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EXT. PENTHOUSE - DAY The patio-roof of a high rise overlooks New York City's skyline. A group of MAFIOSI eats brunch around a table in the garden's alcove. A Man in his sixties pours himself a glass of red wine, he is DON LAMPASSI. DON LAMPASSI Now that we got that out of the way, I'd like to propose a toast. Everyone fill your glasses. The table fills their glasses with red wine. To his right sits a beautiful Italian-American brunette in her forties, the only woman amongst several modern DONS and BUSINESS MEN. DON LAMPASSI (CONT'D) My lawyer tells me I'll be out in a year with good behavior, so I guess I'll see you in about four. CHUCKLES and smiles. DON LAMPASSI (CONT'D) You know the older I get the more I miss my family when I'm away from them. That's why my first born Victoria, is here with us today. He signals to the Woman to his right, the respective gentleman smile and nod. Victoria returns their compliments. DON LAMPASSI (CONT'D) Most of you have known Vicki since she was a little girl hanging by my side, and later as the woman who your wives or girlfriends called when they needed an interior decorator. VICTRIA Sometimes both. MOBSTER (joking) Yeah no kidding, I'm still paying for it. More LAUGHTER from the table. DON LAMPASSI My other daughter Elizabeth couldn't be with us today. She's defending a fellow member of the family in New England, as she has helped you all with your legal troubles in the past. Any of you men who've ever been separated from the people you love, knows the feeling you get when your inside and their outside. It's the feeling of uncertainty. I don't enjoy that feeling, none of us do. He rises and everyone follows suit, right on cue. DON LAMPASSI (CONT'D) So as we look out to the heavens on this beautiful day, on top of the world that our families helped build, I wanna make sure that my

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family is well taken care of while I'm away. The Don stares deep into the eyes and souls of the men around the table. DON LAMPASSI (CONT'D) Which is why my Victoria is head of this family while I'm gone. Reactions of the Men vary from shock to disapproval, subtle contained gestures and expressions. DON LAMPASSI (CONT'D) Vicki knows the business and I'll consiglieri. She's to be treated with the same respect as you would give to me, as well as your blood oath of loyalty, trust, and sacrifice. I know I have your full support on this decision, as you have always trusted my judgments in the past. He holds Victoria's hand and kisses her on each cheek. He raises his glass and the Men follow. MAN To family and business. Salud.


INT. PENTHOUSE - DAY The last of the Mobsters and Business Men say farewell to Victoria and the Don. Eventually father and daughter are alone to themselves. VICTORIA You sure about this daddy? DON LAMPASSI If you'd been born a boy this thrown would be rightfully yours. Your mother would be proud Vicki. I'm proud of ya. VICTORIA I know daddy. They hug and kiss. DON LAMPASSI Say goodbye to the boys for me. Tell em I said to behave or I'll break out and drag em in there with me. VICTORIA I will. DON LAMPASSI Now take me to jail beautiful. Sound of PRISON CELL DOORS SLAMMING. [ top ]

Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

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