Ingls: PDF

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