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Colonialism In India

Things the colonists said

Indian music is disgusting and dishonorable to God. Every Indian person is corrupt. Indian religion has no truth or honesty. Indian civilization has not developed for several centuries.

The British made laws about what people could or couldnt do based on their caste.

The British gave away Indian land to other British people.

Only British people could get trials by juries.

Indians could be imprisoned for weeks without a trial.

Indian villagers had to bring food for any British people passing through their area. If they didnt, they were tortured.

The British made Indians sit separately on trainsthere were seats for upperclass people, and for poor people.

Indian people had to do forced labor for construction of roads and bridges.

The British took over the clothing industry.

The British placed a very high tax on salt.

75% of Indian people in cities lived in one-room apartments.

Under colonialism, only about 10% of the Indian population learned how to read.

In the 1920s, the life expectancy was 25 years for Indian people.

25 to 30 million Indian people died under British rule due to hunger.

How long did this system last?

Over 300 years.

Who led the fight to end it?

Mohandas Gandhi
Born October 2, 1869 in Porbander, India. Was Hindu and Vaishyas (Merchant) class. Raised vegetarian and nondrinker. Family was well off. His father was a prime minister of a small Indian state.

His Youth
As a child, he was very shy, self-conscious, and was very bad at public speaking. He got married when he was 13. He finished middle school and high school in India, but he was not a very good student.

When Gandhi was 19, he entered law school in London. During his time in London, he tried to become a proper British gentlemen. For example, he wore British clothing and even took dance lessons. He studied many religions even though he was Hindu.

As a New Lawyer
After Law school, he tried to go back to India to be a lawyer but he was to shy to speak up in court! Luckily, an opportunity came up to help a wealthy Muslim business man in South Africa. Gandhi thought he would only stay for 1 year but he ended up staying for 21 years.

South Africa was very different from London and his life changes forever. This is were he developed his political views, ethics, and leadership skills. Satyagraha and Ahimsa become more important in his life. He begins a nonviolent movement and starts his first Ashram (community living).

South Africa

A word created by Gandhi that means truth force. It is a tool of unity. It removes injustice and restores social harmony, so that everyone benefits. It is NOT passive! Satyagraha is a weapon of the strong; it admits of no violence under any circumstance whatsoever; and it ever insists upon truth.

Important in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.

It means: 1. Kindness and nonviolence towards all living things 2. Respect living things as connected 3. Avoid physical AND verbal violence 4. Can use self-defense if necessary (shows a strong spirit)

Gandhis Ashrams
Community living Centered around Satyagraha and Ahimsa Everyone was equal regardless of ethnicity, gender, class, caste, or religion. Respect Share responsibilities (even cleaning the toilets!).

Gandhis Change
Gandhi wanted to make change but first he made these changes in his personal life. Be the change you wish to see in the world. He lived more simply, changed his clothing, and followed his own beliefs about justice and nonviolence.

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