Letter To Ib Poulsen Regarding Fredagsbaren

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08/11/12 Dear Mr. Poulsen, Subject: Clarification regarding the case of Fredagsbaren at Roskilde University.

I write you in frustration over the recent developments regarding Friday-bar (Fredagsbaren). I am an international student with headaches and frustrations such as the quality of English at lectures, information flow in English, Kombi-bog being completely in Danish, lack of equal opportunities regarding further specialisations, etc. But, I unfortunately have come to accept some of these problems with time and despite their existence I truly love this university for all the opportunity it has offered me in other aspects. For most academic drawbacks, the active student life has compensated for it. Personally Friday-bar was my introduction to this sphere of RUC. It is by far one of the few successful social bonds at RUC. It is not the alcohol behind this success but rather the people & the culture that has developed over years. This Friday-bar is very unique to RUC and is fortunate to have some of the most talented and committed volunteers that have persevered to make this organisation better with each semester. Now, this very Fredagsbaren organisation that I speak of has been denied the permission to run the bar on distorted grounds by your office and Student Council (Studenterrdet) has been directed to take over operations. This is the information projected by Studenterrdet and I say distorted grounds as a cloud of confusion envelopes this scenario, which is felt by many students. I assume your office is aware of the new association that is to replace the existing Fredagsbaren, thus I would like some clarifications over its choice. 1) Studenterrdet have said that the new association is the only way to address certain issues flagged by them and your administration. Does your office hold the same opinion? Especially with the knowledge that Fredagsbaren has restructured legally, are VAT(MOMS)-registered and are approved by the police for an alcohol permit.

There definitely could be other solution such as a contract between RUC and Fredagsbaren or Studenterrdet and Fredagsbaren to keep a check on the bars

efficiency and accounting health. Has the administration tried to seek such avenues?

2) The composition of the new association includes a paid director and a board that consists of Studenterhuset from Copenhagen University and the Studenterrdet. This strikes me as very odd since Fredagsbaren is the specialised organisation in running a bar was never invited into this board and rather an inexperienced student political organisation along with the Studenterhuset from a completely different university will be in charge of one of the few unique RUC-features that has its own culture.

Do you not agree that this is very unfortunate? Even if a new association was to be established due to legal & administrative obstacles, why should it not include the previous machine that ran the bar with its knowhow as a part of the board than be subject to two unrelated entities sitting at a higher position.

3) I also have concerns over prices and profit flow. I am not totally enlightened about the actual mechanics of the new association, but what I have gathered is that it will not be a non-profit organisation as Fredagsbaren meaning it has the right to set its own price.

Second, again the lack of information prompts me to ask if there was a possibility for Studenterrdet to benefit from the profits. Of course, it will empower them to work for the students cause even more but then what about the other student organisations? Are they not equally important? With the current Fredagsbaren, profits are distributed to other student organisations when proposed with a project.

4) I am aware that a 100,000DKK has been allotted by Studenterrdet for the establishment of this new association. Although Studenterrdet is a representative of the students, it is not the only representative body nor does it have the mandate of more than a quarter of the students looking at the voting turnout. So, why should it so unilaterally decide on such an expenditure. This baffles me- isnt this the students money? Thus, would you also not like it to be spent on other student initiatives rather than something that already exists? I would.

5) Do you not agree with that a politically affiliated students bar is counterproductive to creating a conducive space for multiple opinions? Verbal assurance of non-

interference by Studenterrdet is gracious but in their articles for associates members Studenterrdet can very well invoke their right to object to associates members cooperation with other political bodies. Then their conduct in their own bar is questionable.

Does it also not give them a fair advantage in the election when Studenterrdets profile is larger than the other political organisations? Especially when the bar was never an idea conceived by them and technically to them gifted by your administration.

6) What happens with the new student house? I believe a bar at the student house cannot be run by a politically affiliated bar. Then wouldnt a new association have to be formed again that could be monitored by a board comprising of the several student organisations on campus? Thus, the new association formed by Studenterrdet would only serve the purpose for 2 semesters at the expense of 100,000kr of the students money.

On a personal note, I know that Fredagsbaren is the most international-friendly organisation on campus apart from the ones that specialise in internationalisation. Other long standing social groups or even Studenterrdet cannot accommodate international students such as me to the degree they have achieved at Fredagsbaren. The recent decision by your administration to transfer the operation of Fredagsbaren to another group has been a great splinter in the social fabric of RUC. This university has had a great tradition of student involvement and I revel in that possibility. But, I would like to clear a misconception that most student efforts are coordinated by Studenterrdet. Despite their activities, there in a strong base of dedicated students involved in many initiatives that have made this university what it is for students like me. They have given their time and sweat to such efforts and I believe that they need to be recognised and rewarded for it, rather than feeling threatened by your system. These are the same people that have given me opportunities and made me love this university, thus I would appeal to you to recognise this contribution.

This issue is of grave importance to the students of this university, therefore needs to be evaluated by all parties involved. Your clarification on the above would greatly appreciated and be of help to students such as me that have been in the cloud of uncertainty.

Sincerely, Ziyad Zaman Ahmed

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