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SNC1D Chemistry Unit Review

CHALLENGE #1 Search through the notebook to find your answers or use the hints at the station to
complete this challenge!
1. Write the seven steps of the scientific method in order: **
2. What are qualitative observations?_____________________________________________
Qualitative observations are made by _____________________________________________
3. What are quantitative observations? Quantitative observations are made by _____________
4. What are the six examples of qualitative observations? **






5. What are the four examples of quantitative observations? **





CHALLENGE #2 Search through the textbook to find your answers or use the hints at the station to complete
this challenge!
6. What is a physical property? A physical property is ________________________________
7. What are six examples of physical properties? **
1.___________________________________ 2.___________________________________
3.___________________________________ 4.___________________________________
5.___________________________________ 6.___________________________________
8. What is a chemical property? A chemical property is the _____________________________
9. What are four examples of chemical properties? **
1.___________________________________ 2.___________________________________
3.___________________________________ 4.___________________________________
10. What is a physical change? A physical change is a change ____________________________
11. What is a chemical change? A chemical change is __________________________________

What are 5 clues that a chemical change has occurred?


CHALLENGE #3 Use your knowledge of the periodic table of elements to help you complete this challenge!
You may used your periodic table to help you!
13. What is an atom? _______________________________________________________________________
14. What parts are found in the nucleus? ___________________________ and ________________________
15. What charge does an electron have? _______________________
16. What charge does a proton have? _________________________
17. What charge does neutron have? __________________________
18. Draw a helium atom showing its protons, neutrons and electrons:
Atomic Number:_____________
Atomic Mass:


19. What is the overall charge of an atom? __________________________

20. How many electrons can the first shell of an atom hold?_____________
21. How many electrons can the second shell of an atom hold?___________
22. What is the atomic mass? The atomic mass is the _____________________________________________
23. What is the atomic number? The atomic number is the _________________________________________
CHALLENGE #4 Use your knowledge of the periodic table of elements to help you complete this challenge!
You may used your periodic table to help you!
24. What is an element? An element is ________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________. Eg. _____________________
25. How many elements are found in nature? __________________
26. What is a periodic table? A periodic table is a ________________________________________________
27. Using a periodic table, name the following elements. *
a) Cl _________________________________

b) K


c) Ne _________________________________

d) Na _________________________________

e) C _________________________________

f) Li __________________________________

28.What are the symbols for the following elements?

a) hydrogen


b) calcium


c) argon


d) carbon


e) oxygen


f) sodium


CHALLENGE #5 Fill in the blanks of The Particle Theory of Matter! **


1. All matter is made up of ________________________________

2. All particles of one ____________________ are the same, all particles of ____________________
substances are _________________________.
3. Particles are always ______________________. They more energy they have, the ______________
they move.
4. There are _______________________ forces between particles, the _______________ they are
together, the ___________________ the ________________.

CHALLENGE #6 Match the vocabulary words to their definitions and record them here!

1. An ore is a ___________ _________________ containing a valuable _______________________.

2. A pure substance contains only __________ type of ______________________.
3. The number of _________________ an elements can make when ___________________ with
another element is its combining capacity.
4. A structural diagram is a _____________________ where atoms are represented by
_____________ and bonds by _______________ .
5. A mixture contains _______________ or _______________ types of _______________________.
6. A molecule is two or more atoms _________________ together.
7. An ____________________ for the name of an _______________is a chemical symbol.
8. Density is the ___________ of an objects ____________ to its volume.
9. Metals are substances which are __________________, ___________________, ______________,
and ____________________ electrical ____________________________.
10. Non-metals are substances which are ______________________, _____________________ and

______________________ conduct electricity.

CHALLENGE #7 For each formula, state the number of each element present and the total number of atoms
in each element!

Number of each element present

Total atoms

eg. CuCl

1 - Cu

2 - Cl

Al S

CHALLENGE #8 Use your periodic table to help you complete the following questions!
34. What are four characteristics of metals?




Where are metals found on the periodic table? _____________________________________________

35. What are three characteristics of non-metals?


Where are non-metals found on the periodic table? _________________________________________
36. What is a characteristic of a noble gas? _______________________________________________
Where are noble gases found on the periodic table? ________________________________________

CHALLENGE #9 Use the combining capacities to practice writing names and formulas!
Ca = 2
Al= 3
Ag = 1 Cl = 1
31. Use the combining capacities to write the formula of:
Aluminum chloride


Silver sulfide


Zinc oxide


Zinc sulfide


Potassium oxide


32. Name the following:

NaCl _______________________________




MgBr2 _______________________________
Al2O3 _______________________________
33. Draw hook and ball diagrams for:
a) AgCl

B) MgO


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