Urban Spectrum Article, November 2012

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Continued from page 9 Rep. Dave Young sought a pilot program to integrate reading skills and technical education.

No one testified against the bill, but all the Republicans voted against it anyway. Rep. Dan Pabon tried to prevent employers from posting job openings specifically barring the unemployed from applying. Republicans seemed to think fairness should not be part of the job market, and they killed the bill on a party-line vote. Rep. Andy Kerrs bill would have encouraged more visits from out-of-state tourists, creating more jobs for Coloradans. Republicans killed it on a party-line vote. Rep. Dickey Lee Hullinghorst tried to put a $500,000 cap on tax credits to any single claimant in a state-designated enterprise zone. The EZ system has become bloated and inefficient, with huge subsidies going to companies which dont need them. The savings from her bill would have gone to other more productive economic development programs. But no another party-line knockdown. Rep. Max Tyler wanted to invest $300,000 in the state Small Business Development Center system, which gives advice to startup companies. SBDCs give the biggest bang for the buck of any state eco-devo program. Republicans killed the bill on a partyline vote. Reps. Lee and Hullinghorst had a related bill to provide state eco-devo assistance to small and medium companies, modeled on a highly successful, homegrown program launched by the city of Littleton. There was no opposition testimony, but not a single Republican voted for the bill. Im not going to claim that if all these bills had passed, Colorados unemployment rate would be cut in half. But I am 100 percent sure that with these bills the state jobless rate, now at 8.0 percent, would have had a positive impact. Time after time, Republicans ideological opposition to any government involvement in job creation drove them to vote against practical measures that would have helped connect Coloradans to good jobs. Id say that todays Republican Party has amply demonstrated that they are out of touch with the concerns of average Colorado families. Id say the Republicans deserve some time in the minority to rethink their priorities. Editors note: Crisanta Duran represents House District 5 in downtown Denver.

Todays Republican Party Out Of Touch

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he Global Down Syndrome Foundation (GDSF) held its fourth Be Beautiful, Be Yourself Jet Fashion Show in October. It is such an exceptional event that folks like singing sensation Natasha Beddingfield, the legendary Quincy Jones, and Academy Award winning actor and musician Jamie Foxx were not even the biggest superstars of the event. The true stars were the 27 youth models with Down syndrome who strode down the runwaytheir beauty emanating from the purest joy youve ever seen. Proceeds from the fashion show support research and treatment advances for those living with Down syndrome. This year, $1.5 million dollars was raised, all to support the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, located on the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora. The millions of dollars we have raised have helped build the Linda Crnic Institute into a national model of cooperative science and have put pressure on the National Institutes of Health to invest more federal money in research, says Michelle Sie Whitten, Executive Director of GDSF. From an awareness and fundraising perspective, the Global Down Syndrome Foundation and the institute and care it supports is changing the paradigm and breaking all sorts of records. The outreach alone is extraordinary. It is very clear to our supporters that this is not only about Down syndrome but about discrimination, equality, human and civil rights, and believing that diversity of ability is part of a broader spectrum. Advocating for the rights of individuals with Down syndrome became a personal mission when Whittens daughter, Sophia, now 9, was born with the disorder. I have met some of the most amazing people because of my daughter, Whitten states. Quincy Jones is one of those amazing people who has become a partner in the mission. Jones was a friend of Whittens father, John Sie, international businessman, philanthropist, and former CEO of the Starz Entertainment. Sie invited Jones to

By Angelle C. Fouther

Denver Urban Spectrum www.denverurbanspectrum.com November 2012

she lives with Foxx along with her father and another brother and sister in Los Angeles. Dixon, a jubilant young woman of 28, with more personality than three, writes poetry and has received multiple medals in the Special Olympics. She also loves to travel and is proud to have been to all four of the Be Beautiful events. It makes me happy that they want me to come back, she smiles. I inspire others. I am beautiful and talented, she says without a hint of self Actor Luke Zimmerman and DeOndra Dixon consciousness. She really lights up when talking about big brothQuincy Jones er, Jamie. Dixon, who appeared in Foxxs video, Blame it on the Alcohol, says the two often engage in dance-offs at home. Jamie loses all the time, she says giggling. All he does is oldschool. I am all hip hop. Im the best. Although Foxx, who has appeared at Be Beautiful in prior years, was unable to attend this time, due to being delayed on set in Canada with his upcoming movie, he was present via a warm and funny videotaped message. Show mogul, who has been a life-long advo- em what you got, he encouraged cate of childrens causes, met Sophia DeOndra in his closing remarks. as a baby, he fell in love. He was And show em was exactly what named the first International she did. She modeled to a joyfully Spokesman in 2009 at the inaugural receptive crowd, and also received the fashion show, and has returned for the 2012 Quincy Jones Exceptional event each year since. Advocacy Award along with Luke I come back for the people, Jones Zimmerman, who stars on The Secret exclaims. These are the most loving Life of the American Teenager. people youd ever want to meet. Just By any account, this event has a pure love. magical recipe family, a great cause, Jones encourages people to get past local and international celebrities, whatever differences they perceive in models, fashion, and incredible music. people with Down syndrome. Live But what is most awe-inspiring is the with them, get to know them, he resounding message: that beauty rises shares. They are bright. He above ones fashion status, health, describes one time at the event when size, or ethnicity. he was on the dance floor with about Quincy Jones, who has traveled the 17 youth. They took me out, Jones world many times over, and who has laughs. I thought the kids would be worked with greats such as Ray shy. Was I ever wrong. The first time I Charles, Frank Sinatra, and Michael met DeOndra, she told me I am a Jackson, says it best: You can never star. live from the outside in. Not one drop DeOndra (Dixon) is the sister of of my self worth is determined by Jamie Foxx. Named as the 2011 Be your acceptance of me. Beautiful, Be Yourself Ambassador, What a great reminder to us all. engage with the Foundation to help raise awareness. When the music

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