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Current Events Term 3

April 2012 Directions: Chose one of the following current events. Summarize and analyze it according to the given One World Perspective. In order to succeed at the highest level on this, your last Current Events assignment ever, review comments from previous assignments, take advantage of the rough draft option and use peer revision. As in the past, the most important part of this assignment is your analysis from the given One World Perspective. Use the guiding questions in each storys box to aid you in that task. Share this with Mr. Erdosy, titled First and Last Name - Current Events 3 Starting Date: April 30th (Work on this during class time, while I am away) Optional Rough Draft: May 4th Due Date: May 14th

Article Choices
Title: Are we about to capture and mine asteroids? Story 1 and Story 2 Accompanying Infographic: Here Guiding Questions: -What are the economic reasons for capturing and mining an asteroid? -In your opinion, how should resources from space be allocated? Who gets what? Can countries, individual, corporations, own objects in space? -In your opinion, is this a path that humanity should pursue? Why or why not?

One World Perspective: Economic

Title: Biomimicry: Can it Improve our Ability to Harness Energy?

Guiding Questions: -Evolution has shaped nature to be efficient. Why is looking to nature for inspiration a good idea when

Current Events Term 3

April 2012 designing methods of energy production? -In what ways could more efficient designs positively impact our environment? One World Perspective: Environment

Title: Does the World Need to Stabilize Population and Cut Consumption?

Guiding Questions -What impacts does an increasing

population have on the environment and the use of resources? -In your opinion, how can our species solve the problems associated with an increasing population?

One World Perspective: Environment

Title: Can Organic Farming Produce Guiding Questions Enough to Feed the World? -What are the pros and cons of organic
and conventional farming? -Are there health benefits associated with organic farming? -Why would someone want to grow or eat food that is certified organic? -In your opinion, what should our species do to ensure that we can grow enough food to support our growing population?

One World Perspective: Health

Title: Study Indicates a Greater Threat from Extreme Weather.

Guiding Questions
-What are the causes of the increased activity of the water cycle? -How will this increase probably effect the environment and the way humans live their lives?

One World Perspective: Environment

Current Events Term 3

April 2012 Title: Can Meat Grown in a Lab Solve the Planets Hunger Woes? Guiding Questions
-What are the positives and negatives associated with growing meat in a laboratory? -What are some of the moral and environmental reasons for doing this? -Would you eat meat grown in a laboratory? -Is this a good way to help solve food issues facing our species?

One World Perspective: Health

1. 2.

Write a properly formatted essay that accomplishes the two goals described below.

Summary of your chosen article. (See Summary, below) Analysis of the topic according to the given One World Perspective, including a treatment of the Guiding Questions. (See Analysis, below)

The summary section of this assignment should be two to three paragraphs. The main idea of the article should be presented, with supporting facts that provide a solid description of the content of the article.

This section must analyze the issue from the given One World perspective. Be sure to address the Guiding Questions specific to each article from the given perspective. Thoroughly discuss the issue and offer a personal judgement or opinion.

Current Events Term 3

April 2012 Format: Introduction: A strong introduction must include an opening statement (hook) followed by some general background information. The last sentence of the introduction must be the thesis statement, which is your main idea. The thesis statement must prepare the reader for what they are about to experience as they read your essay. Body: The body of an essay should be multiple paragraphs. The first two or three will be the summary of the article. The next paragraphs must deal with the analysis of the issue from the One World Perspective. You should use transitions between paragraphs and sections. Conclusion: The conclusion must wrap-up your paper in a way that restates the thesis statement, perhaps in different words, to remind the reader of the main point of your essay. The concluding paragraph is the place to offer your final thoughts on the issue, or a judgment. MLA Format: Your sources must be cited in MLA format. If you do any further research on the topic, you must cite those sources.

Grade 6 Rubrics
Criteria A: One World 1-2: The student does not discuss their article from a One World Perspective or the student makes limited comments on their issue from a One World Perspective. 3-4: The student attempts to discuss the issue from a One World Perspective and addresses most of the points put forth in the Guiding Questions. The student offers a personal judgement or opinion on the issue that is not supported by their summary and analysis. 5-6: The student discusses the article from a One World Perspective effectively. The student thoroughly addresses all of the points put forth by the Guiding Questions. The student offers a personal judgement or opinion that is fully supported by the summary and analysis. Criteria B: Communication in Science

Current Events Term 3

April 2012 1-2: The student briefly states the summary of their article. The student uses a limited range of scientific language correctly. The student communicates scientific ideas with limited effectiveness. The student does not attempt to cite their sources according to MLA format. 3-4: The student satisfactorily summarizes the article. The student uses some scientific language correctly and communicates scientific ideas with some effectiveness. The student attempts to cite their sources according to MLA format. 5-6: The student appropriately summarizes the article. The student uses scientific language correctly almost always and communicates scientific ideas effectively. The student correctly cites their sources according to MLA format.

Grades 7 & 8 Rubrics

Criteria A: One World 1-2: The student states how the content or issue relates to how humans live their lives or how science in conducted in terms of the given One World Perspective. 3-4: The student describes how the content or issue relates to how humans live their lives or how science is conducted in terms of the given One World Perspective, and addresses most of the points put forth in the Guiding Questions. The student offers a personal judgement or opinion on the issue that is not supported by their summary and analysis. 5-6: The student explains and analyses, in depth, how the content or issue relates to how humans live their lives or how science is conducted in terms of the given One World Perspective. The student thoroughly addresses all of the points put forth by the Guiding Questions. The student offers a personal judgement or opinion that is fully supported by the summary and analysis. Criteria B: Communication in Science 1-2: The student describes the content of the article in a summary. The student uses a limited range of scientific language correctly. The student communicates scientific information with limited effectiveness. The student does not cite their sources according to MLA format. 3-4: The student summarizes the content of the article. The student uses most scientific language correctly. The student communicates scientific ideas with some effectiveness. The student attempts to cite their sources in MLA format.

Current Events Term 3

April 2012 5-6: The student offers a very detailed summary. The student uses sufficient scientific language correctly. The student communicates scientific language effectively. The student cites their sources in MLA format.

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