Answers Could Differ From The Ones Below

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Task 3 and 4

Information: Some of the answers given are just examples. Students answers could differ from the ones below. Task 3: (group work)
The similarities and the differences between the two books read Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai and The White Tigerby Aravind Adiga. Inheritance of loss In the inheritances of loss the cook is a cook and his son is also a cook, he cant become anything else The White Tiger There is a family called sweet makers, they will always make sweets Similarities They are both born in a family and thus a profession Differences In the White Tiger Balram the protagonist breaks through and becomes a successful business man. However, in the Inheritance of Loss success eludes Biju. Mr. Ashoks married outside the caste and the marriage wasnt arranged. For example: Biju returns from the U.S, a broken man with no money while Balram becomes rich and a force to be reckoned with. None




The judge marries someone who he doesnt know or love and the marriage is arranged Individual answers Biju/Sai/the judge/the cook

Most marriages are arranged.

Most marriages are arranged.

Individual answers Balram, Ashok

For example: Both Biju and Balram are from low caste system


Nepal/China: The poIndia India:

The system

relationship between the governments

the survival of the fittest- the system is corrupt.

-politicians and the rich tend to close their eyes to what is happening at the dark side of the country. Written in 7 days and uses flashbacks


1986, flashbacks

does not care about the people from lower castes they try to keep the castes separated from each other. Use of flashbacks


Napel- India, New York Dominant men vs. Suppressed and oppressed women

Laxmangarh the dark heart of India, Delhi Dominant men vs. Suppressed and oppressed women

Even the cities have their own slums Men have all the power. Women are just merchandised : good for getting married off and producing sons Girls with substantial dowry are married off easily than those without Lots of imagery

1st novel told more or less in a chronologic al order with flash backs. 2nd book (the White Tiger) told in a letter to the Premier Napel New York. Delhi None

Men vs. women

Boys vs. girls


Boys are more important. Girls are kept at home and boys are sent to school. The cook, the mountains, the forest, the market, the fat dog-Mutt etc


Example: dreadful legs those English girls have said uncle Potty, big pasty

Boys are more important. Girls are kept at home and boys are sent to school. The white tiger, rivers, mouth full of feaces, soggy parts of human bodies, the Rooster coop etc Pinch your neck and swear youll send every rupee you


Different types of imagery .

Both books have lots of humor

There is less humor in The Inheritance of Loss. Even

things. Good thing theyve started wearing pants now (ch.9) ETC.

make every month back to Granny. (p47 new edition)

To sum up

in old days there were one thousand castes and destinies in India. These days, there are just two castes: Men with Big Bellies, and Men with Small Bellies. `what a fucking joke. And only two destinies: eat - or get eaten up. (p. 64) Religion Hindu and Islam ETC Hindus vs. Muslims Both religions do not want to associate with each other. Each discriminates the other the wealthy and those in power do all the saying None

though The White Tiger tells an awful story, the use of humor lightens the mood.


Freedom of speech Focalization/p oint of view

None the rich talks the poor obeys. 3rd person narrator

None the rich talks the poor obeys 1st person narrator


3rd person vs. 1st person

Task 4: (in groups of 4) You are going to make a digital mind map about life in India according to what you have read in both both(see task 3). Answer the following questions and add them in your digital portfolio on the web-quest. Answer: students answer should include the following: the different caste systems, lifestyle for children and adults, rich and poor etc.

Figure A

Figure B

Look at the picture in figure A above. Is this all India/Nepal signify? Your answer must not exceed a maximum of 40 words.

Answer: No - students must motivate their answers

How does your fictional India look like? Explain. Individual answer

In which of the two books does the image in figure B often mentioned. What does it signify in regards to the caste system? Answer: In The white tiger and The Rooster coop is a powerful image in the book symbolizes the hopeless situation many poor Indians are in. However, cage represents their (people from lower castes) trapped position in society. They can hardly escape the system of the caste because you are born into it.

What role does family play in ones life? Families are very close. You dont want to do anything which could jeopardize your family or taint its name.

Which education possibilities are there and how can it to be attained, according to the books read?

Answer - example: There is enough opportunity for the rich to attend schools but the same does not apply to the poor. The poor tries to send their male children to schools and everyone in the family works very hard to work towards that goal

Did you come across some occurrences in any of the book which you found disturbing? Individual group answer

What does it add to your reading experience? Individual group answer

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