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November 4-10

Welcome Tonights HG will focus on going BEYOND. To go BEYOND as a Christian means we give away our time, our money, our faith & ultimately, our lives to fulfill Gods purposes. Its saying YES! to the call of Christ to carry out the Great Commission. Start off HG tonight by having someone read Matthew 28:16-20 & ask God to speak to all who come. Opening Prayer Thank the Lord for bringing your group together tonight & ask Him to move in each persons heart, stirring in each of us a growing passion to take the love, the hope & the message of Jesus Christ to our community and to our world!

Family Time Break into groups of 3-4 people. On slips of paper, write a variety of challenges...simple tasks that they can accomplish in 5-10 minutes. Example #1 Go outside & find 20 leaves, 12 rocks & a pine cone. Example #2 Go outside & have every member of your group shoot 10 free throws. Pass out the tasks (one per group), send them out & regroup. Relate this game to being given the Great Commission (Matt.28:19-20.) The Mission weve been given is to tell others about Jesus, teach new believers & send them out to do the same. We obey this command because He has done so much for us, right? What has God done for you? Our obedience is actually a way to worship & thank God! Kids Time Invest in your kids by teaching them to love & remember Gods Word. Psalm 119:11 says, I have hidden Your Word in my heart, so that I might not sin against You. In John 17:17 Jesus prays to the Father, Sanctify them by the truth; Your Word is truth. There are THOUSANDS of verses that you might teach the kids, but for this weeks focus, you might teach them Matthew 28:19-20...the Great Commission. Know Jesus! (BELONG) Grow to be more like Him! (BECOME) Go & Make disciples. (BEYOND) How can a person KNOW God? (read the Bible, someone tells them, go to church, etc.) How can a person GROW to be more like Him? (study the Bible, someone teaches them, spend time with God in prayer, obey Him, go to church, etc.) Where should we GO to MAKE disciples? (Be specific. Everywhere doesnt count). Adult Time Going Beyond means that we take (or carry) what we received...the love & message of Jesus Christ... to others. Sounds like something that other people would want to receive, right? The reality is that the world will not warmly receive us or our message. Read John 15:18-20. Going Beyond is not for the weak or timid. In order to faithfully fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), what will it take? How can we prepare to Go Beyond no matter what? The Mission of the Church belongs to the Church...the Body of Christ; but, if it is not personally owned by a believer, then that member of the Church is not fulfilling his mission. In the spirit of Mission Impossible, a mission must be accepted or rejected. Theres the greater Mission & then theres the daily mission. What is the mission that God has called you to in your home, in your workplace, in your neighborhood? Have you accepted that mission? Share mission stories with one another. Hearing how others are Going Beyond will inspire others to do the same. Prayer Time Break into gender groups & focus your prayer time on the Mission field that we live & work in. Father, give us the courage we need to fulfill your call on our lives. Help us to daily surrender to the Holy Spirit.

Community Calendar
Operation Christmas Child is here! Touch the life of an impoverished child with a simple gift of a shoebox filled with small toys and personal items. Instructions and $1 boxes are available in the Lobby. Collection day is November 18. Contact: Chelsea ext 166,

Church Calendar
Pastor Alistair Begg will be here Thursday, November 15. Please register for free tickets at and invite a neighbor. No childcare available. Start time is 7:00 pm and doors open at 6:30 pm. Contact: Laurie Gilbert ext 169,


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