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Llama Reporter

News from the Ministries of Kids Alive International Peru

Fall 2012
I fulfill the role as "Sponsorship Coordinator" here in Peru. I am sure many of you are familiar with o n e o f t h e va r i o u s c h i l d sponsorship organizations and maybe you even have a photo of a fridge. Its been fun to see the "other side" of sponsorship and how it actually affects the kids. I wasn't sure how they would respond to receiving letters from perfect strangers yet they seem to love getting them, and I think a lot of them feel like they "know" their sponsors, especially the ones that write often. One girl has a sponsor who I know personally, which she thinks is SO COOL, and almost every time I see her she asks me about her "Madrina" and if I've talked to her recently. On occasion one of the sponsors will come down to visit their child, and that's a big deal. One time one of the boys' sponsors came to visit, and when he pulled up 5 or 6 of the kids went running into their house to let him know that his "Padrino" was here, they were so excited for him. While the children love getting letters, I would be lying if I said that writing back was their favorite activity. There are a few who enjoy writing letters, and almost all of them enjoy decorating the letters or coloring pictures on them, but like any normal kid I usually have to make them sit down to write a thank you note. I must admit I often feel overwhelmed by this job - I am struggling to balance the work load with my own little ones at home. It's a big job, there are a few hundred sponsors between the different sites and that is a lot of letters to translate. Thankfully, Diane (the awesome wife of our field director), has been helping me a lot as well as a wonderful volunteer from the UK named Anneret, who I am convinced was sent here by God to keep me sane. My favorite part of sponsorship is knowing that these kids have all these people in the U.S., Canada and the UK praying for them. What an amazing gift. That's the best part about the whole thing. Sponsorship is a lot of work, there are a lot of details involved in getting the right letter to the right kid, and having the right kid respond to the right sponsor. Im reminded of its worth when Im translating a letter to Jos from his sponsor, and his sponsor says that they have his photo up and pray for him daily. I love that there are people out there who know Jos and pray for him by name; that correspond with him regularly, and knowing the areas in which he needs prayer are taking those needs to the Father on his behalf. Sometimes when working with the children I'm completely overwhelmed by the obstacles they have to overcome in life. Those are the times when I am so grateful for all of the sponsors out there that are covering our children in prayer. Thank You!! Katie Anderson cute little kiddo hanging on your

Llama Reporter

Coastal Ministries - Lima Juniper Tree Childrens Home

to come to Peru and take your time to get to youth convention. This was a great opportunity know me is something that will mark my life to meet and spend time with other teens. They forever. God put great people in my life at the right had a wonderful time, learning much and growing time. I've learned from you things that probably I in their faith. wouldn't have with just a mom or dad. What God Please dont forget that a great way to help has done in my life I can't stop talking about. He these children is to pray for them and for those In January 1995, Flora Alvarado, along with her little brother, entered the Lima Childrens Home

has been so good to me. We are very pleased for who work in this place. I deeply appreciate your them both and look forward to how God will use support, and pray that God will continue them in the future.

supplying for your needs according to his

glorious riches; I am confident that He will keep (what is now the Juniper Tree) at the age of six. As is custom in our schools, mid-way through blessing your life. Her father had died and her mother struggled with the school year, the students have two weeks of Rubn Effio drug abuse. Flora has grown up into a young vacation. During this time we like to provide the Juniper Tree Director woman who loves the Lord and ended up doing a children with healthy activities and recreation.
year of Bible school at Word of Life in Argentina. This year we planned a short get-away to the While there she met Zach Frey, a student from PA, coast. We divided the children into two groups, who also loves the Lord and wants to do great the girls taking their trip the first week and the things for Him. After Bible school they continued boys the second. They were hosted by a church their relationship and on May 19th of this year they who had put together a fun program for them; consisting of day trips, crafts, sports, movies, tied the knot in PA. Flora shares that, I want to say thank you to and devotionals. all my sponsors and caregivers (moms, aunts, The majority of the teenagers had a different uncles, dads)for being there for me. Your prayers, experience. They traveled to the city of Arequipa, financial help, letters, and some of you, your time in the south of Peru, to participate in a four-day

Oasis Care Center

We have much for which to rejoice in witnessing how God has been providing for our needs, most notably for the construction of the module for our "Moms Helping Moms" program, where they will now enjoy the comfort of having a specific environment designated for their

Moms Helping Moms Testimonies...

I did not attend church before, I only sent my children. Since entering the program my life has changed dramatically. What I like the best is that I now know the Word of God and its truth within us. I have also met other moms, each of us different, and it has been nice to share this time with them. This place has become like a second home to me and I am so happy. Now my partner has asked me to marry him so we are planning a wedding in December. Mariella Victoria I am grateful to God that during this time I have come to know several other mothers with children, each with our problems and how we differ in our thinking. It has helped me realize who I am and how I need to change to be the mom Christ wants me to be. In my time here I've experienced the different areas, such as in the kitchen, with the kids and cleaning. Its hard to put into words what this time has meant to me but I really like that other moms can come and learn and feel what I feel about God. Karina

discipleship workshops, jewelry making I used to be very shy and had no friends, my 3 kids were my whole world. and crafts. Please join with us in praying for our new project, the opening of ou r kindergarten this coming school year (March). This is a project that God placed in our hearts a while ago, with the need to provide quality education for our children, and we are confident that now is the time to progress with its initiation and development. Juan Carlos Del Cuadro Oasis Director When I first came here I learned a lot. I have learned not to judge people, rather, to get to know them. But what excites me most is to know God and who He is. I hope that this program will forever exist and help other moms to come to know God, to help them know that His life changes us and teaches us to be better women, better mothers and better wives.

Llama Reporter

Jungle Ministries - Pucallpa Mission TEC Care Center

We are extremely happy to report that, after This summer has been filled with activity with A Sacrificial Love and a Little Hero...

3 months of rest and recuperation, Santiago* five teams visiting us here in Pucallpa at different One night about a week ago tragedy struck one has made a full recovery from the accident that times over the past three months. It was great to of the families with whom we work. A fire burned fractured his foot in four places. Thank you to have a short term team from Azusa Pacific their house to the ground leaving them with next

all who have remembered Santiago in your University join us again for four weeks. It was an to nothing and almost taking a precious little life prayers during this difficult time for him. We opportune time for them to experience all facets from us as well. From a recent visit to the hospital and love for our Lord Jesus Christ through the glimpse of what it is like to be a missionary in this that during the fire, the reason JC* wasso badly rejoice as we have seen him grow in his faith of the ministry here with the kids and catch a it was very touching to hear from the lead nurse uncertainty of truly having full use of his limb - part of the world. We also had three service teams burned was because, although their 13 year old talents on the football field once again.

even more so as we are now able to watch his join us from Riverside Community Church, Chicago brother escaped during the fire, JC stayed until he He, along with approximately 300 kids Hall UMC in MD. Apparently, when the fire began, the mother

IL; Fellowship Bible Church, Tucson AZ; and Rock rescued his little brother from the flames.

from the surrounding villages, will be Our second group of short termers coincided simply couldn't wake the two younger boys and participating in Calichines (Little League) this with our Camp TEC 2012. Zion Church from fled with her baby daughter to safety. JC risked year. Teams of nine come to compete in both Millersville, PA was with us again to help keep his lifeto savehis brother's. Football and Volleyball every Friday and camp running smoothly. Our plans for camp were Thank you to those who have come to the aid

Saturday night during the months of September almost put asunder due to the possibility of the of JC and his family. We are currently evaluating ongoing for almost 30 years.

and October, an outreach that has been teens having to recuperate classes lost through a how we can best help, as well as seeking to get

Pray with us that this event will be of were able to go ahead with our plans and the our current teaching of being Christs hands and encouragement to these kids and their families camp went off without a hitch. It was an feet to those in need around us. during this time and that we will be able to encouraging time of great teaching, and due to all Please pray for provisions for their home, for strengthen relationships with those in our the crazy activities the teens left wanting to know its rebuilding, for the continued healing of both the dates of Camp TEC 2013!! community. Emma Rivero boys' burns and mom's hand, but also the emotional trauma they are experiencing as a It is encouraging to see the new house come to its conclusion and to have the keys in hand!! We look forward with anticipation as we press on to the next stages in the process of opening for operation. We are currently working on the fence that surrounds the property and actively looking for those who will take on the different roles within the Home. It will certainly be great to see kids in the place receiving the care they need. family at this time. Jos Chacon

teachers strike, however at the last minute we the local community involved. It fits perfectly with

Childrens Home

Llama Reporter

Mountain Ministries - Andahuaylas Friends of Peru Childrens Home

Something unexpected happened here at the Home Some really big news is that we have two new boys this summer... For more than two months the teachers in at the Home, Bento* and Javier*. Bento doesnt know his Peru were on strike.That in of itself is not unusual, but dad, and his mom does not want to care for him. Javiers things did get a little tense toward the end. It was then family lives in extreme poverty in a small mountain town that the authorities had to implement the use of tear gas where he has no access to school, so he is living with his to disperse the crowds, a couple of the canisters actually dad in the valley to be able to attend classes. Please pray managed to make their way onto the Home property. with us as they begin to know and learn about Jesus. Obviously the kids were a bit scared, some feeling the Another big prayer request is that we would be able effects of the gas, but all was fine and they calmed down to purchase a large vehicle with which to transport the

once they realized that everything was OK. Even through kids. We have a generous supporter who will match every missing classes it has been somewhat of a blessing as dollar up to $7,500, with our goal being around weve been able to spend more time with the children; $15,000. teaching them English, doing devotions, having times of worship and playing hard. were here in July. It was truly a blessing to have you Praise God for His protection over us, especially serve with us. Giannina Posner through times such as these!! A big thanks to the team from Moraga Valley who

Wish List...
Furnishings for MHMs New Space - Moms Helping Moms, Oasis Care Center, Lima Plumbing/Bathroom Fixtures - Friends of Peru Childrens Home, Andahuaylas Construction Materials - Small Garage at Mission TEC, Pucallpa Construction Materials - Closets for 4 kids (x6 bedrooms), Juniper Tree, Lima Child sponsorships (Monthly) - Mission TEC Care Center, Pucallpa More Volunteer/Work Teams - All sites, Peru $ 800.00 $1500.00 $ 500.00 $ 900. 00 $ 35. 00

Directors Deliberations
This service that you perform is not only

* Names have been changed to protect their privacy

once described sponsorship as the lifeblood of over 100 every day at the Oasis Care Center. Kids Alive. Without the generous and faithful Lord willing, we will start a childrens home very

supplying the needs giving of child sponsors and other donors soon in Pucallpa and take new children into our of God's people but is supplying the needs of Kids Alive in Peru we homes in Andahuaylas and Lima. We need even also overflowing in would be unable to rescue and raise orphaned, more child sponsors in order to accomplish this. many expressions of abandoned and abused children, in order to let If you are already a regular donor, our hearts

The ministries here are growing. Over 200 of one of Gods precious little people? Mike Fietje about the cheerful and generous giver. Someone kids come to the TEC Care Center every week, This verse comes at the end of the passage

thanks to God. them know the good news of Jesus Christ and overflow with thankfulness to God for you. If you in turn be able to share this hope with others. are not, would you consider supplying the needs 2 Cor. 9:12

Interested in rescuing a ch ild?

Become a ch ild sponsor! Contact us...

In the US:

2507 Cumberland Drive, Valparaiso, IN 46383 Telephone: 1(800) KIDS-330 e-mail: Web:

In Canada: 55 Fleming Drive, Unit 2, Cambridge, ON N1T 2A9 Telephone: (519) 624-9406 e-mail: Web:

Llama Reporter

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