Stargate 1

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The Doorway To



Sol-ira 2011:11

Star Gate




This manual is protected by copyright. It is not allowed to change copy or publish this manual in any way without my permission. Please dont use parts of the text out of its context, or alter the content from its origin. You can sell this energy and manual for a fixed price of 12:12 euros converted to your own currency, but its not allowed to exchange it for another energy system. My suggestion is that you donate 12:12 euros to If you have benefitted from using this energy.

The Star gate 12:12 initiation is suitable for ANGELIC HUMANS trained MINIMUM in MASTERLEVEL of different Reiki Modalities. Thank you! If you have questions regarding this manual or energy please feel free to E-mail me at:

This energy should NOT be used as medical treatment; anyone having concerns about their health should see a doctor or a health centre. I dont diagnose, give legal or medical advice. This initialization is not intended to replace any professional medical help or advice. I take no personal responsibility if you accept or use the Star gate 12:12 self initialization or pass along this energy to others. Anyone who accepts this energy also agrees to fully assume their own responsibilities in every way possible. The Star gate 12:12 initiation should not be confused or mixed up with any other energy system, books or movies with similar names, now, in the future or in the past and is for entertainment purpose only. This energy and manual are tools for your spiritual development, and should be used with common sense and respect. This is a gift!
The pictures in this manual are downloaded from the Internet.

Star Gate




THE STARGATE 12:12 INITIATION The Star Gate 12:12 is a chakra and doorway to the higher realms. And it should NOT be confused with the eight soul star chakra, which is located just above the crown chakra. Nor is it the earth star chakra situated below your feet. It has nothing to do with star gates connected to certain galaxies planets people or stars. This is YOUR chakra in the higher realms and is your portal to the greatest spiritual journey that you have ever travelled on before. The number given here is 25 and my inner feeling tells me that the light beings speak about and give us access to the 25th chakra. That means we are now able to reach far beyond the fifth dimension with ease and grace. This is a new gateway that enables you to ascend in a much higher pace, and still be able to live your earthly life in a more balanced and harmonious way. It will help to integrate the extremely high frequencies of energy light and consciousness that constantly moves around us right now. And help our body system to accept these energies with ease and humility. This gateway also connects and showers us with the highest and brightest level of LOVE and JOY that I ever have known or felt beforeEVER. We are provided with the most fantastic and wonderful Star Gate Team for this journey and that includes the Star Gate Keeper and other light beings in service for all of us that says yes to this invitation.

Star Gate




The Star Gate Keeper is the first light being you will meet on this spiritual and physical journey, before meeting the rest of the team. The Star Gate Keeper is the one that will open the Gate and make it possible for you to accept the initiation if you wish, and give you access to the rest of The Star Gate Team and their knowledge and support. Both the Star Gate Keeper and the Star Gate Team are luminous beings that all have ascended and took on the task of bringing humans closer to the final step in their complete ascension process. They derive from many divine spiritual dimensions and cosmic rays, and you have probably worked with some of them already, as a preparation for this moment and other significant steps or happenings of spiritual light work that you have experienced or will in the future. When you wish to connect with them, you simply ask for your personal Star Gate Team. You dont need to know all of them by name, or even know where they come from, just know that they are there for YOU and what they bring to you are unspeakable high vibrations of energy and light.

Star Gate



THE STARGATE 12:12 I was given this picture in my minds eye, as a way to explain the different vibrations and energies offered to us in great LOVE and DELIGHT. These numbers are all sacred and a way for spirit to connect to us in our everyday life. The numbers you see around the star gate are activated, and many more are available, this is just to show a few of them and their importance and meaning to us.


1 Unity 10:10 new frequencies are arriving, past cycles have been completed. 11:11 an opening to higher realms are happening. Star energies are entering 12:12 the new frequencies of higher realms are here, the doorway is open. 144 light 288 double light 333 The ascended masters, higher beings and realms are accessible. 44 The Angels are with you 10 perfection of divine order 55 Archangel Michael is close to you.
Star Gate 12:12 Initiation


When you have decided to accept this energy and initiation, prepare yourself. Sit or lie down comfortably in a place where you can and relax and be alone for a couple of minutes. Keep your intent and focus on what is going to happen and try to be open-minded. When you feel ready, ask your guides and angels for protection, and that they will oversee the initiation and process. Feel their presence and loving care for you. Now once again go a little deeper in to your relaxation. Imagine in your minds eye that you slowly move your awareness towards your Star Gate Keeper; take your time until you stand in front this wonderful loving and giving light being. You are expected, and The Star Gate Keeper embraces you with a warm and welcoming hug. The Star Gate Keeper shows itself exactly the way it should, and when it looks deep in to your eyes, you recognize the feeling, you have been here before. The luminous Star Gate Keeper has a key around the neck in a golden chain. This is the key to your Star Gate Chakra.

Star Gate



And when you slowly turn to the right, you can see the Star Gate itself in a color and shape of your choice. And its absolutely the most beautiful and wonderful thing you have ever seen and you feel very amazed and happy. The Star Gate Keeper wants your attention for a short while, since there is a question that needs to be answered if you want to continue this initiation. The Star Gate Keeper now asks you: Do you (name) want me to open Your Star Gate Chakra with this key and initiate you to the Star Gate 12:12 initiation energy and The Star Gate Team? If you feel unsure about it or not quite ready yet, there is always a possibility to come back later. Then just say no thank you and go back to your awareness, where you are right now in your present everyday life. If you say YES then read the following script. I (name) am now ready to receive The Star Gate 12:12 initiation and my Star Gate Team given to me by my Star Gate Keeper for my highest good. Now see and hear how The Star Gate Keeper uses the key to unlock The Star Gate, and the portal opens. And you can see and feel how the luminous Star Gate Team now enters through the Gate and You. They fill your whole body with wonderful high frequency light a divine love and comfort that is unspeakable and unconditional. Stay in the initiation for as long as you need but at least 10-15 minutes. Drink some water and rest for a while. Give thanks, before you continue your day and move on.

Star Gate



THE STARGATE TEAM Will now provide you with whatever needed for your ascension to be completed. It can be all sorts of things that will enter your life, depending on your personal circumstances and how far youve come on your spiritual journey. There might be new people, new energies, new insights, new location, new crossroads and new choices. And new way of thinking, new ways of feeling and acting. Expect the unexpected. But to let all of the new in, and to create the space needed, you also have to let go of things that do not serve your life purpose anymore. And remember being an Angelic Human does not only come with the energy, you have to live, think and act like one. You will probably notice the Star Gate Teams presence in many different ways. And I can tell you, they really ARE present, 24/7. They will oversee your path and help you whenever its needed, but as always, in the end your own free will decide where it will take you. You can talk and work with the Star Gate Team the same way you talk or work with other guides or Angels present in your life, the same way you pray to God or do when you meditate. Ask them to guide and light up your way. They have so much knowledge and love to offer. You have no idea what they can come up with; the only limit set is your own. Always show them great respect and gratitude, they are here for YOU! Dont forget to say thank you once in a while they do like to see that we are aware of them and their loving gifts!

Star Gate



Star Gate



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