Vishwakarma Institute of Technology: "Zettabyte File System"

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PUNE- 411 037 (An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Pune)

A Seminar

Zettabyte File System

Submitted By

Rahul Subhash Saindane TE-IT H-46

Under The Guidance of

Ms. D R. Deshpande

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department

Department of Computer Engineering 2012-2013



PUNE-411 037

(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to University of Pune.)

This is to certify that the Seminar titled Zettabyte File System has been completed in the academic year 2012 2013, by Rahul Subhash Saindane in partial fulfillment of Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering / Information Technology as prescribed by University of Pune.

Ms. D R. Deshpande (Guide) Vishwakarma institute of technology Pune

PROF. S. B. Karthick (H.O.D. of Computer Dept.) Vishwakarma institute of technology Pune

Place: Pune

Date: 12/10/2012

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department



I have taken efforts in this seminar. However, I am highly indebted to my seminar guide, Ms. D R. Deshpande for her guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the seminar & also for her support. It would not have been possible without her kind support and help. I would also like to thanks my seminar co-ordinator, PROF. Jadhav for approving my seminar topic and taking a keen interest. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to both of them. My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague for their seminar and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities

Rahul Subhash Saindane Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune 12 /10/2012

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department



ZFS (Zettabyte FileSystem) is a file system designed by Sun Microsystems for the Solaris Operating System. ZFS is a 128-bit file system, so it can address 18 billion billion times more data than the 64-bit systems ZFS is implemented as open-source filesystem, licensed under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL). The features of ZFS include support for high storage capacities, integration of the concepts of file system and volume management, snapshots and copy-on-write clones, continuous integrity checking and automatic repair, RAID-Z etc. Additionally, Solaris ZFS implements intelligent pre-fetch, performing read ahead for sequential data streaming, and can adapt its read behavior on the fly for more complex access patterns. To eliminate bottlenecks and increase the speed of both reads and writes, ZFS stripes data across all available storage devices, balancing I/O and maximizing throughput. And, as disks are added to the storage pool, Solaris ZFS immediately begins to allocate blocks from those devices, increasing effective bandwidth as each device is added. This means system administrators no longer need to monitor storage devices to see if they are causing I/O bottlenecks.

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Chapter Title

Page No.

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1. 2.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION FEATURES 2.1 Storage Pools 2.2 Copy-On-Write Transaction Model 2.3 Snapshots and Clones 2.4 End-To-End Checksumming 2.4.1 ZFS Data Authentication 2.4.2 Self Healing for Mirrors 2.5 ZFS and RAID-Z 2.5.1 Raid 5 write-hole problem 2.6 Dynamic Stripping 2.7 Variable block Sizes 2.8 Light Weight File System Creation 2.9 Cache Management 2.10 Adaptive Endianness 2.11 Simplified Administration 2.12 High Performance 2.13 Additional Capabilities

3 4 6 7 7 9 10 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 23 24 25 26 27 28


ZFS SCALABILITY 3.1 The 128-Bit Architecture 3.2 Dynamic Metadata

4. 5 .

CAPACITY LIMITS PLATFORMS 5.1 Open Solaris 5.2 BSD 5.3 Mac OS X 5.4 Linux

6. 7. 8. 9.



Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department

Figure No.

Figure Description

Page No.

1 2 3 4 5

Pooled Storage in ZFS Copy-on-write transaction Model ZFS Data Authentication Self healing for Mirrors Dynamic Stripping

6 8 11 15 19

Chapter 1


Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department

Anyone who has ever lost important files, run out of space on a partition, spent weekends adding new storage to servers, tried to grow or shrink a file system, or experienced data corruption knows that there is room for improvement in file systems and volume managers. Solaris ZFS is designed from the ground up to meet the emerging needs of a general purpose local file system that spans the desktop to the data center. Solaris ZFS offers a dramatic advance in data management with an innovative approach to data integrity, near zero administration, and a welcome integration of file system and volume management capabilities. The centerpiece of this new architecture is the concept of a virtual storage pool which decouples the file system from physical storage in the same way that virtual memory abstracts the address space from physical memory, allowing for much more efficient use of storage devices. In Solaris ZFS, space is shared dynamically between multiple file systems from a single storage pool, and is parceled out of the pool as file systems request it. Physical storage can be added to or removed from storage pools dynamically, without interrupting services, providing new levels of flexibility, availability, and performance. And in terms of scalability, Solaris ZFS is a 128-bit file system. Its theoretical limits are truly mind-boggling 2128 bytes of storage, and 264 for everything else such as file systems, snapshots, directory entries, devices, and more. And ZFS implements an improvement on RAID-5, RAID-Z, which uses parity, striping, and atomic operations to ensure reconstruction of corrupted data. It is ideally suited for managing industry standard storage servers like the Sun Fire 450

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department

Chapter 2


ZFS is more than just a file system. In addition to the traditional role of data storage, ZFS also includes advanced volume management that provides pooled storage through a collection of one or more devices. These pooled storage areas may be used for ZFS file systems or exported through a ZFS Emulated Volume (ZVOL) device to support traditional file systems such as UFS. ZFS uses the pooled storage concept which completely eliminates the antique notion of volumes. According to SUN, this feature does for storage what the VM did for the memory subsystem. In ZFS everything is transactional , i.e., this keeps the data always consistent on disk, removes almost all constraints on I/O order, and allows for huge performance gains. The main features of ZFS are given in this chapter.


Fig (1).Pooled Storage in ZFS

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department

Chapter 2


Unlike traditional file systems, which reside on single devices and thus require a volume manager to use more than one device, ZFS file systems are built on top of virtual storage pools called zpools. A zpool is constructed of virtual devices (vdevs), which are themselves constructed of block devices: files, hard drive partitions, or entire drives, with the last being the recommended usage. Block devices within a vdev may be configured in different ways, depending on needs and space available: non-redundantly (similar to RAID 0), as a mirror (RAID 1) of two or more devices, as a RAID-Z group of three or more devices, or as a RAID-Z2 group of four or more devices. Besides standard storage, devices can be designated as volatile read cache (ARC), nonvolatile write cache, or as a spare disk for use only in the case of a failure. Finally, when mirroring, block devices can be grouped according to physical chassis, so that the file system can continue in the face of the failure of an entire chassis. Storage pool composition is not limited to similar devices but can consist of adhoc, heterogeneous collections of devices, which ZFS seamlessly pools together, subsequently doling out space to diverse file systems as needed. Arbitrary storage device types can be added to existing pools to expand their size at any time. If high-speed solidstate drives (SSDs) are included in a pool, ZFS will transparently utilize the SSDs as cache within the pool, directing frequently used data to the fast SSDs and less-frequently used data to slower, less expensive mechanical disks. The storage capacity of all vdevs is available to all of the file system instances in the zpool. A quota can be set to limit the amount of space a file system instance can occupy, and a reservation can be set to guarantee that space will be available to a file system instance. This arrangement of pool will eliminate bottlenecks and increase the speed of reads and writes, Solaris ZFS stripes data across all available storage devices, balancing I/O and maximizing throughput. And, as disks are added to the storage pool, Solaris ZFS immediately begins to allocate blocks from those devices, increasing effective bandwidth as each device is added. This means system administrators no longer need to monitor storage devices to see if they are causing I/O bottlenecks.

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


Chapter 2



Blocks containing active data are never overwritten in place; instead, a new block is allocated, modified data is written to it, and then any metadata blocks referencing it are similarly read, reallocated, and written. To reduce the overhead of this process, multiple updates are grouped into transaction groups, and an intent log is used when synchronous write semantics are required.

1 .Initial Block Tree

2 .COW some blocks

3 .COW indirect pointer Fig (2).Copy-on-Write transaction model

4 .Rewrite main pointer

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


Chapter 2



An advantage of copy-on-write is that when ZFS writes new data, the blocks containing the old data can be retained, allowing a snapshot version of the file system to be maintained. ZFS snapshots are created very quickly, since all the data composing the snapshot is already stored; they are also space efficient, since any unchanged data is shared among the file system and its snapshots. Writeable snapshots ("clones") can also be created, resulting in two independent file systems that share a set of blocks. As changes are made to any of the clone file systems, new data blocks are created to reflect those changes, but any unchanged blocks continue to be shared, no matter how many clones exist.

The job of any file system boils down to this: when asked to read a block, it should return the same data that was previously written to that block. If it can't do that -because the disk is offline or the data has been damaged or tampered, it should detect this and return an error. Incredibly, most file systems fail this test. They depend on the underlying hardware to detect and report errors. If a disk simply returns bad data, the average file system won't even detect it. Even if we could assume that all disks were perfect, the data would still be vulnerable to damage in transit: controller bugs, DMA parity errors, and so on. All we'd really know is that the data was intact when it left the platter. If We think of Wer data as a package, this would be like UPS saying, "We guarantee that Wer package wasn't damaged when we picked it up." Not quite the guarantee We were looking for. In-flight damage is not a mere academic concern: even something as mundane as a bad power supply can cause silent data corruption. Arbitrarily expensive storage arrays can't solve the problem. The I/O path remains just as vulnerable, but becomes even longer: after leaving the platter, the data has to survive whatever hardware and firmware bugs the array has to offer. One option is to store a checksum with every disk block. Most modern disk drives can be formatted with sectors that are slightly larger than the usual 512 bytes -- typically

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520 or 528. These extra bytes can be used to hold a block checksum. But making good use of this checksum is harder than it sounds: the effectiveness of a checksum depends tremendously on where it's stored and when it's evaluated. In many storage arrays, the data is compared to its checksum inside the array. Unfortunately this doesn't help much. It doesn't detect common firmware bugs such as phantom writes (the previous write never made it to disk) because the data and checksum are stored as a unit -- so they're self-consistent even when the disk returns stale data. And the rest of the I/O path from the array to the host remains unprotected. In short, this type of block checksum provides a good way to ensure that an array product is not any less reliable than the disks it contains, but that's about all. To avoid accidental data corruption ZFS provides memory-based end-to-end check summing. Most check summing file systems only protect against bit rot, as they use self-consistent blocks where the Compiled by Dominique Heger, Fortuitous Technologies, Austin, TX checksum is stored with the block itself. In this case, no external checking is done to verify validity. This style of check summing will not prevent issues such as phantom writes operations, where the write is dropped; misdirected read or write operations, where the disk accesses the wrong block; DMA parity errors between the array and server memory (or from the device driver); driver errors where the data is stored in the wrong buffer (in the kernel); accidental overwrite operations such as swapping to a live file system With ZFS, the checksum is not stored in the block but next to the pointer to the block (all the way up to the upper-block). Only the upper-block contains a self-validating SHA-256 checksum. All block checksums are done in memory , hence any error that may occur up the tree is caught. Not only is ZFS capable of identifying these problems, but in a mirrored or RAID-Z configuration, the data is self-healing.

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


Chapter 2


ZFS Data Authentication

End-to-end data integrity requires that each data block be verified against an independent checksum, after the data has arrived in the host's memory. It's not enough to know that each block is merely consistent with itself, or that it was correct at some earlier point in the I/O path. Our goal is to detect every possible form of damage, including human mistakes like swapping on a filesystem disk or mistyping the arguments to dd(1).

Fig (3).ZFS Data Authentication ZFS storage pool is really just a tree of blocks. ZFS provides fault isolation between data and checksum by storing the checksum of each block in its parent block pointer -- not in the block itself. Every block in the tree contains the checksums for all its children, so the entire pool is self-validating. [The upper-block (the root of the tree) is a special case because it has no parent; more on how we handle that in another post.] When the data and checksum disagree, ZFS knows that the checksum can be trusted because the checksum itself is part of some other block that's one level higher in the tree, and that block has already been validated. ZFS uses its end-to-end checksums to detect and correct silent data corruption. If a disk returns bad data transiently, ZFS will detect it and retry the read. If the disk is part of a mirror or RAID-Z group, ZFS will both detect and correct the error: it will use the checksum to determine which copy is correct, provide good data to the application, and repair the damaged copy. As always, note that ZFS end-to-end data integrity doesn't require any special hardware. We don't need pricey disks or arrays, We don't need to reformat drives with 520-byte sectors, and We don't have to modify applications to benefit from it. It's entirely

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automatic, and it works with cheap disks. The blocks of a ZFS storage pool form a Merkle tree in which each block validates all of its children. Merkle trees have been proven to provide cryptographically-strong authentication for any component of the tree, and for the tree as a whole. ZFS employs 256-bit checksums for every block, and offers checksum functions ranging from the simple-and-fast fletcher2 (the default) to the slower-but-secure SHA-256. When using a cryptographic hash like SHA-256, the uperblock checksum provides a constantly up-to-date digital signature for the entire storage pool.


Self Healing for Mirror

ZFS will detect bad checksums are and data is healed by the mirrored copy. This property is called self healing.

(a) Fig (4) Self Healing for mirror



In fig 4(a), Application issues a read. ZFS mirror tries the first disk. Checksum reveals that the block is corrupt on disk. In fig 4(b) ZFS tries the second disk. Checksum indicates that the block is good. . In fig 4(c), ZFS returns good data to the application and repairs the damaged block.

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


Chapter 2



The original promise of RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks) was that it would provide fast, reliable storage using cheap disks. The key point was cheap; yet somehow we ended up here. Why? RAID-5 (and other data/parity schemes such as RAID-4, RAID-6, even-odd, and Row Diagonal Parity) never quite delivered on the RAID promise -- and can't -- due to a fatal flaw known as the RAID-5 write hole. Partialstripe writes pose an additional problem for a transactional file system like ZFS. A partial-stripe write necessarily modifies live data, which violates one of the rules that ensures transactional semantics. (It doesn't matter if we lose power during a full-stripe write for the same reason that it doesn't matter if We lose power during any other write in ZFS: none of the blocks We're writing to are live yet.) RAID-Z is a data/parity scheme like RAID-5, but it uses dynamic stripe width. Every block is its own RAID-Z stripe, regardless of block size. This means that every RAID-Z write is a full-stripe write. This, when combined with the copy-on-write transactional semantics of ZFS, completely eliminates the RAID write hole. RAID-Z is also faster than traditional RAID because it never has to do read-modify-write. The tricky bit here is RAID-Z reconstruction. Because the stripes are all different sizes, there's no simple formula like "all the disks XOR to zero." We have to traverse the file system metadata to determine the RAID-Z geometry. Note that this would be impossible if the file system and the RAID array were separate products, which is why there's nothing like RAID-Z in the storage market today. We really need an integrated view of the logical and physical structure of the data to pull it off. Isn't it expensive to traverse all the metadata? Actually, it's a trade-off. If the storage pool is very close to full, then yes, it's slower. But if it's not too close to full, then metadata-driven reconstruction is actually faster because it only copies live data; it doesn't waste time copying unallocated disk space. But far more important, going through the metadata means that ZFS can validate every block against its 256-bit checksum as it goes. Traditional RAID products can't do this; they simply XOR the data together blindly. Which brings us to the coolest thing about RAID-Z: self-healing data? In addition to handling whole-disk failure, RAID-Z can
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also detect and correct silent data corruption. Whenever We read a RAID-Z block, ZFS compares it against its checksum. If the data disks didn't return the right answer, ZFS reads the parity and then does combinatorial reconstruction to figure out which disk returned bad data. It then repairs the damaged disk and returns good data to the application. ZFS also reports the incident through Solaris FMA so that the system administrator knows that one of the disks is silently failing. The challenge faced by RAID-Z revolves around the reconstruction process though. As the stripesare all of different sizes, an all the disks XOR to zero based approach (such as with RAID-5) is not feasible. In a RAID-Z environment, it is necessary to traverse the file system metadata to determine the RAID-Z geometry. It has to be pointed out that this technique would not be feasible if the file system and the actual RAID array were separate products. Traversing all the metadata to determine the geometry may be slower than the traditional approach though (especially if the storage pool is used-up close to capacity). Nevertheless, traversing the metadata implies that ZFS can validate every block against the 256-bit checksum (in memory). Traditional RAID products are not capable of doing this; they simply XOR the data together. Based on this approach, RAID-Z supports a self-healing data feature. In addition to whole-disk failures, RAID-Z can also detect and correct silent data corruption. Whenever a RAID-Z block is read, ZFS compares it against its checksum. If the data disks do not provide the expected checksum, ZFS (1) reads the parity, and (2) processes the necessary combinatorial reconstruction to determine which disk returned the bad data. In a 3d step, ZFS repairs the damaged disk, and returns good data to the application.

Raid 5 write-hole problem

RAID-5 (and other data/parity schemes such as RAID-4, RAID-6, even-odd, and Row Diagonal Parity) never quite delivered on the RAID promise and cant due to a fatal flaw known as the RAID-5 write hole. Whenever We update the data in a RAID stripe We must also update the parity, so that all disks XOR to zero its that equation that allows We to reconstruct data when a disk fails. The problem is that theres no way to update two or more disks atomically, so RAID stripes can become damaged during a crash or power outage.
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To see this, suppose we lose power after writing a data block but before writing the corresponding parity block. Now the data and parity for that stripe are inconsistent, and theyll remain inconsistent forever (unless We happen to overwrite the old data with a full-stripe write at some point). Therefore, if a disk fails, the RAID reconstruction process will generate garbage the next time We read any block on that stripe. Whats worse, it will do so silentlyit has no idea that its giving We corrupt data. RAID-5 (and other data/parity schemes such as RAID-4, RAID-6, even-odd, and Row Diagonal Parity) never quite delivered on the RAID promise and cant due to a fatal flaw known as the RAID-5 write hole. Whenever We update the data in a RAID stripe We must also update the parity, so that all disks XOR to zero its that equation that allows We to reconstruct data when a disk fails. The problem is that theres no way to update two or more disks atomically, so RAID stripes can become damaged during a crash or power outage. To see this, suppose we lose power after writing a data block but before writing the corresponding parity block. Now the data and parity for that stripe are inconsistent, and theyll remain inconsistent forever (unless we happen to overwrite the old data with a full-stripe write at some point). Therefore, if a disk fails, the RAID reconstruction process will generate garbage the next time we read any block on that stripe. Whats worse, it will do so silentlyit has no idea that its giving we corrupt data.

Dynamic striping across all devices to maximize throughput means that as additional devices are added to the zpool, the stripe width automatically expands to include them; thus all disks in a pool are used, which balances the write load across them.

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Fig(5).Dynamic Stripping


ZFS uses variable-sized blocks of up to 128 kilobytes. The currently available code allows the administrator to tune the maximum block size used as certain workloads do not perform well with large blocks. Automatic tuning to match workload characteristics is contemplated. If data compression (LZJB) is enabled, variable block sizes are used. If a block can be compressed to fit into a smaller block size, the smaller size is used on the disk to use less storage and improve IO throughput (though at the cost of increased CPU use for the compression and decompression operations).


In ZFS, file system manipulation within a storage pool is easier than volume manipulation within a traditional file system; the time and effort required to create or resize a ZFS file system is closer to that of making a new directory than it is to volume manipulation in some other systems.

ZFS also uses the ARC, a new method for cache management, instead of the traditional Solaris virtual memory page cache.

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


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Pools and their associated ZFS file systems can be moved between different platform architectures, including systems implementing different byte orders. The ZFS block pointer format stores file system metadata in an endian-adaptive way; individual metadata blocks are written with the native byte order of the system writing the block. When reading, if the stored endianness doesn't match the endianness of the system, the metadata is byte-swapped in memory. This does not affect the stored data itself; as is usual in POSIX systems, files appear to applications as simple arrays of bytes, so applications creating and reading data remain responsible for doing so in a way independent of the underlying system's endianness.


Most file system administration tasks are painful, slow operations that are relatively uncommon. Because these types of tasks are so infrequently performed, they are more prone to errors that can destroy a great amount of data very quickly. Solaris ZFS helps alleviate this problem by automating both common and less frequent administrative tasks. Solaris 10 allow users to designate ZFS as the default file system and easily boot Solaris from a ZFS root file system. Installing Solaris to a ZFS root file system is also possible. Likewise, users can easily migrate UFS root file systems to ZFS root file systems with the Live Upgrade feature. Administering storage is extremely easy, because the design allows administrators to state the intent of their storage policies, rather than all of the details needed to implement them. Creating a file system or performing other administrative activities is very fast less than one second, regardless of size. There is no need to configure (or worse, reconfigure) underlying storage devices or volumes, as this is handled automatically when they are added to a pool. Solaris ZFS also enables administrators to guarantee a minimum capacity for file systems, or set quotas to limit maximum sizes. Administrators can delegate fine-grained permissions to perform ZFS administration tasks to non-privileged users making it easy to deploy ZFS quickly.

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


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This radical new architecture optimizes and simplifies code paths from the application to the hardware, producing sustained throughput at exceptional speeds. New block allocation algorithms accelerate write operations, consolidating what would traditionally be many small random writes into a single, more efficient sequential operation. Additionally, Solaris ZFS implements intelligent pre-fetch, performing read ahead for sequential data streaming, and can adapt its read behavior on the fly for more complex access patterns. To eliminate bottlenecks and increase the speed of both reads and writes, Solaris ZFS stripes data across all available storage devices, balancing I/O and maximizing throughput. And, as disks are added to the storage pool, Solaris ZFS immediately begins to allocate blocks from those devices, increasing effective bandwidth as each device is added. This means system administrators no longer need to monitor storage devices to see if they are causing I/O bottlenecks.


Explicit I/O priority with deadline scheduling. Claimed globally optimal I/O sorting and aggregation. Multiple independent prefetch streams with automatic length and stride detection. Parallel, constant-time directory operations. End-to-end check summing, using a kind of "Data Integrity Field", allowing data corruption detection (and recovery if We have redundancy in the pool). Transparent file system compression. Supports LZJB and gzip Intelligent scrubbing and resilvering. Load and space usage sharing between disks in the pool. Ditto blocks: Metadata is replicated inside the pool, two or three times (according to metadata importance). If the pool has several devices, ZFS tries to replicate if We find bad scenario. over different devices. So a pool without redundancy can lose data sectors, but metadata should be fairly safe even in this

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


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ZFS design (copy-on-write + superblocks) is safe when using disks with write cache enabled, if they support the cache flush commands issued by ZFS. This feature provides safety and a performance boost compared with some systems. other file

When entire disks are added to a ZFS pool, ZFS automatically enables their write cache. This is not done when ZFS only manages discrete slices of the disk, since it doesn't know if other slices are managed by non-write-cache safe file systems, like UFS.

File system encryption is supported, though is currently in a beta stage.

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


Chapter 3


While data security and integrity is paramount, a file system has to perform well. The ZFS designers either removed or greatly increased the limits imposed by modern file systems by using a 128-bit architecture, and by making all metadata dynamic. ZFS further supports data pipelining, dynamic block sizing, intelligent prefetch, dynamic striping, and built-in compression to improve the performance behavior.


Current trends in the industry reveal that the disk drive capacity roughly doubles every nine months. If this trend continues, file systems will require 64-bit addressability in about 10 to 15 years. Instead of focusing on 64-bits, the ZFS designers implemented a 128-bit file system. This implies that the ZFS design provides 16 billion times more capacity than the current 64-bit file systems. According to Jeff Bonwick (ZFS chief architect) "Populating 128-bit file systems would exceed the quantum limits of earthbased storage. We couldn't fill a 128-bit storage pool without boiling the oceans."


In addition to being a 128-bit based solution, the ZFS metadata is 100 percent dynamic. Hence, the creation of new storage pools and file systems is extremely efficient. Only 1 to 2 percent of the write operations to disk are metadata related, which results in large (initial) overhead savings. To illustrate, there are no static inodes, therefore the only restriction to the number of inodes that (theoretically) can be used is the size of the storagepool.

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


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ZFS is a 128-bit file system, so it can address 18 billion billion (1.84 10 19) times more data than current 64-bit systems. The limitations of ZFS are designed to be so large that they would never be encountered, given the known limits of physics. Some theoretical limits in ZFS are:

264 Number of snapshots of any file system 248 Number of entries in any individual directory 16 EiB (264 bytes) Maximum size of a file system 16 EiB Maximum size of a single file 16 EiB Maximum size of any attribute 256 ZiB (278 bytes) Maximum size of any zpool 256 Number of attributes of a file (actually constrained to 248 for the number of files in a ZFS file system) 264 Number of devices in any zpool 264 Number of zpools in a system 264 Number of file systems in a zpool

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ZFS is part of Sun's own Solaris operating system and is thus available on both SPARC and x86-based systems. Since the code for ZFS is open source, a port to other operating systems and platforms can be produced without Sun's involvement. 5.1 OPEN SOALARISIS Open Solaris 2008.05 and 2009.06 use ZFS as their default file system. There are a half dozen 3rd party distributions. Nexenta OS, a complete GNU-based open source operating system built on top of the Open Solaris kernel and runtime, includes a ZFS implementation, added in version alpha1. More recently, Nexenta Systems announced NexentaStor, their ZFS storage appliance providing NAS/SAN/iSCSI capabilities and based on Nexenta OS. NexentaStor includes a GUI that simplifies the process of utilizing ZFS. 5.2 BSD Pawel Jakub Dawidek has ported ZFS to FreeBSD. It is part of FreeBSD 7.x as an experimental feature. Both the 7-stable and the current development branches use ZFS version 13. Moreover, zfsboot has been implemented in both branches. As a part of the 2007 Google Summer of Code a ZFS port was started for NetBSD. 5.3 MAC OS X An April 2006 post on the zfs-discuss mailing list, was the first indication of Apple Inc.'s interest in ZFS, where an Apple employee is mentioned as being interested in porting ZFS to their Mac OS X operating system. In the release version of Mac OS X 10.5, ZFS is available in read-only mode from the command line, which lacks the possibility to create zpools or write to them. Before the 10.5 release, Apple released the "ZFS Beta Seed v1.1", which allowed read-write

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access and the creation of zpools; however the installer for the "ZFS Beta Seed v1.1" has been reported to only work on version 10.5.0, and has not been updated for version 10.5.1

and above. In August 2007, Apple opened a ZFS project on their Mac OS Forge site. On that site, Apple provides the source code and binaries of their port of ZFS which includes read-write access, but does not provide an installer. An installer has been made available by a third-party developer. The current Mac OS Forge release of the Mac OS X ZFS project is version 119 and synchronized with the Open Solaris ZFS SNV version 72 Complete ZFS support was one of the advertised features of Apple's upcoming 10.6 version of Mac OS X Server (Snow Leopard Server). However, all references to this feature have been silently removed; it is no longer listed on the Snow Leopard Server features page. 5.4 Linux Porting ZFS to Linux is complicated by the fact that the GNU General Public License, which governs the Linux kernel, prohibits linking with code under certain licenses, such as CDDL, the license ZFS is released under. One solution to this problem is to port ZFS to Linux's FUSE system so the file system runs in user space instead. A project to do this was sponsored by Google's Summer of Code program in 2006, and is in a bug fix-only state as of March 2009. The ZFS on FUSE project is available here. Running a file system outside the kernel on traditional Unix-like systems can have a significant performance impact. However, NTFS-3G (another file system driver built on FUSE) performs well when compared to other traditional file system drivers. This shows that reasonable performance is possible with ZFS on Linux after proper optimization. Sun Microsystems has stated that a Linux port is being investigated. It is also possible to emulate Linux in a Solaris Zone and thus the underlying file system would be ZFS (though ZFS commands would not be available inside the Linux zone). It is also possible to run the GNU user land on top of an Open Solaris kernel, as done by Nexenta. It would also be possible to reimplement ZFS under GPL as has been done to support other file systems (e.g. HFS and FAT) in Linux. The Btrfs project, which aims to

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


Chapter 5


implement a file system with a similar feature set to ZFS, was merged into Linux kernel 2.6.29 in January 2009.

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department




Capacity expansion is normally achieved by adding groups of disks as a vdev (stripe, RAID-Z, RAID-Z2, or mirrored). Newly written data will dynamically start to use all available vdevs. It is also possible to expand the array by iteratively swapping each drive in the array with a bigger drive and waiting for ZFS to heal itself the heal time will depend on amount of stored information, not the disk size. The new free space will not be available until all the disks have been swapped. It is currently not possible to neither reduce the number of vdevs in a pool nor otherwise reduce pool capacity. However; this functionality is currently under development by the ZFS team. It is not possible to add a disk to a RAID-Z or RAID-Z2 vdev. This feature appears very difficult to implement. We can however create a new RAID-Z vdev and add it to the zpool. We cannot mix vdev types in a zpool. For example, if We had a striped ZFS pool consisting of disks on a SAN, We cannot add the local-disks as a mirrored vdev. Reconfiguring storage requires copying data offline, destroying the pool, and recreating the pool with the new policy. ZFS is not a native cluster, distributed, or parallel file system and cannot provide concurrent access from multiple hosts as ZFS is a local file system. Sun's Lustre distributed file system will adapt ZFS as back-end storage for both data and metadata in version 3.0, which is scheduled to be released in 2010.

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


Chapter 7



It is very simple, in the sense that it concisely expresses the user's intent .It is very powerful as it introduces the pooled storage concepts, snapshots, clones, compression, scrubbing and RAID-Z. It is safe as it detects and corrects silent data corruption. It become very fast by introducing dynamic striping, intelligent pre-fetch, pipelined I/O.By offering data security and integrity, virtually unlimited scalability, as well as easy and automated manageability, Solaris ZFS simplifies storage and data management for demanding applications today, and well into the future.

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department



Solaris ZFS Administration Guide ZFS - FreeBSD Wiki FreeBSD/ZFS - last word in operating/file systems ZFS: A last word in file system

Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Computer Engg. Department


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