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Benefits and incentives to faculty of IIT Delhi (April 2010) A member of the faculty who holds a "regular" position

in the institute is entitled to several benefits, an outline of which is given below. Please note that the detailed guidelines, constraints if any, and procedures in respect of these benefits are available elsewhere. Also note that some of these benefits, though not all, may also be available to other full-time faculty employees (including Emeritus Fellows, IRD Fellows, and Visiting Professors/Faculty).
Career-long benefits: o Housing: members of the faculty are entitled to on-campus housing, WHEN AVAILABLE, for which a nominal rent is charged. Those who opt to stay off-campus would be entitled to "house rent allowance" @ 30% of Basic Pay + AGP. o Medical coverage: members of the faculty, and their dependent family members, may use facilities and services available in its on-campus hospital. The latter has out-patient consultation with doctors, limited in-patient care, limited tools for diagnosis, and a wellstocked pharmacy. In those cases where the hospital is not in a position to provide necessary medical care, patients are referred to other specialists or to recognized hospitals in and around Delhi. Part of expenses incurred on such treatment is reimbursed. o Retirement benefits: members of the faculty who have joined (or join) after Jan 1, 2004 are

entitled to "New Pensions Scheme (NPS)", wherein IIT as well as the faculty member each contribute 10% (Basic Pay plus DA) of member's salary to the fund. While the fund earns a fixed return each year, the accumulated fund may be accessed when the faculty member retires, or in a financial emergency. (Those who have worked elsewhere in the Government or in a Government-sponsored organization prior to joining IIT and have subscribed to a "pension-cum-gratuity" scheme may continue with that option.)
o Leave travel concession: As with other Government employees, members of the faculty are

entitled to "leave travel concession", wherein the institute underwrites the travel expense to one's home town every two years. Alternatively, one can travel once to visit home and once to any place in India, in a Block of 4 years. This travel support is provided to all dependent family members as well.
o Reimbursement of telephone bills: IIT will reimburse expenses incurred on use of telephone at residence up to Rs. 750 per month. o Subsidized loans for housing, car, computers, etc.: Again, as with Government employees,

IIT makes available limited amount of loans to buy/build a house, or to buy a car or a computer for one's personal use on interest rates notified by the dept. for such loans.
o Sabbatical leave: Every seventh year (limited to 3 times in entire service), a faculty member may take one year sabbatical leave with full pay. During the year, he/she may engage in research or development or in teaching at a university or industry in India or abroad. The essential requirement is that the engagement must lead to enrichment of ones knowledge or experience in the field of one's specialization. He will be required to execute a Bond to serve the Institute for a minimum period of three years after joining duty after the sabbatical leave. o Other leave opportunities: Other than sabbatical leave, faculty is entitled to various kinds of leave, including leave during summer/winter vacation periods, leave to cover medical treatment, special leave for participation in meetings, conferences, etc., or E.O.L. (un-paid leave) to take up a limited-term assignment with industry or another university.

Features to help you settle-in o Reimbursement of expenses for interview: The institute reimburses expenses towards travel

within India by a faculty candidate to attend an interview with the Department and/or Selection Committee. The expenses are reimbursed to the extent of II-AC train fare.
o Reimbursement of expenses to join IIT Delhi from within India: The institute will

reimburse expenses by a faculty living in India towards travel to join IIT as a member of the faculty. Expenses incurred on travel by him/her and his/her family and for transportation of house-hold goods, but limited to Rs. 50,000, would be reimbursed. The mode of transportation etc. is, however, subject to Government of India guidelines.
o Reimbursement of expenses to join IIT from abroad: The institute will reimburse expenses

by a faculty living abroad towards travel to join IIT as a member of the faculty. Expenses incurred on travel by him/her and his/her family and for shipment of house-hold goods, but limited to Rs. 100,000, would be reimbursed. The mode of transportation etc. is, however, subject to Government of India guidelines.
o Initial guest house stay facility: The faculty, and his/her family, would be entitled to stay in

our guest house with free lodging (boarding charges to be paid by the faculty member) for up to 2 weeks till a suitable on-campus house is identified and allotted to him/her.
o Initial equipment grant for office/lab equipment: IIT will make available up to Rs. 100,000

in the form of an equipment grant to help faculty settle down with necessary equipment, including a PC and printer, for use by him/her in the office or a lab.
Resources to help grow professionally o Research grant to procure equipment, supplies: A new faculty is entitled to seek a research

grant from IIT of up to Rs. 500,000 to develop the necessary research capability in the area of his/her expertise. A subsequent grant of another Rs. 500,000 could be made available if the request can be supported with significant progress towards the research goals set for oneself. Starting 1st April, 2010, Rs.3.0 lakhs is made available to each faculty member for a block of 3 years to support the following: Attending international conferences/symposiums Attending national conferences/symposiums Purchase of books and other contingent items Membership of Professional Societies This can be augmented through sources like sponsored research projects directly obtained by the faculty member.
o Professional Allowance: o Sourcing, managing funds for R&D projects: The institute helps faculty seek and manage research projects and consulting assignments from industry and from funding agencies in India and abroad. When necessary, the institute also facilitates transfer of technology to industry, or to file patent applications in India and/or abroad.

It is re-emphasized the above benefits are subject to certain terms and conditions, eligibility criteria, guidelines, procedures and deadlines. Further, to avail some of the above benefits, one will need to seek prior approval using a specific form.

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