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Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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PATIENT GROUP DIRECTION FOR THE ADMINSTRATION/ASPIRATION OF STEROID INJECTIONS AND LOCAL ANAESTHETICS Introduction This PGD has been drawn up using the recommendations set out in A Clinical Guideline for the use of Injection Therapy by Physiotherapists by the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Orthopaedic Medicine (ACPOM), endorsed by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) 1999, and from injection techniques in Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine by Saunders 2001. Since 1995 injection therapy has fallen within the scope of practice for those physiotherapists who have undertaken appropriate, recognised training. Current practice is restricted to the injection of intra-articular and peri-articular conditions of the upper and lower extremities only. The training courses currently recognised as providing best practice are those which result in a Diploma in Injection Therapy. These are either run by the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Orthopaedic Medicine, The Society of Orthopaedic Medicine or in conjunction with institutions of Higher Education. Under certain circumstances, for example where physiotherapists are specialised, training may be provided within the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust, by the referring Orthopaedic Consultant. This training will identify competency for specific injections. Such training combined with use of this protocol (which is predominantly derived from best practice within physiotherapy ) should ensure safe and effective practice of injection therapy by physiotherapists within the Trust.
Physiotherapists authorised to administer injection therapy

Named therapists within the Trust are authorised to administer injection therapy (see appendix A). This will also include taking responsibility for the supply and administration of medicines (See appendix B). Staff need to have attended the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust anaphylaxis training programme and be up to-date with mandatory cardio pulmonary resusitation (CPR) training. Rationale/Scope Subject to all conditions and criteria listed below, appropriately trained and authorised physiotherapists will administer an appropriate injection to patients following the clinical procedures within this protocol. This allows the delivery of healthcare provision without the prescription from a named doctor.

Date of overall review of this document- July 2015

Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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Page Patient Group Direction Epinephrine 1:1000 injection Triamcinolone ecetonide sterile aqueous suspension: Adcortyl 10mg/ml or Kenalog 40mg/ml Hydrocortisone acetate: Hydrocortisab 25mg/ml Depomedrone 40mg/ml Lidocaine Hydrochloride: 0.5% , 1%, 2% without epinephrine Marcaine 0.25% , 0.5% without epinephrine Declaration: Appendices

1. Clinical condition
Clinical condition to be treated Arthritis, Bursitis, Capsulitis, Synovitis, Tendinitis, Tenosynovitis Entrapment neuropathy Ganglia Ligamentous injury For peripheral intra-articular/peri-articular administration in adults (18 years and over) not presenting with any contraindication. Patients with an absolute contraindication are excluded. Medical approval must be sought where a caution exists. Absolute Contraindications Known hypersensitivity to local anaesthetic or steroid Suspicion of infection in the joint or elsewhere Local sepsis over the injection site Acute haemarthrosis Recent trauma Into a prosthetic joint Reluctant patient Pregnancy or breast feeding Tendon bodies Adjacent osteomyelitis Oral antifungal medication (amphotericin and imidazoles) Exposure to chicken pox if previously uninfected Caution Immunosupression, drugs or disease Anticoagulant therapy, increased monitoring required

Criteria for inclusion Criteria for exclusion

Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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Action if excluded Action if declines Drug Interactions

Bleeding disorder Poorly controlled diabetes, increased monitoring required Anxious/ psychogenic patient Liver disease Unstable joint Ciclosporin treatment, monitoring required Patients who are excluded will be offered alternative appropriate management which may include Physiotherapy. Patients who do not wish to receive injection therapy will be offered alternative appropriate management which may include Physiotherapy. Antibacterials: erythromycin inhibits metabolism of steroid. Anticoagulant effect of warfarin possibly altered. Antidiabetics: antagonism of hypoglycaemic effect. Antiepileptic drugs including barbiturates accelerate metabolism of steroid (reduced effect). Antifungals: increased risk of hypokalaemia with amphotericin, imidazoles inhibit metabolism of steroid. Ciclosporin: plasma ciclosporin concentration increased by high dose methylprednisolone (risk of convulsions)

2. Records The following should be recorded in the patients records. Name of drug Dose given Date given Route given Any advice or warnings given to the patient Any adverse drug reactions occurring after administration Signature of Physiotherapist administering drug Consent form signed by the patient and Physiotherapist

The referring Medical Practitioner will be forwarded a copy of the Injection treatment including drugs used and dose

3. Treatment procedure The following procedure is good practice and based on guidelines from Injection techniques in orthopaedic and sports medicine Saunders 2002. Prepare the patient Injection checklist completed (Appendix D JM and HT checklist) Patient placed in a comfortable, supported position Injection site exposed Allergy to plaster checked

Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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Prepare equipment Drugs checked for name, dosage an expiry dates Collect syringe and needles for drawing up infiltration Collect alcohol swab, plaster, cotton wool and sharp box Prepare site Position limb to make site accessible Mark skin by applying pressure to injection site Clean site with alcohol Allow to dry

Assemble equipment Wash hands Open vials Draw up drugs, steroid first, using sterile needle Discard needle into sharps box Apply fresh sterile needle of correct size for infiltration

Injection technique Stretch skin and insert needle perpendicular to skin in order to avoid painful skin puncture Angle needle towards site of lesion to obtain correct placement Draw back on plunger to ensure needle tip is not in blood vessel and to check for the presence of sepsis Administer injection as either a bolus into joints/bursa or as a peppering technique for tendons or ligaments Withdraw needle rapidly while applying firm pressure with cotton wool to minimise bleeding and reduce chance of skin de-pigmentation or fat atrophy Discard syringe and needle immediately into sharps box to prevent needle stick injury Apply plaster/alternative to prevent tracking of infection and bleeding onto clothes

Aftercare Injection therapy record to be completed (Appendix D ?) Patient waits for 20 minutes to ensure no adverse reaction Patient advised on home management and follow up appointment arrangement Patient satisfaction form can be given to patient (Appendix E)

Anaphylaxis In the event of an anaphylactic reaction, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust anaphylaxis procedure should be followed (Appendix F). Physiotherapists therefore need to have undergone the C&W anaphylaxis training programme. 4. Documentation

Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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All documentation including the injection check list to be added to the patients current physiotherapy or medical records and reference to procedure made within these records sufficient to enable audit trail. Any adverse reaction or patient incident must be reported through the Trust incident reporting procedure and to ACPOM, if the physiotherapist is a member.
5. Professional Responsibility

1. The Physiotherapist will ensure he/she has completed successfully the relevant training (Diploma in Injection Therapy or equivalent) and is competent in all aspects of administration, including cautions and contra-indications. He/she will attend regular training updates including Anaphylaxis management. 2. The Physiotherapist will have due regard for the CSPs Code of Conduct, Scope of Professional Practice, Clinical Guidelines for the use of Injection therapy by Physiotherapists and Safe Systems of work for Injection Therapy. 6. RECOMMENDED MEDICINES 6.1 Name of medicine Legal status Storage Dose Route/method Frequency Total dose number Suggested regime

Epinephrine 1:1000 Prescription only medicine. Store as stock items in a lockable cupboard at room temperature. Epinephrine injection comes as a single-dose pre-filled automatic injection deviceEpi-pen Injected into the thigh intramuscularly using the automatic injection device Used only in the management of an anaphylactic shock Epinephrine injection comes as a single-dose pre-filled automatic injection deviceEpi-pen In the event of an impending or anaphylactic shock. This is a medical emergency with symptoms of an itchy sensation progressing rapidly to facial or glossal swelling. The CSP suggest the following regime: -Stop delivery of drug -Summon Medical Help -Admisnter the adrenaline -Adminster cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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Triamcinolone Acetonide: Name of medicine Legal status Storage Dose Route/method Frequency Triamcinolone Acetonide: Adcortyl 10mg/ml or Kenalog 40mg/ml in 1ml vials or 5ml vials Prescription only medicine. Store as stock items in a lockable cupboard at room temperature. Maximum dose per Consultation is 40mg.
Injection of Steroids with/ without Lidocaine via Intra-articular, Periarticular, Intrabursal, and Tendon Sheaths administration only

Allow at least a two-week interval between repeat injections into the same lesion.
The standard recommendation is for osteoarthritic joints where no other therapy is effective is once every 3 -6 months. Any patient that requires injection as often as once per month should be referred to the appropriate medical or orthopaedic specialists for adequate management and monitoring

Total dose number Advice to Patient

A maximum number of three injections per lesion are acceptable. The patient will be given information about the injection including: Nature of their condition Details of the proposed treatment and alternatives Nature of the drugs to be given Contraindications to injection Possible adverse effects, incidence and management including contacts during and outside working hours Likely benefits Warning about possible post injection pain Plans for follow-up and after care including relative rest The patient will be observed for indications of any immediate post-injection adverse reactions for at least 30 minutes A written information sheet will be given to the patient

6.2 Methylprednisolone (Depo-Medrone): Name of medicine Legal status Storage Dose Route/method Frequency
Methylprednisolone (Depo-Medrone)- 40-120 mg/ml 1 ml, 2 ml, 3ml vials intermediate to long lasting and least soluble

Prescription only medicine. Store as stock items in a lockable cupboard at room temperature. Maximum dose per Consultation is 40mg. with or without Lidocaine Hydrochloride/Marcaine prior to injection. Allow at least a two-week interval between repeat injections into the same

Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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The standard recommendation is for osteoarthritic joints where no other therapy is effective is once every 3 -6 months. Any patient that requires injection as often as once per month should be referred to the appropriate medical or orthopaedic specialists for adequate management and monitoring

Total dose number Advice to Patient

A maximum number of three injections per lesion are acceptable. The patient will be given information about the injection including: Nature of their condition Details of the proposed treatment and alternatives Nature of the drugs to be given Contraindications to injection Possible adverse effects, incidence and management including contacts during and outside working hours Likely benefits Warning about possible post injection pain Plans for follow-up and after care including relative rest The patient will be observed for indications of any immediate post-injection adverse reactions for at least 30 minutes A written information sheet will be given to the patient

6.3 Hydrocortisone: Name of medicine Legal status Storage Dose Route/method Frequency
Hydrocortisone acetate (Hydrocortistab) 25mg/ml - 1 ml AMPOULES. Considered to be more soluble and shorter acting, recommended for tendon sheaths

Prescription only medicine. Store as stock items in a lockable cupboard at room temperature. Maximum dose per Consultation is 25mg. with or without Lidocaine Hydrochloride/Marcaine prior to injection. Allow at least a two-week interval between repeat injections into the same lesion.
The standard recommendation is for osteoarthritic joints where no other therapy is effective is once every 3 -6 months. Any patient that requires injection as often as once per month should be referred to the appropriate medical or orthopaedic specialists for adequate management and monitoring

Total dose number Advice to Patient

A maximum number of three injections per lesion are acceptable. The patient will be given information about the injection including: Nature of their condition Details of the proposed treatment and alternatives Nature of the drugs to be given Contraindications to injection Possible adverse effects, incidence and management including contacts during and outside working hours Likely benefits Warning about possible post injection pain

Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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Plans for follow-up and after care including relative rest The patient will be observed for indications of any immediate post-injection adverse reactions for at least 30 minutes A written information sheet will be given to the patient

6.4 Local Anaesthetics:

Name of medicine
Lidocaine hydrochloride - AMPOULES of 0.5% (2 ml), 1% (2 ml), or 2% (2 ml or 5ml) - without adrenaline. Marcaine- AMPOULES of 10ml

Legal status Storage Dose

Prescription only medicine. Store as stock items in a lockable cupboard at room temperature. Maximum dose per Consultation
Lidocaine 0.5% solution - 20ml, 1% solution 10ml, 2% solution - 5ml. Marcaine 0.25% solution- 20ml, 0.5% solution- 15ml The doses listed for Lidocaine Hydrochloride are for healthy adult of medium built and should produce only relief of pain and loss of skin sensation for the duration of the half life which is estimated to be between 1 2 hours and for Marcaine is 2.7 hours

Route/method Frequency Total dose number Advice to Patient

Local infiltration with or without steroid Allow at least a two-week interval between repeat injections into the same lesion. A maximum number of three injections per lesion are acceptable. The patient will be given information about the injection including: Nature of their condition Details of the proposed treatment and alternatives Nature of the drugs to be given Contraindications to injection Possible adverse effects, incidence and management including contacts during and outside working hours Likely benefits Warning about possible post injection pain Plans for follow-up and after care including relative rest The patient will be observed for indications of any immediate post-injection adverse reactions for at least 30 minutes A written information sheet will be given to the patient

Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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This Patient Group Direction for use in

*please tick as appropriate

Chelsea & Westminster Hospital Foundation Trust Management of the patient group direction a. The group direction developed by: Tendayi Mutsopotsi b. Is Authorised by :-

Kensington PCT

Job Title
Orthopeadic Consultant Surgeon Senior Pharmacist (Pharmaceutical Advisor)

Mr. Andrew Sankey



Executive Nurse

Director/Senior Nurse

The Physiotherapists named below, being employees of the above Organisation are Authorised to administer Depomerone 40mg/ml,Triamcinolone Acetonide ( Adcortyl 10mg/ml, Kenalog 40mg/ml) and Hydrocortisone 25mg/ml

We agree to administer the above drug in accordance with this Patient group Direction
Tendayi Mutsopotsi

Job Title
Extended Scope Practitioner



Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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Acknowledgement This protocol has been adapted (with permission) from

References CSP (2001). A Clinical Guideline for the use of injection therapy by physiotherapist .
HSC 2000/026 Patient Group Directions British National Formulary (BNF 43 March 2002)

A.C.P.O.M (1999). A Clinical Guide for the use of Injection Therapy by physiotherapists. Genovese, M C (1998) Joint and Soft Tissue Injection: A Useful Adjuvant to Systemic and Local Treatment, Postgraduate Medicine: Symposium: Rheumatologic Diseases, Vol. 103, No 2. Pharmacia Ltd (2001) Drug Information Update: Depo-Medrone with Lidocaine, Roberts W N (2000) Intraarticular and soft tissue steroid injections: What agent(s) to inject and how frequently? UpToDate Version 8.1. (American Rheumatology CD or on Line) Saunders, S (2002) Patient Group Direction Proforma, The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Orthopaedic Medicine (ACPOM). Saunders, S, Cameron, G (1997) Injection Techniques in Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine, Philadelphia (W.B Saunders company Ltd). Kesson,M, Akins,E, Davies, I(2002) Musculoskeletal Injection Skills,Edinburgh (ButterworthHeinemann)

Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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What to Expect Post Injection

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Injected area may ache more for the first 24-48 hours. Your face may become flushed. You may have trouble sleeping the night after injection. If you are diabetic the injection may cause blood sugar to increase. Area injected may become numb and remain numb for 24-48 hours. Injected area may seem more swollen for the first day past injection. CALL THE ME OR THE CLINIC IF THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS OCCUR:
Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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1. 2. 3. 4.

Trouble breathing or swallowing. Skin rash. Develop a fever of 100 o or more. Injected area becomes red or inflamed

Useful Contact Numbers: Physiotherapy Department: Therapist:

Injection Therapy Consent Form

Patient Ref. No: D.O.B: Name: .Gender M/F: ..

Absolute Contraindications: Yes No

Suspicion of infection (anywhere) Hypersensitivity to injections Prosthetic joint Taking oral corticosteroids Unable to rest for 48 hours (including driving) Recent live vaccination (avoid for 2/52 post live vacine) Planned surgical procedure in next 4/52 (including dental) Taking warfarin and no INR (haematology) Damaged / broken skin at site Previous allergic reaction Haemarthrosis < 18 years of age Pregnancy / breast feeding Recent trauma Unstable joint



Precautions: Yes No
Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

Yes No



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Diabetic Taking anticoagulants (eg. warfarin)

INR < 2

Bleeding disorder Needle phobia


Warnings of side effects given: Yes

Facial flushing Allergic reaction Infection Diagnosis: Injection site and approach: Menstrual irregularity Post injection flare-up Possible tendon rupture

Impaired diabetic control (check control) Skin depigmentation / fat atrophy


Injection composition and prescription: Analgesic: Corticosteroid: Batch: Batch: Expiry: Expiry:

Patient advised to wait 30 minutes post injection? Clinicians name: Patients name: Date of procedure:

Yes Date: Date:

Signature: Signature:

Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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Patient Group Directions For The Adminstration Of Steroid Injections Author: Tendayi Mutsopotsi Msc Ortho-Med MCSP 07/11/2012

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