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KEY VERSES: Heb. 12:1-3 Get Ready:

Do you like to travel? Where is your favorite place to go on a trip? If you could go anywhere, where would you go? When you are going on a trip what is your ONE must have item you take? What are some of the MUST HAVES for the spiritual Journey of life?

Get Personal: Check the Directions: Read the key verse: Heb. 12:1-3- emphasize: let us throw off everything that hinders
and the sin that so easily entangles

Introduce: Lesson Verse: Eph. 4:20-32 Get Rid of the Junk in Your Trunk Vs. 20-22: Junk in Our Old Life Vs. 23-24: Junk in Our Thinking Vs. 25,29: Junk in Our Speech Vs. 26-27, 31: Junk in Our Emotions Vs. 28: Junk in Our Actions Repack your Life With: 1. Truth 2. Kindness 3.Compassion 4. Forgiveness T.A.G. (take and go):
THE JOURNEY, starts immediately, when we accept Christ. We need to get rid (throw) off any of the old junk of our past life of sin in order to not be slowed down!!

Travel Together (small group discussion & prayer)

Do you feel like our spiritual life is like a journey? Why or Why not?

Do you ever feel like you are being weighed down by your past? What are some things that you need to get rid of in your life so you can follow Christ better? What are some of the things you are looking forward to on the road ahead in your life (in your future)? PRAYER TIME What is one thing that your small group can help you with, pray for you about, or encourage you about right now in your spiritual journey?

TIPS & RESOURCES: Video Illustration: Moving into the dorm with a moving truck from Legally Blonde Video Illustration: Stealing from the bear and needing one more thing from Over the Hedge Video Illustration: Okay Go!...the race has begun NOW!...Gun Shot from Rat Race


KEY VERSES: Heb. 12:1-3 Get Ready:
What is the longest trip you have ever taken? Was it worth it when you got there? If you could travel by any means, how would you travel? Do you complain on long trips? On the JOURNEY of your life, when was a time when you had the hardest time? How did you react?

Get Personal:

Check the Directions: Read the key verse: Heb. 12:1-3- emphasize: Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith Introduce: Lesson Verse: Gal. 5:7-26 The Straight Trip Vs. 7-10- Who are you traveling with? o Who is cutting you off and blocking the road Vs. 16-19- How are you traveling? o Are you lost and stuck in the traffic of this world? Vs. 22-26: Where are you traveling? o Are you following the right directions and going the right way? T.A.G. (take and go):
THE JOURNEY is long but worth it. We must not get detoured by the wrong people, the wrong attitude, or the wrong directions!

Travel Together (small group discussion & prayer)

Do you ever have a bad attitude about something? Do you ever find yourself complaining about something? Do you ever feel upset, complaining, or dont have the right attitude toward God? Have you ever felt like the things going on in your life have Cut in or tripped you up in your relationships with God? PRAYER TIME: What is something we can pray about when it comes to your attitude?

TIPS & RESOURCES: Video Illustration: The most annoying sound in the world from Dumb and Dumber Video Illustration: Twitchy tries to give directions from Hoodwinked Video Illustration: Going over the waterfall, lost and without a map from Without a Paddle


KEY VERSES: Heb. 12:1-3 Get Ready:
Have you ever been lost? Or didnt understand someones directions to get somewhere or even to do something? Have you ever used On-Star, or something similar? Have you ever been asked for directions to get somewhere? Have you ever felt lost in your spiritual JOURNEY? Do you ever wonder where God is Leading You?

Get Personal: Check the Directions: Read the key verse: Heb. 12:1-3- emphasize: Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men so that you will not grow weary and lose heart Are We There Yet?
Eyes on the Road- Acts. 20:24 (Stay Focused) o Travel with perseverance. fixing our eyes on Jesus Rough Road Ahead?- I Tim. 6:12 (Stay Faithful) o Who endured such oppositiondo not grow weary or lose heart End of the Road Ahead- II Tim. 4:7-8 (Stay Future Minded) o Who for the joy set before himsat down at the right hand of the throne of God

T.A.G. (take and go):

THE JOURNEY requires us to be Christ-Focused, Faith-Centered, and Future-Minded. Set Your Eyes, Hears, and Minds on the Journey Ahead!

Travel Together (small group discussion & prayer)

What is the hardest thing about following someone elses directions? What about Gods directions? Why does it sometimes feel so difficult to stand up for God in the world? When was a time God allowed you to be a As you leave this retreat and head back to real life what is one thing you want to change or work on in your life? PRAYER TIME: What is one area or place in your life you would like to be a better representative of God that we can pray for you about? How can we pray for you this coming week?

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