Weekly HG Guide 11 11 12

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Week of November 11-17

Welcome Warmly welcome everyone as they arrive! Thank each one of them for their faithfulness to the body of Christ by attending this weeks HG. Be sure to connect guests with others in the group as well. Create an inclusive atmosphere in your HG. Opening Prayer Take a moment or two to reflect on the many ways God has demonstrated HIS faithfulness to complete a good work in us (Phil 1:6) and fulfill all of his promises to us who believe. Include ways he has been faithful to provide for us even/ especially during difficult seasons of our lives.

Become (Spiritual Disciplines, Care) // Pick at least one from each category to use in leading your group
Suggestions for Family Time A) When the going gets tough, the tough get going. That means that we should persevere & be faithful to the task keep going, dont quit...even when its very hard. God wants us to be faithful to Him even when its hard. Why is it hard to live for God sometimes? (ex. when your friends dont do right; you get lazy; you dont spend time with God, etc.). Read Hebrews 12:1-3 & talk about how Jesus persevered & was faithful to God even when it got tough. B) Memorize the Core Competency for this week (Kids version). Faithfulness Sticking with God, no matter what, makes me a winner! Talk about what it means to stick with God.. How do you show faithfulness/loyalty to God? (Ex., praying, giving, telling others about Jesus, going to church & Home Group, etc.) Suggestions for Kids Time A) Put a puzzle together...almost. Get close to the end & then quit just before you finish. Play Red Light, Green Light, but quit the game before a child gets to the finish line. Talk about what it means to persevere till the end. Quitting a game before the end is frustrating, isnt it? Sometimes things will be very hard for us to do, but why is it important to persevere to the end? Talk about the Core Comp for Faithfulness: Sticking with God, no matter what, makes me a winner. Suggestions for Adult Time A) Ask for synonyms of the word Faithfulness. (allegiance, devotion, loyalty, dependability, fidelity, trustworthiness). How can you show faithfulness in your family, in your job, in your HG, in your neighborhood, etc? B) Scripture says For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Eph 6:12). Talk about ways the enemy tries to lure us away from us being faithful to Gods calling up each one of us. C) Paul persevered in his walk with God despite great opposition & persecution. Read II Corinthians 11:24-29. Also, read Acts 5:17-42. How crazy is that?! These Christians rejoiced to suffer for Jesus! How could this be true? What would it take for us to have the attitudewe will live for God no matter what the cost? Suggestions for Prayer Time A) Encourage each HG member to take turns thanking God for one or more ways God has demonstrated his faithfulness in their lives. B) Pray for the group that he would convict our hearts of ways we can be more faithful to him in the coming year.

Beyond (Evangelism, Recreation, Volunteerism, Extending Compassion, International Missions)

Community Calendar
Operation Christmas Child is here! Touch the life of an impoverished child with a simple gift of a shoebox filled with small toys and personal items. Instructions and $1 boxes are available in the Lobby. Collection day is November 18. Contact: Chelsea Poulos ext 166, cpoulos@pantego.org

Church Calendar
Pastor Alistair Begg will be here Thursday, November 15. Please register for free tickets at kcbi.org and invite a neighbor. No childcare available. Start time is 7:00 pm and doors open at 6:30 pm. Contact: Laurie Gilbert ext 169, lgilbert@pantego.org


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