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Now 16 pagles including Gommercial Property

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Tuesday, November


6, 2OL2




errnsultants hired

i,triii,io, ttiiiLt"n"

-'-- Anti-Israol activists in the city


store or anywhere else."

iiilir; siichi"" Ei*,

movemsnt, we alecllne to comment


A workor at the SodaStream lactory ln Mlghor Adumlm

big out of town stores in Brighton, Crawley and

Shoreham, reported thirclquarter sales. They had a
strong finish, after the previ-

oecent lntenm statements. Retailer Next, which has

Barking up the right tree

A PAPEB recycling company is

quiet August, with good sales in September and early October which offset muted sales
over the Olympics period.

ously reported, unusually

planning to plant

forest in

tlircstoi. af gSredded lleat, revealed the scheme during a visit by Normau Baker, the Liberal Democrat MP for Lewes and Parliameutary Under-Secretary of State for

Tony Haunigan, the managing

biggest shock to the market

in line with expectations performance remains a little lacklustre. Elsewhere, BG Group was to provide the

quarter results were broadly

GlaxoSmithKline's third

after cutting


guidance, news that sent the

stock down over 15% last


The firrn in theSidy Indusffial Estate at Ditchline Common employs 14 people. It eollqcts,,shre4$:aud bales its clients' papersi immediately, before theyr, recycled at .,the company's secure warehouse. Mr Hanuigan said: 'It was a pleasure to mlet Mr Baker and have his suBport for our

roll numbers provided a lift to the markets last Friday. This week we have retail sales data from China and
interest rate announcements from the BofE and ECB. Sussex readers may also be interested in interim statements from Marks and Spencer, Cable & Wireless, Intercontinental Hotels and Rentokil.

Positive US non-farm pay-

interested:in our initiativ+ to plaut a Shrediled Neat forest, where wepropose to plant a tree for each contract we
secure over the next few Years."

business; he was particularly

Bcn llrcfid on sEo

ilormenr:Ba*er Tony llannighn MD'at $hredded Neat ",A DEITAL medla expert rvill
unyell the secrets ol search
eng$ne optimisation.

Help for charities to get noticed

A NEW initiative aims to help
charities get their messages to
the widest audienee. Tracey Allen, pictured, from SEA PR Consultancy, said that
online filrn is the most important

heard above the rest




formed a strategic partnership with Brighton Film School. for profit organisation has its own The aimis to support charities story and reason d'6tre. "They exist on their own merit and other ethical and community based projects to help them and have their own bank of supget noticed by producing porters, but with so much comeffective "online" films to help petition and with so much work them raise money and build that needs to be done it can be
brand and messaging.

SEA PR Consultancy


method of communicating and advertising. She said: "Each not

together with the Brighton Fihn School to produce creative, emoLutve

"I want to support these groups by bringing them

empathy and impact.

tive and engaging videos that and that always relies upon

directors of the future. "I know that successful fundraising is based on good education and increasing awareness. Charities need their supporter to resonate with the cause

"These online films will tell a Fil:n School we will also be sup- unique story in a way." \porting new talent, giving tlie For more information and a

""By working with Brighton

gaging storltelling.

difficult to get your


next generation new opportunities and encouraging the film

price guide email

Ben Kelly, boss of Alpha Wave Medla ln Lewes, will take novices througlh the basics of building an SEO campalgn. The event will look at keyword research, a campaign planner and how users search online. Organised by Brig;hton and Hove Chamber ol Gommerce, it will take place on November 27 althe Ghamber Room in Church Road, Hove. For more informatlon visit www. businessinbriglhton,

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