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Age below $1000 $1000-$2000 $2000-$3000 $3000-$4000 $4000-$5000 $5000 above Total

20 Below 3 9 4 3 1 1 21

20-30 7 11 4 4 3 2 31

30-40 5 3 4 12 1 2 27

40 above 4 6 15 10 2 6 43

Budget according to Age group

16 14

10 8 6 4 2 0 below $1000 $1000-$2000 $2000-$3000 $3000-$4000 $4000-$5000 $5000 above 20 below 20-30 30-40 40 above

In this graph, we combined both budget and age group to see which age group spend the most. People at the age of 20 and below mostly spend $1000 to $2000. This might be because they only started working at this age so the amount of money they earned/saved is just enough. People at the age of 20 to 30 years old mostly spend around $1000 to $2000. This might be because at this age, they are able to pay their expenses fully for themselves. For the age group 30-40, they chose $3000 to $4000. Our expectation is that around their age, they already have a secure job/career, and that they also have more savings. It is also assumed that this age group spend more on shopping. Lastly, for the age of 40 and above, the most budget pick is $2000 to $3000. This is because they are more frugal and are able to manage their budget.


FAMILY 26 54 80

ALONE 11 5 16






Travelling preference according to Marital Status


We decided to make three separate pie charts to show the link between the travelling preferences and marital status. This is in order to see whether the specific marital status influence the travelling preferences. The first pie chart shows that single Bruneians prefer to travel with friends. Therefore, our expectation is correct. In the second pie chart, there are 82% of married Bruneians who prefers travelling with family. However, the third pie chart which is the total of both single and married shows that travelling with family is the most preferred.

COUNTRIES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA Malaysia Singapore Indonesia Thailand Philippines Vietnam Myanmar Cambodia Laos

No. of picks 64 36 14 18 6 3 2 0 0

Bruneians holiday pick

Laos Cambodia Myanmar Vietnam Philippines Thailand Indonesia Singapore Malaysia 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 No. of picks

Just as we expected, MALAYSIA is the most favoured destination for holidays. This is because: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The exchange rate between Brunei and Malaysia is quite high. The standard living of Malaysia is average which is affordable. It is easier to communicate with them if we happen to be lost. Most of their cuisine is halal. The short distance between Brunei and Malaysian.

The least favoured destinations are Vietnam and Myanmar. This is because: 1. Bruneians are not familiar with their language; therefore it is difficult to communicate. 2. Myanmar and Vietnam are seen as developing countries. 3. It is not an attraction for luxurious shopping. 4. Difficult to find halal food.

No. times travel in a year Once a year Twice a year Three times a year Four times a year five or more times a year

No. of picks 54 43 16 6 8 No. of picks 42 76 6

Most of the people who took the survey answered once a year. This is due to Bruneians saving their money and planning for their trip/vacation.

Airline Air Asia RBA Others

Favourite Airline
5% 34%

Air Asia RBA Others


We assumed that Royal Brunei Airline (RBA) is the favourite airline before we conduct the research. After researching, our assumption is correct. There are 61% of Bruneians that prefers Royal Brunei Airline. There are 5% of Bruneians that answers other airline which they wrote down Singapore airline (SQ), Cebu Pacific and Malaysia Airlines (MAS).

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