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International Indexed & Referred Research Journal, October,2012. ISSN 0974-2832, RNI- RAJBIL 2009/29954; VoL.

IV * ISSUE- 45

Research Paper - Education

Seminar and Project in Academic Staff Colleges: Attitude of Participants in Orientation Course
October ,2012 * Dept. of Education, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada, University, Sub Campus-Osmanabad A B S T R A C T
This study aims to explore the attitude of Orientation Course Participants towards seminar and project (during their course) and differences among them according to Gender and Disciplines. The data has been collected from incidentally selected 43 participants of orientation course in Academic Staff College of Dr. B.A.M.U, Aurangabad with the help of self constructed Attitude Inventory. The results revealed that there is no significant difference among the attitude of participants towards seminar and project on the basis of Gender but significant differences occurred among them regarding their disciplines. Key Words: Seminar, Project, Attitude, Participants

* Smt. Asore Manisha D.

this study attempts to find out participants attitude Introduction: towards seminar and project in orientation courses. In Higher Education, the professional growth and Objective: development of lecturers is maintained and nurtured 1. To find out and compare the attitude of parby Academic Staff Colleges. These institutes run under ticipants towards seminar and project conducted in the University Grants Commission with the motto of orientation course on the basis of Gender and Disciexcellence in higher education through quality enhance- plines. ment of teachers / lecturers. For this various activities Hypotheses: are implemented to groom up the knowledge and skills 1. There is no significant difference among the atti of participants like seminars and projects. Most of the tudes of male and female participants towards semi times, the participants were completed these tasks as nar and project. a formality without doing any extra efforts. Due to this, 2. There is no significant difference among the atti these activities become only a token part of the orientudes of participants towards seminar and project tation course. It hardly affects the present position, on the basis of their disciplines. skills of the participants due to this reason this attempt MaterialsAnd Methods: was made. Sample: Need And Significance: The sample comprised of incidentally selected 43 UGC has formulated Orientation and refresher participants in orientation course. Courses for In-service College Teachers and estab- Tool: lished Academic Staff Colleges in 48 universities in A self constructed Attitude Scale based on Likert 1987. These courses helped in the professional growth method was used to collect data. of college and University teachers all over the Country Procedure: but how far these institutions helpful in this regard? The researcher has sought permission from the DiAnd how far the participants involved in its activities rector, A. S. C. of Dr. B.A.M.U., Aurangabad for collectwhich are made for their professional growth? And how ing relevant data from the Orientation Course Particifar the desired goals of the professional growth of pants. Then the researcher requested the participants lecturers have been achieved? All these questions to fill up the inventory. The filled inventories were needed to answer; therefore the researcher has made collected, scored and analyzed further. this venture. Result S and Discussion: There are few studies reported the impact of Aca- The scores were analyzed with the help of mean, S.D., demic Staff Colleges on professional development of t- test and ANOVA and results were given as follows. teachers, carried out by Dhawan (2000), Dass and Gogio See Table 1 (2001), Sharma and Jain (2006) and Behera (2009), From Table- 1, it is cleared that the calculated t-value Sucheta Kumari (2011). These studies reported that is smaller than its table value at 0.05 level of signifiorientation programs conducted by ASC's are found to cance, hence the null hypothesis is accepted and it is be useful for improving skills, methods, broadening concluded that there is no significant difference among attitudes and personality of young teachers Whereas SHODH, SAMIKSHA AUR MULYANKAN 19

International Indexed & Referred Research Journal, October,2012. ISSN 0974-2832, RNI- RAJBIL 2009/29954; VoL. IV * ISSUE- 45

attitudes of male and female participants towards seminar and project. Table- 1:- Gender wise Comparison of Attitudes towards Seminar and Project

Table- 2 showed that the calculated F- ratio is greater than its table value; therefore null hypothesis is rejected and it is concluded that there is significant difference among the attitudes of participants towards Groups N Mean S.D. 't' Calculated seminar and project on the basis of their subject disciMale 31 116.14 58.3 0.7563 plines Viz. Arts, Commerce and Science. The particiFemale 1 2 108.01 8.29 (N.S.*) pants from science discipline has positive attitude (N.S.*- Not significant at 0.05 level of significance) towards seminar and project with compared to their Table- 2:- Discipline wise Comparison of Attitudes counterparts from arts and commerce disciplines. towards Seminar and Project Conclusion: It is concluded that the attitude towards seminar Source of Sum of df Mean F- ratio Variation Sq uar es Sq uar es and project varies on the basis of disciplines. For this ( SS ) the topics of seminar and projects should be according Between Group 156.031 2 78.0155 4.0703 to the area of study of the participants. This may be Within Group 166.666 40 19.1666 (5*) enhance their interest in seeking new relevant informa(5*- significant at 0.05 level of significance) tion related to their own field of study and which is further improve their knowledge and skills required for their professional growth and development also.

1 Behera, S. 2009, Academic staff college: Ideas and Issues, University News, 47 (4): 10-15. 2 Dass B.C. and Gogoi, L. 2001, Orientation Programmes of the Academic staff colleges in India: An evaluation, University News, 39 (46): 6-10. 3 Dhawan, R.2000, Impact of Academic staff colleges programmes on teachers and students, University News, 38 (16): 1420. 4 Sharma J.P. and Jain T. 2006, Academic Staff colleges: An assessment, University News, 44 (30): 1-8. 5 Suchita Kumari ( ) Professional Growth of Teachers and Academic staff college - An Impact Study.



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