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The russian American

By: Larry Gore

Modern Space Race

One small step for man and one giant step for mankind. These where the words of Neil Armstrong when he landed on the moon. There were many great achievements during this time period. The Russians where the first to get to space, and the Americans where the first to reach the moon. All of this great achievement started as dreams, they where all hopes, imaginations, and fictional stories, but they eventually became realities. My dream is to build a space shuttle that can travel as far as Neptune which is about 2.68 billon miles away. Both of my cultures went to space in the 1970s it would be great honor to represent Russian Americans all across the United States. If I can achieve my dream I would do a great thing for both my cultures. It would be a new step for mankind; once two countries at war, now fused together by one person to reach a great achievements for all of humanity. I have a great passion for space. Ive always loved space the vast universe; always wondering whats out there. There are many questions that come to my mind when I think about the vast unknown, like how many plants exist in the universe? Or, Are we the only forms of life in the universe? Questions like those always keep me wondering, they make me feel like we should always explore the black unknown. I guess this makes me have a passion for adventure too. It is one thing to discover something, but to go and discover it with your own eyes is a whole lot more. It would be amazing to see the rings of Saturn or the beautiful color of Neptune. My passion for Space and adventure drives to try hard in life and study hard in school. Im also driven by those who inspire me. I am inspired by great successors like Neil Armstrong, the Apollo 11 team, sputnik 1, and most of the entire soviet space program. My 1

people where the first to go to space and they were the first of making transportation possible to reach space. This inspires me to build a rocket because I would be able to combine both of my cultures, my Russian culture and my American culture. If I was successful at building a rocket it would be a monumental moment once two cultures going head to head now working together to reach the far distance of the galaxy. For me to build a rocket and fly to space is an event of great proportion. Those are the people and things that inspire me to complete my dream. My dream will not be easy to achieve. The Apollo 11 and the sputnik 1 took years to complete lots of time and work was put into those achievements, my dream will equally as hard and time consuming. The first thing I need to do is finish high-school. Then I need to go to university. I will need to take a variety of science and math crosses. When I get my degree in (fill in blank). After that I plan on working for Naas. There I will need to talk to the supervisors about building such rocket that way they can invest money and hopefully I will complete the goal in my life time. During the time period I will be working for Naas I will be doing my own personal projects to help me achieve my dream. If all else fails I will do my best to set the stage for the next generation of scientist. My dream will be achieved one day and if not in my life maybe my sons or grandsons. There are humans who always ask questions who always wonder what is beyond mankind to discover that they set sail on a journey to space they find ways to reach and then travel to those places. As a society of advanced being we will never stop exploring the vast unknown. My dream is just one small step for mankind process in discover the universe.

Communicators of the world

Talking is important. Its important because it is the way you communicate with other people. Each language is a code made up of different sounds to form words and each of those words have a meaning to something. Each culture has its own language, sometimes the sounds and words can be completely different. Other times the change can be in dialect. Communication is key to stay in touch with the world. Speaking Russian with my family is an important way to preserve my culture. Language is just a form of communication. It helps to know two because it make you more knowledgeable of the world. The great thing about knowing two languages is it will help you out in life and school. Sure Russian is mostly spoken in former USSR countries but in all those countries they have different dialects. One time my great grandma fell. My grandma and great grandma dont speak English so I had to call 911 and talk to the paramedics and firemen all by myself and I was only 8 at the time. Having a 2nd language is only going to help you succeed in school and life. Also I had a thought what happens if the skill I study on in collage wont have any available jobs, money is always needed so what do I do? Well I can work as a translator I will be able to communicate with people that are fluent in one language or I can work for the military as a translator and from what I heard being a translator pays well. Thats why its important to my family that I am educated in two languages. Keeping in touch with my culture is important. Although there arent many Russians in Stockton. There are a lot of Russian speaking people in big city. My family came from San Jose in 2007. In San Jose there is a major Russian speaking community. My mom and grandma specialized in cosmetology they always had Russian clients. I remember I would always talk to

them. Then my mom side of the family lived right next door to us. When we use to spend time together we always spoke Russian we usually had a big Russian meal. I never really liked my cultures food but I was always good at learning and speaking Russian so I can stay connected with my relatives. Passing my communication skills on is important to my family. I want my children to know Russian. Its the best form of cultural knowledge I can pass on to them. Plus I want them to be knowledgeable and be good communicators. The way I would teach my kids is by going over the basics I would make sure they know both languages the way when the go to school they are fluent in Russian and English. I want them to be great communicators so they will be able to voice there opinion and be self-spoken. Its important for everyone in my family to be communicative. It has proven to be very helpful in the past. Not just for my family the Russian American community as a whole. Knowing two languages sets me up for a bright future and it will help me succeed in life. The only thing I hope for is for my children to continue to be great communicators like my family.

A life without freedom is a life not worth living

Im proud to be an American! I am American bread by a diverse culture. I am mainly Russian, but I was born here so I follow a lot of American traditions. A true American is someone who someone who believes in the principles that thin country was founded upon, such as the constitution and the Declaration of independence. As a true American its important to believe in your rights especially compared the other countries where there rights are limited. My parents came from a communist society they thought me to hold proud the rights I have. In their country they were always censored from the truth. One time my dad told me a story of how his government always spread propaganda among the people. For example when they watched the Olympic games on T.V the news anchors always said that the Russian team won, but un reality the didnt. Compared to the former Soviet Union we have freedom of press people here could express the truth or there opinions. Thats why it important to understand our right. So we never lose them. Our rights are so simple, so vague that we are able to express ourselves in any way we want. In a lot of countrys they dont have the rights of our first amendment. In countries like Saudi Arabia they are only able to practice one religion which is Muslim. If they are seen practicing a different religion they are usually taken to jail or treated very badly by most officials. Here you are allowed to be any religion you want you work with other people with the same belief to form strong communities like churches, or temples. The thing is most people are born and there parents are a certain religion so in the past those people would follow in there 5

parents footsteps. In America you can be whatever you want. You can be Jewish, Muslim, or atheist and when you express your religion you are not judged or told by your government what you should do. Our rights give us so much freedom that America makes the worlds greatest inventors and ontropunoers. It makes people form passions for certain careers. For example Bill Gates and Steve Jobs both started in there garages building computers. They created the two biggest high tech companies in the world. This country give people have the power to create, you can create and sell anything you want with minimal government limitations. That why our rights are important we have the least limitations in our market. There is one hidden right that our founding fathers never put in writing. It is the right of self-thought. There are many things that lead to this right. Things like the bill of rights, individual rights, and rule law. There are certain things that make people happy weather its working for McDonalds for minimum wage, or working your but off your whole life to make tons of money being a lawyer or investor. When people have freedom of thought it is up to them what they want to choose. In school we are always told if we work hard we will achieve great things. This statement true. In other countries around the world your success in life is based on your social status. That why its important to have freedom of thought that way you dont let anyone tell you how to live. If we are thought about our constitution and founding fathers then the government will never take over. As of today our rights our preserved. Whenever the government tries to violate them, people speak out. Todays generation of Americans understand the importance of there rights. 6

The important thing is that we make sure the next generation of Americans understand the importance of there rights. If they do the government will stayed controlled by the people. If they dont the future generation of Americans will be slave to a corrupt government.

The fusion of two countries

Its a small world In America we see a multitude of cultures hence the name melting pot. We are probably the only country in the world that can be considered a melting pot. My people came here to the U.S we are a minority group in the U.S but my people are all over the world. They have been in the world throughout history. My culture and people influence the world in a positive and negative way.

One invention my people came up with is communism. The Soviet Union was established in 1922. When the Soviet Union was created it was thought to be the next United States. In the U.S a major communist party was formed because they thought that communism was a great form of government. It had potential to be the best form of government to date. The reason communism didnt work is because officials became corrupt taking full power over the people. Although my ancestor werent in the protest that got rid of the czars they were living in the Soviet Union. In my belief communism can work for certain people as long as the officials stay balanced. The communist party fell apart in the U.S during the cold war this happened because they saw that communism gave officials too much power. The cold war was started for bad and good reason. One good reasons that the cold war was the great space race. In my culture its important to always be first. It is always important to be the victor of any situation. That why the soviet government got to space first but they didnt handle it well when the U.S got to moon. So they were planning to launch nukes into the U.S. the 8

way I see it today is if the U.S and Soviet Union worked together they would be able to achieve 10Xs more also my people would be better accepted into American society. I was raised with similar Morales my parents always want me to be first even if I have to beat out the competition. Even though my parents came to the U.S two decade after the cold war Russians didnt have the same respect as they go today. People should have been more open-minded and accept new cultures. Although my parents had the mentality to always be first they hatted communism.

To this date my people and culture are still persevered by the world as bad. Although that is changing the Russian government is becoming more like ours. There are still many issue likes recently the United Nations decided to help the Syrian protest but Russia and china refused to let U.S help them. Also there elections are still rigged in the last one people were forced to vote for Putin. I think that it will take a Russian American such as myself to liberate Russia with the rest of the world they should be able to be one of the strongest countries in the world. The United States should be able to trust them and vice versa the only thing thats preventing that is there form of government. If they get liberated then it will make the world a more peaceful better place. Russia has still a lot of room to grow as a country. So does the United States. I still have a lot to learn about life and the world but I do believe in the saying two heads are better than one. If people throughout history can come together to make a better world a better place so can government but government sometimes need communities or people to inspire them. If I want to gain full respect for my culture the people that have parents from Russia but where born here will have to come together to form a community where we can liberate two great nations.

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