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This questionnaire is being used to understand the correlation (if any) between the method of sexual education among

youth and their sexual health, in terms of unplanned pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases. All of the information from this questionnaire will be kept confidential, and the results will be anonymous. Some questions will be open ended, and some are multiple choice. For many of the multiple choice, several answers can be selected. As many of these questions are extremely personal, if a question makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to skip it. Gender (choose one) Male Female Other______ 30-40 40-50

Age (choose one) 14-18 18-22 22-26 26-30 50 or older

City & State in which you attended High School: _______________

1. Did you receive abstinence only sex education or comprehensive sex education at your middle/high school (abstinence only sex education only covers the abstinence method to prevent pregnancies and sexually transmitted disease, comprehensive sex education covers the abstinence-only method, as well as other age-appropriate medically accurate information about contraception, such as information about condoms, birth control pills etc.)?

2. Did you receive additional sex education information from other sources?

3. If yes, what sources (e.g. Parents, friends, church, other groups)?

4. What kind of other information?

5. By the time you graduated from High School, what forms of contraception and protection did you have knowledge about? (Can choose multiple answers) a. Abstinence only b. Male Condom c. Birth Control Pill d. Female Condom e. IUD/IUC f. Nuva Ring g. None f. Other (please write) _____________ 6. What age did you become sexually active? 7. Around which age did the majority of your friends and classmates begin to become sexually active? 8. What fraction of students do you think were sexually active before graduating? (Choose one) 0-10/100, 10-20/100, 20-30/100, 30-40/100 40-50/100 50-60/100 60-70/100, 70-80/100, 80-90/100 90-100/100 9. Did any classmates or friends experience pregnancy scares or unplanned pregnancies?
Unplanned pregnancies, also known as unintended pregnancies include unwanted pregnancies, which are pregnancies not wanted by one or more biological parent, as well as mistimed pregnancies. A pregnancy scare is when an individual experiences symptoms of pregnancy (such as a late period) that lead them to believe they may be pregnant.

10. If yes, approximately how many? (Choose one) 0-10/100, 10-20/100, 20-30/100, 30-40/100 40-50/100 50-60/100 60-70/100, 70-80/100, 80-90/100 90-100/100 11. At which age would you estimate that this most commonly occurred? a. 14 or younger b. 15 c. 16 d. 17 e. 18 f. 19 or older

12. Have you ever experienced (or, for some, contributed to) an unplanned pregnancy or pregnancy scare?

13. If yes, how old were you? Did this happen more than once? How did you deal with it?

14. If you were to have/already have a child, which type of sexual education would you prefer for them and why?

Thank you so much for your time, effort, and honesty!

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