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Data Quality

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Asia Pacific

5 - 7 March 2013 : Citigate Central Sydney, Australia


Bringing the Data Quality and MDM World to You

Presented by Ark Group Australia and The International Association for Information and Data Quality

A Must See Speaker Line Up!

Entries are open for United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Switzerland) DQ APAC Award 2013 World Trade Organisation (Switzerland) University of Arkansas at Little Rock (USA) Walgreens (USA) Singapore Post (Singapore) SBI General Insurance (India) Sinclair Knight Merz (Australia) PAST AWARD WINNERS Accor - 2010 Telstra (Australia) ACT Health - 2011 SBI General Insurance Company - 2012 ANZ (Australia) SA Water (Australia) University of New South Wales (Australia) Lane Cove Council (Australia)

Interactive Features

Media Partner
Game of Data Data Quality Troubleshooting Panel - Your answers customised!


Data Quality

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Asia Pacific


Ark Group is proud to bring you DQ Asia Pacific: From Geek to Chic. Ark Group has undertaken extensive research and collaborated with data management practitioners and Welcome industry professionals to ensure that the direction and content of each presentation will The Data Quality Asia Pacific Congress is one of the most prestigious and admired events on data quality and MDM. provide you withbeen running useful information and focus is not strategiesmany attend, but on WHO is DQ Asia Pacific has real value annually since 2005, and our effective just to have to implement within Australia attending. your organisation. Our international keynote presenters and practitioner case studies will show how enterprises We do this by bringing in expert speakers in data quality and MDM from around the world, to bring you up to date can use data to improve organisational efficiencies, drivemanagement, effective data governance, new information on managing unstructured and complex data, master data competitive advantage, improve innovations compliance and communicating about data quality across your organisation. regulatory and technologies and produce strong returns; while sponsor sessions will also take a case study approach in illustrating functional methods that theyve applied to specific client situations.

Interactive Features
We want to bring to the forefront the pinnacle of data quality within our region by recognising those who are leading the field through innovation and best practice.

Game of Data
This year, we have introduced a new interactive challenge to the Data Quality Asia Pacific Congress; a Game of Data. This challenge is designed to encourage networking and collaboration, and to test your intellect and problem solving skills. Andrew McAlindon (Enterprise Information Manager, SA Water), will present a problem to the Congress, based on SA Waters data quality practices. We challenge the delegates of the Congress to solve this problem in teams, and put together a solution in just one day. Three finalists will be chosen to present their solutions to the Congress, and Andrew will select the winning team. The winners will be crowned the Game of Data Champions for 2013. Are you up to the challenge?

Data Quality Asia Pacific Award 2013

The Data Quality Asia Pacific Award (DQ APAC Award) aims to recognise outstanding achievements in the field of data quality, promote the principles that define the discipline and highlight emerging trends. The Award is also designed to increase the awareness and importance of the discipline as a key business consideration within the Asia-Pacific region.

Past Winners and Participants for the Data Quality Asia Pacific Award 2010 - 2012
AWARD WINNERS Accor - 2010 ACT Health - 2011 SBI General Insurance Company - 2012 FINALISTS National E-Health Transition Authority - 2010 Telstra - 2011 Shell - 2012

Interested in submitting your project or intitiave for 2013? For more information please contact or call +61 1300 550 662

Data Quality Troubleshooting Panel - Your answers customised!

This session gives delegates the chance to receive expert advice on their data quality issues. The panel will answer questions sent in by delegates in the lead up to the Congress live on stage. More details are available on the Congress programme.

IAIDQ General Meeting - Networking and accreditation opportunities.

All are invited to attend this meeting to get the latest update on IAIDQ activities including the IQ certification. You will also meet IAIDQ members and others who are interested in the association, and network with others who share a keen interest in information quality.
General Meeting

IAIDQ leaders will present a brief overview of 2013 goals and solicit your input and ideas for future plans. Add your voice to the conversation. Attendees will receive a copy of the IQ/DQ Job Analysis report that provided the basis for the IQ certification.

Data Quality

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Asia Pacific


DAY ONE Tuesday, 5 March 2013


8.30 9.00 9.15

Registration and refreshments Chairpersons opening remarks What have we learned about information and data quality in the last 25 years?

DQ Asia Pacific Award

Ark Group and IAIDQ are proud to present the Third Annual DQ Asia Pacific Award. The Data Quality Asia Pacific Award (DQ APAC Award) aims to recognise outstanding achievements in the field of data quality, promote the principles that define the discipline and highlight emerging trends. This session will feature presentations by this years finalists, selected by an expert panel of IAIDQ members. Data Quality Asia Pacific Award 2013 Finalist #1 Data Quality Asia Pacific Award 2013 Finalist #2 2.30 Improving data quality to support consistency and quality of official statistics: A United Nations Conference on Trade and development case study Reconciling data from different sources The challenges of working with various international organisations Developing principles, guidelines and tools to improve the quality of released statistics Lessons learned in improving statistics quality: whats worked, what hasnt Henri Laurencin, Head Development Statistics and Information Branch, Division on Globalization and Development Strategies, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) 3.15

The sometimes disparate views on what comprises information and data quality are beginning to converge and an outline of the body of knowledge and skills is now emerging. This session discusses: A brief history of information and data quality practice What has evolved as the core principles of information quality Information quality as an academic discipline The domains of knowledge and skills that the context for the Information Quality Certified Professional (IQCP) credential

Dr. John R. Talburt, IQCP, CDMP, Professor of Information Science, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Game of Data: The Beginning

Case study: Establishing a data governance program at SA Water

Delegates will be led through the Game of Data rules and the problem question to solve, based on the case study from SA Water. We challenge the delegates of the Congress to solve this problem in teams, and put together a solution in just one day. Three teams will be chosen as finalists to present their solutions to the Congress. The winners will be crowned the Game of Data Champions for 2013. Are you up to the challenge?

Game of Data: Working session

Delegate teams will have the chance to work on their Game of Data solutions.

Andrew McAlindon, Enterprise Information Manager, SA Water

10.30 Game of Data: Working session Delegate teams will have the chance to work on their Game of Data solutions Morning refreshments and networking Partner Presentation Where does bad data come from?

3.30 4.00

Afternoon refreshments and networking

10.45 11.15 11.45

Data Quality Trouble Shooting Panel: Ask the experts This session gives delegates the chance to receive expert advice on their data quality issues. The panel will answer questions sent in by delegates in the lead up to the Congress live on stage.

Alan Duncan, Director of Data Governance, University of New South Wales Mike Jennings, Director, Data Governance Enterprise Architecture, Walgreens Nonna Milmeister, General Manager, Data Management Centre of Excellence, Telstra
5.00 5.15 Chairpersons closing remarks and end of day one IAIDQ General Meeting: Open to all

Like factories that pollute waterways, river systems and lakes, is it all upstream and do we only discover it when the fish in the lakes go belly up?

When data is created, transformed, stored, manipulated,

transferred When data is used is it fit for purpose? What about perspective variable data quality determined by multiple users for multiple uses What of Big Data? Bad Big Data; Big Bad Wolf? Making the distinction between data and information and the effect of badness on both Are data quality issues our lens to broken business processes?

Mark Bands, Head of Global Customer Reference Data, ANZ

12.30 Networking lunch

Data Quality

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Asia Pacific




DAY TWO Wednesday, 6 March 2013

2.15 Winner of the: Data Quality Asia Pacific Award 2012: Update Hear a short presentation from SBI General Insurance, the winner of the 2012 Award, about where theyre at now.

8.30 9.00 9.15

Registration and refreshments Chairpersons opening remarks Global Supply Chains: implications of business statistics for trade statisticians and (inter)national accounts

Challenges of global supply chains for policy makers and Filling the data gap: promoting a closer integration of trade Addressing differences in objective, coverage and methods
between the various communities of business, trade and national account statisticians On-going projects aimed at integrating business and trade perspectives into a common framework Hubert Escaith, Chief Statistician, World Trade Organisation 10.00 Partner Presentation TBA 10.30 11.00 Morning refreshments and networking Maximizing data as an enterprise asset to improve business results and business statistics trade statisticians


Data Quality Asia Pacific Award 2013: Finals Presentation The Data Quality Asia Pacific Award (DQ APAC Award) aims to recognise outstanding achievements in the field of data quality, promote the principles that define the discipline and highlight emerging trends. The IAIDQ will present the Data Quality Asia Pacific Award 2013 Winner and Runner Up.

3.00 3.30

Afternoon refreshments and networking

Game of Data: the End Game

Delegates will hear solutions to SA Waters Game of Data problem question from the three finalist teams. The winning team will be chosen by Andrew McAlindon from SA Water, and will be crowned the Game of Data Champions 2013. Andrew McAlindon, Enterprise Information Manager, SA Water

Leveraging the vast data available across Walgreens for Developing an Enterprise Data Governance Program to
manage the quality, consistency, usability, security, accessibility, and availability of enterprise data in the organisation to make effective business decisions How the Enterprise Data Governance program has allowed Walgreens to fully manage its corporate data as an enterprise asset Mike Jennings, Director, Data Governance Enterprise Architecture, Walgreens 11:45 Managing data in a complex world: 4,000 projects worth $2BN 4.00 continued growth and success

Mapping and managing spatial data: a local government case study Developing a geographic information system Building and maintaining spatial data sets Improving mapping services and the mapping system Jonathan Roach, Geographic Information Systems Administrator, Lane Cove Council Chairpersons closing remarks and end of the congress


Governance revisited: What does governance actually Avoiding governance pitfalls lessons learnt from the Nuances of engineering and construction project delivery
Scott Jerome, Application Owner DMCA, Sinclair Knight Merz
frontline mean?

12.30 1.30

Networking lunch Establishing a strategy for Enterprise MIS

SingPosts journey towards transformation MIS in the past and reshaping the MIS landscape Strategy, implementation and business buy in Issues with data quality and how they have been addressed Collaboration between information services and business Expanding the MIS footprint to support enterprise
Harish Mahadevan, Senior Manager, Enterprise Data Management, Singapore Post Limited

Choose one morning workshop
Workshop A:
Registration: Workshop starts: Workshop ends: Facilitated by:



DAY THREE Thursday, 7 March 2013 - Morning Workshops

Introduction to entity resolution and strategies for identity management for MDM
8:30am 9:00am 12:00pm Dr. John R. Talburt, IQCP, CDMP, Professor of Information Science, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

The inability to properly integrate the same information coming from multiple sources is one of the leading causes of poor data quality in an organisation. Whether it is the failure to recognize the same customer making transactions through different sales channels or to aggregate sales of the same product, the negative impact on business can be significant. This tutorial provides an introduction to current practices for data matching, record linking, and identity management etc. that are foundational to building an effective strategy to improve data integration and managing master data. Major topics include: Four major types of entity resolution architectures Creating and analysing matching rules for record linking Strengths and weaknesses of commonly used approximate match algorithms Resolution algorithms and strategies for improving performance How to maintain persistent master data identifiers Evaluating and monitoring entity resolution results

Workshop B:

Data quality in the financial services industry

8:30am 9:00am 12:00pm Mark Bands, Head of Global Customer Reference Data, ANZ

Registration: Workshop starts: Workshop ends: Facilitated by:

With the convergence of business-driven needs, the demands of the trending armada of compliance and regulatory reform and the increasing global distribution of commercial activities, the necessity for timely, complete and accurate data (quality data) has never been greater or more at the forefront of the executive conscience. Unfortunately these forces have placed a multi-million-lumen spotlight on the systemic lack of data quality in the financial services industry. With the US directed drive to market transparency and financial stability monitoring, the Office of Financial Research recently noted that without access to quality data, financial research is like a theory without facts. The focus of this workshop will be on: Definition of data related best practice for the financial services industry The gaps between theory and reality What we can / must do to close those gaps Providing facts through managing data as part of a business supply chain Developing technological enablement Widening the deployment of data standards

Workshop C:

Data Quality in the Public Sector = Data Questions, Data Answers

8:30am 9:00am 12:00pm James Dawson, Senior Consutltant, Intelligent Thinking

Registration: Workshop starts: Workshop ends: Facilitated by:

The public sector is under pressure to perform with tighter budget restrictions, downsizing and the current trend of selling public assets to the private sector. Companies also operate in a global and highly competitive market while governments are setting higher expectations on compliance, accountability and transparency for all. This workshop will cover: How to create an appropriate (in context) definition of data quality and why it is important to have such a definition Methods for detection, correction and prevention How to create, sell and market the data quality plan in the organisation Select case studies - what were the problems, what approaches were used, what were the results?

Choose one afternoon workshop
Workshop D: SharePoint and data quality
Registration: Workshop starts: Workshop ends: Facilitated by:



DAY THREE Thursday, 7 March 2013 - Afternoon Workshops

12:30 pm 1:00 pm 4:00 pm Slava Gorbunov, SharePoint Specialist, Wylde Solutions

SharePoint is a popular solution for business collaboration. It is very flexible, scalable and allows easy integration with other systems in the organisation. But all those benefits may bring information chaos, poor data quality and frustration if the SharePoint solution was not properly architected, if there are no governance and compliance policies in place and if there is lack of technical resources. So when we do information architecture properly, implement governance, integrate different important systems into common user interface provided by SharePoint - we will see increase in efficiency, user satisfaction, data quality and return on investment. In this workshop you will learn: SharePoint information architecture principles A governance approach Ways to integrate SharePoint with external systems The business intelligence side of SharePoint Benefits and limitations of some key features of SharePoint platform

Workshop E:

Building a Business Intelligence Function from Scratch: SingPosts 12 Month Journey

12:30 pm 1:00 pm 4:00 pm Victor Barrero, Assistant Vice President, Singapore Post

Registration: Workshop starts: Workshop ends: Facilitated by:

The information-driven digital era demands traditional businesses to transform or become obsolete. In this context, Singapore Post embarked in a transformation journey to manage and grow the business based on business intelligence. This workshop will share and discuss some of the key learning of his 12 month journey setting up the business performance practice at Singapore Post. Through situational cases, the workshop will illustrate the roadblocks encountered as well as the success factors during SingPosts business intelligence journey. The examples and content will revolve around: People and culture: the critical role played by the companys culture and team members on a transformation effort Processes and practices: the key processes that come into play during a transformation effort and how to avoid common roadblocks Infrastructure and technology: how business intelligence projects depend and rely on existing infrastructure, and the implications in the project success and scoping

The workshop is intended to be a dynamic session where the participants will also provide their views and ideas on SingPosts journey. Workshop participants will be challenged to brainstorm and analyse managerial challenges from different standpoints. This will be particularly fruitful session for anyone participating or driving transformation initiatives in their organisation.

Workshop F:

Maximising value of your information assets: Creating and maintaining the Information Asset Register
12:30 pm 1:00 pm 4:00 pm Alan Duncan, Director of Data Governance, University of New South Wales

Registration: Workshop starts: Workshop ends: Facilitated by:

This workshop will equip you with the understanding of key factors associated with a successful organisational approach to Information Asset Management, and focuses on practical methods and processes of building and maintaining the Information Asset Register as building-block for maximising business value: Key topics include: What do we mean by Information as an Asset? What do I need to include in the Information Asset Register? Who needs to be accountable for information? How does the Information Asset Management process work? How do I measure the value of an Information Asset? What other Information Management best-practices do I need to be aware of?

For more information on the workshops please contact Ark Group Australia on or call +61 1300 550 662

bookinG ContaCt DEtails (PlEasE Print):

orGanisation namE

Postal aDDrEss



Workshops Congress



Given name
Delegate 1 Delegate 2 Delegate 3 Delegate 4 Delegate 5 Delegate 6 Delegate 7 Delegate 8


Job title

Email address

A, B, C

D, E, F

oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo

+ + + + + + + +

I have read and accepted the booking conditions


Book before 18 January 2013 and receive 15% off, making the event $2205.75 + GST = $2426.33 Book before 15 February 2013 and receive 10% off, making the event $2335.50 plus GST = $2569.05

Please note: Payment must be received in full prior to the event to guarantee your place

o Mastercard Card number

o Visa

o American Express

Expiry date Cardholders name Cardholders signature o Payment enclosed (Cheques should be made payable to Ark Group Australia Pty Ltd) o Please invoice me
Booking conditions
1. Bookings can be submitted at any stage prior to the event, subject to availability. A limited allocation is being held and booking early is therefore recommended. In the event of the booking not being accepted by Ark Group Australia the total amount will be refunded. 2. Payment must be received in full prior to the course. 3. All speakers are correct at the time of printing, but are subject to variation without notice. 4. If the delegate cancels after the booking has been accepted, the delegate will be liable to the following cancellation charges: Cancellations notified over 45 days prior to the event will not incur a cancellation fee. In the event of a cancellation being between 45 and 30 days prior to the event, a 20% cancellation fee will be charged. For cancellations received less than 30 days prior to the event, the full delegate rate must be paid and no refunds will be available. All bookings submitted by e-mail, fax, or over the telephone are subject to these booking conditions. All cancellations must be received in writing. Ark Group Australia will not be held liable for circumstances beyond their control which lead to the cancellation or variation of the programme. All bookings, whether Australian or overseas will be charged Australian GST at the prevailing rate at the time of booking. Delegates are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and visa requirements. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Standard Pricing for Three-day International learning and networking event $2595 plus gst = $2854.50

Group Bookings
5-10 Delegates: 25% off standard (no other discounts allowed): $1946.25 plus gst for each event place. 11 + Delegates: 30% off standard (no other discounts allowed): $1816.50 plus gst for each event place.

Event venue and accommodation details Conference/Exhibition venue

Citigate Central, Sydney

169-179 Thomas Street Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 9281 6888

We occasionally allow reputable companies to mail details of products we feel may be of interest. If you do not wish to receive this service, please tick this box q


5 Ways to book your PlaCE at DQ asia PaCiFiC:

to sponsor and exhibit at DQ asia Pacific, contact bhuwan rai, sponsorship manager Phone 1300 550 662 or email

PhonE: +61 1300 550 662 Fax: Send the completed registration form to +61 1300 550 663 Email: WEb: Post: Send the completed registration form to Ark Group Australia Pty Ltd, Main level, 83 Walker Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060

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