A Reaction Paper

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I. The Silent Scream II. Pagpag: Food from Garbage

Submitted by: Chua, Jenna So Maranan, Aira Angeli G. DLG

Submitted to: Ms. Ria Cabanes

I. The Silent Scream

Abortion is one of the most controversial issues in the world today, but the real meaning behind the term is not fully considered. Most people are not fully aware of how abortion really works. The majority of women who settle for this type of cruelty do not even have the complete awareness of what it really is, how it is done, and the possible dangerous effects after the execution. What most people do know, however, is that abortion is nothing but a way of killing an unborn child to end an unwanted pregnancy. Many people call it murder, but at the same time considering it as the necessary evil, which means that the word murder does not really get through to them. Why? This simply implies how little they know about the undertaking because murder does not exactly suffice the true meaning of abortion. Yes, people know that the fetus is going to be killed, but the question is, do they even know how exactly this is done? Are they aware that the fetus has his own life and he has the right to live this life? If they did, they would not be supporting this type of execution. The ones who are fully aware of the process and the full definition, however, but still support it are nothing but brutal and sick. Knowing how this is done and still backing it up is too heartless beyond words. The Silent Scream, a short but constructive video clip about abortion expands the definition of the word itself. It explains the possible negative effects to the woman after the execution but more importantly what exactly happens when an unborn child or fetus is being aborted. Watching the clip will make also make one realize how barbaric and immoral abortion can be. It shows how autonomy is abused and how veracity is poorly practiced. As for the effects to each woman who has settled for abortion, there is a possibility for complications, future dilemmas, or long-term problems. In most cases, this clearly shows how abortion works against health care. Regardless of the true knowledge of abortion, women with unplanned and unwanted pregnancies push through with it for one of many reasons; they are not ready to have a baby and the responsibility that comes with it. They feel that they cannot handle a situation like this for various personal reasons. They say it was a mistake what they did to get pregnant and they need to get rid of this mistake by means of abortion. As seen on the clip, it is explained how the childs life is simply ignored and his capability to feel pain is not to the slightest degree acknowledged. The fetus is treated like some disgusting trash that needs to be disposed of because of some mistake the fetus did not even commit. This is very wrong on so many levels because for one the child has nothing to do with this mistake or accident and he or she is paying the price. The mother, among other people, does not even deserve to make a decision like this because the childs life is his own no matter who he is, and no one else can take it away from him.

The opportunity to have a life, to experience love, to be happy, to accomplish something of his own, to make a difference in the world all these among others are stripped away from him forever without so much as a word. The child deserves his life and if the people who brought him upon this earth cannot take care of him then they should not have done what they have in the first place. It was their mistake after all, so they should stick to it. They should learn how to deal with the situation instead of avoiding it. If they really do not want the baby, they could always give him up for adoption. There are a lot of infertile couples who would want to have a baby, to cherish him and to love him, and the child deserves to be with people who will accept him for who he is, and who will provide the love and nourishment the biological parents were not able to give. There have been more and more cases of abortion over the years and these days it has totally become accepted and necessary in some countries. Many still disagree with it, but at the same time a lot support the said instance, as well. The people who agree to abortions nowadays still have a limited knowledge of what this really is about and they need to be informed about it by doctors who practice veracity, not by making hasty decisions without the true awareness of the subject. After watching the video clip The Silent Scream, we realized how little our knowledge was about abortion. We had no idea how brutal it was when a fetus is being expelled from the uterus. Watching how exactly it was done for the first time made us see for ourselves how inhumane the execution really was. The child was being torn apart by the suction tip, and even before this said instance, the child was already moving in a purposeful manner, making a silent scream, because the suction tip has ruined his sanctuary. After the liquid portion has been violently taken out, the suction tip then proceeds with the body of the fetus, and once the body was removed, the abortionist would make his way to the head using a pair of forceps to crush it and expel it from the uterus, like it was not once a human being inside that womb. Our reaction? This made us understand how aggressively the child behaved and how pathetic his attempts were to escape in the phase of unthinkable kindness. Nobody deserves this kind of brutality, let alone a helpless and innocent baby. People who know little of how abortion really works should watch the video, especially the ones who are victims of the said action. This is mostly recommended for people who are going through unwanted pregnancies that they may find out for themselves the immorality and inhumanity of what they are willing or unwilling to partake on.

II. Pagpag: Food From Garbage

After watching our chosen documentary video entitled Pagpag, we were able to understand how real the hardships of life are. Poverty will really cause man to exert every effort that he has in order to feed his family and stuff his stomach with food brought by a few pesos that he has earned. Destitute Filipino families will walk in the streets of commercialized Manila begging for waste food from restaurant chains like McDonalds and Jollibee. They term the food that they get from these restaurants as Pagpag. They will segregate the mixed food that they get and sanitizes eatable parts by washing it three times with hot water. They will sell it to carinderia owners who would make them in to two famous Filipino delicacies: fried Pagpag and adobong Pagpag. The two dishes cost 10 pesos and 15 pesos. Because of its low price, a lot of families are attracted in buying the cooked Pagpag just to calm their grumbling stomachs. They become unmindful of whatever bacteria causing disease may be the inhabitants of the food that they feast in. Since Pagpag is a collection of garbage and leftover food, it can be home of bacteria causing diseases. Relating this to health care, reality tells us that it is no thing to be disgusted to because these families do not have any other option to obtain food. Looking at their environment, they really have no choice but to adjust to what they are capable of and what is available for them. To meet their basic needs, they search the garbage for their everyday food. And since Pagpag costs reasonable enough for them to buy, it became a staple part of their everyday meal dependent on the few pesos that they earn every single day. As for these poor families, their perception influences their health behavior. They believe that pagpag is safe to eat since it is sanitized. What they actually dont know is that it could bring bacteria that cooking cannot kill such as Salmonella. What happens here is what we called cross contamination. The food from garbage contains Salmonella, which is brought by the saliva of the first person eating it. Unknowingly, these bacteria are transmitted to the next person. In relation to Smiths model of health, it is true that these people living in slums didnt fail to adapt to their needs. Some of them are immune to the bacteria and diseases because their immune system got used to it. This is the reason why they feel healthy and strong but the truth is, bacteria can be found hiding in their intestines and stomach. Today, people especially those who are living in the provincial areas want to improve their lives, so they work hard. They even migrate in Manila because they believe that there is a better opportunity for them to find jobs, earn money and buy things they need and desire. Manila is now overpopulated for the reason that they thought theyll have a better living and now squatters are dispersing because they just migrated without thinking carefully. They

dont have places to stay; they dont even know who will they approach to help them. Consequently, they now go to places like Smokey Mountain or Payatas. Though they work hard, they end up as garbage collectors; they become beggars, because their educational attainments are not enough to find decent jobs. And at the same time they reproduce and reproduce, which makes it harder for them because theyre going to feed more children than before. In another video, the parents cannot afford to give their children the proper food and nutrition that is why they opted to try pagpag until it became their staple food for everyday. I believe Philippines, although we are abundant in natural resources, lacks in many aspects. Health and sanitation problems arent handled very well resulting to this kind of situation. Pagpag is getting popular today to those people living in slums. It even became their form of living to make money. This kind of situation should be focused by the health organizations here in the Philippines. If this will not be treated immediately, then many people will suffer from garbage food and put their health at risk. This documentary made us realized how lucky we are to be an individual who does not currently work for our own living. Just as shown in the documentary videos, even as young as 7 year old kids endure the pain of disguised child abuse just to fill their stomachs with food from restaurants that they term as Pagpag. Mixed fish, beef, pork, and meat of other sort are washed with water and cooked together. Disgust and bigotry should not have any slot in our minds as their fellow Filipinos. And the most important is the true understanding and support for the majority who suffers a lot just to survive the harsh realities and obstacles of life. This is recommended to everyone especially to Filipinos who arent aware to the situations of poor families. This could be a way to open them to the harsh realities. And maybe they could think of any way to help our fellow Filipinos in their own simple ways.

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