Animal Ideas For Characters

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Character Design

[Character Backgrounds v.1] [Tamotsu & Kiyomi] Anthony Duke

Dark Concept

Character 1: Hero Name: Tamotsu Age: 21 Animal: Arctic Wolf (Canus Lupus Arcticus) Arctic wolves are incredibly versatile and adaptive animals, able to withstand year round sub-zero temperatures. Living in the Arctic Circle, the Arctic wolf spends five out of twelve months in total darkness. The wolfs white fur allows it to blend in perfectly with its surroundings, making it a perfect and deadly predator. Arctic wolves usually live in packs of up to 10; however, it is not unusual for them to hunt alone, and often an outsider of the pack will be cast out and left to survive on its own. The reason I have chosen this animal for the hero, despite the fact that it is not indigenousness to Japan, is because it fits the characters personality perfectly. Tamotsu is a lone wolf, separated from his family and left to fend for himself. The post-apocalyptic setting of a wasteland is not far from what the arctic is like, bare lands with little food and harsh weather fit well with the idea of a wasteland survivor. Also, I have chosen this animal because there is a certain emotion I want to portray with Tamotsu. A wolf is a strong, battle hardened creature, and at times can be very violent. As I found in my research of ninjas, there are times when the brutality of ninjas is expressed during war and battles. I want to use the emotions of loosing everything you have, and manifest them into a solemn character. A wolf shows little emotion, but is very protective and territorial. This is where my second character Kiyomi fits into the story. Kiyomi is the only ting that Tamotsu has left and he is willing to do anything to ensure that she is safe. This is his motive to find and stop the ninja clan that murdered his family, if he has to travel the world and fight god himself, he would, all to ensure the safety of that which he has left. Character 2: Sidekick Name: Kiyomi Age: 17

Animal: Cat (Felis catus) The cat is an iconic figure of stealth and agility, their body structure is designed in such a way that the can withstand falling from incredible heights. With a built in gyroscope, created from the ears and fluids within, a cat will always land on its feet. I have chosen this animal for my heros sidekick because it offers a useful ninja companion. The agility and stealth of a cat is quite like that of a typical ninja. However, this is not the only reason why I have chosen this animal. As Tamotsu is a solemn character, Kiyomi offers up a playful side to this duo, as the cute and fluffy nature of a cat is a great contrast to the fierce characteristics of a wolf. Kiyomis playful nature often leads her into dangerous situation in the wastelands, but due to her training, she is more than capable of looking out for her self, and if ever in doubt, she can always use her feline charms to get her self out of sticky situations. Kiyomi is always by Tamotsus side offering a light heartedness that he can not display himself, in a way, Kiyomi is an extension of Tamotsu. Even though Tamotsu does not display his affection for her, Kiyomi knows that he loves her greatly. The emotional bond between these two characters reinforces the idea that all they have is each other, and that is all they need. To Kiyomi, Tamotsu is more of a father figure as he saved her life and watched over her, taught her how to survive in the wastes and protected her. She has great love and admiration for him, and would do whatever she can in order to help him as she owes him a great debt.

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