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Lecture 37: Angular Momentum

Recap Angular Momentum

Define the rotational analogue of momentum p to be the angular momentum L = r p Recall that


dI + dt


dp dt

dL = r FEXT = EXT dt

No external torque, EXT=0, angular momentum is conserved Angular momentum of a freely moving particle is mvd

L = Lcm+ L*
(1) (2)
Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 1 Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 2

Turning the bike wheel... Turning the bike wheel.

A student sits on a stool holding a bicycle wheel that is spinning in the horizontal plane. She flips the rotation axis of the wheel 180o, and finds that she herself starts to rotate. Whats going on? Since there are no external torques acting on the studentstool system, angular momentum is conserved. Initially: LINI = LW,I Finally: LFIN = LW,F + LS LS LW,I LW,I = LW,F + LS



Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 3

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 4

ICQ: Rotations
A student is initially at rest on a chair, holding a wheel spinning as shown in (1). He turns it over and starts to rotate (2). If he keeps twisting, turning the wheel over again (3), his rotation will: (a) stop (b) double (c) stay the same ??

ICQ: Rotations
A student is initially at rest on a chair, holding a wheel spinning as shown in (1). He turns it over and starts to rotate (2). If he keeps twisting, turning the wheel over again (3), his rotation will: (a) stop (b) double (c) stay the same ??



Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 5



Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 6

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ICQ: Rotations Solution

When does = I not work ?

We showed that


dL dt




The fundamental equation for understanding rotation. Start with L = I, then




LS =0

d (I dL = dt dt


dI d dI = I + + dt dt dt

[1] [2] [3]
Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 7

dI dt

We cant assume = I if the moment of inertia is changing.


Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 8

When does = I not work?

Acceleration without torque

A puck in uniform circular motion held by a string passing through the axis of rotation will experience rotational acceleration if its moment of inertia is changed. Changing the radius changes the moment of inertia, but produces no torque since the force of the string is along the radial direction. (since r F = 0) Angular momentum is conserved.

Now suppose EXT = 0:

dI dt

I +

dI =0 dt

I dt

I1 > I2 2

So in this case we can have an without an external torque. Note also KE= I2, if I changes must change to conserve energy. Therefore there can be an acceleration without an external torque
Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 9 UIUC

The puck accelerates without external torque!
Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 10

ICQ:Acceleration without torque

A puck slides in a circular path on a horizontal frictionless table. It is held at a constant radius by a string threaded through a frictionless hole at the center of the table. If you pull on the string such that the radius decreases by a factor of 2, by what factor does the angular velocity of the puck increase? (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8

ICQ:Acceleration without torque

A puck slides in a circular path on a horizontal frictionless table. It is held at a constant radius by a string threaded through a frictionless hole at the center of the table. If you pull on the string such that the radius decreases by a factor of 2, by what factor does the angular velocity of the puck increase? (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 11

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 12

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ICQ:Acceleration without torque Solution

Since the string is pulled through a hole at the center of rotation, there is no torque: Angular momentum is conserved. L1 = I11 = mR21 = mR21 = m 1 =
1 4 2 1 2 R 2 4 R L2 = I22 = m 2 2

Why does a helicopter with just one main rotor require a second smaller rotor on a horizontal axis?

2 = 41

Note KE is not conserved as you have done work What happens if this tail rotor fails during flight? How does it go forward? Why only two rotors not three?
Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 14


Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 13

Can you build a helicopter with no tail rotor? Yes ! Helicopters equipped with the NOTAR system have a diverted jet instead of a rotor. Claimed to be quieter and safer

Rotational Skater
A small skater in an ice show glides down a ramp and then along a short level track of ice. She grabs the bottom end of a large vertical rod that is free to turn vertically about an axis through its center and holds on to the rod while it swings her to its top. What is the minimum height of the ramp in terms of the mass of the skater (m), the mass of the rod (M), and the length of the rod (L), so that the skater can make it to the top. What is happening? 1) Skaters initial PE is converted to KE on the ice 2) There is an inelastic collision with conservation of angular momentum 3) Rotational KE after collision converted to PE at top of swing
Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 15

M L h v

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 16

Rotational Skater
We have 3 unknowns h,v, 1) Conserve energy coming down ramp: mgh = mv2 v2=2gh 2) Conserve angular momentum in the collision: mvL/2 =I 3) Conserve energy after the collision: I2=mgL 4) We have three equations for three unknowns, we can solve for h M L h v

Rotational Skater
5) Substitute for in 3) from 2): I (m2v2L2/4I2)=mgL v2=8gI/mL 6) Substitute for v2 in 1): 2gh=8gI/mL h=4I/mL 7) Finally calculate the Moment of Inertia I of the skater + rod: Irod+Iskater = 1/12ML2+mL2/4=mL2/4(M/3m+1) 8) Height h = L(M/3m+1) m v 1) v2=2gh 2) mvL/2 =I 3) I2=mgL

M L h

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 17

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 18

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A general expression for L of a system:

For a system of particles we can write L =

A general expression for L of a system...

So we can write: Expanding this:

r p = m r v
i i i i i i

L = ( Rcm + r*i ) mi (Vcm + v*i )


Express position and velocity in terms of the center of mass: ri = Rcm + ri* vi = Vcm + v*i where ri* and v*i are the position and velocity measured in the CM frame. CoM r* Rcm r
Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 19

L = Rcm mVcm + Rcm mv*i + r*i mVcm + r*i mv*i i i i i

i i i i

Which becomes:

L = Rcm MtotVcm + Rcm mv*i + mr*i Vcm + r*i mv*i i i i i i i

Lcm =MV*cm = 0 =MR*cm = 0 L*

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 20

A general expression for L of a system...

So finally we get the simple expression L = Lcm+ L*

A general expression for L of a system...

We have just showed that L = Lcm+ L* Picture it this way:

Where LCM = RCM PCM is the angular momentum of the CM and L* is the angular momentum about the CM. y
origin (axis)

The total angular momentum of a system about a given axis is the sum of the angular momentum of the center of mass about this axis and the angular momentum about an axis through the center of mass. mass.


d v

L* = I

LCM = mvd
due to movement of CM

due to rotation about CM

In both cases L is a vector in the z direction

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 21 Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 22

Angular momentum problem

A rod of length d and mass m1 is sliding on a frictionless surface with speed vo as shown (without rotating). An initially stationary block having mass m2, sticks to the end of the rod as it goes by. What is the final angular velocity F of the block-rod system?

Angular momentum problem

Choose the origin to be at the location of the block before the collision. We can determine the y-position of the center of mass before the collision.
My cm = m 1 y cm = y cm d 2 d = 2 d + m20 2

m1 M m1 m +m 2 1

y d/2 x vo m1 top view: initial

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 24


d F


m2 m1 top view: initial

Top view final

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 23

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Angular momentum problem

It is best to take z component of angular momentum about the point (0,ycm). The angular momentum before the collision is due entirely to the center of mass motion of the rod since the rod is not rotating.

Angular momentum problem

The z component of angular momentum about the point (0,ycm) after the collision is due to rotation about the center of mass of the rod+block:

d Li = m1v0 ycm 2
y d/2 vo x m1 top view: initial
Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 25

* Lf = Lf + Lcm = IcmF f


y (0,ycm) x

d y cm 2 ycm


F top view: final

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 26

Angular momentum problem

We need to know the moment of inertia Icm about the center of mass of the system.

Angular momentum problem

Using conservation of angular momentum:

L f = Li d I cm f = m1v 0 ycm 2
And plugging in for ycm :

1 d 2 Icm = I rod + Iblock = m1d 2 + m1 ycm + m2 ycm 12 2

Irod (using || axis thm.) Iblock

F =

m1vod m1 1 2 I cm m1 + m2

Icm d/2 d/2 - ycm ycm m2

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 27


cm of rod cm of block-rod system

y ycm x


F top view: final

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 28

Angular momentum problem

Suppose m1 = 2m2 = 2m

Next lecture; Statics. Read Chapter 11 Sections 1-3

mv d m1 F = 1 o 1 2 I cm m1 + m 2

I cm =

1 md 2 3

F =

vo d

initial vo m 2m d

Icm F cm

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 29

Physics 1301: Lecture 37, Pg 30

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